The Power - · The...

Post on 26-Mar-2019

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Transcript of The Power - · The...

The Powerof Knowledge:

Masteringthe Reinvention

of AML

See What’s New

Financial CrimeStudies Track:

Examine real-l ifecases detail ing themoney laundering

methods of everyonefrom opioid traffickersto polit ically exposed


Top Three Reasons AMLProfessionals Attend the Conference

*Based on the 2018 Hollywood Attendee Survey.

32%CAMS Credits



SARs from the LawEnforcementPerspective:

Investigators sharetheir experiences

and insights on howto optimize the

effectiveness of SARnarratives.


A third pre-conferenceworkshop has been

added on virtualcurrencies.

Cybercrime andTechnology:

New sessions focusingon these two rapidlyevolving topics have

been added tohighlight innovativeways to apply best

practices andemerging technologies

to strengthen AML.

The worlds of AML and compliance areundergoing rapid transformation, impacted byeverything from new and complex regulations,technological disruptions such as artif icialintell igence and cryptocurrencies, and maliciousthreats including cybercrime and data breaches.These issues and more wil l be examined in depthat the 2019 ACAMS conference in Hollywood, FL.

Join us for this dynamic three-day gathering withmore than 2,000 attendees and experts from thegovernment, f inance and law enforcementsectors, all who will share invaluable insights onthe issues at hand, while outlining strategies forputting that knowledge to practical use in theongoing fight against financial crime.


Professionals responsible for:• Reporting and SAR/STR fi l ing• AML risk management • Customer due dil igence • Transaction monitoring and system tuning• AML audits• AML training • Sanctions management• New product compliance• Managing third-party payment processors • Law enforcement• Regulatory oversight

From these sectors:• Accounting firms• Banks• Casinos• Consulting firms• Credit unions• Financial services providers• Insurance companies• Law enforcement agencies• Law firms• Money services businesses• Regulatory agencies• Securities/investment firms• Software/technology providers• Universities



Immerse your team inan intense three-day

training conference ondiverse financial crime

prevention subjects,including virtual

currencies, sanctions,and more.


Experience multipleforums for

deconstructing currentevents through the

prism of AMLexpectations and



Acquire practical AMLadvice that can be used

to strengthen yourinstitution.

Benefits ofAttending

NETWORKING:Interact and brainstorm

with over 2,000 fellowAML specialists dealingwith similar day-to-day

professional challenges.


Join and learn from aneclectic mix of AML

professionals from bigbanks and small banks

to regulatory bodiesand law enforcement


Conference Attendees'Industry Experience










@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 3

Connecting AML Professionalsfrom Around the World

Top Sessions

How May AI Help You?Applying Artif icial

Intell igence, MachineLearning and Robotics

to AM

Joint Solutions:A Multi-Pronged

Approach to BankingMarijuana-Related


Inside the CriminalMind: To Catch a

Fraudster, Think LikeOne

Dark Web Spotlight:Countering Its

Financial Crime andMoney Laundering


*Based on our 2018 Hollywood Conference attendees.


Sunday, April 14, 20199:00 AM – 12:00 PM

WORKSHOP AInside the Criminal

Mind: To Catcha Fraudster, Think

Like One

Key Areas Covered

Who Should Attend

Trust is the foundation of individual and business relationships—andfraudsters are experts at building it, and betraying it, in order to perpetratetheir crimes. In this compelling and insightful workshop, attendees wil lexamine the psychological profi les of these unscrupulous financialcriminals, whose victims may be an elderly relative, a trusting employer—or even a financial institution. This highly analytical workshop will examinethe common motivations of fraudsters for committing such acts. In addition,the methods by which fraudsters identify opportunities wil l be detailed.Finally, the rationales by which fraudsters justify their actions wil l bescrutinized. In short, for financial crime prevention professionals, catchingfraudsters requires thinking l ike one. For AML and financial crime preventionprofessionals, this workshop provides eminently useful insights on frauddetection, protection and prevention.

● Analyzing fraud perpetrators’ motivation to better differentiate legitimaterelationships and those based on criminal intent and take appropriateprotective actions● Detail ing rationalization processes of fraudsters to strengthen relatedsituational awareness skil ls and improve detection of potential fraudulentacts or schemes● Scrutinizing how fraudsters identify opportunities, to assess thevulnerabil ity of institutions or clients to fraud and implement controls tomitigate the risks of being victimized

Prevention, detection, investigation: Fighting fraud requires a multi-facetedapproach, and this compelling workshop provides a holistic examinationthat’s of benefit to all the relevant anti-financial crime constituencies.Whether you are a fraud examiner, a member of a financial intell igence unitor a law enforcement officer who works in collaboration with financialinstitutions, this workshop will raise awareness of how fraudsters think andact—providing new tools for spotting and circumventing them. Meanwhile,the materials presented will also be of inherent benefit to relationshipmanagers as well as AML officers and consultants who conduct trainingon the nefarious methods by which these criminals operate.

April 14, 2019 | 9:00 AM–4:30 PMCAMS EXAMINATION PREPARATION SEMINAR Led by CAMS-certif ied instructors, the CAMS Examination Preparation Seminarreviews critical information in an easy-to-follow format that prepares you to sitfor the CAMS Examination. Benefit from this interactive study session as AMLexperts walk you through core content areas and practice questions. Separateregistration is required. To register, please contact us on +1 305.373.0020or via email at

See back page for details on how you may qualify for a complimentary offer. We are offering a secondCAMS Examination Preparation Seminar at the same time for Spanish-speaking professionals.For more information, please contact

Instructor: Michael S. Schidlow, CAMS-Audit, Head of FCC and Emerging Risk Audit Development,HSBC


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 5

Sunday, April 14, 20199:00 AM – 12:00 PM

WORKSHOP BThe New Era of Risk

Models: Masteringthe Challenges

Key Areas Covered

Who Should Attend

Risk modeling is in the midst of revolutionary changes, driven by acompliance landscape that is increasingly tech-dependent and data-driven,financial crimes that are executed via sophisticated transnational networksand the rise of innovative products and services such as Fintech and virtualcurrencies. In this authoritative yet eminently practical workshop, expertpresenters wil l guide attendees through a comprehensive examination ofthe multiple forces that are impacting the roles and responsibil it ies of riskmodels, then conduct interactive exercises to develop constructive andapplicable solutions for updating them in ways that strengthen AML andprovide robust oversight going forward.

● Outlining tech tools enhancing oversight such as AI and machine learningand detail ing emerging AML risks such as cybercrime to analyze potentialdeficiencies of legacy risk models ● Crafting risk models that reflect systemic requirements such as dataintegrity and relevant regulatory guidance to hone assessment accuracyand meet institutional obligations● Validating model efficacy in areas such as quality of data extractions andfalse positive generation to determine efficacy of new models and addressissues such as algorithmic bias

Risk management is at the core of a culture of compliance, and thereforethis workshop on the new era for risk models is of near universal interest inthe ACAMS community. Among the attendees whose duties are mostclosely tied to the content are risk management officers, relationshipmanagers, onboarding personnel and specialists in technologies such asdata analytics and artif icial intell igence. Finally, consultants and those whoconduct in-house training wil l f ind the insights shared by the expertpanelists wil l provide them valued expertise in the next generation of riskmodels.

Can’t travel to the conference? This convenient online training optionallows you to watch a l ive video of keynote addresses, panel discussionsand general conference sessions.

Benefits of going virtual:• Access a l ibrary of video and downloadable audio session recordings • Submit questions to presenters and chat with online participants • Receive a certif icate of participation and earn CAMS credits

To register, please contact us on +1 305.373.0020 or via emailat



Virtual currencies can sometimes strike fear in compliance officers, but thereality is cryptocurrencies are an innovation that AML specialists are goingto see more of. Which is why this insight-fi l led workshop is tailored toprovide a roadmap for AML officers who must guide their institutions asthey navigate this disruptive technology. Led by longtime experts, thisworkshop will address issues such as the unique AML risks posed bycryptocurrencies, along with practical guidance on how to manage them.Questions as to how cryptocurrencies are increasingly being used—and howthat impacts AML responsibil it ies such as transaction monitoring—will beexplored in-depth, giving compliance professionals vital insights onadjusting legacy systems to accommodate these new and transformativefinancial products. The truth is, these new technologies demand new AMLskil ls. Learn them at this workshop.

