The Novel I Studied is the Railway Children by Nesbit

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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The Novel I Studied is the Railway Children by Nesbit

Transcript of The Novel I Studied is the Railway Children by Nesbit


The novel I studied is The Railway Children by Nesbit. I like the story very much.

The story is about three children named Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis. The children have wonderful parents and a happy life in the city.

Then everything changes when father is jailed for being a spy. The children move to a small house in the country with their mother. Near to their new home is a railway. The children befriend an old gentleman who always waves to them from the train. They have several adventures on the railway.

I like this story because it teaches me about bravery. The children face the big change in their lives bravely. In the end their father is set free for he is not a spy. I like happy endings.

Yes, I think the title of the novel The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit suits the story.

The story is about three children named Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis. In the beginning, the children have a happy home in London.

Then one evening, two men come to their house and take their father away. After that, the children move to the countryside with their mother. Near to their new home is a railway. The children love the railway.

They make new friends and have many adventures because of the railway. They even save a train from a bad accident. They also learn about growing up through the railway. In the end, the railway brings their father back. This is why I think the title is suitable for this novel.

The most interesting event in the novel the railway children by Edith Nesbit is the saving of the train.

The story is about Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis, three children who move to the country. Near to their new home is a railway.

One day, the children see a landslide. Part of the hill falls on the railway line. The children have to warn the next train or there would be a terrible accident. They tie the girls red petticoats to sticks to make flags. The train comes very fast. Bobbie runs forward waving her two flags. The train stops just in time.

It is interesting how the clever children save the train. I really admire Bobbie for acting so bravely. I am also glad that nobody is hurt. This is what makes this event exciting.

The character I like the most in the novel The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit is Bobbie.

Bobbie is the eldest child in the family. She is only twelve but she is very brave. When a landslide covers the railway line, she stops the train by running onto the tracks with two flags.

Bobbie is loving and thoughtful. She takes care of her mother when she is ill. She is grateful to her brother for sharing his favourite toy with her. She asks the train driver to help repair it for Peter.

She is loyal to her father and does not believe he is a spy. She even tries to help him by telling the old gentleman about him.

Bobbie is a wonderful person. That is why I like her the most among all the characters in this novel.

The story tells us that we must face lifes challenges bravely. I think that this is the most important message

A moral value I have learnt from the novel The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit is family love.

The story is about Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis. Their happy life changes when their father is jailed for being a spy. The children then move to the countryside with their mother.

Mother does not tell them the truth about their father. She loves them and wants to protect them. The children miss their father but do not talk about him because they love their mother and do not want to upset her.

The children love one another. When Peter is caught stealing coal, his sisters share the blame. Peter shares his toy engine with Bobbie because she likes it too. Bobbie asks the train driver to repair the broken toy to make Peter happy.

It is love that helps this family to face difficulties. The story shows me that family love is important.

With the old gentlemans help, the childrens father is freed. In the end, the railway brings Father home and the family is together again. I like this happy ending.

The most important message in the novel The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit is to face lifes challenges bravely.

The story is about a family whose life changes overnight. Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis have to move to the countryside with their mother after their father is taken away by two men.

The family faces many challenges in their new life. Mother has to sell stories to earn money. She is sad about Father, but she puts on a brave front.

The children miss their father but bear with their feelings bravely. They face problems with courage. When a landslide blocks the railway line, their brave action prevents a bad accident.

I like the ending of the novel The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit.

The story is about three children, Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis, who live a happy life. Then one day, two men take their father away. Their mother is ill with worry and sadness. The family moves to the countryside. Their new home is near the railway.

The children make new friends and have many exciting adventures. But they never forget their father. They pretend that the train could take their love to their father.

Bobbie accidentally finds out that their father is in jail for being a spy. She believes it is a mistake. She asks their new friend, the old gentleman, to help her father.