The Price, Part 2 - Ernest Angley (1999)

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Transcript of The Price, Part 2 - Ernest Angley (1999)

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May 1999

Topics: Conquering Self ,Living Free from Sin

 by Ernest An gley 

By faith Moses, when he w as come to years, refused to be

called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to

suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the

pleasures of sin for a season; Esteem ing the reproach of 

Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for hehad respect unto the recompen se of the reward. By faith

he forsook Egypt, not fearing the w rath of the king: for he

endu red, as seeing him w ho is invisible (Hebrews 11:24-27).

Moses paid the price to follow God, refusing the power, riches and

prestige in the court of Pharaoh. He had been reared in luxury, in

a palace. Anything money could buy he had. Servants waited on

him. Even his own mother was brought in to be one of his

servants. Schooled by the best teachers in Egypt of his day, he

 was well educated. Admired, Moses could have married any 

Egyptian girl of his choice. Many of them would have been

honored to have been his wife, considering his position. In that

kingdom, he was important, but he gave it all up to follow God, to take his place among slaves.

Life in Pharaoh's court provided every luxury the world had to offer. What did the Hebrews have

to offer Moses? Poverty, misery, exile, frustration, distress, hatred. They had nothing of value, as

far as the world was concerned, but Moses saw beyond earthly value; he saw the true living God,

the Jehovah of the Children of Israel.

Through the Spirit of God, Moses had a vision of Jesus, and he prophesied of the great Prophet to

come. Peter tells us about his prophecy and the consequences of not listening to that Prophet: fo r

Moses truly said u nto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord you r God raise up u nto you

of your b rethren, like u nto m e; him shall ye hear in all things w hatsoever he shall say 

un to you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet,

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shall be destroyed from am ong the pe ople (Acts 3:22,23).

Moses didn't have a complete revelation of Jesus in one instant, but as he followed the Lord, day by 

day he learned much, and it all added up. Moses kept that wonderful vision in mind, that vision of 

the Lord and what was to come.

 When I say he had a vision of Jesus I don't mean he actually saw Him or that Jesus came to him in

person. There are different kinds of visions. Moses was given insight to the Lord's greatness, to theSon of God, for he had decided to choose the better way of following the Lord.

Have you renounced the pleasures of this world, or do you still hang on to them? Are you one

seeking to be entertained, looking for happiness in worldly amusements? Perhaps you don't

actually go into sin, but are you so busy enjoying the pursuits of self that you neglect the work of 

God? Are you so preoccupied seeking entertainment that you are not praying as you should, not

fasting and not taking time to read the Word of God? Are you so taken up with man's opinions thatsin appears innocent to you? How involved with the world are you? Be ye not une qu ally yoked

together with u nbe lievers: for w hat fellowship hath righteou sness with

un righteou sness? and what commu nion hath light with darkness? And what concord

hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And w hat

agreemen t hath the temp le of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;

as God hath said, I will dwell in them , and w alk in them ; and I w ill be their God, and

they shall be my people. Whe refore come out from among them, and be ye separate,

saith the Lord, and touch n ot the un clean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a

Father un to you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.Having therefore these prom ises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ou rselves from all

filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holine ss in the fear of God (II Corinthians

6:14-18; 7:1). Separate from the world.

If you are a friend of the world, you are an enemy of God. It's easy to be involved with this world,

easy for the pleasures of the world to take hold of you. Because the world has such a direct contact

 with you by radio, television, magazines, the Internet and other things, you can easily be distracted

from the plan of God for your life.

 As a sensible, anointed, Holy Spirit-filled Child of God, you must be able to separate what will help

 you in the Lord, what will edify and bless you, from what won't. The Bible says to work ou t your

own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Work out your salvation with what

 will help you, what is best for you, what will edify you in the Lord. Did your actions yesterday help

 you, did they bless you? Were you a better person because of what you did? Was God enriched,

heaven blessed by your actions? Was it a lost day for God? How about two days ago: Did you do

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anything to edify yourself, anything that blessed you in the Lord and built up your faith? Did you

climb a little higher in Him? Did you yield to Him a little more? Did you do anything to enrich

heaven last week? Did heaven record anything favorable about you during those days? Did the

angels rejoice because of what you did? Did they give the Lord a good report concerning you, or

did they shake their heads, saying, "Nothing today, Lord"? Are your days lost causes?

