The iris 2009 Annual

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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This annual is a celebration of all-things-'iris'. Our work, our culture, our people, our clients.

Transcript of The iris 2009 Annual

Welcome to the 2009 annual

This annual is a celebration of all-things-‘iris’. Our work, our culture, our people and our clients. So come in, make yourself at home.

We’re one of the world’s leading independent, international, integrated agencies. And although we’re 10 years old this year, it feels like we’re just getting started.

Being Better – our vision

The world has changed. In fact, over the last decade everything has changed – even change has changed. It’s no longer something that happens slowly, every now and again. Today change is constant and moving at speed.

So we’ve created a philosophy to help us and our clients take advantage of this. It’s a philosophy of continual improvement, for the era of continual change. We call it Be Better and it’s all about pushing yourself, embracing new challenges and never, ever being complacent.

That said, some things will never change. iris is, and always will be, about the people, the culture, doing what’s right and giving the fat cats a run for their money.

Some companies build cars, others make chocolate or design sofas. At iris, we create competitive advantage.

How? However it’s needed. That’s why we have so many different creative minds from so many different disciplines, working together under one roof.

Creativity has gone freestyleOnce upon a time ‘Creativity‘ meant doing a press ad or a 30-second spot. Today it can be anything. Sure we do the traditional stuff, but we also run Jamiroquai gigs on airplanes, create TV programmes and funky mobile apps, organise festivals, build websites, make films with athletes, sponsor F1 races,create a market where goods can only be bought by acts of kindness, or invent new sports like Night Tennis – part fashion show, part nightclub, part sport.

TV is fine – but at iris we’re fascinated by ideas that are too big to be put in a box. Broadcast has evolved. Today clients and consumers want ideas that capture their imagination and inspire them. They want these ideas faster and they want them to have a momentum all of their own… online, in PR, on TV, mobile and in retail. So we’ve recently launched ‘Ideas That Move’ – a new unit with a whole new approach to this space.

iris. The one and only

Back in 1999 we set out to create an agency with a culture that was all about asking questions, exploring and finding better ways to solve problems. And today, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in Sydney or Singapore, Manchester or Miami, that spirit remains the same. We are ‘one iris.‘

We’re all about co-operation and collaboration, and we don’t accept borders or barriers. We believe that if you want different results you need to work differently.

Project Gaia sees us opening offices in markets that are important to our clients, offering ‘global to local’ sharing in just 7 days.

And Project 72 is a new idea that allows our clients to send a brief to all our offices around the world, over 72 hours, to generate a pool of great international ideas quickly. Fast, fat-free global collaboration.

One iris worldwide

We have offices all around the world. But they’re not just dots on a map – they are cultural extensions of our brand. If you visit any of our agencies, in any city – from Beijing to Portland, or Sydney to Amsterdam – you’ll find the same iris DNA and the same warm welcome. That’s because iris isn’t a collection of offices, we are one agency with global reach.

iris Digital

Whether they’re creating mobile apps, augmented realities or harnessing the power of social networks, we’ve now got digital specialists all around the world – from New York to Singapore – and we’re rolling out work from Birmingham to Beijing.

A good example of this is our work for Sony Ericsson and QUANTUM OF SOLACE – a digital campaign designed to leverage the world’s most iconic film property in over 40 countries throughout the globe. Other highlights, of what has been an incredible year, include new global work for Shell and the launch of the revolutionary new Connect service for Hertz.

iris Experience

In the last year iris Experience has picked up a top award in every major continent. We’ve won the Campaign Grand Prix in the UK, the Dragon of Asia Grand Prix for our Sony Ericsson Traffic Jam work, and the prestigious EX Award in New York for Night Tennis. But it’s not just about awards. Creating work for Kelloggs with our active trialling programme, performing a 22-date tour for MySpace, and reinventing F1 activation for Johnnie Walker has been every bit as much fun.

iris Concise

When it comes to the really heavy lifting, we’ve got a new set of superheroes. Concise is our Management Consultancy. Armed with change management skills, market entry strategies, loyalty, CRM, research and data analytics, they’ve taken up a central role in our offering. In the last year, we’ve have helped Astra Zeneca to reduce the nation’s cholesterol. Enhanced CRM for InterContinental Hotels Group, who are the largest hotel company on the planet. Saved lives with Network Rail on our level crossings project. And helped save the planet with Sony by cutting down on waste material. We’ve also redefined sales force structures for Novartis and discovered more gamblers for Gala. In fact, we’ve doubled the department in the UK and set up offices from Atlanta to APAC.