● Deconstructing unique compliance challenges of virtual currencies, todevelop risk-based oversight models that mitigate potential AML andfinancial crime issues● Analyzing cryptocurrency case studies to gain comprehension of issuessuch as KYC and transparency to incorporate lessons learned intoenterprise-wide training programs● Surveying evolving regulatory efforts and growth of cryptocurrencies andrelated businesses such as Bitcoin exchanges to facil itate adequateplanning as virtual currencies gain greater acceptance worldwide

This workshop is tailored for compliance professionals no matter their levelof exposure to cryptocurrencies. With their growing clout, virtual currenciesare almost certain to affect financial institutions regardless of size ormarket niche. Attendees can expect a solid grounding in the rise andcurrent status of the cryptocurrency market, as well as a forward-lookingexploration of emerging trends that wil l enable them to be thought leaderson risk management of cryptocurrencies at the institutional level.

Sunday, April 14, 20191:30 PM – 4:30 PM

WORKSHOP CCrypto Quandaries:

An InteractiveWorkshop on

Managing Risks—and Optimizing

Opportunities—of Virtual Currencies

Key Areas Covered

Who Should Attend

ACAMS members can receive up to 23 CAMS (CPE) credits for attendingthis event; 17 credits for the main conference, 3 credits per pre-conferenceworkshop or 6 CAMS credits for the examination preparation seminar.

*ACAMS is seeking accreditation for CLE credits through the Florida StateBoard. Attorneys wil l need to self-report credits.*

CAMS Seminar6 CAMS and CPEcredits

Workshop C3 CAMS and CPEcredits

Main Conference17 CAMS and CPEcredits

Workshop B3 CAMS and CPEcredits

Workshop A3 CAMS and CPEcredits




@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 7

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

1:00 PM – 6:30 PM

1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

CAMS Examination Preparation Seminar Check-in(Separate registration required)

CAMS Examination Preparation Seminar

Seminario de Preparación para el Examen CAMS

Pre-Conference Workshop A and B Check-in(Separate registration required)

WORKSHOP A | Inside the Criminal Mind: To Catch a Fraudster, Think LikeOne

WORKSHOP B | The New Era of Risk Models: Mastering the Challenges

Pre-Conference Workshop C Check-in(Separate registration required)

Registration Desk Open Bags and Lanyards courtesy of GlobalVision Systems

WORKSHOP C | Crypto Quandaries: An Interactive Workshop on ManagingRisks—and Optimizing Opportunities—of Virtual Currencies

ACAMS First-Time Attendee Orientation


Very informative conference and workshops. The information covered was current and on point with today's AML environment. The conference was well organized and allowed you to focus on your bank's specific needs with several concurrent sessions of your choice to attend. Networking is extremely valuable and there was ample time provided. I very much enjoyed the conference and was able to bring my bank some new ideas and also clarify some questions at hand.

- Susan Jennis, CAMS, VP BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Officer, Citizens Bank & Trust

AGENDA AT-A-GLANCE +1 786.871.30198

7:30 AM – 5:50 PM

7:30 AM – 6:50 PM

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

8:30 AM – 8:40 AM

8:40 AM – 9:10 AM

9:10 AM – 10:35 AM

10:35 AM – 11:05 AM

11:05 AM – 12:15 PM

12:15 PM – 1:30 PM

12:15 PM – 1:30 PM

1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

2:15 PM – 2:45 PM

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Registration Desk Open Bags and Lanyards courtesy of Globalvision Systems

Exhibit Hall Open

Networking Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall

Welcome Remarks Live Stream

Keynote Address and Q&A Live Stream

PANEL DISCUSSION | Regulatory Roundtable: Insights on OversightDirectly From Top Regulators Live Stream

Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

PANEL DISCUSSION | Hot Topics: The Issues (and Answers) You Care MostAbout Live Stream

Networking Luncheon

AML Knowledge Luncheon Presented by 4iQ

Networking Groups | To Be Announced

Networking Groups | Networking para Profesionales ALD de América Latina


FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSWildlife Trafficking:AML Models to DeterEnvironmental-LinkedFinancial Crime Live Stream

TECHNOLOGYTRENDSChoosing an AMLTechnology Solution—A “How To” forEvaluating andSelecting the Best FitFor Your Institution

GLOBAL ISSUESLessons Learned fromABLV and Other MajorCases InvolvingInadequate ComplianceOversight

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented byLexisNexis RiskSolutions


SARsSARs from a LawEnforcementPerspective

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented by ThomsonReuters


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 9

2:45 PM – 3:05 PM

3:05 PM – 3:35 PM

3:05 PM – 4:20 PM

4:20 PM – 4:50 PM

4:50 PM – 5:20 PM

4:50 PM – 5:50 PM

5:50 PM – 6:50 PM

Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

Networking Groups | To Be Announced


Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

Networking Groups | Networking for AML Caribbean Professionals


Networking Reception in Exhibit Hall

FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSDark Web Spotlight:Countering Its FinancialCrime and MoneyLaundering Risks

TECHNOLOGY TRENDSHow May AI Help You?Applying Artif icialIntell igence, Roboticsand Machine Learningto AML

GLOBAL ISSUESRethinkingCorrespondentBanking: De-RiskingThrough Education

AML KNOWLEDGE“AML Conversations”—Live from Hollywood!Presented by AMLRightSource

SANCTIONSMANAGEMENTKeeping Current:Staying Ahead onSanctions Live Stream

TECHNOLOGYTRENDSThe Data Whisperer:How Well Do You KnowYour Data?

RISK MANAGEMENTPEPs Spotlight:Operation Money Flightand the Case AgainstVenezuelan PEPs

FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSFighting Fraud andFinancial ExploitationInvolving Elders andVulnerable Adults

MULTI-INDUSTRYTRAININGGame On: AML in theEra of Legal SportsGambling

AML KNOWLEDGENext GenerationAdverse Media –Leveraging AI,Unstructured News andGlobal BeneficialOwnershipPresented by BvD

SARsWrite On: A Guideto Composing andEditing SAR Narratives

AML KNOWLEDGEAssumed vs. ActualRisk – Using MachineIntell igence forBehavior-Based RiskModelingPresented by Ayasdi

AGENDA AT-A-GLANCE +1 786.871.301910

7:30 AM – 5:50 PM

7:30 AM – 5:50 PM

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM

8:45 AM – 9:55 AM

9:55 AM – 10:45 AM

10:45 AM – 11:15 AM

11:15 AM – 12:15 PM

12:15 PM – 1:30 PM

12:15 PM – 1:30 PM

1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

2:15 PM – 2:45 PM

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Registration Desk Open Bags and Lanyards courtesy of Globalvision Systems

Exhibit Hall Open

Networking Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall

ACAMS Advanced Certif ication Recognition Live Stream

PANEL DISCUSSION | New Tools for Combating Human Trafficking: WhatFinancial Institutions Can Do to Help Stop Labor and Sex Traffickingof Vulnerable Individuals Live Stream

Special Presentation and Q&A Live Stream

Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

PANEL DISCUSSION | A Year in the Life of the CDD Final Rule: A FirstAnniversary Assessment Live Stream

Networking Luncheon

AML Knowledge Luncheon Presented by BAE Systems

AML Innovations | To Be Announced Presented by NICE Actimize

AML Innovations | To Be Announced Presented by Thetaray CONCURRENT SESSIONS

RISK MANAGEMENTEnhancing EnhancedDue Dil igence: A Toolfor Managing Higher-Risk Customers

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented byPromontory RiskReview

SANCTIONSMANAGEMENTUS vs. Them? HowGrowing Divergences inEU and US IranSanctions AffectCompliance Live Stream

GLOBAL ISSUESLeft of Boom, Right ofBoom: Pre- and Post-Attack CTF Strategies


FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSHow to Be a CyberFighter: DefendingAgainst CybercrimeThreats

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented by Refinitiv


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 11

2:45 PM – 3:05 PM

3:05 PM – 3:35 PM

3:50 PM – 4:20 PM

3:05 PM – 4:20 PM

4:20 PM – 4:50 PM

4:50 PM – 5:20 PM

Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

AML Innovations | To Be Announced AML Innovations | To Be Announced


Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

AML Innovations | To Be Announced Presented by Exiger

REGULATORYDEVELOPMENTSJoint Solutions:A Multi-ProngedApproach to BankingMarijuana-RelatedBusinesses Live Stream

MULTI-INDUSTRYTRAININGSecurities Focus:Analyzing SEC Actionson Oversight Adequacyand SAR Fil ing

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented by PwC

AML CAREERSWhat the Future Holds:Skil ls and Knowledgeto Keep AML CareersAdvancing

AML KNOWLEDGEPresented by Fiserv

FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSOperation DarknessFalls: Taking Down theLargest FentanylVendor in the U.S.

