The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, DE55 1AU€¦  · Web viewin thought, word and deed and in...

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Transcript of The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, DE55 1AU€¦  · Web viewin thought, word and deed and in...


The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, DE55 1AU7th – 10th May 2019

The Convocation of The Methodist Diaconal Order

AcknowledgementsUnless stated the Bible extracts are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ

in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.Liturgy for Holy Communion taken from Holy Communion during Easter Season

In The Methodist Worship Book, Peterborough, Methodist Publishing House 1999All songs covered by CCLI have been reproduced under the CCL Licence no. 569703



Letter of Welcome 4A prayer for Convocation 5Timetable 6

Our devotional lifeService of Remembrance & Praise 10Closing act of worship including the Act of Rededication 23

Our disciplineStanding Orders 27MDO Rule of Life 29

Our community business People:

MDO Attendance and dispensations 30Guests Attendance 33Partners of Deacons Attendance 33Officers and Coordinators of Convocation 34

Reports: Report of the Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group 37Report on finance 38Gift Aid Report 41Religious Order Advisory Committee report 42Report of the Diaconal Stationing Sub-committee 44Permissions sought and given 46Minutes of the Convocation of 2018 47


Workshops list of presenters and themes 57Dates for the Diary 60Convocation Prayer Bands 61

GuidelinesGuidelines for those leading worship at Convocation 64Guidelines for those writing letters and taking gifts 65

FormsNomination – Religious Order Advisory Committee 66Nomination – Warden’s Nominations Committee 67Expression of interest- Wise Senior 68Requesting a letter of greeting 69



Dear Friends,

‘Welcome is one of the signs that a community is alive. To invite others to live with us is a sign that we aren’t afraid,

that we have a treasure of truth and of peace to share.’ 1

Once again we look forward to welcoming each other to this year’s MDO Convocation.

In this Convocation the overarching theme will be around ‘Community’, building on the work we have been doing around Area Group life. We will explore this through worship and prayer, engagement with Scripture and the Arts, and in our sharing and listening. Our hope is that we will all be ready and open to recognise those practices and signs which cultivate and sustain our life together in Christ; our life as an Order and in the places and with the people we serve alongside in God’s world.

The Convocation begins with the service of Remembrance and Praise with its reminder of our life-long belonging to the MDO community. Whilst our Rule and Daily Prayer act as means by which we, although diverse, are bound together as a dispersed religious community and are called to be careful, faithful and willing servants of God for the sake of God’s world.

As Members of the MDO, we pray Convocation will be a time for us to consider and reflect on our call as an Order, to build and be community in the midst of God’s world. May we respond without fear and share treasure together.

At Convocation we seek to extend a welcome to friends and partners in the work of God; so we look forward to welcoming those of you who come among us as ‘Guest’. We thank you for coming and for the treasure you will offer and we pray you will receive treasure in return.

Convocation is the time when we are all too aware that, because of particular circumstances, some of us will not be able to physically gather. We pray that the presence of the Risen Christ will affirm within us the treasure of God’s steadfast love.

Every Blessing,

Karen & Ruth

Karen McBride Ruth Richey

MDO Warden MDO Deputy Warden

1 Vanier, Jean: Community and Group – Darton, Longman & Todd 1979


A prayer for ConvocationTo prepare ourselves for Convocation and to share as we are gathered:

Weave a silence, O Lord, onto our lips, a silence into our mindsand a silence within our hearts.2

The Candle is lit

Alleluia! Risen Christ, come be with us, and teach our hearts to live in you.Strengthen us as witnesses to your love.May we walk in newness of life. Alleluia!3

2 Based on a traditional Celtic Prayer.3 Adapted from Daily Prayer for all Seasons A contemporary Benedictine prayer companion. ©Canterbury Press 2016



Tuesday 7th May12:30pm Arrivals

1:15pm Lunch

2:30pm Service of Remembrance & Praise

3:30pm Afternoon tea

4:30pm Room keys available and settling in space

5:15pm Business session and Partners’ session

6:45pm Supper

7:45pm Warden and Deputy Warden Presentation

9:00 -9:15pm MDO Examen



Wednesday 8th May7:45 – 8:10am Holy Communion- Revd Peter Barber

8:15am Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30am Personal Quiet Space

9:40am MDO daily prayer and Testimony

10am Bible study – Considering Community through the Feeding of 5,000

10:45am Morning Coffee

11:30am Session lead by the President & Vice President of the Methodist Conference

1pm Lunch

2:00 - 2:30pm Prayer Bands

2:45pm Workshops

4:15pm Afternoon tea

4:45pm Area Group Café

6:45pm Supper

7:45- 9pm Convocation Fringe: Praise and Worship Opportunities

Repeat of Workshop “Longing for Light”Warden and Deputy Warden Surgeries



Thursday 9th May7:45 - 8:10am Holy Communion – Revd Richard Teal

8:15am Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30am Personal Quiet Space

9:40am MDO daily prayer and Testimony

10am Bible study - Considering Community through the Feeding of 5,000

10:45am Morning Coffee

11:15am Area Group Café

1pm Lunch

2:00 - 2:30pm Prayer Bands

2:45pm Workshops

4:15pm Afternoon tea & Conference Diaconal Committee

4:45pm Session lead by the Secretary of Conference and the Secretary of the Faith & Order committee

6:45pm Supper

7:45 - 9:30 pm Convocation Fringe: Pantomime “Little Blue Bonnet” & Presentation



Friday 10th May8:15am Breakfast

9:00- 9:30am Clear rooms/personal quiet space

9:40am MDO Daily prayer and Testimony

10am Concluding Business

11.00 – 11:30am Coffee

11:30 – 12:45 am Service of Rededication and Holy Communion

1pm Lunch

1.30-2.30pm Action Team 2 - Prepare for departure


Worship Service of Remembrance & PraiseCall to worship:

Alleluia! Risen Christ, come be with us, and teach our hearts to live in you.Strengthen us as witnesses to your love.May we walk in newness of life. Alleluia!4

Hymn: STF 364: O For A Thousand Tongues To SingO for a thousand tongues to singmy great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace.

My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad, the honours of your name.

Jesus! The name that charms our fears, that bids our sorrows cease;’tis music in the sinner’s ears, ’tis life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the power of cancelled sin, he sets the prisoner free; his blood can make the foulest clean; his blood availed for me.

He speaks, and listening to his voicenew life the dead receive.The mournful, broken hearts rejoice;the humble poor believe.

See all your sins on Jesus laid:the Lamb of God was slain; his life was once an offering madethat all may heaven gain.

In Christ, our Head, you then shall know, shall feel, your sins forgiven; anticipate your heaven below, and own that love is heaven. (Charles Wesley)

4 Adapted from Daily Prayer for all Seasons A contemporary Benedictine prayer companion. ©Canterbury Press 2016


Prayers of Adoration:

Creator God, we glimpse your beautyin setting sun, mountain top, eagle's wing.We sense your power in thunder crash, lightning flash and ocean's roar.Creator God we praise you

Precious Jesus, we see your lovestretched out upon a cruel cross.We stand in awe at your sacrifice, pure love poured out for humankind.Precious Jesus we praise you

Holy Spirit, we see your powerin lives transformed, hearts on fire.We listen for your still, small voice, comforting, guiding, calling.Holy Spirit we praise you5

Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6 NRSV

1I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

Prayers of Confession:

God of the journey, your invitation is to all, to walk with you without fear of stumbling, Your arm enough to steady the feeblest soul, Your grace to rescue us should we fall.Grant us faith enough to take you at your word, to know that when our hearts are heavy, and the destination seems so distant, that you are there with us along the road.

Forgive us those times when we doubt your Word, when we awake and feel alone.Forgive us for the things we have done - and not done.Forgive us for the things we have said - and not said.Forgive us for the life we have lived - and not lived.

That we might reflect the image of the One we profess to follow,

5 taken from


in thought, word and deed, and in discovering our true selves draw others into that light.Draw us ever closer into your family, that we might know your presence, and sing your praises, all the days of our lives.6



Here is good news for all who put their trust in Christ.Jesus says: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’Amen. Thanks be to God.Blessed are you, Lord Christ, who makes heavy burdens light.

Reading: John 13:1-20 NRSVNow before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this

world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the

end. 2 The devil had already put it into the heart of Judas son of Simon Iscariot to betray him. And

during supper 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had

come from God and was going to God, 4 got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a

towel around himself. 5 Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and

to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him. 6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him,

“Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” 7 Jesus answered, “You do not know now what I am doing,

but later you will understand.” 8 Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered,

“Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.” 9 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only

but also my hands and my head!” 10 Jesus said to him, “One who has bathed does not need to wash,

except for the feet, but is entirely clean. And you are clean, though not all of you.” 11 For he knew

who was to betray him; for this reason he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

12 After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said to

them, “Do you know what I have done to you? 13 You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right,

for that is what I am. 14 So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash

one another’s feet. 15 For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to

you. 16 Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater

than the one who sent them. 17 If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. 18 I am not

speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But it is to fulfil the scripture, ‘The one who ate

my bread has lifted his heel against me.’ 19 I tell you this now, before it occurs, so that when it does

occur, you may believe that I am he.20 Very truly, I tell you, whoever receives one whom I send

receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.”

Silent Reflection6 Accessed 27/03/2019


Act of Remembrance

Warden: As we meet together in community to recall and celebratethe ground of our ministry and mission,

we remember those who are no longer in our earthly fellowship in whose footsteps we follow, whose support strengthened us,

whose love changed us and whose prayers were valued by us.

We record their names in our book of remembranceas a permanent reminder of their belongingto this community and are thereforenever forgotten by us.

We acknowledge the contribution madeby each one of them to the rich tapestry ofour shared heritage as disciples of the Onewho came not to be served but to serveand offer his life for many.

We pause a while and call them to mind, believingthat they are in the immediate presence of God,rejoicing and at rest, and bearing us in mind before the Father.

Let us therefore pray that together we may find here and in eternity, the fulfilment of the purpose

for which we were created, called and equipped.

We remember before God those who we loveand light a candle to symbolisethe light of Christ which shines eternally.

We stand as we are able and hold silence

The names of the deceased are read and a candle lit for each one.

Irene Nora FowlerRoger Keith Hensman

All: Almighty God, we are your servants:by your grace we have been led in our ministry, prepared and equipped for our work and sustained by each other’s fellowship and love.

Hear us as we remember before youthose whose earthly life and service has ended.Grant that we, being filled with the same faith hope and love, may accept and obey your calling, and serve the present age, until, with them, we are united in your eternal kingdom,


through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Hymn: STF 734 Going Home, moving on

Going home, moving on,through God’s open door;hush, my soul, have no fear,Christ has gone before.Parting hurts, love protests,pain is not denied;yet, in Christ, life and hopespan the great divide.Going home, moving on,through God’s open door;hush, my soul, have no fear,Christ has gone before,Christ has gone before.

No more guilt, no more fear,all the past is healed;broken dreams now restored,perfect grace revealed.Christ has died, Christ is risen,Christ will come again:death destroyed, life restored,love alone shall reign.Going home, moving on,through God’s open door;hush, my soul, have no fear,Christ has gone before,Christ has gone before. (Michael L. Forster)

Please sit down

Greetings of those Received into Full Connexion and ordained and brought into full membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order at the Methodist Conference of 2018

Warden: Beloved in Christ!At this, our Convocation, it is with great joyI present to you those of our number who were ordainedat Southwell Cathedral in the Nottingham and Derby Districtduring the Methodist Conference of 2018.

Those named come forward as their names are called.

Linda BrownJacqueline Esama JohnElizabeth HarfleetSarah Wickett


Jackie WrightWarden: Sisters, on behalf of the Order,

I assure you of our joy that you are part of our company.We know that God has done great things in and through youand will continue to do so.

May God bless you in all you undertake in the ministry to which you have been called.

All: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Response: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Greeting of those seeking the permission of the Methodist Conference of 2019 to ‘sit down’.

Warden: Beloved in Christ!I present to you those of our number who wishseek your assent and the permission of the Conferenceto cease travelling and sit down.

Those named come forward as their names are called.

Jane HarperTom LukeElizabeth Rowe

Warden: Sisters and brother, on behalf of the Order,I thank you for all that you have given in service to God’s world and for all that youhave brought to the life of the Order as you have travelled.

May you continue to know and enjoythe warmth of the fellowship and support of this community.God bless you in all you undertake, released from the discipline of itinerancy.

All: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Response: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Welcoming of Student and Probationer Deacons attending their first Convocation

Deputy Warden: Beloved in Christ! At this, their first Convocation, it is with great joy that I present to you:


Tessa BennettKim GabbattisAlison HydeSarah RigbyMarcianne Uwimana

Deputy Warden: Sisters, on behalf of the Order, I welcome you. We anticipate with joy the shared journey to come as the call of God is discerned in your life. May God bless you as you continue to respond to the call placed upon your life.