iris PR

iris PR has more than doubled in size this year, with a series of big new business wins including Homebase and Kinder. We’ve secured a place on the COI’s PR roster and already scooped the Child Home Safety brief for DCSF and work for DfT’s road safety campaign, THINK! We’ve brought back the humble milkman into the nation’s consciousness with the launch of Dairy Crest’s milk&more service, and pouted with Dita Von Teese and friends to launch her new collection for Wonderbra. We also put 16,000 moustaches on the stiff upper lip of Britain as part of our Movember campaign, raising awareness of men’s health issues and £2 million for The Prostate Cancer Charity – proving the credit crunch is no match for the mighty ‘mo’.

iris Sponsorship

The baby of our group started life well with one of the biggestnames in the world of sponsorship – Peter Harris, previouslyHead of Vodafone’s Global Sponsorship. His aim is to help ourclients unlock the value of sponsorship. Offering global expertise on all areas including aligning sponsorship strategy to business objectives, developing activation plans, negotiating leveraging rights and measuring success. So far we’ve seen work develop for Emirates, ING, Sony Ericsson and a little football club you may have heard of – called Manchester United.

New horizons

Our client partnerships have lead to a bit of a growth spurt in our tenth year.

We now have offices in London, Manchester, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, Moscow, Stockholm Melbourne, Beijing, Atlanta and Jakarta and the global expansion of iris Experience and iris Digital. It’s a win-win for everyone – our clients can now get the iris service in important territories, and our people now have a range of brilliant opportunities to expand their careers.

New friends

It’s been a great year. Here are just some of the new friends we made this year.

VW Commercial Vehicles We’ve been appointed to create a fully-integrated campaign for their vans and lifestyle vehicles, using TV, PR, events and print advertising.

ING We’ve been asked to create a global brand campaign.

Hertz We’ve been appointed to deliver advertising and direct communications internationally.

COI We’ve been asked to create campaigns for the DCSF, Food Standards Agency, HMRC and the Department for Work and Pensions.

Kellogg’s We’ve been working on active trialling and sales promotion for a selection of brands in their portfolio, including Crunchy Nut.

Heineken We’re activating their UEFA Champions League sponsorship and in Asia we will be managing Heineken’s multi-award winning music marketing platform. Creating experiences – both real and virtual – that will make a real connection with consumers.

Dairy Crest We’ve been tasked with the nationwide launch for the milk&more service.

Liverpool FC We’ve been asked to create a CRM and loyalty programme.

UEFA Activation of the Fanzone across brands – including Vodafone, Sony, adidas and PlayStation during the Champion League Final.

Unilever APACiris has been appointed by some of Unilever’s biggest selling categories and brands – Axe, Rexona, Lux, Citra, plus the haircare category. Our work covers out of store activations and in-store communications and retail design.

Talent isn’t enough

What’s the secret of our success? Simple. We work better together and we work harder than other agencies. It’s not rocket science – we’re passionate, committed and we keep going long after the other guys have packed up and popped home for their cocoa.

And that’s not just when we’ve got a brief. In between projects, our client’s competitors will be plotting world domination, so proactivity is one of our most prized attributes.

As a result, we’ve always invested heavily in research because we believe you’ve got to stay fresh, you’ve got to be continually challenged and you’ve always got to be looking at ways to add value. Here are some of our latest projects:

Upon womenWith women making more than 80% of all purchase decisions, this new piece of IP from iris looks at their power in driving brand loyalty and market share. This global study examines the reason why brands need to sit up, take notice, and act differently.

This study defines the 7 key rules of engagement on how marketeers can positively impact this vital audience.

Concerned consumption The study looks ahead to the changing world that is emerging out of the current economic climate. What with the credit crunch upon us, there are a new set of ‘rules of engagement’ that brands need to align to. Brands are seeking to connect and build active, mutually profitable relationships. It’s a world in which they have to justify and clarify who they are, what they are offering, and what they stand for. While for consumers, it’s a world of concerned consumption. They are demanding added value, asking questions, considering both practical benefits and emotional assurance.

