THE POINTER-§. · acqua1~ted · wit b o~r f e ll ow st_u d ents. Kn owmg · a pel"!'on • s na_me...

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Transcript of THE POINTER-§. · acqua1~ted · wit b o~r f e ll ow st_u d ents. Kn owmg · a pel"!'on • s na_me...


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Assembly To day THE POINTER-§.

Series IV Vol. IX No. 1 Stevens 'Point, Wis . ., September 13, 1934 Price 7 Cents



Students 'Are Encouraged It is with pleasurable anticjpa­

tion that I look forward each year to the opening 'Clay of the college because I know that- that day will



When the . doon open­

ed forty· yHr ago the enrollment was201


WIii the present .

enrollment set new

records for our college?

· 1


Band And Orchema Sta.rt Practice Today

The band ancl orchestra of Cen­tral State Teachers College will hold their first practices today, Professor Peter J. Michelsen an­nounces. Band practices will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3 p. m. Oiehestra re­hearsal will be held Monday nnd Wednesday at 4 :10 p. m. Every­one who can blow an 'instrument, pound a drum, ot play any kind of musical contraption, is urged to come out for these practices.

Band Outlook Bright The band and orchastra that

wil.l represent C. S. T. C. this year promise to be the finest in the

. -. history of the school, and, accord-~ b~:='~ i:; ~~:.!.':~ .. ing to 'prevalent ~umor~, they w/11 oollep splrtl ac&iD IIIZ'l'OGlld8 u, an4 life ta 8VOl'J"Wllere. - mak,e some very fme trips. Jt will

oar oollep cu lit. compared 1111 a lhip Wlllch 1a l&mldliD&' IIPOll' Hll"forty.flnt be .time well spent for anyone mu­T071111e. - upon a t:rf.p we hope to mue more taeolnatlng, D1Dre en,JoJ*ble, an4 sically talented to try out fot mon. 011tstaadlq Ulan M>J" 'Wllleh have ~ It. either of these organizations.

Men 'a Ohorua Tryouts POINTER STAFF . New Handbook The Men's Chorus ;nder the

F S d direction of Professor N. E. Knut-SELECJ10NS ARE OT tu en ts ien,will hold tryouts alt this week ' . ·. ls Publr"shed and next in an ef(ort to discover

Now COMPLETE · new talent. "We have 1l nucleus bring hundreds of students ready The Student Handbook, a guide of twenty ~.en from last year's .., for the year's work, and the fa- . . . crammed with general informs- Chorus, .b!lt if newc?mers • ~ave culty members back from the sum- Editor Klement Amiounces His tion. regarding C. S. T. O'c social more abilitX they will be given mer's vacation ready ' to aet as • Sta.ff Selections · functions, organizations awards Pf1ea._enc;, :rof~or Kn~tzen , guides and counsel?rs .. Let us set • The Pointer opens its twentieth and with information ~egarding ~ a e t to. ay. revip~s llXt)erien~: otvt, at the very begmmng to -make season :with this .iasne, and the the city, such as clmrch ·services 18 .no ~cessary. eue .eonsn thifi a great college year for every editor-in-chief, ·Frank Klement, a and train and bns eehednles, (Onton,':a 08 JIIP 2, eol. 4) young man and wo~an among ns. senior -in the high school depart- which will be of great use to the- =============

' Y onrs "111Dcerely, ment, annout1ces his staff for the freshman in his acclimating pro- ·This J 88Ue Dedicated To coming year. The staff as listed fa cess, has been pub1ished by the The r.r,.a•hmen composed oJ an even doz~ mem- senior girls Handbook Committee r, ,.... b·ers, and represents two statell under the direction of Miss Hus-and ten different towns. sey. lt is a custom to dedicate the

· uted first issue of the school year to . Five Are Seniors· DiJtrib Tf? Freshman the Freslunan. In keeping with

• George Simonsan, a sophomore A copy will be given -~ each this custom a suitable c9lor w'as President Hyer Jpends possessing varied n_ ewspaper ex- freshman as he_ ,enrolls with t~e also chosen. A special 1>age for the

Summer At His Desk· perience. in the sports field, was ~ope that.b_e w1ll 1!1ake nse of. 1t newcomers, featuring appropriate . awarded the post of sports edit'or. m determ1m_ljg various factors !111· news and stories, is a new inno-

"'h" -_-h ____ t_k_' 'ed George w11s ellitor of The Ca'l-di- known to lt1m about campus life. vation. · _ · .. ...e ot ers par oo m van 1 W o: h' kl ·• A glance at this book will prove Th sday morn1·ng ·s the regu re.creation during the p!IStsummer na ' ausau ..._.g s,wee - Y, and lS ·t th . th b . . ur J -

our college presidentspentmost of a. special correspond~nt . fo! _the 1 sTwhor H1t1.dbe kegi0nrung.tytear .. lar Pointer day; but, to serve its

his vacation at his off;ce The M;ilwaukee Journal ; his cruahf1ca- h e ban . oo omm1"'ee 1s purpose, this issue is distributed b · f 1 · th • · tions make )lim especiaUy suitable eaded ' Y Abee Paulson, wno bas on the first day of'sehool. us~ess od c os~g th e SUIDJDte er for the sports position. 1Thyrza r~cently accepted a _te!lching posi-

sess1?0 an openm_g e new ;ID . , - Brnseells, Wis. Other mem-reqrured much work. Then too, (Continued "" col. 3, page l) hers of the committee include Bo- NOTICE the letter load w~s UDD;lually hea- nita Newby, Thyrza Iverson, Mae vy and personal mterv1ews reach- NOTICE , Kalisky, and Margaret 'rnrrish. A general aaembly will be held ed a new peak as to number. On- this morning at ten o'clock ,in the ]y for a-couple of days was Mr. ot Int;lieoni:..s~~.!::.i~e = (Continuea from col. 2, page 1) auditorillJXl. It ii imperative . that ,Hyer able to break away and then 4lrectorJ and to maim \lie book com- . , all students attend u the organ!. made a hurried visit to Chicago. plete an4'~ all lQldcte an urse4 Iverson wilt again handle the zation of -the new term · ii under

The stage seems io be set for a '° nu 011, the nll*ation ~u ({itl's sports. She is the dean of way and many announ-mi. of banner year as the wheels of ' the OGllllllis~ AD4 u ~ aa le the staff as far as Pointer expe- interest to all will be given. '34 session, well oiled •and in tip-~ ~ ~~ t:; .rience is concerned, embarking lln Thursday moruinp are the re­tOJ? conditipn, are beginning their oo11,op, balDe IMl4- local ..i:..::r..,a her fourth year of ~ollegiate news- gu1ar U1em1ily d&JL Inier.ting grmd. telepboae nambu. ~rite pllbllf. · (ContiDUed on _page 2, eo!. 3) prognms are IChedulecl. ·


•• ... . 2 . . THE POINTER

Vol 14 T1IB POINTD No.1

.Published Weekly ot Stevens Point by .the students ol the Central Wia~ooain State :reacber.s College. Snbaoription 'Price $2.00 per ye·ar. •

Entered as eecond-claH matter May 26, 1927, ot the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconoin, llllder the Act of March 3, 1879.

