The Guam Recorder, July 1927

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Vol. 4, No. 4

Transcript of The Guam Recorder, July 1927



Jl 'lunr ·ar.\ Cnratur Of I.O"''l' t lm·,·rldltuh•!t, :\uwr k an •tuk um

R,printnl fmn NAT URAl. HISTORY, Ill. XXI, /\',. 2, pp. / 921. T/11 16•t•zro1At Mml iw t6it nrlidr ltot•t brot loa11ul1o tl:t "REt.:OJUJf:R" 'tlmmth tl~ lit:dmu of GtOilt H . Slxru·rKHI, Dtr«lor if 1'/, tlnm·ium ,Jfumutl f) N11111ra/ Histfl '7, N n v Yorl City.

"BIIT why .co to Gunm?" "\\'here is Guam?" Al most inv:~riably thtl'ot.'C IUC~Iion~ Wtft' rorth · rumin...: whcn plun~ \\' c..•re amlounnc.l rurly in

111 II fur 11 j o urn ey to nnr fnr·di!"tant po!-n~~ inn in 111 ,1 Wl'' l c..· rn Pucifit.· Oceun . Jt is the ohjtct of the l''" "'t' lllnrlic h .. · to un,.wc:r ,;udl qner ic..·" anti to ch:!-criht· IIi f nd(lt'Ul!i uf lnt\'cJ and uiJ:o;crnttion durin~ a !<-CI ·

lnu 111 nf two monrh s in the two mo:-.t impor t nn t l!l r !IIIH: r ~ u( the ~tari .ma Gronp, - th~ Am .. ri«.:~ n is­I ii !Ill l'r nu:un , nncl the i:. la ml of Saipnn . now in th t· lt lllll l .. ur Jap:lll.

I n it .. l' t\lirt• courst• , the l':'llll'd itio n extemlecl lutu IH !In· Ph i lippine hl :nul ~. Chinn, Sia m , ] a \'a, and f\11 ~ 11 . tl in ; it-. J.: t·n t·r:d purpo:-.e throughout w:as lo

1 11 fuller knowl ~ tiJ.:t· of the zonh)J.:\' ami elhn oln).ty tt l tltt' \\'C:oo lern l' :1ri fi t' utul nf the :ont iguons :trt':l" nf ~I tl u,•, iu nntl :\"in . 'l'ht- fin· e:<pcclition"' thut the uu thrtr hn.l m:ult" in ft, rmc:r \' t'il f:4 to b l:u ul"' n f the l'u lfi, • <k l':l tl wt·rt" c·nnrernc· ~ l pri m :a r il ~· \\ith th · fl t •t a• rn O r t•.tnia, or Puly ut·sin in tht• "'trirter 't'n :o.e , 11 l11 •rt· tile Soc•it' l\', C'nok, T ou ..:-n , un ci ~:llll f":t u b•luml!' '' " ' .. ltnu tt·cl : it 'is in this "Hhorc1inu:r url'n th at the: ' " ''' t•t l;d ot e- lt· • · ! ~,.·tf (or ~~~c{'i:tl itu· t•:- t i ~ntion il'f mot-t t~lt H t 1f l n tlt :1111\ mn "' t intcn·sthtl!.- nnmt·lr . the- lnnd Ji ll ti l\ n r lin• j.!'t'll ll"t f'm·ttdtt , whi c h h :t \'C prm•ed !'0

!ll llu ltlt· rnr tht' !'Ot11fh• n( \'u rint lo n , c1i!otril •ul ill l! , ancl i \•n lndon . ·

In \' h ' \\' uf th l' profitahlc nature n f thl· Pol)' llc.·:-.inn t• ~ ,. , ,,, • ht· .. . !'O i ill in pruJ~rt· , s , it !fl'l'IUC'cl tlr•i ru h1 t' to 111 11k •· 11 t'<~ IU!J:If:ttin• t'Xpluru tin n o f the rxtrt' lllt• tt tt r t ltwt• ,f t'flll •:tr l nft1tt" t·nt irc.· tlC't·ullir " '' " t!CC' II f•itcl I•\' li lt' Cf'1111'\ 111 qnc·,(inn. th :tl i1111 , ill ~l i C' tnn~"~ill , or I It ,,' 'rt".: i"n nf lilt Itt i•dan•ls,'' w1u·rc· tlu.• ~t u r in n : t nnd (1+n nl ill e f..;l umls nr<' the m••st importuut. In "rief , ll t" r••f•Hl' , nu:HU Ull tl :o;:~ipnn Wtre d10~ c.· n fnr iJn•t::-1· l" 11t PI! in thetli rt·r t l'Ontinuil\' o f th{· :HI ' hor'/'1 specin l II' •' 11dte.: on c.• \·nlu tinn . incid t" nt :d h ·. o( r our:-to, 14''P' tnl t.•l•,lnJ:ira l cnllc·cti nns wc:n · to he m :ule, in the: l il"' tt'' '' nf the :\u1l'ric:ttt Mu seu m nnd of the Bi"'hnp

I ' "'' IIIII in llnn n!nlu n" w ell , forth ~ l:ttter in stitu · ! Inn • •' ll truu .. ly (':l lllt" to t he s upport o( the projec t . ' hi• It W IH :tl .;o :t .. .. i .. t etl hy ~rr . J :unes n . Ford nncl \I t , H Prc•,tnn Clark.

