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Transcript of THE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF ROB ROY M GREGOR, The Highland...





The Highland Freebooter.

“ The eagle he was lord above, But Roe was lord below.’’




Pi inted by H. Crawford, Bookseller.


'iii n. 7?V



OF • ,

i )

Rob Roy McGregor, &c.


13 OBERT MCGREGOR,or ROB ROY, was second son of Donald M‘Gregor,

of the family of Glengyle, a Lieutenant Colonel in the king’s service, by a daughter of Campbell of Glen!yon. Our hero was denominated a Celtic or Gaelic phrase, significant of his ruddy com- plexion and colour of hair. .

Rob Roy’s family were very respect- able. His father was the friend and ally of Regent Murray, and brought to his assistance 300 M‘Gregors, in an expedi- tion to quell an insurrection of the Mac- Phersons in the north j for which service Murray granted him a lease of a farm, which still remains in the possession of the family. - :

The education which Rob Roy received


was sufficient for the sphere of life he was destined to occupy. In his early years, it would have required very uncommon penetration to discover those indications

of sagacity and prudence which he after- wards exhibited. In youth he evinced strong natural parts, and soon excelled his compeers in the rude accomplishments of the age. He was active, bold, and pos- sessed of great bodily powers; he has been known to seize a deer by the horns, and hold him fast. In The use of the broad sword, few could equal him. But al- though his fiairte tfas so aingui’ady robust,

and his disposititon daring and resolute, yet his masnners were polite, his address insinuating, hia faculties acute, his con- clusions prettnpt, and inis reso’-'tion deter- mined.

In his youth, he studied the ancidnt history, and recited the impressive poe-

try, of his 'country; and these were emi- nently calculated to inspire sentiments that cherished a warlike and enterprising spirit. Rob, in his boyhood, delighted in the reveries of a romantic imagination, con- templating the sublime grandeur of his native Wilds—“ The reeky mountain, whose summits were often hid in the clouds that floated around them; the dark valley, encircled by woody eminences j

the bold promontory, opposed to the foam-

ing ocean, and sometimes adocned by the cattle- of a chieftain; the still basom of the lake* that reflected the surrounding Und-

scape;. the impetuous mountain cataract; and the dreary silence of the cavern,” were objects that influenced his youthful fjqelings^ disposing his mind to the cultU

vation of generous and manly sentiments. These impressions were never after eradi-c <cated. They continued to bias his tem- 'peF* and to give it a cast of romantic cbU 'vab-y* which, he exemplified in many of ihts future actions.

Rob Roy being now determined to. foln dow the quiet avootioms of a rural Kfe;

lirented a tract of grazing land at Balquhid- iider, and for several years, pursued a quiet :aod inoffensive course. But his cattle iwere often stolen, along with those, of his lineighboars, by hordes of banditti from Itlie northern shires, who wasted the coum fry. In order to protect himself from Ithese marauders, he was constrained to nmaintain a select party of men; and to Ithis cause may partly be attributed the warlike habits which he afterwards ac- quired.

A considerable number of Macras, from ithe western part of Ross, having commit-

ted an outrage on the property of a neigh.


bourr, and carried off fifteen head of cattle, an express was sent to Rob, informing' him of the circumstance. Being the first call of the kind he had received since he became the protector of the vicinity, he summoned a dozen of his men, and followed the plun- derers. Two days and a night he travel-

led, without obtaining any other informa- tion as to their track, than at times seeing the impression of the cattle’s feet on the ground. The second night, being fa- tigued, the party lay down in a glen, near the march of Badenoch. They had not rested long, when a fire was discovered at a little distance. They instantly set for- ward to reconnoitre, when they found it was a band of jolly tinkers carousing near their tent. Their mirth, however, was soon interrupted, when they beheld Rob Roy and his party. The tinkers informed him they had seen the Macras, who were at but a little distance; and two of the tink- ers agreed to conduct the party to the spot.