ROSSI The general approach to measuring sponsorship effectiveness is still underdeveloped compared to measurement of other marketing channels and that, when executed correctly, drives profit. We have created our own proprietary approach and dashboard that will enable our clients to more closely engage in understanding the effectiveness of their sponsorship investments and activation strategies. This three-tiered approach enables clients to have an integrated view of all relevant sponsorship KPIs and allows clients to gain new and powerful insights into how well their sponsorship investments are working, and what they can do to be better.

Hey Grandpa!

iris has recently conducted an ethnographic research study into global youth. Over 200 15 to 21-year-old hyper-connected kids from around the world have been telling us about their lives. They have been sharing their world on one big blog called Hey Grandpa! And from this work we’ve been helping clients understand the strategic imperatives for brands wishing to engage with this pretty complex and fast-moving audience – we’ve called these strategic imperatives the ‘The Teen Commandments’...

Some new faces

As we continue to grow, so does our talent pool. Here are just a few of the new people who’ve joined us in the last year.

Busy on our clients’ behalf

iris was created around the needs of clients. And great partnership is at the heart of all our relationships (some, now 10 years old). As times get tougher, more and more clients have looked us up. Here are just some of them.

Serious fun Marketing is a serious business. But it’s also a creative business, so it should be fun. At iris we don’t take fun lightly. In fact, we’re very serious about it.

And it seems we’re quite good at it too. According to The Times’ survey of the UK’s top 100 companies, we’re the best agency to work for – and the tenth best company in the country.

Under the Influence

We’re curiosity junkies – always open to new ideas. It’s what keeps us on top of our game. That’s why three years ago we created Under the Influence. And in typical iris fashion it’s a refreshing take on the traditional. We avoided the standard boring stuffy marketing lecture, where a one-way conversation talks down to an audience. Instead we chose inspiring discussions over a pint in a pub. So every couple of months we head on down to The Garrison and chat to artists, designers, illustrators and anyone else we happen to admire.

We also hold an annual event at our London Bridge locals, where we invite some of the best brains in the business to share their secrets over a pint. You can view the films from the last years Borough Market event at or get the lowdown on topics at You couldn’t pay for the kind of knowledge imparted at this event. And because we’re generous types, we don’t ask you to. Yes, it’s free. To the whole industry. And it seems to be a bit of a hit. We know this because we had 650 people, from as far abroad as Dubai and India, pop in.

So the combination of inspirational thinking and free beer is a winning one. So much so that we’ve had the world knocking on our door asking us if we can take Under the Influence global. We’ve said yes. New York and Singapore, we’re on our way. Everywhere else, we’ll be seeing you soon.

iris Awards

We’re a pretty shy and retiring bunch really. We’d rather the spotlight was on our clients rather than ourselves. That said, we love celebrating great work and great people, and have had a pretty good year in being recognised around the globe by clients and peers alike. The last twelve months have seen our agency’s culture and great people being awardedby the likes of The Sunday Times Best Companies, Crain’s, MCCA andThe Singapore Advertising Hall of Fame. Our international creativeproduct has also been giving a nice winning sprinkle of success fromthe likes of Campaign Big Awards, Effies, Ariels, APMA’s, Event Awards,Roses Awards and the Dragon of Asia’s. Not a bad haul. But we’re not going to lose our heads.

Worldwide case studies

How does adidas gain better credibility among running enthusiasts of all shapes, sizes and abilities around the world?

We found a truth. And we ran with it. Anybody who puts on a pair of trainers to do more than walk and look good, will tell you that ‘every runner is different’. They simply are a quirky bunch. Whether it’s why they run in the first place, the route they take or how they motivate themselves. Each execution is designed to celebrate this fact. And everything you see is taken from the wearer’s point of view. It basically enables everyone to view the world of running through the eyes of a runner.

6 and 48-sheet posters showing every runner is different

6-sheet poster

In-store posters

Inside running magazine

adidas TV

adidas running events

James Bond. Our mission was to create a through-the-line campaign for the limited edition Bond phone (C902 Titanium Silver).

To infiltrate 40 markets around the world, we equipped ourselves with ideas for TVC, press, retail and packaging collateral. But that was not enough. Just like Bond, we had a gadget or two up our sleeve. So we also set up a website, interactive window displays and a series of fun mobile applications too. Mission accomplished. We achieved over 116,000 visitors to the site, across 117 countries in the first four weeks, and with only 25 markets live. Not to mention 35,000 downloads of mobile applications from the site.

Global TVC

Bond microsite

48-sheet poster

6-sheet poster

Bond Metro wrap

The world is constantly changing. And we have to change too. So Hertz asked us to launch a car-sharing club for young professionals, build a site for it to live, then drive traffic towards it.

