The International Butler Academy...The International Butler Academy educates, prepares and coaches...

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Transcript of The International Butler Academy...The International Butler Academy educates, prepares and coaches...

The International Butler AcademyHuize Damiaan

Pater Damiaanstraat 386369 SV Simpelveld

The Netherlands


We have an astounding 80.000 sq. . (135 rooms) available at our Academy for the training of our students. The name of the building is Huize Damiaan. We own this very large estate, and it is completely dedicated to the butler training program. At The Interna onal Butler Academy, we have created for you the personali es, challenges and situa ons that will allow you to study and learn, while experiencing a private and unique household. In this respect it can hardly be called a school. In fact, from the moment you arrive, to the moment you leave, you will be a real working butler, in a real household. This is why 95% of our students graduate successfully, and 85% end up in rewarding posi ons somewhere in the world. More importantly however is that 75% of these graduates are s ll employed in the same job, one year a er recruitment. We are the only school of its kind in the world, where students live, work and learn in a real, mul -million-dollar household.

A ending our professional training program is truly a life-changing experience.


The Interna onal Butler Academy (TIBA) is a professional, unique, and exclusive butling & house management school. We are proud to be the fi nest and most innova ve butler service training ins tute in the world, second to none. We are equally proud that some of the world’s wealthiest families, interna onal businesses, as well as fi ve-star hotels, resorts, private clubs, and cruise lines, turn to us for staff training, for staff recruitment, as well as for our highly specialized consul ng services.

Study our brochure and web site fi nd out why our school is the number one of its kind in the world.



The International Butler Academy educates, prepares and coaches dedicated individuals in order to become professionals in the - True Art of Service - and house management. The International Butler Academy provides its graduates with the best possible qualifications for entering the butling and private service profession. We offer superb training that provides an introduction into a career which should last a lifetime. The International Butler Academy trains skilled professionals who meet, and exceed the demands of the modern, international household. For a quarter of a century, our graduates are employed by discerning employers everywhere in the world. By combining traditional skills and knowledge, with cutting-edge technology and training, we bring the traditional Art of Butling into the 21st century.


We have no choice than to warn the public. To employers: certain placement agencies sent so-called butlers to clients saying they have been trained by The Interna onal Butler Academy, when in fact they have not. Please contact us for document verifi ca on. To prospec ve students: please check-out so-called hospitality and butler schools, and do your research carefully, before par ng with your fee.

“I pledge to respect and adhere to the philosophy, rules and principles of The Interna onal Butler Academy and the norms and values it represents. I take full responsibility for my ac ons, a tude and performance at all mes. By my professional and reasoned conduct, and through my energy, passion and commitment, I will embody the highest standards of service, loyalty, trust, discre on and excellence. I will establish and maintain my personal accountability and integrity through honest achievement and commitment to my voca on. My a tude is shown in my behavior and my behavior shows my character. My character is my des ny.”


You wish to know what our students, our school, and our faculty are all about? Our pledge (to the right) will give you a good impression of our norms and values. Everyone at The Interna onal Butler Academy is required to sign off on this pledge. The TIBA pledge is the result of hard work by students and faculty. It represents the heart, soul and spirit of The Interna onal Butler Academy.



Opposed to most other schools, where training takes place in a corner of a hotel, or even in a warehouse, our Academy is located at a real private estate. The name is Huize Damiaan. This former monastery was founded in 1892 by followers of the canonized Belgian father Damiaan. The International Butler Academy purchased the estate in 2014, and after a full year of restorations, Huize Damiaan is now the largest private mansion in The Netherlands. Huize Damiaan is completely dedicated to the professional training of butlers. This is the kind of location where you might be working once you graduate. Huize Damiaan will be your home away from home for two full months.


We are extremely proud to off er our students such a superb training loca on. Huize Damiaan is beau fully located in the historical city of Simpelveld, in the south of The Netherlands, very close to the city of Maastricht and the German city of Aachen. Huize Damiaan is one the most prominent landmarks in this part of The Netherlands. Here you will learn how to become a fi rst-class butler, house manager and personal assistant. Our estate, and the beau ful classrooms, are fully ou i ed with the tools and products of fi ne luxury homes ensuring that students receive the precise, and hands-on experience that they will use in private service. The Residence is 7.500 square meters (80.000 square feet) large, with 135 completely renovated rooms. The Residence consists of:

4 butler pantriesPorcelain roomTable decoration roomCandle roomFlower arranging roomSmoking and cigar roomDining roomEntertaining roomReception roomLibraryLaundry roomIroning roomMedia room

CellarBarChapelStudy roomStudent living roomProfessional kitchenStudent officeHead butler officeExecutive officeTrainer officeProfessional Gym50 bedroomsAnd more ..





Huize Damiaan is located in the village of Simpelveld. Tourists have been coming to Simpelveld for more than 150 years. But they are relative newcomers. The Romans took a liking to the place, which goes back all the way to the time of Christ. During the Middle Ages, lords, knights and maidens roamed the grounds of Simpelveld. The village is situated in a beautiful part of the Netherlands. There are several notable attractions in the area, including historical caves. Aside from the caves, the catacombs are also popular, and date back to the early Roman period. Although the municipality of Simpelveld only has about 6,000 inhabitants, it hosts thousands of visitors a year. The village is surrounded by hills, and as with most small towns in the South Limburg region, many travelers use Simpelveld as a base for hiking and biking in the area. Simpelveld has a number of very suited routes. It is also the home base of the historic South Limburg Railway Company.