The angels must feel sad at times in reporting to the Lord. They are there to minister to you, to

help you, to protect you.  Are the y not all ministering spirits, sent forth to min ister for

them who shall be heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14)? But the angels cannot keep you out of 

danger if you turn a deaf ear to their directions. They can't keep you out of places you should not

go if you want to go. You have free choice; angels do not have the power to take your choice from

 you or to make you do anything against your own will, and that is why it is so important to yield

 your will to the Lord. Unless you yield your all to the Lord, you won't be obedient to Him; you will

 be obedient to the will of self.

Trying to follow the Lord's teachings without being yielded to Him brings frustration, resentment

and rebellion. It brings the kind of hypocrisy that leads some churchgoers to sneak off and indulge

in what they know the Lord and other church members wouldn't approve of.

It isn't for me to draw lines and tell people how to dress, where they can or can't go. I preach the

 Word of God to help everyone I can to yield to the Holy Spirit so that He can regulate their actions

according to the Word. I preach the Word of God, and people are free to do with it what they 

choose. This is the way Jesus taught when He was here on earth. He even spoke in parables so

those who wanted more of Him could ask what the parables meant, and those who didn't couldclose their minds and go on their own way. Jesus told people what the will of the Father was; He

gave teachings that would edify and show how to please the Father. What people did with His

teachings was left up to them.

Following God, Moses chose the right path. Will you yield to God and make the right choices?

Have you decided to seek the world's approval, to hold dear that which millions and millions have

sold their souls to hell for? Will you worship money, prestige and pleasures of the flesh?

Moses weighed out all his options, and came to the conclusion that what God had in store for him

 was much greater than all the wealth and power in the world. He had the foresight to know that

the world's pleasures would last only a season and then he would have to die.

Everyone should visit a cemetery once in a while to bring home the fact that one day they will go

the way of all flesh—only those taken alive in the Rapture will not die. The devil can fool you into

feeling that death will never come to you, that you have a long time before you have to face it. In

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reality, you may have but a few days to live, a few months at the most.

 Although the times we live in are growing more and more perilous, we as Children of God should

 be delighted that Jesus is coming to rescue us. The torments, the burdens, the battles with the devil

at every turn are not easy, but we are going to be delivered from the devil, removed from his

presence to a place where he can never ever come near us again. For this wonderful deliverance,

there is a great price to pay. In searching the pages of God's Holy Word, we find that anyone who

 was used by God or who came into the greatness of God had to pay that great price.

Some people are content to go to heaven doing God's permissible will and not His divine will—and

they can get there through the blood of Jesus—but they might not make the Rapture. Others are

 willing to pay a great price to do His precious divine will, the complete will of God, and to please

God in all things.

It's wonderful to be used by God anytime He wants and to have the power of God moving in yourlife in this hour. This is a great time to be on the face of the earth, to be a person so yielded to the

Spirit of the Lord that He can use you whenever and wherever He wants, speak His words through

 you to whomever He wants to hear. How fabulous to think you can be a vessel so yielded that you

never take your life out of the hands of God! Each day you say,Use me, Lord! Use me!

Moses was in no condition to lead the Israelites when he left the palace of Pharaoh. It took forty 

 years in the desert to prepare him before the Lord talked to him at the burning bush. Moses came

to the place he could be trusted with the miracle rod, the rod of faith that performed miracles. By 

assuming it was he not God who was bringing about the miracles, Moses could have misused God's

power. He could have boasted to Pharaoh how he, Moses, would show great wonders. Moses

didn't do any of it; he remained most humble. God waited until Moses would use His power in the

right way, until Moses would have the right attitude.

Moses was seeking to find a reality in Jehovah God, the great I-Am. At the burning bush he found

that reality. Now M oses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian:

and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and cam e to the mou ntain of God,even to Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared u nto him in a flame of fire out of 

the midst of a bu sh: and he looked, and, behold, the bu sh burn ed w ith fire, and the

 bu sh was not consume d. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great

sight, why the bu sh is not burn t. And w hen the LORD saw that he turned aside to see,

God called un to him out of the midst of the bu sh, and said, Moses, Moses. And he

said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not n igh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet,

for the place whe reon thou standest is holy grou nd. Moreove r he said, I am the God

of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses

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hid his face; for he was afraid to look up on God (Exodus 3:1-6).