~ ' ' 'u rd m ·w lw tH1tlt:'! with ref<:rcncc.· to the cthno· I11N •ul J•rultl c m" . 'fJ·t' !'oC'itntifi C" tr:wl'l e r in

1Polyn t··

~~t i t ltH' \' il a hl\' ht'l' Omc.•s deeply int e refotl!d in thf' '' +I I,,,., nf the Jl. t'\'Crnl grnnp!f of i'\l nnd i" , whn~e di!'· lt lltn tluu int h t' i"hncl!'l nne\ e\•olntinn clnr in J: th~ p ast Htt' p r ,·fi,t·ly th f' !'oit ll\ t' in principle n" in nny group ~t f '"'" r t \r ..::t. ni'm~ . The p~ople ()f Tahiti , R:uMon · +Ill, ' l ' nn ~ n . R.n n oa , N ('W ?. t•nhmd, ancl H a waii nre +l"1" h · n ·lntf•tl in :l:JC'('strv , nn tl the e\·irlf'n{'e o f S\1{'h ~ ' I II "" ' h ip i!'l prn\'it1t·c.1 h )' the rum1 ntnf'l,lt :t 1 lik~nf' !lol'\

' \

in physi q ue , in lan~o:unge nnd in other cultural mat · t tr ·., ht'tU:ath the dh·er:-t itits that are the ruulhi .v l re,·e nt cliiTt·rt:nti ilt iun . And in their ccmmou quah · tits th t' true l'o lr n e!'>ia ns diiTt:r markrdly front th r :: ntin·s uf Fij i , the Solomon hla.nd"' , and the New llt"bridc.·!' , whn~e Lil nc k, Ethiopicc,u a lititsgi\'e to the. "Otl thw t: .. h·rn regif)ll the !'111htitle or Mt:l:tllt'~i n; whilt·, nn thl· o thf'r h:.nt1 , the M;tiRyan (r;ttltrt!\ of the peo· ph·, or ~lt t' rtlnt· :-i n St;p:t rnte tht:m h om the Polyn t: · "'h111' anci ~l l' l anr:-ia n s . nnd a lly the m more closet)· w1th t lu: n:t ti\'t'S n ( ~f alny~i n and the Ph il ip pitles . 1'h ~,.· tr ·1di ti n n' of tht: Poly ru:~iu ns ! ~: It or t ht'ir o riJ,:it: lnng a~n fnnu a cli:-taut l:uHI. " H nw~li ki ," whid1 wa:- l'r nln hly i n '"n uth ~: rn Asi;t : ~t t l tltheir m ig r :•tion ~ throug lllolll t he ceuturi e~ tne\'crsed Afula) !-in nt:tl ~l r ln rh· :- 1:1 . nutl JIO:o. :o- ihl r pa rt~ of !1.t irrou t :-ia «'"•II t ht' w:n • In l bw:~i 1. In ,·icw u( tht'se and :-.imil:tr racr:-.. it ;,. , , ~ ct·rt otin th:•( tht· t·ountrh:-.tu hr \'i:-itC'cl Uurilw t ht· la s t r:< pt·cl it iun wn uld yi rlt1, us tht:y t1iu , mnn v i ntL· r ~: :o tin~ n!•H·n ·a ti n tJ:o. 1111 th e nu: in·, :u ul thri r uri tn rn l ch · ~r : &t'll· ri !'O tic:-. whkh would i udiC"a te pt oi nt ~> c.f C'nn tar t , lin ).!'ll i, tic nl a t inus, auc1 othc.r mutu .. t iu · flnetH· c.· ~ in thl· '-'C'IIturiel'i lons.: . l'":-t.

Tht· ~furi Ol ll:l Group cun si~ts or ll ciHi ill uf fi(let II i!o1 :uu1 ~ . tn)..: t·tlu·r with n (t·w coull•,tuk .; n ncl ,.J ·o;tl -. . that ~ ) • r"-' ll f l nut n1 nn..: a line ultout 420 mil t:"' itt ll·ng th ,\ .. :c :-1i~htl~· c un·((1 J,o w , thi~ lint• trt>u cJ .. L!'t'O (' rall\' north anrl ' f'ltt th: it t•x tf·n f1 l" trmn nppr r: )i . lnt:lh·l\' 1.' 0 iu .!U'' north I:Jtitnclf•, nt :cl it litt- httwc.•t·n H 4" ntu1 1-1 l1° t' :t 't JnuJ,!:iltH1l' . Gn :t m i!!i tla · I(Oilt 1 · t•rt~'mn .. t a n•1 l:tr J.: t.' .. l mrm 1 1 r o f tl1e a,:rt t11fl , nnrl it" ;lpprnximah• ~ :tili ll J! <li :- t ntH"t :O frtlll l : ur t ~ f ( J•r in· tt l \ lntt'll'!'- 1 ir• tltt- 1':1 r if.C' ;1rt· :1 .. fnll o" "' : !"onn Fl l•I' CiHt ~0~.\ milt· · . tfnnnlulu .U.'\7 tni1 l' ' , V o lwh:a nw ~~~ J mi lt' .; , ~hnih t~o.·, milf's , aud Yup, in ti re ne iJ.'hhr r iul! C' 'lrolint' r.·rnu p t n til<· :>ou lh , 4.1\R mi lts . Snipan 1ic.·" :1hnut 12flm i le" ttorth· nf" rt1u n t rof Ct· l · lll .

~~my .. r th e ll'l r tltt·rn i :o~ l:tl Hls nrr !"mokin~ ,·o lc:m i,· (' cllll'"l lt a t a n ; :- t ill ,..rnwil •g; o tlH· T!'- }H\ \ 't' nn 1~· n ee t I· h · {'t·:t' t' fl tn h e- ne t in·. uml l' C"llle riH• to heiJ;~ hl!' uf llH irl' tha n twn thnus:11ul (t·et . Pn~~inJ!' !'Otllh1\'RH1, thf' isln n rl~ prO\'C' t n b t' J!t'nln,::!ic-nll~· older , nnct the e\'i fi (' II C't'!'O n( \'nlt-:t n k o riJ!in Hrt' n:on f"r It'!>!" lfTncc cl . whilf' the li mt•!o tone nm sH'S fl f :tnri,.nt rtds, rc w ,,,,. lih t-t1 n"' rlry lnntl . <"nn,otitntc.· the 1owf'r J:rflltnd nb n whit'\1 ri 1\ e the weathe red ttntl truncnted mountnin ptak!' ,

On june .!6, 1920 , our :-. hip cnme in fti):ht of t lrt· ~tari a O I\~ st ht'r the IOI11il \'0\'llgl' or three "'"'"' '" fr r rn ~ · t n Frnnc i"ro, hroktn for' 3 duy or two hy a !' lo t• :t l H n n nlu1n . PntcticAIIy the ~o1 ~ n~ enn!' of re aC'h ir l ~ r.n :un j.,. hy tran't tn rt, ntu\ thrNI~h tht> J;:ond o ffi rc.·!' n ( th t' tl•cn ~t'('ft'tnn· n( \Vnr , tlrt' Hnn . N f' " 'IOil C. n aku . m ~· f:qnil y :t~ fi l were prh·ilts:crl totrn\'C'l f' Jl


