The Lovely Bones Trailer analysis

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The Lovely Bones Trailer analysis

The Classification and Rating Administration determine the suitability of individual motion pictures for viewing. The CARA Rating Board issues ratings for motion pictures displayed and distributed in the United States. By issuing a rating, it seeks to inform parents of the level of certain content in a motion picture (violence, sex, drugs, language, thematic material, adult activities, etc.) that parents may deem inappropriate for viewing by their children. It is not CARA’s purpose to prescribe socially-appropriate values or to suggest any evolution of the values held by American parents, but instead to reflect the current values of the majority of American parents, so that parents benefit from and feel fairly informed by the ratings system.

This two shot shows their close relationship. You can also clearly see the Vogue Magazine which suggests a bit about the girl; she likes to read and she likes to be fashionable. They are both looking the same way in this case and the following shot is an eye line match since it shows what they are looking at.

This is the person that they are looking at. He is a boy, who you would expect to be good looking since the girl clearly fancies him however I wouldn’t say he is. They could have chosen him as the actor to portray the girl to be quirky and humble.

These two screen shots are simply the production logo. DreamWorks is a well known international production company and channel 4 is a British company. Showing these logo could suggest a sense of reliability to anyone watching the trailer because they are well known for creating good films and people will therefore be tempted to watch it. Both of these logos are quite simple and I will take this into consideration when creating my production companies logo.

These two shots again convey the girl to have another close relationship. This suggests that she is a loving person with many friends however it also should be noted that the three people she has appeared to be close seem to be family members and so perhaps it is the opposite. This sense of enigma will keep the target audience intrigues and possibly appeal to a wide audience that can relate to her.

This establishing shot displays to the audience that the central protagonist goes to your typical American high school, this will target other school children of a similar

age to her in America.

These three screen shots almost show the trailer to be boasting about the film. First it states that it is from an academy award winning director, Peter Jackson. Generally, people aren’t too familiar with directors names like they are actors and so it is no wonder they had to state that he is award winning, rather than just his name.

It also informs the audience that it is based on a novel by Alice Sebold and many people may be familiar with her books. If they are not familiar with her books than even just stating that it is from a book makes it seem more reliable because it wouldn’t have got turned into a film if it wasn’t a good book!

The two screenshots on this page both show a lot of emotion. There is something about sadness that speaks to an audience whether it is because they can relate to or because it feels good to empathise for others. Either way it is likely to appeal to the target audience in such a way that they want to watch for the characters.

The close up the left is effective because we do not often get the opportunity to be so close up to humans that we don’t know and so it could possibly be seen as intriguing. The fact that she is crying however often automatically makes the audience feel empathetic for the characters and so they would like to watch the film to see what happens.