In the burning bush Moses found what he was looking for, and in our burning bush today, the Holy 

Ghost, we find what we are looking for. Through the fire of the Holy Spirit, we have the reality and

greatness of God. Now God is so real to us we wonder why He isn't that real to everyone else. But

 we must remember, we didn't always have the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Moses had awesome experiences with the Lord. As he stood before the Red Sea and commandedthe waters to separate, he must have felt overwhelmed with the greatness of God. But look at the

struggles he endured to reach that place. What a price Moses paid! The days, the nights of dealing

 with a disobedient people as the devil tormented him were difficult.

Many, many years of preparation took place before the Lord dared take Moses to Mount Sinai

 where he lived in the presence of God without food or water for forty days and nights. Moses said,

 Whe n I was gone u p into the moun t to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of 

the coven ant which the Lord made w ith you, then I abode in the mou nt forty days and

forty nights, I neither did eat br ead n or drink w ater (Deuteronomy 9:9).

 With His own finger, God wrote the Ten Commandments on stone.  And he gave u nto Moses,

 when he had made an end of commu ning with him u pon mou nt Sinai, two tables of 

testimon y, tables of stone, w ritten with the finger of God (Exodus 31:18). Imagine how 

Moses felt! To be secluded with God Himself for forty days and nights while He wrote His

commandments would be fantastic. Then to have His big hand reach down to put them into your

hands—what a thrill!

Some people, content to see others work for God, are not willing to pay the price so that God can

use them in a great way. God exerts much effort to get us ready for His work. Your journey has not

 been an easy one if you have been willing to yield all to God, but the wonder of experiencing His

greatness in your life is beyond price. If you are one who was here when the Lord called us into the

prayer closet for two hours on Wednesday, it wasn't easy, but you helped bring about something

great and mighty to this world-wide Jesus outreach. You who have joined us later found it not easy 

to become part of such a force. To join in with preaching coming straight and direct from the Word

of God in this modern hour is quite a transition for some. Being dedicated to God goes against the

flesh. It hasn't been easy spending hours and hours in God's presence, crucifying the flesh. But the

 blessings of God and the way God is moving now and the fantastic miracles we are seeing make any 

sacrifice worth it.

 As we see the greatness of God poured out, it gives us more energy, strength and determination to

pay whatever price God asks. Have you decided that if it takes your life, you will gladly give it to

follow the Lord all the way in this last and final hour? I'll give mine for that cause. I mean it, and

the Holy Spirit bears witness in my heart that I mean it. If I get to use the all-out greatness of God

in this last hour only a short while, I'll give my life to use it for that short while.

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Multitudes need deliverance, multitudes need help. Throngs of people are filled with doubt,

despair and disease. They have been warped and almost destroyed by skeptics, agnostics and false

teachers. Even some ministers who claim to preach the Word of God tell their congregations that

God's power does not move for people today, that miracles and healings were only in the time of 

Jesus, that a God of love wouldn't dream of sending people to hell—all horrible lies of the devil!They have erased the power of God from the minds and lives of many. It will take the all-out

miracle power of God to deliver them, to give them a real faith in the true and living God.

 We must bring God's reality to God's people. We can only bring them that reality if we first have it

in our own lives. You can't serve what you don't have. God cannot serve through you unless He

first gives to you what He wants served. At this point, many fail. God must be able to trust you

 with what He wants served. You must have holy hands, a holy heart and holy lips yielded so

completely to Him that He can depend on you to handle what He gives you to serve to others.

Moses went forth, criticized, belittled even by his own people. How many told him that they 

appreciated him? Most grumbled, complained and were ready to turn against him in an instant.

 What a price to pay—but he paid it. As long as Moses prayed down a great miracle that brought a

mighty deliverance, they were quiet. For a little while they would enjoy it, but as soon as

everything wasn't going their way, they started complaining again.  Ye a, they turn ed back and

tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They reme mbe red not his hand, nor

the day whe n he delivered them from the enemy. How he had w rought his signs inEgypt, and his wonde rs in the field of Zoan (Psalm 78:41-43).

God didn't lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage to leave them in the wilderness. He started

to the land of Canaan with them, but because of their unbelief and murmuring He couldn't take

them right in. What a price Moses paid with those people in the wilderness for forty years! They 

 brought their judgments upon themselves.