Students occupy their own private and very comfortable bedroom. All bedrooms are beautifully outfitted and decorated, as you would expect from our Academy. All bedrooms have a brand new, top quality box-spring bed, new bed linen, including a personal safe, and much more. Students have access to their own private living room, outfitted with everything you would expect in a private home. This includes comfortable furniture, a fully equipped kitchen (even though all meals are prepared by our own Chef), a large-screen TV (with Netflix), DVD-player and (fast) wireless Internet. We provide towels, sheets, irons, ironing boards and much more.

Our own in-house staff even look after all the personal laundry of our students.[05]



3Our instructors have been carefully chosen for their fi eld experience, as well as their ability to teach. Every instructor has a minimum of 10 years of experience in his or her chosen fi eld of work, and must undergo the training program at The Interna onal Butler Academy, and of course graduate successfully, before he or she is allowed to teach. This is important so that our instructors know exactly what students experience during the intensive training program.

Robert WennekesCEO & Chairman of the board Professor Robert Wennekes is CEO & Chairman of the board of The International Butler Academy (TIBA) and serves on the board of directors of the prestigious International Guild of Professional Butlers. With more than 38 years of experience in private service, including 17 years as a professional butler working in the USA, Austria, Germany and The Netherlands, Professor Wennekes teaches butling, table culture, and interviewing skills & techniques.

Ineke van de LaakDirector International Training Ineke van de Laak’s professional experience includes 10 years at KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines, and 10 years as training manager at the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam, which is considered the finest hotel in The Netherlands. She is internationally certified as a hospitality and management trainer. At our Academy she teaches butling plus Etiquette & Protocol.

Olaf EmanButling InstructorMr. Eman comes to us with a wealth of experience in the cruise and hospitality industry. As a trained and highly experienced butler, Mr. Eman is at our school responsible for introducing our students to the corporate world of butling, including that of the cruise, hotel & resort, as well as of the mega yacht industry.

Melchior van der MeulenSenior Butling InstructorMelchior van der Meulen is a highly experienced butler, gentleman’s gentleman and valet, with more than 22 years of experience in the private service profession. He knows his business like no other. At The International Butler Academy, Mr. Van der Meulen is responsible for teaching butling plus valeting, in all of its many and varied facets. Mr. van der Meulen uses real life settings in his hands-on training, something the students truly value.

Paul HuizingaRecruitment DirectorAfter a long career in international banking, Mr. Huizinga followed his dream by becoming a professional butler. At The International Butler Academy, Mr. Huizinga is responsible for recruitment, and he is repsonsible for the Academy’s International Internship programs for its students. He finds it very satisfying to assist TIBA graduates securing a rewarding position. Mr. Huizinga works closely together with the graduates once they are finished at TIBA. Mr. Huizinga also teaches house & household management.

Gordon MunroButling InstructorMr. Munro is a trained butler, and a Na onal golf champion. His real passion however is the theatre, and it is this passion that links him to our Academy. As a trainer, Mr. Munro is specialized in training body language and expression, rhythm, speech-level technics and service situa ons. Through drama classes and body language training he is able to bring the students a wealth of knowledge about posture, decorum, style and grace, all pillars of the private service profession.


“It is a commonplace saying that “the world is changing”. Indeed, it is changing very fast. In the past, before telephones, automobiles and computers, when me was slow and gracious, and life was lived with elegance and style, the butler was the glue that held the world of the wealthy and powerful together. Today, the modern butler is s ll that glue, but there is a diff erence. Instead of horses and carriages, there are cars of increasing luxury and speed. Instead of handwri en le ers, there is email, Facebook and Twi er. Instead of squadrons of specialized servants to run a house, there are computer systems to coordinate the light, the heat and the sound systems. Instead of a home being a retreat from the busy world, media hunger and invasive spying have made privacy, safety and security increasingly problema c for the wealthy and powerful.

New materials, new designs, new products have changed the way we care for the fabric of our lives in the twenty-fi rst century. Brick and wood, plaster and stone have given way to concrete, exo c woods, and space-age plas cs. Heightened awareness of our fragile planet and the environment, have made us ques on how we look a er our lives. The training at The Interna onal Butler Academy is ac vely engaged in the process of preparing butlers for these changing challenges of the modern world. We, the trainers at the Academy, work con nuously to fi nd the balance between the fi ne tradi ons of the past, and the modern revolu on of technical innova ons. Equally important, The Interna onal Butler Academy takes care to ensure that its graduates have the right a tude to approach all the developing trends, so that the modern butler can con nue to balance her or his superb service with rapidly changing technologies. It is vital that the modern butler is able to consider carefully what to change and what to keep, in order to adapt. At The Interna onal Butler Academy, technology and change are never held cap ve by tradi on.