EDITORIAL STAJ'F Editor-in-chief .. ..... .... . ................... . .. . .. .. ....... ,F'!anlt Klement, Assoeiate t:ditor . .. ... i .. . ...........•..... ,. .... . . . .... . : . . .. . . Bob Ste.Iner Men'• Sports ........ . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . •. .. .. : . . .......... .. George Slmooaon Women'• Sports .................... . ... . ........... .. .... ... Thyna Iverson News Beporten .. .................. William Theisen/ Jean Lynn, Frank Gordon Society Editor ..•...................•............... . . .. . .. Mildred Simoll.lOII Featur .. Erutor . ...... . ......... .. ... ., ........ . . ...... .. · ...... Arba Shorey Proof Reade1 •. ..• , ............. .. ..... .. .. .•........ . . , ..... Maxine

BUBD{BlliS STKU • . , Businosa Manager .. .... . . . .. .............. .... ....... .. . ~ ... 1loward Kujath Oircotation M,anagor · .......... .. . . ... .. . ... • • •.• ..•. . •..... .••.. r • • • Elmer Buh Faculty Ad,·iser .. . ...... .. ......... ... .............. . ,.Raymond M. Right.ell

Pointer Offl,qe Pbone, 1684 . ~ Oollege Office Intormatiaa, Phone 22'




$1.00 l'IBE


-~*~· 111111-,· -for wa OCllumD

'Th True • Asking a freshman ·..if he'• greea le

lllce aaldnt a druakard f! be drinlce.

E~touae;· .moi, MadamoiHlle 1'4 _- 111111b' ~ tun do


Don't bl 'ame them Dear Editor: There ari, a half dozen froahmen who

The tr .. hm.en &1"8 w:elcoD1ed at' our aetually believe our profs don14 1talm collate cordially and "al'ncerely. They are maeh beca111e they 're (ontluually alk• accorded no hazing or roag)I treatment . . ing ?.ueati0


fo return we a1lc tllat they preserve the T'h a t 1 0 f t Ir i s h g I e a ID tradition, of the .abool . . One of the1141 . We'd uenae Miaa Boacb if she killed

Extra curricular activities offer an opportunity to become bettei-: traditions eOA'eero, their high 1cho'ol the. fol.lo- wHo' def"in•s a ne.,.,.0

aa a · · b f ll d · Kn · • d and lettere. · < 1 ,. , •• acqua1~ted wit o~r e ow st_u ents. owmg a pel"!'on s na_me Bl\. .The- bard-earned and , co'veted "'S" bu~ne',l Jrii4111an.

sometlung about his personahty does not always b,nng t6 light his ehonld be Ue only athletic award dil· better qualities. Working with an individual and observing · how he playea._ or worn around our college. Au a hi• n am• was Joo solves difficult arising situatons gives one a much better basis for Courtesy and common ae"'!' deman!l, One of the aeoiors coafidod to me

that you rip ff the Utoh of th h!irh that be atteml'ted to •groW' a board, but , forming f~ends~ip~. It •is through work tJia·t _we find out w~ak and achoo! letter~; the ~econ:,, achoof'a qllit when a httle kid mistook· him for .__ strong points; 1t. 1s thr?ugh _woi'k that we get eurselves. acros~ to laurela '!>Dd ep1blems are a thing of the Santa Olaua. ;.

others, ·but, mQre important still, we get ourselves across to ourselves. past and mean nothing in y,oor enylron- · T Ii e A;d v I.a O

r 1

B'o ar d • aya: The development of the ·qualities of leadership and selfreliance ment. In .respect <to our aehool'• Jetter-

in the individual is one phase of college training not foud: in' books. man, ahehre those le.tteia of vazy:lng It you cul_tlvate the friendship of I · , f :f . dlnw b b h . k . I . colo~ and shapes. lt 18 the freahm&l,l'I teaeher1 you 'l!on 'i be plowed nuder 10 t 1sn t our years o _gnn_ t at ~ys t e P<:. et to S!!-C!)ess; t _is taak to earn an ~S" ;~ he deairea to euily.

four years of everythmg connectea with college - pamii1patmg m wear any athletic emblem. And we wiob , . its activities ,rubbing shoulders with'. other s_µidents, acquiring wort him all tbe Incle ln the world. mh , .P O O • tth 1 hm11g,

·. hil h b"ts d t· d · · yt'-·'- th t d 1 ·· • t· · • · :l'h&l\lc ·yon • ·• ere a a green rea an who b!· w e a 1 . an. at 1tu ~s - eve~ _ -g a eve,ops coopers ion AN UPP.EBCLAS8M N licvea that- PllPPY Jove 11 the beginning - ana understanding essential to busmess suCCt!lllt. A wellacultnred per- • . , A · of a aog'a life. so~is .one who possesse~ varied interests. · , . · -----~

College extra ·curricular activities also. have a business y~lue. POINTER STAFF SEJ.ECTIONS ,. Th~n.;h.-i;.,~.°:b: din1:/t.!hman who Employers scrutinize a college gtaduate.'s re;co'r'd exclusive of st'udies ' , &Dll' NOW COIPLETE thought tha1 tho mof1! ·Jie apo~ud the qulte as carefully as they do the scholastic conrse. There was a time., . IIU leaa h\l 1 t1rre'1. . . when college degrees were considered open sesame to any job but (Continued from page • 1 col 8), ·. , ."

· 'th ' t t" · t Th · ft da · ...,,. ' Li · " P.,,oreet tllin.g a . . ime JS pas · .. e era .0 ~ Y is a compeu.1.ive age - your app, · .plll)er work. Arba 'Shorey, the And last -'- there 'i the dumber fre.11-cati~ns and creaentials. Vl/l with scores.~ others - and , t~e m~rgm scholastic well-versed ·journalist man who thoaght that a coquette ""'

. of victory m!y be provided by your ability t'o_ coach a~hlet1cs, ~J.rect. has charge of the feature ddpart'. .a amaJI Coea-oola. . ;,/ .,... . the band, ,or tutor the debators. Yes, be skeptical. Review the_.lJSt of meut and w·u b th ' A:rth B · '!l' , , last.year's graduates who secured positions and see for yourself. bane' f ' th ' ·st·:·f e . 1ur ~ist- ,~ ..., ~hm.. I buhng i yf d ~- '

I · t t b f tb-'l I · · 9 e. "' - aJtO Il.mlll,8 • mr. omit aaya · t at our ~ nca.100 ~ , t 1s _ 1;1e, canno. , e a O? . ~ P .. arer, nor c,an every?ne The society editor .is Mildi-:ed Si- should e...-n onr bread and butter. But be a mus1c1an. But enough vaned act1v1tie~ exist th~t you ca~ ~~d mon:son, 8 sophomore from Minne- wh'o wauta br~ad and butttr 1n tbi• your. place somewhere. So we urge 7ou to partake m the att:Jy1ties ota :h . t ",b 'f d t th modern age 9f delicioua barbe~uo.d · of our school, yet .i:emembering always that scholastic wor)t is a' stµ- 8c·iet;, ~e..°t·oconlarit ~ e_r 0Miledrso; - n • •

1 - ''a

d t ' · · · ·t d' th t · · kn •'h" ·t: , , •·"In s ·yea. . eu- .,,,,eeerve .J11 'to1 llr etu y en s maJor r.equ!s1 el, an a a. wise man . ow~ 1s own capae1 Y:· was-editor o:( her .high school's .Tbo,se who live out of town and have

Use· your_. sch-0la!!,t1c work 8!l .t~e base,. and b~il~ upward. En~rencli paper and 80 possesses an excel- come to attend · school here. at, Steven• 1.ourself m •our school's activities S'o that your development will piv le t ~ppe c •6 f th k Point should ,fol'get they 1iave a girl rallel our schpo}'s growth. · ' · ~ n r ep 0 ~ • or e .wor · back bom, I.or two reaaona: ,_, -. :. . ., -<· , .'. henews , endw11l betajl:e~are (1) What·~ doesn't )Ulow -wou•t

