The Grocery Budget Overhaul - Simple Living …...These tips are all designed to save money on food....

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Transcript of The Grocery Budget Overhaul - Simple Living …...These tips are all designed to save money on food....


Money saving tips to slash

your grocery budget.

The Grocery Budget Overhaul

By: Tracy Lynn


COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2016 by Tracy Lynn

All rights reserved. This ebook or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This ebook may contain affiliate links. If you click on one of my affiliate links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission for referring you.

Please know that I only recommend resources I believe in and highly recommend.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Before we dive in.

Chapter 1: Our Story

Chapter 2: Meal Planning

Chapter 3: How to Coupon to Get the Best Bang for your Buck

Chapter 4: Price Book Essentials

Chapter 5: Saving Money with Curb Side Pickup

Chapter 6: Where to Shop

Chapter 7: The Art of an Effective Grocery List

Chapter 8: Creating a Grocery Budget

Chapter 9: Once a Month Grocery Shopping

Chapter 10: Food Storage

Chapter 11: Putting it all Together


INTRODUCTION Whether you are on a limited income or just want to keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Grocery shopping can be the biggest budget buster out there. I am not going to bore you with national stats, but let’s just say that most families spend a pretty hefty amount, with even some spending more on food than they do their rent or mortgage.

If you are one of those people don’t panic. This is, after all, why you are here.

What if I told you I could feed our family of 6 for less than $350 a month? What if I also told you that includes cat food and dog food? And what if I told you that even included all our cleaning supplies, bathroom items and paper products?

Yes, it’s true and I can teach you how to do it, too.

Why are you here?

You are tired of spending too much money on groceries every month.

You eat out more than you eat at home because you can’t figure out what to make for dinner.

You continually throw away food that has spoiled before you were able to use it.


You continually purchase items you already have not realizing until you get home, you have double bought (again).

You are struggling to make ends meet.

You spend more than you can afford at the grocery store.

I could go on and on.

It doesn’t matter why you are here. The point is you’re here.

Tough love.

Before you begin to read The Grocery Budget Overhaul there are a few things you need to know first.

This isn’t some magic potion that will fix your budget and easily cut your grocery bill.

These steps are specific.

And yes, some of these tips are a little crazy. You may even shake your head and roll your eyes.

I only ask that you have an open mind. These are all tips that I do every single month. That means I know that they work, crazy or not.

There is one requirement I have.



This isn’t a book on theory. These tips are all designed to save money on food. We will cover everything from your shopping list all the way to storing our food so it lasts longer and everything in between.

I am inviting you into my kitchen and into a month of my life to see how our family is able to shop for food without going broke.

If you want to save as much money as you can then you will need to implement every tip I give you. If you just implement some you will only save some money.

With that being said, don’t try to do it all in one shot. You will only set yourself up for failure. Pick and choose a few things to work on each week. As you get adjusted to a new tip you can begin to add on another. Each tip builds on the other creating a game plan that will buy you more food with less money.

My tips do not teach you how to stock pile. I hate that really. Why fill your home with food you ‘may’ eat someday simply because it was on sale?

Buying only what you need may be a crazy concept, but it saves a lot more money than stocking up with months of peanut butter just to save a few extra cents or even dollars off a jar.

I don’t believe in “buy it because it’s cheap”. I believe you should only purchase foods you and your family will be eating within a reasonable time frame.


I also do not teach extreme couponing. I don’t believe in working hard clipping coupons just to get items on sale or even for free. Don’t buy it if you are not going to eat it. Say that over and over. It is the theme of this book. 😊😊😊😊

Let’s instead focus our money on nutrient-rich foods that your family desperately needs.

Okay, now that we have that crazy long intro out of the way. Let’s do this!


Chapter 1: Our Story

Here is a little secret about me. I used to spend a crazy amount of money on groceries. I would go in to the store, (really quick mind you) usually with kids in tow and walk each isle grabbing things with really no plan in mind. If it looked good or I thought we were out of something I bought it. Better to have two than none, right?

It wouldn’t be long before the kids started acting up. Frustrated I would grab a few of their favorites just to hush them. A box of cookies here. A box of cereal there. Something to put into their laps to keep them quiet so I could get down the isles fast.

