The Portfolio of Marcella Burr

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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Interior Design portfolio

Transcript of The Portfolio of Marcella Burr

the portfolio of Marcella Burr


Roots: Senior Living Project

Previous Spread: Reception (Left) West Wing Corridor (Right)

Previous Page:Floor Plan, Corridor Elevation

Roots: Senior Living Facility

The concept for this design is derived from the idea of biophilia, which is the human tendency to focus on the connections between human beings and living systems. The relationship between the physical environment and the natural environment will be emphasized in order for the users to develop and emotional attachment with the space. The concept of rooting oneself back to their natural surroundings, which is innately unchanging to the user, will be the main focus for this design. Seniors have gone through life seeing physical and social changes in their worldat first hand. The concept for the regent senior living facility will be to root them back to that which is familiar to them, a constant in their life, nature. This will be conceptualized by using organic lines, finishes, and materials to infuse vibrancy back into their lives.

This Page: East Wing Corridor, Corridor Elevation

This Page:Salon andCorridor Elevations

Opposite Page:Salon

Roots: Senior Living Facility

Seattle Children’sTheater

This page:First Floor Plan

Opposite Page:Second Floor plan

Seattle Children’sTheater

Seattle Children’sTheater

Seattle’s citizens’ unique understanding and respect for nature will be represented through architectural features that tie the building to the natural elements around it. Seattle’s link to the waterways that surround the city will be featured within the space to connect the users with the city’s history.

Opposite Page: View of Lobby Area

This Page (from top):

Sitting Area, Exterior, Elevations

Culturally SensitiveHousing

Previous Spread:Exterior views

This page (from top):First Floor PlanSecond Floor Plan

Culturally SensitiveHousing

Culturally SensitiveHousing

The culturally sensitive housing unit was designed for a modern day somali family. The goal of the design was to bridge the Somalian cultural background with the modern constructs of society. The design incorporates the somali five pillars of faith, interpreted architecturally throughout the housing unit. The plain tree, which is found in the Somali landscape is represented as shade and shadow are carefully designed on the exterior and interior of the space.

Opposite Page (CW from top): Kitchen, Loft, Stairway to Loft

This page:Master Bedroom, Exterior Elevation

Vibe Studios

Previous Spread:Lounge Area, Main Bar

This spread:Second and First floor plans (Repectively)

Vibe Studios

Vibe Studios

VIBE Studios is a electronic music recording company, and this skybox is used by them to entertain artists when they are in town for shows. It provides the artists with a place to come together, and enjoy the eccentric atmo-sphere. The inspiration for this design is the electronic music industry itself. Forms derived from the electronic essence of the music will be incorporated throughout the design. The future of the music industry will be mirrored in the futuristic atmosphere of the space.

Opposite Page:Kitchen Area

This page (CW from top):Sink Area, Lounge, Bar Area


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Minneapolis, MN