The Hidden Truth; School Culture and Climate

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The Hidden Truth; School Culture and Climate

  • 1. The Hidden TruthFactors that Affect Our Schools Culture and Climate!They may forget what you said, butthey will never forget how you made them feel!-Carl W. Buechner

2. Your Wrapped GiftIs there any particular reason, you picked the gift youhave?Most females are attracted to girly things!Most males are attracted to masculine things!- Although our gifts look different on the outside, theyare all the same on the inside!- We all have hidden bias that unconsciouslyinfluence us to be drawn to things, places andPEOPLE that are more like us! 3. Todays ObjectiveIdentify factors that influence ourschools culture and climate.- Hidden Bias- Stereotypes- Racial Perceptions- Social Classes 4. Hidden BiasesWhat are Hidden Biases?Hidden Biases are our unconscious attitudes towardscertain groups!Type in the link below. Click Exercises andDemonstrations in the column on the left, then scrolldown and select Test Yourself for Hidden Biases,and take a moment to complete the Race andGender test! 5. The Implicit Association Test In groups discuss.Do you feel that the results are accurate?How do you think this test reveals ways individuals mightinteract with one another?Did this test help you know yourself better in any waysthat might positively or negatively affect your role as aneducator?Why should we as educators examine our own bias andstereotypes? 6. Microaggressions 7. Microaggressions Group DiscussionCan you relate to anything Dr. Sue discussed inthe video?Share any personal experiences you have hadwith gender, racial, and or social-class biases.Designate a spokes person for your group toshare with everyone what you do OR can do toprevent microaggressions from occuring in yourclass.Avoid test bias - 8. The Hidden TruthWe all have unconscious biases and at some pointhave had an experience with microaggressions.Often, these behaviors are a result of ourupbringing or whats considered the norm at ourhome.Are your beliefs and attitudes a result of what yourfamily believes? Friends?Students, their families, communitymembers, administrators, teachers and staff allbring different attitudes and beliefs that create ourSchool Culture and Climate! 9. You have a VERY important role ininfluencing students attitudes andbeliefs! 10. Influence StudentsInfluence FamiliesInfluence Our CommunityChange Our School Culture andClimate 11. StereotypesIdentify some stereotypes in our school and/orcommunity.ALL girls on the basketball team are gay!Jocks, Nerds, Preps, Thugs, Emos/GothicsWhat do these stereotypes affect in our schools?Attendance, Sports & ActivityParticipation, Attitudes 12. Racial Perceptions Do You Think our School or Community hasissues with racial perceptions? TEXT 325985 andyour answer to 37607 13. Racial Perceptions ContThe Tyra Banks Show, Episodes on Racial PerceptionsPart 1 (3:30) - 3 (2:15) - 4 (2:43) - are your thoughts and/or reactions to anyof these scenarios? TEXT 325986 and yourmessage to 37607 14. Racial Perceptions Cont..Part 5 (2:12) - 15. Could you Survive.In Poverty?In Middle Class?In Wealth?Do you know what it takes to survive inthese different social classes? 16. Social-Class SurveyCould You Survive in Poverty?Could You Survive in Middle Class?Could You Survive in Wealth?Which Social-Class did you have the mostitems checked? 17. The Woodpecker Has toGO! 18. Just a ThoughtDont be the person sinking our ship!Stay Positive, Work Together, and Changeour Schools Culture and Climate! 19. What are your thoughts on todays presentation?TEXT 325978 and your messageto 37607THANKS!!!