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Now Forming



JULY 2015


Covenant Network’s Response



Pam’s Ponderings



Break Downdividing Walls



I stood in the back of Williams Hall at the closing of Vacation Ventures and watched the children, all wearing T-shirts with a picture of planet earth and the words, “WE ARE GOD’S HANDS IN THE WORLD,” printed on the back; waving their hands in the air, singing, “I wanna be Your hands” and stomping their feet, singing, “I wanna be Your feet. I’ll go where You send me; go where You send me.”

Echoing through my head was the question raised the night before at the Ebenezer Baptist Church inter-faith prayer vigil for the victims of the Charleston massacre, “Who taught that boy to hate?” I could barely catch my breath. The children at Vacation Ventures were being taught that to be God’s hands in the world is to love, to heal, to trust, to serve, to give. Who taught that boy that his hands should hold a gun and use it to destroy people who had welcomed him into their loving circle? He learned it somewhere. If we don’t think that the haters in this world are intent on teaching hate and violence, then we are not paying attention! They are serious about their mission. Are we serious about ours? There couldn’t be a better time to recommit ourselves to our mission to overcome evil with good; to Make God’s Love Visible. Now is the time for us to reach out beyond our own families and invite others to join us in this community, where we are seeking to learn together what it means to Be God’s Hands in the World, to Go where God Sends us, to do justice and mercy in the world.

Isn’t it interesting that the lingering debate over the place of the Confederate flag has taken on a new intensity in the aftermath of the shootings at Emanuel Church? People who have not been vocal about it in the past are speaking up, major retailers are declaring they will no longer sell Confederate flag paraphernalia; the tide is turning. Some judge this as “politicizing” in a time of grief. I don’t see it that way. I see it as an expression of the deep human impulse to be in solidarity with those who are grieving. When someone we love dies, we want to DO SOMETHING for the family. We want to say with our actions, “we are sorry for your loss.” Often we bring food to the family. It is one thing we can do, in the moment, to tangibly express our love and support. It’s a start.

Those who really want to show support for grieving families don’t stop with a casserole, though. They show up at a memorial service, they come over and help with the many post-death logistics that can consume families, they host out-of town guests, they are there months and even years down the road to help. Likewise, the demands to take the flag down from public places are a way to immediately show support for those grieving. It may also be a way of saying, “We are sorry,” not just for your loss but for not speaking up sooner, for not listening sooner, for not acting sooner for justice.

Bringing down Confederate flags, a symbol of racism that the killer cherished, is the right thing to do. It is an immediate expression of love, support and solidarity with the grieving. It is a start. It is NOT ENOUGH.

We have much more work to do in this country to expose and eradicate racism in all its guises. It is our calling as followers of Jesus to “break down dividing walls and hostilities” (Ephesians 2) and to “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12). The good that overcomes evil does not keep to ourselves, grateful that we and those we love are safe; rather, it acknowledges that we are caught in an “inescapable web of mutuality” with all our neighbors who suffer! The good that overcomes evil does not passively avoid controversial topics about race and violence that make people uncomfortable; rather it speaks up to name evil and speaks out against it. The good that overcomes evil is not satisfied with being brave enough to speak out about the systems in our culture that perpetuate violence and hate against our brothers and sisters, rather, it dares to work and act for change!

So let us pray, like Solomon of long ago, to have an understanding mind; to have the wisdom to discern what to DO in the days ahead.

Now is the time for us to reach out beyond our own families and invite others to join us in this community, where we are seeking to learn together what it means to Be God’s Hands in the World.




Trinity has been a long supporter of Covenant Network of Presbyterians, an organization that works for the acceptance of the GLBT community in the PCUSA. Following is a statement issued by the Board of Directors of the Covenant Network in response to the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.

The Covenant Network is profoundly grateful for the decision of the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the Court proclaimed that states may not refuse to grant marriage licenses to couples of the same sex, and must recognize valid marriages contracted in other jurisdictions. The decision expands marriage equality nationwide and affirms the equal dignity of all persons, removing one form of legal discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

We are also profoundly grateful for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s embrace of marriage equality, as affirmed in the newly-amended section on marriage (W-4.9000) in the Book of Order, which took effect this month. Now, with the possibility of marriage for same-sex couples expanded throughout the United States, more pastors and sessions will have the opportunity to welcome couples to celebrate their marriage covenants in Presbyterian worship.

We are eager to support teaching elders and

congregations as they engage in ministry with LGBTQ persons;

resources are being

collected here.