" ... .., ' OOQ~RATION-l!IPPIDl Tll.lllllt-01' SlJO~ .• · , '" o~&J'.: twee repoi;ters; 41~ 'Of hnrt cber. ('rhat ... ,!la.. good-but j'!•£ ,, ,.. · ' · -. • , • • · . , •• . ' · :JI . haA ·,pl!ev.ious eJ1:p$'ience:' wait till yon 4l't back homal) ,

•. ..The..,gr.,een:.c.olo _th1s~e-lias"a . STgiiµrea ce, and 1t 'IS to yo,, eiin ·~ w.iJLhe he cliai man (2) Statbtica have it that to-~yjf Freslimen; that ,ve. dedicate this"· e'ditii>n~ tne first issue of-the school f th C • th t d ~Ir b eo-ed ia be~te't than ever. Better l~g "'ear we· hope you preserve the traditions we .cberish · we hope you O • e .n~ws ga ere~. an WI . e -'-better dt.,..ed - oh 1••, better w?1te -' · • . 1 • • • • • • ' ably assisted by William Thel6en· back hoQJe! , soo.n become a part of. oll!. scnool an~ its l!.ct1v.1_t1es; and we Jiope you 4tid Frank Gordon ,/ Jean JS' 8 se- ? • :

enJ_oy your st!Y at thlS fr1en~ly coll~ge of_ ow;s. We s!lre that. t~e ni r F-rairk is 8 jnnioll and Bilfi~ : ~ 'll e 111 , n I on, t ! cla.ss_- of '38 will earn an envied uam.e for itself, contr1b.utmg freely 1n :a ~ >homore'. Maxin~ Miner- Ji ~ ': th-and .. • .llel~mg to make our ~chool· eve~ythmg that 8 ~ooa college_ Ong~t to ophtkore, ·Ul"Scneduted to do the. . . , ,ntae :i.:::.... . tie .. ~ your work and play ,ve w1Sh_ you -a~ poss:ible luck, a~a we_ ll be JIJ'!>Of reading. ,The new~ . staff is Th~o pot them ln tho.Pointer maill/ox. . wa1t1ng to see _you come through Wltji flymg colors. ~ rounaed 'out by Bob Steiner, a

. Co~nfon sense i; merely abiHty, to adapt yourself_ to your !ft~0j :S~~c!t~c~o~ the MUSICAL CWBS GET IJND~ WAY. ' en vironmeut. ,, ..r ' (Co d " L ) .... :. Bminea lkatf SWell ' ll'tlone from ,pap ·~ ~o 4-

0u~ P'!lblicatiQn (s the student's m;.w"!>p~~er. We want to rrhe b!1slness siae oJ The Pointer the bulletin board i~' fro~ of the , ~ugge~tions, your ad~1ce, and yo~r contr1but1ons. T~e staff pledges, wo~k will be han.dled , 1Y H!)w~d library to !tarn the time and place ,1ts!!lf·to cooperate with you, and 1f-i you ,2oo~erate w1tli usewe'l!}'e KyJath of ·'Wtl!lttield1 a S,llmor m or tryouts and praetic'ea. · able to ·serve you better. the hig)l school department'. He W ,. So•-+•• ~...:_. '

. ' ' • . ~. served ljis 'high scbqol; i,aper 1 and omen .... -rs ~~o · . "Why spend !our years teaching .studen~ to be ~ln and wo- s.nnual ln the same caj,acity, so· All girls intereated in trying out

men Y" says Dr. King·-0f Amherst CoJlege. "My tbeoey is that'the ·mi- the work will not be new.-Howard for the W omeJl 'e Glee ·qub pleai14! · nute they enter college tbey are~en and wome.n and as such ,shpuld has pic\ted as his circulation man~ ~eport to M'r, Michelsen,'s rOOJD' be treated · . ,•" • ·. _, • ' , ager another sen1or1 Elmer Ruli • . Thursaay-·ifternoop at 4 :}-0 p. oi. •• ~·- It , sho~d ~iways .b~ reJDe~bered that' fodustry e:p~oys men. · NOT,IC.E'' ' ''CJoUqtau'' ~ Bead.7 ' It does not ·employ, college courses of stndy or degrees. • ~ · · . , · Aaron 'Mannia, !e~~ of the

• • • 1 • Thia 6di1io.n ta ~arid bt • "Oollegiana", ~entnl State', 0*4 · Incoming sfodents should remembeT' t,hat first .impression,s ~ jRillf, u it wu ~ .student" -orchestra,' requ'ilata th1i not ·easily erased, ana should, then, a1l~ ac~ordingly. · .' ~ , to have tile 001!7 in \ha lumdlf of ant~ne wit'h ~evioua_ .dauce..or•

0 , • • • .:_ file prinwn at a.d&&e too,~ to chMtra expl?'Jeuce see him and

When in Rome do as the Rol]l&ns do; when .ju college -:: !ell, l!Qeet 1ae1p al tu maaben try out, a, ~here are .. .-eral. ~ follow the examples of the be~ students, · • · 81 1utecl canc1ea caued by graduation •

.;' ·,. r, ''+ ,i,

l .

' .


-DEAN ·sf E'IN:ER Reg~nt A twell ~ives Message FROSH GREETE-D WELCO~S. fROSH si~:r:/es~~rn~ ~:r: V; 0s:eiett; BY DEAN HUSSEY Importan~ Good Beginning,.. assu-;'ued-.-. 'when . more cayably . . Message Welcomes Newcomers

· ., , 8treB1ed by Dean a student be- We giye you To Thew Future Alma Mater "Well begun is-half done." The comes a • mem- t h e sin'cerest "\VEbCOME TO c. S. T. c.,

· words' of .this old prove~b are _as ber of a college .· ~gr'eetmg·, t~ust- FRESHMEN! Welrome to this in-true today as ever. Everyone re-_ student . body. Jog that y Ou stitution' which will probably b·e

You sh o u 1 d . .will soon be-~xert - yourself' come ~dapted to do yeur best; ' to the new. en-re,lizing th at virnment. ll'his

• t h•e youth Of eoll~ge i~ _.for-'t ~ - a a y 'will goeJng its· way soive the- tiro- to the front, blems 'of ~ to- making a name

is ·to pre-

for itself. We h -ope your growth is pa­rallel."

Berth& B11N19y

cog.nize.s .the importance_of a g~o·d \ . . . your, AI,1t{A M.AT~l A ·college beginning •n any w9rth while un- .Churches Welcome .School Store Is Calle<! become6 a student's .AtLM.A =M.A-de.rt&king. •Success raDeLy ,follows " A'll Stu.Jen·ts . The Counter 'rER (KINDLY MOTHER) when aJ:Pfod.iff~tent beginning. Tl\e f'U'st . µ, \ . tha,t J;~udent confalil?utes his ·full half of the·first:.semeste·r of.a· col,. · ·· . The glass encl.osed room direct- . share to the standardll of scholar.

· · le'ge'c9urse has b~en called the col~ .Stevens Point ~a,s _more ·chll!ch- ly ·acro~s from. the library and to ship, of morality, .anc1. of social .¥- lege critical period. , It can "lie eii than .any ~t:l'. its.size, pr_aetical- the left of the center stair's is the betterment for the_ members of

passed · safelr. only by. meeting ly every denommatton havmg one Student Store - known as The that school! w EL co.ME TO ·~ ~ach itllllk ,.promptly · and by per, or· mo_r'e represen~~tive _of Counter. It. fulfill~ sev~ral impor- YOUR .ALMA MAT~, FRESH­

forming it to the. best 'of y_our worship .h,~re. The cler~y~ are m- tant pur_poses. Fnmai:ily, it han- IMEN ! " ability · - terestecl m 1,he ittudents an.d open- dies a complete line of .school sup-. · · -4·

~. · · · · ;.. . • · ~ · ... ly welcome them. A message ... of plies, including special ··books and ~~ . · · · · ' • ,ve]come follows: , syllabuses · written by Ceniral. .'

