The Power of ONE. .

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Power of ONE. .

The Power of ONE


Reflects on ethical questions

Key Features:

Analyzes a situation from an ethical point of view


Compares points of view Compares his/her analysis of the situation with that of

his/her classmates

(20%) Participation

(20%) Class notes & reflection questions

(30%) Reflective Personal Essay

(30%) Power of ONE project

DEADLINE: Thursday, April 4, 2013 (Day 3)

1. Civil Rights Movement

2. Holocaust

3. Darfur

4. New/other movements

For each topic: What, when, & where? (background)

Why & how? (factors)

Major players (who?)

Goals (what did he/she want)

Results (what did he/she/WE achieve)

500 words Pick ONE issue we have discussed

this term What? Where? When? Why? How?

Spotlight on ONE major player for that issue

Who? What were the goals of the movement? What did he/she DO? (power of one)?


Conclusion What are YOUR thoughts on the issue?

Bring an issue to light (contemporary)

Show how one person (you) can make a difference
