The preliminary task for a school magazine

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of The preliminary task for a school magazine

The preliminary task:By: Celestina 120


For our preliminary task, we had to create a front cover and a content page for a school magazine. This task was given to has to enable us to get some ideas about what is expected of us, when doing our music magazine furthermore, it allows me to become familiar with Photoshop, help me with my Photoshop skills and to enable me to do well for my music magazine.

Research:This research task was to enable us to get some understanding, of what is expected of us on our school magazine.This preliminary research task helped me understand the sort of things that makes a great magazine, it also gave me some great ideas which I can use on my school magazine. For intend I did not know what the ‘Masthead’ was, I will normally call it the title or headline therefore this preliminary task allowed me to understand some of the media key terms used in a magazine.

Audience Research

The audience research was done in order to get some ideas of the type of questions we need for questionnaire.

Rough draftThis is a rough copy of how I wanted my front cover and content page to look like.

Front cover

Content p

Notes on the process

For the three medium close up pictures I took, I decided to use the picture on the left because it suits the type of school magazine that I wanted to do. However I didn’t use the picture of the left due to the fact that the picture came out blurry, and since the picture was going to my main image I decided it wasn’t appropriate for my front cover.

Front cover and content pageMy final copy of my front page and content page. This was done on Photoshop to allow us to get use to different layouts, font, colours and generally get use to Photoshop. For example I have never used Photoshop, therefore it was very challenging but after a while I got use to it. In Photoshop there are a variety of different tools, that can be use to make the magazine stand out.


• Using Photoshop was very useful to me definitely because I have never used it before, therefore trying it out first before has helped me to get use to the variety of tools and I am also used to were everything is now. It was tricky at first finding the right shape for the text, the right colour to attract the audience, but that is the whole point of this preliminary task to allow us to play around with Photoshop to see what looks good and what doesn’t so that hen we start on our final task we know what to use and what not to use. Another useful thing about the preliminary task was the planning, this was very beneficial because when starting to create the magazine, I didn’t have to think in depth yes i might have changed some things around because it didn’t look right in that section but it did come in handy because all I had to do was look at the plan and just place the pictures and text were I wanted them. The task also enabled me to find out new terminology such as ‘masthead’, puff, etc..

• Overall the preliminary task was useful because I learnt knew skills, I also tried out different new techniques to see what will benefit the audience more.