We recognize that some Presbyterians do not discern God calling them to participate in same-sex marriage services; both civil law and the Book of Order protect the prerogative of churches to decline, and we strongly support freedom of conscience for all. We are committed to remaining in conversation with those who do not share our perspective, honoring all as sisters and brothers in Christ; to studying Scripture together; and to witnessing to the reality of LGBTQ lives, and how both church and public policies affect them.

We are also aware that LGBTQ persons still face serious challenges to equality in other areas, including employment and housing. The PCUSA has a longstanding policy opposing discrimination, and the Covenant Network will continue to further that commitment, working actively and joyfully for justice and inclusion in church and society.

Likewise, we are mindful that both our church and our nation fail to live up to our best principles in other areas of justice. As proclaimed in the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, “In Christ, by the power of the Spirit, God unites persons through baptism regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction. There is therefore no place in the life of the Church for discrimination against any person” [F-1.0403]. And yet – as news from Charleston and elsewhere has tragically demonstrated in recent months – racism and other manifestations of sinful failure to live out God’s love still plague us. We have resolved to explore how we can take concrete steps to address these challenges as well.

For information on this issue from the PCUSA, go to As always, your pastors are available for conversation and to answer questions you may have.



AWAKENING: A STIMULATING START TO YOUR DAYFor more than a dozen years, a group of women has gathered every Wednesday at 7:00 am for a light breakfast and stimulating conversation around a provocative book that pushes us to consider new angles on the life of faith. This group, formerly known as “Faces of Wisdom,” will be relaunching this fall under the new name “Awakening.” Because the group aims to finish by 8:15, working women are able and welcome to make Awakening part of their day.

What is Awakening?

Awakening is not, strictly speaking, a “book group” since the group studies a book chapter by chapter rather than digesting an entire book in one meeting. It is, in some ways, a spiritual reflection group since the women share their thoughts on where the author’s ideas intersect their own experience. But it is also more than a spiritual reflection group, since the group selects and chews together on some “meaty” book selections.

So what exactly is “Awakening?” It is an opportunity to be awakened (yes, at 7:00 am) to new ideas, new relationships, and new angles of vision on our life as disciples—both individually and as a community.

The group will begin on Wednesday, September 16, at 7:00 am in A116, with “The Heart of Christianity,” by Marcus Borg. Christianity appears to be at a crossroads, and religious historian Borg draws a distinction between what he calls an emerging paradigm and an earlier paradigm. The distinction is important because Christianity, he says, still makes sense and is the most viable religious option for millions. Jane Fahey, our Interim Associate Pastor, will lead us in the discussion that day. In the weeks following the kickoff of a new book, members of the group rotate in leading the discussion of each chapter. We aim to have a pastoral presence to lead the initial conversation about each book.

Come, wake up with us on Wednesday mornings, and awaken to what God is doing in our world and in our lives!

If you are interested in more information, please contact KRPETERS12@AOL.COM



Senior Adult LunchThe Senior Picnic Luncheon will be held at 11:30 am in B110 on Thursday, July 16. A summer menu will be featured, along with an old-fashioned sing-along led by the Trinity “Diva Trio” of Nola Frink, Ann White, and Dot Vick. Cost is $8 per person. Reservations are required by July 13.

Contact: 404-237-6491 or

Theatrical Outfit TicketsEach year Trinity senior adults enjoy theater productions at Theatrical Outfit. Five outings are scheduled for the coming season, which includes three musicals, a regional premiere and a world premiere. Tickets for the 2015-16 season are $146.26 (tax included) per person.

“Memphis” Sunday, September 13, 2:30 pm

“R. Buckminster Fuller; The History (and Mystery of the Universe” Sunday, October 4, 2:30 pm

“A Little Princess” Sunday, December 6, 2:30 pm

“Moxie” Sunday, January 31, 2:30 pm

“The Light in the Piazza” Sunday, April 17, 2:30 pm

Contact: Freida Johnson, 404-495-8428


What’s Next in Your Life?A New “Chapter 3” Small Group Opportunity for Women

Do you find yourself in midlife wondering what’s next? Are you questioning who you are if your role as mother or career woman no longer commands the majority of your time or energy? Are you interested in sharing with other women the journey to the next phase of life?

If any of these apply to you, you may be interested in an opportunity for women who are in the midst of life transitions. This fall Jane Fahey will guide women who are recent or soon-to-be “empty nesters,” or who otherwise find themselves in a midlife transition, through a series of six conversations about how to discern what is next.

