The Millennium Development Goals In 2000, 189 nations, including the United States, created 8 key...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of The Millennium Development Goals In 2000, 189 nations, including the United States, created 8 key...

The Millennium Development Goals In 2000, 189 nations, including the United States, created 8 key goals

to eliminate extreme poverty by 2015. They are:

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2. Achieve universal primary education for all children

3. Promote gender equality and empower women

4. Reduce child mortality

5. Improve maternal health

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

7. Ensure environmental sustainability

8. Create a global partnership for development with targets for foreign aid,

debt cancellation and fair trade.

The “MDG’s” (2010)

STAND UP FOR FOOD SECURITYThere is more than enough food for everyone in the world.

Still, one child dies every 5 seconds from malnutrition.

And 1 in every 6 people are hungry; God’s people!

Without proper nutrition, People are too weak for physical agriculture work.

Without proper nutrition, Children do not develop properly, leading to needless life-long disabilities.

Without proper nutrition,Medicines do not work, and people do not get better.

Without proper nutrition,Children do not learn as much as they could.

There is more than enough food for everyone in the world.STAND UP FOR FOOD SECURITY FOR ALL OF GOD’S PEOPLE! (2009), (2010)

What is “out of poverty”? 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Money Bank , which gives small business loans to groups of women. First the women must sign 16Agreements, then they are checked in with annually to see if they are still living in poverty.

Poverty is one of the great barriers to peace. A family has moved out of poverty if:

1. Their house has a water-proof roof, & each family member sleeps on bed. 2. Drinking water is clean & uncontaminated. 3. All children older than 6 going to school or have finished primary school. 4. Minimum weekly loan payment to the borrower is $2.90 or more. 5. They have access to a sanitary latrine for going to the bathroom. 6. They have warm clothing & bed nets to protect them from mosquitoes. 7. They have supplemental income, like a vegetable garden, to fall back on if they need

extra money. 8. The borrower maintains an average annual balance of $72.60 in her savings account. 9. They have 3 square meals a day throughout the year so no one in the family goes

hungry any time of the year. 10. If any member of the family falls ill, family can afford to seek healthcare. (2010)





DAY: 50%



DAY: 17%

The Top 20% hold 89% of the World’s


Church World Service (2007)

What is Micro-Lending?Micro-lending is credit lent in small amounts to

people in extreme poverty to help them start a small business. Women and men form groups to support

each other in their ventures, to encourage each other in repaying the loans, and to decide how future loans

are distributed.

All participants are treated with respect and dignity as they pursue their dreams for the future

and strengthen their communities by working together. Loans through ELCA’s World Hunger Appeal are between $50-$500. (2010)


Education is the most powerful tool for peace and prosperity. In many poor regions, families have to choose which child they can afford to send to school. Eldest boys are often chosen. ¼ of girls in

developing countries do not have the opportunity to go to school. But this is changing…

Research has shown that girls who go to school are more likely to:

Marry after they turn 18, and are less likely to be abused or viewed as “possessions”.

Bring income into their family & become respected community members.

Seek prenatal care and have healthier babies, leading to smaller healthier families.

Seek healthcare and immunizations for their children.

Value education for all of their children, breaking the cycle of poverty.

Enrollments in primary school in sub-Saharan Africa jumped by 34 million children from 1999-2006 thanks to debt relief, development programs, & prioritization of education by African governments. 15 African countries have achieved gender equality in primary education, meaning they have an equal number of boys and girls enrolling. (2009), (2010)

Maternal Health (2009) & (2010)

Child mortality in Tanzania dropped by 24% between 2000 and 2004 thanks to improvements to the public health system and key child-survival interventions like bed nets, vitamin A supplements, immunizations, and exclusive breast feeding.

A lack of health care workers, clinics and equipment means many women and children in the developing world don't have access to basic health services including immunizations and care for expectant mothers.

Over 1/2 a million mothers die from complications during child birth and 8.8 million children die before their 5th birthday. Women in sub-Saharan Africa have a 1 in 26 chance of dying in childbirth. Medical complications from pregnancy are the leading cause of death among girls ages 15-19.

…BUT WHY?Did You Know…?


Where Does my $1 to ELCA World Hunger Appeal Go?

Let's follow how a gift of one dollar to the

World Hunger Appeal is typically used.

Over 70 cents is directed to international relief

& development efforts.

About 12 cents goes toward hunger education &

advocacy programs.

About 10 cents is spent on domestic development &

relief to help neighbors close to home.

Less than a dime is spent on administration and fund-

raising- giving the ELCA World Hunger Appeal

one of the top charity ratings.

What are considered “Relief & Development Efforts”? These take the form of:

• Scholarships• School Supplies• Vocational Training• Wells and Reservoirs• Livestock• Sustainable Agriculture• Micro-Credit Loans • Community Organizing. (2010)

3 Things about Bangladesh

1. Imagine if every American moved to Wisconsin. That is the population density of Bangladesh. Safe drinking water can be hard to find!

2. In 2006, Bangladesh received $80 million in U.S. assistance, and PAID the U.S. $487 in tariffs. This is because of the U.S.’s outdated foreign assistance policies from 1961, but congress is working on streamlining foreign assistance so it is more efficient and focused on long-term development.

3. In November 2007, Many people lost their homes due to Cyclone Sidr. Rice, vegetables, and the seeds for the next season were destroyed. Thanks to ELCA programs, a safe water supply has been built for large numbers of people and water-borne diseases have been greatly reduced.