. To The ~tudentii-·ofC:-S. T. C" State instructors for tlieir 'classes. · · "The churches a~ glad to bid Jn order to satisfy' the dire ·crav-. • ,

' , , • yo1_1 a hearty welcome _to ~teveq.s ing .of our .collegiate . "s,v.eet , . · , · R • PoJ,Dt. •We hope you will hke om: tooths", it sells .all sorts of con-., Lou,:ige o<ims For ,,- city, and t\lat your stay here .wtll lections and. fruits. . · • . L "b · u_, ll ' ·

Men And Women be pleasant. ~Ve want Y?U -to kn9w . • Alw~ ,00011.erates . , l rar~ ..... e ; ' · - • -. · · · that are. 1Dterested m yo'u and- ';.,Secondly;,; the· ilounte:t:, .Jo order, .:-,;-.,..:· -';. d a:Si..,.

The, Men ind Women' of Cen- .your well ·being, ai;id )Ve invi..t!\ to further the spirit ·or coopera- .~u,ppe , 10 tral ,Sta.te . will ;aeaQJ. enjoy their you to COljle to us at any and a il tion wliic'h prevails ·at Centmil ,;, •. c· ·. . ··c:, .. • .

,.r :'. respective' loung_6'TOOm~ as• i,n th!\ times when~·we can-lie of ser;vic~ 'State, collects class and ' . lVe . .:JeTVlCe past. ~ ~ " to you. . ' . tion dues and setts· tickets Ior --.----

-<' • ~,The Me~s' ~oun_ge has been . 0,hnrch~ Are ~ en<qy . · their v~rious entertainment!!; thus. The. Cenfral State Teachers ()oJ­newly ·?econted ,',(1th penants of: , "-Our doors swi-l)g wide to all- it aids the student ,body in another lege library b~en pronp~ced

:;· the. 'J'ea_ci\~rs, CQi~ege a_nd .of -the students every Sun'daY, morning. manner. , . , . · one of the most sat;1sfa~tory_ m tile •1'J.ruvers1t! 1>£ w.~consll: on ~he :Yo,u '".il) find the announc·ement The, counter ilJ. not· a money- coun~ry. It contams over 23,000

walls. ThlJ, room .. ;is prqvided w1~ of the e:h·urch of your chorce in making proposition used by t,he ~oks, 3,900 pamphiets, ~nd 9,000 .co~fo:taol~ fµrniture a.nd !l- ra\Jio,, tJie Saturday-'s issue of our da.ily. schoQl, but is" simply a convenience, p10tures. These are available ~or <It 18 m ch~~ge of s~~erv1sors e- paper, :·the .· Stevens ~Point Daily· 111; tbe - .comma:nil of the student student:, ,se. ~w: .. the stu~e~ts m­!Jlcted by 'tpe..res;pectlve ctas~es at Journal. Plan to ·attend church on: body. It is managed by one of terested m ~cumce, there 1s a val)!­

. the_~ea1;),'s ,meeti_ngs ~~_.-will re- the vecy first Sunday that.ion are your fellow-st.udents and is under a.hie collect10·~ of booi«l ·along the -..mam open as J.on_g as 1t 1s..proper- in 't!ie city! .You will find • that the· supe,vision - of the Dean of west ,~all ~now!! as -~he Culver ' :Ty and ,apprecu1J1vely_.1f!:ed }?Y t1ie YO]?-!' church .jg tru)y inter~sted in }!en.t It is qpen for business be- Memorial, This valua.b1e men, of'the-.col!ege. · .~ your ,velfare. It 'will provide coµ- tween ·all -claS!!s, before and atter case of boola; 1s con.stantly berng . T.he Wome1;1 s Lounge,- J_oca~ed ·genial feHowaliip and clean social scnool, and on Saturdays morn- added to ~rrg. C!)ntam.s th~ latest

. , ~ .the northeast part of the bu:!d· times. ·I~ will .also recommend you: ings. . • d.~~ on. sc1enti~1c subJects. In 8* ng ne~r t~e Ho':°e Ecpnom1cs when you are seelring a· po:sition. · . • _ , d1_tion to . th.ese feature!; .t~ere 1s,

·rooms, JS on the frrst floor, and •More than that .. your church will Last Minute News · regularly on hand foi: current -._ .. ~t affor4s q·nietnts- an~ res~ to. th.e Jielp 'you towards a fu_ller develop.· , . !"eading, a colleetion of l50: maga-· • · wo!Den ,of t1ie college. Jlus room .ni.ent. of your entire periionality. Monday s enrollme!!t, m,dicated mes- and ~e_w.spape~, both literary

.• lB m chal'ge '-of- tne W. ·A, .A. and t ·"Man does · not live by bread that a new recor!l ma.y be set be- and. educational. . . , h~'beeti' ~iil~e.d by th,e v.ariC?,~ ·alone.•• .. ,. '. , ~or~ ~he week is ove1:., :,viten clos- O_onveni~ tly Located

gll'Js, orgaDizatipns. Coe9s, both' , Very sincerely yours - mg tune came, statistics showed The library 1s Jpcated on these-new and old;'" are urged ,to a:c- ,.. ' ,PHILIP s DY>B~io that 305,. -mostly Freshmen, "had cond floor of the ma~ building. quaint-; tbemselve~ ·with the. com- -. Pres$t-eriai Association ·peen at the office. Laat 1t consists of a large well-lighted fo.rts of,this lounge. # • • • yelll' tile first day's enrollment reading roo.m, stack room, offices,

··.: ,. • A PO&rOP.FICll BOMANOE n11JDber was 265. This gives ua an and the text-book library. The 4 BUOOEBTION · F~ie,iash;J?, N. 't. advantage of 40 ; and iUhis'figlire course offered_in Library- Science

P~ytkaa;!)ttidleel~.'!'der · '-'" Love, Va. · " • repreaenta ·a ratfo, our enrollment is of an indrspensabJe -natnre to m m - •· R.i,aimee,.Fla. · should ·• aurpau· last year's. t otal freshmen, as it· teaches them ho,(r

·~ A11.d·'yoii 0090 ,rilJ fina yourae!L ) Ring, Ark. , J h lib d Bolding ha'nds .with suceeaa. ·;;, :r._arson, Xy: • with ease, ·anc1 climb on·to a new to proper y use t e rary an

· • -E1t11er P. 'adden ,, . '.; · Rno, Nev.. , . . recorj!. • · find material in tb·e guickest w.ay.




