The mystery of hilbury mansión

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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hello my fans this is my first history, sorry if its wrong of ortografi but i liked the form that i did

Transcript of The mystery of hilbury mansión

The mystery of Hilbury mansion

narrator: Once upon a time a King called lord Lucario V, which was the actual king, had a mansion called the Hilbury mansion, this king had a mystery in his mansion but the two only piece of this mystery that he had was that his girlfriend was assassinated one day at the gardens of the Hilbury mansion and the

Day one

(Lord Lucario gets up and gets dress and then he go out of his room and Larissa is there)

Lucario: good morning Larissa, can you make a favor for me?

Larissa: of course, and what is?

Lucario: please say to all the servants that I will see them in the dining room

Larissa: ok, but why

Lucario: oh, it doesn´t matter to much for you Larissa

Larissa: ok

Larissa: all the servants please go to the dining room

Servants: why does Larissa told us that we need to go to the dining room?

Larissa: are orders of lord Lucario

(In the dining room)

Lucario: Mr. Gentleman and Mrs. Ladies I will interrogate all of you and if you don’t cooperate you will suffer my fury so you will tell me by the good way or you will tell me by the bad, which includes suffer, way

(Servants start being scare)

narrator: Once upon a time a King called lord Lucario V, which was the actual king, had a mansion called the Hilbury mansion, this king had a mystery in his mansion but the two only piece of this mystery that he had was that his girlfriend was assassinated one day at the gardens of the Hilbury mansion and the

Lucario: well I don´t wanted to do this but

(Lucario takes the neck of Larissa and start to make pressure)

(Lucario makes the tightening stops in the neck of Larissa and he throws him to the wall)

Lucario: you can go out of here

(All the servants get out)

(Then Lucario throw a chair and it gets brake)

Lucario: ¡ahhhhhh! I don´t get the think that I wanted

Servants: we´ll need to take some cautions so we going to be in groups of two to be safe of lord Lucario

Charles: this going to be the groups: Larissa with me, Lucy with Wayne, Gina with Reynold and for final Liz with Blue

Servants: ok

Servant: oh, no it’s starting the thing that we were scare of, the spirit of all of the lords Lucario, the spirit of being hungry of power and destruction, we have hear of the terrible things that the other lords have made

Narrator: and they were divided in groups of two servants to be safe of lord Lucario power that maybe could destroy an innocent servant

Day 2Lucario: good morning Larissa, Charles why do you´re walking with Larissa?

Charles: oh, mi lord It´s because… she wanted some help because… the tube was broke when she was doing his labor

Lucario: what strange thing, Blue fixed that tube yesterday

(Lucario get bad and start to pursuit them)

Charles: Larissa run get out of here tell to the others, I will distract him

(And then the sky was color grey, starts to rain and the lights of all the mansion was out of service)

Narrator: then a big sound of suffer was hear by Larissa

Larissa: (crying) no Charles, why you did it, why?

(Larissa escapes and goes to the base and tells that to the others)

Lucy: Larissa are you ok, why you´re crying?

Larissa: is Charles, he is dead

Gina: Charles is dead?

Larissa: yes he was killed by lord Lucario

Reynold: but how, why?

Larissa he gave me time to escape

(By the time, with lord Lucario)

Lucario: she escape, maybe they´re planning something to stop or calm me but how I can be calm if one of my servants killed my girlfriend (Braixen); I want to, to broke, throw, or heat something but what thing, oh no, what does I have did, what is this hungry of power and destruction that I have

Narrator, then the appearance of Lucario change completely, he looked like Megalucario, no, he was Megalucario, then he feel that he was more powerful and more bad than ever

Megalucario: this power makes me feel more powerful than I ever had feel

(Megalucario throw a big table to the wall and the table gets broke)

Megalucario: now I can go and “search” (kill) all the servants

Day 4

(In a few moment of a reunion of the servants the wall gets broke)

Servants: oh no, it´s him, run out of here

(Megalucario take the table and throw it to the wall but it fall on Gina, in consequence Gina is dead and if we count, two innocent servants doesn´t is with we)

Narrator: all the servants run away from Lucario to the garden

Narrator: they go out to the garden and they were pursue by Megalucario in a violent act

Lucario: servants where are you?

(Servants are keeping silence, Lucario enter to the mansion greenhouse but one servant, which is into the house, put some fire in the house to burn lord Megalucario)

Larissa: no, if we burn him we wouldn´t be more

good than he

Narrator: but the servant ignore what does Larissa said and he burn the greenhouse

Lucario: do you try to burn me? I will make you pay for that thing with your lives

Narrator: so Megalucario pursue the servants and one by one were eliminated except three servants: Wayne, Larissa and Reynold they escape into the big

gardens but they were lose, they were in disadvantage because Megalucario can see through the wall fern

Lucario: servants you forget that I can see through the walls

Narrator: so Lucario started to look through the walls and see if he can find them

Lucario: if I had kill them when I had the opportunity, I would have been searching the guilty that assassinated my girlfriend

Narrator: but the thing that he didn´t know that they were divided in groups of one person, so he started

to search one of the three servants, then he found Reynold and the pursue start but he didn´t had the time

to run and then eliminated and it was the same thing with Wayne, then only was Larissa alive in the gardens of the mansion, at the only time that his life was quiet by a thread she run away fast as she could do it to be safety

but the true is that no one is safety in the mansion if lord Lucario is in the mansion and that means that Larissa isn

´t is safe

Larissa: huh, this is a big garden, where is the exit of this place, I have to rush, if Lucario find me it will be

my end

Lucario: huh, where is my flame powder, I can´t see nothing, oh, I remember where is, is in my greenhouse

but I can make some blue fire with my hands or I can use my car

Narrator: and Lucario used the car to search Larissa but in a few moments he found Larissa

Lucario: well, I find you; I’m surprised that you survive from all of those moments that I was uncontrollable, relentless and you survived but you didn´t will survive

Narrator: Lucario take the neck of Larissa and start to make pressure

Larissa: no, Lucario, no, no one killed Braixen, I am Braixen

(Lucario put down Braixen)

Lucario: but how, Braixen is dead

Braixen: no, I’m not dead, I´m alive

Lucario: but how?

Braixen: I simulate my dead to see what you will do

But, now I´m here with you and that is the thing that now matters

(Lucario is stooping)

Lucario: huh, I feel bad, I let the revenge control me and I was so angry that I make a lot of destruction, I am so sorry for all the destruction that I made and for all the innocents and everything that I broke

Braixen: don´t worry of that

Lucario: you have the reason the only thing that I need is you Braixen to rebuild all my things