Our journey began with the name. Working to a proposition that the service would ‘connect you to freedom’, the brand name‘Connect’ was agreed upon. Next stop, the logo. We then set aboutcreating a full communications package including a transactional website, door drops, posters, leaflets and POS packs to connect with local residents and businesses. Operational materials such as car livery, staff uniforms, manuals and welcome packs were also designed and produced.

To date, we’ve overtaken our target by 167% with 4,000 new members recruited. The website achieved over 30,000 hits during the launch period and 13% who visited became members. Hertz are now looking to build on their success by launching the car club to other major European markets.

48-sheet poster

Website where you can join the car clubInteractive 6-sheet

In-car manual

Leafl et

Press ad

How can Sony Ericsson have a better, more active role in the musical lives of the global youth?

Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Don’t be afraid. It’s just the Music Monster that lives inside every one of us. It’s as unique as your music collection and hungry for sounds. All you have to do is find it. And feed it. Whether it’s music on your handset, events, or information on the latest gigs, you can do it all through Sony Ericsson Walkman™ phones. Our integrated campaign went out across all media – through TV, retail, experiential and DM. And the monster lives on.

76% of the target market could recall the campaign and 79% said it reinforced their view that Sony Ericsson is number one in the mobile music market. A position which Sony Ericsson still continues to uphold today.

Website and kiosk at a music event where you can create your own Music Monster


Consumer-generated Music Monsters TV idents

6-sheet posters

Direct mail packs included a mini Music Monster

Wearing their Music Monster

Music Monster at O2 Wireless festival

Bespoke bag

How do we get consumers to try and buy Powerade, and at the same time raise awareness of its status as the Official Sports Drink of The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?

We got the nation behind Team GB with a simple text/online mechanic. Consumers simply entered a code found on the reverse of the drink label, then received an event back – e.g. Men’s 100m freestyle swim. If Team GB won Gold, Silver or Bronze in that event then they won too. So the more Team GB won, the more you won as we rewarded consumers with Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes – including sports vouchers and training kit.

The results deserved a medal too. Take a look at these:

61% unique entries as a % of total KPI 55%

11,514 unique website visits

16,071 total visits to the website

24,393 total number of valid entries

Highest ever market share of volume sales

93% increase in market share of volume sales of sport drinks whencompared to previous month

78% year-on-year volume increase

80% year-on-year volume share increase for August

Volume sales peaked at 43% share of sports drinks in Tesco

Team GB training camp good luck board

Team GB preparation booklet


Style guide

Display unit

We’d already given tennis a shake up – swapping long matches for short, intense battles soundtracked by some of the biggest-name DJs in the world, all under UV light. The next stage was to bring Night Tennis to a younger, more cutting-edge audience and drive sales of the W910i Walkman™ handset.

We created a 360-degree offering that included PR stunts, a teaser film, website coverage, experiential and in-store POS – all leading up to a 2,000-strong event, featuring tennis great Pat Cash and House music legend Bob Sinclar.

During the campaign, the W910i achieved huge sales success and featured in the top ten handsets sold. Unique viewers on Bebo exceeded 34,000, MySpace TV exceeded 56,000 and YouTube™ exceeded 125,100. And to top it all off, we won an APMA bronze award for effectiveness.

Photos from the latest Night Tennis event in AustraliaThe Night Tennis microsite

Viral promoting event in AustraliaPoster and ticket

Shell asked us to help them recruit business people to run and manage Shell businesses. Research identified that potential Dealers were looking for a more meaningful ‘business relationship’, and this led us to develop a new global brand positioning –‘Together We Can Make A Real Difference’.

Our approach was to portray the different aspects of being in a partnership with Shell, as a ‘journey’. We broke the ‘journey’ down into five different brochures, each talking about the benefits of becoming a Dealer.

We created a new, more ‘human’ identity using the illustrations of Sanna Annuka.

The campaign is a stunning piece of B2B comms, including brochures, leave behinds, ads and a global digital hub for all markets.

Sanna Annuka illustration

Front covers for Shell brochures

How does Sony help UK consumers better negotiate the decision-making required to make a purchase from their extensive range of laptops?