The training at The Interna onal Butler Academy is innova ve in all areas. The teaching processes and topics are adjusted, as demand and feedback from clients from around the world show what is necessary in order to be on the cu ng edge of prepara ons. So, while professional email is a “given”, other media, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twi er, are also important aspects of communica on for the modern butler. Worldwide travel, computers, and high speed internet make the world faster and “smaller”, but o en less gracious. Houses are now run by computers instead of fl eets of specialized servants. Security and safety are increasing issues for the wealthy and powerful. Media hunger makes privacy problema c. We con nue to develop ways of raising both the awareness of these issues and their possible solu ons in our curriculum. Graduates and faculty con nue to maintain professional mutual contact. Our staff is available for advice, sugges ons, support and friendship. We welcome sugges ons from graduates “in the fi eld” to help us maintain our fi rst class, cu ng edge curriculum, as we prepare future butlers for the modern world.”


All instructors have been in private service for many years and/or held posi ons in esteemed households or corpora ons. This combina on of comprehensive knowledge and considerable experience, coupled with a deep pride of and aff ec on for a singular and respected profession, ensures that all students will benefi t from such devo on to duty. We are the only school with a comprehensive wri en syllabus that provides a framework and standard for all our instructors to follow.[07]

Butlers and house managers in today’s residen al market must understand the skill set of each staff member in the residence. Our students learn how to correctly execute each household task to facilitate superior management of their staff . We have painstakingly put together a superb curriculum of which we are very proud. We cannot provide too detailed informa on in our brochure, but we can show you a glimpse of what you may expect. You will be responsible for the rest of the staff , and possibly the yacht, the jet and other proper es. You will be the estate or house manager, some mes the chauff eur and at mes even the housekeeper, handyman, accountant, gardener etc. Whatever your role, we will teach you to do it with style and grace.


The art of managing a 21st century household requires training and prac ce. Our training, and our curriculum are broad, prac cal and skills focused. We emphasize skills that are current and relevant to today’s households. Our curriculum is designed to provide students with comprehensive butler and house manager skills that can be put to use on day one of their private service posi on.

Our comprehensive ten-week, 800 hour curriculum, government licensed training program, will introduce and test each student to all the expected du es of a butler, personal assistant, valet, house and estate manager. Although a large part of your responsibility as a butler could be such things as serving meals, se ng tables and the like, and you will receive ample training in these areas, the overall training mainly focuses on how to professionally run and manage a large, mul -million-dollar estate, and how to handle your staff .




The Interna onal Butler Academy teaches a personal service exper se and organiza onal structure that supports the management of complex homes and lifestyles. We train you in all the aspects of butling and house management. For the dura on of the en re ten-week training program, all students will have from us their own personaliPad Air with so ware installed on it. This personal iPad Air is one more tool that allows students to learn running a high-value estate, mega yacht, or Palace. Of course, the iPad Air is also used for learning techniques and informa on gathering at our Academy. It even allows students to communicate with the faculty and with each other, on and off duty.


THE LIFE OF A BUTLERincludes history and traditions, personal traits, technical skills, personal and professional standards, and service in detail.

THE MODERN BUTLERincludes the usage of cutting-edge technology, the TIBA butler’s online platform, and more.

STAFF MANAGEMENTincludes interviewing skills, hiring and firing, agency staff, employee handbooks and house rules, human resources and personnel issues, staff communications, boundaries, time management.

HOUSE MANAGEMENT includes setting of routines and schedules, household hierarchy, defining and setting standards, purchasing.

TABLE MANAGEMENTincludes se ng tables and serving meals, serving skills, styles of service, table manners, wines and champagnes, cigars, crea ng menus, special celebra ons.

LAUNDRY & WARDROBE MANAGEMENTincludes linens and fine fabric care, clothing maintenance, ironing & pressing, dry-cleaning, storage, product knowledge.

VALETING SKILLSexamines the professional Gentleman’s Gentleman, and includes dress codes, formal wear, purchasing and care of bespoke clothing and shoes, maintaining inventories, packing and unpacking suitcases.

COMMUNICATIONincludes cultural differences, interpersonal skills, body language, remembering names and making conversation, telephone manners, presentation skills.

PETSincludes responsible animal care, animal welfare, pets’ behavioral needs, dogs and cats grooming, etc.

ETIQUETTE & PROTOCOLincludes addressing persons of different cultures and titled persons, acquiring social confidence, social and business correspondence, common-sense good manners and consideration for others, personal norms and values.

COOKINGincludes balancing food and wine, menu planning and record keeping, hygiene, speed-cuisine, quality control, “the Chef’s night off”.

MISCELLANEOUSincludes traveling with your employer, relocating the household, chauffeuring techniques, security, character building and much, much more.



Every few days one student is appointed student head butler, and one student is appointed assistant student head butler. Both are in charge of the group. As student head butler, a student is responsible for organizing all meals that day, organizing any fi eld trip during that me, looking a er guests, and managing the rest of the staff so that everyone knows what he or she needs to do. Role-playing is an important instrument we use in our training methods. It allows students an opportunity to know and understand what it is like to be in charge of a large staff ,and at the same me the staff will learn to work under a demanding supervisor. Every single day is a prac cal learning day. Events at school are real. Delivery people are real. Maintenance people are real. The demanding employer is real. Problems you face as butler in this a mul -million-dollar private home are real. Know this; on the evening of your gradua on, you will stand on stage with confi dence, knowing that you have just completed atraining program of unsurpassed realism and quality.


A typical day runs from 8 a.m. un l 8 p.m. Many days run longer. On a daily, and on a weekly basis you will receive feedback on your progress toward becoming a superb butler. Various tests need to be fulfi lled throughout the training program, with fi nal tests taking place in the last week. The instructors will coach you throughout the training program.