I could hear Dr. Phil in my ear saying, “And how’s that working for ya?”

By the time I got to the checkout line I had hundreds of dollars of food in my cart.


Worse yet, I usually didn’t have a clue what was even in there. There was no plan, no rhyme or reason, to what I grabbed. We needed food so I bought it.

Of course, I didn’t have that much money on me so out came my credit card. FYI: Blind spending (purchasing with a credit card) is not the way to purchase food.


As I put everything away my frustration would begin. I cannot tell you how many times I bought something I “thought” we needed only to find we had plenty of it when I got home. I am talking 4 or 5 of them!

The craziest part of this mess was when dinner came around that night, I still found myself staring into my refrigerator trying to decide what on Earth to make. I was exhausted, out of ideas, and forced to call Hubs and ask him to grab food on the way home.

And We lived like this for years.


Then something happened.

Hubs was laid off.

Out of nowhere my world, our world, completely changed. Our money was instantly cut in half.

We had 4 young boys, a brand-new home, 2 cars, more things (clutter) than we could ever need.

Oh, and enough debt to make me blush.

It was a mess, a huge mess, and I had absolutely no idea what to do.

Hubs and I sat down and made cuts. Crazy difficult cuts. We completely revamped how we lived. We sold a car, canceled activities for the boys, instantly had a garage sale, and I took out every single book I could get my hands on from the library.


Books on frugal living and saving money. I read and I took notes. Tons of notes. Okay, this was before the computer age. You kids have no idea how good you have it!

It wasn’t long before I realized that most of our money was going to groceries. Just second to our mortgage the next largest bill we had was our food bill.

No, I am not kidding.

Something had to change and quick.

I had to teach myself how to shop smarter, how to buy better. I dove into those books from the library and tested different ways of shopping. I then took bits and pieces from each book and custom tailored a game plan that would work for our family.

This took a long time.

Some of the ideas out there I spent more time on than I should have. One big example was couponing. Now I do not want to ruffle any feathers, but for me the time spent clipping did not justify the amount I was saving. I did however find a middle ground and an effective way to make coupons work better for our family.

Eventually I found a system that I believed would work. It took a bit to get used to but in the end, I was able to cut our grocery budget by over half.


Fast forward to today.

Hubs has a great job. Some of our kids have grown and moved out on their own. We have our debt under control and we have simplified our lives and our home.

So, what about our grocery bill?

Just as small as ever, thank you very much. 😊😊😊😊

You see, as we got used to shopping on a budget we found out something surprising. We liked shopping this way! We liked staying out of the stores and saving money. So, we continue to shop like we are broke even today.

We have good food, yummy meals, and our grocery bill is now one of the lowest in our budget.

Guess what, good friends.

I am going to share it all with you. So, get ready to give your Grocery Budget an Overhaul and save hundreds of dollars or more and maybe have a little fun along the way.


Chapter 2: Meal Planning

As with anything in life, planning is key to an efficient system. One of the easiest ways to save money on groceries is having a plan.

If you find yourself throwing food away because it went bad or frequently adding spoiled produce to your compost bin, then this is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Creating a family meal plan is simple, really. Whether you do it weekly or monthly, knowing what you are eating and when you are eating it will not only save money, but time and storage as well.

If you have never given a weekly or monthly menu a try get ready for your crash course.

No, do not be tempted to skip this part.

A menu is one of the key ingredients to the Grocery Budget Overhaul.

Learn it, use it, live it.

Before you sit down to do your menu you need to do a little prep work first. Take a pen and paper and jot down your family favorites. You know, those meals that you tend to make over and over simply because everyone loves them?

Yes, those. Get them on paper. I like to have a list of my family’s top 10-15 “go to” meals. This handy list will be a life saver when you just can’t think of what to make on a certain day.


There are a couple different ways to do a menu.

1. Theme day menu planning

Theme day menus are all based on a meal theme you have previously assigned to each day of the week. This is a more lenient approach and a good way to get your feet wet.

Using a theme means you are not tied to an exact meal, but you have things narrowed down enough to make dinner prep easy. I actually use this technique as my back up plan. So, if I am just not in the mood to make what is on the menu, my meal theme is a great plan B.

