The Mind of the Enlightened Strategiest

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Mind of the Enlightened Strategiest

“Why would you ever play if you don't want to be the best player who ever lived? That’s how I think everyone would go into it. You want to be the man, you know, not the best

of the moment, but the best who ever set foot on a basketball court.”

Kobe Bryant

"There can only be one state of mind as you approach any profound test; total concentration,

a spirit of togetherness and strength."

Pat Riley, the coach

“Real power can't be given. Real power has to be taken.”

The Godfather

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wing again in that trembling hard curve – slowing, slowing, and staling once more – was not ordinary bird. Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight – how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than everything else Jonathan Livingston Seagull

loved to fly.”

Richard Bach

Success is for the Brave!

The mindset of the enlightened strategist.

There was the master and the student asked him to explain what the strategy and leadership were and how to become the ultimate leader/strategist.

The master replied that it was good to reflect upon this question, though the student was not ready to be able to understand, to fully trust, relax and live it fully – to the fullest. As the student was very persistent and the true wisdom seeker, the master accepted his pleading and decided to speak.

The master said the simplest, the purest and the all-knowing, all-pervading and all resonating truth:


All known forms of strategy and leadership have to be banned and abandoned. This is the ultimate truth of the enlightened strategist/leader. All breakthrough, amazing, breath-taking and winning strategies, as well as deeds are above all known strategies, they are far beyond any concept or form known to that day. In their form and concept, they are formless because they adapt to the circumstances.

The all-containing self. All master strategists are leading from the field.

Studying past form and past strategies is just good so that to gain knowledge of the world.

The best strategy is self-forming, it evolves and originates from the situational field and pattern of the situation.

The master strategist is in the flow and operates out of the field. He/She has total trust (absence of any fear, doubt, concern, trouble). He/She is beyond life and death, is aware of perceived reality field and knows that time and space can be manipulated.

They are not afraid of death, still fully thriving alive.

“I will either find a way or make one.”


"I have 50,000 people and myself, this accounts to 150,000 people." Napoleon Bonaparte

"If you are afraid – don't do it. If you are doing it, don't be afraid!" Genghis Khan

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength

of each member is the team."

Phil Jackson, the coach

“… As long as his men full of good courage fight with zeal and spirit, it is seldom necessary for the Chief to show great energy of purpose in the pursuit of his object. But as soon as difficulties arise—and that must always happen when great results are at stake—then things no longer move on of themselves like a well-oiled machine, the machine itself then begins to offer resistance, and to overcome this the Commander must have a great force of will. By this resistance we must not exactly suppose disobedience and murmurs, although these are frequent enough with particular individuals; it is the whole feeling of the dissolution of all physical and moral power, it is the heartrending sight of the bloody sacrifice which the Commander has to contend with in himself, and then in all others who directly or indirectly transfer to him their impressions, feelings, anxieties, and desires. As the forces in one individual after another become prostrated, and can no longer be excited and supported by an effort of his own will, the whole inertia of the mass gradually rests its weight on the Will of the Commander: by the spark in his breast, by the light of his spirit, the spark of purpose, the light of hope, must be kindled afresh in others: in so far only as he is equal to this, he stands above the masses and continues to be their master; whenever that influence ceases, and his own spirit is no longer strong enough to revive the spirit of all others, the masses drawing him down with them sink into the lower region of animal nature, which shrinks from danger and knows not shame. These are the weights which the courage and intelligent faculties of the military Commander have to overcome if he is to make his name illustrious. They increase with the masses, and therefore, if the forces in question are to continue equal to the burden, they must rise in proportion to the height of the station…

… If we take a general view of the four elements composing the atmosphere in which War moves, of DANGER, PHYSICAL EFFORT, UNCERTAINTY, and CHANCE, it is easy to conceive that a great force of mind and understanding is requisite to be able to make way with safety and success amongst such opposing elements, a force which, according to the different modifications arising out of circumstances, we find termed by military writers and annalists as ENERGY, FIRMNESS, STAUNCHNESS, STRENGTH OF MIND AND CHARACTER. All these manifestations of the heroic nature might be regarded as one and the same power of volition, modified according to circumstances; but nearly related as these things are to each other, still they are not one and the same, and it is desirable for us to distinguish here a little more closely at least the action of the powers of the soul in relation to them…

FIRMNESS denotes the resistance of the will in relation to the force of a single blow, STAUNCHNESS in relation to a continuance of blows. Close as is the analogy between the two, and often as the one is used in place of the other, still there is a notable difference between them which cannot be mistaken, inasmuch as firmness against a single powerful impression may have its root in the mere strength of a feeling, but staunchness must be supported rather by the understanding, for the greater the duration of an action the more systematic deliberation is connected with it, and from this staunchness partly derives its power.