An enormous amount of training takes place in ten weeks. You have to come mentally prepared. The training program is intensive and strenuous, perhaps even exhaus ng. However, these ten weeks are also a lot of fun and you will undoubtedly return home with many new friends and many fond memories.



Field trips are important for many reasons. They increase student knowledge and understanding of a subject, they add realism to the topic of study, and they provide an opportunity to develop and enhance a student’s socializa on skills. Our students go on a number of fi eld trip excursions to give them a fi rst-hand look at the life they will lead, and to receive valuable, on-site training in specialized areas. Field trips enable the instructors to expand learning beyond the walls of the classroom into the vast community outside. Besides the obvious educa onal value, the fi eld trips are also a welcome break from our highly intensive training schedule.


Our fi eld trips provide our students with experiences that cannot be duplicated in a classroom environment, but are nonetheless an integral part of The Academy’s instruc on. During the middle of the eight-week training program, our students spend about three days travelling to Germany (Laura Chavin Cigars), France (Veuve Clicquot champagne) and other loca ons. All (hotel) costs are of course included in the tui on fee. Students also visit a number of private homes, where the resident butler informs our students of the inner workings of a mul -million-dollar home. Field trips are regular training classes and are considered a vital part of the overall curriculum.[11][12]


Upon arrival around 19:00 hrs. guests are served coff ee, tea and pe t fours. Usually around 20:00 hrs. the offi cial part of the evening starts. Speeches are of course part of the program. The evening concludes with champagne, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Typically, gradua on takes place on the last Friday evening of the training program, and lasts some three to four hours. The ceremony has the structure that allows us all to acknowledge and celebrate this momentous occasion. At the Gradua on Ceremony, we present gradua ng students with the offi cial Interna onal Butler Academy diploma, demonstra ng the students’ successful comple on of the course and its associated training.

Gradua on at The Interna onal Butler Academy is a serious, and at the same me a happy and celebratory event. A student may invite as many people as he or she wishes to witness, and be part of the gradua on ceremony. Gradua on day is an emo onal me for the students. On the one hand, the students are happy they are at the end of their journey, but on the other hand they are also sad that they now will be leaving. Gradua on is an opportunity for the students to celebrate their incredible hard work together with family, friends and loved ones. Graduates show their diplomas to their loved ones with enormous pride and joy.


The Interna onal Butler Academy diploma is proof of successfully comple ng the intensive training program, and represents a valuable passport into the world of private service. Your diploma is a handcra ed document that you will receive beau fully framed during the Gradua on ceremony. A PDF copy of your diploma is then mailed to you, so you do not need to remove the original diploma from the picture frame in case you need a copy to be sent somewhere. You will also receive your personal Graduate Profi le Binder, a document that you can use to apply for any private service posi on anywhere. This professional document will make you stand out from every butler out there.


The Interna onal Butler Academy is always proud to welcome dis nguished guests from around the world to the Gradua on Ceremony. Many mes we invite a prominent person to hand out the diplomas to the students. Previous gradua ons included guests such as the Mayor, a number of prominent poli cians, including Ministers and Mr. Theo Bovens, the (Dutch) King’s Representa ve for Limburg, prominent employers such as Mrs. Monique Heijn and Dr. Olaf Juergens and many others who we cannot men on in our brochure. In 2011 we had a prominent member of a Royal family giving acte de présence.


THE BUTLER UNIFORM The Interna onal Butler Academy is pleased to provide its students with a free, high quality butler uniform, including 2 white shirts, cuffl inks, 4 pairs of white gloves, a butler’s e and more. Our butler uniforms are not for sale. We know the student’s measurements before he or she arrives, so the uniforms are prepared in advance. Then, once the student arrives, the uniform receives a fi nal tailoring to fi t. At the end of week one of the program, the students receive their tailored uniform. This procedure can obviously not be copied for non-students. Our butler uniforms are also custom-made only for us.


Our students appreciate the fact that they receive a free butler uniform from our school. We fi nd it important to provide our students with a high quality butler uniform (100% wool) because this uniform is an integral part of the training. Such a custom-made uniform is expensive. When working in private service, the butler uniform is worn only on special occasions. In our specifi c case, the uniform is an important training tool. We are pleased to provide our students with a beau ful butler uniform. Students receive many more gi s from us that help them during the training program.

WEAR THE UNIFORM WITH PRIDE Much of the training is hands-on and includes role playing sessions. There are many formal and informal events our students are part of, including, but not limited to, formal dinners and lunches, weddings, recep ons, teas and more. Throughout the year, The Interna onal Butler Academy receives requests to par cipate in events. Some events that students par cipate in are truly unique. We are also pleased to give our support to a number of charitable organiza ons and fundraising events. Our students wear their butler uniforms at these events with enormous pride.




That’s what it’s all about. 95% of our students graduate successfully with a diploma. 85% of our graduates hold outstanding posi ons in service all over the world, working in Royal households, private homes, hotels and resorts, embassies, on cruise ships and super yachts and with Fortune 500 companies. Many of these graduates were recruited with the assistance of our own recruitment division. More importantly however is that 75% of these graduates are s ll employed in the same job one year later. Because of our world-wide contacts, your chances of fi nding a rewarding posi on are indeed superb. Most important, however, is your Diploma. Recruitment services for our students are of course completely free of charge.