Meal Theme Day example

Sunday-family dinner




Thursday-veggie dish/stir-fry


Saturday-soup (Winter) grill out (Summer)

As you can see it’s not a strict guide, but it narrows things down quite a bit and actually does help you to come up with dinner ideas quickly.


2. Set Weekly Menu Planning

Another way to do a menu is to choose the exact meal you will make on a given day and stick to it. This is really the best option since it takes out all the guess work and ensures you use perishables before they go bad.

This is my preferred way to menu plan but knowing I can revert to option 1 as a back-up really helps to make me feel not so tied down to that day’s dinner.

3. Set Monthly Menu Planning

Taking step two just a bit further is the monthly menu plan. This is what I have done with our family and it saves the most time and money. Although it does take longer to write up a monthly menu, knowing that you are done for the entire month really is quite freeing.

Ninja tip: Keep your menus. There is nothing worse than drawing a blank when doing a monthly menu. Being able to pull out a menu from last October for cooler meal options is a life saver.


How to set up your menu

1. Pick a planning day.

Planning day for our family is always Sunday, so naturally this is when we do our meal plans as well. Depending on your work schedule this may not be the best time for you. Try to choose a day and time that you have the least distractions and you are home. Meal planning centers around what foods you have on hand so you will need to have access to your pantry, refrigerator and your freezer.

2. Gather your supplies.

You will need a pencil, recipe book, your list of family favorites, a menu planner page and your family calendar. If you keep your recipes on your computer or if you rely on Pinterest make sure you have your laptop or smart phone handy as well.

3. Do a walk through.

Before I start my menu, I like to do a quick walk through of all the food I have on hand. I will consider my pantry and check all my freezers making a note of what foods need used up.


Ninja tip: As you are doing your walk through, make a note of any items you see that need placed on your shopping list. I will take a simple post-it-note to write down items and then stick that little note in my errand basket so I do not forget come shopping day.

4. Remember seasonal sales.

Every year certain items go on sale and it is a good idea to make a note of this before you do your meal plan.

Fall-turkeys, baking supplies

Winter-soups, hams

Spring-corned beef, baking supplies

Summer-hamburger, hot-dogs, produce

Use lower prices to drive your meal planning and save even more money.

Ninja tip: Remember to stock up on seasonal items so you can take advantage throughout the year. Who says you can’t have turkey in July!

5. Refer constantly to your family calendar.

This is an important step to an efficient meal plan. It is not a good idea to plan a three-course meal if your son has soccer practice from 5-7 that night. Check your schedule so you can plan meals based on the time you have. This will ensure you not only have time to make the meal, but eat it too.


If you know for example, that Tuesdays are a bit hectic for your family you may want to have a crock pot meal planned. Think ahead and choose meals that fit your time frame.

6. Let’s get down to business.

Begin your menu by filling in the easy days first. For us, Fridays are always pizza or stromboli's for dinner. Just by filling in that one square (or more if doing a monthly menu) is enough motivation to keep going.

Ninja tip: Don’t forget to use up produce before it goes bad. Take a peek into your refrigerator and try to include any fruits or vegetables that are getting close to over ripe. Too many veggies? Maybe soup is a good meal option. Bananas looking a bit ripe? Put banana bread on your baking list for a quick breakfast go-to option.

Once that is done, choose your hardest day next. For us, it’s Sunday. Since Sunday is the day we are all most likely to be home I like to plan a larger meal. Yes, this takes a bit to come up with something but if I plan it right I will have enough for leftovers or a variation meal on Monday. This kills two birds with one stone.

Already you have 3 (or more) days completed on your menu. See, not so bad after all!


Next, check your schedule and choose meals that will fit any time restraints you or your family may have. If you get stuck, refer to your family favorites or your daily meal themes for ideas. Continue with this step until all your days are completely filled in.

Ninja tip: As you are filling out your menu, place an * next to meals that require a recipe. I use one * for printed recipes and two ** for online recipes such as Pinterest. This little reminder can save quite a bit of time at dinner prep.

7. Put that menu where you will see it!

My biggest tip is to get that menu out where it will serve as a visual reminder. I have our menu attached to a clear pocket folder that is hanging next to our oven. In the pocket I keep any recipes I need for dinner that is written on the menu. This is just another step to make dinner go smoother and be less stressful.


