The Nuts and Bolts of Deep RL Nuts and Bolts of Deep...

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Transcript of The Nuts and Bolts of Deep RL Nuts and Bolts of Deep...

The Nuts and Bolts of Deep RL Research

John Schulman

December 9th, 2016


Approaching New Problems

Ongoing Development and Tuning

General Tuning Strategies for RL

Policy Gradient Strategies

Q-Learning Strategies

Miscellaneous Advice

Approaching New Problems

New Algorithm? Use Small Test Problems

I Run experiments quickly

I Do hyperparameter search

I Interpret and visualize learning process: state visitation, value function, etc.

I Counterpoint: don’t overfit algorithm to contrived problem

I Useful to have medium-sized problems that you’re intimately familiar with(Hopper, Atari Pong)

New Task? Make It Easier Until Signs of Life

I Provide good input features

I Shape reward function

POMDP Design

I Visualize random policy: does it sometimes exhibit desired behavior?

I Human controlI Atari: can you see game features in downsampled image?

I Plot time series for observations and rewards. Are they on a reasonablescale?

I in gym:reward = 1.0 - 1e-3 * np.square(a).sum() + delta x / delta t

I Histogram observations and rewards

Run Your Baselines

I Don’t expect them to work with default parameters

I Recommended:I Cross-entropy method1

I Well-tuned policy gradient method2

I Well-tuned Q-learning + SARSA method

1Istvan Szita and Andras Lorincz (2006). “Learning Tetris using the noisy cross-entropy method”. In: Neural computation.


Run with More Samples Than Expected

I Early in tuning process, may need huge number of samplesI Don’t be deterred by published work

I Examples:I TRPO on Atari: 100K timesteps per batch for KL= 0.01I DQN on Atari: update freq=10K, replay buffer size=1M

Ongoing Development and Tuning

It Works! But Don’t Be Satisfied

I Explore sensitivity to each parameterI If too sensitive, it doesn’t really work, you just got lucky

I Look for health indicatorsI VF fit qualityI Policy entropyI Update size in output space and parameter spaceI Standard diagnostics for deep networks

Continually Benchmark Your Code

I If reusing code, regressions occur

I Run a battery of benchmarks occasionally

Always Use Multiple Random Seeds

Always Be Ablating

I Different tricks may substituteI Especially whitening

I “Regularize” to favor simplicity in algorithm design spaceI As usual, simplicity → generalization

Automate Your Experiments

I Don’t spend all day watching your code print out numbers

I Consider using a cloud computing platform (Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2,Google Compute Engine)

General Tuning Strategies for RL

Whitening / Standardizing Data

I If observations have unknown range, standardizeI Compute running estimate of mean and standard deviationI x ′ = clip((x − µ)/σ,−10, 10)

I Rescale the rewards, but don’t shift mean, as that affects agent’s will to live

I Standardize prediction targets (e.g., value functions) the same way

Generally Important Parameters

I DiscountI Returnt = rt + γrt+1 + γ2rt+2 + . . .I Effective time horizon: 1 + γ + γ2 + · · · = 1/(1− γ)

I I.e., γ = 0.99⇒ ignore rewards delayed by more than 100 timesteps

I Low γ works well for well-shaped rewardI In TD(λ) methods, can get away with high γ when λ < 1

I Action frequencyI Solvable with human control (if possible)I View random exploration

General RL Diagnostics

I Look at min/max/stdev of episode returns, along with mean

I Look at episode lengths: sometimes provides additional informationI Solving problem faster, losing game slower

Policy Gradient Strategies

Entropy as Diagnostic

I Premature drop in policy entropy ⇒ no learning

I Alleviate by using entropy bonus or KL penalty

KL as Diagnostic

I Compute KL[πold(· | s), π(· | s)

]I KL spike ⇒ drastic loss of performance

I No learning progress might mean steps are too largeI batchsize=100K converges to different result than batchsize=20K.

Baseline Explained Variance

I explained variance = 1−Var[empirical return−predicted value]Var [empirical return]

Policy Initialization

I More important than in supervised learning: determines initial statevisitation

I Zero or tiny final layer, to maximize entropy

Q-Learning Strategies

I Optimize memory usage carefully: you’ll need it for replay buffer

I Learning rate schedules

I Exploration schedules

I Be patient. DQN converges slowlyI On Atari, often 10-40M frames to get policy much better than random

Thanks to Szymon Sidor for suggestions

Miscellaneous Advice

I Read older textbooks and theses, not just conference papers

I Don’t get stuck on problems—can’t solve everything at onceI Exploration problems like cart-pole swing-upI DQN on Atari vs CartPole