The freebooters had halted, for the se- curity of their spoil, in a narrow part of the glen, when the M‘Gregors overtook them, as they were setting out in the morning. Rob, with a loud and terrific voice, which resounded among the craggy acclivities, charged them to stop; but asi they disregarded the order, he rushed upon


them^with such fury, that six of their inumber lay prostrate on the ground.— The rest made a stout resistance, but were soon overcome; two being killed, and five wounded, they gave up the contest. Four iof Roy’s lad’s were severely wounded, and (himself received a cut on the left arm from Ithe captain of the banditti. The booty, thus recovered, was driven back, and re- stored to the rightful owner. Rob receiv-

i ed great praise for this exploit; and many t offered to contribute their donation of

* black mail.’ This circumstance, no doubt, ;itended to arouse the latent activity and ,>courage of his mind.

The executive government not only usanctioned, but enforced the exaction of

‘ black mail:’ and all constables were com- manded to see ‘ this order put into execu- tion, as they sail answer to the contjrair.’

1 Rob Roy’s exaction of this tax was not ' therefore an unauthorised robbery, but sanctioned by custom and local institution,

'iFor some time too he was employed in as- sisting the oflicers of the neighbouring dis- tricts, in collecting imposts for maintain- ing the ‘ Black Watch,’ a corpse of mili- tia, raised to protect the lives and property

i of the people from marauding plunderers, i. This corps, from the celebrity they acquir- :: ed, afterwards became regular troops, and

1 .

were the origin of the gallant 42cf>'regi~ merit, long known by the name of the- ‘ Highland Wateh.’

Rob Roy’s birth, as a gentleman, and his respectable connexions, when be at- tained to manhood, procured him access to the first families, and admission into the

' best company in the country. He formed a matrimonial engagement with a daugh- ter of M‘Gregor of Comar, a woman of an agreeable temper and domestic habits, active and economical in the management of her family. But she took no part in the predatory concerns of her husband, except on one occasion, afterwards men- tioned.

Rob was not possessed of any patrimo- nial property, but became master of the estate of Craigcrostan, in the following manner,—‘ When M'Gregorof McGregor, was driven from his possessions in Glen- urehy, by the Campbells, be bought the Lands of Inversnait and Craigcrostan, then of small value, though of considerable boundaries, extending from the head of Loch Lomond, twelve miles along its eas- tern border, and stretching far into the interior of the country, and partly around the base of stupendous Ben Lomond. Oa the death of his chief, in 1693, he kft his property to a natural brother, who was



laird of Kihnannan. This person was suc- ceeded by a son, who courted a daughter of the laird of Leny ; but Rob Roy, from what cause is not known,raised suspicions against him in the mind of the young lady, who in consequence rejected her lover.— He then paid his addresses to a daughter of Colquhoun of Lussj and their marriage day was fixed, when Rob again interfered, and Miss Colquhoun also refused to fulfil her engagement. Enraged at such treat- ment, the young chieftain went to Falkirk, where he married a woman of mean ex- traction, which so displeased his friends,

ithat they r,o longer regarded him as their : connection. By this treatment, the young ' man was so disgusted with his dan, that I he gave up his estate to Rob Roy, and leaving his country, was never more heard of.

Rob Roy devoted himself to the avoca- i: tion of a grazier; and as Highland cattle i about this time began to be in great re- ;quest in England, Rob made frequent journies for carrying on this traffic. When (McGregor was fairly settled, and tacitly "confirmed, as laird of Graigcrostan, his friendship became valuable, and was soli.

!dted by his wealthy neighbours. At this time the political variance between the

i families of Montrose and Argyle had grown


Into personal enmity ; this induced each of them to court the favour of Rob Roy, whose personal prowess, anil daring spirit, rendered him a desirable auxiliary, or a formidable enemy.

Montrose, to gain the confidence, and secure the friendship of M'Gregor, made a proposal to enter into copartnery with him in the trade of cattle-dealing, a plan in which he readily acquiesced. Montrose accordingly advanced Rob 1000 merks, (about 50l. Sterling) who was also ex- pected to lay out a similar sum, and thh profits were to be divided. Argyle also laboured to form an alliance with Rob, hoping that, from his resolute bravery and local situation, he would be a source of constant annoyance to Montiose. Be- sides, he might suppose that Rob Roy had evinced a friendly disposition by assuming the name of Campbell, that of M'Gregor being under proscription. But though Rob had chosen this name in compliment to his mother, and in compliance with the I law, he was acknowledged in the country, and by his clan, under no other name than that of M‘Gregor. He therefore spurned the overtures of Argyle with indignation.