I ' J



EXPECTED BACK ::::::~: :;::·:::::~t:_01r:~?:c~~~~.::·~~~·,B~~~;·o!:> .BY. COACH KOTAL October 6 ................ Oshkosh(' .... ...... here (Dad's Da.y)

· October 13 .... · ......... ·. . Northland~ , .... .. here {Homecoming) Oommenta on Schedul~ Touted New :af.ateri&l October 20 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . :Milwaukee-- .............. ,. .. : _ there Oomplimata e Fellows

Should Pill Gape October, 'J:l ..........•.. in. Wesleylan .. , ... &t Bloomillgwn, m. "A hearty welcome - to "ye" The countenance of Coach Kotal N11vember 3 ...... _ .. · ... ... Whitewater* ............. . · · · · · there old and to ·~ye" new - studenta

is taking on a look of hope these November 10 ............ Platteville* ... , ............ • here (?) of C. S. T. C. The hospitality door-

days ·because of the ri:turn· to ;,~~~~~~;T;h;os;e;m~ar;k~,~d~·;n;r~e;c~o=nt:c:re~n~ce::=ga,m~c:s:'.::.::::=:~== mat in our office spreads out ill! , school of sixteen lettermen of the · l~eachers Col- Coach's Quar:ters -

}e!! :ta~~io:'!1:. Rebuilt; Arranged This group, it ii:i For Convenience' hoped, will form ll-==;:aaai=========I the ,nucleus for Th&t ole football spirit is in the ·coach Kotal's office and supply another grid title. the air again. Drop &round and room had, in past years, been sad-

I T h e · veterans watch the boys practice and get Jy in need of more space; the past who have already the fever too. vacation saw the conversion of

"donned the padd- · , an outside hall into a small room ed togs in antici- Before the season st~rt_s we al- which will be used for issuing and pation of a tough ,vays hear many predictions. To checking in . the · athletic equip­

, · season are Cap- conform to that custom we're ment. This will simplify the work 1- tain Warren Beck- adding ours. We predict: or the managers. because each

i:~.:...;,- er Myron Fritsch, (1) That the season's .most ra- man who desires his equipm~nt W~Becktr R~nald · Murray, bid fan will be Mr. Tom will be forced to wait his turn

o,.ptatn Ted Menzel, Mil- McGuire. - before an iron-grilled. window. 'ton An de 1' s on, (2) That the schedule is plen- , h h d

Charles ,l\fcD'ouald, -BO'b Broome, ty' tough. . . The confusion wh1c as pre O· minated before and after each Ray Nugent, Don Unferth Al Zur- (3) That the fellows will be in

I b d - h

!Iuh, Russ Beppler, Oscaf Copes, there fighting their hearts practise wil e one away W1t by the addition of this new fea-Ben aud Bruno Slot\viuski, and out.

Chal'les <Sparhawk. (4) That we'll get heck for ture. · New Talent. Uncovered this column. Bulletin B0&rda.:Moved big open.arms on one side and all

During spring practice, held for . In addjtion to this, the bulletin around the edges II.Ilks for your un. · the .first time this past spring, a With a presy who m.iaaed ·nary boards for athletic tips and events conditional suppor,t for the com-great deal of hitherto unknown & game. last year, a cO&Cb. Wh<>!'9 have been placed outside the of- ing school year. 'l'hey way things talent in the second semester ar- hobby 11 building ~p1onahip fice. The athletes w!ro• are lazy look, there will be many new faces rivals was ~i~covered. ~ong the teams, & hon of returning letter- (we hope there are _none) now in our lineups this fall and winter. most prorrusmg candidates are men, and a ltudent _body tbat will be forced to walli: several ex- Graduation, financial reveraes, Gib Pophal, Jim McGuir!l, Tom backs it& team. we're · hopingly tra steps to learn· the good or bad and specialized education on the Benson, Wilfred Schmidt, and ho]!9ful news, 01' to keep posted on the part of tiome of our athletes has Bob' ·Steiner. Many' ~eweome!8 , , . . . . . 'timely-athlefic.topics placed thei;e cut deeply , into our old ranks. showing more than ordmary abil- L&st ye~r s champ1onsh1p 1s lu- by Coach Kotal. Along with this comes the new ity are .in uniform and several are story. This year's gang cannot talent who are ever tio anxious to certain to crack down regular rest on those ~urel~. It's up to push the old timers into back seata berths on the first squad. Just them to. get to work if they want High School Grid"ers - and often do. To date I have who these fortunates will be· is to increase Central &ate's mono- · had the \>est, nicest, happiest • not. easily fathome~ at the present pol;y on gold and silver. Begin Pr<,1ctice group of fun-loving •'to ugh but, judging from prep school . · mugs" that I have ever had the records some are more tlian or- We wish Coach Kotal would Satur(lay, Sept. 1-, opened the pleasure to coach. I said \wo ,Years dinary 'ball toters and blockers. ask pis fellows to step lightly, be- 1934 Point High School s'ootball

·· Nine ':Memben Loll cause the sod on the athletfo field season, with more than forty can-Perhaps the only doleful note is in' good condition. didates reporting to Head . Coach =============

inthe entire business is the loss . Harry Ringdahl and Line Ooach Schmkkle Field In

tConUnued on page G, cot 1)

of nine members of the champion- Leonard Roy, tough -1 u ck Allen Bostad. shlp s(jnad, either by graduation, Chall;l]!, reports he's going io be a This first practice 'SSW the re- Tip-Top Condition ineligibility because of thJ'.'ee years magunan became of . that trick turn of 18 members of th9; 1933 A.

~ of competition or graduation. knee. squad. These veterans will form . Those lost hr three years of com- the nucleus of ~his year's el~ve~, rpetition or graduation. are Cap- Oscar Copes timidly admJts and even at this ear}y date md1-tain Richard Schwahn Nola~ Ore- -that he is tht!\_. ''man frour the cations are that a strong starting gory Frank Klement~ Bill Scrib- north", and. tbat his home town. line-up, composed of members of ner, ~nd Leon~rd Rf,y. Those de- To~aha~k, is ~he city that made last )_'ears squad, could_ be put on ciding to cast their lot elsewhere W1sconsm possible. the field .. But no team 1s stronger are Frank Menzel an.d Don Abel, than its :reserve material and the wh~ have enrolled at the Univer- ,Let'!\ call .it a day! development of nine members of sjty of Wi6consiu; Bob Marrs, who . • last y~ar~ B squ3:di_ 3:nd the ne\v

· is transferring to Northwestern Lo~ And /ntereatrng m!1ter1al 1s the obJective of Coach University; .and GerrJ_' Holm, -~ho Trim• Lure Manv ~mgdahl. . has accepted a teaching pos1t1on ,,- • .., Schedule Announced

• at Mattoon, Wis. · Candidate& • The prep season will open with Practice Sessions Tough . Eau Claire High School here on

Kotal fa desirous of rounding A echedule with trips in1o two Sept. 15. The complete conference -his men into shape as early as neighboring states, one of the trips s"Cliednle for tne Point team fol-'1)ossrble because of th~ proximi!Y fe9:turing an overnight _ stay . in lows: • . of the first game. This game will Chicago, serves 11a a b~t which Sept. 22 .... Marshfield (there). be played . at St. Cloud, Minn., has lured ma~y footbaIJ. prospeete Sept. 29 ·. . . . . . Wausau (here). against the St. Cloud Teachers, on outfor_;act1ce each m~ht. '.l'li~e .Oct. 5 ........ Nek~osa (here). Sept. 22. The Minnesota peda were ong tri always are filled with Oct. 13 ......... Antigo (there). undefeated and untied last year. exci~~t galore, and will, un- Oct. 20 ..... '(there). Consequently, hard and numerous qoubt.edl)\ find scores of candi- Oct. 27 Wisconsin Rapids (here). wo,;kouta will be in order. · aates seeking berths on the squad. Nov. 3 Me~ril, (there).

The final stampede of the.1933 championship Purple Wave left. the at~Ietic field sorely--}vonnded and trampled. Mauy doµbted ita ability to recover from the pound­ing of last ;rear's goal-maddened Pointers, but the openinl{ of the 19 34 · football season fjnds Schmesckle field once ·mon in tip-top condition. Constant and unremitting . care ,ind sprinkling all summer has succeeded in pro­ducing the necessary green and springy turf.