If we now turn to STRENGTH OF MIND OR SOUL, then the first question is,

What are we to understand thereby? “

Carl von Clausewitz; On War “We may therefore say that a strong mind is one which does not lose its balance

even under the most violent excitement.” Carl von Clausewitz

“We therefore say once more a strong mind is not one that is merely susceptible of strong excitement, but one which can maintain its serenity under the most powerful excitement, so that, in spite of the storm in the breast, the perception and judgment

can act with perfect freedom, like the needle of the compass in the storm-tossed ship.” Carl von Clausewitz

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the

point is to discover them." Galileo Galilei

"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes the greater is their power to harm us." Voltaire

"What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality." Plutarch

"Let my enemies devour each other."

Salvador Dali

"As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters." Seneca

The 101 secrets of the enlightened strategist/leader are revealed here for you to reflect and become one with the mastermind of the enlightened strategist/leader. They opened the doors and it is up to you to open them and enter the mind beyond. But be aware – this can be extremely dangerous, because you will change for sure and only those with the purest heart can survive.

It is true that not all the so-called leaders were pure, though those that were allowed to enter the space of no space were only those that acted out of pure love.

The time has come to reveal the 101 secrets, dis-attach from all the known, ever thought and learned, from everything and everybody. To give up and relax, open yourself up and enter with total trust, love and respect.

You might be surprised …

"Luck is where preparation meets opportunity." Seneca

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that men of good will do nothing." Cicero, B.C. "The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them

know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius "The illiterates of the future will not be those who cannot read and

write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and

relearn." Alvin Toffler

"One original thought is worth a thousand mindless

quotings." Diogenes

“Theory cannot equip the mind with formulas for

solving problems, nor can it mark the narrow path on

which the sole solution is supposed to lie by planting

a hedge of principles on either side. But it can give

the mind insight into the great mass of phenomena

and of their relationships, then leave it free to

rise into the higher realms of action.”

Carl von Clausewitz

The mastermind of the enlightened strategist/leader:

1. Total de-attachment. Non-attached to any worldly “item”; like gold, material

things, attitude, perception, belief, feeling, etc.

2. Above the circumstances, above the field of reality, managing and

manipulating the field.

3. Quick in reactions and thoughts.

4. Decisive and straight to the point.

5. The reality is subjective and can be manipulated, subjective reality.

6. Thought is subjective – tailored towards our needs.

7. Unlimited consciousness – the conscious mind is limitless.

8. Super-sensual – above-sensual – all five senses + the sixth sense + the all-

sensing reality field.

9. Does not fall in love with decisions – or better said, does not fall in love

at all.

10. There is always the way, even though the others do not see it. There is always

the possibility, no matter what or in spite of everything.

11. Total self-trust and self-confidence.

"Sharpness of focus! The power of will! The endurance of steel!"

Alexander the Great "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated

warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Sun Tzu "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the

results of a hundred battles."

Sun Tzu

“Always turn a negative situation into a positive one.” Michael Jordan

"Allow time for silent reflection. Turn inward and digest what has

happened. Let the senses rest and grow still." John Heider

12. Total trust into the fairness of the Universe; everything will evolve in

the best possible way.

13. Being stable – holding the point. Total calmness, trust and stability, no matter

what. Holding the point of reality. The most stable point defines the reality – is

the reality.

14. Trust and respect.

15. Only the best are good enough.

16. Respecting different opinions, though once the decision has been made, it is

followed by a merciless, effective and efficient execution – FAST & decisive.

The decision has an in-build self-corrective mechanism.

17. Straight to the point. Not even a slightest hesitation. Being able to meet the most

decisive and unconventional, unorthodox, out-of-the-box, as well as

difficult decision in a microsecond – on the spot.

