The Latest In Mobile

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Latest In Mobile

IntroductionOn September 28, Swim hosted a Google Partners event in which company leaders at Google shared the latest research and trends on mobile devices and consumer behavior. As a certified Google Partner, Swim had access to the live-streamed event from Google’s Headquarters.

The insights provided can help you reach customers in their moments of need.

Consumer Behavior

- Consumers want as little friction as possible when searching for information or entertainment

- People now watch video, read and search for information on their phone

- We no longer go online, we live online

Today, it takes someone 26 hours before they report losing their wallet, but only 68 minutes to report losing their phone.

46% of people would rather go without a toothbrush for a week versus their phone.

How to Win with Micro Moments

People visit mobile devices about 150x per day for a total of 162 minutes per day.

How can marketers provide the best user experience on mobile?

Mozilla increased pagespeed by just 2.2 seconds and downloads rose by 10M per year.

EVERY SECOND MATTERS- Speed is one of the most visible features of website

- People expect pages to load within the first three seconds

- After five seconds, consumers are ready to leave

- Ironically, most mobile sites take six to 10 seconds to load

NEED FOR SPEED- One second can increase mobile conversion rate by up to 27%.

- Even small, incremental gains can mean significant improvements in bounce rate and conversion rate.

- There is a sweet spot in between the three- and six-second mark, but focus on incremental speed improvements over what your site currently has.

Users are comparing your brand to other companies with seamless mobile experiences, regardless of whether or not they are direct competitors.

UX and Design- Businesses with better mobile sites consistently perform better than those

without mobile-friendly sites

- Beautiful, intuitive designs are often easy to spot, regardless of whether or not you have a design background

Where Good Design Matters Most

Eliminate Friction With Design- Eliminate Steps

- Implementing one-click functionality- Design efficient forms- Provide alternatives for consumers to finish their transaction

- Anticipate Needs- Put calls-to-action for primary activities in a prominent spot- Take advantage of built-in GPS capabilities- Use customers’ past behavior to dynamically fill in forms

- Test New Ways to Delight Customers- Avoid drop-downs when not necessary- Show key value propositions near the CTA buttons- Use high-quality product images with zooming options


Analyze Page Speed- Pagespeed Insights: To find out what is causing pages to load slowly

- Google Analytics: Provides insights into the specific pages

- WebPagetest: Dive deeper into load time and compare competitors’ websites

- Think With Google: Test My Site: Test your site’s performance on mobile

That’s a wrap.

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