Get ready to read the word ‘simple’ a lot. Why? Because that was the key to this brief. After all, computers are clever and complex things. And all consumers want to do is make a simple decision about which one to choose. So we gave the store clean, simple lines. And made it easy to navigate. We also gave customers the opportunity to spend time interacting with the product range. You might think it a simple strategy. But then aren’t they the most difficult to achieve? Not for us. We found it, … well, … simple.

Our results were simply brilliant. The new store design has seen sales of VAIO laptops increase by 100%.

Shots from the new Sony Store interior

Americas case studies

In what must rank as the hottest ticket of the year, adidas asked us to help them,‘Celebrate Originality’ with the likes of David Beckham, Missy Elliot, Katy Perry, Method Man, Kevin Garnett, the Ting Tings and Redman.

Our ‘House Party’ brand experience programme leveraged adidas Original’s lifestyle and fashion equity to engage with a broad spectrum of youth audiences. Comms extended to digital, retail and experiential marketing.

In-store the campaign showed photos from the house party

We needed to develop a property for MySpace and a platform for their advertising partners that leveraged music and culture.

Bringing together a stylish, fashion-forward, and culturally progressive audience, this year’s tour was presented by Discover Card and featured French electro-pop group, Justice, with supporting acts DJ Mehdi, Busy P, Diplo, Chromeo, and Fancy.

At the event there were MySpace interactive kiosks, where concert attendees had the opportunity to update or check their MySpace pages, branded signage, lighting, and premiums.

Beyond the live consumer experience, the Music Tour lived online too, providing exclusive content for event attendees, including video footage from the tour, event photos and blogs by the bands and DJs too.

The results saw Discover Card experience a large increase in traffic to their website with over 200,000 page impressions. MySpace filled every gig and had approximately 40,000 profiles viewed on the website as well as 6,000 friend requests!

Music tour night

Show reel of the music tour

Sony Ericsson wanted to strengthen their brand positioning as leaders in mobile entertainment, while also driving sales of Walkman™ handsets. So teaming up with Shakira, one of the worlds biggest selling artists and one of the few Latin American singers to have topped both the Latin and Hot 100 Billboard charts, was the perfect choice.

Creating a campaign to coincide with Shakira’s newest album launch ‘Loba’ (’She-Wolf’), consumers were encouraged to get exclusive ‘Loba’ content preloaded on to their phones. Allowing fans to get closer to Shakira through interacting with her via video chat, and even to have the opportunity to meet her in an exclusive listening session.

The campaign is inspired by the album’s theme, ‘Sigue La Luna’ (‘Follow the Moon’), is dictated by the lunar calendar, using full moon days as key milestones to unveil new phases, games, and event happenings; keeping customers engaged and coming back for more!

Within the space of five days 130,000 viewers downloaded the TV commercial, and the number of Facebook™ and Twitter™ followers grew rapidly as the campaign rolled out across the region.

In-store posters

Campaign website where you can get closer to Shakira

With an entire portfolio of American Football products to promote, it was fortunate that adidas had a team of ten top NFL stars to help tell their story!

Aimed at high school audiences, the Thrill & Destroy campaign demonstrated that no matter what level you play at the game is always about passion, determination, hard work and giving your all for the team. It’s about the perfect blend of brilliance across a ‘spectrum’ of athletes – from the game-changing Running Backs to the ferocious Linebackers.

Our nationwide retail and digital campaign stretched across social media, video and even music downloads – using real-life insights from the players to highlight how adidas can help take your game to the next level. The level where you ‘Thrill & Destroy’.

Campaign posters featuring Reggie Bush

Viral content showing the Thrill & Destroy team in action

Banner ad showcasing the Thrill & Destroy team

Roll up! Roll up! To the Adult Swim County Fair – a bazaar of the bizarre.

Adult Swim is Cartoon Network’s late-night offering, beloved of students, creative types and the terminally hip, and home of the likes of Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Meatwad, Harvey Birdman and Assy McGee. iris Experience was asked to create a unique Adult Swim event targeting 18 to 24-year-old college students.

At over 15 universities across the US, students flocked to our travelling sideshows, trying their luck at Xavier’s Tree of Infinite Sadness, printing their own exclusive T-shirts featuring Adult Swim characters, soiled their souls at Quagmire’s Peep Show and had their fortunes told by a narcoleptic cat.

If you know Adult Swim, all that will probably make sense. If you don’t, we should tell you our clients were delighted, all the events were a resounding success and Adult Swim fans walked away with collectables that are still being sold on eBay and talked about in dorms across the country.