18. Super-mind, the all-embracing mind – creating one mastermind – connecting

all minds as one super-mind and beyond.

19. Connecting to and anticipating opponent’s moves.

20. Unorthodox, unusual, original and unexpected, even “unreasonable” and most

courageous acts and decisions. Unexpected and unusual from the

opponent’s field of reality.

21. Able to hold the pressure of the opponent's field.

22. Being able to hold the field of stability and certainty, no matter what, even in

the most challenging situations.

“The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”

Nikola Tesla

“How to conquer the Universe?” Herman Potočnik Noordung “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full

potential ... These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”


“I decided to live to the fullest, to risk death – and the fear has disappeared.” Shogun

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Julius Caesar

23. Flexible decisions and such that are beyond the light speed.

24. Motivator – the ability to light the inner fire.

25. Able to speak to the deeper self of others and inspire them.

26. Able to withstand pressure and stay self-centred facing all opposition, still

accepting other opinions if valuable without any hesitation, straight on the spot –

in a moment.

27. Gathering the best and encircle with better than himself.

28. Finding the right talent and inspiring it for the most daring adventures

and dreams.

29. Able to speak to the talent, magnetise and amplify it.

30. The “impossible is possible” attitude; It is always possible, no matter what, it

just has not been done yet.

31. Dis-attached to any being, object, goal, idea, achievement, possession,

status, belief, thought, attitude and the life itself.

32. Being dis-attached, the life force backs him up and inspires/enforces

him with great deeds.

33. Sees valuable resources in every resource, situation, object, idea, etc.

34. Never ever gives up.

“A leader is a dealer in hope.” Napoleon Bonaparte

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Peter Drucker

“Earn your leadership every day.”

Michael Jordan

"The wise facilitator's ability does not rest on techniques or gimmicks or set exercises. Become aware of the process - and

when you see this clearly, you can shed light on the process for others." Tao TeChing

"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." Niccolo Machiavelli

35. Decides “know-decides”. There is and there will be. Co-creates the future

and twists the outcome accordingly.

36. Connected with the all-mighty presence and the field matrix. Holding the

field for others to believe and execute.

37. Is.

38. Willing to lose for the sake of the end win; even his or her own life.

39. Facing the toughest challenges, never giving up, and always believing in the most

and the best possible outcome even if perceived as negative by


40. Being in the utmost universe.

41. Enlightened and all-connected with the resources, hidden to others.

42. Actively surrendering – letting go and attracting in order to become one

with the flow.

43. Able to connect unconnected resources.

44. Feeling the no-time of time – becoming one with the time in order to launch the

right decisions and actions right on the time.

45. Having the unbreakable faith in the Almighty.

"I am, I know and I will." Rameses

"Do nothing which is of no use." Miyamoto Musashi

"Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye." Miyamoto Musashi

"The bad is raw material for the god."

Lao Tzu

"There is nothing impossible to him who will do it."

Alexander the Great

46. Experienced in the word – open to the wider truth; experiencing and appreciating

all, everything and everybody.

47. Willing to pretend and act as a fool and being incapable if needed.

48. A great actor – “All the world is a stage”.

49. Informed – preinformed; intelligence – espionage.

50. Knowing he/she is the one and all is bonding and happening inside this

one field.

51. Proactively, actively holding the leadership and initiative, still letting others

think they have the advantage.

52. Deceptive – a great pretender and reality twister. Skilled deceptionist, hiding

the manoeuvre until the end.

53. Dis-attached to his/her own winning strategies – patternless.

54. Strict and merciless – eliminating the impurities quickly, efficiently and


55. Being above all known concepts and seen models, ideas, actions, etc.

"He is the master of the reality distortion field."

Said about Steve Jobs

"Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible." Mao Zedong

“I can think. I can wait. I can fast.” Siddhartha

"The biggest obstacle to learning something new is the belief that you already know it." A zen saying

“God is not present in idiots.”

Chanakya Neeti

56. Perfectionist – a realistic perfectionist, not accepting non-optimal solutions or

vague performance.

57. Leading with a strong hand. Punishing all disbehaviour or non-optimal action

(under deliverances), still allowing risk and not punish if the mistake has been

made as a result of one's full dedication; though a mistake is allowed to

happen only once.

58. Knowing the objective, executing it quickly, effectively, efficiently and with full

dedication. Doing no matter what in order to achieve it.