We will spend time exploring the myriad of feelings that come up around this stage, including joy, confusion, grief, upheaval, questions of identity, etc. While we all have our own particular set of circumstances that may prompt these feelings, there are many universal elements in this period of a woman’s life, and sharing them in community can be a bonding and healing experience as we navigate toward new places or stages.

Many Trinity women already participate and have formed deep and meaningful relationships in this kind of “Chapter 3” group. This will be our fifth such group, if there is sufficient interest in forming a new group. It will be offered on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, beginning September 10. Meeting time will be either 7:00-9:00 pm, or 12:30-2:30 pm, depending upon whether there is greater interest in an evening or daytime group.

Meeting dates would be September 10, September 24, October 8, October 22, November 12, and December 10.

To get involved, please contact Jane Fahey at 404-495-8429 or


CHOIR REGISTRATIONThe new choir season is right around the corner and we are looking forward to another exciting year full of growth and opportunities. Trinity’s choir program provides excellent music instruction, challenging repertoire, and leadership training for worship services. Participating in a choir is an excellent way to get involved at Trinity as well as a way to give back to the church. We hope you will consider registering yourself or your children for one of our many choirs.

We are pleased that Scott Morris will continue his role as director of the Primary and Junior Choirs. Phyllis Sommer will again be the director for the Cherub Choirs as well as the director of the Hosanna Ringers. Norman Mackenzie will continue his work with the Youth and Chancel Choirs.

The registration form for all choirs is on our website:, under Worship – Music and Fine Arts and then the specific choir. If you are unable to register online, forms are available at the church.


Choir Time Room Beginning Date

Cherub I (Pre-K) Thursdays 4:45-5:15 p.m. D-123 September 10

Cherub II (K) Thursdays 5:15-5:45 p.m. D-123 September 10

Primary (Gr. 1&2) Thursdays 4:00-4:45 p.m. Music Center September 10

Junior (Gr. 3-6) Thursdays 5:00-5:45 p.m. Music Center September 10

Youth (Gr. 6-12) Sundays 5:00-6:00 p.m. Music Center September 13

Hosanna Ringers (Gr.4-6) Thursdays 4:00-4:40 p.m. A-136 September 10

*Chancel (Adults) Wednesdays 7:30-9:00 p.m. Music Center September 9

*To schedule an audition for the Chancel Choir, or if you have any questions, please contact Patti Heinz at 404-495-8447 or



JOURNEY SHELTERJoin in God’s transformative work through Journey by preparing a meal for 30 men prior to arriving at Journey Night Shelter and then serving the meal. Afterward, grab a plate and join in fellowship for the evening. All ages are welcome to serve! Volunteers should arrive at Journey (Druid Hills Presbyterian Church) at 6:45pm in order to serve dinner at 7pm. Please reply to Lisa Carson, to sign up for an evening. The dates for 2015 are: July 23, August 27, and August 31

MEALS ON WHEELSThe Mission Ministry is looking for adults to serve homebound and frail seniors through the Meals on Wheels program. Meals are delivered in the morning, Monday - Friday, on a route in close proximity to the church. We are currently seeking volunteers for our two open dates - the first Monday and the fourth Thursday of each month. In addition, we are always on the lookout for substitutes who can fill in when our regular drivers are away. For more information or to sign up, contact Lisa Carson at or 404-495-8428.

MISSION MOMENTUM NIGHTTuesday, September 15Dinner 6:30 pm – cost $5.00Speaker 7:00 pm – Leanne Van Dyk

Our speaker will be Leanne Van Dyk, incoming president of Columbia Theological Seminary. Leanne will discuss her vision for the future of the larger church and what a seminary like CTS will need to do to prepare leaders (theological and lay) for the 21st-century church. She will also speak to how a congregation like Trinity can be an incubator that fosters the development of leaders.


Donations are now being accepted for the Agape Community Center’s annual backpack giveaway.

There are two ways to participate:

• Donate a backpack filled with school supplies listed on the poster in Five Points or on the Trinity website.

• Sponsor a full backpack for $50 per child. Checks may be made payable to Trinity and dropped off at the Welcome Center.