All: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Response: We greet you and promise to pray for you.

Hymn: STF 610 Best of all is God is with us

Best of all is God is with us, God will hold and never fail. Keep that truth when storms are raging, God remains though faith is frail.

Best of all is God is with us, life goes on and needs are met, God is strongest in our weakness. Love renews, will not forget.

Best of all is God is with us, hearts are challenged, strangely warmed, faith is deepened, courage strengthened, grace received and hope reformed.

Best of all is God is with us, in our joy and through our pain, till that final acclamation: 'life is Christ, and death is gain'.

Best of all is God is with us as we scale eternal heights, love grows stronger, undiminished; earth grows dim by heaven's lights. (Andrew Pratt)

Prayers of Intercession

In the confidence of God's concern for the smallest detail of human living, we offer our prayers for the world and ourselves.


We pray for those who find themselves in despair today:people who have no sense of their own value,people who have no confidence in the future,people who suffer the effects and stigma of mental illness.SilenceGod of grace:Hear our prayer.

We pray for those whose days are formed of fear and longing:parents who have no food for their children,children who live in war zones and places of conflict,carers who long for a break and a rest.SilenceGod of grace:Hear our prayer.

We pray for those whose thoughts are too weighty to bear:people living with the guilt of a past action,people living with the shock of a difficult diagnosis,people living with the burden of grief.SilenceGod of grace:Hear our prayer.

In a time of silence we pray for those in our churches and communities who need comfort at this time.....God of grace:Hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves. Help us to remember we are wonderfully made:teach us to truly on your presence and to see signs of your glory,teach us to replace hate with love,and fear with knowledge,teach us to care for others as you care for us.SilenceGod of grace:Hear our prayer.Amen7

The Lord’s Prayer

All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name,your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sinsas we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trialand deliver us from evil.

7 Prayers of intercession Taken from The Weaver, the Word and Wisdom by Michaela Youngson


For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

The PeaceAll stand.

President: The risen Christ came and stood among his disciples and said “Peace be with you!”And they were glad when they saw the Lord.Alleluia! The peace of the risen Christ be always with you.

All: And also with you. Alleluia!

President: We offer each other a sign of God’s peace.

During the next hymn, the table is prepared.

Hymn: STF (website) Gracious God, you call your people

1. Gracious God, you call your peopleto offer lives of love and care; serving, teaching persevering, holding all your world in prayer.

ChorusWe are worthy by your Spirit.We are worthy by your Sonto proclaim your gospel storyof a world in Christ made one.

2. Gracious God, you call your peopleto share the gospel of your grace; to declare that Christ’s forgivenessis for all in every place.


3. Gracious God, you call your peopleto your table, open, free; drawing us to share togetherin love’s hospitality.

Chorus x2 (Michaela Youngson)

Remain standing.

The Preparation of the Gifts


President: Here is bread, God’s good gift.All: It will become for us the bread of life.

President: Here is wine, God’s good gift.All: It will become for us the cup of salvation.

The Thanksgiving

President: The Lord be with you.All: And also with you.

President: Lift up your hearts.All: We lift them to the Lord.

President: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.All: It is right to give thanks and praise.

President: Blessing and honour, glory and power, are rightly yours, all-gracious God.By your creative wordyou brought the world to birth;in your generous loveyou made the human family,that we might see your gloryand live for ever in your presence.

All: Blessing and honour, glory and power, are rightly yours, all-gracious God.

President: When we wandered from you in our sin you sought us with your steadfast love and did not give us up.

In the fullness of time you sent your Son to be our Saviour and Deliverer.Made of flesh and blood, he lived our life

and died our death upon the cross. Death could not hold himand now he reigns at your right hand.

All: Blessing and honour, glory and power, are rightly yours, all-gracious God.

President: Therefore with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven we bless and praise your glorious name saying:

All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

President: Blessed indeed is the Lord Jesus Christ who, at supper with his friends,


took bread and gave you thanks, broke it, gave it to them and said:

“Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body given for you.Do this in remembrance of me.”When supper was ended,he took the cup and gave you thanks, gave it to them, and said:“Drink from it all of you.This is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for you and for everyone, for the forgiveness of sins.Do this in remembrance of me.”

All: Dying, you destroyed our death. Rising, you restored our life.Lord Jesus, come in glory.

President: Therefore, Father,we celebrate this Passover of gladness;for as in Adam all die,even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Accept, through him, our great high priest, this, our sacrifice of praise.Send your Holy Spiritthat these gifts of bread and winemay be for us the body and the blood of Christ. Gather us, who share this feast,into the kingdom of your glorythat with all your people in every time and place we may praise and worship you for ever; through Jesus Christ our Lord,

All: by whom and with whomin the unity and the Holy Spirit,all honour and glory are yours,heavenly Father, now and always. Amen.

President: Banquet of God, inclusive table,All are invited to dine with the Lord.All here are guests, honoured and valued;Come and break bread and drink wine: be restored.Banquet of God, kingdom feast full of grace;Living each day in holy embrace.

Banquet of God, upside down values,Last in the world but first at God’s feast.Jesus the host serves all who gather;Empties Himself for the sake of the least.Banquet of God, kingdom feast full of grace;Living each day in holy embrace.8

The bread and wine are shared.8 Additional communion liturgy taken from


Words such as the following are said during the distribution:

The body of Christ, keep you in eternal life. Amen

The blood of Christ, keep you in eternal life. Amen

The elements that remain are covered with a white cloth.

Let us pray.

All: God of our salvation, we thank you for our communion with the risen Christ and with all who love him in earth and heaven. We pray that, strengthened by his grace, we may serve you faithfully all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hymn: STF 323 I will sing the wondrous story

I will sing the wondrous storyof the Christ who died for me,how he left the realms of gloryfor the cross on Calvary:

Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous storyof the Christ who died for me,sing it with the saints in glorygathered by the crystal sea.

I was lost; but Jesus found mefound the sheep that went astray,raised me up, and gently led meback into the narrow way:

Faint was I, and fears possessed me,bruised was I from many a fall;hope was gone, and shame distressed me;but his love has pardoned all:

Days of darkness still come o’er me,sorrow’s paths I often tread;but the Saviour still is with me,by his hand I’m safely led:

He will keep me till the riverrolls its waters at my feet;then he’ll bear me safely over,where the loved ones I shall meet. (Francis Harold Rowley)


President: We arise and go forth on the journey before us,Knowing that where Christ leads,Life is a journey home.Amen.

President: Christ our King make you faithful and strong to do his will that you may reign with him in glory; and may almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Warden: Alleluia!Go in joy and peace to love and serve the Lord.

All: In the name of Christ. Alleluia

Service prepared by Annabel Graham, Tracey Hume and Esther Longe.

Copyright acknowledgement:Some material included in this service is copyright: 1999 Trustees for Methodist Church PurposesCCLI NUMBER 569703


WorshipClosing worship including the Act of RededicationOur closing act of worship will draw together the threads of our conversations, our times of fellowship, our times of prayer, our laughter, our joy, our tears, our decision-making together and our desires and vision for the future. As such, it cannot be reproduced in our agenda beforehand because of its very nature as a response to our gathering and watching over each other in love.

However, the Act of Rededication, which is used each year, is reproduced below and will be incorporated into our closing worship, as is the greeting of those being recommended to be received into Full Connexion, ordained and admitted into full membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order at the Methodist Conference of 2019.

Rededication of Deacons

Warden: Sisters and brothers,we have been called by God to a holy ministry within the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.When we were ordained we pledged ourselves to that calling, and the Church, with prayer and in the laying on of hands, called upon the Holy Spirit to keep us faithful in it.

Today, in this act of rededication, we renew our obedience and trust and ask afresh to be sustained by the power of God.

Let us pray.

Let us give thanks to Godfor the privilege of this ministry to which we have been called within the fellowship of the Order:for God’s sovereign love promising to make all things new; for the good news of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen for all the world;for his abundant grace, our example and hope;for the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the people of Godand for the Church which has nourished and sustained us;for the call which we heard and the ways in which it has since been renewed; for the power of Christ’s gospel to search us out and reclaim us when we have lost the way;for the ways in which God has sustained us in time of doubt and difficulty and enabled us to learn from weakness and failure;for the joy of serving others in the name of Christ; for the privilege of sharing in the pilgrimage of faith and the ministry of others;for what we have received from those we sought to serve.

A time of reflection and silent thanksgiving





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Warden: Let us confess before God our inadequacy,our failures in love and faith,our neglect in those things that matter most in our ministry and in our membership of the Order.We review before God:our stewardship of time and gifts;our leadership and witness to the gospel of God’s judgement and grace;our responsibility to challenge and enable the mission and service of the Church;our response to those in need;our own devotional life in communion with God and our readiness to travel the way of the cross;our willingness to nurture the fellowship of the Order in prayer and mutual care;our commitment to the Rule of Life;our care for family and those who depend on us.

We ask that we may know ourselves as we are known by God, that the Holy Spirit may lead us to repentance, making us aware of the forgiveness in Christ, restoring our relationship with Godand with each other and with ourselves.

Pause for personal reflection.

Warden: Let those of us who are ordained as deacon in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church stand as we are able and renew the affirmations and promises we made at our ordination.

Sisters and brothers, do you continue to believe that God has called you to be a Deacon in the universal Church?

Answer: I do.

Warden: Do you continue to accept the Holy Scriptures as revealing all things necessary for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord?

Answer: I do.

Warden: Do you continue to believe the doctrines of the Christian faith as this Church has received them?

Answer: I do.

Warden: Will you continue to accept our discipline, and work together with your sisters and brothers in the Church?

Answer: I will.

Warden: Will you continue to be faithful in worship, in prayer, in the reading of the Holy Scriptures and in those studies which will equip you for your ministry?

Answer: I will.


Warden: Remember you are to share fully in the life of your Order and to keep its discipline.

Remember your call.

Support the weak. Bind up the broken. Gather in the outcast. Welcome the stranger. Seek the lost.

So minister care that you make glad those who you help in their need. Let the concerns and sorrows of others be as your own.

May Christ your Master, when he comes in glory,count you among his faithful servants.

Answer: To God be the glory for ever. Amen.

Those ordained sit.

Deputy Warden: I invite those who are probationer deacons to stand, as you are able.

Sisters and brothers, we believe with you, that you have also been called to share in this ministry and in the responsibilities and privileges of the fellowship of the Order. That conviction continues to be tested as you undertake the duties of diaconal ministry as a probationer deacon, sharing in its disappointments and satisfactions, its sorrows and its joys.

Deputy Warden: Do you continue to believe that you are called by God to the ministry of a Deacon within the universal Church?

Answer: I do.

Deputy Warden: Will you continue to devote yourself to preparation for that ministry and be faithful in the work God has already given you to do?

Answer: I will.

The probationer deacons sit.

Deputy Warden: I invite those who are student deacons to please stand, as you are able.

Sisters and brothers, we believe with you, that you have also been called to share in this ministry and in the responsibilities and privileges of the fellowship of the Order.

Will you continue to devote yourself to prayer, study and preparation and in the further testing of that call?

Answer: I will.

Ordained, probationer and student deacons please stand, as you are able and pray.


Our devotional life

All those standing:O Lord our God,we praise you for the service to which we are called and for the fellowship of the Order.Having heard your call,we offer ourselves to one another,to the discipline and obedience of this Order and to the Church.

We give ourselves to you.

Warden: I invite all of us here present at this Convocation to commit our ministry to God:

All stand, as they are able. All: Grant to us and to all your people,

the grace to fulfil our calling as disciples of Christ. Renew us in the fire of your love,that we may serve you in your Churchand in the life of the world to the end of our days, seeking only your glory and the coming of your kingdom. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All sit.

Greeting of those being recommended to the Methodist Conference of 2019

Warden: Beloved in Christ!At this, our Convocation, I present to you those who are to be recommended to the Conference of 2019 to be received into Full Connexion, ordained and admitted into full membership of the Methodist Diaconal Order.

Those to be so recommended come forward as their names are called.

Warden: On behalf of the Order and with great joy I send you forward from this place to the Conference to receive you into Full Connexion, and to ordain you by prayer and the laying on of hands. We rejoice that from that moment, you will be joining in the full life of the Order and will take up the baton passed on by those who have gone before you and whose names we have remembered earlier this week.

A candle is lit and presented to each one

All: We greet and celebrate God’s calling of you to be deacons within the universal Church, as members of the Methodist Diaconal Order. We promise to pray for you and, with joy, send you forward to the Conference.

Response of those being recommended: We greet you and promise to pray for you.