Rob Rov, in carrying on business with the Marquis of Montrose, was the active manager. But a M‘J)onald, an inferior


partner, on one occasion was intrusted with a large sum of money, with which he made off. This greatly deranged Rob’s affairs, and he was unable either to pay Montrose his money, or to support his own credit. Montrose acted with uncom-

i mon severity and harshness: he dissolved :the copartnery, and insisted that Rob | should transfer his properly in security of j the claims he preferred. T his proposition i was firmly rejected ; nor could the threats ;of Montrose’s factor alter his purpose. A dawsuit was entered against Rob, and he was ultimately compelled to give up his

: lands in mortgage to Montrose, under con- idition that they should again revert to hitn- >self when he could pay the debt.

Rob Roy was extremely indignant at the ungenerous conduct of Montrose.— .However, his mind was too strong to be 'weakened by misfortune; he redoubled ihis exertions, and was soon able to tender the sum for which his estate was held.—

I But Montrose refused to deliver up his 'property, pretending the amount had rgreatly increased, and that it would take a 'considerable time to make out the state- ment. In this equivocal manner the Mar- quis’s factor endeavoured to evade the law- ful claims of an injured man. Just at this itime the revolution took place, and many


of the chi eft airs were arraying their fol- lowers to be in readiness for acting in fav- our of the house of Stewart. Argyle at-

tached himself to the Prince of Orange; but not having been restored to his pro- perty, since the attainder and judicial nrui*- 'der of his father, he was hesitating in his

sentiments j and, aware that Rob. in the event of a war, would be a valuable aux- iliary, he renewed his overtures to him, and warmly solicited his assistance.

The suspicious Montrose soon discover- ed that a correspondence had commenced between M‘Gregor and Afgyle; and, eager for the destruction of a family that had rivalled him in greatness, he wrote a letter to Rob Roy, in which he promised, that if he would go to Edinburgh, and give such information as would convict Argyle of treasonable practices, he would both withdraw the mortgage upon his property, and give him a large sum of money. Rob Roy received this infamoufc proposal with the lofty contempt and proud scorn of a M‘Gregor,# and, without deigning to re-

* A chieftain of the M‘Gregors, m>iding or: his freehold in Glenorchy, had a son who had gone in the shooting season, with a party o$ young associates, to the moors. Lhey met with a young gentleman, of the name of Lament, from Cowel, who, atteuded by a servant, wa* goihj

3 3

urn an answer, forwarded it to Argyle, vho soon took occasion to confront Mon-

o Fort William. Th^y all went to a puLuc- ! louse thst was in die place, and fook a rtfreth- !»nent together : in the course of which a trinting ilispute arose between Larr.ont and young Mac- Gregor. Dirks were drawn, and before friends itould interfere, M'Gregor fell, mortally w’ound- 'd. In the confusion Larront escaped, and got iccurely to the house of M‘Gregor, which hap- ped to be the finst habitation that met his eye it the dawn erf morning. The chieftain was up, ind standing at the dcor.—^ have my life,” said

' .he stranger, “ for men are in pursuit of me to ' .ake it away.”—‘ Whoever you are,’ says M'Gre- *or, » here you are/Safe.'

Lamom was but just brought In, and inf rod uc- ied to the family, when a loud dem'.fid Was made at the door, if a stranger had enter *1 the house.

He has,' says M'Gregor, < and what is your ibusiness with hhn ‘ In a scuffle,’ cried the •pursuers, ‘he has killed your son; deliver him •up, thai we may instantly revenge the deed.’—- iM Gregot’s lady and his two daughters filled the •house with tl*eir cries and lamentations.—‘ Be quiet, says the chief, with the tears streaming •from his eyes, ‘ and kit no man presume to touch Ithe youth—for he has M‘Gregor’s wend and hon- •our for his safety; and as God lives he shall be ;*afe and secure whilst in my house.’