59. Encircling with the best and entrusting them full leadership responsibility, as

well as authority.

60. Accepting failures and mistake for the first time, but punishing them mercilessly if

done due to neglect.

61. Meritocracy – picking the best and delegating them full responsibility, no

personal or whatsoever prejudices attached.

62. Concluding what has been started to the end (execution) – throwing the

end blow.

63. Using the best and most advanced techniques and technology.

64. Actively developing and improving the technology.

65. Developing the context, as well as the content. Knowing that the know–how is not

in the individual but in the context and an average individual can become a

master hero if the genius context is provided.

"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal." Rama

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they

will believe it." Adolf Hitler

"No man is wise enough by himself." Plautus

“Understanding a question is half an answer.”


66. Being a master enlightened strategist is like being water. Strong and solid when

needed, while also liberating and refreshing when needed. Fitting into all

situations – whatever adapts to the circumstance, focused towards one big goal –

the ocean. On the first sight, it looks totally innocent because a water drop is still

aiming and having the intention – the tendency of achieving the final great and

audacious goal – the ocean.

Flexible when needed. Disappearing and invisible like the steam when needed.

Hiding when needed – going down – disappearing and erupting when needed.

Revitalizing – being present in the sky, in the air, on land, … Dancing in the fire.

Hard as ice, invisible as air, flexible as water, changing at will – calm as a lake,

wild, furious and merciless as rapids crossing … any obstacle.

67. Utilising any resource, even the most unusual at the first glance.

68. Being a great pretender, actor and game shifter.

69. Being and doing the unexpected, always being a surprise.

70. Being grandiose in their dreams and having a grandiose positive vision.

71. Being able to hold the space and crash the enemy first in the spirit and then also

in reality.

72. Being brave.

73. Able to look the death in the eyes and crush it.

74. Being ready to any expected or unexpected action – there is no surprise.

75. Taking advantage and energy from any opponent's move, criticism,


“I can dream the impossible, I can imagine the impossible and I will do the impossible.” Babaji "It is between the two polarising aspects of manifestation – the supernal father and the supernal mother – that the web of life is woven; souls going back and forth between them like waver's shuttle. In our individual lives, in our psychological rhythms, and in the history of the rise and fall of nations, we observe the same

rhythmic periodicity." Kabbalah "The Laws of nature are such that things at their peak must decline and those at their lowest point must rise up, just as the sun and the moon follow one another ceaselessly through the skies. Man must

also follow these laws."

I Ching

"There are no paths. Paths are made by walking."

“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to

say thank you.”

Max DePree

76. Using the energy of the opponent to crush him.

77. Knowing that there are many statutes dedicated to the criticised, but none to

the critics.

78. Being able to hold and withstand non-support, disbelief and ridicule.

79. Being able to twist the reality and change defeats into victories.

80. Being the master marketer and propagandist or having those two


81. Skilled use of the intelligence.

82. Being best informed.

83. Encircled with trusted people and personnel – The brother-/sisterhood. The

master enlightened strategist is never alone. Behind him/her, there is always the

master group – the wise circle, built by him/her.

84. Networked – being the most important knot in the network and holding, as well as

managing all other strategic knots in the network – actively managing the


85. Able to speak to the hearts and the souls of his/her members, as

well as to the opponents.

"The great teacher who skilfully waits to be questioned may be compared to a bell when it is struck. Struck with a small hammer, it gives small sound; struck with a great one, it gives a great sound. But let it be struck leisurely and properly, and it gives out all the

sound of which is capable."


"Everything changes, nothing remains without change." Buddha

"One change lives the way open to the introduction of others." Niccolo Machiavelli "I think the leader on the dogsled is the lead dog, not the guy on the

back with the whip."

John Chambers

“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” General George Patton

86. “Praised” by the opponents, cherished by them, magnified in their

eyes, respected by them.

87. Leading his/her tribe, as well as the opponent's one.

88. Leading people who do not expect being lead by him/her. He/she uses

“bystanders” to his/her advantage.

89. Educating others, enabling and showing them the path to be.

90. “Demanding” what is his/hers and taking it totally naturally.

91. Selfless comradeship.

92. Respecting all and everybody, even the most invisible, unimportant and

handicapped can be of great value and a decisive factor.