•hw l j,, 1•\·~ r.\' ullt• ,,f thn ittllltttl"; unel,l.y wlu1t ~tro l l$:(' I IICIIrr!' lh'e ur c•irt' lilll ,. (n I U' I ' ~o 1 It t: frrJ,)t • l'l ' l lll ,ltll( hJ II

'''" '" ' r 11 11t1 pnpulut inu t 'l olll rh t•tl h• l 'l' t ' llJM: ~ltt• ir Jll'l'l'l' · till I 1• 111 "' IIIII I 111 11:'~ 111'1'1 ' 1',

, 1'1 ," hi"tnr,\' .,r '''" :-or,:wi .c h t • uuttuc•~otr~ ir~ lilltltittj..t: l.ut l l •• u~t ti ,. ... ut• u ( cruc• lt i"'' 1111tl ''"'·n ·r,.; yrt wlu.t IWttJIIt• "I' ' ' " ··nrtlt lul\' 1' l!{i\'1'11 lllllfC llulolu t'XIIIII)IIt' :- ur Krt·al ·

1'"~~, :~~;~~ .11 ~1:~: : : ~~:::: ;,i:.t! Bt·rar.l , aut! l . un• r= t'lliiiJ:IIIT t.,r lt ••HI 11 1111 'l'i11i z111 inth•• lldiiK prun ~ ur llw L:a ruli11u l •l1t11ol", tl ur.l ~rri\' t · •l u ft · w tln ,\'t< IlK" · Tlu• J.! ll \' l' !'llur, wl wny t< a li t• !! I i \'t• 1111111r nc' t'llllllll tttbtiun, lm11 J•• · r,. utult·,l II 1 (II ' '' 11J.:1rk wil h l'.ti' II Jillillll pil nlrl, ~~ ~ t:IIII I II HIIII JiuJ,: ct~ll ll}( •· r· lm:al l'4 thn11 u11y tlmt hu\·o ltt•t•u Cu r 1'111111' '

\ 11111' '1 u t tJ, ., .\J u ri :IIIIH' i11 J:III.JI', nlld 111 ~ 1 • liM lllti i'C tdd lrul " ' ' ,11111 ' 11 . I lllll :oi l tlu·n ·fo, re }: •l:O J .. •n•l fu r J'l t•llll' tl •u •t ut y uutt •:ol 1111 Ciu:tlll,ll'l l n111 nlutul IH l'l1:111~1 · tlu.~ "' '' "~" : n1 11 1, uL Ill .\' n·t•aru , I ~hull t:•J IIIIIttlllit·uh· to Volll 14 11 •: 11 wlol i tiuu AI tl l'l ;lill'l U:, I Jtr• w tJrt• ,

F run1 thu ud\'h·n huurly ~i\'1.! 11 " ·"' hy Sh:nur ~I I'Jiui­llu, 11 11•) tin• liiJI'I ur i111pnri11IH'I' hu :\llll\'111' :4 Itt all~ot • J. 111 tld o~ \'•1.\' II K•', iL tniKhl lm ~tiJIJin!H ' c.l tn he nltt •ttt1t·ll wi th d a•r , \\' ,, rt '":tnl it uul.r U;t n pnrty uf ph·nl' llrt·.

It I" t e n o't·J ,n:k : thu II It' ll iu 4•11i{'C 111 At:nJ:rut, ( ,\K IIIIrt ) 1111r CIIJ1lllill 1 Rllt( tl ft•W t•f Hill' CUIIIJI:IIIi Uil lol ,

~'~"~'" ' "I II II I\' \1'1 tu t lw t~('ll!ti t l (•, uutl wi:--ltu .s a )ll t' ll :o:ant \' 11,\' 1\j.t U.

'l'ht- win•l i~ Lri ~ k. nml tuh·r;d,Jy r04\'t•i.11Ui ilt•: ou e uf uur ~ · •H hlllc lur~ •lin·t' tu the d c· pth u f c i~:ht ur ! en fntlttll ll ."', Itt luul'l"ll frcllll liH' rut·k tlw curd tl1111 lu•ltiM '""l nllr hu:tt : tltn Mnil iK huit~l ccl; nutl, fur the fin!'L fltnn , I ohth!n •u n guy el~fl :trturc .

1)1 1 r I itt)~ II eeL Cllll ll ir~>tt • •l u ( t•iKhl Jlma~ . 011Utlic ltnucJ "''n" l u t ltu 14tll:dlt·!'l l : Ht•rnr<l nntl 1 in the lurce~o· L, ~ •u• unu&.urt c,J lty tht· c·ltid trilut. \\'t! wt rc ~uiu" ul the 1'1\ ltt uf li\' U ur "ix knut:'l\11 huur, u ~ lht•re wu:~n prl'tl)' fr••" lt t'Mh·l'ly witul, 11111l Muon hu~ l t~iMI•lu f tlu~ lnwn , t\h t' ll rrtt lll tlw ufli11~ lllnko~ Ill• llfljll"llfiiiH't' , i!IHI ' •"• ttlt'lltly i:i nul C\'t' ll Jh'TI't•i\'t'd , l •t' in.: ct•l lt' f'lllt•e.J I t)' 11 II II JIPrlt "' ' rt•c fl uf c•ut'llll·ll't 'f'!" . Tltn·t• Jlloilll l'l , ltttW · '1\l' r , lu :t rk it:t luc•ulity ''' lll ttrint • r~t . Furl S t. Aguthn , I·• .l it u u thu lllnttntuin; tlw m1:- tlt• 11( St. HaJIIuu•l, w l ti ~ · lt i:c Hll thf' t • n r~o l. nud rHrtll ~ 1\ white !4JlHI : nn•l a

l•r••l l.f lnr~t ·l" lll' c l, \\ l tidt i r~o lt l· rc t· :dlt·d the tlue•kynnl, h'I ' IIII~IJ t,,, :ILI'I llrt ' rt•p,tirtt( tl ll' l't' 1 U f1! ( :ll (l rt•:-t' lt l n

