The Passion of Christ and...

Post on 06-Sep-2018

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Transcript of The Passion of Christ and...

Jesus drives the money-changers out of the Temple

The Pope welcomes the money-changers into the church as sellers of indulgences

The Passion of Christ and Anti-Christa woodcut by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1521)

Essential Question

SWBAT describe the ideas

of Martin Luther.


the reformer…

Martin Luther

By the way,

This is

Martin Luther King, Jr.

We love him! But he is NOT the guy we are

talking about!

This is Martin Luther.

HW: Make a six-frame comic strip

Due Monday, May 12

Luther’s Early Life Luther’s Doubts Luther’s Teachings

Luther’s Nemesis:

Johann Tetzel

Luther’s 95 Theses Luther’s New Church

Luther’s Early Life

Luther’s Doubts• Luther visited

Rome early in

his career.

• Here he began to doubt the teachings

of the Catholic Church.

• In the video, which teachings does

Luther appear to doubt?

Luther’s Teachings

• Martin Luther

became a priest.

• Luther believed

that God is not a

God of hate, but a God of love.

• Luther believed that no one could buy

salvation; instead, salvation was a free gift from

God—and anyone with faith would get it!

Luther’s Nemesis: Johann Tetzel

• Pope Leo X sent

Johann Tetzel to

Germany to sell

indulgences to

raise money to

build St. Peter’s

Basilica in Rome.

• How does Tetzel convince people to buy indulgences?

• Would Tetzel have convinced you to buy an indulgence?

Luther’s 95 Theses

• In 1517, Luther nailed a list of arguments against

indulgences and other church abuses on a church

door in Wittenberg, Germany. He also sent the list,

called the Ninety-Five Theses, to church leaders.

Why does the pope, who is richer

than the richest, build the basilica of

St. Peter with the money of poor

believers rather than with his own


If the pope truly has the power

to free souls from purgatory,

what doesn’t he just do it for

everyone for free?

Luther’s New Church

• In 1521, Luther was

excommunicated after

he refused to take

back his statements.

• He started his own church,

which became the first of

many Protestant churches.

• His ideas spread very

rapidly throughout Europe.


I’ll just

start my