Standing OrdersStanding Orders:Standing Order CPD Page No. 750 The Methodist Diaconal Order 590 751 Convocation: Membership and Attendance 590 752 Meetings 590 753 Functions 591 754 Warden of the Order 591 755 Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group 593

750 The Methodist Diaconal Order. (1) The Methodist Diaconal Order is a religious order to which those who belong to the order of deacon in the Church of God are admitted by the act of the Conference.

(2) The members of the Order offer lifelong commitment to diaconal ministry and a willingness to serve where the Conference directs. They exercise, alongside others, a pastoral, evangelistic and outreach ministry which reflects the servant ministry of Christ and enables the mission and service of the Church in the world. As to availability for stationing see S.O. 783 and 542.

(3) The Order shall have a Rule of Life, approved by the Conference, so as to provide a framework for the devotional life of each member, for discipline, mutual care and accountability, and for individual and collective commitment to the ministry of a deacon. The Rule of Life was approved by the Conference of 1998 and is printed in Book IV B, Part 5 below. (4) The Order consists of those who have been received as full members upon reception into Full Connexion under Standing Order 728A, 730 or 731.

751 Convocation: Membership and Attendance. (1) There shall be a Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order, which shall consist of all full members of the Order and all those recognised and regarded as deacons under Standing Order 732 and which shall also be attended by all diaconal probationers and student deacons. All these persons are required to attend and to remain throughout the sessions of the Convocation, unless on compelling grounds a dispensation is given by the Warden. All dispensations shall be reported to the Convocation for its approval.

(2) Those authorised to serve as deacons under Standing Order 733 shall be entitled to attend and speak at the Convocation.

(3) Only the full members of the Order shall be eligible to vote upon the business of Convocation. For the business of the Convocation see S.O. 753 below

752 Meetings. (1) The Convocation shall meet annually at a time and place appointed by the Conference.

(2) Subject to any invitation given under clause (3) below, the Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order shall preside at every meeting of the Convocation. If because of an emergency the Warden is unable to be present, then the deputy Warden shall preside. If neither the Warden or deputy Warden is able to preside then the members present shall invite the President or Vice-President, if present, or, if both decline, one of their number, to preside.

(3) The President and the Vice-President shall normally visit the Convocation and may preside at any sessions upon the invitation of the Warden.

753 Functions. (1) Those attending the Convocation meet to recall and reflect upon their diaconal vocation, to watch over one another in love and to consider the work of God.

(2) In addition to sessions for devotion, study and fellowship, the agenda of the Convocation shall include: (i) nomination to the Conference of a representative of the Order to the Methodist Council; (ii) recommendations, if any, to the Methodist Council; (iii) preparation of obituaries; (iv) preparation of applications from deacons in the active work for permission to become supernumerary. For (i) see S.O. 210(1)(vii). For obituaries at the Conference Diaconal Committee and the Representative Session of the Conference, see cl. 25A(j) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 182. For permission to become supernumerary, see cl. 25A(i) of the Deed of Union (Book II, Part 1) and S.O. 790(1). For return to the active work see S.O. 793.

(3) The Convocation shall annually appoint a small pastoral committee to act in association with the Warden in any cases referred to it which do not fall within the purview of Sections 03 or 04 or Part 11 of Standing Orders. Part 11 deals with complaints and discipline, Sections 03 and 04 with discontinuance from training and competence.


(4) The Convocation may adopt and submit resolutions to be moved in the Conference on any matter of connexional interest. Any such resolution shall be sent to the Secretary of the Conference to be published in the Agenda, accompanied by a reasoned statement. The Warden shall determine which of the diaconal representatives should move and second the resolution in the Conference.

(5) The members of the Convocation shall rededicate themselves to diaconal ministry during a service of worship, which shall include the renewal of the promises made at ordination and, as a religious order, the affirmation of the Rule of Life, and, for the probationers and student deacons, an affirmation of their sense of call.

754 Warden of the Order. (1) (a) There shall be a Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, being a member of the Order appointed by the Conference. (b) There shall be a deputy Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order, being a member of the Order, stationed to serve as such in accordance with Standing Order 315(1).(1A) The Warden shall be appointed initially for a specified period, not exceeding six years. Every appointment for an extension shall be for a specified period, each not exceeding five years. (1B) The procedure for the appointment of the Warden shall be determined by the Methodist Council and shall follow as closely as possible the provisions for the appointment of a Chair of District in Standing Orders 421A to 423B, with the Convocation of the Methodist Diaconal Order having the equivalent functions to those of the Synod. (1C) The provisions of clause (1A) and those referred to in clause (1B) above for appointments for periods of years operate only to obviate any need for earlier application of the procedure under those clauses and do not derogate from the ultimate authority of the Conference over stationing annually. (1D) The provisions as to curtailment in Standing Order 544 shall apply to the period of appointment of the Warden as they apply to the period of invitation of a presbyter, with the following adaptations: (i) The functions of the circuit Invitation Committee shall be exercised by a Nominations Committee appointed annually by the Convocation, which in addition to its responsibilities under this clause shall exercise such functions in relation to the nomination of officers of the Order as the Convocation may prescribe. (ii) The function of the Chair of the District and the Warden under clauses (5) and (11) of Standing Order 544 shall be exercised by the President. (iii) Reference to the relevant Circuit shall be read as applying, in clauses (1)(a), (6) and (8)(a)(i), to the Methodist Diaconal Order Centre, and in clause (11) to the Convocation of the Order. (iv) Provisions which can have no application shall be ignored, including (without necessarily being exhaustive) those relating to church stewards or probationers and the last sentence of clause (9).

(2) In addition to the specific functions assigned to the Warden in the Deed of Union and Standing Orders, the Warden shall have overall responsibility for the oversight of the Order. In conjunction with the members of the Convocation, the Warden shall be responsible to the Conference for the observance within the Order of Methodist order and discipline, and he or she shall exercise oversight of the character and fidelity of the deacons, diaconal probationers and student deacons, subject to the provisions of Part 11 of Standing Orders. To this end he or she will use all the gifts and graces he or she has received, being especially diligent to be a pastor to the deacons, facilitating the devotional life of the Order and the role of deacon within the Church. Part 11 deals with complaints and disciplinary charges against deacons, diaconal probationers and student deacons. For the discharge of the Warden’s responsibility to the Conference see S.O. 183. (2A) The deputy Warden shall assist the Warden of the Order in fulfilling the Warden’s functions and responsibilities. Subject to clause (5) below the Warden shall delegate to the deputy Warden the discharge of such of those functions and responsibilities as the Warden, with the agreement of the Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group, thinks fit.

(3) A casual vacancy arises in the office of Warden if the Warden dies or becomes incapable of acting or unfit to act or ceases to be a deacon. In this event the vacancy shall be filled (until the taking effect of an appointment under clause (1A) above) by the appointment of a qualified person by the President. For temporary inability of the Warden to fulfil the duties of the office see cl. (4) below.

(4) Subject to clause (5) below, if the Warden is temporarily unable to fulfil all or any of the duties of the office because of accident, illness, absence from the country, sabbatical leave or other cause, the President may appoint the deputy Warden or another deacon in the active work with authority to fulfil those duties which the Warden is unable to perform. This clause deals with temporary inability to fulfil the duties of the office, as opposed to the situation where a casual vacancy arises, for which see cl. (3) above. (5) Nothing done under clause (2A) or clause (4) above can empower any person other than the Warden to perform any act expressly required by the Deed of Union to be performed by the Warden.

755 Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group. (1) The Conference shall each year appoint the Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group upon nominations from the Methodist Council. (2) The Group shall consist of seven persons, comprising a former President or VicePresident appointed as chair, two presbyters, two deacons and two lay persons. (3) The Group shall meet as frequently as need be, but at least once a year. (4) The responsibilities of the Group shall be to: (i) advise and support the Warden and the deputy Warden on the performance of their duties under the Deed of Union and Standing Orders and generally in the exercise of their functions. (ii) oversee any such arrangements as from time to time may be required for consulting the Methodist Diaconal Order on matters referred to it by the Conference or the Council.


The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church 2018 (Standing Orders)

Rule of LifeAs a religious order we recognise the unconditional love of God as known in Jesus Christ. Out of this springs our calling to the sacrificial servant ministry of Christ and to be a dispersed community living by a rule of life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be:

careful stewards of God’s gifts faithful in all relationships willing servants.

The Order provides the means for: fellowship and encouragement pastoral care and mutual support prayer and discipline opportunities to explore, celebrate and share in God’s purpose and plan.

As members of the Order, although diverse, we have a sense of identity and belonging, a mutual responsibility, a shared life of prayer, a common calling and a lifelong commitment, for the sake of the kingdom of God.

We follow this rule of life to deepen our fellowship and bind us together as a dispersed community that we may continue to become the people God wants us to be, both individually and as an Order.

This rule does not bind us in a way that stifles and disables, but is a means by which we might be liberated to find a sense of wholeness in the rhythm of life. There is no element of compulsion in it, but the hope that freely followed and adapted to personal needs and circumstances, it will become a framework for the enrichment of our own life, the life of the Order and the people of God amongst whom we live. Every member of the Order is encouraged to adapt the rule to their own needs and experiences. May it be to us a blessing and joy, and bring glory to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In our devotional life, we endeavour to: attend worship regularly, especially Holy Communion set aside time each day to read the Bible devotionally and to pray, including a time of

intercession for members of the Order regularly set aside time for self-examination – a chance to look back and see where

we have failed in loving God and our neighbours, and to give thanks for blessings received find a spiritual director/companion, who will accompany, help and affirm us

make time each year for a retreat of quiet day.

As our discipline, we endeavour to:


be sensitive for the needs of those close to us, our families, dependants and friends be aware of and relate to the community in which we live

acknowledge and enjoy God’s gift to us of time, talents, money and possessions, and through God’s grace to be able stewards of these

order the rhythm of each day, month and year to allow for study and relaxation, weekly day off, regular holiday

attend Convocation participate in the life of Area Groups wherever possible and attend meetings keep in contact with other members of the Order by the giving or receiving of fellowship and

support, by visits, letter or telephone.

MDO attendance and dispensations for 2019Attendance and dispensationsSurname First NameAgar Gwen** Aitchison Ronald **Allport Angie Atkinson Gillian Attwood Eunice Attwood Mark Austin-Bride Guy Bacon Harriet **Baillie Gloria**Bamford Gwynn Barrett Kate Baudains Ruth **Beaven Melanie Beckett Richard Bell Rosemary*Bell Lois**Bennett Tessa *Blake MargaretBoulton Rose**Brobbey John Brocklehurst Michelle Brooks GeorginaBrown Corinne Brown Linda Brown LorraineBruce Sarah*Buckley Deborah Bullivant Stella**Cahill Pru Canham Dawn Carter AndrewCartwright Ian **Clark David Clarke John**Coggrave Rosemary Cole Joan

Coleman HelenColeman Tim Colley ElizabethCooper Ian**Creed Denise Critchley Jo*Crockett Barbara** Culver Susan** Daniels Christopher

Surname First Name Davie Helen**Davis Margaret** Dawson Sheila Day Liz de Boltz Fiona Den Uil Flip Devitt SheraleeDilley Sharon** Dixon Dora**Doherty Michaela Downs Victor Duckworth-Lloyd Jean Durbin JanetEastman Rona**Ellenor Anne**Ely DonnaEsama-John Jacqueline Evans Meredith Evans Laura Everingham Joy Facey Valerie Farley ChristineFlute Josie Forkin IvyFowler Jacqueline Fox Raymond**


Fry Susan Fytche SusieGabbattis Kim * Gallimore Lyn*Gallimore Dave* Garnett Olive Gill Claire Gilson Ann Gilson Linda Goddard MichelleGoldstraw Richard Gostling Gwynneth **Gough Keith Graham Annabel Gray Vivienne Griffin Ellie Hacon Janice Hale Margaret **


MDO attendance and dispensations for 2019Surname First NameHarper Jane Harrison June **Hassall Shirley Hawes Sylvia** Hayes Brenda Hays Katharine *Heath Jenny Henry Al Heys Janet Hill John Hinch Ruth Hirst EileenHoare Gary Howard Anne **Howard Maria Hudson Julie Hughes Margaret** Hume Tracey Hunt David Hutton Kath**Hyde Alison * Jackson Joan**Jakeman Rita**Jeffery Judith**Jenkins JanetJohnson KatherineJolly Irene Jones Jenny Judge Gill Keegan Dave Keizer Angleena Kempson Sylvia **Kinchenton Linda King PhyllisKnight Jennifer Knighton Gwenllian Knowles Malcolm Lackenby Ruth Lamb Kathryn Langdale Sue **Lawson Constance**Legumi Michelle Letby Belinda** Littlewood Elsie**Longe EstherLovatt Rebecca Luke Tom

