The Rise of Spread of Islam

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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The Rise of Spread of Islam . Chapter Six AP World History Ms. Tully . The PostClassical Period: Faith and Commerce. Spread of major world religion Development of systematic international trade Three Big Concepts. Pre-Islamic Arabia. Bedouin culture based on kin/clan/tribal networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Rise of Spread of Islam

THE RISE OF SPREAD OF ISLAM Chapter SixAP World HistoryMs. Tully

The PostClassical Period: Faith and Commerce

Spread of major world religion

Development of systematic international trade

Three Big Concepts

Pre-Islamic Arabia Bedouin culture based

on kin/clan/tribal networks

Shayks – clan/tribal leaders

Fierce interclan rivalries and struggles for resources

Towns and long-distance trade Mecca & Medina

Pre-Islamic Arabia Status of women

varied by clan Little

art/architecture – focus on poetry

Bedouin religions – blend of animism & polytheism

The Life of Muhammad & Gensis of Islam

Born around 570 CE Merchant, married Khadijah

One of many prophets concerned about life in Arabia

610 CE – Muhammad receives revelations from angel Gabriel

Qu’ran basis of new religion

The Fight for Islam in Arabia Umayyads in Mecca

saw Muhammad as a threat

Muhammad flees to Medina Hijra

620s – Conflict between Muhammad’s Median forces & Umayyad controlled Mecca

Destroyed old idols, Mecca now under Islamic faith

The Appeal of Islam Monotheism

dominated any tribal or class divisions

Umma – Community of the faithful

Provided ethical system Qu’ran

Similarity/unity with other Semitic religions

The Appeal of Islam Five Pillars of

Islam Profession of faith Pray 5x day Fast during

Ramadan Pay Zakat for

charity Perform a Hajj

Muhammad’s Successor? Died in 632 – who

should succeed him? Creation of Caliph –

political and religious successor to Muhammad

Ali – Muhammad’s son-in-law?

Abu Bakr – Muhammad’s close friend

Ridda Wars military campaigns against rebel Arab clans

Spread of Islam New sense of unity & strength Booty came from conquests Jihad theory of conquest not true Sasanian empire weak overthrown by

651 Byzantines weakened by Arabs, but not

destroyed Rise of naval supremacy

Rivals to Islamic Expansion

Spread of Islam

The Sunni-Shi’a Split The main division between Sunni and Shia Muslims

is originally not a religious one, but a political one. Sunni Muslims: Abu Bakr was the best choice as

caliph; caliphs should be chosen from the umma (Muslim community). (85%)

Shia Muslims: Ali should have been picked as caliph (successor should have been kept in the family). They do not recognize the authority of Sunni Muslim leaders. (15%)

Over centuries, differences in belief and law develop which contributes to many major disputes in the region until this day

Geographic Distribution of Sunni/Shi’a

Caliphs & Caliphates Caliph = Islamic religious and political leader Caliphate = dynasty of Islamic caliphs Rashidun or Rightly Guided Caliphs (632-661) Abu Bakr; Umar; Uthman; Ali Umayyads (661-750, centered in Damascus) Abbasids (750-1258, centered in Baghdad) Córdobas (756-1031, Iberia) Fatimids (909-1171, North Africa, Shi’a) Almohads (1145-1269, North Africa, Iberia) Ottomans (1517-1922)

Umayyad Caliphate Political center

moved to Damascus Small Arab &

Muslim aristocracy ruled over empire of non-Arabs/Muslims

Mawali – Non-Arab Muslim converts

Dhimmi – people of the book

Umayyad Caliphate New expectations for women & marriage Umayyads addicted to luxury – big reason

for downfall Revolts in empire began in 740 CE Rise of

Abbasid challenge Abbasid defeated Umayyads in 750

hunted down all members of Umayyad family

‘Abd al-Rahman escaped formed caliphate in Cordoba

Abbasid Caliphate Moved capital to Baghdad Bureaucratization of

empire Wazier Full integration of converts Rise in the status of

merchants Growth of cities

Translation and preservations of classical texts

Key to development of great trade routes