The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 8: Shahan round 2

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 8: Shahan round 2

The Kingdom of Avonlea

Chapter 8: Shahan Family Generation 2 Round 2

“Who’s my precious little Fae? You will be good for mamma while I am away won’t you Emma?”

Gardiner sighed happily. He loved being a father. He only wished he could spend more time at home with

his girls.

Alas his duties to the realm must come first. He’d been long enough away from service because of his precious angels. “Ah Lady Whendlan! Welcome to Avonlea. How

can I be of service?” “Good morning Maester. No assistance is required. Your

tower was simply recommended.”

“Indeed? They speak of my humble library all the way in Whinmore? I am truly flattered. Do

enjoy your stay.”

“Your Grace. Good evening!” “Good evening Maester Shahan. I must say I am quite

impressed with the improvements you have made to the Library since my last visit. Your service to your kingdom

is not going un-noticed.” “Thank-you Your Grace. I am honored to serve Avonlea.”

While her husband receives high praise for his work and attends to the kingdom’s library Diana is hard at

work scrubbing the bath. She just never could seem to keep it clean!

Her mother Anne had stopped by this morning and was currently entertaining Maria and the twins.

Thank goodness for help! She found lately she was absolutely exhausted!

Although, thankfully, Maria was much like her father and was quite able to entertain herself

for hours at a time.

Goodness even her brother Charlie was willing to help with the dishes now and again. How

completely embarrassing!

Not as embarrassing as constantly burning her lord husband’s fish though! Gardiner though

bless him. He never said a word.

Despite her protests he went to the tower later than usual the next morning so that she might sleep in. Secretly, she was glad for the extra bit

of rest.

Truly having three children was exhausting! And to think soon she’d have 4!


“How is family life treating you Fran?” “Quite well. Erec has seen to my every need. And Father Cai

is such a delight! ” “I am glad to hear you are well, Fran. I worry about you far

more than I probably ought.” “

“Nonsense Maester. You and the Lady were raised in the same house. It is only natural of you to be so protective. I

know my lady wife is quite grateful for this.” “That is kind of you to say Lord Hamilton.”

“Kindness has nothing to with it. I

“A summons from King Thorin?” “Yes. The king requests you come to the palace at ten on

the morrow. What shall I tell him?” “Tell him, I shall be there. Of course.”

Whatever could this be for?

“I’m sorry I ruined your meal again. I fear I am not at all talented in the kitchen.”

“Never mind that love. I do not mind.” “Nonesense. Are you…are you worried about tomorrow?

“Some yes. But I am certain we have done nothing to offend. It will be well, my love. Try not to worry.”

Though he told Diana not to worry, Gardiner found himself sleepless. He even took a session

in Lord Roth’s steam house at dawn to try to calm his nerves.

“ are asking me to join the king’s council Your Grace?”

“But of course. From your willingness and ability to restore the library, to your recent talent in helping Lord

Roth in Takemizue and Arkadia, you have more than proven your worthiness.”

“So will you accept?” “I would be honored Your Grace.”

“Excellent! From this day forward you shall be known as Thane Gardiner Shahan.”

“Now please, have a seat and let us begin my friend.”

A/N: Squee! I’ve been waiting for this moment.

“Your Grace is it true that a newly founded kingdom was found during Thane Gardiner and Lord Roth’s

travels?” “Indeed. The land of Arkadia. I have been in talks

with the crown Prince. It would seem he fortuitously needs a wife.”

“I have made arrangements for my lady sister Eowyn to travel to Arkadia.”

“Do you hope to secure a marriage alliance then? Forgive me, but is that wise? ”

“The people of Arkadia were quite charitable in our time of need my lord. I do not see why peaceful relations could

not be established between our kingdoms. And I am certain the king would of course defer to his sister’s good

judgement on this matter.”

“But of course. I trust my sister completely with this matter.”

Lord Ogden tilted his head. “I wish you all the best Princess.”

“Thank-you My Lord.”

Thane Gardiener returned home late only to find Diana had already retired early. Thane Shahan. He shook his head as he concentrated his energy…that was going to take some

getting used to. ~~~~~

All too quickly young Maria had shot up like a weed. “Can we go fishing this weekend Papa? Please????”

“Of course my love. Now run along and help your mother. I must get to the palace. ”

After her good-bye kiss, Maria dutifully skipped off to find her mamma.“I’ll take care of the trash mamma. And I’ll clean the tub too! You can rest! Do you think I’ll have

a brother this time?”“Plumbob willing Maria.”

Maria loved having little sisters especially her sisters. They were adorable. She could never quite decide what

she liked better…Catherine’s straight brown hair or Emma’s wild black curls.

Oh who was she kidding it had to be the wild black hair! After all, the black hair came from

her Grandmother Isabella! Actually she was bit jealous of that…

Though she guessed it was pretty niffty having Grandfather Gilbert’s

pink eyes.

“Papa your home early!” “I suppose I am yes. But I cannot possibly miss the birth of your brother or sister now can I?”

“Grandmother Izzie is here too!” “But of course she is love. She’s brought all three

of her grand babies into Avonlea. She wouldn’t miss the fourth.”

It turned out to be a very good thing Gardiner came home early. Poor Diana just was not

made for the kitchen.

Seeing as how Isabella was around the family did get a nice hearty cooked meal anyway. She even promised to coach Diana in the kitchen.

And Maria too of course.

Though Maria would never say it, because Papa had taught her to be polite, she was glad

Grandmother was going to teach mamma to cook proper. Eating burned food and running from fire

really was no fun.

After all that work and excitement the little girl practically passed out the moment she climbed

into her straw bed.

In fact, Maria woke up the next morning and found she’d not only missed out on giving her Papa a good-bye kiss, but had

slept straight through the birth of her little brother Fitzwilliam. Now that was disappointing. How horrible! Well at least

she’d get to learn to bake cake.

Well at least she got to learn how to bake cake.


With her renewed energy Diana found she could spend proper time with her girls again!

“Alright Cat, let’s get you walking and surprise Papa?”

“What do you say WE surprise that son of mine first by getting you talking.”

You gonna teach her to break the fourth wall?Perhaps…

“Lady Wendlan? What a surprise.” “Good day Diana. This salad is wonderful. I hope

you do not mind, but I simply had to escape distasteful company.”

“Distasteful company! Why I never.” Oh dear what was she supposed to do about

this? Two noblewoman fighting in her kitchen!

Fortunately, once again her mother-in-law somehow saved the day. Honestly,

Isabella was a miracle worker!

Not that her husband was too shabby at getting the family out of tight

spots either.

She was certainly the luckiest woman in the entire kingdom!

We’ll end the round with the Shahan’s with a nice pic of Gardiner being awesome. He’s now a

merchant. So happy about that. But seeing as how the Library is a Level 10 business it was high time

he got promoted.

Oh what the more of Isabella being the best Grandma ever. Cause honestly we can’t have enough

Isabella and Shahan kid pic spam. Thanks for reading!