AML KNOWLEDGEPresented by Genpact

ACAMS is a top-notch financial conference. Each time I come to the conference I leave with an abundance of knowledge that I am able to utilize in my profession. ACAMS is the place to be if you seek to remain relevant in the financial industry.

- Tamara Bain, Compliance Officer & MLRO, Assets and Portfolio Management Services Ltd.

AGENDA AT-A-GLANCE +1 786.871.301912

4:50 PM – 5:50 PM

5:50 PM – 6:50 PM


Networking Reception at Portico courtesy of Thomson Reuters


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 13

7:30 AM – 11:50 AM

7:30 AM – 10:30 AM

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

8:30 AM – 8:35 AM

8:35 AM – 9:20 AM

9:20 AM – 10:20 AM

10:20 AM – 10:50 AM

10:50 AM – 12:00 PM 

12:00 PM – 12:05 PM

Registration Desk Open Bags and Lanyards courtesy of Globalvision Systems

Exhibit Hall Open

Networking Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall

Opening Remarks Live Stream

Keynote and Q&A Live Stream

PANEL DISCUSSION | What Do We Mean When We Say Regtech? Live Stream

Networking and Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

PANEL DISCUSSION | Corruption Case Study: The United States v. Paul J.Manafort Jr. Live Stream

Closing Remarks Live Stream  


SANCTIONSKnow Your Country:Managing theComplications ofVenezuelan Sanctions Live Stream

FINANCIAL CRIMETRENDSAntiquities, the ArtMarket and FinancialCrime: What AMLProfessionalsNeed to Know Aboutthe Looting andTrafficking of CulturalArtifacts and Fine Art

SARs Before You File:Creating a SupportSystem to AidSuspicious Activity Oversight

NON-BANKINSTITUTIONSMSB Spotlight:Regulatory Trends,Enforcement Actionsand Emerging Risks

TECHNOLOGYTRENDSThe Reach of a Breach:Following the Pathfrom Stolen Data toIdentity Theft to Fraud

AML KNOWLEDGETo Be AnnouncedPresented by Oracle

AML CAREERS An AML career can be equally demanding and rewarding—and these sessions are geared toward those who are in it for the long haul. From recruiting talent to achieving your own professional goals, our expert panelists outline practical methods to thrive in a profession undergoing rapid change.

April 16, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMWhat the Future Holds: Skills and Knowledge to Keep AML Careers Advancing

● Developing and maintaining technological l iteracy to achieve proficiency in growing role of oversight and compliance tools such as analytics and data management● Assessing emerging AML trends and needs to identify and acquire talent acquisition in areas such as coding, algorithmic screening and innovative products such as blockchain● Leveraging AML resources with approaches such as strategic outsourcing and collaborating with law enforcement on investigations to meet growing oversight obligations


In a world where the complexities and responsibil it ies AML professionals face grows daily, the services and expertise of vendors has never more important. This track consists of sessions led by solution providers, who share trend-tracking information on topics l ike artif icial intell igence advances, machine learning and uti l izing data analytics to strengthen risk management. At a time when no AML officer can do it all, these sessions offer insights on potentially productive partnerships you may be overlooking.

AML Knowledge Sessions are scheduled for the afternoons of April 15 and 16. Refer to for an updated schedule.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301914

April 15, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMWildlife Trafficking: AML Models to Deter Environmental-Linked Financial Crime

● Charting common typologies of environmental-related crimes such as endangered species smuggling or trafficking in wildlife subject to harvest quotas including lumber and aquatic species ● Reviewing specific cases involving wildlife-related schemes such as rhino horn smuggling to establish ties between environmental-related trafficking and transnational f inancial crime organizations● Familiarizing staff with laws such as END Wildlife Trafficking Act, uti l izing resources such as State Department’s “focus countries” at higher risk of wildlife trafficking and establishing protocols for contacting and aiding authorities

April 15, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMDark Web Spotlight: Countering Its Financial Crime and Money Laundering Risks

● Analyzing encryption technologies such as The Onion Router (Tor) and Bitcoin to attain insights into how they can be exploited to mask criminal enterprises and transactions ● Reviewing Operation Dark Gold and other successful investigations by law enforcement agencies to detail inner workings of i l l icit Dark Web activities● Incorporating monitoring for Dark Web criminal typologies into AML models and uti l izing oversight tools such as KYC and EDD to flag and resolve suspicious activities

April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMFighting Fraud and Financial ExploitationInvolving Elders and Vulnerable Adults

● Evaluating the new Senior Safe Act to identifycollaborative opportunities between financialinstitutions, regulators and law enforcementinvolving senior financial abuse● Reviewing FINRA rule changes involvingobtaining trusted contact person information forvulnerable adults and placement of temporaryholds in cases of suspected exploitation● Training relationship managers on red flags ofelder abuse including atypical disbursements orasset transfers to ensure investigation

April 16, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMHow to Be a Cyber Fighter: Defending AgainstCybercrime Threats

● Conducting risk-based review of data collectionand management systems, including vendors, toidentify potential vulnerabil it ies and mitigate riskssuch as malware infestation● Creating a formal risk-based Know YourEmployee program to combat insider threats suchas rogue employees and inadequate staff trainingon cyber-related threats● Developing cyber-incident response plans tocontain damage of systemic attacks such asransomware and data breaches, rectify securitygaps, and notify and collaborate with authorities


At its heart, AML is simply about fighting financial crime. And in recent years new forms of financial crime have been enabled with everything from il l icit uses of cryptocurrencies to powerful new ways to commit identity theft. ACAMS assembles leading law enforcement professionals in this powerful and moving track of sessions, covering tragic issues such as elder abuse and human trafficking, or analyzing case studies of narco-backed schemes to launder proceeds of plundered gold, this track offers practical advice for fighting financial crime with rigorous AML oversight.


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 15


AML is clearly a cross-border issue, and these sessions focus on international topics such as trade-based money laundering, the global movement of corrupt proceeds and the ongoing obstacles for obtaining or providing correspondent banking relationships.

April 15, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMLessons Learned from ABLV and Other Major Cases Involving Inadequate Compliance Oversight

● Detail ing SocGen’s deficiencies in AML infrastructure to analyze how lax oversight led to wil lful violations and concealment of sanctions laws and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act● Reviewing the use of shell companies and disguised identities to chart the flow of bil l ions of dollars in suspicious payments through Danske Bank’s Estonian branch office ● Examining the consequences for implicated institutions, such as multi-bil l ion dollar fines and liquidation of ABLV following FinCEN prohibition of correspondent accounts by US banks

April 15, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMRethinking Correspondent Banking: De-Risking Through Education

● Analyzing unique market and respondent bank risks to create appropriate and individualized control environments that conform to institutional risk appetite and tolerance standards● Simulating case studies to detail practical management and staff training scenarios for scrutinizing and resolving relationship issues with respondent banks● Understanding motivations and interests of both business side and financial criminal compliance units to facil itate mutually beneficial resolution of conflicting incentives

April 16, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMOperation Darkness Falls: Taking Down the Largest Fentanyl Vendor in the U.S.

