The Inspector Morse Factor; faculty engagement at Oxford (and Cambridge) University

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Inspector Morse Factor; faculty engagement at Oxford (and Cambridge) University

The Inspector Morse Factor

faculty engagement at Oxford (and Cambridge) University

Andy Priestner

• Vain• Self-important• Conservative• Ambitious• Disdainful• Intelligent/eloquent• Detached from reality• Sex-mad• Disturbed• Murderous

Due diligence• Lecture (theory)• Database demos• Hands on• Research Exercise• Feedback Session

Effective Literature Searching course• Reading list• Assessed literature review

• Blended approach• Endorsement• Equal footing• Freedom• Trust• Assessed• At point of need• Relationship

RELATIONSHIP“It is only when we no longer compulsively

need someone that we can have a real relationship with them.”

(Anthony Storr)

“We control fifty percent of a relationship. We influence one hundred percent of it”

(Joyce Brothers)

• Strategic aims• Communicating credentials• Faculty consultation• Always being ‘on message’• Identifying opportunities• Proving yourself

RESULT = Teach on all programmes