The Japanese Society for AIDS Research -...

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Transcript of The Japanese Society for AIDS Research -...

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Authors’ Declaration

Date :

To the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of AIDS Research

Manuscript Title :

Manuscript Author :

The authors of this manuscript declare that :

+� This manuscript has neither been published nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

,� All animal experimentations have followed the recommendations contained in the Declaration of Helsinki.

The authors understand that manuscripts become the property of the Society once accepted.

Membership No. Name Signature Date

All authors must endorse this declaration.

Membership No. Name Signature Date

Instructions for Authors

The Journal of AIDS Research, the o$cial journal of the Japanese

Society for AIDS Research, remains devoted to the publication of

studies relating primarily to HIV infection from the medical and

social scientific aspects.

Submission of Manuscripts and Review Process

The journal is published quarterly (February, May, August, and

November). The editors invite the submission of manuscripts com-

prising original research reports, reviews, technical notes, news, and

editorial letters. In the case of questions, please feel free to call the

Editorial O$ce.

All authors, with the exception of invited contributors, must be

registered members of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research.

Only unpublished data will be considered for publication. Manu-

scripts submitted to the journal must not be under consideration for

publication elsewhere. A copy of an agreement, executed and signed

by all of the authors, is required with each manuscript submission.

The form to be used is available from the Editorial O$ce, and will be

sent upon receipt of a manuscript. No manuscript can be accepted for

publication without a signed copyright transfer.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the Editorial

Board, and possibly by other specially qualified individuals as well.

All accepted manuscripts including electronic form (o%ine, online)

become the property of the Society, and may not be reproduced or

published without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief and

the Society.

Manuscript Style

Manuscripts should be submitted in English in triplicate, one

original and two copies, on A. (standard ,+�,2 cm) paper with ,./cm margins. All copy, including captions, footnotes and references,

must be typed double-spaced on one side of the sheet only. Manu-

scripts prepared on a word processor should be printed using a

letter-quality printer.

The manuscript should be divided into sections with appropriate

section headings. The sequence of the manuscript should be as

follows : title page, abstract and key words page, introduction, mate-

rials and methods, results, discussions, acknowledgements, references,

tables and figure captions. All pages must be numbered sequentially

with the title page being page +. The first page should contain the

title, a list of authors and their a$liations, the full address including

telephone, fax and e-mail numbers of the author to whom requests for

proofs, correspondence and reprints are to be sent, and a running

head (less than .* letters). The abstract and key words (limited to /words) should begin on the second page, followed by the introduc-

tion, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements,

and references sections. The abstract should be limited to -** words

or less.

Standard metric units are used for reporting length, weight and

volume. For these units, use cm, mm, l, ml, g, mg and so on.


All tables should be cited sequentially in the text, numbered,

supplied with suitable explanatory legends and column headings, and

provided at the end of the manuscript following the references. Table

should not be integrated into the body of the manuscript. They

should be self-explanatory and should supplement, rather than dupli-

cate, the data in the text.


All figures must be cited in the text, numbered, and supplied with

captions. All captions should appear together on a separate sheet

following the tables and references.

Legends should be brief and specific. Do not indicate the magnifi-

cation for light photomicrographs unless visual inspection is inade-

quate for judging relative or absolute size. The use of scale markers

in an image is suggested for electron micrographs.

All artwork must be submitted in triplicate in camera-ready form

with all figures marked (lightly in pencil) on the back with the main

author’s name, the figure number, and the orientation of the image.

Inappropriately-sized figures will be cropped by the Editorial O$ce

or reduced by the publisher. The author is responsible for the costs

associated with reproducing illustrations in color.


References are to be numbered in order of citation and cited in text

by number. The reference section should be typed at the end of the

text, following the sample formats given below. Journal titles should

be abbreviated according to the abbreviations approved by Index

Medicus. All single-word journal titles should be spelled out. Com-

plete information should be provided for each reference, including

titles of journal articles, all authors and editors, and inclusive pagina-

tion. Sample references are given below for a journal article, a book,

and a chapter in a book :

+� Badder R, Montana J, McDonald M, Zolinger F, Quinn TC :

Frequent detection of HHV2 in AIDS patients with Kaposi’s

sarcoma. J AIDS +2 : +-/�+0/, +330.

,� Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T : Molecular cloning : a

laboratory manual(,nd ed), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Press, +323.

-� Firkin BJ : Alternative treatment of patients with HIV who

became resistant to previous anti-HIV drugs (Goglan M, Salz-

man EW eds), Manual of HIV Therapeutics, Lippincott, pp

10,�130, +330.

Upon acceptance, authors are requested to submit a floppy disk for

the manuscript in text file format together with the information on

type of computer and software used.


Authors will be supplied with page proofs to check the accuracy of

typesetting. Proofs must be checked carefully and returned within

three days of receipt.

Page charges and Reprints

Authors may be charged for any excess pages beyond / pages

(approx. +*,*** Japanese yen per page). A reprint order form will be

sent to the corresponding author together with the page proofs.

Those wishing to order reprints must return this form with payment

when returning their corrected proofs.

Mailing Address

All materials submitted for publication in the journal should be sent

to : Editorial O$ce of The Journal of AIDS Research, c/o Center for

Academic Publications Japan, ,�.�+0 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo ++-�**-,, Japan (Tel. �2+�-�-2+1�/2,+ ; Fax �2+�-�-2+1�/2-*).