Ninja tip: Set your phone alarm for in the morning as a reminder to check your menu and take frozen food out to defrost. You can even go one step further and do any dinner prep that will help keep meal time easier. Pre- chop veggies, gather side dish supplies or even set the table. It all depends on your schedule for that evening and how much early prep work you need to do.

Having a menu can be a daunting task in the beginning, but you will soon see how this one tip will not only save you money but will make dinner time a snap!


Chapter 3: Coupons

Oy Vey. Coupons.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Don’t get me wrong, I like coupons. I was even one of those crazy people that did the extreme couponing years ago. It was fun, it was exciting, and believe it or not it was a big money waster for our family.

Not what you thought I would say?

Well think about it.

If you have ever seen a coupon flyer from your local newspaper, what were the coupons for? Don’t remember? I will remind you.

Empty calorie foods.

Cookies, sugar cereal, processed meats, frozen dinners, chips, pop. I could go on and on and on. For our family, these were not foods I usually bought so by purchasing them even if deeply discounted it was still money over and above what we were used to paying.

Any money spent OVER what you are budgeted for is not saving money.

Yes, even if you are getting 45% off the price, you are still wasting 55% by purchasing foods you normally do not eat, and believe me the stores and the companies that make the products are counting on that.


So, with that being said this section is not about extreme couponing. I am all about simple and easy. Spending hours each week clipping coupons to use on the foods like I mentioned above is not a good way to spend my time.

Just because I frown upon spending an insane amount of time clipping and sorting coupons does not mean I hate coupons. I actually love coupons and rely on them to keep my budget intact. The trick is learning to use the coupons to your family’s advantage and knowing the best time and the best store to use them in.

1. Know your store’s policy.

Before we dive into the art of coupon clipping I need to touch on store policy quickly. Most stores offer double (or even triple) coupons. What that means is whatever the face value or “cents off” a coupon is good for, the store will double (or triple) that amount. So, if you have a coupon for 50 cents off of a box of cereal, you will get $1.00 off (or $1.50 if tripled). Some stores have a cap of a dollar but others do not. Knowing this is important when you decide whether a coupon is a good deal or a great deal.

For example, if you have that same coupon above but the 50 cents off is for 3 boxes of cereal and your store does NOT double coupons this is not a money saver but a money waster. It would be much cheaper to purchase 1 box of generic cereal rather than three to save 2 quarters.


Ninja tip: Always purchase the smallest size available when using a coupon. This will give you the biggest bang for your buck. The exception to this tip is if you actually NEED a bigger size. Then by all means, purchase what your family needs.

Another policy to watch out for is how many coupons you can use for one item. Since the extreme couponing rage hit most stores adopted a policy of 2-4 like coupons per trip. If you are not sure on your store’s policy, simply call and ask. I would not suggest looking online since most stores have policies that are locally based.

2. Make your list first.

When you extreme coupon your list is determined by your coupons. I would suggest doing things the other way around. Write your list then go find the coupons you need. If you cannot find a coupon there is always the generic route to consider as well. More often than not the taste is the same but the price is considerably lower.

3. Sort and purge.

Take the time to go through any coupons you have on hand. Weed out what has expired and what you know you will not be using this trip. I would still take those extra coupons along, just in case there is a crazy good deal you can’t pass up.


Ninja tip: Place coupons you normally use but will not need this trip in an envelope listing the items they are for on the outside. If you see an unadvertised sale you can quickly and efficiently check your “extra” coupon stash. If it’s a great deal I would suggest purchasing as many as you have coupons for. Remember to do so only if your monthly budget can handle it.

4. Start clipping!

I usually start with flyers I have collected since my last trip. Simply page through looking for anything that pertains to what is on your list. The trick here is to find items on sale and those you also have a coupon for. If you see Cheerios are on sale at your local store and you know that is the best price in town, you may want to also look for a coupon as well. Place an * next to Cheerios on your list so you are reminded of the extra savings.

Do not trust you will remember what you have coupons for. Your list is meant to be efficient. Put visual reminders in place to keep you on track.

As you are clipping if you see a coupon for items your family uses but is not on this list, clip now and keep for later.

