The Jefferson Presidency The Jeffersonian Vision, The Louisiana Purchase, Embargo Act of 1807, &...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Jefferson Presidency The Jeffersonian Vision, The Louisiana Purchase, Embargo Act of 1807, &...

The Jefferson The Jefferson PresidencyPresidency

The Jeffersonian Vision, The The Jeffersonian Vision, The Louisiana Purchase, Embargo Louisiana Purchase, Embargo

Act of 1807, & HypocrisyAct of 1807, & Hypocrisy

What do we already What do we already know?know?

QuotesQuotes ““The strongest reason for the people to retain the The strongest reason for the people to retain the

right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

““That government is best which governs the least, That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.”because its people discipline themselves.”

““I have recently been examining all the known I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology.”mythology.”

““All the world would be Christian if they were All the world would be Christian if they were taught the pure Gospel of Christ!”taught the pure Gospel of Christ!”

The Election of 1800The Election of 1800 Who is the President?Who is the President?

What is the problem What is the problem with the Election of with the Election of 1800?1800?

Hint: Similar to the Hint: Similar to the problem resulting from problem resulting from the Election of 1796?the Election of 1796?

ResolutionResolution Hamilton works a deal Hamilton works a deal

with the House of with the House of Representatives to have Representatives to have Jefferson elected Jefferson elected president 2 weeks president 2 weeks before the scheduled before the scheduled inauguration. inauguration.

Jeffersonian VisionJeffersonian Vision ““Cultivators are the most virtuous and Cultivators are the most virtuous and

independent”independent” Jefferson envisioned a land of farmers Jefferson envisioned a land of farmers Agrarian Agrarian

RepublicRepublic Expanding west would provide farmland opportunitiesExpanding west would provide farmland opportunities

Individual liberty comes about via subsistenceIndividual liberty comes about via subsistence Won’t need to tradeWon’t need to trade If you don’t need to trade, you won’t fall into debtIf you don’t need to trade, you won’t fall into debt If you are in debt, you are dependent on the creditorIf you are in debt, you are dependent on the creditor

You are at their mercyYou are at their mercy If you owe a creditor, you cannot be completely freeIf you owe a creditor, you cannot be completely free Debt leads to corruptionDebt leads to corruption

Jeffersonian VisionJeffersonian Vision

SlaverySlavery Slavery is a necessary evilSlavery is a necessary evil Africans are inferior (believed science proved Africans are inferior (believed science proved

this)this) ““The two races…cannot live in the same government.”The two races…cannot live in the same government.” Slaves sold after his death to pay off his debtsSlaves sold after his death to pay off his debts

Affair with Sally Hemmings?Affair with Sally Hemmings? GovernmentGovernment

Cannot be trustedCannot be trusted Cut back the size of the federal governmentCut back the size of the federal government

Return power to the statesReturn power to the states

Louisiana PurchaseLouisiana Purchase

New Empire for New Empire for LibertyLiberty Opportunity for a land Opportunity for a land

of farmers speaking the of farmers speaking the same language and same language and sharing the same sharing the same cultureculture

Constitutionality: Did Constitutionality: Did the president have the the president have the power to purchase power to purchase land?land?

Buys LA Purchase from Buys LA Purchase from Napoleon for $15 millionNapoleon for $15 million

Most of the new land Most of the new land goes to slave ownersgoes to slave owners

ImpactImpact Doubles size of Doubles size of

AmericaAmerica USA Controls USA Controls

Mississippi River Mississippi River increases tradeincreases trade

Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny It was God’s will It was God’s will that America that America expand in order to expand in order to spread the ideals of spread the ideals of freedom and freedom and democracy democracy

Video: Video: The Presidents: The Presidents: JeffersonJefferson

What precedents [2] of the Washington What precedents [2] of the Washington administration did Jefferson do away with?administration did Jefferson do away with?

What was the Embargo Act of 1807? Why What was the Embargo Act of 1807? Why was this a grave mistake? Why would was this a grave mistake? Why would Jefferson do this (think about his vision)?Jefferson do this (think about his vision)?

““We are all Federalists. We are all We are all Federalists. We are all Republicans.”Republicans.” Jefferson swore not to be anything like a Jefferson swore not to be anything like a

Federalist. One could argue he did the Federalist. One could argue he did the opposite. How was his presidency more of a opposite. How was his presidency more of a Federalist than Republican?Federalist than Republican?


In your own words explain why the In your own words explain why the Jefferson Presidency was often Jefferson Presidency was often hypocritical. Gives at least 3 specific hypocritical. Gives at least 3 specific examples. examples.