In he i" lnti h lin~. 'l'lw wiu•l tlyiut.: nwny, we llll<'llurt•tl in l111• c•Yt•lli i•R

lt l lt u tiJ:II II II, (Hit it li nll) n ll lllJ!Idlin tll J,i Ji nn t l11• Un ci II ur tl w i ~t i 1 U11I, r/llli :• r lll ft rt• tl11111 tl1n·t• l• •: t 1.!th ·~ ' '" '" tltt• t·ity . Stpull :o~ c•:uue un rnpidl_v ; r1 11d um• n( tlt •' ll l \\' ;I:" :en \' inlrt ll, ti Hl l n ) 11'1111 , uut hn\' i ttJ: ti11 1r> In ll r1tll IIJI the t~ ail, \\'11:4 up.~ 1 · l. .. A hint tu tl u t~ l · wl111 lt1'4l i•W t'X :IJ,C~I ' i'nlt • IJ ('lllllllll'JIIlalitt i\Jol Ull tJw ~l thdtll • lo' ft ut t it• · "' ~" hun lll. Ln ckil .v ll tt llllt' ,,f unr trio Wll!'l un hitllt .l it : .._till , nntwith :o~ t a n t litiM' lh t• 'l t·~tnil\' o r tl tn!'l o ~· hu uwn!lt• tl it, i t. "'' " ~ twu huur~ lidoro it \\' :t':-: ri.:ht••tl.

\\'•• ~puk u n f lit <' nt•t• idt•ltl \\ilb "' 11 f' nnxi f' l\' 1•• uur ttll ut l4, whn nuly lntt~h rtl nt it, ntu.l loy tl u· i~ t:o 11 fi. tlt•tlt' n 1'1 ' 11111\' f"d uur nppn·lu•nl"iollfl, n F !" nritt~t tiM tlcnt• "' '' hn, ) 1111 rfii! Jolll ll to I n~ ufmitl .

\\'h •• t'l '"''' itua~in c tlmt in IIU t· l, frn ill lfln l~, J> t•tnc· l lr n••1 unly thrf'r nr funr ff'cl witla, ntHI furt:.· (nt lfl115t, ll uJ Jtl nnk :t of wlticlt nrt• jnlm·c.l nml fut~h•lll'tl \1\' ith a

little !Jmc n.ud a KUIII oLlo.inrd from the l11eaullruit trte, tlw~u tlnriu~ ru t• n, UluiFtd~rt•U hy tl1e cumpuu, 1uuJ ~uid t>d uuly loy I~~~ ~nnr8 uud Lhrir hl\' U t'Xf•l'rit:t•ct, 1\'nultl \ ' t •trtllrt' th umfert11k t! \'U\'Itt:t•s of runre tlu111 eix huutlrt·d lt·a~ll('~ . Rtlll rardy f:dl \'ictitll8 to th~ir t' tllditll"t ltt' '! ('un it l.t )Jtlt-,•h•, ti111L tilt' nrnn of IIII!Urt•, n i.,.,.JIIIt { \ ' th•lllifUit' 11f ri 'I'I •Uh'l'" • iii II ( r f(•

iu • IU !! lri uu ~ tl1a11 th tt ritiun nf ch- il izul <'UIIIIIrit• ~;'! \\'hnl tlu tl•• ·~ t· lt H' II waul, tu rxt•:·uh• tldll'f!io IJL'llt:r'! Bnul;: .o~'! iru u '! Tlu•y fr •• ttll c lltly ill\'(' lll uutl tlu•ir t'HII · t'•'flliun .c ur t> lhu:-ot't' fi-! l" lliu ,-t: tlu•y i111iluh: n),.u, thtr\tf.:l• rnn·ly , :~11.t ~11 11 11 Hrrpa~l't tlwir uunlt:ll'4 . A ft•w Lit ~ uf i rnl t 1111 1'111'1 til l' )lt'll t't•ful ilthultilalll!i ur tht• C'ut~ . lil t t •:­ln till' ~l.tri u nt w i :-~ lut H.J :o~ : \\ hid 1 ~ ~ r u ~ \n •uld u.uke · ti ll' \' uyn ~ l' itl tlti :-0 lll li HIIe·r lu Jt ii:O :-\' ~l'i Ill\' uhuh· ttf tlli t­ddt un·ltipt•laJ.!H·! ... If our tu;u.·ltillt' l'i he· IIJUt·c wcm­•l• ·rful, how ll ta n,r r~lt·p~ lltU~ l IHI\'A IH..·t·ll ttwclc to urri\'1' ul tlti:- Jh·rfe•dic •u . One nrti!-l iK Jtrt·c·uluJ lty :lll nt hcr: ut m :c \ lf" lll ))l ru!Juw~ Hll llllf'lllfJl ft •!l,; t.qll•f:t:t-S· ful : tl • l i::ltt tl •·..:rt'o uf :o ucce:~ :c UJM.' ll l4 n 111 : w e·nn·ur; th•! tllilll' i:t ,.xpl on•tl; nut! tlw 111:111 t\' ho lir~ l rlnc ltt"~ lit e J!ual i:c iut) .. J,tctl fur it lu n ~:unliuut• el Frrie•s u( nltt'IIIJil !i , I he :1 \lllllll'!i uf whi d l ft'lu a in nln t u~t nlwn\';t Ullkii CJ \\'11 , ltUI J't0:4 :o>l' :! ~ llut 1111 tid ~ (H'CI •UUI. tJt C ) C.!":'

llll'rit. A uti, lw:-: iclcs , c•ttiH· iclc·r thut in EuntJ tf' Wt! nrc in t•t·~ ~nntl,\' l'lllle ·u\·uurit ll( th illlllrt t\'t·, nnd to oni\'l! ot pt•rft•c.:tinu; ht• n ·, 1\ F l! ltt•IIIIH lht·y ull rdr1 \\hut j,. Wf' ll, tlu·y J'il• ldnnl J,:U nu.v furlht'r: nml if tht• n:-;te t tlit:ldn~ I'Oil"trnd inn ,,f tlt(.> ir hnnl fl (':H.·ih•cl uur nclm irntinu, it wu~ nlrra1ly llu.• t~n tn e in the cl:ty!l n f Ansuu, nncl htul

