The Life of Jesus: Flashcards for Little Children

Post on 29-Oct-2021

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Transcript of The Life of Jesus: Flashcards for Little Children

The Life of Jesus: Flashcards for Little Children耶穌的生平:小孩子的抽認卡

Jesus is born in Bethlehem耶穌誕生於伯利恆小鎮

Three Wise Men visit Jesus星象家朝拜耶稣

Jesus visits the temple as a child年幼的耶穌參觀聖殿

Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist約翰為耶穌施行洗禮

Jesus calls the disciples耶穌召叫他的第一批門徒

Jesus performs His first miracle, turning water into wine耶穌所做的第一個奇蹟,把水變成酒

Jesus tells Nicodemus about God’s plan of salvation耶穌向尼哥底母解釋一個人必須做什麼,才能得到救贖與永生

Jesus tells a woman at the well about “living water”耶穌告訴一位撒瑪利亞婦女關於「活水」

Jesus tells the people parables耶穌告訴人們比喻

Jesus feeds 5,000 people耶穌餵飽五千人

Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead耶穌使管會堂的人的女兒起死回生

Jesus walks on water耶穌履海

Jesus forgives a sinful woman耶穌原谅了有罪的女人

Jesus visits Mary and Martha耶穌訪問瑪麗和瑪莎

Zacchaeus meets Jesus撒該與耶穌相見

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead耶穌使拉撒路從死裡復活

Jesus eats the Last Supper with his disciples耶穌和他的門徒一起吃最後的晚餐

Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane耶穌在客西馬尼園祈禱

Jesus is crucified耶穌被釘十字架

Jesus is risen from the dead耶穌復活了

Jesus eats with His disciples on the beach耶穌和他的門徒在沙灘上吃飯

Jesus ascends into Heaven耶穌升天

Jesus will return耶穌再來

Art by Didier Martin,