In a little, the chieftain accompanied Lament, • with twelve men, under arms, to Inverary, and : landed him in safety on the other side of Loch- ihne, then took him by the hand, and thus ad-

s? 4 ft .

trose, with a charge of malevolence. Butiii Rob suffered severely for this noble acti for Montrose, in revenge, procured an ad-fc; judication of his estate, and it was evictedi* for a sum very inadequate to its value.

During this transaction, Rob Roy wasii in England on business, and the expul-i sion of his family was conducted by Gra-1 ham of Killearn, under circumstances of 4 the utmost indignity and barbarity. When M‘Gregor returned, and beheld his desti- tute family, his soul was filled with rage, and he determined to take revenge on the

dressed him:—‘Lament, now you are safe:— no longer can I, or will I protect you:—keep out of the way of my clan.—May God forgivei and bless you.’

This happened some time before the act of proscription against the clan Gregor, in 1(533, when, to the discredit of justice, a weak govern- ment sacrificed a whole people for the enormi- ties of a few, M'Gregor lost his property, and was hunted for his life, in consequence of this iniquitous act. He took shelter in the house of

i this very Lamont—noted tor his uibanity, and his deep contrition for the misfortune of his younger years; and who, by every act ot kind- ness to his venerable guest, and some branches of his family, revered the providence which put it in his power to repay to the family of his be- nefactor, in some measure, the loss he had oc- casioned them in the death of a son.


:ithors of his misfortunes. His first act hostility against Montrose was at a term,

then he knew the tenantry of that noble- wan were to pay their rents. He and his tien called upon them, and obliged them ) give him the money, for which, how- j/er, he granted them acknowledgements, rithat it was received on account of Mon-

ose.’ In this compulsitory manner he levied

ic rents from the tenants for several tears; and Montrose, conscious, perhaps, mat he had taken undue advantage of Rob r.oy, seemed to overlook the matter until I subsequent occasion, when the factor was bliectirg his rents at Chapellaroch in Stir-

| ngshire. Rob Roy had given out some ays before by proclamation at the church

<oor, that he had gone to Ireland; and •he factor consequently concluded that he i/ould meet with no interruption in his luty. Towards evening, however, Rob iloy placed his men in a wood in the :eighbourhood, and went himself, with lis piper playing before him, to the inn *f Chapellaroch, where Killearn was, at- ended by several gentlemen of the vicini- y. Alarmed at the sound of the pipes, hey started up to tXscover from whence t proceeded; and Killearn, in great con- iternation, beheld Rob Roy approaching the door.


He had finished his collection, but ti bags were hastily thrown, for concealmera on a shelf. Rob Roy entered with tl usual salutation, and the factor at first ha no suspicion of his final purpose, as he la: down his sword, and partook of the ei tertainment; after which, he desired h piper to strike up a tune. This was a sij nal to his men, who in a few minutes su rounded the house, and six of them et tered the room with drawn swords. • Rg Roy, laying hold of his sword, as if abet to go away, asked the factor, ‘ How h had come on with his collection ?’ ‘ I liav got nothing,’ said Killearn, ‘ l have nc yet begun to collect.’ ‘ No, no, chambei lain,’ replied Rob, ‘ your falsehood wi not do with me, I must count fairly wit you by the book.’ Resistance being useies! the book was exhibited, and according t it the money was given up, for which Ro Roy granted a receipt.

But from the infamous treatment bT

family had received from Kiliearn, Ro Roy was resolved to punish him, and ha» him immediately conveyed to an islan< near the east end of Loch Ketturin, nov rendered famous as the supposed residenc of fair Ellen, the Lady of the Lake.

In this island Killearn was confined fo a considerable time; and, when set a

rtyY received front Rob a prudent ad- ition as to his future conduct.