5. Online coupons.

Do not look for coupons online until you have clipped your flyer coupons. I love online coupons but the ink that is needed to print


them is a bit counterproductive. For this reason, I make sure the coupon is a good one and can possibly be doubled before I even consider printing it.

Ninja tip: Print your online coupons in black and white using the ink savers (or gray scale) option. Remember we are doing this to save money so avoid using expensive colored ink if possible.

6. Call for reinforcements.

If you find a particularly good coupon for an item your family regularly uses, call your family and friends. They may just have the same flyer and will gladly give you their coupon if they do not need it.

7. Electronic coupons.

This is a newer way to save and a tip more stores are beginning to adopt. Electronic coupons are found on store websites that can be “loaded” to your shopper’s club card or your smart phone. I would suggest loading any coupons your family may need whether it is on your list this month or not.

As you purchase items your card will automatically give credit at checkout. If you have coupons on your smart phone, remember to present them as well. This is where the * really comes in handy. If you have a coupon for an item you are purchasing simply place an * for each coupon next to the item. Have 3 coupons? Place 3 *.


There is nothing worse than getting home and finding out you forgot to use a coupon. Set up reminders wherever possible to ensure you take advantage of all the savings out there.

Ninja tip: Some stores will allow you to combine electronic coupons AND paper coupons. Know your stores policy and take advantage wherever possible.


Chapter 4: Price Book Essentials

Okay, I’m not going to sugar coat it. This is a time-consuming step but it is a key component to saving money on food.

A price book: My super simple cheat sheet to grocery prices.

What is a price book?

A price book is simply a small notebook where you keep a list of items your family uses and the regular price of that item at the stores you specifically shop at. I like to keep the cost per ounce for each item so I know for sure the exact cost of the product itself. Knowing the cost per ounce will let you know once and for all if a price is good no matter what size of product you are looking at.

Armed with this information will finally clarify if a store truly does have a “good deal”. Not only that, you will also know if a good deal is a crazy insane deal and it’s time to really stock up for months ahead.

A price book is by far my favorite tip and I just love teaching others how to use it. I cannot tell you how many times I find an unadvertised sale at a store. There are signs yelling out to me. Rock bottom! Savings! Buy now! Rollback!

You get the picture.

People around me are grabbing jars and boxes. I stop, whip out my trusty price book and look the item up. I find the price is much


lower yes, but (get this) the size is actually smaller. It’s a little hard to tell, because the manufacturers really know how to shrink things without it being too obvious. Lucky for me I had my price book and I knew the price per ounce of that item. Do a little math, compare, and no longer get tricked by the stores.

That’s what I call upping your grocery game!

Setting up a price book.

1. Create your own.

I prefer to use a small spiral notebook with pockets. You really want to find something that will hold all the prices you need, is easy to organize and small enough to fit in your purse or pocket. Remember, you will take this book every time you go to the store, so keep it compact.

2. Decide the layout.

You can either list your items alphabetically or by aisle the way you would find it in the store. It is all a matter of preference. Using small adhesive tabs can also save time looking for certain items. For example, have a tab for your produce, one for freezer, meats and finally dry goods. This makes quick reference a breeze.

3. Section it off.

Draw lines to section your pages off into several columns. A large column to list the item, a column for the size of the item, and a column for each of the stores you would like to include.


Now that your price book is ready, let’s fill it up!

4. Mark out some time.

This isn’t something you can rush. I prefer to tackle just one store at a time. Note: Some people like to enter their prices by referring to their receipts but I prefer to do it personally in the store. I want to make sure I am getting the regular price and not a special or sale. Plus, I am a visual person, walking through the store and looking at all the items is a good education on all the different products out there.

5. Visit every single aisle.

There really is no way to remember everything you use in your home, so visit every aisle. Look at each item and jot down everything you use regularly. I would not recommend items that are treats or seasonal. The book needs to be easy to use, the more you cram into it the harder it is to find things later.

6. Use pencil.

This is a silly but important tip. Write everything in pencil. I guarantee you will be changing it.


7. Record regular price and the oz. price.

It is important to list the regular price only so you will truly know when a good deal arises. I also include price per ounce. This way I know the absolute best price no matter what the size is. Bigger is NOT always cheaper. I have noticed boxes getting smaller and prices getting higher. Don’t let manufacturers take advantage of you, record the price per ounce to always ensure you get the best possible deal.