● Analyzing the MH4Life organization’s use of the dark net and cryptocurrencies to detail changing mechanics of drug dealing enterprises● Scrutinizing the organization’s money laundering process to detail role of digital currency exchangers in converting proceeds into fiat currencies and prepaid cards● Examining the collaborative investigation by federal agencies to gain insights into law enforcement methods for fighting cyber-based financial crimes

April 16, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMAntiquities, the Art Market and Financial Crime: What AML Professionals Need to Know About the Looting and Trafficking of Cultural Artifacts and Fine Art

● Analyzing guidance of FATF and law enforcement agencies on financial crime risks of art and antiquities trading to strengthen due dil igence of entities dealing in cultural artifacts● Reviewing federal and international investigations and prosecutions with typologies that evidence the money laundering and terrorist f inancing opportunities via markets in cultural objects● Assessing regulatory and oversight trends including EU’s beneficial ownership requirements for art dealers, the Geneva Responsible Art Market Initiative and “Art Basel Guidelines” and public policy proposals in the US and globally

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301916

April 16, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMLeft of Boom, Right of Boom: Pre- andPost-Attack CTF Strategies

● Applying the military “left of boom” concept — referring to pre-explosion timelines — to strengthen CTF through partnering with law enforcement, proactive monitoring and situational awareness of terrorism threats● Preparing for a “right of boom,” or post-attack, AML/compliance response to address issues such as institutional exposure to terrorist f inancing flows, securing data that may be of use to investigators and refreshing relevant risk assessments● Incorporating lessons learned such as motivation for attack, methods of circumventing security controls and terrorist funding streams to fortify left of boom protocols going forward


To paraphrase the long-ago advertising slogan on orange juice: AML—it isn’t just for banking anymore. In the decades since the Bank Secrecy Act ushered in the modern era of AML, compliance has become the responsibil ity of industries such as casinos, securities and MSBs, with each facing unique issues in meeting regulatory expectations. These sessions draw upon industry experts from non-banking institutions, to share suggestions and solutions for meeting the distinctive compliance challenges they increasingly face.

April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMGame On: AML in the Era of Legal Sports Gambling

● Updating state actions to legalize sports gambling following Supreme Court’s overturning of Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act● Creating oversight protocols to reconcile differences among states on sports gambling and adjusting models in accord with legislative changes such as those involving online betting ● Examining Nevada’s legal sports betting industry to assess historic roles of state regulations and institutional standards in oversight of sports books

April 16, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMSecurities Focus: Analyzing SEC Actions on Oversight Adequacy and SAR Filing

● Probing SEC actions regarding deficient suspicious activity reporting to discern regulatory expectations for SAR fi l ing on activities of independent advisers● Standardizing definition of “reasonable suspicion” across enterprise to ensure SAR fi l ing decisions conform to regulatory and institutional standards● Applying lessons of enforcement actions to confirm oversight models are comply with requirements such as those governing reporting, recordkeeping and record retention


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 17


Fighting money laundering—and meeting AML regulatory expectations—isn’t just an obligation of banks, and these sessions are specifically tailored to address the unique compliance challenges of non-bank financial institutions, such as securities firms and money services businesses. Whether it’s addressing KYC/CDD challenges or schemes involving microcap securities trading, these sessions highlight AML best practices from a non-bank point of view.

April 16, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMMSB Spotlight: Regulatory Trends, Enforcement Actions and Emerging Risks

● Examining enforcement actions l inked to innovative products such as cryptocurrencies to identify unique MSB risks and strengthen oversight protocols as warranted● Detail ing and meeting regulatory requirements regarding adequacy of MSB AML programs and util izing training and technology to address obligations such as agent oversight● Conducting AML audits and documenting applicable corrective actions to foster productive collaboration with banking partners and mitigate risks of relationship termination


Expand your professional network by joining l ike-minded colleagues at these networking sessions. The following networking groups bring together members of specific niches from across the highly diverse AML universe for contact creation, casual conversation and informal exchanging of ideas and interests. There’s no agenda, and the sole learning goal is the names of new friends.

For the most up-to-date l isting of Networking Group meetings, please refer to:

April 15, 2019 | 2:15 PM – 2:45 PMNetworking para Profesionales ALD de América Latina

A menudo se l lama a Miami la capital de América Latina, por lo que es justo que la conferencia de ACAMS en el sur de la Florida brinde una oportunidad de networking específicamente para aquellos que prefieren hablar sobre ALD en español. Ya sea que usted sea de México o Manhattan, Texas o Tegucigalpa, esta sesión brinda una ocasión amistosa e informal para unirse a la conversación ALD—en español.

April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:20 PM Networking for AML Caribbean Professionals

Beautiful beaches and warm waters are pretty much the norm for attendees from offshore financial centres, so this networking session provides a friendly alternative to fun in the sun: Friendly socializing with your neighbors (f iguratively speaking.) Catch up with old acquaintances—and make some new ones—at this assemblage of professional peers from the dynamic community of AML and compliance specialists hail ing from the vibrant world of offshore financial centres.  

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301918


Merriam-Webster says the definition of plenary is “complete in every respect.” And that is certainly the case with these panel discussions, which are designed to appeal to—well, everybody in attendance. Whether the discussion is a roundtable on recent regulatory shifts, an examination of recent enforcement actions, a deep dive on fighting fraud or a primer on preparing for a regulatory exam, these expert-led panels offer insights of value to all attendees.

April 15, 2019 | 9:10 AM – 10:35 AM Regulatory Roundtable: Insights on Oversight Directly From Top Regulators

● Discussing recent global and domestic regulatory developments and offer insight into current AML compliance oversight trends● Assessing recent US regulatory changes in 2018-19 and their practical impacts on systems, resources and controls● Reviewing both good and challenging examination trends to improve institution responses and ensure clarity of expectations

April 15, 2019 | 11:05 AM – 12:15 PMHot Topics: The Issues (and Answers) You Care Most About

Join our expert panel as they address questions and comments submitted directly by you, the attendees, and provide industry responses to discussion topics from the Regulatory Roundtable. This session provides an open forum and interactive discussion as panelists tackle topics submitted by the audience two weeks before the conference starts. Whether the issue is Regtech or regulatory expectations, SARs or cybersecurity, this is your chance to be heard. It’s a frank dialogue of value to anyone involved in AML, compliance or the fight against financial crime.

April 16, 2019 | 8:45 AM – 9:55 AM New Tools for Combating Human Trafficking:What Financial Institutions Can Do to Help Stop Labor and Sex Trafficking of Vulnerable Individuals

● Understand anti-human trafficking initiatives built on a foundation of shared data and resources, where organizations benefit from the experience and intell igence of their peers, as well as shared learnings from government, law enforcement, and NGO actors.● Learn about some of the cooperative efforts to fight human trafficking locally, nationally and globally● Master some of the latest typologies that present red flags for human trafficking

April 16, 2019 | 11:15 AM – 12:15 PMA Year in the Life of the CDD Final Rule: A First Anniversary Assessment

● Evaluating impact and resolution of implementation hurdles to outline strategies for managing issues such as training, IT investment, hiring and responding to triggering events ● Detail ing preferable methodologies for determining beneficial ownership to demonstrate disciplined institutional compliance with CDD Final Rule in anticipation of examination-related inquiries● Reviewing beneficial ownership verif ication tools, policies and practices to evaluate efficiencies and effectiveness to strengthen entity identif ication accuracy and mitigate non-compliance risks


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April 17, 2019 | 9:20 AM – 10:20 AM What Do We Mean When We Say Regtech?

● Defining Regtech and its components such as robotic process automation to i l luminate potential roles for satisfying regulatory expectations and requirements ● Harnessing Regtech processes such as machine learning to enhance monitoring in areas such as regulatory changes and ensure robust adjustment of risk models and profi les● Reviewing trends in uti l izing Regtech to strengthen oversight of growing AML needs in areas such as Fintech, cryptocurrencies and beneficial ownership determination

April 17, 2019 | 10:50 AM – 12:00 PMCorruption Case Study: The United States v. Paul J. Manafort Jr.

● Tracing the movement of $60 mill ion of secret Ukrainian payments to highlight the use of foreign corporations, partnerships and bank accounts in money laundering conspiracies● Reviewing Manafort’s complex use of foreign nominee companies and offshore accounts to conceal mill ions of dollars from U.S. authorities● Analyzing luxury goods purchases and sham “loans” for U.S. real estate by foreign accounts to reveal how cash was moved into the financial system in a tax evasion scheme

April 16, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMJoint Solutions: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Banking Marijuana-Related Businesses

● Analyzing relevant FinCEN guidance on banking MRBs to ensure risk models meet regulatory expectations and identify potential conflicts with applicable state laws● Training front-l ine staff on typologies such as commingling of bankable and non-bankable proceeds in order to strengthen risk-based monitoring related to marijuana● Formalizing periodic reviews of MRB policies and procedures to keep risk models current and reflect institutional risk appetite and recent regulatory or legal developments


In an age of information overload and global AML obligations, keeping up with regulatory updates is a daunting—but required—challenge for AML professionals. This track highlights breaking developments, detail ing what has changed, why it matters—and how compliance managers need to respond.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301920


No risk, no reward, as the old saying goes. But how much risk is too much when it comes to AML oversight? Furthermore, how does one measure and quantify an intangible entity l ike risk? Learn from the pros on the latest tools and tips for measuring, assessing and monitoring risks, in a world that frankly is full of them.