University poster for the event

Adult Swim county fair

The Sony audio category is about delivering an unrivalled power, richness and clarity of sound. Featuring products that help people to get the most from their music thanks to the inherent connectivity in each device.

So we created a full retail activation platform leveraging the positioning of Sony across the audio portfolio; Genezi, Walkman™ and Xplod. Also delivering upon the proposition of, ‘Experience Sony sound quality that will amaze you and your friends, no matter where you are.‘

“Amplifica Tu Vida” (Amplify Your Life) brings Sony’s positioning and proposition to life in an engaging and visually captivating way. By choosing a Sony product, consumers are amplifying their lives through experiencing their music like never before. And because most devices in the Sony audio range connect with one another, consumers are also amplifying the way they access their music through being able to enjoy it in more places, more often.

The campaign certainly hit a high note and according to our client. ‘The campaign has been a great success across the LATAM region with all markets implementing and activating the campaign. It was so well received that when the Global Management Team in Tokyo saw it, they wanted to find out if we could take it global.So watch this space!”

In-store promotional material

In-store window display

Consumer awareness piece

Campaign posters promoting the Sony audio range and music experienceSony store window showcasing the campaign

Asia Pacific case studies

When you think of things that mix well with whisky, extremely fast cars probably isn’t one of them. So leveraging Johnnie Walker Black Label’s F1 sponsorship of Mika Hakkinen and Team Vodafone Mercedes McLaren was something of a challenge.

A responsible drinking message fronted by Lewis Hamilton provided the necessary balance of style and substance. Our audience was invited to make a pact with Johnnie Walker Black Label, Lewis Hamilton and – crucially – each other, to never drink and drive. The creative execution was built around the act of adding your name to an ever-growing line of signatures, and was delivered through a fully-integrated campaign. So far 40,000 men in Asia Pacific have joined The Pact, and the number’s still rising. Plus the campaign has successfully launched in Latin America.

Website where consumers can sign up and join the pact

Lewis Hamilton joins the pact in the TVC

Viral Campaign

Event with Lewis Hamilton and Mika Hakkinen

Viral showing MIka and Lewis competing to get people signing up to join the pact

MTV catching people getting band pranked

How to launch the W980 Walkman™ music phone in a market already heaving with portable music devices?

We began with a simple creative idea – the clarity of sound on the W980 Walkman™ is so good, it’s like being at a gig listening to it live. TVC and banners drove consumers to the website where visitors could play with the phone, and the campaign was so successful we rolled it out on MTV and took a real band to the streets to surprise people with live music. We had three spots of ‘Bandpranks’ on MTV showcasing the stunts, and a fourth spot that drove to the website for a chance to win an amazing trip to the MTV European Music Awards. And the result? Over 20,000 unique visitors to the website.

More people getting band pranked

Website showing the phone’s sound capabilities

TVC showcasing the W980 Walkman™

Smirnoff approached us to come up with a sponsorship property that would naturally resonate with the audience in Asia. Manchester United is seen as the world’s best football club and has a huge fan base in Asia. Smirnoff is the world’s number one-selling premium spirit. A more perfect match would be hard to find.

We built an integrated campaign around the idea of ‘The Spirit of Champions’. The creative execution evolved from core visuals to the latest digital activity, uniting the world’s number one DJ – Tiesto – with Smirnoff the world’s number one vodka and Manchester United the world’s number one Football club. Consumers were invited to watch exclusive backstage footage online and download the remix, as well as have a go mixing their own tracks.

In-bar poster In-store promotions

In-bar posters

Website where consumers could access exclusive Manchester United content

The Sania Miraz range in-store

adidas asked us to launch their new Sania Mirza range of clothing in-store. The challenge? In an environment that screams sport, we had to create a unique identity for the collection to entice fashionable females.

We positioned the range as ‘off-court fashion’, using the outspoken Mirza to voice her opinion on her own collection through in-store POS. The launch was synchronised with the release of Cosmopolitan magazine, featuring Mirza on the front cover.

The Sania Miraz range was a hit! The clothing line was stocked in adidas stores across India, and the line proved so popular it was an instant sell-out – surpassing all sales expectations!

The brief was simple. Develop an exciting DM pack to deliver the latest campaign toolkit to Shell markets. The new campaign for Helix was focused around the message of Clean Inside and a whole host of ATL and BTL assets have been developed for local markets to implement the campaign in their area. Our task was to deliver these assets in a manner that captured the essence of the campaign.