HAITI 2015October 7 - 13, 2015 Registration deadline: July 15, 2015

Trinity and Shallowford Presbyterian Churches will journey to La Gonave, Haiti, October 7 - 13. The group will focus on providing medical care and continuing to help address needs at our partner Saint Francois School and in the broader community of Anse-a-Galets. Group size is limited to 10 people. Note: The conditions on this trip are physically challenging. Contact: Julie Hope,

CUBA 2016February 17 – 24, 2016

Our Cuba trip is scheduled for February 17 – 24, 2016. Our journey will explore the Cuban context through four theological lenses: religion, culture, government, and education. We will spend significant time in Havana exploring the cultural and historical layers of Cuba, and then will make our way to Matanzas, as seaside city where La Playa Presbyterian church and the theological Seminary are located. Please join us as we strengthen and deepen the relationship with our Cuban brothers and sisters, and as we seek to understand how to work to build a bridge between our two countries. If you are interested in participating in this trip, please contact Steven Darst or Jane Fahey.



GOD’S NEW CREATION IN HAITI“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and its people as a delight.... No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out a lifetime .... They shall build houses and inhabit them; ... they shall not build and another inhabit.... They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord....” Isaiah 65:18, 20-23.

The prophet Isaiah describes in concrete terms his vision of the new creation that God is bringing about. As a member church in the LaGonave Haiti Partnership, Trinity is privileged to be working with our Haitian sisters and brothers to make this vision a reality for the people on the island of LaGonave in Haiti.

The education of the children on LaGonave has been a primary focus of Trinity’s efforts in the Haiti partnership. We have developed a partnership with the St. Francois School. Currently St. Francois is the only school among the 10 diocesan schools on the island that offers secondary rather than just elementary education. The needs at St. Francois are huge—from school lunches to provide nutrition for the children, to salaries for the teachers who often work with no assurance of compensation. And yet, God is at work in the teaching that occurs at St. Francois to provide a future filled with greater hope.

During one of his trips to Haiti, Trinity’s Kurt Swensson, a structural engineer, was working with a team of Haitians on the plans for building a church in Trou Jacques. In conversation Kurt learned that Mr. Peechley, one of the young engineers, was a graduate of the St. Francois School. His education at St. Francois opened for him a future in which he could build structures that his fellow citizens could inhabit.

The priests who oversee the diocesan schools on LaGonave now have a vision to expand educational opportunities for other Haitian children. They want to start a new 7th, 8th, and 9th grade opportunity on the island. Children who are able to complete the 9th grade have vocational opportunities that would not otherwise be available to them. The vision is to have more Haitians like Mr. Peechley who could develop and share their talents within Haiti.

The LaGonave Haiti Partnership has also made maternal and infant health a priority through training and hiring midwives, offering prenatal medical care to rural women, and providing infant checkups and immunizations. Within the last few years, the infant mortality in the villages we serve has decreased dramatically.

On a trip this May, Trinity member and radiologist Dr. Barbara Robertson delivered a new portable ultrasound machine and trained the Haitian doctors and nurses in its use. Huddled in the corner of a church where the equipment was set up, Barbara was able to show a pregnant mom a picture of the healthy child she is expecting to deliver. Because of our partnership with the medical folks in Haiti, this child can look forward to a childhood filled with greater hope. In the words of Isaiah, “no more shall there infant that lives but a few days.”

Isaiah’s vision is becoming a reality. God is creating a new Haiti in which infant and maternal mortality are decreasing, and the people are not laboring in vain but building a future filled with hope. And we at Trinity are privileged to be partners in this work. Is God calling YOU to be part of this?

Trinity members have two opportunities each year to be part of the work in Haiti. Mission trips occur in October and again in March. The deadline for registration for the October 7-13 trip is July 15. To learn more about this ministry or the upcoming trip, feel free to contact Haiti Ministry Team chair Julie Hope ( or Interim Associate Pastor Jane Fahey,


MORAL COURAGE“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence.”

—Robert Kennedy “To Seek a Newer World,” 1967

For the last eight years Trinity member Jan Hawkins has been dealing with the results of serious failing in Georgia’s judicial system. In 2007 she served as public defender in the arson and murder case against Justin Chapman. Jan was the state defender agency’s sole attorney handling such felony cases across the state. Because of a lack of time to prepare, she lost the case. Mr. Chapman has spent years in prison convicted of a crime that Jan was convinced he was innocent of committing. She did not give up on him, and searched for years for an attorney who would take up his case. Thanks to her determined pursuit of justice, and the pro bono resources provided by the firm of Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore, the Supreme Court of Georgia vacated Justin Chapman’s conviction in May of this year.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Jan said, “It’s a moral issue, a professional issue, and an issue of faith, and that’s the way people should be treated. I felt duty bound, ethically and morally to stick with the case.”

