The Iconic Kennedys

Post on 21-Nov-2015

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Transcript of The Iconic Kennedys

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    The Iconic Kennedys

    Pop-culture, as an opinion-shaper

    When I had given an oral presentation in front of class, I have already mentioned that John

    Fitzgerald Kennedy was the first pop-cultural president of the United States. Lets see what

    it exactly means in our current era!

    I am totally sure, if I would ask my friends, or anybody else from my sorrounders to say a

    U.S. presidents name, JFK would be said the most of the times. Everybody, -even if he or she

    is not so interested in history- deal with Kennedys. Assassination, a beautiful style icon wife,

    tragedies, illnesses, famous mistresses everything was given to a perfect media sensation

    during those years. Moreover, this topic seems still working in our media-centered culture,


    An illustrious event was in America in this November: 50th

    Anniversary of JFK assassination.

    It is a good example to understand how Kennedys still working, as an icon. There are several

    documentary films about them, and the pop-culture identifies them as extraordinary people. I

    have a personal experience, because I just was switching across channels on TV during that

    weekend and I saw extremely much instance for that. Every single people researchers,

    teachers, fans, and ordinary persons observed about him and his whole family. To my mind,

    people are trying to idealize them and they want to create their own memories about

    Kennedys based on media sources. After that, I gave it a try and I searched on YouTube and I

    found innumerable videos about them. I could not believe that somebody has written a song

    about Jackie, with the title Jackie looks. Jackie was an iconic wife, most women and

    fashion designers idolize her. In addition, her connection with media is really worth look into

    deeper. Because after JFK has died, she published books and she said that she always wanted

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    to be a journalist. Above her own publications, there are still many people who write

    consultative books about how to be as stylish as Jackie.

    Furthermore, U.S. has created a TV mini-series, The Kennedys in 2011 with well-known

    actors and actresses, such as Katie Holmes. It consists of only 8 episodes, but award-winning,

    and History Channel Publicity wrote about like that: The story of the most fabled political

    family in American history.

    Above every reports, articles, films we can find interesting cross-cultural references about

    JFK and his family. Let me mention a fresh, well-known pop star, Lady Gaga. She has a song

    named as Government Hooker. Its lyric is so unambiguous: Put your hands on me, John. F.

    Kennedy. I'll make you squeal baby, as long as you pay me You're my hooker, government


    All in all, I think that Kennedys could cope well with this pop-culture icon situation and

    they directly kept media attention around themselves. Their fame hit the mark, because they

    are still alive through media tools; they may were the first celebrities and they still do. We can

    see clearly that the media is really able to shape worlds opinion. Well, everybody who works

    in it even if a journalist or a famous star knows that well-known ars poetica which say

    that: it does not matter in a good or in a bad way; the main thing is to be in a center of


    Written by Dina Zsoldos