The Principle Of Christ's Birth

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The Principle Of Christ's Birth


Luke 2: 1- 20

The Size Of Our World

Now….. Do you realize…..

How Insignificant We Are? Not even a dot

When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars,Which you have set in place,

What is man that you are mindful of

him?the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8: 3-


Are there in our church, community, home that

We do not see

We do not hear

We do not notice

those who feel unnoticed,

unheard, unloved, unknown

irrelevant, insignificant?

Or we ourselves feel this way? How often have you felt such feelings?

At the job, in relationships, at school, in the church – we all are searching for meaning in life.

God loves us so much that the very Sovereign of the Universe staged a daring rescue, arriving in person to save us from sin, death and the power of Satan.

And God did it with boldness and dramatic revelation about the nature of the Divine Heart. . . . in this story everyone is valuable, relevant, important, included.

Greatest Rescue Story

Birth Place:

In Hebrew Bethlehem means “House of Bread”. In the time of Christ Bethlehem was an insignificant as a tiny loaf of bread – Micah 5:2

Birth Parents:

A Carpenter and a peasant’s daughter their own credentials.

Birth Home

Stables were shades for animals. And where there are animals there is plenty of manure.

Old manure and fresh manure. . . here, there and everywhere.

Birth Crib

A manger is a feed trough found in a stable. In Bible times mangers were made from clay mixed with straw or from stones held together with mud; sometimes they were carved in natural outcroppings of rock.

Birth Reporters

The shepherds were the lowest working class in all of Palestine.

And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord

shone around them, and they were filled with fear.

Luke 2:10 And the angel said to them,

"Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news

Birth Message

Every person needs to know and

discover the great things that God has designed and make

them for. You have a

wonderful purpose, created for great


Everyone starts at conception, at the bottom. Everything else starts small. Great things won’t ever come easy or quickly but it emerges over a life time of discipline and excellence.

How about in our daily lives, are there insignificant, irrelevant things or activities?

You see, these seemingly insignificant things God takes notice of and will reward our life proportionately.

If we are not faithful in fulfilling the small details of our life God cannot entrust us the great things He has for us.

Principle of Christ’s Birth:

All things great in God

begins in the small, insignificant things

of daily life.

Everything big, everything great and

everything important to God begins by the discipline of faithfulness in small things.

Let us offer our lives to

as a gift consecrated to His eternal purpose

and destiny pursuing the discipline of faithfulness in small things,

those seemingly insignificant things in daily activities.

Most believers will miss great destiny because they put little value on small things that God has put into their lives.

Many of us as believers in Christ are living life below the privilege we have as Christians. We come to church and are:

Content to be anonymous and unnoticed

We live our lives without victory or joy.

We do not anticipate the miracle of Christ’s presence in our worship services; in our lives.

We rarely have the courage of our convictions to share the story of the Nativity (the “real” story) with others

We were born to be royalty; we were conceived in greatness;

we were made for “greater” things.

The greatest meaning of the Nativity Story is that anyone, even a common carpenter or a peasant girl or a pedestrian shepherd can be part of the greatest story every told.

Begin life with the discipline of faithfulness in small steps - DAILY!.