The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 12: The Roth Family (Main Branch)

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Transcript of The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 12: The Roth Family (Main Branch)

The Kingdom of

AvonleaChapter 12: Roth Family Round 2 (Main Branch)

Erec had no idea how his older sister could lose her

mind so quickly, but she’d done it. Gaineda hardly

spoke to him anymore. Mother was certainly at her wits

end with dealing with her attitude, which of course made

matters on the home front oh so pleasant.

At least he could go out to work, poor Fran

was stuck in the house with her all day. How

on earth she managed he didn’t know.

Erec was certainly growing tired of discussing the matter of

his sister’s maid servant’s arrest. He didn’t care if Gani had

outspokenly condemned what the woman had done, the

whole scandal had put a blemish on their family name.

The birth of the twins was a wonderfully

welcome bit of news. Something happier

for the kingdom to talk about.

Lady Nimue was even in much better spirits after the twins

birth. “Well I don’t believe it, but we have a grandson.”

“Now Nimue, don’t forget we have a lovely grand-daughter


Fran prepared a meal for the day’s guests while Nimue

looked after the twins. She didn’t care how much Nimue

tried to pretend she favored Gisborne, the rest of the

kingdom didn’t live under the roof with her to witness

how much time she spent doting on Scarlett.

“Well little lady how are you doing? Can’t

believe Grandmother put you down long

enough for me to snag a snuggle!”

In truth, Fan quite liked Nimue. Sure she

was prickly at times, but she was a

fiercely loyal woman too.

Erec’s brothers were over for the afternoon, along with Lord

Edward. The men quite enjoyed Fran’s stew and happily

enjoyed discussing axe throwing and the other such things

that men enjoyed conversing about.

Fran meanwhile had been drawn to a strange sound coming from the

downstairs parlor. She was quite surprised the king had stopped in for a


“I hope you don’t mind me using your violin milady.”

“Of course not Your Grace. I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Oh I wasn’t officially invited, I simply heard about the twins and I wanted

to pop in since I was in the area anyway.”

“That was very kind of you. Would you like some tea? Biscuits?”

“Oh no, no need for that. I’m still quite full from breakfast. Is your

Lord husband in I would like to give him my regards as well.”

“He’s out in the gardens with his brothers and Lord Hamilton I


“Brother try not to throw your arm out would


“Oh save it Bedwyr. I know what I’m doing!”

“Your Grace! What a pleasant surprise.”

“I seem to be doing a fair share of creeping up on people

today. Mind if I join you for a bit?”

“Not at all.”

“Lord Hamilton, you are quite skilled with the axe.”

“Your most kind Your Grace. Would you care for a try?”

“I’m afraid I’m not much use with an axe. I’m a

swordsman through and through.”

“I thought I heard the sound of a good axe.

Mind if I join in?”

“Not at all Master Ogden! Not at all!”

“You seem to have enjoyed your afternoon.”

“It did turn out to be grand time. You should have

come out and joined us.”

“Considering recent events, I felt it would be best to

play the good little Lady for once. Give you a break.”

“Good grief Fan! You shouldn’t have to play nice simply because my sister has

lost her mind.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you. Erec, really you deserved to have one pleasant


“I know, I know. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just ready for all this to blow


All too quickly the twins were having their birthday.

It seemed like only yesterday she had brought

them into the world! Where did the time go?

Gisborne looked so much like his lord

father! Fran couldn’t seem to put him


Scarlett she felt favored her side of the family much more.

Sadly she could see some of her father Favian in the child.

Though she preferred not to dwell on that too much.

Things within the kingdom had seemed to have quieted

down somewhat. The arrest of the queen’s maidservant was

a thing of the past.

Erec and Thane Shahan still worked closely together to keep

the kingdom’s houses of healing stocked.

She’d been able to see the completed upgrades

in person the other day. The new tower was a

very nice and much needed addition.

The newly installed theraputic

baths were quite popular.

Lords and Ladies across Avonlea were streaming in daily

for advice and training in the healing arts. Erec had taken

on some much welcome assistance a few seasons ago

and it appeared the Lady was working out quite well.

All in all life the past year for Fran

and Erec had been quite joyous.

Hopefully the coming years would

continue to be kind to them all.