April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMPEPs Spotlight: Operation Money Flight andthe Case Against Venezuelan PEPs

● Examining the alleged currency-exchangeconspiracy to launder $1.2 bil l ion embezzled fromstate-owned PDVSA to i l lustrate vulnerabil ity ofstate-owned enterprises to PEP schemes● Probing the alleged acts involving internationalbankers, Miami securities advisors andinstruments such as fake mutual-fundinvestments to i l luminate laundering typologies● Surveying named defendants to gain insights onbest practices for conducting effective riskassessments of PEPs

April 16, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMEnhancing Enhanced Due Diligence: A Tool for Managing Higher-Risk Customers

● Util izing CDD review to determine when EDD is required based on factors such as jurisdictional risks, entity client base, ownership structure and transaction activity patterns● Developing checklist of EDD goals such as beneficial ownership determination and processes such as negative news searches to secure data relevant to risk-based assessment● Informing senior management regularly to review risk profi le changes, responsive EDD and monitoring measures, and gain consensus on account exiting or continuation decisions

SANCTIONS MANAGEMENT Are you up to speed on the latest sanctions changes? Do you have a system to resolve conflicts between US sanctions and other jurisdictions? The reality is that sanctions are a potential minefield of risks for financial institutions, with devastating fines and enforcement actions for those who misstep. This track details the latest sanctions developments, providing effective guidance for responding to them in a robust and effective fashion.

April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMKeeping Current: Staying Ahead on Sanctions

● Formalizing sanctions communications systems to achieve ongoing awareness of changes concerning Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia and additions or deletions from SDN list● Conducting staff training on obscured sanctions risks such as dual-use goods or black market commodities trading to mitigate trade-related and prohibited transaction risks● Examining requirements of the OFAC 50% rule to enhance identif ication and whose ownership structures create sanctions risks involving blocked persons

April 16, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMUS vs. Them? How Growing Divergences in EU and US Iran Sanctions Affect Compliance

● Enumerating differences between US and EU sanctions on Iran to highlight potential non-compliance risks● Assessing the practical effects of EU efforts to immunize European companies from non-compliance with US sanctions on Iran ● Adapting oversight models to mitigate sanctions exposure risks related to Special Purpose Vehicles, third-country oil trading or other efforts to skirt US sanctions


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Suspicious activity reports are at the heart of any good AML program, but how to best produce, manage and share them remains a mystery to many AML professionals. This track’s sessions provides answers and practical guidance for how to give SARs the star treatment.

April 15, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMSARs from a Law Enforcement Perspective

● Outlining SAR management practices by investigative agencies to gain insights into law enforcement review processes and priorit ies● Examining examples of SAR-initiated investigations to gain insights into making SARs of optimal use to law enforcement● Reviewing best practices for creating and maintaining outreach programs with law enforcement to foster collaborative AML and financial crime prevention efforts

April 15, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMWrite On: A Guide to Composing and Editing SAR Narratives

● Reviewing investigative findings that support SAR fi l ing decision to outline narrative’s key points, identify vital supporting evidence and jettison irrelevant or inconsequential data● Expanding outline into a rough draft that highlights relevant facts—such as who, what, when, where, why and how—to optimize SAR’s usefulness to law enforcement ● Editing narrative to delete unnecessary details, check factual accuracy and ensure final SAR is clear, concise, chronological and comprehensive and meets regulatory expectations

April 16, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMKnow Your Country: Managing the Complications of Venezuelan Sanctions

● Crafting unique Venezuela oversight systems, using resources such as Treasury’s Venezuela sanctions updates and promptly incorporating OFAC changes involving SDN List, blacklisted entities and assets l inked to PEPs● Conducting risk-based customer reviews to identify potential sanctions-related risks such as purchases of banned debts or accounts receivable owed to Venezuela or PDVSA or invoice manipulation of otherwise permissible trades ● Reviewing FinCEN advisory on Venezuelan corruption to identify red flags such as government contracts with entities having no clear business purpose, unusually complex wealth management patterns and real estate purchases incommensurate with official salaries

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301922

April 16, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMBefore You File: Creating a Support System to Aid Suspicious Activity Oversight

● Training staff on “appropriate and reasonable” testing to improve detection of anomalous transactions, abrupt shifts in client profi le and other suspicious activities ● Creating standardized procedures for investigating and escalating alerts to produce uniform and thorough reviews that support institutional risk management goals● Formalizing SAR fi l ing-decision protocols to ensure they are based on gathered evidence, conform to institutional standards and reflect the views of affected parties


Technology is rapidly disrupting how AML is conducted, providing new tools for compliance professionals—along with the need for new skil ls in how to effectively execute and manage technology to strengthen oversight. These sessions provide a roadmap for analyzing and uti l izing technology in this brave new world of 21st Century AML.

April 15, 2019 | 1:30 PM – 2:45 PMChoosing an AML Technology Solution—A “How To” for Evaluating and Selecting the Best Fit for Your Institution

● Assessing your institution’s need for new or enhanced AML technology solutions● Key areas of focus to evaluate in narrowing the field of suitable vendors and solutions for your institution● Vetting potential vendors for expertise in targeted functions and capacity to integrate automated processes with existing legacy systems● Performing a post-integration audit to assess success of outcomes, identify operational deficiencies and adjust systems or vendor relationship as warranted

April 15, 2019 | 3:05 PM – 4:20 PMHow May AI Help You? Applying Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Machine Learning to AML

● Distinguishing AI, machine learning and robotic process automation to identify discrete risk management uses such as predictive capacity, client segmentation and monitoring● Augmenting manual reviews and legacy systems with data analytics to boost oversight efficiencies and elevate accuracy in alert generation, investigation and resolution● Auditing AI and machine learning systems to analyze systemic issues such as data quality, currency of risk models or algorithmic bias and take corrective actions as warranted


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April 15, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMThe Data Whisperer: How Well Do You Know Your Data?

● Conducting data needs assessments for business l ines and products to collaboratively construct data collection and extraction systems to meet unique AML needs across enterprise● Harmonizing data systems of discrete units to minimize duplication, enhance data quality and protection and foster efficiency in areas such as beneficial ownership determination● Performing quality assurance review of data systems to identify and resolve functional defects and confirm integration of changes in business models, risk profi les or regulations

April 16, 2019 | 4:50 PM – 5:50 PMThe Reach of a Breach: Following the Path from Stolen Data to Identity Theft to Fraud

● Analyzing how breached data is transformed into identity theft to understand common typologies involving stolen information● Detail ing the use of online accounts as “virtual money mules” used to launder money through financial institutions● Reviewing emerging trends in identity theft methods to adjust oversight regimens as needed and improve detection and resolution of identity theft red flags

I get a lot of value in learning how other folks in other institutions are thinking and dealing with the same problems my institution is facing. I also value the international presence this conference generates and the regulatory and law enforcement presence.

-Rock Magleby-Lambert, CAMS, Senior Manager, PNC

CONFERENCE PROGRAM +1 786.871.301924

Taskforce ChairKieran Beer, CAMS

Chief Analyst and Directorof Editorial Content


Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Marina AdamsAVP Compliance& Privacy Officer

Federal Reserve Bankof New York

William Badinelli, CAMSManaging Director,

Internal AuditJPMorgan Chase & Co.

Vikas AgarwalPrincipal, Financial Crime


Maleka Ali, CAMS-AuditPresidentArc-Serv

Heather Allen, CRCM, CAFPFirst Vice President

BSA OfficerPeoples Bank NC

John Bandler, CAMSFounder

Bandler Law Firm& Bandler Group

John BecciaCo-Founder

and CEOFS Vector

Eric Barzydlo, CAMSRegulatory Compliance

OfficerFulton Financial


Shannon Bennett,CRCM, CAMS

Senior Vice President,Financial Crime Compliance

Portfolio PMOU.S. Bank

Adrianna BaileyAssociate Deputy

Comptroller for BSA/AMLSupervision

Office of the Comptrollerof Currency

James BarnacleChief, Money Laundering,Forfeiture & Bank Fraud



@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 25

Catherine BanksRisk Proposition Sales


Mark BurnettSenior ManagerDiscover Card

John J. Byrne Esq., CAMSVice Chairman

AML Rightsource

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

James A. Candelmo, CAMSChief AML Officer

Capital One

Jason Chorlins, CPA, CFE,CAMS

Principal, Banking PracticeLeader

Kaufman Rossin & Co.