Surname First NameLunn HelenLuxton PamelaMacBean Laura*Mackintosh Shirley Marsh Debbie Martin Anthony Matta MargaretMay Cedric McBride Karen McCauley AlisonMcDowall Sarah McMillan Alison Middleton Jane Miles JanMiller Jonathan Mills Jane Monk Winstanley Ellen Moore Patricia*Morgan GailMorton Julie Murray Ian Neal Mary Newbold Joy Nicholls Vera**Nisbett Selina Nixon Adrienne **Nkwelah Lemia Ogle Peter**Packer AndyPaine Jane Parnell Jennifer Parnell Sheila **Parry Grace**Patchett Maggie Patton JoanPearson Vera**Peat Sue Peck Stephen Perrott Nigel Phillips Sylvie Plater Mavis Poingdestre Dorothy**Poxon Myrtle Pritchard Donald Purchase Brian Rathbone Lisa** Rawkins Joyce**


MDO attendance and dispensations for 2018Surname First NameReast Peter Rice JaneRichardson Stephen Richey Ruth Rigby Sarah *Roberts Susan **Roe Stephen Rogers Eileen**Rop BryanellRowe Liz Sam TheresaSamuel Ramona Savage Rita Sanders Patricia**Saunders KinaScarlett Kerry Sharp AnnetteSharp Marian**Shaw Anita Shephard Ann Shereni Angela Sidding Glenda Skinner GillianSkuce Marlene Slowe Marilyn Smith Carole Smith David Smith Hilary Smith Janet Snowball HelenSoule Patricia **Spencer ChrisSpinks Maureen Spinks Rebekah-Joy Stafford Janet Stanley Marian** Stephenson Jean **Stoddart Judith Stoner Bob Street Sian*Street Terry Sutton Jan Sykes Joy Sylvester-Tonge Lynne**Tafirenyika Irene Tait Lois**Tamblin Geoffrey **

Surname First NameTaylor Anne Taylor Samantha Taylor Con Taylor Jill Thomas Janet Thomas-Prasad Rachel Thorne Phyllis **Thorpe Maureen **Timmins Elizabeth Trembling AnnieUwimana Marcianne *Vaughan Betty Verrall Jane **Viana Suzie Wallace GordonWalters Christine **Ward Vivien Warren Liesl Watkin Linda Wayne PaulWebster Helen Wheadon Sally Wickett Sarah Wilde Deborah Wilkinson RowlandWilson Joyce**Windsor-Hides Sara Withington Phyllis**Woodfin Jennifer Woodley Carys** Wray Judith Wright Eileen **Wright Jackie Wynn Mark**Yorke Ruth

** indicates that a full dispensation has been granted * indicates that a partial dispensation has been granted


GuestsOur guests at Convocation enhance our time together and this year we particularly welcome the following people:

Revd Peter Barber Chair of Diaconal Stationing Sub Committee andChair of Chester and Stoke District.

Revd Deacon Dot Getliffe Church of Scotland Mr Bala Gnanapragasam Vice President of The Methodist ConferenceRevd David Hollingsworth Presbyter in the Islington and Camden Mission

CircuitMr Simon Lovatt Church Related Community Worker URCMrs Ruth Pickles Chair of MDO Leadership Group Revd Dr Claire Potter Ministerial Coordinator for the Oversight of

Ordained MinistriesRevd Canon Gareth Powell Secretary of The Methodist ConferenceRevd Dr Nicola Price Tebbut Secretary of the Faith and Order CommitteeRevd Deacon Chris Stevens RC Chaplain Loughborough UniversityDr Malcolm Stevenson MDO Leadership GroupMr Steve Summers CRCW Development Worker URCRevd Richard Teal Chair of Cumbria DistrictMs Jasmine Yeboah Youth President Revd Michaela Youngson President of The Methodist ConferenceTBC Episcopal Church of ScotlandTBC Church of IrelandTBC Church of EnglandTBC Church of Wales

Partners of deacons

Kevin BennettRichard BrooksDon HarperDave LegumiBob MackintoshAnne MartinJean PritchardBecky PurchaseAngela RoeKen SiddingDanny Wheadon

The families of those members of the Order who have died since we last met.


Officers and coordinatorsOfficers and coordinators of ConvocationReporting Officer: Tracey HumeOfficial Letter writers: Angie Allport, Pru CahillScrutineers’ Secretary: Jenny JonesScrutineers: Fiona de Boltz, Michaela Doherty, David SmithMinutes Secretaries: Julie Hudson (Tuesday/Friday) Ruth Yorke (Wednesday/ Thursday)Methodist Recorder &CPD Secretaries: Claire Gill, Linda Gilson

Convocation Coordinators and teams:Advance Team Shirley and Bob Mackintosh, Karen McBride, Alison McMillan, Gail Morgan,

Ian Murray, Ruth Richey, Marilyn Slowe, Janet Stafford, Alison TaitPlanning team: Mark Attwood, Linda Kinchenton, Michelle Legumi, Deb Marsh, Karen

McBride, Alison McMillan, Gail Morgan, Ruth Richey, Janet Thomas Reception & Welcoming Team: (for Convocation and guests) Janet Thomas (Team leader)

Sheila Dawson, Gill Judge, Alison Tait.Action Team 1 (during Convocation): Sue Peat & Andy Packer (Team leaders)

Janet Heys, Gary Hoare, Maria Howard, Esther Longe, Tom Luke, Carole Smith, Suzie Viana, Linda Watkin

Action Team 2 (post Convocation clear up): Janice Hacon, Al Henry, Dave Keegan, Jane Rice, Terry Street, Samantha Taylor

Hospitality Team: Liz Rowe & Tracey Hume (Team leaders) Laura Evans, Lyn Gallimore, Selina Nesbitt

Pastoral Care team: Annette Sharp & Debbie Wilde (Team leaders) Denise Creed,Kathy Hays, Jenny Heath, Annabel Graham, Flip den Uil, Brian Purchase

Gift Aid Secretary: Steve PeckAdministration desk coordinator: Stephen RoeMDO Support Officer Alison TaitBursar: David HuntGifts & LettersCoordinators: Guy Austin Bride & Lemia NkwelahMusic Coordinator: Marlene SkuceIT Coordinators: Bob Mackintosh (Team Leader), Richard Brooks, Tim ColemanPartners Group Leaders Dave Legumi & Becky PurchasePrayer Room: Helen & Tim ColemanWorship Focal point: Georgina BrooksCommunion Steward Team: Michelle Brocklehurst & Richard Goldstraw (Team Leaders)

Pam Luxton, Irene TafirenyikaMarket Place Coordinators: Michelle Goddard & Helen SnowballPhotographer: Linda Gilson (General) Dave Keegan (Prayer Diary & General)

Officers and coordinatorsPrayer before sessions: Angela Shereni


Grace before meals: Terry StreetShuttle Service: Nigel Perrott & Bob StonerPrayer Bands coordinators: Gail Morgan & Linda KinchentonWednesday Fringe Coordinators: Mark Attwood & Linda KinchentonThursday Fringe Coordinators: Janet Thomas & Janet Stafford

MDO Daily Prayer:Wednesday: John BrobbeyThursday: Maggie PatchettFriday: Angleena Keizer

Testimonies: Michelle Legumi

MDO Examen: Viv Gray

Bible Study: Jackie Fowler & Melanie Beaven

Area Group Work Facilitators & Groups

Group 1: Alison McMillan, Julie Morton & Dawn Canham(Southampton. Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury. London. Liverpool. Scotland. Wales.)

Group 2: Gail Morgan, Helen Webster & Deb Marsh(Newcastle. Yorkshire North & East. South West. Lancashire. Beds, Essex & Herts.)

Group 3: Janet Thomas, Annie Trembling & Maggie Patchett(Birmingham. Bristol. Cumbria. Darlington. Northampton. Sheffield)

Group 4: Michelle Legumi, Gill Aitkinson & Mark Attwood(South East. Manchester/Bolton. East Anglia. Notts & Derby. Yorkshire West.)

Service of Remembrance and Praise

Worship Coordinators: Gail Morgan & Marilyn SloweLed by: Warden Karen McBride and Deputy Warden Ruth RicheyPresiding Minister: The President of the Conference Revd Michaela YoungsonPrayers of Adoration: Liz RoweEpistle reading: Ruth RicheyPrayers of Confession: Tom LukeGospel reading: Rosemary BellIntercessions: Jane Harper

Distribution of Holy Communion (* denotes bread)Michaela Youngson*, Jacqueline Esama John, Ruth Pickles (Front Centre)Karen McBride*, Sarah Wickett, Dave Legumi (Front Right)Ruth Richey*, Elizabeth Harfleet, Becky Purchase (Back Left) Bala Gnanapragasam *, Jackie Wright, Linda Brown (Back Right)


Assisting with Morning Communion

Wednesday H/C morning: Revd Peter Barber, Jill Taylor, Jackie Fowler, Kate BarrettThursday H/C morning: Revd Richard Teal, Debbie Harkness, Sarah McDowell, Kina Saunders

Act of Rededication and service of Holy Communion

Worship Coordinators: Georgina Brooks & Alison McMillanLed by: Warden Karen McBride and Deputy Warden Ruth RicheyPresiding minister: The President of the Conference Revd Michaela YoungsonPreacher: Revd Peter BarberReader: Gwen Knighton

Distribution of Holy Communion (* denotes bread)Michaela Youngson*, Dot Getliffe, Bryanell Rop (Left front)Peter Barber*, Jasmine Yeboah , Corinne Brown (Right front)Karen McBride*, Judith Stoddart, Bob Mackintosh (Left back)Ruth Richey *, Jenny Parnell, Bala Gnanapragasam (Right Back)


ReportsReport of the Leadership Group to Convocation 2019

It is a privilege to write this, my final report to the Convocation as Chair of the MDO LG. Having accompanied the Order for five years I will retire at the end of this Connexional year. Malcolm Stevenson has similarly served for five years and retires from the Group. We both thank God for the ways in which the Order has welcomed the presence of the group into its community; we have particularly valued your hospitality at Convocation.

This year the group has taken part in the continuing consultations of Faith and Order relating to the MDO; we recognise that there is more work to be done in this complex and important issue. We have engaged with the Ministries Committee in reviewing the responsibility of the Warden, or Deputy, in MCPOC and MCSC. We have also exercised delegated oversight of two of the Order’s Trust Funds and agreed their Reserves Policies.

As the LG approaches the end of its fifth year since inception, it is right to assess the role of the group. We are addressing the question – Is what was needed when this endeavour started still necessary and if so in what form should it continue? (It is right to ask such a question regularly in every part of the church.)

Conversations are therefore underway as to the most appropriate ways in which the Warden and Deputy Warden can be supported in their leadership of the Order, by a group such as the Leadership Group, and what such a group would be named. We recognise that the title ‘leadership group’ is a misnomer, since the group does not exercise leadership of the Order but supports its leadership. We know that there will always be challenging situations the Warden and Deputy must face, and that is helpful for them to have sounding boards, supporters and advocates in the wider church.

We aim to report our recommendations for the way forward to the forthcoming Methodist Conference.

Members of the LG this year are:

Revd Andrew LetbyRevd Dr Claire PotterDr Malcolm StevensonMr Peter BaffoeDeacon Kathy LambDeacon Dawn CanhamMrs Ruth Pickles as Chair.


ReportsReport on finance

Section 1 - Annual budget from the Methodist Church Fund – Connexional Central Services Budget

Each year the Conference allocates funding for the MDO from the Connexional Central Services Budget, and the Warden is responsible for its management. This funding covers a variety of costs which include the following:

Warden and Deputy Warden (Stipends and all on-costs) Warden and Deputy Warden’s travel expenses One third of the cost of Convocation Ordinands Retreat Some administration costs

Up to 15 hours per week of support is provided by a senior administrator, funded from within the Connexional Team administration budget.

The new MDO Support Officer post (from October 2018), working 20 hours per week, is funded from our Trust Funds – see below.

Section 2 – MDO Investment and accumulated funds, overseen by the MDO Leadership Group.

The Methodist Council has delegated the oversight of two funds to the MDO Leadership Group. These two funds are held by the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes (TMCP) and they “support the life of the MDO as a religious order”. The funds are:

(i) MDO Surplus Funds (Trust 18241)(ii) Sale – 26 St. James Road, Edgbaston (Trust 22023)

As at 31.08.18 the total asset value of these two funds had increased to approx. £1,215,000. (£1,132,000 at 31.08.17), however some transactions relating to 2017/18 were outstanding at the year-end. A large proportion of these funds is held within a long-term investment fund managed by the Central Finance Board. We remember that the value of investments can rise and fall subject to the markets.

The MDO Leadership Group is anticipating that a formal reserves policy will soon be agreed for these funds. More details should be available at Convocation.