• nnt \'nri•·d Jwrlwp~ rur yrar:o . Perf, ·c·tiun, irulf't-tl, i:4

n ~rwc ic~~ or innution : buL which has 11111,_1 muit,­ho whu hntl :4 11 tmth trn<"ec.l uut, llllt1 :ulvnn rc"' lte•yuml it, or he wh11 fir t~ L\'t'rf\ it, nnd JIUIH Ulll in the 1'1111'1 ? .. . Si1n·' ' I lun·e tct•l' u f\U i l knuwu tlwst tlH' I I ,

whntu in our fuoli!!h priil c we du nut hlu,:h tu c·all ,.:l\' :1~ ' ' !1, I 1111 t~~n~:e r fl• ~:l fur thc111 th nt. pity whielt nri:o~f' "' rrut)l l'nlll! ·tUJII , ltut lll f' rt•)y rrum wld t'h ifi in )' pil'' '' l lty t\ :ol t•n..:c u ( the want~ nncl r. \'il"' uf u ur m•iJ.:Jd,,,r , Wc• 11 hnll f' t'l', lu~ rt ·afte · r , whtthr r thcr wunl rl Lh ink tlu•1u ~ c·l\'rN ltonuund hy thi ~ nwr~ gr1;. r.rntl1' !>'t' tlliml·t.t.

n .. int: afrai•l In 1.-.t fl l ip thr fl mnll r !it p•·r ulinr ity thn l ' :• •lilt! <.:t •n·• · lu • ·hnr:u : tf'ri :o~ r> c111r t·J,c·r l'ful pilt •IP, yPu will find 11iiT~ · rr ut tra il t: ,,r them ~c· :•tll • rNI ll•r ou~h 111}' ..: ni·~Pfllll'lll lt • llf'r~ till our rf'turn In r:unn •. Tht"!"l"

pN•Jtlt • IIJifli'Hr In lilt• ~ ~~ unnd, they nrr !'l n tilt l1• know11, that tu unlit tlw l rn ~t u lt~ t · nutiun wunlcl ht' nn nl'l o·r ~· n ) Jl:l hJ 1• llt•u_J jj.\'I ' IH'(' .

B• ·:- itlt •:o: , I tlw•·ll with t:n mth·h plt•nFurr on tl u~ ' )}llrt ic·HJ a r" uf l) u• ir Wll)' or lifeo : it i:: HI Ulliftt iOl , til l:ellllt> . \\' hut fl" l'lll t• hn\·e 1' \'c•r tl rl'lU\'Ct.l tlt c nttPnl i(l n nntl ltl!ll (' fil~t of r i\'ilb II rttllt•trit·s mom thnn tlu-st .

If the fir ~~o t , fiJiiniun with which tht rurolininl!l' in ~pirc ynu In lit" R faVftllrRiti C OUI' , ,}'f' U will (rei (M lht!ll1 1\ ti(•Krf'e nf re~ p. \·t ntt :.ron hrwe npportunit it·R t•f knowi n~ tlu•m lt~tlrr . How i!'l it th,.,. tul\·e b('rn r:n (urtuunl•· 1111 In f'll<!npe tlu· r:nm·nl.-inn!\ ·~· ith .. ·hirh ni l thitt pal'l nr thf" g}nhfl htlflt lwrn torn fur C'f'nturit•"'! Sino· h!nlhA nf th~ inhnhlt nnht uf thf" ~f ttrilwne hland~ lun·n h,.,,n rxtrrminnlf'tl : "'' '' thAt rt"li.,:l•tn, whi•·h m1ght to hnve r."tnhlitthetl in thrm pt'ftCO f\lltl hnp· Jlintl'ltt , lur.H cov(lratl thrm with n funrrn1 pAll. Ont


~ I)Qt of blood lu\tt marked out. O'P.·hyhf'e (Hnwnii) 1<1 future na~tinau~ : anti tho murder of Cunk will t•nr I·•: :1. terror to thn~u voy:tJ.!CfR wh11 pt•r ,:; utul ~ th• · u• :~• · l n :­that tlwse t4.o1it:\Ty nnti••lll' nrc fnruwtl lu l'rilll!• ' ut11l othuy, 1\Utl nru uuw urt hy of tilt> Lt•tH'Iil:-1 t•f uur ,.;, di · l.tlitlll, S~W ltUillt'!l ' !OIIl'I'U!" C~ IHiil• :d !' ill i ttc luo ~ltll l: ~cw Hullaml, in :tt•n•ra ltt:trl l'l, i:tuut prrl l:t p~ It~ .. 1 .. In• drca• l••tl : hnm nn :oe :wrilit•f'.' wt·n· in u ... ,. 11111 \ .. n~ a~•• in thu l'i ·•c il'ly l-4l nnds , :w.-1 ur~ Il l ill iu tht• nn·ln · p • l : ~;p nr th u l•' ri••n ttl.\' l .: lau-14 : ,chot·kin~ .. , .. ,it·:- . :11•' tult lu( the h!rm·ity ,,( thl' inlwl.itaut,: ,,f :\t·W Zt·al:t: . .! . :111d tUI th t! cu:t"t uf Tillt •tr, tiH• inlt•riur uf whkl1 • h:llf K:t\·: ~)(• •, th .. r<' ~xh·l:oi 1111 i:o~l:uul. tllltl uf Ou,l ·a ~· . where the l)~• tpl c •I rink hluocl uulc•f till' t:t·ull:tuf 11 11 r \'.lllt)tli ... h t•cll!lll'mit•t' . Th .. inhuhitnntt' of tht· fun •lil •· ( ., (aJHI :o~ nlulll! h ·w•' l~o ·c n hiLhutu !i lrllll~f'r li lu all th e:~c h r u·rur~. L:hri-. ~ i . ulil .\', hu\\'t•\·cr, h :\:' jWIIt'lr:11t ,( an\Oilt( tiH'm; lmt fo1r waul uf jwli1·iuu:' inh· tprt·lll · : it h :t" ma•h~ ft'\\' lll'n"•· l.rtt·.:; hut till' lirst tni :~l' iuu nr i • · • .:enL a.hithc r, in ~ pirt•tl with n tnorc Ch ri fol ti:tu z•·:d, tl iol n •tl Lran .-.f~.>rnl inln lh•ltlll of t•:trllll~t· n •·uuntry wlddt they wen! n•1t !4u f·• rtunail• us tn <'llliJ:Ictt·n.

