The New Gender Gap

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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The latest Today’s Professional Woman Report from LinkedIn and Citi explores how women and men define and achieve success. To continue the conversation, visit Connect: Professional Women's Network at

Transcript of The New Gender Gap

The latest Today’s Professional Woman Report from LinkedIn and Citi explores how women and men define and achieve success.

The New Gender Gap


Inspired by the conversations in Connect: Professional Women’s Network -- the fastest-growing LinkedIn group, powered by Citi –

Today’s Professional Woman Report explores women’s career and financial concerns.

For the first time, the survey included men, which helped offer even more perspective on women’s

approaches to work and life. The findings suggest that the gender gap still exists, though not always in

the ways we might expect.

Women approach their careers with a healthy dose of risk and creativity.

The average professional woman expects to have

8 different jobs over the course of her lifetime.

“When I don’t feel challenged, valued or like there is room for growth, I begin to explore my options. I also believe that when you no longer support/agree with the company’s business model or the direction they are going, it is time to look elsewhere.” 

Andreana Salvemini, Lead Account Manager

More women than men are employed in careers that differ from what they

thought they would do when graduating college (45% vs. 36%). Women are also more likely to think that they

will work in a totally different industry or at a different company

in 10 years (30% vs. 19%).

“When you lose your passion for the business, it’s time to regenerate, recalculate or resign. Joann Wagoner, Managing Director

While nearly half (47%) of women surveyed feel they’ve achieved their

personal goals and consider themselves successful, women are

more likely than men to make several career transitions as they

progress toward their goals.

“I have to be happy in my job 70% of the time. 30% of the time, it’s ok not to have the salary you want, the title you want or be in the location you want. But once your overall happiness about the job goes down, that’s when I start looking for another one.”

Surya Santhi, Digital Strategist

Women and men both “want it all,” but they define “all” differently.

When it comes to defining success, men place more emphasis on marriage and

children. 79% of men equate “having it all” with being in a “strong, healthy marriage”

versus only 66% of women. And when it comes to kids, 86% of men factor children into their definition of

success versus 73% of women.

The number of women who do not factor marriage or

relationships into their definition of success has nearly doubled (from 5% to 9%) since the survey was first conducted in July 2012.

Women and men find common ground in their values and ultimate goal.

The #1 most common word professionals used to describe

themselves, regardless of age or gender, was hard-working.

Finding the right balance between work and life is the #1 career concern

for both genders, with slightly more men identifying it as a major concern

(50% of men vs. 48% of women).

Juggling family, work and time for myself has always been a challenge. I learned that I could have it all, but I couldn’t have it

all at once.Katie Schwartz, Speech Trainer

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Join the conversation!Connect: Professional Women’s Network, Powered by Citi, is an online community on LinkedIn that helps women achieve the careers they want and discuss the issues relevant to their success.

For more great insights from Connect members, check out the discussions: How Do You Define Success?,Exit Strategies at Work and Leading With Confidence.

You can read LinkedIn and Citi’s entire Today’s Professional Woman Report here.

Visit for more information and to join the group!

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