I once felt sorry for Moses because he didn't get to enter the land of Canaan, but no more. God did

him a great favor by taking him to a mountain and showing him the land. Had he been the one to

lead them into Canaan, he would have been disappointed in the people once again because they 

still didn't do right. Moses would have continued to be troubled, tormented.

The Lord took Moses on to heaven and angels were the undertakers; God didn't let man handle his

 body; in fact, man has never found his grave. God didn't want anyone to have the bones of Moses.

The Israelites were so involved in idol gods, that had they found the bones of Moses, they probably 

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 would have worshiped them. I'm sure Moses was glad he was completely out of reach.

The devil tried to claim the body of Moses.  Ye t Michael the archangel, when con tending

 with the dev il he disputed abou t the body of Moses, du rst not bring against him a

railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebu ke thee (Jude 1:19). Since the devil disputed

 with the angels over Moses' body, imagine how much more will he try to get the bodies of you who

are alive! But the blood of Jesus is your protection. No power can stand before that wonderful

miracle-working blood power.

I think of the price Joseph paid and the wonderful spirit he had through it all. Joseph was favored

 by his father (Jacob, also called Israel) who made him a special coat of many colors. The favoritism

shown Joseph brought jealousy. His brothers hated him not only because of the coat, but also

 because of the revelations the Lord gave him concerning them. Now Israel loved Joseph m ore

than all his children, b ecause he w as the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of 

many colours. And w hen his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all

his brethren , they hated him, and cou ld not speak peaceab ly un to him. And Joseph

dreame d a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. And

he said unto them , Hear, I pray you, this dream w hich I have dreamed: For, behold,

 we we re binding sheave s in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood u pright;

and, behold, your sheaves stood rou nd abou t, and made obe isance to my sheaf. And

his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over u s? or shalt thou indee d have

dominion over u s? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his

 word s. And he dream ed yet another dream, and told it his brethren , and said,

Behold, I have dreamed a dream m ore; and, behold, the sun and the m oon and the

eleven stars made obe isance to me . And he told it to his father, and to his brethren:

and his father reb uke d him, and said unto him, W hat is this dream that thou hast

dreame d? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indee d come to bow down

ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren e nvied him; but his father observed

the saying (Genesis 37:3-11).

Joseph's family thought he was saying he would be a ruler over them, and they didn't like it one

 bit. That was exactly what he was going to be, but before it could happen, his brothers sold him as a


Imagine how agonized Joseph was! His own brothers threw him into a waterless pit as though he

 were an animal.  And it came to pass, when Joseph was come un to his brethren , that

they stripped Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that w as on him; And

they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was em pty, there was n o wate r in it.

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 And they sat dow n to e at bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, b ehold,

a compan y of Ishmeelites came from Gilead w ith their came ls bearing spicery and

 balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt. And Ju dah said un to his brethren,

 What p rofit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood? Come, and let us sell

him to the Ishmee lites, and let not ou r hand be u pon him; for he is our brother an d

our flesh. And his brethren w ere content. Then there passed by Midianites

merchan tmen; an d they drew an d lifted u p Joseph ou t of the pit, and sold Joseph to

the Ishmeelites for twen ty pieces of silver: and they b rought Joseph into Egypt

(Genesis 37:23-28). His brothers sold Joseph into slavery. They knew what they were doing to

him, because later they said one to another, W e are ver ily guilty concerning ou r brother,

in that we saw the angu ish of his soul, whe n he be sought us, and w e wo uld not hear

(Genesis 42:21).

Joseph cried and cried. At first he thought it must be a cruel joke, but it was just cruel. I imagine

that for days, weeks, months Joseph could hear the silver being counted out for his price. It must

have gone over and over in his mind as he thought about his loving father and the grief he was

going through. Joseph paid a price, but he looked at it differently from what most would. He

looked without anger, without bitterness, revenge or unforgiveness, and that is the same way we

must look on our persecutions.

Joseph didn't have a life of his own, but was sold to an officer of Pharaoh. He now had a

fashionable home to be a servant in. Unfortunately, his master's wife wanted him; fortunately,

Joseph rejected her. One day he fled from her in such a hurry that he left his coat behind. His

master's wife lied about him, said she had rejected his advances: And look, here's his coat he left

 when I had to fight him off! Because of her lies, Joseph was sent to prison. Twice he got into

trouble over something so innocent as a coat. It wasn't the coat the devil was after, of course; it wasJoseph. The devil doesn't want your possessions; he wants you.