Coupled with the renovation of the field, a new, tackling dnmmy has been constructed. Situated in the southeast comet ·bsek of the cinder track, the. dummy will aid · in the practice of tacklea, blocks, and cbarges.

Sturdily built, it ia reinforced by steel tubing and J)ONellea' the latest in rollers and 1lides for,nia­ing and lowering the ~:


.. , .. 'l'HE POINTER

ATHLETftS GREETED Foot~~ll Men· Re~eive ·C , . . , Their New Equipment

BY. CO A CH (0 JAL The athletie department played (Contmued f~oii, page • col, •> the r?le of Santa Clau~, a!1d when

' the gift sack was emptied m Cqach ago during liasketball season that Kotal 'a supply room an inventory for good all-round fellows, they revealed ·that the football men had could not .come any better. · Las~ profited thereby. Six new foot­fall I had to repeat that statement balls, twenty-four pair football with emphMis an·d this year from shoes, twelve pair ,of football all appearances I ma! hB'l'e to re- pants, seven helmebl, eleven .P!llr peat with re-empha.sJ.S. We have of shoulder- pads, twenty-five this year- just what it ta"kes to prac'tice jerseY1!, twelve dozen ath­make a good .fqotball team - ep.- letic shirts, twenty dozen pair of thusiasm and spirit, and plenty of s·weat sox, and t,~elve _dozen to)V­it. Our ideals are high and we els, formed the major part of -the really have ;;omethfog to be proud new equipment. of - let us ke.ep it that way. With r,,,,,=========="'"i! Captain Becker and several au. conference men leading our war-riors thui fall we can assure our- M ti" ''The Po:nter" selves of one'" thlng, and that is en 08 IW that we will be in there every =========;=== minute. · .

- Tough Schedule -"We are faced with what is

without doubt tl1e ~ougnest ·Teach- CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE ers College schedule in the state and unquestionably the hardest one Ste"ltens Point has ever at. tempted . .Aside from the regular foui:- con.ference, we have a "'ame with Northland College, one with La-Crosse Teachers, and a

Fruits and Vegetables 457 M~ St. Phone. 51

Same Worn Ow fluestion:

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' game eac1!~th the 1933 c~a-~­pions of m.~eso~ and Illinol6 college6. :This e~ame schedule without a .let-up may prove . a "Back 'breaker". However, .Jet 1lB

stick together and work together every minute - 100% student ·sP-ORT SHOP support and 100% ath.letic effort. We can think of the bi,ma~a -every time one . leaves the )iunch it get1111kinned. .

" To you old timers - I want to say that it has been more than a pleasure working with you. I feel your cooperation constantly and want you to know that I ap-preciate it. .

To you new timers - Make it t<>"U"'h for the -old timers. •'l'':i . all you students - ,Come

out and watch our practices. You are welcome."

Eddie Kotal

· Teachers College Bus Has New Home

Gym Clothing 422 Main Street


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When the Athletic Committee purchased the new bus last fall they .were <;on.fronted with . the problem of housing the velucle. Du.ring the summer_, howeve_r, ~e solution was found m the bmldmg of a garage to tl).e rear of _the cen­tral heating plant. Athletic funds and a state appro,J>riation made .the structure possible, although President Hyer and Mr. Schmee· ckle also ileserve much credit.

• . Advertisers_ ~ .. . '" '·

The gahge has been . constru~t· ed entirely out. of brick an~ will be heated· during .the wmter. There is ample room in it for two buses and if one can believe ru­mors, we may soon have a new addition to fill the · vacant stall.



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6 •



Surftmer Term Enrollment of 607 Ranks Second In The State

A -aenior suggested that we omit al l .Available interesting statistics give UB a basis of comparing our jokes about Fre~hmen. ·He sez: "They -school-with tbe other colleges as to enrollment and •eac"el'll.:.during Jack 11 senso of humor." Which, the ,., ~ jokes or the freshmenf • summer school session. ,Central State Teachers College, located~ one

1st Sopb girl - "That freshman I saw ,you Wl"'ib last night looked like a -flat tire."

2nd Soph girl - "Yeah, I'm going to use him for a q>are now on.'-..'

Junior - '' Our college. was founded in 1894." ·

Fr&Shmnn - ·"I did11't even bear that lt was loated.', · ·

Frcsh·mnn p .l - '·'You go to college, don't you 1"

Boy friend - "No, this '8Uit looks this way becans~ I elept in It laat night.'' ~

Father (to son leaving for college): "Goodbye, son. Write to me often.

Spenthrift son: "Thanks, Dad,- that is mighty generous of you.,,

Copes - "Say, dig me up a girl for to-njgbt, will youf"

B-roomc - r' Sure, but why not take­a live one1,,

of the smaller cities of the group, ranked second in enrollment - a tribute to its faoulty, its location, and .the. epvied name it has built up for its~lf. This table also shows that the teachers al Central State tied with Milwaukee State, Teache:rs as to pupil load; thili indicates that out .teachers are harcfer working than 'any in the state.

City Pop, Bnrol1ed Tr. 8chL Tcllr&.

Milwaukee . .... ':s72,557 1,306 . 194 "70 Stevens Point .... 13,662 607 179 36 Oshkosli . . . . . . . . 40,075 , 408 286 41 Superior . . . . . . . . 36,100· 453 228 38 .Whitewater . . . . . 3,463 438 154 . 31 Platteville . . . . . . 38,687 , 347 108 31 LaCr06se . . . . . . . . 4,045 · 340 135 41 . , Eau Clair~ . ..... 26,3~7 325 142 ' 38 River Falls . . . . . . 2,353 279 98 32

' -

·Pupil 1-.1

21 plu.s 21 plus 18 plus 20 plus 19 11 plus 11 plus 12 plus 12 .'

HOW IANY'D_O y·ou INOW? Here ar~! :::~ 1i!o t1iat . , m'llny of 1M .make:

,F-01lowing are listed 100 abbre- 'ne ·deluoioo that imdlv-idnal advance· viations initials etc. found in ment ia 111ade by e~uahing others down.,

everyda~ use fu fact they ate" so· The tendency .to <worry 11bont a thiug • : ' that cannot be changed or ·cor,epted.

bn!~f.~ freshie - "May I hold your common that one -should be able lnslating rtbt a thing ie lmpoasible Sopbomer Lady- "It isn'.t heavy; ·! to say. what each one me11ns at a, becauae ,we<ourselves cannot accomplish

can manage it, thatik yon." .glance, How many do you knowf it. • . • ' .

These Jokes are poor, I heat you aay.

· Bot you ought to see Those t~rown fway.

Answer ~vill be publisbed · next . Bef~g to set. an~e <trivial pr~er• ences, in order that 1,1Dpo>tant th1np

week. • m~y •be aceompli~ed. ,, ,

' 1 M " • L .)( A N egleeting developement and reflme· • • ,,J. ~ • • • ment of the mmd by not acqairing the

2. A. E. F. · 52. vol. , hab,t at -readi11g. , 3. M, O. 53 . .. Y. M. 9. ~. • Attem""'ng to e_ompel other pereona

. 4. Al 54, h. P·~ : to bellev'r~nd live ae w.e do. . 5. B. & O. 55. Gov. ALUMNI · NEWS 6. B. A. · se'. Deg. • '

Tbe failure to eltablilh the habit ot

7. T. N . T. 57. Adv. . aaving money.

by / 8. H20 58. Mo. FRANK N, SPINDLE 9. ·o. O. D, 59. G. ll. T.


