The New Rules of Fat Loss

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The New Rules of Fat Loss

The New Rules of Fat Loss

Benjamin Brown, MS, CSCS

About Me

Do diets work?

• 5% success rate

• 66% of dieters gain the weight back + more

Weight loss vs. fat loss

Weight loss vs. fat loss

Which has more calories?


Special K w/ OJ– 81g Carb– 6g Protein– 0g Fat– 332 calories

The types of calories affect the hormones we produce*calculated using

Veggie omelet with fruit– 26g Carb– 26g Pro– 15g fat– 330kcal


Hormones control fat storage

• Caloric restriction• Insulin dysregulation• Alcohol• Sleep deprivation• Refined carbohydrates• Stress• Toxicity• Bad fats and HFCS

Rule #1Focus on macronutrients, not calories

• Macronutrients dictate hormonal responseCarbs = Insulin = Cortisol = Fat

• Calorie restriction alters hormonal responseGhrelin, Leptin

• Thermic effect of foodProtein burns more calories and stores less fat– Protein calorie ≠ Carbohydrate calorie


• Determine how we feel from meal to meal– Happy, sad, hungry,

energized, cravings, stressed, tired?

• Choose real food more frequently for better hormonal control

Rule #2Know your Protein Goal

• Detoxification and immune system function

• 2g/kg/d minimum for strength and size– 200lb man = 180g– 150lb female = 136g

• Food Matters Trailer

Typical Day1. 4-6oz bison + handful

macadamia nuts2. 25g BCAA peri- workout3. 5g EAA / 20g Whey post

workout4. 4-6oz chicken with large

greens salad5. 4-6oz salmon with 2-3

cups veggies

Rule #3 Rotate foods often to avoid sensitivities

Responsible for 90% of food reactions• Wheat/Gluten• Peanuts• Soy• Corn• Milk, dairy/casein• Sugar/Artificial sweeteners• Fish/Shellfish• Eggs, specifically whites

Rule #4 Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Omega-3 vs Omega-6

“The diet of our ancestors was less dense in calories, being higher in fiber, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and fish. As a result, the diet was lower in total fat and saturated fat, but contained equal amounts of n-6 and n-3 essential fatty acids.”Poult Sci. 2000 Jul;79(7):961-70. PMID: 10901194 article Below

“Today this ratio is about 10 to 1:20 to 25 to 1, indicating that Western

diets are deficient in n-3 fatty acids compared with the diet on which

humans evolved and their genetic patterns were established.”

Omega-6 overload

Optimal ratio of Omega 6: 3 is 2:1, however the Standard American Diet is more like 25 or 50:1 – VERY INFLAMMATORY

Types of EFA’s

Rule #5Detox Daily

- Xenobiotic attack- Chemicals not naturally

found in the body- Endocrine-suppressing /

Estrogen-like compounds

- “A man born in 1970 had about 20% less testosterone at age 35 than a man of his father’s generation at the same age.”

Detox Daily

Detox Daily• Daily bowel movements• Juicing green veggies +

lemon, ginger, beet, garlic• Fiber• Medical food powders• Herb specific protocols for

estrogen-like compounds• Sweat/infrared


Rule #6Train for Growth Hormone

• 75-85% of 1RM and shorter rest periods (30-60sec)– Train HEAVY

• Hypertrophy is best– 4sets x 10reps w/ 60s


• Lactate production

Rule #7Sprint Intervals

• Short bursts of high intensity

• Produce more GH without excess cortisol

• Strongman training• Improved glucose

metabolism• Improved fat reduction

Sprint Protocols

Tabata• 5 min warm-up• 4 min WORK

– 20s MAX– 10s recover– Repeat 8x

• 5 min cool-down

Manipulate variables to progress client every week

Beginner• 5 min warm-up• 10-15min work

– 20s @ 90% Max– 40s recovery @ 60%– Repeat 10-15x

• 5 min cool down

Rule #8Prioritize Recovery and Sleep

• Unloading week (1/2 volume) every 4-5 weeks– Maintain intensity but ½ # of sets

• Epsom salt baths and Magnesium– 4-6lbs Epsom salt– Men: 2000mg per day / Women:

1200mg per day

• Sleep 7-9 hours every night consistently at normal hours

Rule #9 Smart Supplementation

Basics1. Digestive enzymes2. Fish oil3. Magnesium4. Multivitamin/mineral5. Probiotic6. Vit. D3

Fat loss with omega-3’s

• Fish oil> 1-1.5g per % body fat for first 3-6 months

• 15g per tablespoon• 1g per tablet

• Beneficial for every cell in the body– Inflamed – EPA– Cognitive/Pregnancy -


Pre / Post-workout Supp’s

Pre-Workout (30min)1. BCAA’s2. Acetyl L-carnitine3. Caffeine

Post-Workout (immediately after)1. L- glutamine2. Vit. C 3. Magnesium glycinate4. Greens powder5. Undenatured Whey6. EAA’s

Supplementation• BCAA’s and EAA’s

– Increase protein synthesis and glucose tolerance

– Speed recovery and aid in fat loss

• Dosing– 200lb male: 40g BCAA’s peri

workout and 15g EAA’s post– 150lb female: 25g BCAA’s

peri workout and 8-10g EAA’s post

The New Rules of Fat Loss

1. Focus on macronutrients, not calories2. Quality of food matters3. Rotate foods often4. Protein Goal5. Eat fat to lose fat6. Detoxify daily7. Train for growth hormone8. Do sprint intervals for cardio9. Prioritize recovery and sleep10. Smart supplementation

Thanks for coming!!!