How would you have felt had you been Joseph? Not only were you sold by your brothers into

slavery because of their jealousy, now you were in the dungeon because of a lie. But even in prison,

Joseph had favor. God looked out for him.

No matter your hard places; no matter where you are, God will give you favor if you walk in Hisdivine will. It may not be the kind of favor you want. God didn't give Joseph favor that kept him

out of the dungeon, but once in the dungeon, Joseph had that favor. Some of us don't recognize the

favor God gives us in difficult times; we look at the situations and not how God is working. Too

often we think God has forgotten us, when all the time He is waiting for us to yield ourselves

completely to Him so He can bless us with His favor.

In prison, Joseph was put in charge of everyone else.  And it came to p ass after these things,

that the bu tler of the king of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the king of 

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Egypt. And Phar aoh was wr oth against two of his officers, against the chief of the

 bu tlers, and against the chief of the bakers. And he pu t them in ward in the house of 

the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place whe re Joseph was boun d. And

they dreamed a dream both of them each man his dream in one night, each man

according to the interpretation of his dream, the bu tler and the baker of the king of 

Egypt, which we re bou nd in the prison. And Joseph came in un to them in the

morn ing, and looked upon them , and, behold, they we re sad. And he asked Pharaoh's

officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, W herefore look ye

so sadly to day? And they said un to him, W e have dream ed a dream , and there is no

interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God?

tell me them, I pray you (Genesis 40:1-3, 5-8).

God gave Joseph the interpretations, and things happened just as he said. The baker was killed

right away, and the butler set free.

The butler said he would remember Joseph—and he did, a few years later when Pharaoh needed a

dream interpreted. The butler, freed from prison, went out to forget all about Joseph—but Goddidn't forget.

 Although people may forget you, God never will. If you are born again and walking with Him, you

have favor with Him. No matter the trials you may be going through, God is favoring you, and you

are getting along far better than you would without Him. No matter the circumstances surrounding

 you, if you are in God's divine will, you have the favor of God, and He is working for you. Always

see the hand of God.

Instead of hating, Joseph spent time forgiving. Have you ever spent time forgiving wrongs done to

 you? Some people never forget the wrongs. In bitterness, they rehash them over and over in their

minds instead of dwelling on deliverance and forgiveness.

 You can make yourself forgive; sit down and have a talk with self. If self doesn't listen, you may 

have to threaten it with a fast, with an extra hour each day in the prayer chamber. Then take self 

close to the person you had a problem with. If self begins to draw up, remind self what you told it.

 You can straighten out self if you are firm, and when you win the victory, it's sweet.

In prison, Joseph had much time to bring self under subjection. He could have plotted which

 brother he was going to get revenge on first, but Joseph could never have been made second to

Pharaoh in Egypt had he not gotten all the bitterness out of his heart.

In this life, you will be mistreated by others; some may say all kinds of hurtful things against you.

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They may lie about you, slander you, but never let injustice lock you up in the prison of bitterness

and revenge. If you do, God can't raise you up to the place He wants you in this final hour. We all

have a work to do for Him. If you have something in your heart against another, you must get it out

of the way. Hard? Yes, it's hard, but it's the only way out of that prison to the top of the mountain.

Joseph didn't conquer overnight. I don't know how long it took him to be rid of hurt and bitterness,

 but he did it by the time he was thirty years old when he was second only to Pharaoh. It took time

to get Joseph ready. He was human; he had to work to get rid of bitterness. Those nights he lay 

awake crying, he must have felt hatred for those brothers and what they had done to him. God had

to wait until it all was gone. God is waiting until He can get hindrances out of us.

Could you have walked out of prison with the same sweet attitude of Joseph? Could you have

 walked out saying, "God, your hand is upon me"? Could you have realized your brethren were

more miserable than you, that you still loved them? Probably never a day passed that Joseph's

 brothers didn't think about him.

God was with Joseph. He was sent to Egypt for a purpose, and he was ready for it. The day came

 when a great famine caused Joseph's brothers to journey to Egypt for food. Joseph, in charge of 

food distribution, recognized them, but they didn't know him. He must have looked and sounded

like an Egyptian by now. He loved them but he wanted to find out if they loved him before he

revealed himself. There is no need to go back into something if no correction has been made.