Wo· are biind until we ••• ' Th,i.t in the human plan ·

Nothing is worth the m&king If It doea not mako the man.

Why build these citieo glorious U man unbuilded goesf

In vain we build the world· uuleao The · builder alao grow•. -Edwim Markham, in Tea'!' and

-!l'ruck Ownero • maga111ne.


Cement; Flour, Fttd, Groceries, Coal

fbone 57 217 Clark St.

TYPEWRITERS and Typewriter Supp/its SELLS - RENTS ~ R.EPAlRS

'PHELAN :~~~~~!!~~~T.

Studenjs! Iti Appreciation

Of Their Support

Patronize Pointer


10: X:, K. K. 60 llJil . . C yl. sos 61. Jh. ·

The 40th ~nmversary • of om- l2. D. 9. M. 6'11. ,vet .• SCHOOL DAYS MEAN

mencement time ~as a gr~at sue- 13. N. c. 63. o. o. P. cess. T?~ Alumru Banquet ~t Ho- ·14• o. M. c. 64. ~- o. o. F. tel Whiting was the largest m the 15 B o 65. B. a. A. school; it was very enjoyable and 16. R. o · A ' 66 . . B:- P. c. o . .brought back to all the growth c,£ 11: P.' n:. · 67. A, A. A,: the last forty years. 18. 1. 0 , b. 68. L w. w: , , The graduates were especially ill. A. w. O. L. 69. R . . o. T. ·C. glad to welcome · the original 20. o. 1d. T. O. · 70. st. ,· teachers of C. S. T. C., Mrs. Brad- 21. B. l>. o. E . 71. e. g .. ford, Mr. Sandford, Mr . . Collins, 22. KDKA 72. Fr. and fo hear from Judge . Parks, 23. N. ~ ·73. Corp. Justice Nelosn, 11nd .Regents u. X. c. , , 74. H. M .. s. ' Dempsy and .Atwell. 25. 9. K, , • 75, Inf.

The address on Commenc"ement ·26· R. F. D. 7 · P., O . . , Day by Dr. Arnold Gesell was Ii 27· .M: E. (church) '¥7.- vs. . notable one and lias since been 28· w. C. T. u. 78• oz; , printed in a most attractive ·book- 29· R. S. V. P. 79:-~e. le.t. , ~O. B. V. D. ~' 80. Gen. .

.- 31. S, S. 81, 1.' t. (footb&II) C. S. T. C. starts her next forty 32. iP. a 82. .. s. (l>J1eeball>

years filled with .hope and courage 33. D. D.• 83. if. A! . · , and looks forward to still greater 34. D. D. s. 84. Gr. days. 35 . . L~t. 85: u. s. M. A.

THE POWEll OP WORDS Words are very pot.,;t tbi.rgs, Used by eommonon br ltlngs. Many varied_ Toles tbey f»J; They· ean 1erv'lor olay at .will. Words ean mitigate, in.flame, Ce-naure, stimulate, de.fame;

36. Tel. 86. ,A. D. 37. Fed. 87 • .A. :p,

,38. M . P. .. 88 • .P.t. 39. U. S , •, ,,89. Pol'. .40. D . .A. R. 90. eapt il. S, P. O. A, 91.


!Pb. p, 420 ~- A. U. 92, R. R. •

_ Stab, enchant, exaaperate, Sha,e.kle, quench, exteouito; Sta.r,tle, eootbe., allta.gonie, Cheer, depreu, monopolize;

43. P. E. '(ehurcli) 93. 11tet .~ · , .44. S. li. 0. · 94. vi<.

Bli·ght,.embelli,h, de1ecra~e, r Cballeng~ menace, captwate.. WoTd.a were made for you and ·me; Wordle11 wha..t woll)d urorta!a be! •

--Grenville Kleiaer.

~. lltd. -, -9~. Ger. ; .• 46. N. G. 96. Pvt. ., 47. F. D. ' 07. Rev. 48. C, •P. A. 98. Dr. ·£ 49. ·MS. , 99~ J..L. D. 50. L 0 : U. ' 100:· U. S. N. ;.

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SRO~ FOR EVERY· PURPOSE Good Shoes Are Never Expensive Here


b~~S SHOES•·•• . .ScH·ooL SHOES ••• :STREET SfIOES SPORT SHOES•-•~ . .,



, I


~-·~....:.~~~~~==~~=======~~====~ I. pm 'UIE POINTER 7


"' )

NB w ~. . .. • . . . . . -. .- ALWAYS AN ADVERTISER

•••lll[lll•ml!•••••' ... ~elaon Hall Notes will bo ,again given The. Women's Athletic Associa- U-.l-r 11"-'s Sto~' theu customary place · in our co)lego, · · · f · C 11 , - 1W "1

" paper; 1:t is only through the nil co- tio~ 18 one o. o~ . o eg~ s ~~~ J!..===:..;;======~ PAOULTY RBOEPTION operation.of every l>ormite •that a llv- !Cfave orgaruzations ·; it furrusheg

Tomorro,v evening from S. ;_30 to inJ and interesting eolumn ...,n ba mai!'· wholesom!l recreation for . girls F==========""'ll 11.·00 the students of ,..entral State tained. Drop your new~ aud -uot~s in during every. season. -Membership Welsh ' DRY

':' the Do m Newa Box or in the Pointer · t 11 II · J S C'LE ANJ"'G Teachers ,·,College will 'be en,ter- otfioe mail box. · 1s open_ o a co ege women, mter: a iv,

tained at the annual Facultyc ' · : • ested m · sports ... I-ts stogai:,., "A PROMPT SERVI.CE Student reception. ,Dancing will sport for ev_ery gll'l and a girl for be enjoyed until 11 :30. . , · COED DORI FILLED eveey ~port, " is ~ college by- Phone 688

All Sch 1

Party wor~. Ruth W~ner UI the W.A.4. 00 • • Nelson Hall, where many pric·e- president. . r,,,============:1

. Satu,rday evening all the stu- less .friendships...are,..Armed each Thew. A. A. column _wil~ be a .- Official Jeweler· To dents are invited to a~tend an. all year, again'iin~ its fo~ug doors feature of each week's issue. schoQI -par;ty sponsored by the so: open. The-rooms· filled and the fr""===========t C . . S. T. C-. cia_I comm.itte?. DanciQg will be amassed life, hope, and energy ac- THE SPOT CA. FE FERDINAND A. IURZY ~nJoyer from 1! ,30 to It :30. Th~ co,mulated during the summer by ''Th Gill c-.. .. dance will 'be held,,in the new gym, the coeds -is again finding- an out- · :A Good Place, For nasium. Bring your student ticket let. c, d He:' " What would I hav~ to give you

.wit):i you._ , . · The . do~ also seelDll to have µtu ents .To .Eat:. tor ,pnat """ lriaaf"

Ohurch,es•Entertain - , ' . taken· .on a new life, possibly due iiiiiiiiiiiimllSihi~.= ·1•1•olhllolroifiorm···"•••• _'The receptions to ~he st_udent11. t? :ihe re_newed . intei.ior decora­

by the .. varioll#_ churches of the t1ons and :!JlOre !-i~ely due _to the city are planned ior next week; ~ewness. and sprr1t of the mcom­Friday. September 21, is the date mg freshmen. • listed j.n our s~hool 's, social c:alen- Many who have made Nelson dar. • Hall their home in previous years

MEBTi:NGS ,SCHEDULED are again here but t he lst'Monday"~very month ~ : . . -~ , majoi;ity of ifs population is com­

: . .- . . ·P-rofessiopal organizations posed of first-year coeds:

3~ Monday eveey month ... : . . _ ·t:""==-=======~"""11 • • . ... . .. .. .. · .... ... . . Rural Life

3rli :Monday every month . ·. . . . , • ... • .. . .. . ... . : Harliquin Ctub

4th i\~onday .every month. .:.r. . . . . , · . ..... . .. . ..... , .... Iris Staff 1st iru'esda.y ~v'e'fy moiith .. . -. ~ ...