Recruitment knowledge and interviewing skills are part of our training program. We work with each student to assist him or her in developing a focused and well-targeted Résumé, as well as job search strategies that will increase their job opportuni es upon gradua on. We will teach you how to prepare yourself for a successful job interview in the best possible way. This service will open up many doors to domes c management posi ons for you. Throughout the training program, a personal marke ng document, called the Graduate Profi le Binder, is prepared for, and with each student for recruitment purposes. This marke ng material is distributed to our partner placement agencies as well as targeted luxury interna onal residen al and hospitality clients.

You will not be left to your fate upon completion of the training program. Upon successful gradua on, you receive a handcra ed and beau fully framed Diploma, with the original document emailed to you as a PDF document. This valuable document proves that you are a cer fi ed professional butler, personal assistant and estate or household manager. We are the only school of its kind to train private service professionals and reach out to outside placement agencies, so that student opportuni es for employment upon gradua on are maximized. We want you to secure a rewarding posi on, through our recruitment division, or that of another company. We do not “claim you”, so to speak.


We will be there for you during the process of fi nding a rewarding posi on. The Interna onal Butler Academy supports its graduates a 100% through its own recruitment division. Note that most of the world’s placement agencies recognize our Diploma. Success is not guaranteed of course. In the end you are the one going to a job interviewand not we. Success requires devo on, and the ability to combine energy, passion and commitment. Through the Academy’s many partners, graduates have an extended reach into the labor market.

The Interna onal Butler Academy maintains a record of all numbered and cer fi ed Academy graduates and their interna onally recognized Diplomas.




Exclusive to our Academy is the unique partnership with The Interna onal Guild of Professional Butlers. Our graduates are automa cally en tled to execu ve membership of this pres gious organiza on.

Because of your Guild membership, you will be in contact with successful colleagues from around the world. More importantly, the Guild always has outstanding posi ons to off er. They fi nd that our graduates meet and exceed their expecta ons. Because of our world-wide contacts, your chances of fi nding a rewarding posi on are indeed superb. Most important, however, is your Diploma.


You work. You learn. You grow. Internships are a rare opportunity to gain supervised prac cal experience. Internship opportuni es include, but are not limited to, private families, fi ve-star hotels, resorts, and embassies. You will have the opportunity to u lize all the hands-on skills and knowledge you learned during your training program.

The Interna onal Butler Academy will assist and guide graduates throughout the internship. One great added benefi t of an internship is that many mes it will lead to full me employment. The employer will recognize the quali es of the butler and as the butler becomes part of the team, the employer will want the new staff person to stay.

We are pleased that we can off er selected students excellent interna onal internship possibili es.


We also have splendid internship opportunity available at our Academy in The Netherlands, and at our Academy in Chengdu, China.

Spend between three and six months working and studying at The Interna onal Butler Academy, fulfi lling the role of a professional butler. You will be working under direct supervision of the Academy’s Execu ve Head Butler and a full staff of seasoned professionals. Everyone at The Interna onal Butler Academy, including faculty and staff , will take a personal interest in your success and instruct and guide you to the highest possible levels.

Some internships are for three months (with travel expenses, room and board plus pocket money), while others are six months (with travel expenses, room and board, plus full salary). You will be expected to conduct yourself as a consummate professional. Note that an internship is not a guarantee as it depends on the suitability of the student as well as the availability of theinternship. The Interna onal Butler Academy is the only school of its kind off ering such outstanding internship opportuni es.


The total cost of the 10-week butler training program, everything included, is 14.500 Euros (214 Euros per day). Full details on the training program are below. We of course understand that one of your key concerns is the overall cost of the training program. We strive to keep the training program as aff ordable as possible, while s ll providing the best hands-on educa on available. EVERYTHING is included in the tui on fee. Please read on.

Once you are studying with us, you need not worry about all the many extra costs students end up paying at some other schools. With us everything is included. Simple. We also off er superb accommoda on, rather than leave you to your own fate, where you might end up at an overpriced and perhaps even inadequate accommoda on. There are no addi onal curriculum charges or any “hidden costs”. None. Considering the excellent salaries professionally trained butlers earn, plus the opportuni es on the interna onal job market,the tui on fee is a solid investment in your future. We are extremely proud of the way we have structured the tui on fee, that everything is included, and that everything is of a very high quality. Guaranteed.



Ten weeks of superb training by devoted, ultra professional trainers, in a magnifi cent training loca on, the largest private home in The Netherlands.

A tradi onal, custom-made, 3-piece, high quality butler uniform, plus 2 white shirts with French cuff s, cuffl inks, 4 pair of white gloves.

Wri ng pads, pens, offi ce supplies, a butler workbook, a e, suspenders, apron, umbrella, pocket knife, wine bo le opener, pocket watch, baseball cap, manicure set, shoeshine kit, and more.

Excellent accommoda on in a very comfortable, single and private bedroom.

All outstanding meals for ten weeks (also on free days), including breakfast, lunch, dinner, all prepared by our own in-house Execu ve Chef.

All hot and cold snacks. All hot drinks (tea/coff ee/hot chocolate). All cold drinks (Coca Cola, SevenUp, Sprite, Orange). All fresh fruit and candies. Even late-night pizzas are included.