Activities funded by the MDO funds have included the following:The cost of 20 hours per week of MDO Support OfficerThe cost of an additional 24 hours at ConvocationExpenses of some contributors/visitors to Convocation.Our annual Student ConferenceOur annual prayer handbookSome resources for studentsTravel costs for the Religious Order Advisory Committee


Travel & accommodation costs for meetings of the area group secretaries Support for some area group travel expensesFurniture and fittings for the MDO Centre.

Bequests receivedDuring the 2017/18 year the Order received bequests and gifts in memory totalling £6,611. We give thanks for this support of the life of the Order.

Travel FundWe do not have a separate Trust at TMCP for our travel fund, however we keep track of donations and expenditure relating to it. The MDO Leadership Group oversees the income and expenditure of the fund.

Our Travel Fund has been used to support three main activities:i. Travel and attendance by MDO members at World Diakonia and Diakonia Region Africa-

Europe (DRAE) conferences.ii. Donations to the respective travel funds held by World Diakonia and DRAE. Their travel

funds support attendance at their conferences by delegates who otherwise would not be able to afford to attend.

iii. Grants to the Queens Foundation to support opportunities for student Deacons to travel abroad as part of their studies.

At 1.9.17 the balance in the travel fund was £508, which is the lowest it has been for several years following the 2017 world conference in Chicago when we spent £6,738.

Donations received during 2017/18 (including half of the 2018 Convocation collection) totalled £1,008. At 1.9.18 the balance in our travel fund was £1,516.

The MDO Leadership Group has allocated up to £8,000 from the trust funds to support the DRAE Assembly to be held in Scotland in June 2019. This figure includes some sponsorship for the Assembly and support for five members to attend (see February 2019 Order Paper).

The 2019 Convocation Collection will be directed to the Travel Fund so that we can continue to increase it ready for the next World Diakonia Assembly in 2021.

Donations by MDO membersThe Order is able to make additional financial commitments as a result of generous voluntary giving by members of the Order and other friends. Including Gift Aid, the Order received approx. £20,100 in donations in 2017/18. This level of donations covers the cost of one day of our Convocation and also our annual prayer handbook.

New donors would be welcome. All donations are separately identified and checked as having been received in our funds held with TMCP.

Section 3 - Benevolent & Pastoral Grants

The Methodist Council has delegated the oversight of two MDO funds to the Connexional Allowances Committee. These two funds, which are held for the benefit of Deacons and their dependents, are available to provide grants, and are:

Aspinall Robinson Trust (Trust 3655 – formerly known as our Holiday Fund) ;


Benevolent Fund – Deaconesses (Trust 6890).

Jenny Jones serves as the Diaconal member of the Connexional Allowances Committee.

The terms of use of the Aspinall Robinson Trust were agreed by the Methodist Council in October 2015 and can be reviewed here:

Information about applications for Ministerial Grants can be found here: covers various situations including acute financial need, health needs, educational needs of children, and gardening grants for those who have retired.

Please do make the Warden or Deputy Warden aware if you or another member of the Order are in a situation of need. Assistance can be offered in making an application for financial support.

Ian MurrayHon. TreasurerMarch 2019


ReportsReport on Gift Aid

Once again, on behalf of the Order, thank you to all of you who are registered for the Gift Aid scheme. This enables us to reclaim the income tax you paid on any donations made to the Order whether through regular monthly donations, the Convocation Collection and other donations made throughout the year. As a result, through your generosity, we were able to reclaim a total of £4843.94 for the tax year from 6 April 2017 to 5 April 2018. This is a good increase compared to last tax year (2016 -17) which came to a total of £3,779.00. The figures for the tax year 2018-19 are not yet available, but if our donations continue at the same level we will be able to reclaim a similar amount. I will put exact figures in the Order Paper and on the website once I have them. Can I remind you that a new Gift Aid form needs to be completed if you change address. If you wish to give to the Convocation collection by cheque, could you make it payable to ‘TMCP’ please, as this will help to ensure that it is paid into the correct fund. If you would like to know more about the Gift Aid scheme, if you are unsure whether you have completed a Gift Aid form, or if you would like either a Gift Aid or Standing Order form to complete, please see me at Convocation, or email me at Thank you for your continued support. Can I also take this opportunity to thank those of you who give generously to the Order but are not currently in a position to Gift Aid your donations.

Steve Peck (Gift Aid Secretary)


ReportsReligious Order Advisory Committee Report (ROAC)ROAC and Pastoral care

The primary role of ROAC is to work alongside the Warden and Deputy Warden to fulfil Standing Order 753 (3); which reminds us that one of the responsibilities of the Convocation is to “appoint a small pastoral committee...”

ROAC and Full Members

ROAC considers issues relating to the religious order aspects of being a deacon. It considers matters of vocation and membership of the Order as a religious order and offers pastoral support in extreme or difficult circumstances. An ordained deacon wishing to explore matters relating to their vocation and/or membership of the Order as a religious order, and those who simply need a space to talk and receive prayerful support and care, can request to meet with a small panel via the Deputy Warden. Panels of two or three members are convened as required.

ROAC and Student and Probationer deacons

One or two members of ROAC are involved in supporting the Student Conference, which happens in July each year. The dates for Student Conference this year are 19th – 21st July 2019 at Hinsley Hall.

Members of ROAC are involved in meeting with probationer deacons each year to explore their on-going formation and development as members of a religious order. While this meeting helps to inform the Warden’s Report written for the District Probationers Committee (DPC) and so is more of a formal conversation, the underlying nature of these explorations are intended to be supportive and pastoral. These meetings happen in January or February each year at the Methodist Diaconal Centre within MCH London.

Members of ROAC are also asked to attend a spring DPC (usually Feb – March time) as representatives for MCPOC. This duty is shared between the ROAC members.

ROAC and Convocation

Members of ROAC may be asked to fulfil pastoral and hospitality tasks at Convocation.

Dates: The following dates are important to note for all Students, Probationers, Wise Seniors and Members of ROAC.

ROAC Training 11th September 2020 Wise Senior Gathering 18th September 2020 Year 1 Probationers Gathering 13th November 2020 Year 2 Probationers Gathering 20th November 2020 ROAC 3rd February – 7th February 2020 Student Conference 17th – 19th July 2020


With the exclusion of the Birthday card coordinator, the membership is appointed annually at


Convocation with members being able to serve up to six years, should this be the desire of Convocation and the individual members.

At this year’s Convocation we need to appoint a ROAC of up to fifteen people, seeking, as far as it is possible, for the breadth and balance of experience and background, which is representative of the Order as a whole.

To assist Convocation in its prayerful discernment of the 2019/20 membership of ROAC a reminder of the requirements or “job spec.” is included below.

Requirements of ROAC members:

• In good standing in the Order and the wider Church • Participates fully in the life of the Order • Travelled for at least 5 years • A working knowledge of the Connexional candidating, probation and stationing processes.• Pastoral sensitivity with an ability to offer a critical and reflective ear• Person of prayer, wisdom and personal integrity • Follows and adapts the rule of life according to their needs and experiences • Has a spiritual director/accompanist and meets with them regularly • An ability to commit time and attention to the role • Willing to attend regular training through the Order (dates for this will be available at


The following members served on ROAC this year:

Denise Creed (2016)Annabel Graham (2017)Kathy Hays (2014)Linda Kinchenton (2017)Andy Packer (2017)Sylvie Phillips (2018)Annette Sharp (2018)Marilyn Slowe (2017)Janet Thomas (2018)Helen Webster (2016)Debbie Wilde (2016)Ruth Yorke (2016)

Birthday card and flower coordinator

Janet Stafford

We are grateful for the willing service offered and for the care and attentiveness each member has sought to bring to this work.

Deacon Ruth Richey, Deputy Warden MDO



Report of the Diaconal Stationing Sub-committeeDiaconal Stationing 2018/19Membership: - Deacon Eunice Attwood (Diaconal tutor the Queens’ Foundation); Revd Peter Barber (Chair); Mrs Biddy Bishop (Lay Stationing Representative); Deacon Jackie Fowler (MDO Convocation elected); Deacon Michelle Legumi (MDO Convocation elected); Mrs Pamela Lavender (Chair of the Stationing committee of Methodist Church); Deacon Karen McBride (MDO Warden); Revd Dr Claire Potter (Connexional Team Coordinator for Ordained ministries); Deacon Ruth Richey (MDO Deputy Warden)

This year the stationing process, held a different challenge for the DSSC, in that there were more diaconal appointment profiles than deacons available for stationing. At the start of the matching process there were 22 Circuits seeking a diaconal appointment and 14 deacons, including two student deacons, to be matched. As the matching process has continued 4 more deacons have come into the stationing process: 3 deacons seeking full time and 1 deacon seeking a part time appointment. At time of writing all of these deacons have been matched through the Stationing Action Group, and the outcome from visits is awaited for three of these. An additional part time appointment was accepted after SMG3. There were four deacons in clergy relationships were the partner was also in stationing and one deacon whose partner was already serving in a station.It was extremely affirming and encouraging to visit the Circuits and read their profiles to observe the clarity and understanding of ordained diaconal ministry that the majority of the Circuits witnessed to. Yet this made the task of discernment a demanding one for the DSSC as to which of the 22 Circuit appointments it would be seeking to match and those it would not be able to match this year. Using the Circuit Stationing profile and notes from the Circuit visit, the committee considered:

Which profiles indicated the potential and availability of other resources should there not be a deacon matched to their appointment.

Which profiles indicated that a diaconal vacancy would challenge their basic capacity for ministry and mission?

What new work might be able to ‘wait’ a further year? How might the gifts, graces and skills of the deacons in stationing be best matched to ensure

they went to places where they were most needed yet to places where they could also best flourish!

Whilst the Circuits not matched this year have been disappointed a number have already indicated their intention to submit a profile for the next year. The Matching of Student deaconsThe matching and naming of Student deacons who will be probationers in the next Connexional year happened this year at SMG2 rather than matching only and naming at initial stationing. This was a change to recent process agreed by the Stationing committee following consultation with the Queens’ Foundation. This appears to have gone well and not caused any undue or extra anxiety within the formation and training cohorts. The Warden will continue to attend the initial stationing of presbyters meeting as agreed by the Stationing committee.

Stationing by action of the President of the ConferenceJill Taylor - South Cheshire Deacons and Circuits matched for stationing, subject to the ConferenceAngie Allport - Hereford (05/24)Andrew Carter - Newcastle Central and East (20/01)


Tim Coleman - Runcorn (11/02)Elizabeth Harfleet - North Kent (36/21)Belinda Letby - West London Mission (35/02)Pam Luxton - East Lincolnshire (17/06)Jon Miller - Wales (02/20)Jane Paine - Mid Lincolnshire (17/04)Kina Saunders - Weston Fells (09/04)Terry Street - Tower Hamlets (35/09)Rachel Thomas Prasad - Birmingham Sutton Park (05/04)Jen Woodfin - Central Norfolk (14/15)Carys Woodley - Shropshire & Marches (28/03)Student Deacons entering Probation:Michelle Goddard - Hyde & Denton (19/22)Helen Snowball - Nottingham East (22/03)

At the end of this Connexional Year the Chair of DSSC Revd Peter Barber is requesting the permission of the Methodist Conference to ‘sit down’. Peter has served for 11 years as the Chair of DSSC (he was also Chair of Diaconal stationing and CSC for a number of year too!). As an Order we are grateful for the wise, prayerful and careful attention Peter has brought to our work. Working with and supporting three Wardens and a whole host of MDO over the years, he has been and remains a faithful friend to deacons and a strong advocate for the Order. We give thanks to God for his ministry and pray for him and Gill a fruitful time of ‘sitting down’ together!

From September 2019 we look forward to welcoming the Revd Dr David Hinchliffe (current Chair of the Channel Islands and Chair designate for the South East District) as the Chair of DSSC, appointed to serve, by the Connexional Stationing Committee.

Dates for DSSC 2019-20 Stationing Matching ProcessDiaconal Stationing Conversations29th- 30th October MDO Centre London (Appointments open 1st October)31st October - 1st November Queens’ Foundation BirminghamDSSC 12nd November - Queens’ Foundation BirminghamStationing Matching Group 1- 4th-7th NovemberDSSC 228th November – 1st December Queens’ Foundation BirminghamStationing Matching Group 2- 2-3rd DecemberMDO Stationing Retreat is open to all ordained members in their penultimate year of an appointment, and will take place at Hinsley hall Leeds date to be confirmed. Bookings begin in December 2019, the Retreat is a gift to members from the Order, members are asked to fund their own travel.

