The Guards’ Chapel 5, 2015.pdf · 2015. 7. 6. · 2015 The Church of St. Bartholomew Diocese of...

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Transcript of The Guards’ Chapel 5, 2015.pdf · 2015. 7. 6. · 2015 The Church of St. Bartholomew Diocese of...


The Church of St Bartholomew 125 MacKay Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1M 2B4

Parish Office: 613-745-7834 ext 410 email: website:

Parish Administrator Ruth Honeyman 613-745-7834 ext 115

Organist & Director of Music Timothy Piper 613-745-7834 ext 117

Honorary Assistant The Reverend Laurette Glasgow 613-435-1767

Members of Corporation Rector’s Warden Rob Nelson 613-748-3009 People’s Warden Brian Eckert 613-421-7802 Deputy Warden Judy Wiesinger 613-422-6509 Deputy Warden Sheila Perry 613-744-1711 Treasurer Bill Turner 613-695-1790

Everyone had fun at the parish summer BBQ on June 21st!

The Reverend Canon David Clunie Rector

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Communion

9:30 a.m.

July 5


The Church of St. Bartholomew Diocese of Ottawa. The Anglican Church of Canada

The Guards’ Chapel

Vocation of the Disciples ~ Domenico Ghirlandaio ~1481~ Sistine Chapel, Rome

He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. Mark 6:7


Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2015

9:30 a.m. Holy Communion

The Book of Common Prayer, p. 67 ~ red prayer book

Organ Prelude: Introductory Voluntaries J. T. Horne

Opening Hymn: 527 How Firm a Foundation St. Denio

Greeting The grace … And with thy spirit.

Collect for Purity p. 67

Collect of the Day Priest Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ has taught

us that what we do for the least of your children we do also for him. Give

us the will to serve others as he was the servant of all, who gave up his life

and died for us, but lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and for ever. Amen.

First Reading: Ezekiel 2:1-5 p. 5

Psalm 123 p. 498

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 p. 6

Gradual Hymn: 546 God Moves in a Mysterious Way London New

The Gospel: Mark 6:1-13 p. 7

Sermon: The Reverend Laurette Glasgow

The Nicene Creed p.71

The Intercessions

Confession and Absolution p.76

The Peace

Offertory - Generous financial support is our expression of gratitude which along with our time and talents enables us to provide worship at St. Bart’s and support God’s work in service in our community and beyond. Offertory Hymn: 352 Amazing Grace New Britain

Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel, for ever and ever. All that is in the

heaven and the earth is thine. All things come of thee and of thine

own have we given thee.

Eucharistic Prayer p. 78 The Communion All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion. Please do not dip the bread into the wine. If you do not wish to drink from the cup please remain at the altar rail after receiving the bread and place your arms across your chest when the chalice comes to you. The Lay Administrator will pause in front of you to say the words of administration. This shows your respect for the sacrament and solidarity with your fellow Christians. Gluten free bread is available.

Communion Hymn: 70 Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts Maryton

The Lord’s Prayer p. 85

Gloria said p. 86


The Gospel

The Holy Gospel is written in the fifteenth chapter of the

Gospel according to Saint Mark beginning at the 12th verse.

Glory be to thee, O Lord.

Jesus came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. On the

sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him

were astounded. They said, "Where did this man get all this? What is this

wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done

by his hands! Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of

James and Joseph and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with

us?" And they took offence at him. Then Jesus said to them, "Prophets are

not without honour, except in their hometown, and among their own kin,

and in their own house." And he could do no deed of power there, except

that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And he was

amazed at their unbelief. Then he went about among the villages teaching.

He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave

them authority over the unclean spirits. He ordered them to take nothing

for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts;

but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics. He said to them,

"Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place. If any

place will not welcome you and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake

off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them." So they went

out and proclaimed that all should repent. They cast out many demons,

and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. (Mark 6:1-13)

The Gospel of Christ.

Praise be to thee, O Christ.


A Reading from the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians

I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the

third heaven - whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God

knows. And I know that such a person - whether in the body or out of the

body I do not know; God knows was caught up into Paradise and heard

things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat. On

behalf of such a one I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast,

except of my weaknesses. But if I wish to boast, I will not be a fool, for I

will be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think

better of me than what is seen in me or heard from me, even considering

the exceptional character of the revelations. Therefore, to keep me from

being too elated, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to

torment me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I appealed to

the Lord about this, that it would leave me, but he said to me, "My grace is

sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast

all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may

dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships,

persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am

weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:2-10)

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God.

Duomo, Sicily

and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. Mark 6:7


The Blessing


Dismissal ……. Thanks be to God.