All transporta on, including all fi eld trips in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France, plus on arrival/departure pick up from, and delivery to the airport and/or train sta on.

All your personal laudry professionally looked a er by our in-house staff .

Fast Wi-Fi access everywhere, Ne lix, access to the school library, access to the professional fi tness studio, access to the students´ online Internet pla orm, free prin ng facili es, Ne lix, and more.

Extensive training in Interior Management Systems. Use of a personal iPad Air, with appropriate so ware installed, for the dura on of the en re training program.

Complete photographic overview of your en re stay at TIBA, from day one to gradua on, including a stunning photo series of you in full uniform on Gradua on day, taken by professional photographer.

Upon successful graduation, an internationally recognized Diploma, with the original document emailed to you as a PDF document.



Training takes place in a large and unique, private home. Students have access to all school facili es including the extensive library and fi tness studio. The Interna onal Butler Academy uses only the very fi nest and most expensive crystal, china, silver and more. During your training with us there will be a number of events, in which you, your fellow students and the trainers will take an ac ve part. From very formal dinners to casual lunches, from a lovely recep on to an a ernoon tea, you will experience it all. Student accommoda on is superb and so are all meals. Therefore, do not be fooled with other programs. Be smart and consider the overall picture. Read the many le ers of reference from graduates on our website. They did their research. Do yours, and invest your money wisely.

The total cost of the 10-week butler training program,everything included, is 14.500 Euros. A deposit feeof 750 Euros is required to confi rm your par cipa on, with the remaining sum of 13.750 Euros to be paidno later than 60 days prior to the start of the program.All fees are non-refundable, for any reason, but maybe applied towards a future training program in caseyou must reschedule, fall ill, or have a personal situa on which forces you to postpone.


We wish students to decide on a school because of its quali es, not because the school is around the corner. The Interna onal Butler Academy is in The Netherlands. Is this important? No, not really. What truly counts is the quality of the training, and subsequently, the job and career opportuni es a erwards. Butling is not a Bri sh thing, contrary to impression you may have because of the many Bri sh tv series and movies. A school for butlers might be located anywhere. It is the quality of our training that is recognized by private employers, recruitment agencies, fi ve-star hotels and resorts, cruise lines, etc.[17]



The answer to this ques on is simple, and should be clear by studying our brochure and our website, and by communica ng directly with us. Be er yet, visit us! We pride ourselves in off ering a unique and successful learning opportunity for each and every student. Do not simply take our word for it. Do your research and compare the various schools. Read provided informa on carefully, and verify what is included and what is not. Make fair and just comparisons, considering what is included and what is not. Consider everything. The Interna onal Butler Academy off ers a truly amazing package of instruc on and experience, making the me spent training as rewarding, interes ng and as pleasant as possible. We value the culture we have created at our Academy, where our students are, and always remain, our highest priority.

PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCHWe must stress this again. Please do your research, and do it well. We fi nd it extremely important that poten al students do their research when determining which school to a end. We believe that any major decision, such as choosing a school, should be made by obtaining all possible informa on. You must spend the me to study websites, speak to school representa ves, send emails, and ask ques ons, in case something is not clear.

If at all possible, please visit the school so you can see first-hand what it’s all about. At The International Butler Academy, we welcome visits, and of course you may speak with students, as well as ask your questions directly to the trainers and management. You are invited to have lunch or dinner with the students and spend half a day in class so you can experience the quality of our training program. You are welcome to bring your spouse, your partner, or a friend.

OUR CLIENTS AND PARTNERSMany of the world’s wealthiest families and interna onal businesses, as well as fi ve-star hotels and resorts, turn to us for staff training and recruitment. We cherish their trust we have had for so many years. These clients recognize the high quality of our school, our training and recruitment methods and of course our graduates. Consider the names of our corporate clients displayed on our website, (with permission of course) and you will fi nd the upper echelon of luxury represented.

We cannot men on names of private clients. We are allowed to men on one; the Royal family of Jordan. They have specifi cally given us permission for this.



Our independent Board of Governors is responsible for determining the mission of The Interna onal Butler Academy, for oversight of its ac vi es and for the effi cient use of resources, to plan the strategic objec ves of the school, and to ensure its fi nancial health, to govern the syllabus and that the school conforms to legal requirements. The two main rewards for governors are that they have an enormous sense of achievement when our school does well, and secondly they are extending their range of skills. Our governors come from a range of backgrounds. They are professional people in the local community, with relevant experience. Several off er independent knowledge, acquired over a life me in schools.


The Interna onal Butler Academy is an offi cially registered training ins tute. Of the various registra ons, the one with the Dutch CRKBO ( is one of the most important ones. This governing body examines, verifi es and registers private ins tutes, assuring that these ins tutes, and its trainers, comply with the highest standards of educa on, and that appropriate policies are in place. We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce, pay taxes, are regularly audited, and are affi liated with a number of professional organiza ons. Even the building we occupy is regularly checked, as it is an historic building, and protected by the Na onal Trust. Last but not least, we are a City & Guilds (UK) approved training center.