Deacon Karen McBride, Warden MDO


To reside abroad:


Harriet Bacon – Barbados Gordon Wallace- Ireland

To reside aboard and serve another Conference: Marlene Skuce - The Irish Conference- Londonderry

To return to circuit ministry: Sara Windsor Hides Jennifer Woodfin

To be in an appointment outside the control of the Church: Sarah Bruce

To be without an appointment: Tim Coleman Joy Sykes

Deacons ‘sitting down’ becoming Supernumerary: Jane Harper Tom Luke Elizabeth Rowe

Deacons stationed to serve in the following areas of the Church’s ministry:

Armed Forces Chaplaincy: Josephine Critchley (RAF)

Mission partner Angleena Keizer (Jerusalem)


Convocation was held at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick Tuesday 8 May until Friday 11 May 2018.



The Warden of the Order, Deacon Karen Mc Bride, presided at the Convocation with guests and members sharing in the leadership.

Act of Remembrance and Praise

The Convocation assembled on the afternoon of 8 May and our time together began with a service of Remembrance and Praise. The service was attended by guests and families of those who had died and included a service of Holy Communion at which the President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Loraine Mellor, presided. The service was led by the Warden of the Order, Deacon Karen McBride and the Deputy Warden, Ruth Richey.

As the service began, lit candles were brought forward from the Area Groups to signify our coming together as a dispersed order.

We remembered those of our number who had died and whose names are now recorded in our Book of Remembrance, Brenda Fuller, Judith Ireland, Sue Jackson, Joan Stockley, Greta Wainwright and Merle Wilde. We gave thanks for their lives and ministries as fully recorded in the obituary booklet.

We greeted those of our number who had been received into Full Connexion and ordained at the Methodist Conference of 2017. The new full members of the Order are Laura Evans, Alison McMillan, Gail Morgan, Selina Nisbett and Marlene Skuce.

We also greeted those seeking permission to become supernumerary, Vivienne Gray, Stephen Peck and Lynne Sylvester-Tonge along with Gwynneth Bamford who had already received the President’s permission to ‘sit down’.

We then greeted those who had become students since we last met, Michelle Goddard, Helen Lunn, Theresa Sam, Helen Snowball and a transferring probationer, Bryanell Rop.

During the service the President dedicated the new communion ware and candlesticks which had been purchased from bequests to the Order.

Business Session

The Standing Orders relating to Convocation were printed on pages 23-25 of the Agenda, the Rule of Life on page 26 and the MDO attendance and dispensations for 2018 on pages 27-29.

Karen McBride welcomed everyone and the attendance of Convocation was agreed with the following emendations to the printed agenda:

Page 15. StF 585 - God whose love is all around usPage 20. Line 15 - those who depend on usPage 27. Andrew Carter - partial dispensation Page 27. Add - Harfleet ElizabethPage 28. Phyllis King - no dispensationPage 28. Jane Middleton - partial dispensation Page 29. Ann Shephard - partial dispensation Page 29. Angela Shereni - partial dispensation Page 29. Janet Stafford - full dispensation


Page 29. Judith Stoddart - full dispensation Page 29. Rachel Thomas-Prasad - partial dispensation Page 30. Add - MCH Administrator - Geraldine OliverPage 30. Add - Partner of Deacon - Gill Knowles

We remembered:Janet Stafford whose husband Maurice had been admitted to hospital.Ann Shephard who husband Tony has a fracture to his spine.Rachel Thomas-Prasad whose mother had been admitted to hospital that day.Sylvia Kempson whose husband Steven is in the final stages of his life in a hospice.Judith Stoddart who has chosen to share with the Order that her husband recently took his own life. Judith sent thanks to those who have upheld her and her children in prayer; prayers which have enabled her to find a sense of peace.

The Officers and Coordinators of Convocation as printed on page 31-32 were agreed.

The list of guests was printed on page 30 and those present were warmly welcomed to the Convocation, including partners who were attending their own session


StationingThe report of the Diaconal Stationing Sub-committee was printed on page 37. Permissions sought and given were printed on page 38.We held in prayer Tim Coleman and Joy Sykes who were not yet stationed.It was reported that Deacon Ruth Richey had been given permission by the President to take up a part time appointment as Deputy Warden from 1 May 2018.

ROACThe ROAC report on pages 35-36 was received by the Convocation.

Leadership Group ReportThe Leadership Group Report was printed on page 33. Mrs Ruth Pickles spoke to the report and introduced the other members of the group who were present. Ruth gave apologies from Revd Sonia Hicks and Mr Peter Baffoe.Ruth explained that the Group advises the Warden and Deputy Warden and oversees the Trust Funds held by the Order.Ruth offered thanks to Ian Murray who is retiring from the group. The Warden then in turn thanked the group, especially non-deacons, for their help and support.

FinanceThe Finance Report was not recorded in the agenda but was available as we met. Ian Murray explained that the annual budget from the Methodist Church Fund, Connexional Services Budget mainly covers the stipends, costs and travel of the Warden and Deputy Warden, one third of the cost of Convocation, the ordinands retreat and some administration costs. The MDO administrator is currently funded from the Connexional Team administration budget.

The MDO funds - the Surplus Fund (Trust 18242) and the sale of 26 St James Road (Trust 22023) - gave total assists (as at 31 August 2017) of approx £1,132,000. The Leadership Group are considering how these funds may be drawn down over the next 3-5 years. A new reserves policy will be drawn up and we expect to retain a significant portion of these assets as a long term investment.


Bequests totally £21,470 were received during 2016/17. These were thankfully received and will be used to support the life of the Order.

The Travel Fund has been used to support: Travel and attendance by members of the MDO at the World Diakonia Region Africa-Europe

conference Donations to the travel funds held by World Diakonia and DRAE Grants to the Queens Foundation to support student deacons who wish to travel abroad as

part of their studiesAs at 1 September 2017 the balance of the travel fund was £508.Half of the collection at Convocation will go to the travel fund. The next major draw will be the Assembly of DRAE in Scotland in 2019.

Donations from members (including gift aid) was approx £20,500 in 2016/17. These donations cover the cost of one day of Convocation and our annual prayer handbook.

The Methodist Council has delegated oversight of The Aspinall Robinson Trust (Trust 3655, formerly known as the holiday fund) and the Benevolent Fund - Deaconesses (Trust 6890) to the Connexional Allowances Committee. Jenny Jones serves as our representative on this committee. These Trusts are for those in the Order who are in financial need, have health needs, educational needs of children and gardening grants for supernumerary deacons.

Ian reported that Church House is to be demolished and rebuilt at a cost of £28 million. Ian raised the possibility that the re-build of MCH could offer the possibility of investment in a new MDO Centre using MDO Trust funds. Andrew Carter asked about how decisions on any expenditure would be agreed. Further consultation was promised.Although Ian is retiring from the Leadership Group he will act in an advisory capacity on matters of finance.

Gift AidThe Gift Aid report was printed on page 34 of the agenda. Stephen Roe thanked all who contribute and told us that gift aid envelopes were available for the collection and any other donations.Stephen is stepping down from this post and Karen thanked him for his work in this area. Stephen will become the Convenor of the Connexional Stationing Advisory Committee later this year. Congratulations and assurance of prayer were offered.

BursarJenny Jones acted as bursar for convocation as David Hunt was on sabbatical.It was reported that 50% of collections would be for MDO travel and 50% towards the Rohingya appeal.Water bottles had been distributed to everyone and donations asked in return. These donations plus the money from the sale of other items from the Market Place would be for Water Aid.

NominationsRuth reminded us that nominations were being sought for:

ROAC Gift Aid Secretary Warden’s Nominations Committee

and expressions of interest for: Leadership Group


Wise SeniorsConvocation agreed that either the Warden or Deputy Warden would represent the MDO on the Methodist Council.

LettersIt was agreed that Pru Cahill and Angie Allport would be the official letter writers.Members were asked to sign up to write to those not present.Requests for other letters to be notified to Julie Hudson.It was suggested last year that perhaps letters be sent to those of our number who are celebrating significant anniversaries. Angie Allport had looked into this and so it was agreed that Angie should write these letters.

Gifts to the over 80sThis was organised by Georgina Brooks, Irene Tafirenyika and Annie Trembling. Volunteers were requested to take the gifts, if possible, within 2 weeks.

Prayer and CareA prayer room was set aside for use throughout Convocation. Brian Purchase and his team offered pastoral support.

Concluding businessThanks were given to those who had offered to run prayer spaces and the Convocation fringe events. Bryanell Rop was co-ordinating the Market Place and the location of the Derby Bookshop was noted.

Warden and Deputy Warden Presentation to Convocation 2018

Following the appointment of Ruth Richey as Deputy Warden, the President of the Conference, Revd Loraine Mellor conducted a short service of Welcome. The former Deputy Warden, Richard Goldstraw read the Gospel of John 13:12-20. Convocation welcomed Ruth.

The Warden then continued to introduce the presentation stating that, at this Convocation, we would be looking at our continuing commitment to the journey with God. Karen explained how we had been challenged to look at ourselves:

Through the work of the Methodist Council on the nature of the MDO as a Religious Order Through the Faith and Order Committee’s work on Ministry in the Methodist Church Through individual and Area Groups working through reflection material from last year’s

Convocation Through encounters as individual members with God which have changed plans in a number

of ways Most significantly how we have found ourselves in some unexpected places, particularly

with staffing, with Richard’s discernment and Lara’s new job.

At this point we paused as we acknowledged the discernment, courage, honesty and service Richard had modelled. Richard was greeted by Karen who presented him with a diaconal candle holder and cuff links. Richard responded with his thanks for support during the difficult times which he has faced.

The Deputy Warden then continued by challenging us to consider how in 2018 we might move forward as an Order. Convocation was informed that this would be done through a series of Holy


Conversations. Ruth stated that, as yet, there are many questions which seemed unanswered. She asked that we be prepared to journey on, listening and seeking God’s agenda.

Convocation were challenged to consider three questions: What holds us steady as we move forward? What is God saying? What are we hearing?

Karen then explained the four anchor points which were perceived as necessary: Prayer Compassion Courage and Confidence Transformation

that we might begin to refine and deepen these and perhaps contribute others.Reflection books were distributed.

The evening MDO Examen concluded the programme of the day.


The day began with Holy Communion led by Rev Dr Jongi Zihle and the London Area Group.

At Twenty to Ten we gathered for the MDO time of prayer and to hear the testimony of a member ‘sitting down’ this year.

Bible Study This was led by Eunice Attwood and centred on the first few lines of the MDO Daily Prayer of Adoration.

AnnouncementsA welcome was offered to Vice President Mrs. Jill Baker. £1700 raised for AWC (more to come).

The President Loraine Mellor focused on Ephesians 3: 14-21 to address Convocation, with the subject ‘Relying on God to do immeasurably more.' She encouraged us to act positively on 'Stats for Mission' and not get preoccupied with 'bums on seats, bureaucracy or buildings', but to invest in people and to take risks on 'new ' ventures that developed discipleship. A number of questions were put to Loraine from the floorLoraine was thanked for her insights.

'Thy Kingdom Come' prayer spaces were available after lunch, to join in the global, ecumenical 10 day prayer initiative.

Holy Conversations and Reflection cafes These began by separating into four groups. The groups each received speakers over the course of the afternoon and at the end of each session were asked to discuss and then draw or write their thoughts. These to be 'harvested' the following day.


The Pilgrimage Ethos led by Mrs Jill BakerJill spoke about faith journey under different headings: restlessness; courage; travelling light; liminality; transformation; reassuring us and urging us to experience the walk of faith with its joys and struggles.

A Diaconal Movement in Methodism led by Deacon Ruth Yorke Ruth posed questions: How can we share what it is to be diaconal with the wider church without losing what we have? She likened the potential of a third order of lay being similar to 'Harry Potter going to Hogwarts'. A space and support group in which to develop a servant ministry more fully.

Service makes membership meaningful: led by Deacon Simisile Ngomane (Order of Deacons Southern African Methodist Church)Simisile encouraged us to reflect on our call to show sincere love through service to others. Do good and equip other believers.

Worship as an icon of our discipleship led by Deacon Cedric May Cedric stated that our ministry is sacramental and that we should be 'visible', helping the church to recognise the mind of Christ. He advocated deacons be messengers and icons within the worship setting.

To preach or not to preach, that is the question led by Deacon Lorraine BrownLorraine posed questions around our calling to be 'heralds' of good news combined with service in a variety of contexts and the pressures to fill the Preaching Plan (sustaining an institution). It was suggested that a call to diaconal ministry and a call to Local Preaching are two distinct callings.

As members of the Order although diverse presented by Deacon Laura Evans and Deacon Marlene Skuce.Laura and Marlene proposed the setting up of a database to be used as a resource to share our knowledge and experience.

The potential for a Methodist diaconal lay “Third Order” presented by Deacon David Clark.David discussed the potential for creating a ‘Third Order” for lay people which would be separate from the MDO yet also connected.