There was no need for Joseph to reveal himself to his brethren if they were going to kill him on the

spot so their father would never know what they had done. Joseph had to find all this out, and he

tested them.  And Joseph saw his brethren, and he kn ew them , but made himself strange u nto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said u nto them, W hence

come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to bu y food. And Joseph knew his

 brethren, but they knew not him. And Joseph rememb ered the dreams which he

dreame d of them, and said un to them, Ye are spies; to see the nake dness of the land

 ye are come. And they said unto him, Nay, my Lord, but to bu y food are thy servants

come. W e are all one man 's sons; we are true men , thy servants are no spies. And he

said un to them, Nay, but to see the nakedn ess of the land ye are come. And they said,

Thy servants are twe lve brethren , the sons of one man in the land of Canaan; and,

 behold, the youngest is this day with our father, and one is not. And Joseph said untothem, That is it that I spake un to you, saying, Ye are spies: Hereby ye shall be pro ved:

By the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence, exce pt your you ngest brother com e

hither. Sen d one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be kept in

prison, that your wo rds may be proved, w hether there be an y truth in you: or else by 

the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies. And he p ut them all together into ward three

days. And Joseph said u nto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God: If ye

 be tru e men , let one of your brethren be bou nd in the house of your prison: go ye,

carry corn for the famine of your hou ses: But bring your youngest brother u nto me;

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so shall your w ords be verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so. And they said

one to another, W e are verily guilty concern ing our brother, in that we saw the

angu ish of his soul, when he be sought us, and w e w ould not hear; therefore is this

distress come upon us. And Reuben answered them saying, Spake I not unto you,

saying, Do n ot sin against the child; and ye wou ld not hear? there fore, behold, also his

 blood is required. And they knew n ot that Joseph und erstood them; for he spake

unto them by an interpreter. And he turned himself about from them, and w ept; and

returned to them again, and commune d with them, and took from them Simeon, and

 bou nd him be fore their eyes (Genesis 42:7-24).

Later Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, and they condemned themselves. But Joseph said,

Now there fore be n ot grieved, nor an gry with your selves, that ye sold me hither: for

God did send me b efore you to preserve life (Genesis 45:5). The love and forgiveness in that

scripture is thrilling!

In Joseph is found the Spirit of Jesus. Don't torment yourself about what you did to me. Don't

grieve: The Lord sent me to save you. Can we look at our enemies today and know God has a handin our encounters with them? Forgiveness can come hard, especially when you are going through

the experience, when you are dealing with the person who persecutes you; but when you have the

Spirit of Jesus you forgive.

Do you have any thorns, anyone who is a thorn to you, blocking your road to heaven? Perhaps if it

 weren't for that person, you would not make it to heaven.

Some groan about the one they married: Oh God, why did you give me this person! Of all the

people I could have married, why this one! God didn't give them their mate: they chose for

themselves. I have seen people who were married to the meanest of mates. How they could even

 bear to go home was a mystery to me. But they had the victory and held on to God. Finally that

mean one found salvation. Now the one who had held on to God for so long backslid.

I have seen cases where the wife knew she had better have the victory when she got home because

she was going to meet the devil, tail and all. Then her husband received salvation. Wife didn't have

to pray for her survival and peace of mind: she had a little angel at home. It didn't matter whether

she read her Bible anymore. Everything had worked out. But little by little she grew away from

God. Before she knew it, she had gone away from Him altogether.

Persecution can force people deeper into God or further away from Him. In this final hour,

persecution will keep the Bride close to God. She will fast, pray and live in the Word of God. More

than ever, the members of the bridal company will talk to God in all faith believing. There is a great

price to pay for yielding all to God, but the paying will be more than worth the price. The "bears"

 will be after you; souls are at stake, and every one of you will be crying out, "Lord help us finish

 your work, and then come get us!"

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If you are content with the world, you haven't paid the price of denying self and taking up your

cross to follow Jesus all the way. Are you going to pay the price? What price will you pay for the

greatness of God?

Joseph was able to preserve his whole family because he paid the price. Are you willing to pay theall-out price so that all your loved ones will be preserved from the Tribulation Period? Are you

 willing to pay any price so that they come to God?