8. Never forget your book!

Once the book is done you will have a gold mine at your fingertips. Keep that book with you at all times. If you stop in a store for a quick pick-up and you see a deal on ground meat, just refer to your


price book to see if it is worth a purchase. If it is, stock up, my friend!

Although time-consuming to set up, a price book can really lower your grocery budget. Educate yourself on the prices of items you use every month and you will never overpay again.

This is a game changer, friends! Learn to outsmart your grocery store and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pockets.


Chapter 4: Saving Money with Curbside Pickup

If you really want to keep your grocery budget under control the biggest tip I can give you is to stay out of the stores. This can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when you find you are running low on the basics and need to make a trip now.

Running to the store for a quick pick up can totally throw your monthly budget on its ear. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to.

Let me introduce you to the world of online ordering.

Online ordering is not the same as online shopping. Online ordering is when you place an order for items you need at your local store’s website. You pick it out, put it in your online shopping cart and pay for it. You can even use your coupons just like you would in the store. In a little while you will receive an email (or a text message) letting you know that your order is ready to be picked up.

Did you hear that?


All bagged in a cart ready for you to just pick it up.

As simple as that.

Some stores even offer curb side loading. All you need to do is drive up and they will meet you and load it into your car.


No fee.

No extra money.

I cannot tell you what a game changer this is.

You get exactly what you need, stay out of the stores where the money suckers are, and save oodles of time to boot!

To find out if any of your local stores offer this service just call them or visit their website to find out.

The only downfall to this perk is you may miss any unadvertised deals, but this sure is an easy way to stay on budget every month! By eliminating the possibility of impulse purchases, you win big.

Another perk to this tip is you can have anyone pick up your purchase. There is an option at checkout for you to add someone to your pickup list. This means that if your spouse is working they can easily pick up your order on the way home saving you a trip.

The pros to online ordering.

1. Save money.

You do not have to worry about impulse purchases which tends to be my budget’s biggest downfall. You will ensure that only the items on your list will get purchased every single time.


2. Quick trips are just that….quick trips!

How many times have you stopped at a store to get a few things and left with a few bags instead? I am afraid it happens more often than we like to admit. Online ordering will completely eliminate this and keep quick trips just that-quick trips!

3. Save time.

Now you can order what you need while drinking your morning coffee and have someone else grab things while they are in town. Not having to make that trip will save so much time and energy. Two things I am constantly wanting more of.

Ninja tip: Did you forget to purchase a few items on your last shopping trip? Place an order online for those forgotten items so you only purchase what you need and nothing more.

The key to online ordering is to use it sparingly. I would not suggest a weekly use of this feature, getting into the stores and into the isles is still the best way to save. Use online ordering to fill in the gaps and keep those impulse purchase to a minimum.


Chapter 6: Where to Shop

Knowing the best stores to shop in your area is another important key to saving money. Once you have completed your price book as outlined in chapter 4 this section should be fairly easy.

I would suggest at least 1 grocery store, 1 discount store such as Aldi, 1 local market or farmers market and 1 bulk food store. If you have a larger family you may want a wholesale club as well such as Sam’s Club or Cosco.

When choosing your stores remember to consider the following:

1. Produce

This is important because when you are buying produce for the month you want it to last as long as possible. Stores that purchase produce locally are more able to skip the shipment process ensuring a longer shelf life for their produce.

2. Coupon policy

Even though I do not promote extreme couponing, you still want the best bang for your buck. If a store offers double (or triple) coupons you will want to consider them when making your monthly shopping list. Another new option that more stores are adopting are electronic coupons. These you will find on the store’s website and can be easily downloaded to your shopper’s card or smart phone. The best part is some stores will also allow you to combine electronic and paper coupons to get even more savings.


3. Organic options

For our family this is important. We strive to allow as little chemicals into our home as possible. For that matter having a store that offers a large selection of organic foods and green cleaners is a must.

4. Price match

This is another thing to watch for and one that can save you money and a trip to an out of the way store. Most stores offer this perk but do not always advertise it. You can find out by calling the store. If a store does offer price matching I would take advantage of it whenever possible. Remember your price book? This will make price matching a breeze. Be warned. In order to get the price match, you will need proof of the price. A local ad from the store in question is usually all you need.