Office and School ; Sup_plies

Tllr..naeJJ Line· ., oF FANCY G~o~ ER1Es

. ,,. .. : . . . . . . . . Sigma Tau _Deltlf 2pd Tuesday every month . .. : . •

.,. .. . . ' . ·. -~ . . ;, l\largari:,t.As'hmun. 3rd Tuesda.y e-very month .. . . . ,. ~herwin Wi!liam1. -Paint, ~ : · ... . . .. . . :._. . ... . Sigmil Zeta ~ ami :Varni,r.hei .

4-ta;ruesday every ·month -, . . . . .:i-', ;:: ~-... ........ · ··: -- '· -- ·. w. t .. A. T' he .u _.P Tow· .n

Evecy W eduesaay .. · ... .. .... :.,

Ev ..... T.h~- Redligious or~nii:ations ~"- INCORPORA'l'E~,: .•

ery UJ:~ ay ' .. .. . ,. , . . . .. . 4"'6-u"'.:.S Pb orui " . , , ~<'. ~ • • , , •• Social organizations _., ,'!TUWI tr~t onec 77'0.

. _Jliier Well' Attended' ,.. -The .F)-esbmeil Mixer last' night ,r,,i,,===========rl

m~!f .a success, in ev~r_y. sens~ of CENTRAL .. • the 1,i ord. A rec,ord .croJVd attend- S'tA.Tt.'. TE'AGHERS ed .and many ,111!"1'. acqW1intances i;;;

were: made·. The Freshmen Mixer' · COL~EGE is. a -le'gendll\'Y but po,Pular event · STEVENS· POINT, WIS. ' ea~h.;rear w~en school eon_ven~s., EA Sl~ ~cc·EsSJBbE , .. -~.

.... ~ ' '. ~Jcnsc. Relativc:ly- 1..ow ·~tt.:

~tion Unau.rpused for ·H'caJthfu.Jncas

An Jnflucnt eAU well ~ • xbooi :: ~~ AcccP~ .;:i• t •!l Uninrsi~C9


* .

·TEN n·ooM -. ·(~upid~s <;:upbocuft)

I' "'., ,,

F; r Y<Sur .. , I . ;,-.. • ,

l>qrec Coune1/ or ~II Teachers ~

Special Training' for Home Economics and • · )Jun.I F.ducatioR

L~nch~,~-0~~8.. ...... I . "


' .. ;,~~

Pho1.1e '21

;, •.


For The Coining· Year

.GO Tff ~



' Pamou1for.

Jumbo Malteds . '

J1,1[nbo S5>pas-. T a~lor Made Salad~

. T asty,Sand.wic~es:.,: Noonda; Luncheons

·.-·Chocolate Fudge· Cake . '

"Our Fountains Are Famous

.,, '!' ·· For Chocolate"

·(.·Taylor's -Drug'· Stores ~-

~ifts.:.:Stati0peey ~ Feris-Greeting Cards · · • ) 1· i- ... 1



" '

. l j



MISS GILBERT · College Campus Gets New Coat ·Of Dirt

JOINS F, 'CULTY One hui\dred fifty cubic feet of Jl . d_irt were. SJ!r~ad over parts of the

.Bon Ton Bea11y Sliop •LOOK YOUR ~ES

Over Adams Drug Stlltt PbiNie 1038

WISCONSIN. SHOE SHOP Expert Shoe Repairing

Iil Strongs Ave. ----- campus to recrudesce a beauty

Substitutes For Miss ~n; spot of" the- city. The ·once level i:,,,,,=,\,,========~ r==========""':i Hae Held Many P~sitiom . . lawn had become uneven from

The :post of Women a Physical winter's wear, and freezing of wa­E~ucat1on head, formerly held by ter in -the lower spots •caused the l\f1ss Ev~ Seen, now on leave of grass to die. The low areas were absence m order to complete her rurt-filled and in time-· we hope

• to again have one ·of the most

degree. work at Columbia Univer-

beautiful campuse11 of the state.


Men1s and Boys' Clothing N. J. KNOPE a SONS

IDEAL DRY CLEANERS Suits Clea.,z.ed and

Pressed~· Hats Cleaned and Blocked


Plioae 295-J 102 Sl6ngs Ave.

sity, has been filled· ,by the ap- r,,,,,====="""""""'===i1 ])Ointment of Mias Verna T. Gil-bei:t. · ~·

Miss Gilbert; B. A., M. A., re­ceived her Masters Degree from the University of Oregon. She bas also continued graduate work at the University of Chicago; Kendall College of Physical Ed­ucation, Chicago ; and Penn Col­lege, Oskaloosa,'rowa. • V '



Senlce oa All Mura of Cars

STEVENS PODtT IOTOR co. Phone82 Before coming to Stevens Point

Miss Gilbert he1d positions in the l=="'-'========I Women's Physical Education de- i;,,,,==""""======~ partments of Oskaloosa High School, Oskaloosa, Iowa; Minot Teachers College, Minot, North Dakota ; and Eau Claire Teachen College, Eau Claire, Wis. ·

.A thorough ,knowledge of her subject coupled ,with .a pleasing

, personality will ,surely ma-ke her welcome to the stall of Centr~l

. State a pleasant one.

Mr. John Shem Wina , •. State Appointme~ Civil Service exa.mination11 un­

der the supervision of a state exa­miner were conducted this past summer for a head-janitor to SU· pervise the maintenance staff. A hundred or more applications were received and a rigid test followed. Mr. John Shern, a ·1oeal resident; won~on the merlt_of his qualifications. He ls to be eompli­~ented on his latest appointment, and on his ability - outstanding enough to place him at the head of a list of five-score applicanta from various toWJ18. ·

· Mention

The Pointer


· Ringness $h{)es Fit Better W~ar, 'Lrmger








-Adve'rti;ers . -~ -.




A St!Yle /or every - . Figure

· A Color /or every Complexion

A Price for every Purse

Opposite Fox Th9Cltre

AMCO T/,e G,vaJul Name ln Roofing



Faculty ant! Students!







WELCOME BA.CK - ' ' ""

·students an4 ·Faculty "' THE .BARTIG 8l10RES still the leading groeers Qf the ~ity

· arein a better position than ever before to aupply the gro· cery needs of Y.C1ur kitchen. We serve you in eueh a fashion that you will enj~y ,hopping with us. In Ad~tion >to 'the aerviee we render, we a)Jsolutely know that you ean save money by making our clean, bright stores your groce,y headquai:t~M.

The Bartig Storee will lnaert an adve~ent of this size in every issue of the •Pointer. Watch for our special prfoes weekly. lt is to your advantage. 1


o-, A1 TINE 29c SI.ICED PINEAPPLE 2' -:5c ''SOC Size • , . • : - _s oz. Tins,3 for . • ,,

·~~~.1_5c r~~tE~,3£: .. 2sc No. 1 Store

218N. E. Publiq Square


No •• Sto:re 748 ChlU'Ch.

Street (South Side)