THE MAGIC WORLD OF MOVIES Презентацию составил: Учитель...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Match the sounds and the groups of words: 1) violent, science, exciting [ o:] 2) a war film, awful, award [ ju:] 3) a thriller, thrilling, worth [ Λ ] 4) a comedy, funny, a cult film [ w ] 5) a documentary, musical, superb [ Θ ] 6) a western, a war film, world [ ai ]

Transcript of THE MAGIC WORLD OF MOVIES Презентацию составил: Учитель...


Презентацию составил:

Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №59

Саенко Вера Владимировна

Lesson aims:

- to revise genres of films

- to revise Passive Voice

- to practice listening

- to make dialogues

- to express opinions

- to discuss favorite films

Match the sounds and the groups of words:

1) violent, science, exciting [ o:] 2) a war film, awful, award [ ju:] 3) a thriller, thrilling, worth [ Λ ]4) a comedy, funny, a cult film [ w ] 5) a documentary, musical, superb [ Θ ] 6) a western, a war film, world [ ai ]

Funny + -violentmovingexciting fantasticsuperbawfulthrillingmakes you fall asleepterriblemakes you laughvery emotional and sadthere‘s a lot of fighting and blood

Jack and his friends discuss which film to see. Listen and say what films they want to see.

You go to the cinema. Make the dialogues and choose a film.

Passive Voice

Was (were) + V3

The film was directed by James Cameron

Make passive form

Direct, release, produce, design

Who was the film directed by?

1) «King Kong» – Peter Jackson

2) «Bonny and Clyde» – Arthur Penn

3) «The Adventures of Robin Hood» – Kevin Reynold

4) «Shakespeare in Love» – John Madden

5) «Titanic» – James Cameron

6) «Indiana Jones» – Steven Spielberg

Choose any film for award!

Tell about this film.


1) Title

We like the film ….

2) Genre

It is a ….

3) Director, stars

The stars are…

4) Opinion

We think, the film is …(exciting, funny etc.)

The Best Film

in the World of Movies

Choose an award for yourself!

- the best word expert

- the best listener

- the best speaker

- the best grammar expert

- the best theme specialist

You’ve seen

“The magic world of movies”

To be continued.