5. Discounts

There are some stores out there that can offer rock bottom prices in exchange for no bagging or cart return. We have two stores like this in our area. Aldi and Save-A-Lot.

At Aldi you “rent” a shopping cart for a quarter that you get back when the cart is returned. At check out all your items will be placed back into your cart and it is your responsibility to bag them. Always make sure you have a stash of bags with you. Yes, they do sell bags there but you are shopping there to save money! Don’t spend your savings on bags. Aldi does not accept manufacturer’s coupons since


they are giving you the best price already. They do however slip a $5 off $25 in the mail every now and then for a promo so watch out for these valuable coupons.

Save-A-Lot allows you to use their carts without renting but you will still have to bag your own items. In our area Save-A-Lot does allow for coupons. This store also seems to have a wider selection of brand name items than Aldi does. I do find their prices to be a bit higher than Aldi so keep that in mind.

If you have one of these stores in your area I highly suggest that you pay them a visit. You may be pleasantly surprised by the quality and selection of food they have to offer.

Ninja tip: Aldi now offers a nice selection of organic foods. Visit your local store to see if this is available in your area.

6. Location, location, location.

When choosing your stores location is key. You may think that shopping at stores with the lowest prices is important but not always. This isn’t just about getting your grocery budget under control, it is about getting your HOUSEHOLD BUDGET under control.

Sure, you can go to store B to save a few bucks on a handful of items but is the gas and time you use to get there worth the savings? You need to weigh all aspects and use your time wisely.

If you are a “loyal to one store and one store only” type of shopper you may need to do some homework. Do a field trip and check a few


places out. Make a list of your top 10-20 items and see who has the best selections and the best prices. Remember your price book! When choosing your stores your list is not set in stone, this is a process and you can change your list as you get the lay of the land.

Now that you have your target stores, we can get down to shopping. Get ready for some crazy tips that will completely change the way you shop!


Chapter 7: The Art of an Effective Grocery List

When it comes to grocery shopping impulsiveness can quickly derail a family’s budget. And to be honest it happens more than you think. So much so that grocery stores count on it. They even layout the store to appeal to the shoppers and encourage impulse purchases.

Think about the last time you were in a grocery store. Those wonderful end caps with elaborate displays. They had boxes and jars neatly arranged on the shelf. Large neon colored signs lure you in screaming sale and before you know it the item (which you had no intention at all of purchasing) has somehow found its way into your shopping cart.

Some of you may argue, if it’s on sale why not buy it? I will argue back (probably a little louder because now my dander is up) if you don’t need it you are wasting money!

Tough Love Time:

Listen people….just because it is on sale does NOT mean you need to buy it.

Enough said, moving on. :)

So, how do we keep from making impulse purchases?



We arm ourselves with a list. After all, this is war. We are fighting against the grocery stores that want our money, the money that we desperately want to hang on to.

Your best weapon is a list. A thorough, thought-out, specific list.

List making sounds simple and basically it is. You are making a list of items you need to purchase at the grocery store.

However, we are ninja’s and we need to up our list making game just a bit.

We need an insanely effective grocery list.

1. Start your list early.

This is a simple enough tip but so important if you want to save money. As soon as you run out of something, anything, get it on the list. I don’t care how good of a memory you have there is just no way to make an effective list at the last minute. As soon as you get home from the grocery store a new list needs to be up and ready to go.

2. Enlist your family’s help.

Since my tastes are a bit different than my spicy loving Hubs and kids I don’t always know we are out of hot sauces or other items. Teach your family to write it down or go without. Just because it is on the list does not mean you must buy it. This is just a way to call your attention to an item. Check to make sure you are truly out or running low before adding it to your final list. Having your family as


a backup is just another way to make sure your grocery list is truly effective.

3. Write it down before you run out.

In our home, we always have a backup (or two) of our popular items. For that reason, we add items to our grocery list when we open the last bottle, can, or box. This way we know we will never run out and be forced to make a run to the grocery store. Remember our goal here is to stay out of the stores to save money!