Our graduates are the living proof of the overall quality of our Academy. The Interna onal Butler Academy off ers so much, and there is so much included in the training program. Everything at TIBA is original. Nothing is copied from elsewhere. Do your research and draw your conclusions. Like so many before you, you will choose The Interna onal Butler Academy. Please beware of copycats and unscrupulous individuals. Our Academy is the real thing and not a cheap copy by some unscrupulous individual.[20]


We know The Interna onal Butler Academy to be the fi nest butling and household management school in the world, second to none. Our graduates are our ambassadors. They are proof of the fact that The Interna onal Butler Academy lives up to its reputa on and to the expecta ons of students and of employers from around the world. This sec on contains some tes monials from past students. Dozens may be found on our website. Why so many? Who else would be be er to advise you. Note that we not simply place made-up quotes with made-up names. Instead, we list real graduates with real comments. These graduates are proud to be part of the TIBA family.

FRANZ JOSEF HUBER from Switzerland“The incredible devotion of my fellow students to the school and to the team was very impressive. In the end I found true friends for life and learned to be a professional butler. I left TIBA feeling nothing but deep

gratitude. I thank the school and everyone involved with all my heart. I envy future students, knowing that they will be going on a journey of a lifetime. Should you have any doubts, I suggest that you visit the school of your choice. In the case of The International Butler Academy not only will you not be disappointed, the visit will simply inspire you.”

JOHANNA WILD from Germany“The TIBA community is a very tight-knit group. There are only a good handful of people who can really understand what you went through at school and who shared this same experience. During the training program

you will meet some incredible people who share their knowledge with you and you will form friendships that last a lifetime. Now, after having been trained at TIBA I can fulfill my dream and go anywhere I want, to work as a butler. So could you.”

DANIEL OLIPHANT from the USA“I wish to thank TIBA for what it offered me and for pushing me and allowing me the chance to prove myself, for introducing me to the people it has, for insisting that “more than enough” is still not enough, and

also for its support. I cannot speak for other schools, but I can only say you will not wonder afterwards whether you made the right choice in attending The International Butler Academy.”

SACHI FUJITAfrom Japan“Everyone who has the willingness to be of service to others, has the potential of becoming a professional butler. Believe in yourself, work up to your full potential, listen to your fellow students and instructors

as they see you in a way you’ve never seen yourself. These weeks were the best time of my life and the time at TIBA changed my world forever. It will change yours too.”

KASEY KRUPA from the USA“One of the most amazing parts of my TIBA experience is the friendships I made. So much time together with other students can be challenging, but there are many opportunities for fun. Saying goodbye was an

emotional experience, but I am pleased to say that I now have great friends for life. Before you come to TIBA do your research and make sure this is for you. It might not be easy, but it might be the most rewarding time of your life.”

GUDRUN CHRISTINE MALIKfrom Germany“As soon as you accept your role in the school and as soon as you get used to the new living situation, you can put all your energy in the program itself. You will grow together with your fellow students as a team and

you won’t feel lonely anymore, as you know that you experience the same feelings as they do. You will make new friends and if you are as lucky as I am, you will even find friends for a lifetime.”


As a graduate of The Interna onal Butler Academy you are its Ambassador, and serve with pride and professionalism. At our Academy you will learn to keep up with the demands of running a modern, busy and real household, and do so with confi dence, grace and style. Our intensive, 800-hour curriculum, 10-week training program will provide you with all the skills and qualifi ca ons you need to get you started in this exci ng profession. Our professional teaching standards and outstanding, highly experienced instructors, in combina on with a superb training loca on, make The Interna onal Butler Academy the crown of all butling, house management, hospitality and service training.


Our students come from all over the globe. Approximately 25 percent of our students are female. The youngest student to date was 18 years of age. The oldest student to date was 68 years of age. We placed the older student with a hotel in New York. Butling is one profession where age is not important. Backgrounds of students diff er enormously. Successful graduates, now working in superb posi ons, include a dermatologist, a carpenter, a private banker, a hotel director, a taxi driver and a lawyer. A number of students come from the hospitalityindustry. Make no mistake, success is not a guarantee. Success requires mo va on, dedica on, and the ability to combine energy, passion and commitment. You must be willing to put another person’s wishes before your own, and do so with a genuine wish to be of service.


Except for a working knowledge of English, and a minimum age of 18, no previous training or experience is required. “School English” is fi ne. We are a butler school and not a language school, and your English capabili es will not be graded. Of course you must be able to communicate in English, and understand the lessons that are all in English. Gender and age are not important either. What is very important, is having a service oriented a tude, and the right personality for this highly respected profession.


Apply, and assure yourself a place in our elite ins tu on. Simply e-mail us your Résumé (Curriculum Vitae) plus a current photo and indicate which 10-week training program you wish to a end (training dates may be found on our website). In case the program you choose is full, you may s ll apply as we some mes let students on if they can prove special circumstances. Our students come from all over the world and our graduates form a large and important network. By joining The Interna onal Butler Academy, you will become part of our family. Our network includes numerous corporate and private clients, hotels, resorts, clubs, and many placement agencies from around the world, including the pres gious Interna onal Guild of Professional Butlers. Our mission is to graduate individuals capable of successfully working in any posi on in private service.




THE GIFT OF GOOD MANNERSOur corporate clients include hotels and resorts, management consul ng fi rms, outplacement fi rms, IT fi rms, banks, insurance companies, governments and more. In our seminars, par cipants from entry-level college graduates to senior execu ves, learn the importance of business e que e and protocol, and that social skills, or the lack thereof, can make or break deals and careers. Studies have shown that more than 60% of what is believed about us is based upon visual messages.