93. You know that you will never be left alone, so you do your best.

94. He/she is not the almighty God, the smartest in all matters.

95. A fast and holistic learner from the mistakes.

"In human life, there is constant change of fortune; and it is unreasonable to expect from the common fate Life itself decays,

and all things are changing." Plutarch

"Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life."

Alvin Toffler

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."

The wisdom "Always pit more of yourself into your work, until one day, you never

know which day it happens, you are your work."

Pablo Picasso "If you are in charge and you stop rowing, don't be surprised if the

rest of the crew stops too."

The wisdom

96. Does not live in the past and is not lamenting the past misfortunes. Being one

step before time in actions and one leap before time in thoughts.

97. Adopting his/her messages to the receiver’s capacity.

98. Having the unbreakable faith in the Almighty.

99. Celebrating, enjoying and having fun while doing it, knowing that every heart

has its dream.

100. Realising and freeing dreams.

"The mission of the enlightened leader is to lead people, who think

are ordinary, to do extraordinary things."

"There may be difficulty at the moment, but I will not lose the Virtue

that I possess. It is the ice and snow are on them that we see the

strength of the cypress and the pine. I am grateful for the trouble

around me, because it gives me the opportunity to realise how

fortunate I am."


"There are two ways to get the tallest building in town. Tear

everyone else's down or build your own up."

The wisdom

"From defeat to defeat, to the final victory." Mao Zedong

"Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all."

Alexander the Great

101. Never unfolds all his/her secrets ;-).

“And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well,

you can fly very high.”

Ayrton Senna

"Success is." "When the great leader is finished his work, the people say it

happened naturally."

Lao Tzu

"The only real training for leadership is leadership."

Antony Jay

"Unity requires a collective moral force, together with a great leader."

I Ching

The world as we know today has been created by known and respected and by

unknown and unrecognised leaders. All the rest is just the coincidence. So your

utmost duty is to be one and you would not read this if there would not be the

dormant leader awaiting to be awakened within you. You already have all you need

to become one, because nothing could be given to you, just unfolded for you.

Be aware that the ultimate leader initiator is the Creatoor himself. There is no one

greater. This is why being a leader is entering into the field and being the enlightened

one. All leaders are Creatoors and there is a Creatoor in every dormant or awaken


Accept that being the enlightened strategist/leader is not about holding the position or

title. The real leadership has nothing to do with that. Titles are just titles, that is all.

You might be the president of the state and still be a scared, desperate, freedom-

looking sad soul begging for help. Or you may be unnoticed and seemingly

unimportant father/mother, but full-heartedly focused on raising your children while

being the enlightened leader, worth being bowed to.

The first prerequisite to becoming the enlightened strategist/leader is to accept that in

the beginning, there was the One, and the One was with God, and the One was God.

Everything else originated from that.

Before becoming a leader you have to “master”

yourself first.

“A person with well-developed self-control does not indulge in hatred, envy, jealousy,

fear, revenge or any similar destructive emotions. A person with well-developed self-

control does not go into ecstasies or become ungovernably enthusiastic over

anything or anybody.” Napoleon Hill

“…combat is a chaotic, uncertain, exhausting, dangerous and highly stressful

environment. The challenge for the commander is to get it right first time. Somehow,

he has to create the conditions whereby his men will perform effectively both as

individuals and as a whole. Whilst the conditions of battle can never be accurately

replicated, regular and realistic training should enable one’s forces to operate

instinctively and in a more disciplined fashion.”

David J. Longsdale, Alexander the Great; Lessons in Strategy

“For those kind-hearted people who might of course think there was some ingenious

way to disarm or defeat an enemy without too much bloodshed. …if one side uses

force without compunction, undeterred by the bloodshed it involves, while the other

side refrains, the first will gain the upper hand. More starkly; the fact that slaughter is

a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but not provide an

excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later

someone will come along with a sharp sword and hack off our arms.”

Carl von Clausewitz

“In the first instance, having well-trained forces is essential to deal with the varied and

stressful challenges of strategy. Alexander’s job as commander was simplified by the

fact that he could rely on a core of outstanding and robust men.”

David J. Longsdale, Alexander the Great; Lessons in Strategy

"When many work together for a goal, great things may be accomplished. It is said a lion cub was killed by a

single colon of ants."