Ian ComiskyPartner

Fox Rothschild LLP

Robert L. Curry, CAMSExecutive Vice President,Chief Compliance Officer


John DavidsonSenior Vice President

and Global Head of AMLE-Trade

David A. Clark, CAMSHead of FCC Learning

& Surveil lance Analysis Standard Chartered Bank

Roxanne Chance-Chin,CAMS

Vice PresidentBSA/AML/OFAC Officer

ServisFirst Bank

Kyle T. Daddio, CAMSChief AML Officer

Interactive Brokers

Cherise Cox-NottageExecutive Director,

Head of Legaland Compliance DepartmentsUBS Trustees (Bahamas) Ltd.

Hue Dang, CAMS-AuditHead of Asia


Jeffrey L. CannonChief of the TerroristFinancing Operations

SectionFederal Bureauof Investigation

Catherine ChenChief Programs Officer


Lindsay Dastrup,CAMS-Audit, CAMS-FCI

Vice President – Audit LeaderAmerican Express

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS +1 786.871.301926

Frederick E. Curry, IIIPrincipal and AML

Practice LeaderDeloitte Transactions

& Business Analytics LLP

Bill Dayhoff, CAMSChief Fraud Officer, VP AML

Risk Intell igence Ameris Bank

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Marcy Forman, CAMS Managing Director,

Head of GlobalInvestigations Unit,

AML ComplianceCitigroup

Susan Galli, CAMS President

Gall i AML Advisory LLC

Spencer W. Doak, NBEDirector for BSA/AML

PolicyOffice of the Comptroller

of the Currency (OCC)

Dan Eckhart, CAMSAttorney at Law

Dan Eckhart Law

Sarah Beth Felix Whetzel,CAMS

PresidentPalmera Consulting LLC

Cameron FieldManager of Strategic

Initiatives Enterprise AMLOffice

BMO Financial Group

Gregg Fields, CAMSSenior Copywriter


Howard Fields, CAMSSenior Vice President,Counsel, Anti-Money

Laundering,Sanctions and Export


Bonnie Goldblatt, CAMSDirector, Deputy Head

of Global InvestigationsUnit AML Compliance


Julie DiMauroRegulatory Intell igence

ExpertThomson Reuters

Kathy EnstromExecutive Director

of Operation,Policy, and Support

IRS Criminal Investigation

Debra J. GeisterManager and CEOSection 2 Financial

Intell igence Solutions

Michael DePalmaSpecial Agent

IRS Criminal Investigation


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 27

Ted GreenbergFounder and President

TG Global

Zane A. GilmerPartner

Stinson Leonard Street LLP

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

David GreisbachAML Experimental

Operations Manager Google

Cristen Hall, CAMSDirector of AML

CVS Health

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Marilú Jiménez, Esq., CAMSPrincipal

Financial Intell igenceNetwork & Compliance


William Langford, CAMSChief Compliance Officer

for the Americas MUFG Union Bank, N.A.

Nicole Kitowski, CAMSChief Risk Officer,

Executive Vice President Associated Bank

Megan Hodge Davis, CAMSExecutive Compliance

Director,BSA/AML Officer

Ally Bank

Bob HurstSenior Director,

Global Head of SanctionsCompliance


Alison K. Jimenez, CAMSPresident/FounderDynamic Securities


Naomi KarpSenior Policy Analyst Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau

Nicolas Khouri, CAMSSenior Compliance Director,

AML InvestigationsAlly Bank

Lauren Kohr, CAMS-FCISenior Vice President, Risk

OfficerOld Dominion National Bank

Jeffrey KlimasHead of FCC LearningAmericas and Global

Correspondent BankingLearning

Standard Chartered Bank

Koko IvesManager

BSA/AML ComplianceSection

Board of Governorsof the Federal Reserve


Steven KemmerlingChief Executive Officer

and FounderMRB Monitor

Abbey E. KepfSpecial Agent

Homeland SecurityInvestigations

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS +1 786.871.301928

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

Matthew KramerCompliance Program Manager

Brink’s Inc.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

Clyde LangleyVice President, Fraud

Risk ManagementCharles Schwab

Melissa Leeds, CAMSCounter Transnational

Organized CrimeFinancing Investigator


Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Dennis M. Lormel, CAMSPresident and Chief

Executive Officer DMLAssociates

Stevenson Munro, CAMS Global Head, Sanctions

ComplianceStandard Chartered Bank

Maura Liconte, CAMSDeputy Head of Financial

Investigations, Anti-FinancialCrimes, DirectorDeutsche Bank

Juan LlanosManaging DirectorMultipleStartups

Liz LoewyCo-founder and General

Counsel EverSafe

Meryl LutskyManaging Directorof Investigations

T&M Protection Resources

Rock T. Magleby-Lambert,CAMS

Senior ManagerPNC Bank

Barry MacKillopDeputy Directorof Operations


Thomas J MangineVice President, Capital

Markets AML Bank of Montreal

Rick McDonellExecutive Director

ACAMSFormer Executive

SecretaryFinancial Action

Task Force (FATF)

Barbara MartinezChief, Special Prosecutions,Human Trafficking & ProjectSafe Childhood Coordinator,

SDFLMiami U.S. Attorney’s Office

Joseph Mari, CAMSSenior Manager, Major

InvestigationsBMO Financial Group

Deborah LehrChairman and Co-Founder

Antiquities Coalit ion

Amanda McComb, CAMSAVP

Partner Colorado CreditUnion

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 29

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

Gary J. Murray, CAMSDirector FCC (SME) Training

& Global CorrespondentBanking Academies

DevelopmentStandard Chartered Bank

Timothy P. MurphyPresident

Thomson Reuters SpecialServices

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Carolyn Nelson Vice President, Deputy BSA

OfficerUnited Community Bank

Erin O’LaughlinSenior Manager,

Cyber Threat Intell igenceWestern Union

Frederick Reynolds Managing Director

Global Head of FinancialCrime Legal

Barclays Bank Plc

Brian O’Toole, CAMSSenior Vice President,

AML Executive for SanctionsBB&T Bank

Troy PughExecutive Director,

Financial Crime Intell igenceSojourn Consulting

Derek RammVice President


Kimani Rogers, CAMSExecutive Director –

Global KYC Audit ManagerJPMorgan Chase

Anthony Rodriguez, CPA,CAMS

Chief Global ComplianceOfficerAFEX

Michelle NeufeldExecutive Vice President,

Head of Complianceand Operational Risk FIG

Wells Fargo

Jack Oskvarek, CAMSSVP, BSA Executive Director

Wintrust FinancialCorporation

Lt Col Josh PotterJ36, Transnational

Threats DivisionUnited States SpecialOperations Command


Elizabeth Price, CCEP, CAMSChief Compliance Officer

Seminole HR Holdings, LLC

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS +1 786.871.301930

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

Jeffrey Pedecine, CAMS-FCIHead of Sanctions

Apple Bank

Michelle Rector, CAMSHead of FIU

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

Diego Rosero, CAMSDirector, AML/CFT

Reporting & Strategic PolicyWestern Union

John RothChief Compliance Officer


Sarah Runge Director, Office ofStrategic Policy

Terrorist Financingand Financial Crimes

Credit Suisse

Andrew P. Rudd, CAMS-FCISenior Intell igence Officer

Standard Chartered

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Rick Small, CAMSExecutive Vice President,Director Financial Crimes


Nicholas SchumannUS Head of Engagement,

Financial Crime ThreatMitigation


Michael S. Schidlow,CAMS-Audit

SVP, Head of FCCand Emerging Risk Audit


Robert Schuldes II, CAMSCorporate BSA/AML/OFAC

Officer, Financial Intell igenceAssociated Bank, N.A.