 When you come before the Lord, will you be bitter about the path He brought you? Do you think 

God has done you an injustice? Are you always looking to your past in resentment? Do you blame

God? You can't do that. You can't blame God for anything that comes your way.

Do you blame God about your job if it isn't to your liking? You can't do that.

Do you resent God because it seems He blesses others more than He blesses you? You can't dothat.

Put self down in that chair and have another talk with it. You must have control over self. Tell self 

that it will never speak a word against God, and if it does, make self pay. Tell self you will never

allow it to resent God or whatever He brings your way. Fast, pray and live in the Word of God until

self is put under subjection to God's will. Rise up against self, your worst enemy. When self is

conquered, you have conquered all. When Moses conquered Moses, he conquered all. When

Joseph conquered self, he conquered all.

Some insist they have never done anything wrong. King Saul disobeyed God in the matter of Agag

and the Amalekites. Saul was told to smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have,

and spare them n ot; but slay both man an d wom an, infant and suckling, ox and

sheep, camel and ass. And Sau l gathered the people together, and num bere d them in

Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah. And Saul

came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the valley. And Sau l said u nto the K enites,

Go, depart, get you d own from among the Am alekites, lest I destroy you w ith them:

for ye showed kindn ess to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt.

So the Ken ites departed from among the Amalekites. And Sau l smote the Amalekites

from Havilah un til thou com est to Shur, that is over against Egypt. And he took Agag

the king of the Am alekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the pe ople w ith the edge of 

the sword. Bu t Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the

oxen, an d of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and w ould n ot utterly 

destroy them: bu t every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed u tterly (I

Samuel 15:3-9). Samuel the prophet said to Saul: Whe refore then d idst thou n ot obey the

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 voice of the LORD , bu t didst fly upon the spoil, and d idst evil in the sight of the

LORD? And Sau l said unto Samu el, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and

have gone the w ay which the LORD sent me, and have b rought Agag the king of 

 Amalek, and h ave u tterly destroyed the Amalekites (I Samuel 15:19,20). Saul insisted that

he hadn't done anything wrong even though he deliberately went against the Word of God. Saul

had big plans, and looking honestly at self wasn't one of them.

Self can have the biggest of plans—especially when God wants you to fast. Astounding, thoroughly 

convincing reasons flow from self explaining why you should not fast at that time. Remember, all

the men and women that God has ever used needed time for Him to get them ready, and Bible

fasting is a great preparation. If they stayed in with God, yielded to Him, listened to His voice, God

 was able to get them ready to be used the way He wanted.

Exactly what do you think about self? Write it down—but destroy the paper when you get done.

Can you bring self under subjection to fast? To pray like you ought? To read the Word of God?

Can you bring self under subjection to work for God, to deal with people about their souls? Can

 you do it? There is a price to pay. There are mental prisons and dungeons, lonely nights, mind battles. None of it is easy. Have you decided to pay any price? Have you made up your mind?

 What will you pay?

Thus saith the Lord: I never ask my people to do something that I will not do. I forgive; I ask my 

people to forg ive. I love; I ask my people to love. I sacrifice. I have sacrificed all, and I ask my 

people to sacrifice. I forg ive, not like man forgives. I forgive and remember no more. When my 

people can use my love to forgive like I forgive, then my people will be a victorious people, saiththe Lord. I see the sins of man. I see the faults of man. I see the failures of my people, and yet

 when they cry unto me, I forgive and I do not hold it aga inst them, saith the Lord. My people

sometimes doubt my forgiveness. They fail me, even sin against me; and they cry unto me.

Humbly they ask my forg iveness, and I forgive. Yet they won't accept it; they will not believe that

I have forg iven them. Oh, that my people would study my Word and know my Spirit of 

forg iveness! Then my people could rise up with greater spirit within them, knowing that I am the

Lord that forgiveth them all their iniquities, that healeth all their backslidings, that I am the Lord

their God.

Oh, that people would pay the price every day to walk in all the greatness of God, to win the lost at

any cost as the Holy Spirit without measure is poured out on planet Earth today!

I vow right now I will pay—I will pay, no matter the price.

I'm going through;

I'm going through.

I'll pay the price,

No matter w hat others do.

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I'll take the way 

 With the Lord's despised few.

I've started for heaven,

 And I'm going through!

THE PRICE, PART 2, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1986 Ernest Angley.

 All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

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© 1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

rice, Part 2 - Ernest Angley Ministries