Charisms of the Diaconate presented by Revd Deacon Victoria Rebeck (The United Methodist Church, USA)Victoria spoke of different charisms and being a minister in the tension; “don’t run from it as that is where we will find the truth”.

Fringe Events After supper eight events were offered alongside Pastoral Surgeries.

The evening MDO Examen concluded the programme of the day.


Ascension Day began with Holy Communion led by Revd Leslie Newton & the Yorkshire North & East Area Groups.


At Twenty to Ten we gathered for the MDO time of prayer and to hear the testimony of a member ‘sitting down’ this year.

Bible Study This was led by Corinne Brown based on the third stanza of the Prayer of Adoration, and particularly the last two lines along with the Bible passage from John 13:1-17.

AnnouncementsA welcome was extended to all visitors who had arrived since the beginning of Convocation.

Jon Miller invited us all to write the names of people we were praying for on to a large print of a blank hand. (“See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16).

Holy Conversations and Reflection cafes Yesterday’s groups reconvened in their cafes, and further talks were heard and discussed so that by the end of the morning each group had heard each of the speakers. (See Wednesday, Holy Conversations)

‘Thy Kingdom Come' prayer spaces were again available after lunch.

World DiakoniaDeacons Deb Marsh, Dawn Canham, Debbie Wilde and Karen McBride shared their reflections on attending the World Diakonia Assembly in Chicago where more than four hundred deacons attended.

There were different themes under the overall theme “Shaken by the wind…”

As part of their time there, they visited different churches, enjoyed fellowship in small groups and shared in powerful prayer sessions.

Deacon Ann Wren (Scottish Episcopal Church) offered her thanks for being the UK rep and spoke about the different regions looking at the past, present and future, sharing different aspects and looking at who we are as a world community. She spoke of our region praying for each other, working locally and thinking globally.

Deaconess Ibironke Oworu, vice president of DRAE spoke about being a deacon in Nigeria and being a rep for her country and other African countries.

Deacon Gordon Pennykid, secretary of DRAE gave details of the next DRAE Conference in Edinburgh 19th to 24th June 2019 with the theme “For such a time as this”.

The session closed in prayers as all present stood in solidarity with the guests who had spoken. The President prayed for them and all our global brothers and sisters.

AnnouncementsKaren thanked Revd Dr Jongi Zihle and Revd Leslie Newton for the ministry they had shared with us, presented them each with a diaconal candle and led prayers for them.


A presentation was made to Donna Ely, thanking her for her willingness in the middle of the Connexional year to work three days a week and to do whatever was needed. Ruth Richey led prayers for Donna and gave thanks for her ministry among us.

Harvest: collecting the seeds from our Holy Conversations Thanks were offered to all at Convo for engaging with the Holy Conversations and Reflections Cafes, to the hosts for looking after us and to all who contributed to our Holy Conversations.

The harvesting process was to see what God is saying to us through these conversations.

Tim Coleman and Jon Miller recorded in art form some of the thoughts written on the tables during the conversations.

All of the tablecloths had been spread out in the gym and each Café group took it in turns to go and look at them; to see, listen and sense any threads coming through what we had shared.

Those left in the conference room discussed in groups of four or five to see if there was a word that had stood out for us and if so to write it on new poster paper on the walls.

At the close of the session, Karen said that there had been a sense of calling to try out this process and that feedback would be welcomed.

At the end of May, Karen and Ruth will be on retreat to hold this work before God and to see what rises up. In the summer they will meet with the planning team and hosts to discuss it and in the autumn will see how to take this forward with Area Groups.

Karen encouraged us to keep asking the questions: What anchors us? What are we doing?

Fringe Event A Barn dance was held in the Butterley Hall.


At Twenty to Ten we gathered for the MDO time of prayer and to hear the testimony of a member ‘sitting down’ this year.

Business sessionNominations for the various posts had been received. As nominations did not exceed places available, there would be no ballots.

The Secretary of the Methodist Conference Revd Canon Gareth Powell was welcomed prior to chairing the Conference Diaconal Committee and presiding at Holy Communion during the Rededication Service.

A list of deacons with significant anniversaries was displayed and it was agreed that they should receive letters of congratulation.Official letters were to be written to the President Designate and the Vice-President Designate along with letters to Mrs Rosemary Harrison and Revd Roger and Mrs Marion Walton.



ROAC – thirteen names were received although more had been sought. Denise Creed, Annabel Graham, Kathy Hays, Linda Kinchenton, Andy Packer, Sylvie Phillips, Annette Sharp, Marilyn Slowe, Hilary Smith, Janet Thomas, Helen Webster, Debbie Wilde, Ruth Yorke.

The Warden’s Nomination Committee – seven nominations had been sought.Gill Atkinson, Michelle Brocklehurst, Ian Murray, Angela Shereni, Brian Purchase and Ruth Yorke were appointed.

Gift Aid Secretary – Stephen Peck

Thank YouThe Warden thanked all who had worked together to make Convocation good and to God’s glory.Thanks were offered to:

Bob Mackintosh and Richard Brooks for their AVA work. Becky Purchase, Dave Legumi and Anne Martin for their organisation of the Partners’ Group. Ruth Pickles and Malcolm Stevenson of the Leadership Group who had attended the whole

of Convocation To all ecumenical and overseas guests

Those representing other orders and diaconal groups were thanked and prayed for including Deacon Simisile Ngomane, an ordinand from the Methodist Order of Deacons in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. Jill Baker was also thanked for her contribution to the Convocation and prayed for. Angleena Keizer, currently serving as a mission partner at the Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem, was presented with a large MDO candle to take with her on her return and a prayer was offered.

Thanks were received from Deacon Judith Stoddard who wished to thank members of the Order for their continuing prayers during Convocation. Arrangements for her husband’s funeral were noted.

Convocation enthusiastically and joyfully welcomed Deacon Malcolm and Mrs Jill Knowles who had arrived the previous evening from their honeymoon. They were presented with flowers.

Donna Ely offered thanks to the Warden and Deputy Warden for their organisation and prayerful leadership of Convocation.

The Conference Diaconal Committee met in closed session while others were given space for a final ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer space which focussed on the washing of the disciples’ feet.

Service of Rededication and Holy CommunionThe Service of Rededication took place according to our usual practice. Those recommended to the Methodist Conference of 2018 for Reception into Full Connexion, Ordination and Full Membership of the MDO were presented - Linda Brown, Jacqueline Esama-John, Elizabeth Harfleet, Sarah Wickett and Jackie Wright.

The service of Holy Communion followed at which Mrs Jill Baker preached and Revd Canon Gareth Powell presided.At the conclusion of the service Area Group Secretaries received back the area group candles, signifying that, as a religious order, we would now be dispersed to our various places of ministry.

The Convocation closed at lunchtime and dispersed following lunch.


InformationConvocation Workshops Wednesday 8th May:To make the most of the workshops, we encourage Area Groups to have at least one member attending each one.

Community of Radical Grace - Revd Michaela Youngson:In her Presidential theme, Michaela has sought to return our attention to God’s economy of grace and the radical nature of the activity of God’s inclusive love and reckless generosity. She asks:

How might we live as a church and as followers of Jesus with a true ethic of radical grace? What might a welcome truly based on God’s radical grace look like? What would an engagement with the world beyond our buildings look like?

And borrowing a phrase from Mr Wesley, she invited us to ‘become more vile’! To let go of our tendency to ‘niceness’ and, prompted by just how uncomfortable God’s grace is, to make a nuisance of ourselves again in the market place and in the public square, refusing to remain silent in the face of systems that reinforce injustice, and oppress vulnerable people.

Community of Transforming Hope - Mr. Bala Gnanapragasam:

During his Vice- Presidential year Bala has reminded us that: “Hope is vital, and it is right at the heart of our faith.” In Christ we are prisoners of hope, hope which is so deep within us, “that for me the word ‘prisoner’ really does reflect our call and the service to which we are committed. We cannot escape it. Even if sometimes we want to walk away, God keeps drawing us back.”

Bala finds his own discipleship is shaped by the poverty and injustice he sees faced ‘at every point of our lives and in every place’. He deeply believes that as a church we are called to confront injustice and poverty wherever we meet it and to reach out to the limits of our strength, with compassion and practical help, wherever there is suffering. He says, “in the middle of this apparent hopelessness I know God must be doing something – changing things, calling us to new journeys so we have to be ready!”

Creative Community- Revd David Hollingsworth:


A workshop in how using creative arts in unison with exploring John's Gospel, helps with an understanding of how to serve God in Community as a guest rather than a host. In essence, how does ministry look when we seek the blank canvas of opportunity and respond to the need of another without the security of an established model of church?

Rural Community- Revd Richard Teal:

Villages around the country may have lost Post Offices and local shops as Britain's rural identity changes, yet Christian churches still constitute the principal representation of faith communities in


the countryside . The Methodist Church remains committed to maintaining a Christian presence in rural communities.

Information What are the challenges facing the rural church? What does it mean to be a disciple in a rural community?

Richard currently serves as Chair of the Cumbria District and as a disciple of Christ seeks to engage deeply with the issues and joys of being in a rural community. Out of this experience, he is able to speak with wisdom and authenticity.

Mindful Community- Dave Legumi: THE SACRED PAUSEPracticing Awareness. A Mindful way of stilling the heart in our everyday living.

Convocation Workshops Thursday 9th May:To make the most of the workshops, we encourage Area Groups to have at least one member attending each one.

Truthful Community- Tracey Hume:

Speaking truth in a world of injustice is an important part of our apprenticeship under Jesus. This workshop will look at some tools we can use to help identify issues in our communities and how we can respond. As a creative person I am now involved in “Craftivism”, using craft as a tool to speak truth and also to bless communities so this session will include a “crafty” element!

Engaging Community – Merry Evans:

GROUPS DO NOT JUST HAPPEN *In this workshop we will look at what goes into making and running effective area groups: a smattering of some helpful theory including the stages of group formation, an introduction to some basic group dynamics, perhaps an experiential exercise or two, thinking about leadership, and that all-important-sharing of your own experiences of group life. Let’s make our Area Groups interactive and supportive communities!* “Groups do not just happen. They are created and nurtured.” -Gillie Bolton

Holistic Community – Michelle Legumi:

Are we closer to burnout than we think? What are the signs? How can we live in ways to care for body, mind, heart, soul and spirit; express self - compassion and avoid the path to burnout?An opportunity to share our experiences and good practice together


Information ‘Sat Down’ Community – Janet Thomas, Jane Rice & Gwynn Bamford:

‘An opportunity to delight in the joys and investigate the sorrows of sitting down. Suitable for supernumeraries and those sitting down in the near future.’

Pilgrim Community- Lorraine Brown:

During this workshop as ‘Pilgrims on a journey and companions on the road’ you will be participating in a guided walk that will prompt you to engage with the surrounding environment and encourage you to share spiritual reflections at various points along the way. Bring walking boots/shoes, waterproofs – we go whatever the weather, a note book and pencil may be useful, and definitely a creative and open mind with a heart ready to receive.

Courageous Community- Ms. Jasmine Yeboah:

Youth President Jasmine Yeboah issued this challenge to children and young people: “I dare you to be different. I dare you to be yourself. And I dare you to be courageous.” Come and find out how this is being lived out throughout the Methodist Youth in her Presidential year.


InformationDates for the Diary:

Please note the following:

Ordination Retreat 17th – 21st June 2019 DRAE 19th – 24th June 2019 Ordination Sunday 30th June 2019 Student Conference 19th – 21st July 2019 ROAC Training 11th September 2019 Wise Senior Gathering 18th September 2019 Area Group Secretaries’ Gathering 30th September – 2nd October 2019 Diaconal Stationing Sub-Committee 1 29th October – 2nd November 2019 Year 1 Probationers Gathering 13th November 2019 Year 2 Probationers Gathering 20th November 2019 Diaconal Stationing Sub-Committee 2 28th November – 1st December 2019 ROAC 3rd February – 7th February 2020 Stationing Retreat 24th/25th March or 25th/26th March 2020 TBC Convocation 4th – 8th May 2020 Ordination Retreat 15th – 19th June 2020 Student Conference 17th – 19th July 2020


InformationPrayer Bands

BackgroundAs deacons we are called prayer and to watch over one another in love. Part of this is praying for each other on a regular basis. We have our prayer diary so that each day we are holding someone in prayer especially for that day. We are encouraged to write a short prayer for that diary which enables us to focus our prayer.

Convocation is an opportunity for us to come together and pray. Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes in his book Life Together, ‘It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are allowed to live in community with Christian brethren.’ It is through the grace of God that we are able to pray knowing that our prayers will be heard.

It is natural that we feel drawn to some people and not others. Convocation is often a time when peer support is something we all look forward to and it’s great to catch up with people whom you have travelled with. However, we would like to encourage everyone to take the opportunity in the times set aside for the prayer bands. We envisage this time to be for our own prayer needs and those of the Order.