Malaria is PREVENTABLE and TREATABLE! But WHY do we need to STOP it??

• 1/2 of all hospital admissions and outpatient visits in Africa are Malaria related.

• Malaria keeps families and communities in a downward spiral of poverty.

• Malaria illness and death cost Africa approximately $12 billion a year in lost productivity.

• It keeps kids out of school, keeps tourists & foreign investment out, and affects farmers.

• Every month, about 150,000 children die of malaria (equal to the 2004 South Asia tsunami total!).

The Lutheran Malaria Initiative; We can WIPE OUT Malaria!!

OK, so HOW are we going to STOP it? By Keeping Mosquitoes Away!

1. Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets Over Beds.

2. Make Treatment more Accessible! Treatment to Cure Malaria Costs $2 per Dose!!

“Nothing but Nets” (2010), (2010)

EFFORTS ARE WORKING! 27 countries reported a reduction up to 50% between 1990-2006.

Nets are $10 through the Lutheran Malaria Initiative program. Have a net drive at your church!


Clean water is needed to preventing diseases that make millions of people and kids sick.

Average distance women & girls in poor regions walk each day to fetch water for their families: 3.6 miles

Average amount of water family uses each day: 3-5 gallons

Progress is being made!!! Thanks in part to ELCA programs and LWR,

now over 80% of the world’s people have clean drinking water!

Let’s not stop until it’s 100%!

Clean Water!

Church World Service (2007)

How much water does your family use? The average person in the USA uses 100-150 gallons each day.

Use this chart to calculate your families water usage.

Each Bath: 50 gallons

Each Shower: 2 gallons per minute

Each Teeth brushing: 1 gallon

Each Hands/face washing: 1 gallon

Face/leg shaving: 1 gallon

Running a Dishwasher: 20 gallons/load

Dishwashing by hand: 5 gallons/load

Clothes washing (machine): 10 gallons/load

Each Toilet flush: 3 gallons

Glasses of water drunk: 8 oz. per glass (1/16th of a gallon)

U.S. Geological Survery (2010)

LWR partners with more than 20 developing countries to build low-cost, easily-maintained irrigation systems that provide water for crops and livestock.

In the Andes and East Africa, water piped from mountains through pipes laid by community members is collected in reservoirs & fed to sprinklers that irrigate up to sixty meters in diameter!

In Peru farmers using irrigation systems have improved pastureland for their dairy cows, llamas and alpacas. Now farmers have better milk yields and better quality of meat and wool.

In Colombia gravity-flow systems using drip and sprinkle irrigation changed the lives of farmers whose families were displaced by civil unrest. LWR provided water for irrigation and technical support to help families are producing passion fruit, squash, and dozens of other fruits and vegetables to sell in nearby cities.

In Bolivia irrigation has transformed high-altitude barren land into vegetable gardens. Families used to eat only barley, potatoes, tubers and occasional protein from alpacas and llamas. Now they eat beans, lettuce, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Improving and diversifying their diets has meant big decreases in malnutrition among children under the age of five.

Thanks to irrigation farmers all around the world who used to have one rain-fed harvest per year can now produce two to three harvests per year & can worry less about drought. Now they are producing nutritious food, and more of it! Their families are healthier, and they have more to sell to increase family incomes.

The Difference Irrigation Makes! (2010)

2/3 of people in sub-Saharan Africa are

employed in agriculture. That’s 66 out of every


Growth in agriculture is twice as effective at

reducing poverty compared to growth in other


Sustainable agriculture offers more food

nutrition and natural crop protection.

What does “Sustainable Agriculture” have to do with Poverty? (2010)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

.71 .69 .53 .62 1.34 1.38 1.02 1.34 1.09 .86 (2010)

Actual Average Coffee Market Prices from 1990-2008 in US Dollars per Pound

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

.64 .45 .48 .52 .62 .89 .96 1.08 1.24

Why Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate?70% of the world’s coffee beans are grown by farmers who have less than 7 acres

& 90% of the world’s cocoa beans are grown by farmers who have less than 12 acres. When sold on the world market these beans are marked up substantially at each mid-level

between the farmer and us coffee drinking, chocolate eaters to the extent that the farmer and his family receive as little as 2% of the cost of the final product.

Coffee prices are very volatile and traditional coffee farmers are often left with little money when their crops are cashed in. Fair trade practices guarantee that farmers will earn an honest amount for their crop to be able to feed their families, get medical care, and send their kids to school.

Why Fair Trade?• By selling through Fair Trade, farmers and artisans are treated with dignity

through honest pay for honest work. Because of fair pay for their products,

they are able to build better futures for their families and their communities.

• By supporting Fair Trade, we make choices in line with our religious beliefs and

affirm human dignity by promoting:




God blesses those who are Poor

and realize their Need for Him,

for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

God blesses Those who Mourn,

for they will be Comforted.

God blesses those who are Humble, for they will Inherit

the whole Earth.

God blesses Those who thirst

for Justice,for they will be


God blesses Those who are

Merciful,for they will be shown Mercy.

God blesses Those whose

Hearts are Pure,for they will see


God blesses Those who

work for Peace,for they will be

called the Children of God.

God blesses Those who are Persecuted for

doing Right,for the Kingdom

of Heaven is theirs.