Tit •' l~ · l:l"l of (iu:ttll, :dtulg which wr. l':tilt·tl li t•· whuh• uf th" 2:!n •l , ri ..: .. :' en t' t~ hf'lun tu the nu ralt~ · l n· 111!1:11 fl tlinl, Ulltl i :o~ ridtl)' \\'l l(lllt·tl in nJI )lllfl" . l111•:•tl· fr cli L ttn .l c t.:•t:l ·lft!l'"' "'kirt tht~ t!.hure , which i ~ \'Hi• ·•l h \' --c H'·· r.d t: .q)IH, th~ IHHdl retu:\rkuhl c uf wltit·1• i:1 that uf the Twu (,11\' t•r:o& . AP. Jon· fnrlll :llt lnr5:•· )'!•rt uf the J.i F. lury uf thr Jaumnn fll rf' , )'t •U I' U\1 filii I.\' tr:l\'l' f:-11' l\ ('Ulllllr\' in whit·Jt I"CIIIH.' Ullt' uf tJ.•·:-t• h rwk·' nit•t l rpitlwt" tlot·~ tutt t·xi~t. ntul j,. thr !4 u l.j,.,·t .. r :-~ . u n a ri•licul••u~ tulc , ntluptN.I 1 ·~· i t ll <' ll t'~:o~ ntul tl w ln\'C uf thu lll:tn't• lull"', nntl t'•lll ~•·t· rult ·d hy nrttiqnil,\'. TllaL uf Urtalll i" t.•HI alt ... unl : 1 will tll ••rt•f•tfl' :> It:! I'" yntl the unrrnlitHI.

!luring uur p: t :o~~a:.:••, Hcm rtl ~ ho t H• Yf'rnl J .. ,,,l ,j, .. : :llhl 1wi1hrr the tm •:> t'IH',. ur :1 11h uk. uor t1u· rt •IIJ!h· uc . ..; .o~ ,,(till'"'!.\ , pr.! \'t•nletlt~llchf til e Curulitlillt •!i C~t • lll jutnt•in:.c into tlu• walt!r tu ft•lt·h thf'tll. ' l'lu ·~ t · 1111 ' 11

:o~ whn rtu \';ell. that tltt·~· ~•· • · 111 quit e :~t h• •lllt' \\ J., 11 •li\'ing, nr curtlt•tulin~ wit h the W!l\'t.'P..

\\' ht• n n )'lql!a ll :tpfh'ar!4 ill tit• · lt .. rizun. tlu•y t·r•·U• J, •Ill the h t•••l)'l, t•htl nL int t-n·nl:o~ "i•h 1111• l1:u ul• •rutr "'' thr nlht'r ltnH t•1u:o~ t •t l, ntnk•· :o~i~ ll!'ll u t1w t•1nw1tn ~' ' 'I' nlf, :uul fttuiiii\I:H'l' in n lu\\' ,.,,j,.,., with 11111•·lt •1• ·\ u• tiurt, :l rt I l(ro! .ll f:lfli•lit ,\', t'f'r laiu \\'ll r•l:l th at r• ·•·u r JlC r iutlic:all ,\'; wltit•h " I1C1W~ nt l• ·~w: t 111111 t1u•.\' 1t :l\'• :n r itl.•a uf n ttllJWrior ru• w,.r , f'trf'u"l• · ~ . r li :.c:,• ni tt ~t tu t) ,, ir Jlr:tyt•r ;t.

A; ,, ... tlJliJ'':\r•·•l t11 lte to lrtu·k with thrl't'l!t·~ tutt .~ an•l r!lfJi ,l 1111linn", lh••y :..:kf•cl UJI. wllt'll.t·r Wt ' •li•1 1:"1 Jl•!rf•trm Lla •' ""liTI '' t'l!l'l'!ll •llli••fol in Jo~nuu:e in t.!'r• ·al •l t\IIK•:rtt . \\'u Ioiii tlrt-111 1\' t : clitl nttt; nl ,,·ni• ·ll til" ,\'

:tl)jl••ttrt>tl :'Urpri..tetlun•l ~qrr.\'. Th•• r" llowittJ.C ; .. "'*" fl( tlu~ ir Jtr:l."l'f~ , whil'11 1 trun:o:c ·ril•ntl.

"I.!~:\ che:• ltgn ..... lt•J: n C'lu~Jdlhc . l . 1

dtetl~.lf:\lll lt~g:t t'lll·· tlc:.ta ... lt! ..c :u c huttli ll' chet1t·11.a:'4, reKn chctlr~n .. m .. , . ton .

(liCUf'ffl n fJIIf'lll.i cher(l pere flC~ OllUf'rCil fltlt'lllli t•lu•re n p!!re P'!i."

Wu rt~fii~J4lf'tl nn txplnnntl un ~them in \'nin frotu lhe chief piltJI, who, hd\'illlr hrt'll :tC\'l'ral tinlt':-4 nt I le t>

~lnrir•ntH' i ~t ltuul)'l, mult•r,. tcu tt l n ft ·¥.' "'"'''" nf flprwl"h . All Wt! runld l• ·n rn waft, thul tit• •,\' tultlll•c ••luucl111 to R'' tlWM )' ; hut \\'e lll'\'f"r F:IW anyl1ti11K lt•!iJ4 tolll'clit•UI .

Th·· ~· h:t\'(' n m•an• t'••rl:tiu tll• .. h• f•f ,,,., j,JiuK lltr ~rpt : dl:o~ th:tl nppt•:tr in II•• · l.ttti 7• •11 1 tu wltic ·h tlt~ •y luu l r•·• · •• t tr ~ •· ;:t •\'t•r:t lt !m•·..t. wltilt• ".,, ''' r•• \\ i1l1 t1u•ttt . :\• ,..,,.,II :.111 I I"',\' ri .. P. nn•l a r .. •lri1·•·n tuw:t rd!' t1tl"tll , tl u·y l :tt•k nh •ul, if it Ill' n•·•···-- .lr,\' , :11111 if th••Y urt• nut n:ui+ltl" t •l r••:wh tit•• t'ttt1 u( tlu ·ir , . .,,,· u~•· .

To judi!,. Crnru tltt• inlt · lli~ · ·w · t · ul tlwir t•riut·itml,., W t ' m :t,\' prt':l lllllt' th :tl th• ·y t•lllru.ct till' c•ttllllll:llul ~<tt 1y to tltt• 111 11:-l l :, kilful : i:4 it tl 11· I':IIIIC ,.,,.ry ¥.' lu·ru, Ill)' frit •wl '!