Sherri Scott, CAMS-Audit,CAMS-FCI

Financial Crimes InvestigatorMakton Investigations

& Consulting

Elizabeth (Liz) Slim, CAMSFVP, Regulatory Trainer

Commonwealth BusinessBank

Hera U. Smith, CAMS, Global Sanctions

Compliance Officer,AFEX

Doug Stevenson, CAMSVice President and GlobalHead of Financial Services


Markus SchulzGlobal Head FCC ControlsStandard Chartered Bank

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 31

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

John SabatiniPrincipal


Dan Soto,Chief Compliance Officer

Ally Financial

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

Salvatore ScottoGlobal Head of Sanctions

Bank of China

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

Dan StipanoPartner

Buckley Sander LLP

Brian Stoeckert, CAMSManaging Director

Stratis Advisory

Angel P. Nguyen Swift,CAMS

Vice-President,Compliance and Financial

Crimes SolutionsEnigma

Sandra StibbardsOwner / President

Camelot Investigations

Scott Swantner, CAMSHead of Law Enforcement

Outreachand Digital Security

Western Union

Chuck Taylor, CAMSFormer Senior Vice President

and BSA OfficerCity National Bank

Conference Speaker Task Force Member

Will Voorhees, CAMS Senior Vice President,

BSA/AMLFinancial Intell igence

Unit ManagerBB&T

Anthony J. Tricaso, CAMSSenior Vice President

and BSA OfficerFirst Foundation Bank

Amanda TuckerManaging Director

of Risk ManagementAtlantic Bay Mortgage


Scott Will isDeputy Chief AML Officer

Raymond JamesFinancial Inc.

Frank Walton, CAMSVice President,

Deputy Head of USInvestigations for

Global Financial Crimes

Peter D. Wild, CAMS-AuditFounder

Wild AML Solutions LLC

Eugene Troyansky, CAMSUnit Head- AML Transaction

MonitoringMashreq Bank New York

Gary WarnerDirector, Threat

Intell igence DarkTowerDirector of Research

in Computer ForensicsUniversity of Alabama-Birmingham

Brian G. ThomasSpecial Agent

IRS Criminal Investigation

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS +1 786.871.301932

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

Raymond VillanuevaDeputy Assistant Director,International Operations

Homeland SecurityInvestigations


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 33

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

Michael ZytnickDirector, Head of Sanctions

Office, AmericasDeutsche Bank

Alexander WilsonCo-Chief, Money

Laundering and TransnationalCriminal Enterprises

Unit, Asset ForfeitureCoordinator

United States Attorney’sOffice Southern District

of New York

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

EXHIBITORThe Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists®(ACAMS®) is a member of Adtalem Global Education (NYSE: ATGE), aglobal education provider headquartered in the United States. ACAMSis the largest international membership organization dedicated to enhancingthe knowledge and skil ls of anti-money laundering (AML) and financial crime prevention professionals from a wide range of industries, with extensive resources designed to develop and sharpen the skil ls required for superior job performance and career advancement. Its CAMS certif ication is the most widely recognized AML certif ication among compliance professionalsworldwide.

EXHIBITOR4iQ is an identity intell igence company enables financial crime investigation units working on complex cases of fraud, cryptocurrency and money laundering to save mill ions of dollars in fraud losses by protecting domains and users and enabling adversary hunt missions that effectively and efficiently unmask bad actors and disrupt attacks.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORAML RightSource is the leading provider of AML/BSA and Financial Crimes co-sourcing solutions. We provide highly trained AML/BSA professionals to assist f inancial institutions with compliance tasks from transaction monitoring to alert backlog management and enhanced due dil igence reviews. We have nearly 600 AML/BSA professionals and perform our services directly from our secure facil it ies in Cleveland, Ohio and Phoenix, Arizona.

EXHIBITORARC Risk and Compliance is a consulting company that specializes in AML regulations and the technology that supports your program. For us, this specialization includes BSA, OFAC, KYC/CDD/EDD, and FinCEN 314(a). All of our services have an element of technology and compliance so our approach reassures a better rate of success. We are “The AML Specialists”.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORAyasdi is a pioneer in the design, development and deployment of enterprise-grade, intell igent applications. Leveraging topological data analysis to power its award-winning AI platform, Ayasdi’s applications have already solved some of the most complex challenges in regulatory risk, customer intell igence and financial crime facing large financial institutions.

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.


EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 35

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.


EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.


EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 37

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.


EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 39

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology


ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.


@acams.aml @acams_aml acams acams 41

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology


ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.

EXHIBITORMatrix international f inancial services (matrix-ifs) is a leading provider of world class business and technology solutions to the financial industry. Our focus is in the areas of compliance, financial risk, fraud prevention, business intell igence and cyber crime. Services include advisory and consulting, system integration and complete managed services solutions. Matrix-IFS combines business & operations experience and technical expertise to assist f inancial services institutions meet expanding regulatory and compliance requirements.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNavigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage, and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy, and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results.

AML INNOVATION SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORNICE Actimize is the leading provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions. Our integrated AML suite delivers insights across the enterprise, helping you remain compliant while ensuring smart and cost-effective AML operations.  

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOROracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) suite for Financial Crime and Compliance Management is the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the compliance needs of the financial services community. This family comprises of Oracle’s best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. OFSAA for Financial Crime and Compliance Management provides end-to-end applications, leveraging a robust data model to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all f inancial crime and compliance related activities across the enterprise.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPitney Bowes is a global technology company powering bil l ions of transactions – physical and digital – in the connected and borderless world of commerce. By improving data quality through leading entity resolution software, Pitney Bowes enables financial institutions to improve efficiency in processes such as transaction monitoring, screening, and KYC.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORPromontory Risk Review, an IBM Company, delivers anti-money laundering business-process solutions to financial services companies across the globe. Our unique domain expertise and managed services experience, combined with IBM cognitive capabil it ies, allows us to transform our clients’ risk and compliance operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy regulatory requirements.

DIAMOND SPONSORAt PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at  

ESCALATOR SPONSOR | EXHIBITORQuantiply Sensemaker software platform helps financial institutions to transition to using AI in their current AMS processes to drastically reduce false positives in AML/KYC. Complementing traditional rules based systems where institutions undergo the expensive task of adjusting their rule thresholds to fi lter out false positives and negatives, Quantiply Artif icial intell igence learns and adapts based on individual transactions and behaviors between specific entities and their subsequent relationships.

GOLD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRDC is a recognized leader in the delivery of decision-ready risk intell igence to global financial institutions. A powerful combination of technology, open-source data and human intervention powers RDC's risk intell igence which is trusted by customers as an essential element of their anti-money laundering (AML), customer due dil igence (CDD), vendor screening, anti-corruption and risk management programs.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR | EXHIBITORRefinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data, infrastructure and risk management solutions; serving over 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries.  As one of the world’s largest global providers of risk management solutions for AML, KYC, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, third party risk and enhanced due dil igence; we bring trusted data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services to our customers. Refinitiv provides third party risk and customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization – as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, and transaction monitoring – leveraging market-leading products such as World-Check. 

EXHIBITORFeedzai is the market leader in fighting fraud with AI. We’re coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. The world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to manage risk, while improving customer experience.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORMore than 1,200 organizations across 70 countries worldwide use anti-money laundering and fraud detection software from Fiserv. It's highly effective, efficient and adaptive to uncover even the most sophisticated crime schemes. Fiserv has helped clients manage financial crime risk for more than 20 years, including banks, credit unions, brokerages and insurance organizations. Our ongoing development and road map is informed by organizations such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FinCEN, European Central Bank and the Wolfsberg Group. Our goal is to provide the tools, solutions and expertise to support our customers’ AML and fraud programs today and in the future.

AML KNOWLEGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITOR Genpact stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intell igent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Founded as a division of GE, we serve hundreds of long-term clients including more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 and employ over 75,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City.

CONFERENCE BAGS & LANYARD SPONSOR | EXHIBITORGlobalVision’s PATRIOT OFFICER is the #1 BSA/AML/ANTI-FRAUD Solution endorsed by the American Bankers Association and many reputable bankers associations across the nation.  PATRIOT OFFICER has helped banks increase efficiency and pass examinations with excellent results thousands of times. To ensure data security, we keep all of your secret SAR data safely inside the bank, where it belongs.

EXHIBITORIn a world where change is certain, experience is the best protection. Guidepost Solutions offers global investigations, compliance and monitoring, and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries. Our expert team provides leadership and strategic guidance to address critical client needs across the globe. Experience guides us. Solutions define us.