Saskya Pandita

"Where there is unity, there is always victory." Publius Syrus "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is

most adaptable to change." Charles Darwin "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat the man as he can and should be and he will become as

he can and should be."

Geothe "Only out-of-the-box leadership produces

out-of-the-galaxy ideas."

Matjaz Jarkovic

Semco encourages all its employees to question and challenge everything the

company does. By asking why things are done a specific way, everyone is

encouraged to think rather than merely follow instructions. “If we have a cardinal

strategy that forms the bedrock for all our practices, it may be this: Ask Why. Ask it all

the time, and always ask it three times in a row. Employees must be free to question,

to analyze, to investigate, and a company must be flexible enough to listen to the

answers. Those habits are the key to longevity, growth and profit.”

Ricardo Semler

Semco works on the principle that challenged and motivated employees are more

productive than trying to force employees to adhere to arbitrary dress codes and

other rules. With that in mind, the company is really a federation of diverse

businesses (10 at last count) which try to generate synergy by working together. “We

satisfy three basic criteria when we consider a new venture. First, we look for 5 -

complexity, which usually means „highly engineered‟. If a new business isn‟t hard for

us and others to break into, then we‟re not interested. Second, we demand that in

each of our markets, we are the premium player. We want to offer a high-end product

or service. That means we‟re always more expensive because we provide the

premium that stretches what the customer will pay. And third, we want a unique niche

in the market, one that makes us a major player in any given industry. We want to be

only in businesses where our disappearance would cause disheartened

customers to complain loudly.”

Ricardo Semler

Follow their interests – which will change and evolve over time as the person grows

and matures. “At Semco we offer incentives to employees to move around different

jobs and departments. It‟s another means for them to dip into their „reservoir of

talent‟, and to develop independence. If they‟re moving around following an inner

radar, they won‟t rely on the company to tell them what to do.”

Ricardo Semler

“The minute I hear conventional explanations for business practices – like the idea

that companies are required to grow, that profit is paramount – I know I‟m hearing

nothing more than crystallized or even calcified thinking. Any time that happens, I

immediately want to ask why? Why greater wealth? So that we can make even more

money, and then be obliged to earn more beyond that? Why is growth necessary

beyond the minimum that comes with the natural expansion of the market being

served? And why exactly does growth create a

competitive advantage?”

Ricardo Semler

“Only self-confidence makes freedom and dissent possible. An organization that

insists there‟s only one way to do something, brainwashes workers to think alike, and

freezes a company culture to eliminate risk, will only breed complacency and make

itself unappealing to anyone who might inject some oxygen into


Ricardo Semler

“It‟s easy to talk about respecting diversity, tribal characteristics and dissent. But

when action is required, anyone who has tried to lead in a democratic manner knows

how frustrating, slow and cumbersome it is. That is why business leaders take the

short route: command and execute methods, tainted with a show of concern for how

employees feel and what customers think. The short route is a path to nowhere. It

doesn‟t lead to the productivity gains that occur when people find it worthwhile –

even inspiring – to get up in the morning for work. Loosening up (rejecting the military

model) unleashes productivity. I believe this, and our numbers also

back it up.”

Ricardo Semler

Being the enlightened strategist/leader is like being

an eagle.

The eagle is the king of the sky, he sees the smallest move of a mouse on the

ground from a dizzying high where no other bird dares to fly and he sees every

move on the horizon. Nothing escapes his all-seeing eye, every move, every

shift, every sign, nothing.

His eyes are capable of utmost focus, seeing a mouse and utmost dispersion,

seeing the whole area and interpreting the slightest sign right in a millisecond

– this makes him the king of the sky nobody can match.

The eagle takes advantage of the curves and glides on thermal conditions of

the environment – the sky with ease and relaxation.

His opponents are tense though he is relaxed, ready for sudden and fast

action. He is flying and immerses in the moment with total awareness, trust

and security that the mouse is there to feed him.

He is the king of the sky and the earth, flying with an aim, glorious, almighty,

de-attached, the power of the sky, untouchable; proudly overlooking his


He is the emperor, the lord of the sky and he knows how to rule.

Flying and being the lord of the sky is totally natural to him, because this is

part of his DNA, this is how he IS. Always flying with an aim.

“A genius is born; his name is your name.