The cleaning powers of Shell Helix Ultra needed to be immediately brought to life. Hence the solution was to deliver the toolkit in a cardboard-engineered Shell Helix Ultra can. A ‘dirty’ sleeve was placed over this can, so that when it was removed it revealed the clean can inside, bringing the brand proposition of ‘Clean Inside’ to life. Inside the pack, a selection of CDs and a guideline booklet provided the assets and informed markets about the campaign.

Packs were rolled out across India with a 100% uptake. Such was the success that the Shell team received further requests for additional materials from 50% of the retailers. of the retailers.

Inside the clean can

The ‘Dirty’ sleeve and clean can underneath

European case studies

Be supportive

Poster and fl yer for Habbo teen club night

How do you get through to teenagers? Many a parent has been unsuccessful in answering that question. So how are we going to help young people, aged 11 to 18, have the confidence to make informed decisions about any relationships they might have?

It may sometimes appear that teenagers wander around in their own little world. Well one of these little worlds is the Habbo Hotel, an online space which over 800,000 teenagers habit every month. So we booked a room. Then we filled it with RU Thinking advisors. The room was known as the ‘adviceberg’, with askimos and waitamo encouraging visitors to chill out and take their time with relationships.

To date, over 1,000 Habbos have benefitted from an interactive session with a trained advisor, and an average 1,500 click-throughs have been made to the RU Thinking website. The ‘adviceberg’ has also been at capacity throughout, at one point even having 300 Habbos queuing up to enter.

The Askimo avatar


The Waitamo avatar

Inside the Habbo hotel and adviceberg

We’ve all been there. Stuck on a motorway with the traffic stood mind-numbingly still. So how could we team up with some partners and get it moving again?

Our message was a simple one. Prepare and plan your journey to avoid causing or adding to congestion. So we took that message and produced a campaign targeting three areas of preparation drivers can take on-board for the road ahead. Of course, we felt the only way to drive our message home was to ensure that we talk to our target audience while they were in the driver mindset. So we also got together and placed our collateral with A-Z, Phillips, Moto, Kwik-Fit, Budget, Enjoy England, National Tyres & Autocentre and Capital Shopping Centres.

Not only did we achieve an ROI of 5:1, but we also created over 75 million opportunities to see the Highways Agency, via partner environments.

Posters encouraging drivers to plan their journey

For years rock stars have chosen this distinctive whiskey from Tennessee. How do Jack Daniel’s build on this relationship with music?

The JD Set began back in 2002, but in 2008 we took on a new tour-based format across key UK cities, with three tours hitting five venues. Each venue was branded with everything from ATL to tour T-shirts and in-bar promotions. The black and white photography sought to reflect the grittier side of live music and the messaging took the sentiment of ‘Where there’s Jack, there’s music’.

When it comes to results, it appears that we rock. The nights were a big success with every gig packed out. The snap-to-win game card promotion and its ‘smash guitar’ call-to-action also proved to be especially popular with the audience.

In-bar poster

Tour poster

Music venue posterMusic venue poster

JD leafl et

JD guide booklet

Kids Co is our adopted charity. Many of our staff already contribute direct from their hard-earned pay packets. But how could we help raise even more money for vulnerable inner-city kids?

We sent a double-sided CV to HR directors in socially responsible organisations. One side offers information on a person whose life has gone terribly wrong. For example, their personal information tells of a single mother who has suffered bullying and abuse. Under the education section we see the individual has been expelled, while under the experience header, we read of them shoplifting to buy nappies for their child. However, on the other side we see the same person with a CV that is full of genuine achievement. A call-to-action asks the reader to ‘help turn a child’s life around’.

This was an idea which cost pennies, but gained Kids Co an average donation of £5,000 per CV.

The once great and pioneering service of the West Coast Mainline was in huge need of a makeover and some serious tender loving care. With ever increasing demands put upon these lines, Network Rail committed to upgrading the tracks with a £9 billion investment. A huge undertaking – it was an engineering project of such scale and excellence, that the originators of the world’s first railway would have been proud.

To promote the upgrades, we built a campaign execution around ‘Built in the 19th century, rebuilt for the 21st’. With a TVC dedicatedworkers who built the original railway, it emphasised the fact that their railway now lives on. By referencing the achievements of the old, it provided a great backdrop for Network Rail to promote the new advances and upgrades to the line.