Rob Roy was. always the friend and rotector of the weak and oppressed.— he disorders which prevailed in the nati-

, n, during the reign of Charles II. became ill more dreadful on the accession of his rother James, whose bigotry permitted ic most odious Crimea, and authorised, ich cruelty as the mind shudders to cotv- implate. At these scenes of horror Rob

I ad often been present, whose soul burned nth indignation ae their wickedness, re- setting. that he was not vigorous enough o crush the bands of inhuman wretches tfho executed the bloody commands of the ir.g. After he had been expelled from

ds estate he went to Carlisle, to recover ..sum of money due to him. Returning yy Mofiat, he fell in with a party of soh liers hanging four peasants, whom they :alled fanatks. A young woman, who was itso bound to the same tree, bewailed the ate of her father and brother, two of hose who suffered. The deadly work be-

ing completed, four of the soldiers seized 'she young woman-, tied her hands and feet, and were carrying her towards the river :;o drown her, regardless of her tears and entreaties to save her. Our hero’s heart ibeing wrung with sympathy, and shocked



at such cruelty, ordered the perpetrator to stop, and demanded ‘ why they treatej a helpless female with such barbarity ?’-+ The officer desired him to e begone, othei wise he would experience the same treat ment, for daring to interrupt the king' instructions.’ The miscreants were jus about to toss the girl in the stream over precipiece. Rob became frantic with ragt sprung upon the soldiers, and in an instan eight of them were struggling in the pool

The officer and the remaining ten me: were confounded and stood motionless In this pause Rob cut the cords that bounc the girl; and killed the officer at on stroke. The soldiers attacked him, bu he killed two of them, and the rest fled t the town, leaving him master of the field to the unspeakable joy of the yeunj woman, and the great delight of the pe<* santry who stood around.

Our hero now devoted himself to mili tary pursuits. He selected a body of mei ho less resolute than himself. These bole M‘Gregors entered into a bond of unioi which no hardship could tear asunder, n< contention overcome; while the master!; discipline, established by Rob, renderei them the terror of surrounding counties They mutually recited the wrongs of thei clan, and renewed the determination o


Iking a proper revenge. While the war- he music of the pipes animated their iirits, and inspired them with a courage Jmost irresistible. 1 The government now watched the mo- ans of the Highland chiefs with a jealous "e, and thus they were obliged to com- 'unicate their sentiments respecting the 'idled house of Stewart in the most secret hd clandestine manner. 1 heir opinions iere unanimous, and a bond of faith and nutual support was signed. By the negli- ence of a chieftain to whom the. bond was itrusted, it fell into the hands of Captain william Campbell of Glenlyon. When it vas known that a man of such inhuman helings held this bond, those who signed t were seriously alarmed, and various plans ivere suggested for recovering it. Rob itoy, with the clans, had also aflixed his iiame; but on his own account he regard- id neither the king nor Ids government, de was, however, urged by several chiefs :o exert himself, and, if possible, to recov- er the bond. To accomplish this, he went to Fort William io disguise ; and getting access to Captain Campbell, who was his near relation, he discovered that he had put the bond into the possession of the governor, who was determined to forward it to the Privy Council. Rob learned the



day on which it was to be sent off; too 'leave and went home. The despatch wa naade vtp by Governor Hill,, and sent firor: Fort William, escorted by an ensigrTs coir pany. On the third day’s march, Ro' and fifty of his men met the party in Glen dochart, and demanded their despatches The officer refused ; but was* told by Rob

tha* he must either give their lives and th despatches together, or the despatches alone The despatches were given up : and Rob having taken out the bond he wanted, beg ged the officer would excuse the delay h had occasioned, and wished him a goo>s journey.. By this bold exploit many chief saved their hetds-, and forfeiture of then estates.

The spirit of clanship, th*.' dignity as sumed by great chieftains, and the pro found submission of their vassals, ofter produced the most iniquitous actions.— Against such acts of violence, though overf

looked by the government, Rob Roy Mac- Gregor manfully and openly drew hi; sword.