Congratulations to TELC teacher, Tiffany Embry, who has accepted a teaching position with The Kendezi Schools, an Atlanta charter school located in the Old 4th Ward. She will begin her new job this fall and teach math and science to second- and third-grade students.

Tiffany joined the TELC staff seven years ago after completing her associate’s degree at Georgia Perimeter College. With the help and support of TELC’s board, administrators, and staff, Tiffany was able to continue her education and complete her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, in addition to earning her teaching certificate. During the course of her education, she took advantage of the continuing education stipend offered by TELC, which is supported by Trinity Church mission dollars. “I’m a lifetime learner, and the TELC administration and staff have always been supportive,” said Tiffany.

Tiffany accepted the position, in part, because the Kendezi School “like TELC, felt like family.” She was immediately comfortable and eager to see what this new venture could bring. When asked about her future, Tiffany said she hopes to continue to make a change in the lives of her students. Undoubtedly, she will.



Tiffany Embry



The family of Julia Hunter

Karen Simmons and family on the death of her brother

Nancy Purdon and family on the death of her sister

Betty Robinson and family on the death of her sister

Jennifer Trapnell and family on the death of her father

Ginny Hobbs and family on the death of her mother


Sarah Cate Groover DOB: June 13, 2015 Parents: Rebekah and Jim Groover

PASTORAL CARETo notify the church of illness, hospitalization, birth, death, or prayer request, contact Veronica Ridenhour at 404-495-8440, or If you need pastoral care after church hours, page the pastor on call by dialing 404-237-6491.


The Stephen Ministry of Trinity Presbyterian Church offers confidential, one-to-one Christian care to those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances. Stephen Ministers are available in Williams Hall following the worship service.

Contact: Meredith Daniel at or 404-869-0025, or Marc Krause at 404-713-0629 or

Lisa Carson Assistant to Adult Ministries

Lisa Carson, Assistant to Adult Ministries, has announced her resignation effective July 8. She is relocating to Dallas to continue her great working relationship

with Matthew Ruffner at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. Even as she is excited about her new position, Lisa expressed her deep affection and appreciation for Trinity and her sadness in leaving.

Please join us in extending our heartfelt thanks to Lisa for her time among us, and wish her well as she embarks on this new adventure!

Freida JohnsonInterim Assistant to Adult Ministries

We are pleased to announce our new Interim Assistant to Adult Ministries, Freida Johnson. Freida attended Southern Illinois University and is the founder of Girlfriends U.N.I.T.E.D., Inc. She has a wealth of work experience in administration and more than eight years of experience coordinating a full spectrum of human resources programs and services. Freida will begin her work with Adult Ministries on Monday, July 13. We are thrilled to have her join our staff.

Jenelle Holmes Interim Director of Young Adult Ministries

We are delighted to welcome Jenelle Holmes to the Trinity staff!

One of the key priorities that emerged from Trinity’s recent Vision2020 strategic visioning process was to focus on young adults—the gifts they have to share with the world and the things they have to teach the church, nurturing those who are a part of our church family and reaching out to those beyond our walls. In response to this priority and to help us live into this vision, Jenelle Holmes will join the Trinity staff as part-time Interim Director of Young Adult Ministries. Jenelle brings a keen intellect, an open heart, a joyful and hopeful energy for the mission of the Church, and a genuine excitement about being a part of the Trinity family.

A graduate of Whitworth University in Spokane, WA, with a B.A. in English and a minor in Religion, Jenelle also holds a Masters of Divinity from Candler School of Theology here in Atlanta and is a candidate for ordination in the PC(USA).

Jenelle is married to Chris Holmes, a PhD student at Emory studying New Testament under Luke Timothy Johnson. They have 2 children, Darcy (5) and Micah (7).

Jenelle may be reached at 404-495-8455 or




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Guest preacher Rev. Dr. Anna

Carter Florence

Published monthly by Trinity Presbyterian Church 3003 Howell Mill Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 Tel: (404) 237-6491 Fax: (404) 264-0470


SUMMER SCHEDULE Worship @ 10 am

July Worship in Williams Hall

July - August No church school

During the summer months, the church office will close at 2:00 pm on Fridays

Junior High Mission Trip - NC

Senior High Mission Trip - VA

Church office closed

Youth Summer Seven: Junior

High Movie Night

Youth Summer Seven: Braves


Youth Summer Seven: Six Flags