\\'. • ~ ll''llt tllf' nh:ht nr Ill•' :!'!ntl in n littlt• lull. .,.·lwn· llw tl""'''":lll , nu tl IIi ,.: \\ift· nucl •lnu~ltlt • r, w•·t«' ltu~ ,\' pn•p!itiiiJ.C ,;ll'ir rnqzal ,. III•Jrt•r. Afl. """" II"' tlu•y had tei\'1' 11 11:4 Jll' t'lli .• ... i"n tu n•ut:ti n, wr 11\':t i l· ·•l .. ur• )/t •h 't'rtll f it'" lit• .luwn, f,.r \\'1 ' !nul ht •t• ll rud· ·h· ' """''' nhoul ill t1w pr••:t .. , wlti,•h, thun~:h jjlo!htl'f llt:tll uur 1 1unl:~ , nwl kt •l• pitl~ till' ttitul 111111'11 lll'llt•r, nr,. fur mnfl' faticuin.: . \\'t' \Htl! 1111 tlw ,, .. j,,t uf S:"iltt.tlu l'h't'Jl, whit! It 1'' 11 h:ttl fart)lt'r I ' I II'I •IHIIJ!II() ,y l1 (111 t•l :tltly K•l•t•l nw:l1, wltnt ttttr (':tr .. littiau!' t'ttlt ·r•+l iu a I, .. ,J ,,· : ftiHI, with•tlll pt•rt lli..;~ j •l\1, :lutllt t' :lll .. t'tl till' tl 'll1 1ti11 .. ,,f our puttltry nn•l fruit lu ,Ji .. npp• ·:•r, 111!1.1,. frt ·,. \t i tlt our m~l "~, nncl ,,,_.:o~irt · tl ll rl 111•1 tucli~•·t~rn).,l:oo• • uurl'ld\'t ':-4, \\•n l :nl~h••t l nt tlu•i r fa111iliarity , nrul tl•• ·ir Jtrn!(iluity ditl n11l prt•\'t'lll i•ur t·ujuyinJl' 1\ \'try ... """'' ,.1, ··I• ·

T1u• rwxt m••rning, nflt•r tltt•J' ha•l hrt•~tkb:- t• · •l••n llw hird)'l wllic•l1 H•·r:trtl hatl kill•·•l. 111111 ltr .- Htl••l'rr th e ll :tiU€!)'1, thry rt·ttll t- · 1• •l1111 tu •·mhurk. 'l'b ir "''" '" ur cor.n:l ntlltl \\':\ ... Jlfltf'l lrt••l : hut nla..t. f·•r till' lie· I· I· whert• tlll'l" t'J.t• ·~t l1• · • • • • · tl un•nt·c: IJ .. I••IIII 'tltu lu1lt . Tlu·,v lul•IW u~+tldu5r uF t1••· ri~-:111ttf prt •J•• rly.

Anu•nJr the 1tir•l~ ~1c••l \\':1"' n flt\'t ' ll, wlti •· lt llwy w .. uld 11 ttt. 1111\l'h, ~ti,· in:.c u ~ ,.J, ·:trl .\' tu uuclt ·r.~ t n wl it w ,1,.1u• f' .lll:lt ' itt•al • h·aru .wll••:tll. T1•i"t•irc'l\lll "tllllf'rt \\' It:' 1\ lllllht•f llfl lltf u f l(tt• ~11111lllt • Jo,.. uf tlu-if llii'J" • ~ itifl\lpl ,

\\' 1• "'' ' ,.:~i1 ti ll' :!::rd. at :Ot' \'t• ll u't·luc·k iu llw llllltll' ill'( . :\ 11 trth •!!\ ol l. Witt •) lol o•W t\' ith 111 11111 '•\•iult· tWI' , lHttl

th•• lh· 1• fi r•• I' , pH il ,\' tulllllt 'tllty 1111' Jl• '•tf'l• · ,, f Jtuln, rf'ru <~ •••\ tu f ,Jj .. w n ~ . T1 wr,. \\a .. a · I tuiiJ: 1 '111 t• •t1l,

whi• ·11 d ri ft• ·•1 u ... tu tlw \\• .. 1\\ :11• 1. T1 u• "' I' r:•fl ltl)t1t, nrul 1 ),,.,.1111 w dr• · : ~tll u ll ~· ,.. a· -id • . S••\'t·r •lui I •niT•·r 110 llllll'h; l•ut tit •• ,..i~o:ltl uf t: .. ln , \\l1i•·l1 Wt- llllll~t · 1111

huur :dtt·r \\t ' .. tilt··l. n·,·in·d Ill'' • 1tt11l I c·••llltl\ttl, thttll~h wit1 1 clitlkul c.t·, '" tu:o.k,. " f• ·w •k••ldu,. , ~llllll' ~"~ l'!a1l :t p . • ~·• · •l 11\' • r 11 "', u•t •l, nul\\ illt ~ l :u c •liiiM till' pr: 1 ~· · · r" ,,f •ot•r 1,il••'"'· w•· • ·<~•·:t t••· •l ,·,.ry f• ·" 11f tlll"llt ,

At t-i)! ltl in tlw ••rt•nilll! \\I ' \\l · rt • uJl llw \n·•t, 1•1•1 II••• wiu•l ln1 d 11 ~ Jullt·d, \\1' d iol nul rt ·n t:11 tl111 urwl••·r•.a•• till e lc•\'f'll .