Closing Hymn: 343 When All Thy Mercies, O My God St. Stephen

Organ Postlude: Trumpet Tune H. Purcell ~

Sidespersons: Betty Smallridge and Colin Smallridge

Reader: Bob Orr

Lay Administrator: Barbara Konst

Intercessor: Christina Lubbock ~

We welcome Rosalind Weeks as our guest organist. Ros will be with us

through August 2. ~

Please remember in Prayer:

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Oyo - Ibadan, Nigeria

The Right Reverend Williams Oluwarotimi Aladekugbe

Diocese: St Bede’s, Nolan’s Corners

The Reverend Dr. Ron Hunt, Priest in Charge

St Bartholomew’s, Ottawa ~ The Reverend Canon David Clunie

In our Companion Diocese of Jerusalem we pray for

The Home for the Elderly, Amman, Jordan

Canada: Canadian Forces remembering especially members of the

Governor General’s Foot Guards and those in diplomatic missions and

NGOs, especially Heather and Jason.

Parish: Family & Friends, Pamela Delworth, Elizabeth, Liz, Robert Hampson

The Garry J. Armstrong Home: Bob, Ken, Jean, Phyllis ~

Prayer List To add someone to the list, please contact the office with the name and a few words concerning the condition., i.e. upcoming surgery. Names will remain on the list for two weeks unless an update is received.

After the Service Join us for a cool drink and social time. If Rosemary MacDonald, Linda Assad-Butcher or Carol Matson are not at church, would someone please volunteer to fill a large jug with lemonade and one tin of soda water. Use disposable cups provided. Thank-you! Coffee Hour Team

Summer Services ~ Sunday service is at 9:30 a.m. Regular service times of 8:15 & 10:30 will resume on September 13.

Summer Office Hours The office will be closed on Mondays and Fridays in July. Telephone messages will be retrieved. Please do consider leaving a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.


Summer Construction and Church Parking

Construction has begun in the hall and will continue through August.

*Parking throughout the week* There will be no parking in the church

lot until construction is finished. There is a 3 hr. limit on street parking.

Cars will be ticketed ($50.00). Construction vehicles will also be parked in

front of the church on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. Please bear with us as we

experience the summer of change!

Summer Givings

As you make your plans for summer holidays, please also make plans

for your givings to St. Bart's. An advance contribution would be especially

helpful in managing our cashflow. We can also accept postdated cheques.

And for those of you that do not use PAR, now might be a good time to

consider going that route. For those of you that do use PAR, thank you for

your ongoing commitment. Have a very happy and restful summer.

Question Period ~ July 19 & August 2

Do you have a question about the scriptures, church, liturgy, or hymnody

that you have always wondered about but have not had the chance to ask

aloud? You are invited to submit your question(s) in the space provided on

the sheet included in the bulletin, and place them in the Baptismal Font at

the front of the Nave. We will explore and hopefully help answer some of

your questions. The Reverend Laurette Glasgow

Altar Flowers

Each week two floral arrangements will be placed in the Sanctuary. To

contribute to these flowers to celebrate an event or to remember a loved

one, consult the flower chart in the parish hall to select a date & then

contact Ruth Honeyman in the Parish Office, 613-745-7834, to confirm

and provide details for the bulletin. If your date has been taken by another,

tributes may be shared or an alternate date chosen. A $60 donation is

suggested. Please mark cheques “Altar Flowers” as tax receipts will be provided.

The Church of St Bartholomew - 150 years: 1867-2017

Plans are underway to mark the 150th anniversary of our Church in 2017.

It is a very special year as we will also be celebrating Canada's

Confederation! If you have suggestions or questions or would like to be a

part of this Committee, please contact: Ruth Honeyman, Tony Kellett or

Liz Heatherington, 613-745-4677.

Mark Your Calendars

Saturday, August 8th, 2015 ~ Cricket Tournament

In support of Multifaith Housing Initiative’s new community.

Location: Rideau Hall Grounds, 1 Sussex Drive Time: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Enjoy a match and great food provided by the Indo-Canadian Association.

For more information contact: Sheila Perry


A Reading From the Book of Ezekiel

He said to me: O mortal, stand up on your feet, and I will speak with you.

And when he spoke to me, a spirit entered into me and set me on my feet;

and I heard him speaking to me. He said to me, Mortal, I am sending you

to the people of Israel, to a nation of rebels who have rebelled against me;

they and their ancestors have transgressed against me to this very day. The

descendants are impudent and stubborn. I am sending you to them, and

you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God. ’Whether they hear or

refuse to hear (for they are a rebellious house), they shall know that there

has been a prophet among them. (Ezekiel 2:1-5)

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Thanks be to God.