The Mark of Abduction

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abductees' scars

Transcript of The Mark of Abduction


Corrado Malanga 10 February 2004

There are many signs that distinguish the abductees from people that never had abduction problems: some are internal signs connected to the life experiences, undeletable memories, but hidden into the wrinkles of the unconscious. Only few experts in the world may hardly discover their presence. However, other signs are definitely visible: it is about the famous scars present on the body of the abductees. In the origin of this work there is the first historical scar discovered and reported by Bud Hopkins (USA) and showed also in the movie Intruders, through which it was reported its existence to the incredulous public with the support of fiction. That scar is very common on the abductees, even if it doesn’t seem present. I run into it for the first time many years ago, while I was working on a case that represented the starting point for my researches: the case of Lonzi, in Genova city. There is a whole book dedicated to his story (UFOs in the mind) and I don’t want to enter once again this matter lived by Valerio Lonzi, he told about this story many times on national TV channels; I just want to light on some particular points of that kind of scar. The last years many people after reading my works or participating my conferences, asked me how that scar does look like. In the first edition of the book there was a photo of Valerio’s lower leg where the scar was well evident, but already on the second edition the photos were eliminated because of the printing cost problems (?), so this important information was not accessible for the reader. On the other hand no one of the Italian ufological centers has ever published researches on this argument, so nobody in Italy has ever seen such a “strange” photo, in order to look on the own body for anything similar. The complete absence of so-called Italian ufological centres at the moment of the treating of abduction argument is consequent upon an evident and incomprehensible incapacity of understanding what the hell is going on. Besides the personal inadequacy of professed Italian ufologists, it has to be added also the thought that talking about abductions also means compromising oneself in front of the authorities at-large, this make one lose the trust of the government apparatus.(actually the Italian ufologists had always desired, but never had it). So, until yesterday the NUC (National Ufological Center) affirmed that they do not deal with abductions, then, some months ago some of its exponents came out on a special edition of Giornale dei Misteri (Magazine of mysteries) dedicated to this argument, that, besides incredible nonsense stuff, reported copied works from Internet and poorly imitations of my works (obviously they never mentioned my name). On the other hand the ICUS (Italian Center of Ufological Studies) nowadays looks too similar to CICAP (Italian Center of Control on Paranormal Affirmations) being unable to express an opinion on such a delicate matter, unless they use derogative tones and negative affirmations that anyone can easily find on internet and read in case they have any problem on getting asleep. The last years I have mentioned many times the fact that all people that “dream aliens” not only have unfailingly the same dream, but they also have the same scar on the left leg bone, or sometimes on the right one.

I could talk a lot about this scar, cause many times I have met people’s lost gaze, watching such a scar on their body which they never noticed before and they didn’t remember how it has appeared. I remember an adult male of approximately 30 years old, he visited me together with his girlfriend and he was telling me about his strange dreams that he had been having during the night. As such unreal experiences had a lot in common with the experiences of abduction, I asked him some simple questions, in order to verify his level of knowledge on the abduction phenomenon. I also asked him if he had any scar that he couldn’t remember how he got it on his body. He answered me immediately “no”; but while saying it, his eyes turned down to his left. That act may had various explanations, the first one was that he had activated his kinaesthetic memory, that is the “sensations”, and he remembered the sensation that he had while somebody or something caused that scar on him. Another possibility was that through his gaze and totally unconsciously he looked for some scar that was unknown to his conscious, but that was very familiar to his unconscious. He had a look on the left leg and his girlfriend goaded him roll up the left pant leg in order to verify. Here came out a scar that had the shape of a cigarettes burn, as big as little finger’s nail, same as many other scars of that kind. I asked him: What is that?. And he answered visibly worried: Don’t know, never saw it before...(?) The subject was definitely puzzled, cause the scar was old, but he never had noticed it. Also Valerio Lonzi had the same reaction right after the hypnosis done to him by doctor Moretti, no matter that he had described under hypnosis how that scar was caused to him. Here a synthesis of what he said. Valerio tells that he is on a surgical table; he is approximately 12 years old, the usual gray beings are around him and some technological devices similar to the helm of an ancient armour attached to the ceiling slopes on him. Something blocks his head and he sees only a little red light running forth and back in front of his eyes on a horizontal line. In the meanwhile Valerio feels that something is working on his left leg. Inside of his head the telepathic voice of the aliens is transmitting a strange message: Calm down: we don’t hurt you; we just take a sample of your bone tissue... Valerio feels more and more hot... After the hypnosis he doesn’t remember anything, cause of a posthypnotic order that Doctor Moretti sets on him. Then Moretti asks to Lonzi: Valerio, what is this scar that you have on your leg? Valerio doesn’t know! After some years I took part in an ufological lecture organized by the NUC, at the end of my speech about the abduction (that was one of the first times - nda), I got down from the stand and a tall, dark haired lady stopped me to ask me about the scar on the shinbone. She said that her boyfriend had the same scar that I talked about during the lecture. Then she called her boyfriend, which was timidly waiting. The boy approached me bringing the picture of his left leg radiography and he declared: The doctor says that under this strange scar it seems that a piece of bone tissue is missing... as if it had been taken.... It was the confirmation that I was looking for! So after that, I just start showing some examples of such scares in order to help the people to check the probable presence of them on their bodies.

The scar appears as a slight subsidence of the skin, as if the tissue has been removed by a surgery operation.

According to the characteristic of every person, the skin may get slightly red or sometimes get red for a short period and then turn to the normal color like the surrounding part.

Sometimes the scar is hardly recognizable, because there’s no redness and the dip on the skin isn’t really pronounced, sometimes it seems almost invisible.

As is it possible to see above, sometimes the tissue withdrawal has been repeated. The subject doesn’t look aware of that scar, no matter if he saw it for many years; only when he is put into thinking about the existence of the strange mark, something shakes in him and for the first time the abductee realizes that he had really been abducted! Immediately it opens a whole abyss in him that swallows him. So then... he said me right after… all these dreams that I was making from my early years... they were not just dreams...all these creatures getting around my bed while my parents were sleeping were real… so then… so then... The same scars photographed by Bud Hopkins in US are found on Italian abductees. There had never been discovered so many concrete evidences such as the ones about the abduction phenomenon before and it had never been so clear before that we had to get aware of the foolishness of the state ufologists that, in spite of all were unable to take part in the battle of

knowledge and took the organization I belong to the other side of the fence since such a long time, where the corrupted governors, useless militaries and other colluded prelates go on keeping the humanity in a kind of ignorance that could be turned into their future tomb.