The print campaign portrayed the modernity and speed of the new line. The 48-sheet campaign featured along the entire length of the West Coast Main Line and was also supported by 6-sheets and press advertising. Ever mindful of keeping the current and future customer base happy, Network Rail also took the opportunity to thank rail passengers for their patience during the ten years the upgrade project took to complete.

TVC showcasing the upgrades

48-sheet posters

6-sheet posters tailored to specifi c regions along the West Coast Mainline

Our task was to make a big noise about the relaunch of Sure Men Sport. And also to make a large impact on sales. Fortunately we had a big name. A certain Freddie Flintoff is the brand ambassador.

Using the big man himself and some atmospheric photography, we have created a 360-degree campaign centred around an Ashes ticket promotion. This huge campaign features above-the-line, in-store, online and experiential activity at the grounds.

“We’re enjoying Sure deodorant’s witty advertising related to the England/Australia Ashes battle. [The campaign] featuring Andrew Flintoff was inspired.” Not only did the campaign receive this ultimate seal of approval from leading industry title Campaign magazine, it clearly captured consumers’ attention, smashing all performance targets by over 10%.

Freddie in action on 6-sheet posters

Competition website Stills from viral fi lm

In-store poster

In-store product displayIn-store product display

In-store promotions

Did you know over 40% of British women are now a D Cup or above? We didn’t. So how can we tell that rather sizeable audience about Wonderbra’s new D to G product launch? Oh, and there’s one catch. How can we do it over 3 months on a budget that is a bit of a tight squeeze?

This task required the two big talents of our Manchester office and iris PR. They arranged an open audition to women around the country to become the new Wonderbra model. An ATL campaign supported by PR and a viral invited the nation’s women to attend the casting session. The casting itself offered expert tips on fitting into a Wonderbra and ongoing PR activity highlighted the ‘Cinderella Story’ of the winning participant. The launch was handled in true Wonderbra style with a traffic-stopping billboard. The reveal of the 96-sheet poster included a number of the participating women walking down the street dressed only in their Wonderbra underwear, which understandably helped achieve massive standout.

But what were those vital statistics? Well, here are some of our outstanding achievements:

Highest Rate of Sale on a new Wonderbra product range since 2001

Demand outstripped supply by 3:1

22,000 views of the viral

136,700 unique visitors to the microsite

1,000 women attending the casting and a resulting 100+ pieces of positive coverage in national press and TV

Viral voted No. 1 in UTalk Marketing People’s Choice Awards

Campaign voted this campaign as No. 2 in the AdAge Creativity Top 5

PR stunt and unveilling of billboard

Campaign website Viral used to recruit models

Core 48-sheet poster

Casting day event

Causing a stir in the national press

What if we held a music gig in total darkness? Pitch Black is a new entertainment property created to promote Sony Ericsson’s music credentials to their core youth audience.

With competitions to win tickets running on social networking sites and through various media partnerships in the run-up to the event, 200 lucky winners were treated to a gig with one of the UK’s hottest bands, Friendly Fires.

Bit it was gig like nothing ever seen before. A little bit of musical history was created as Friendly Fires performed a 30-minute set for an intimate crowd of fans in the pitch black. Many of the guests at the gig came away saying that the unusual set-up meant that they could almost ‘feel’ the music!

The unique experience was certainly a success, with information of the event reaching 550,000 listeners via radio, and 55 key publications and online news sites covered the event.

Images from the night and the gig being streamed live on the BBC in ultraviolet light

Getting the youth market of today to consider your brand, let alone spend more than 60 seconds with it, is tough. So when Sony Ericsson wanted to develop a new entertainment brand focusing on music, we helped them come up with the innovative Pocket TV.

Through the demise of UK music shows like Popworld and CD:UK, there was a gap in the market for a funny, irreverent, yet insightful music show.

With Sony Ericsson’s youth target audience moving away from watching TV and moving towards accessing content digitally, we developed an online music show that could be accessed and watched through your mobile phone.

The Pocket TV shows come in 90-second versions for your handset, and 3 to 5-minute versions that can be accessed through YouTube.™ Interviews are kept fun and unrehearsed in style – often taking artists and bands like Marilyn Manson, Jordin Sparks, JLS and Papa Roach out of their comfort zone.

Profiles on Facebook™ and Bebo, teaser videos on Vimeo and Daily Motion, and feeds on Twitter were all used to promote the brand new TV show – which has successfully reached 3 million viewers and rising!

Stills from a selection of the mobile shows

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