PracticalitiesIn the Convocation Agenda the prayer bands will be listed (pg. 62) and these are made up of a mixture of Members, Probationers, Students and Associates of the MDO; also guests and partners of Deacons who are at Convocation. The list also includes people who have a full dispensation. We invite you to pray for that person and also to make a commitment to write to them during Convocation.

Please make contact with each other and arrange a meeting point.

There will also be a central point for alternative prayer available for anybody who finds themselves unable to meet with their allocated prayer band for whatever reason. Please make sure you have let your prayer band know that this is what you are doing.

GuidelinesAs a convocation we all know how to pray and care for one another. However we felt some guidelines might be helpful to ensure that we all start from the same place.Gathering

Introductions Agreeing how we best spend the time together e.g. enabling all to share

Confidentiality Usual rules i.e. what is discussed stays in the group

Listening activelyBe respectful

(Guidelines by Deacon Gail Morgan)


InformationConvocation Prayer Bands

1. Gwen Agar Jane Harper Mavis Plater Dot Getliffe2. Ronnie Aitchison Lisa Rathbone Peter Barber Sarah Rigby3. Angie Allport Barbara Harry Myrtle Poxon June Harrison 4. Eileen Appleyard Brenda Hayes Don Pritchard Danny Wheadon5. Gill Atkinson Sylvia Hawes Brian Purchase Anne Howard6. Eunice Attwood Kathy Hayes Dorothy Poingdestre Liz Rowe7. Mark Attwood Jenny Heath Joyce Rawkins Ken Sidding8. Guy Austin-Bride Al Henry Susan Roberts Angela Roe9. Harriet Bacon Janet Heys Jane Rice Lois Bell10. Gloria Baillie John Hill Stephen Richardson Eileen Hirst11. Shirley Baker Ruth Hinch Ruth Richey Becky Purchase12. Kate Barrett Peggy Hiscock Peter Reast Gwyn Bamford13. Ruth Baudains Gary Hoare Janet Roe Anne Martin14. Melanie Beaven Maria Howard Eileen Rogers Bob Mackintosh15. Richard Beckett Marjorie Hopp Bryanell Rop Don Harper16. Rosemary Bell Elizabeth Hodgkiss Theresa Sam Jasmin Yeboah17. Tessa Bennett Margaret Hughes Ramona Samuel Dave Legumi

Susie Fytche18. Maggie Blake Julie Hudson Paddy Sanders Kevin Bennett

Suzie Viana19. David Blanchflower Kina Saunders David Hollingsworth Tracey Hume20. Rose Boulton David Hunt Ann Shephard Richard Teal21. Jill Bowden Kerry Scarlett Gill Judge Maureen Spinks22. Linda Brown Kath Hutton Annette Sharp Malcolm Knowles23. John Brobbey Alison Hyde Marian Sharp Joan Cole24. Michelle Brocklehurst David Smith Rebekah-Joy Spinks Joyce Wilson 25. Georgina Brooks Rita Jakeman Rita Savage Deborah Harkness26. Corinne Brown Edmee Hurst Angela Shereni Helen Snowball27. Iris Boyce Janet Jenkins Glenda Sidding Elizabeth Harfleet28. Lorraine Brown Katherine Johnson Gillian Skinner Barbara Crockett

Jackie Wright29. Ruth Carter Irene Jolly Marlene Skuce David Clark30. Stella Bullivant Jenny Jones Marilyn Slowe Sylvie Phillips31. Pru Cahill Judith Jeffrey Carole Smith Ellie Griffin32. Dawn Canham Belinda Letby Anita Shaw Janice Hacon33. Andrew Carter Angleena Keizer Hilary Smith Margaret Hale34. Sarah Bruce Linda Kinchenton Jaqueline Smith Nigel Perrott35. Ian Cartwright Janet Smith Bala Gnanapragasam Cedric May36. John Clarke Jennifer Knight Patricia Soule Chris Spencer37. Rosemary Coggrave Gwen Knighton Sylvia Kempson Viv Gray38. Helen Coleman Ruth Lackenby Michaela Youngson Joan Jackson39. Tim Coleman Connie Lawson Janet Stafford Ruth York40. Elizabeth Colley Sue Langdale Sue Peat Annabel Graham


41. Ian Cooper Kathy Lamb Jean Stephenson Jean Pritchard42. Wendy Cotson Michelle Legumi Judith Stoddart Christine Peel43. Denise Creed Margaret Lee Ruth Pickles Stephen Peck44. Jo Critchley Esther Longe Claire Potter Marian Stanley45. Sue Culver Bob Stoner Dave Keegan Phyllis King46. Chris Daniels Becky Lovatt Sian Street Denise Greeves47. Peter Baffoe Tom Luke Terry Street Mollie Greenwood48. Andrew Letby Jennifer Lunn Jan Sutton Gareth Powell49. Helen Davie Helen Lunn Joy Sykes Linda Gilson50. Anne Davies Pam Luxton Lynne Sylvester–Tonge Andy Packer

Michelle Goddard51. Margaret Davis Laura MacBean Irene Tafirenyika Maggie Patchett

Joan Patton52. Sheila Dawson Shirley Mackintosh Lois Tait Ruth Orton53. Liz Day Deb Marsh Geoff Tamblin Judith Wray54. Fiona de Boltz Tony Martin Anne Taylor Julia Pellett55. Flip den Uil Eileen Mason Con Taylor Sharon Dilley56. Sheralee Devitt Margaret Matta Jill Taylor Grace Parry57. Dora Dixon Karen McBride Janet Thomas Samantha Taylor58. Michaela Doherty Alison McCauley Claire Gill Sheila Parnell59. Vic Downs Sarah McDowall Phyllis Thorne Jen Woodfin

Raymond Fox60. Alison McMillan Maureen Thorpe Jenny Parnell Lemia Nkwelah

Janet Durbin61. Jean Duckworth-LloydJane Middleton Ann Gilson Elsie Littlewood

Rachel Thomas-Prasad 62. Rona Eastman Jan Miles Annie Trembling Phyllis Withington

Shirley Hassell63. Anne Ellenor Jonathan Miller Marcianne Uwimana Olive Garnett64. Donna Ely Jane Mills Betty Vaughan Vera Pearson65. David Emison Ellen Monk Winstanley Jane Verrall Lyn Gallimore

Deborah Wilde66. Pat Moore Eileen Wright Liz Timmins Jacqueline Esama-John67. Laura Evans Gail Morgan Christine Walters Dave Gallimore68. Merry Evans Irene Morrow Gordon Wallace Sara Windsor-Hides69. Joy Everingham Joy Newbold Viv Ward Carys Woodley

Kim Gabbatiss70. Val Facey Ian Murray Liesl Warren Mark Wynn

Malcolm Stevenson71. Christine Farley Mary Neal Linda Watkin Richard Goldstraw72. Josie Flute Julie Morton Paul Wayne Keith Gough73. Ivy Forkin Vera Nicholls Helen Webster Jane Paine74. Jackie Fowler Sally Wheadon Gwynneth Gostling Selina Nisbett75. Sue Fry Adrienne Nixon Sarah Wickett Peter Ogle

Rowland WilkinsonName in Red = Full DispensationName in Blue = Partial Dispensation or Partial Attendance


GuidelinesGuidelines for those leading worship at the Convocation

Our time together at Convocation has a gentle overall rhythm to enable a good balance of devotion, study, fellowship and business to take place and each day includes a number of opportunities for prayer and worship.

If you have been invited or offered to lead one of these, it would be helpful if you would please observe the following simple guidelines:


Be attentive to the Timetable and use it has your guide to enable a prompt beginning and appropriate length.

Use inclusive language. Observe all copyright restrictions and use a CCLI license number where appropriate.

The MDO’s CCLI number for Convocation only is 569703. If you wish to use PowerPoint, please ensure the technicians have a copy sufficiently

in advance If you need musicians to play, please contact Marlene Skuce in advance. If you need photocopying done, could you please source this yourself and

submit an expenses claim with receipt(s) for the cost at Convocation.


GuidelinesGuidelines for those writing letters and taking giftsEach year for various reasons, some of our community are unable to attend the Convocation, and need to seek a dispensation. Whilst this is understandable in a large and diverse community like the MDO, we are nevertheless poorer and diminished by our absence from one another. So we strive to ensure that as far as we are able, everyone unable to attend receives some prayerful and loving attention from those at the Convocation, so that although they might be physically absent, they are not very far from our hearts and prayers.

We do this corporately through the writing of letters and the taking of gifts.

Letter writing

We commit ourselves to writing to everyone who is unable to attend. This commitment includes us all – no matter how long or brief our sojourn with the Order may be. So there is no need to be shy about agreeing to write to someone. The benefits and rewards by far outweigh the cost of the stamp!

Many of those who are absent will each day join us with their thoughts and prayers, carefully reading and praying through the agenda. When we write to them we are sending them a greeting from the Convocation but also trying to capture a snapshot of the Convocation itself to share with them.

What shall we write?

People may well like to know how Swanwick is coping with us all this year and what the weather is doing. But more importantly they would like to know “how is it with the Convocation’s soul?”- the quality of our fellowship, the nature of our debating, the important conversations, and where is God to be found in it all!

Include a copy of the Remembrance (obituary) booklet and other things and news from the Convocation. Large envelopes are available at the Admin. desk but do remember to bring stamps!

Gift taking to a senior memberEach year we take a gift to those in the Order who have reached a certain age and are not able to attend the Convocation. Again, we rely on one another to deliver these gifts in the few weeks following the Convocation. If you live near someone (in the same district, area group etc.) or will be nearby to where someone lives within the next month, please consider signing your name on the list. During the Convocation you will then be given a small gift to deliver.

Please ensure your visit takes place within four to six weeks following the end of Convocation. If you become unable to visit someone, please do ask another member in your Area Group if they can go and if that is not possible please do let the Deputy Warden know so that an alternative person might be found.



Nomination Form – Religious Order Advisory Committee This committee will offer advice and support to deacons considering matters of vocation and membership of the Order as a Religious Order – for example, upholding the discipline of the Order, exploring a call to presbyteral ministry, membership of other religious communities etc. Members will be deacons who have normally at least five years of travel, are of good standing within the Order and who have a wide/deep understanding of a commitment to what it means to be part of a Religious Order. Including regular attendance at area group meetings and commitment to spiritual direction, and a willingness to travel to the MDO Pastoral Centre in London. Panels of this committee would normally meet as necessary, but this would not necessarily mean that all members would be required at each panel and travel expenses will be paid.

I wish to nominate: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

as a member of the Religious Order Advisory Committee

Reasoned Statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Nominated by: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Seconded by: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Please remove this page from your Convocation Agenda and place in the Red Box on the Administration Desk.


Nomination Form - Warden’s Nominations Committee

The Methodist Council has directed that Convocation shall annually appoint “a panel of five deacons including a convenor. It shall also appoint at least two substitutes having due regard for the diversity of the Order.” (Council Paper MC/15/116 – October 2015 see also SO754)

I wish to nominate: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………as a member of the Nominations Committee

Reasoned Statement (up to 50 words)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Nominated by: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Seconded by: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please remove this page from your Convocation Agenda and place in the Red Box on the Administration Desk.



Expression of interest: Wise SeniorWe will require for each of our new probationers a ‘wise senior’. Below is a person spec. for being a wise senior. Please express your interest in this work by writing a personal statement which evidences your suitability alongside the person spec. (You may wish to ask someone who knows you well to assist you!)

A ‘Wise Senior’ is someone who:

• Is in good standing in the Order and the wider Church • Participates fully in the life of the Order • Has travelled for at least 5 years • Has a working knowledge of the Connexional candidating, training and probation

processes• Is a person of prayer, personal integrity and who can offer a critical ear • Follows and adapts the rule of life according to their needs and experiences • Has a spiritual director/accompanist and meets with them regularly • Is willing to commit time and attention to the role (communicating with the probationer

regularly – i.e. every 6-8 weeks through a mixture of mediums such as face to face meetings, Skype and phone calls)

• Is willing to attend regular training through the Order

The ‘Wise Senior’ does not have a formal reporting role but would enable and encourage the probationer’s development and understanding of being a member of a religious order


Years of Travel:

Personal Statement:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please give details of how you seek to live by the rule of life and participate in the life of the Order; and include details of your own commitment to spiritual direction and the Area Group.

Please remove this page from your Convocation Agenda and place in the Red Box on the Administration Desk.

FormsRequesting a letter of greeting from Convocation


Details of all letters of greeting, congratulation, condolence etc., should be entered onto this sheet and handed to the Convocation Letter writer.

To whom is the letter to be addressed?



What is the reason for the letter?