~'itt•"' Wl"r•· li l! htf'•l :dtt lllo!' ti t,. •·u:t:ol, 1111•l "'" " '"rr c•ttt\'iii·,.,.,J 11t:t l \\' t ' \\' ~" t• ' •·xtw•· l•·•1 Tllf• lt~•tlt•lll , Ill tlti 11 rnatl, i..t. uf c·• ·r:d :111• 1 IIIIHitt ·ll"'''.,; nnol, ~, .. tie•· hrt•nk t·r" lc •ll\'t' Ioiii. 11 \"t·n · nnrruw .IUi o'~uJl~, ••llr C ul• •ll •

uinnrt rt ·fu .. •·•llu t•rw·•·•·•lthru•l:lli It ~'Y IlliCit! : f••r ,,., uf throir " " """ h• · ir·~ (ullt I w:•", 111 elt •!l f11Ur •~ I Llei• cJi l'llfJilllilllllll'lll , "t. it lt Ill.\' I'III~IJIIIIIIIIIIIII,It••• fldtJ.!IItd, Lrmll••tl with iwliiT•·rl'lll'f', \l'hlt'h 11 •·:.nut• , t~•· l\'f• f, .,.l )onl(, IHt •l ,, fu11t nil• I lmlf wi•l• •, t>nlut• nll o ttSt~lllt • ,,, II•, with 11 .... i1:;:1r 111 :lll iu it, nUrud.-ell•Y tlw r~'JWIII ,,f •


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!li Oeslgnt>rs and Producers of ~

~ (}OOD PRINTING ~ ~ ~ Opposite Officers' Club ~

I ~~~ ~ Agana. ~ i;i, · .~.~-~ ... -. .... • . ..:·· ··• •. ..: • ..: . ..:·• ··..:• ... -..: • ..:IIi

City Tailor F. Suzuki

Nl{ \k III ' TI . I ~ M S ;\I ,\IS STliMH

l!J27 UNIFORMS For Officers--

Navy and Marine Corps \\'o arc pn·parr•l 'tn hun l .h thr Il l ' \\' p:tth· rn unifutnu fur

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~ ... ~, Tt"lr-phouc H>&l.


Your attention is invited to out·

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Beads, Toys, Cigarette Cases, etc,

Prices Reduced in all Departments.

OFFICIAL ETIQUETTE Of THE FLAG { Cotllinutd from fttltt G9)

12. D 1) 11 11 1 liSt! the rinl( RM a portion o f 8 COIItUnlt

llf uf 1111 nthl t! litl un ifurm. nu 1101 rmbroitlfr it upon "1114hitJta~ ur h:llh.lkt·n.·hid's ur print il upon paper 11apk i11 ~ ur l h•X t'~.

1:1. 1),. nnt1mt t .. uuint: nf nn.r kind upn u tl1f' rl11g .

I L l)., u ut U:O: t' ll ll! rlag iu uuy !ur111 fur •uherli ti iiiJ" 1u 1r (u!'lt'll 1111 :ttlnrti ~ i••K P. ia.:,u tu u pule In m wldch tim fl a:: ul lh~ l! nilt·d Stutes ill

l!i. Uu not di :o: JII :ty, UlH', ur f' lo re the ling in f!uc h ~~ llt :tllllf•ru ~ will rwru d t it In lwrnFiJy Shil f' tl t, rdumna;td .

Proper Use Of Buntin&

B.lnt inj.{ ul til •· llllli fllllll r.ulc•r~ KllllU icl 1 ,~ IUU'd fflr C• t\'1trillK 11 ~JH·uh r~ clt•fl k, clrMr•iiiJ.f 11\'f' f thto frnut c.t 1 J•laLin rlll, Ulltl Cur tl ccurati un in gcuc·rnl. nuutiu~ !O hnultl hr urrnn~t· c l \rill1 tiH' IJhll" ul th\'P, the" !tile ilt the rni •ld lt•, ntulthc rc•d LC'It•W .

Salute to the flag

Durin K till' t'l'rt ' III OIIY u r lu'i ~tiug or lnwrrin~t li lt· fin).( ur wh en tlw rinK i:o~ pu :o~~ inJ.: in u pnrnclr nr iu ft•\'it! W, nil Jlf'f:IU I\lt J'ifhlf"lll Jo~hn uJtl fure t}H• fl 11~ 1 flhlll l nt. dtentiun, nncl !'t nlulf• . Thot~~ Jlrt'flt•nt in unirnr1u 11hnnlcl ft'IH!t•r tlu! rip;ht hnnd ~nlute . Wh €l n not in nnilurm mt>n P. hnulcl rf' IUCH't tht h rndclrPP. fll with th,. rhtht h:tn•l nn•l hnl•l it. nt thf' ) t" ft "-h ouhlf'r . \\'nmr11 ~ hun ld Mlntfl 1• .\' pi11Cina- tho right hnml m·rr th,. ltf':trf. Tlu' ~ &d•llf' to tht' llnf{ in till' mm•inJZ <'c•lumu i• rnn•IPrc••l ,,t IIi,. tnnmt>ul th e fl nJZ pllfl l'l f'f' ,

\\'lll'n th•• 11 :11 in tt:tl nnt lll'nt i!t J•ln .\'NI thnt:r prt'llt' ltl in nuifnrn• Mhnulcl ,e:dutf' nt tl u• Or!lt. nnlt• vf th•· unllll'tll . \\'hc•11 tt••l in unil••ru1 tHrn ,.: IIIHtl•l rl•nuw·· tlu• h.,,,,\.l r••"'" nn• l lu1lcl it n& lu th u·p~n lutt• tn th<• flua.: . W n mf'u ~h .. ul•l rf'.llll t• r tl te fl nlute "" to ll tf' llnJ.t . \\"hPII t.h" rc i ~ 1111 flug tli l'lp lll )'f't1 nil Jo~ huttltl (au··· tnw:trt1 t ltl' tllll ~ it •.


Old F:tllu:r Tilllt' cnntinu,..~ to ricte Bl'tride till' hf\ml o f Guam'!> ~un• to he Uenth cnr . Hi!' !'C')'tht j ., e \'er rt-a cly to cut clown the \'ictim t\'ho will crn1e h i .. wny "'uoner or lul tr,

J)euth Jurkt'cl .tt the corner of Am(eto auU Hestlt r ~trt-eU Snturdu)' morn ins;: juu ~ 11th., "htn the h o~ · pltn l jitnf'y nncl tht t rnflic ror nurro n·ly n\·oide<l a cra!lh . Th.: t.lrin:r of the jitney mndr a quick tu1 n to the left , a nd in uttemptin~ fl') riJ:ht tht cnr , fout1.! tlutt the ~leering ~tnr hnd jnmm('cl , tht rar run under th~ lo\v porch and into th~ !ii idt of th~ Rtcortl · er bltilding, •trippinll" tbc top of! •• it did •o. thi' \\',a!\ th~ t'nh· damnge donr, but the driver and thr-