The gi of good manners is a life-long head start.

MANNERS AS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEBusiness and hiring decisions are o en made over lunch or dinner. Are you comfortable and at ease in such situa ons? Are you someone to be trusted and respected? How you relate to other guests, carry on a conversa on, handle your silverware, and even how you treat the wait staff , speaks volumes about you.

Good manners are good business. A clear understanding that perfec on is a journey - not a des na on - is balanced with the apprecia on that rules of e que e and protocol are a fl exible framework of common sense considera on for others. This applies equally to the boardroom and to the dining room, and even on the golf course.

CONTEMPORARY ETIQUETTE AND PROTOCOLAt many Fortune 500 companies, top management takes poten al employees to lunch or dinner to observe their comfort level with execu ves, spouses, waiters and even the various pieces of silverware. Management will compare good manners with competence in business, and poor manners with incompetence. The Interna onal Butler Academy off ers present-day and universally accepted protocol and e que e programs in the highest professional manner. We will work with a company’s senior management to learn its needs for protocol and e que e training and then develop a corporate e que e plan.

At the conclusion of our seminars, par cipants will have a clear understanding of the importance of fi rst impressions. They will know how to prac ce proper business e que e in diff erent situa ons, and will be fully aware of the many advantages gained by applying these skills. Whether promo ng good dining skills to corporate execu ves or teaching serving skills to butlers, yacht stewards or personal assistants, our goal is for par cipants to present themselves with fl air, confi dence and style. A program we develop is tailored for the organiza on’s needs. We also conduct follow-up interviews with the organiza on’s management or offi cials to assess the longer-term eff ec veness. Please contact us and let us know your wish. We will be pleased to put together a customized training program for you.


The International Butler Academy is pleased to assist employers with their recruiting needs. We have developed a very straightforward selection process for both the employer and employee, to ensure a mutually successful placement. We will consult with employers about their domestic needs in a professional and thorough way, and work with them to find them the perfect staff member. Our graduates are superb butlers and trained professionals. Note that for our TIBA graduates as well as for independent candidates, our recruitment services are completely free of charge. Our clients pay a recruitment fee.

HOTELS AND RESORTSMany top luxury hotels and resorts from around the world turn to The Interna onal Butler Academy for the recruit-ment and training of hotel butlers, or for se ng up butler or service departments. We are very proud that these clients choose to work with us and we are pleased that they fi nd that our services render a large return on the ini al investment. Lack of courtesy or poor service has long-reaching eff ects. Act now and upgrade your service department. Train, and at the same me mo vate your staff to truly excel. Please contact us and allow us to assist you upgrading your butler or other service apartments. We will be pleased to assist you.

CUSTOMIZED TRAININGSome facts. 96% of unhappy people never complain about discourtesy or poor service. Yet up to 91% of these people make a point of not doing business with those businesses ever again. Moreover, 13% of these people tell at least 20 other people about the discourtesy or poor service they encountered. A basic yet high quality training takes seven days. Depending on your wishes, we will customize a training curriculum for you and for your staff . In case a training of seven days or more is required we will include a customized training workbook for free. This is a huge value. As far as we know, no other training ins tu on off ers its clients such a valued service. Of course we will hand out valuable and beau ful cer fi cates to the par cipa ng staff members who complete the training. We will be pleased to discuss your wishes and our services in greater detail. Please contact us and let’s get started.[23][24]

INTERIOR YACHT CREW TRAININGAn cipa ng guests’ needs, paying a en on to every detail, and surpassing guests’ expecta on while performing with utmost discre on and professionalism, is s ll a butler’s role at sea. If superb service at sea is required, then turn to the experts at The Interna onal Butler Academy for training and recruitment.

The yach ng industry fi nds it diffi cult, if not impossible, to recruit dedicated and professional interior staff who live up to their expecta ons. Serving on board a super yacht may sound like a dream job, and it may be immensely sa sfying, but it’s very, very hard work. Our interior yacht training shows how it’s done with grace and style.

We are pleased that we have trained and recruited staff for some of the world’s largest and fi nest yachts, including ocean liners. Our graduates make a diff erence and our unique training methods guarantee results. Please contact us and allow us to present a made-to-measure curriculum to you for your crew.

Our Interior Yacht Crew Training Program is not meant for individual students. It is meant for crews, or captains and owners of yachts.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CHINAThe rate of consumerism in China increases every year, and so does demand for top luxury goods and services. The Interna onal Butler Academy is proud to work alongside top management companies in China to bring the Chinese service sector in line with sister sectors in the West.

The overall Public Rela ons and Marke ng tools that we provide sales departments with, are extremely valuable. Clients who use our Brand in their PR & Marke ng campaigns receive an enormous return on their investment. We have been servicing clients in China for more than 20 years, and we are very familiar with local culture and customs.

The property management and butler service concept, developed by The Interna onal Butler Academy for exclusive and top luxury proper es in China, has proved enormously successful. Owners and management of these property developments recognize the high value of acquiring our services. Besides the obvious increase in sales, the tenants of high-end luxury apartments are much more sa sfi ed with the services of the property management company, with the involvement of our organiza on.

+31 - (0) 344 - 67 39 37

The International Butler AcademyHuize Damiaan

Pater Damiaanstraat 386369 SV Simpelveld

The Netherlands