EXHIBITORWould you like to eliminate false positives and automate sanctions screening? Would you like flexibil ity and better support from your KYC/AML partner? Then switch to WorldWatch Plus® from International Screening Solutions. Get more coverage, fresh data, tailored to your workflow. Named a Top 10 KYC Solution in 2017.

EXHIBITORKaufman Rossin is one of the top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S., serving clients in a wide range of industries. The Florida-based firm’s national banking team assists financial institutions with investigating money laundering and fraud schemes, mitigating compliance and other types of risks, and improving performance.

EXHIBITORKeesing leads the way in ID document verif ication solutions. That leadership is built on decades of experience working with governments, employment agencies, banks, airl ines and insurance companies, among many others. Documentchecker Online gives access to: 5,000+ International IDs from over 200 countries 1,600+ US and Canadian IDs. Keesing serves clients in over 120 countries, providing ID checking solutions they trust, every day.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORLexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in the provisioning of comprehensive solutions for Financial Intell igence powered by ground breaking l inking technology that brings together the largest collection of public records in the US and global markets. Our solutions enable Financial Institutions to effectively and efficiently address the dynamic and complex demands of Antifraud programs, FCRA compliant credit decisioning, Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Dil igence (CDD), Enhanced Due Dil igence (EDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer Identif ication Program (CIP), Watch list Screening and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) programs. For over 25 years, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been at the heart of the Risk Management and Compliance programs at 99 of the Top 100 US Banks and 90% of the Fortune 500 corporations. You can rely on LexisNexis Risk Solutions to fortify your Compliance programs with unparalleled Financial Intell igence designed to deliver operational efficiency while effectively mitigating regulatory risk exposure.

AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORBAE Systems helps businesses around the world defend themselves against financial and cybercrime, reduce their risk in the connected world, comply with regulation, and transform their operations. We do this using our unique set of solutions, systems, experience and processes – often collecting and analyzing huge volumes of data. This enables us to defend against fraud and financial crime as well as solve complex data problems.

EXHIBITORWith information on nearly 300 mill ion companies, we are the resource for company data. We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. Our detailed, reliable information for third-party due dil igence, AML and KYC compliance helps you minimize reputation damage and risk exposure.

REGISTRATION SPONSORAlessa is a financial crime detection, prevention and management solution offered by CaseWare RCM Inc. With deployments in more than 20 countries in banking, insurance, FinTech, gaming, manufacturing, retail and more, Alessa is the only platform organizations need to identify high-risk activities and stay ahead of compliance. To learn more about how Alessa can help your organization ensure compliance, detect complex fraud schemes, and prevent waste, abuse and misuse, visit us at

EXHIBITORCipherTrace develops cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering, bitcoin forensic and blockchain threat intell igence solutions. CipherTrace was founded in 2015 by experienced Sil icon Valley entrepreneurs with deep expertise in cybersecurity, eCrime, payments, banking, encryption, and virtual currencies. DHS S&T and DARPA initially funded CipherTrace, and it is backed by leading venture capital investors

EXHIBITORCrowe is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm that combines deep industry and specialized expertise with innovation. We collaborate with our clients to confirm that their people, systems, and technology work together to strengthen their organization. Our team of risk professionals have a long history of helping banks and financial institutions optimize AML and sanctions related compliance programs with a hands-on approach that delivers sustainable results. Our focuses include:• Regulatory response & management• Independent AML review• AML model validation• AML system implementation• Beneficial ownership & CDD/KYC• Data quality & integration• Business support services• Crowe AML technology

ROOM KEY SPONSOR | EXHIBITORCSI Regulatory Compliance simplif ies managing compliance in a global economy. Our industry-leading solutions connect disparate compliance systems, creating a centralized system of record. Through our software and services, CSI provides a full range of compliance solutions for the requirements of GLBA, USA PATRIOT Act, OFAC, BIS, BSA and Regulation E.

PLATINUM SPONSOR | EXHIBITORDeloitte Advisory's anti-money laundering and sanctions consulting practice has helped resolve money laundering, terrorist f inancing, and other complex matters related to financial crime around the world. Our global network includes former bank regulators, federal law enforcement officials, compliance officers, and more. Count on us to understand the complexities you face and offer a breadth of services to help you respond.

EXHIBITORDow Jones Risk and Compliance is a global provider of risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. With a global team of expert researchers covering more than 60 languages, we deliver enriched risk data, investigative research tools and outsourced services to organizations around the world. Our market-leading data solutions help companies navigate Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Economic Sanctions, Third Party Due Dil igence, and Commercial Risk operations. Providing compliance professionals with flexible delivery options and a professional services offering, our compliance solutions empower fast and informed decision-making - without compromising on coverage.

EXHIBITORFor financial organizations across the world, eClerx Markets, offers consulting, technological innovation, and process management expertise to uniquely solve operational challenges. With nearly two decades of industry experience complemented by the application of smart automation and robotics, our team of experts deliver holistic solutions across the trade lifecycle, change management, data analytics, compliance, cash securities operations, document digitization and generation, and outreach.

EXHIBITOREY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a crit ical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

24th AnnualInternational

AML & FinancialCrime ConferenceMain Conference: April 15–17, 2019

Pre-Training: April 14, 2019

A block of rooms at the DiplomatResort & Spa has been reservedat a specially discounted grouprate for this conference.

The last day to reserve rooms at thediscounted group rate is  March 14  oruntil the room block is sold out. Dueto high demand for rooms, werecommend that you book yourroom reservation as early as possible.Group Code: ACC19Reservation Phone: 855.689.2911


Boost your professional development while at theconference and participate in the CAMS ExaminationPreparation Seminar on April 14, 2019. This seminaris complimentary and exclusive to conference attendeeswho purchase the CAMS certif ication package or are inthe process of becoming CAMS certif ied. To register, please contact us on +1 305.373.0020 or via email at

Attend the Conferenceand Become a Certif ied

AML Specialist














EXHIBITORSWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging, standards for communicating and we offer products and services to facil itate access and integration; identif ication, analysis and financial crime compliance. Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way. As their trusted provider, we facil itate global and local f inancial f lows, support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT’s international governance and oversight reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.

DIAMOND SPONSOR | AML KNOWLEDGE SESSION SPONSOR | NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR | EXHIBITORHighly regulated firms rely on Thomson Reuters to identify the hidden risk of doing business with a customer or third party and protect against regulatory & reputational risk. We provide Know Your Customer (KYC) and Third Party customer identif ication solutions for any market or organization -- as well as capabil it ies for client on-boarding, screening software, enhanced due dil igence and transaction monitoring – leveraging leading products such as World-Check and CLEAR.

EXHIBITORThetaRay’s advanced analytical solutions operate at scale, precision and speed to manage risk more effectively, detect money laundering schemes and fraud, expose bad loans, uncover operational issues, and reveal valuable new growth opportunities.

EXHIBITORThe Data Initiative is a data and technology company built by experts, not just engineers. We unify and curate disparate data used to support crit ical business decisions. We offer financial crimes risk and compliance professionals data/software-as-a-service (D/SaaS) solutions through our innovative ignitionX web application. Intell igence insights, delivered.

EXHIBITORTransparINT was created to actually solve real day-to-day operational AML compliance problems. Used daily by thousands of AML and Financial Crime professionals, TransparINT provides tools for delivering the largest real-time source of negative news and risk information. TransparINT was created by financial crime compliance professionals with decades of hands-on experience. The platform evolved out of necessity, and in real world conditions. TransparINT is committed to providing solutions that protect your organization from unwanted risk. TransparINT, along with Securimate and Compliance Wave, are part of the Steele family of compliance solutions.

EXHIBITORVerafin is a leader in cloud-based, cross-institutional Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering (FRAMLx) collaboration software with a customer base of over 1300 financial institutions across North America. Its uses cross-institutional, behavior-based analytics to help financial institutions stay a step ahead of fraud and BSA, USA PATRIOT Act, and FACTA compliance landscape, while allowing them to collaborate cross-institutionally. Verafin is the exclusive provider for the CBA, FBA, IBA, MBA, CUNA Strategic Services, a preferred service provider of the ICBA, and has industry endorsements in 44 states across the U.S.

EXHIBITORUsing the most advanced analytical tools in the world, Zencos delivers integrated solutions that provide proactive risk mitigation to detect and investigate financial fraud and money laundering. These customizable solutions enable Zencos’ customers to prevent financial crimes, and ensure compliance with counter-terrorist f inancing (CTF) regulations.