On the estate of Perth, a clansman cl Rob Roy’s occupied a farm on lease ; bus the factor took occasion to break it, anq the tenant was ordered to remove. Roh hearing the story, went to Drummond Cas- tie. On his arrival the first person he met


as Bl&h-d-rummond, the factor, whom he nocked down., v.'itho-ut uttering a word, j>d walked on to the gate. Perth, who iiw this from a window, came out and lave him a cordial welcome.—‘Perth, I rant i!0 -shew of hospitality ; l insist oidy ) get back the tack of which mymame- ike has -been deprived, otherwise I will t loose my legions on your property.’— (ertu was obliged to cc^mply. Tl>e lease ras restored, and Rob sat down and feakfasted with the Earl. 1 Graham of Kiilearn was factor on the iitate of Montrose, and second cousin to uat nobleman. Being in the constant (ractice of distressing those netvants who .ere in arrear, he was despised in the i>untry. He had dnoe sequestrated ihe ftods and cattle of a poor widow for ar- ars of rent; when Rob heard of the cru- ty, he went to her, and gave her the )0 merks she owed, at same time derir- jg her, when she paid it, to get a receipt, in the legal day, the officers appeared at :e widows house to take away her effects, ae paid their demand ; but Rob met em; made them surrender the money icy had extorted ; gave them a good rubbing, and an advice never again to t in the same manner. Sometimes the rich procured a snort-

gage bond upon the property of his nee neighbour j and this was generally turr into an authority to seize their lands force. Glen gyle was under a bond of ti kind, when Rob Roy’s nephew succeed to it. Rob, knowing what advahta

would be taken of the contract, gave 1

nephew the money, for the purpose of trieving the bond. The period of demption had only a few months to ru and, under pretence that the bond con not be found, the money was refused. Rob Roy at this time having been oth wise engaged, the matter lay over, a the bond was allowed to expire; wf 7cung M'Gregor was ordered to remc himself, his dependants, and cattle, eight days. Rob Roy could not suf such treatment; and, assembling his gill took the chieftain prisoner, who, knc ing Rob’s disposition, agreed to give the bond when he got home. Rob, p ting no confidence in his promise, co pelled him to send for it, and give it to him presently.

The incursions of our hero indu4 Montrose to apply to the Privy Coui for protection ; and obtained an act wh was expressed in terms—‘ to repress see ers, robbers, and broken men, to raise h and cry after them, to recover the go( stolen, and to seize their persons.’

This decree, though despised by Rob, lade him more watchful of his foes.— ut Montrose, under authority of the act f Council, called out a number of his peo- le, headed by a confidential Graham, and :companied by some military, sent them 3 lay hold of Rob Roy; he chanced to e absent when the Grahams assailed his ouse during the night. Having learned nat Rob and his men were at a public- louse in Strathfillan, he in the house, and Hey in an adjoining barn. The Grahams nmediately broke open the door. Rob ras instantly accoutred to meet them, and welled them man by man as they ap- iroached, until his own lads, roused ue noise, attacked the GMhams in the ear, with such determination, that they ::treated, leaving behind them several of iieir party sorely wounded; but Rob, nving refreshed his men with a glass of ihisky, ascended the hill towards the head tf. Loch Lomond.

i When nearly exhausted, and worn out y the laborious vicissitudes of a restless ie, and confined to bed in a state of ap- proaching dissolution, a person with whom ii former times he had a disagreement, illed upon him, and wished to see him.

I Raise me up,” said he to his attendants, i dress me in my best clothes j tie on my


arms; |)laoe me in the -great diair. Th; -feUaw shall tiever see me on a death bed.. With this they complied, and he receive -his visitor with cold civility,. When d. stranger had taken his leave, Rob Soy e: claimed, It is all over now 5 put me I bed. -Gall in the pipdn ^Let him pk ‘ Cha teill mi tmlk' as long as I breathe He was faithfully obeyed, and calmly nx his death, which took place -at the farm f*{ Inverlooldarigbeg, atnoiig the t>raes of ’Brl quhidder, in 1785, His :rqlics repose a the church'yard of that paridh, with .a other escutcheon to mark his igrave tha a simple stone, ion which some kin dr* spirit has carved a s word—^tiie rappropriffl emblem of the -man t>—

’j , i t. r-,“ Gian lAlpiueb oBsen-ftad Jjenaid!”

The funeral of Rob Roy was attend* by dll ranks t/f people within several inli of his residence ; and so munch was be t loved, that universal regret seemed to po vade the whole company. An old mati whom we have.seen, although then younti attended the solemn occasion; and vi present some time before, when Rob Rfl- Jdught Ardsheal.

(8hi?bit4m uit o) o;t bice *\qu sm iFJNhS. ■