The Industrial Revolution. Scientific Revolution Review Scientific Method – Francis Bacon; Used...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Industrial Revolution. Scientific Revolution Review Scientific Method – Francis Bacon; Used...

The Industrial Revolution

Scientific Revolution Review

• Scientific Method – Francis Bacon; Used observation & experiments to test hypothesis

• Nicolas Copernicus – Heliocentric Theory• Galileo – Telescope, Astronomical

Observations• Isaac Newton – Gravity, 3 Laws of Motion• Robert Boyle – Boyle’s Law (Pressure inversely

proportional to temperature & volume. PV=k)


• How did the Industrial Revolution affect the development of Europe?

The Industrial Revolution

• Refers to the shift from farming to manufacturing that originated in Great Britain & spread to the United States and much of Europe.

Where it Started & Why

• The Industrial Revolution began in England• Why?– England had large deposits of coal– Their large colonial empire supplied raw materials– Had most powerful navy in the world, & used it to

protect trade ships– Powerful middle class


• The steam engine was invented• Powered many machines at once• Allowed factories to be created• Now goods could be mass produced


• Urbanization– Many workers were needed to work in factories– People moved from countryside to cities because

of available jobs– Populations of cities increased

• Global Trade Increased– Nations needed raw materials to produce goods– Nations wanted to sell their products to make money

• Railroads– Created to transport goods– 1st Railroad: United Kingdom, used to move goods &

people in 1830’s– Spread throughout revolution & became fastest way

to travel


• Working Conditions– Poor conditions with low pay– Children forced to work in unsafe conditions cause

they could fit inside machines to fix them– Charles Dickens wrote about this in many novels


Scientists & Inventions

• James Hargreaves– Invented Spinning Jenny in 1763– Used cotton to make large amounts of thread &

cloth• James Watt– Invented Steam Engine in 1769– Used to power factories & machinery

• Eli Whitney– Created Cotton Gin in 1793– Quickly separated cotton from seeds– American South planted more cotton, increased

slavery• Robert Fulton– Invented Steamboat in 1807– Created faster movement of goods & people

Scientists & Inventions

• Samuel Morse– Helped create telegraph in 1837– Developed Morse Code – Made communication

faster using electronics & wires• Henry Bessemer– Invented Bessemer Process in 1854– Helped with mass production of steel using iron

Scientists & Inventions

• Louis Pasteur– Helped create Pasteurization in 1864– Heated milk to kill germs without spoiling milk– Created rabies vaccine

• Alexander Graham Bell– Invented telephone in 1876– First words: “Mr. Watson come here!”

Scientists & Inventions

• Thomas Edison– Developed devices that influenced life around

world– Phonograph, Motion Picture Camera, Light bulb

• Pierre & Marie Curie– Discovered radium in 1898– Radioactive material used in X-Rays– Led to creation of atomic bomb

Scientists & Inventions