4. Go one step further and include a quantity.

This is so helpful especially with frequently used items. For example, in our home barbecue sauce is a staple for my boys. We must use a bottle a week here! Because of this, I make sure I always have 4-5 bottles to get me through the month. If for some reason it was a slow barbecue month and I only used 3 bottles I will write a 2 next to the item on my list so I do not over buy.


Ninja tip: Keep track of how much you use of your popular items. When writing these items on your list, note how many to buy that will get you through the entire month.

5. Refer to your menu.

Remember the goal of your list is to ensure you purchase specific foods that will be eaten within the month. By using your menu as a guide, you know at the very least all of your meals will be covered.

6. Break your list down by store.

This will save you so much time when you are shopping. I like to use my super modern list making technique, a spiral notebook, to keep things organized. I write each store at the top of its own page and take the list from my fridge transferring items to the page for the store where I usually get the best price. If you are unsure where to place an item, refer to your price book.


Ninja tip: Keep a list on the outside of your notebook listing all the stores you will visit on shopping day. I even number my stores in the order I will visit them just to keep as much on auto pilot as I can. This will enable me to put all my attention into getting the best prices.

7. Keep track of items you have a coupon for.

I will simply put an * next to each item that has a coupon. If I have more than 1 coupon I will put more than one *. This just ensures that I take advantage of all my deals. Coupons are sorted then clipped by store and kept in 1 of the pockets of my little notebook. (Or you can keep them in labeled envelopes.)

As I use a coupon I simply move it from one pocket to another. That way when I am at the checkout line all of my coupons are ready to go.

8. Make a plan of attack.

This is a great tip that will get you in and out of the store more quickly. I will actually list my items in the order I know I will find them in the store. Some of you may not have your stores memorized yet, but after shopping for 30+ years I can safely say I know where to find just about anything. 😊😊😊😊

If you are not sure what is where, at the very least group your coupons by type to keep things running a bit more smoothly in the stores.


9. Check it off as you go.

I know this one is a silly tip but I cannot tell you how many times I forgot to purchase something simply because I had forgotten my pen. Things can easily get lost on a large list so crossing things off as you go keeps non-purchased items front and center so they are not forgotten. Find yourself in a store and no pen in site? Go to the service desk and ask to borrow one. I have done this more times than I care to admit. :)

Ninja tip: Make a note of items that are getting low but you are not quite ready to purchase. If you happen on a great deal take the opportunity to stock up.

When it comes to list making don’t over think it. Keep it simple and efficient to ensure the list works for you and not against you.


Chapter 8: Creating a Grocery Budget

I know the word budget does not conjure up visions of sugar plums and fairies, but if you really want to save money on groceries you need to have one.

I can teach you all the money saving tips in the world, but if you do not have a budget the tips will simply not work. You need to manage the money you have to spend so you are able to see the savings each month.

Before you can create a grocery budget, you first need a household budget. If you have never done a budget before the goal is simple.

Spend less money than you make.

The main purpose of a budget is to create a road map of how your household will allot your income with the goal always being to spend less than what your income is.

The easiest way to ensure you do this is by sitting down and writing up your income and your expenses for the month. Take your total income and subtract your total expenses making sure your final amount is a positive one (a surplus) and not a negative one (a loss). This, my friends, is your household budget.

To help explain things a bit easier, I am going to give you a peek into our own household budget. This will hopefully give you a jumping off point at the very least.


Our household budget is broken up into 4 sections.

1. Savings (for personal, retirement, and upcoming and/or unexpected expenses)

2. Fixed expenses (mortgage, insurance, loan payments, charity)

3. Fluctuating expenses (utilities, credit cards, medical care) 4. Household spending (clothes, gas, groceries, entertainment)

Each month I take our income and subtract out our savings, our fixed and fluctuating expenses.

The money I have left is for household spending. Other items in the household spending category for the month determine the amount of money I have to spend on our grocery bill. It is important to note; this number will not be the same each month.

The reason for this is our household budget is a living breathing thing. It is not a number set in stone; it fluctuates monthly. So, in August, for example, I will need more money for clothes since the kids are getting ready for a new school year. This higher amount will in turn lower my grocery budget and other items in that category.

Remember, the goal of a budget is to spend less than what you make. By adjusting things monthly, you will always keep your budget accurate and easier to follow.

So, now that you have your grocery budget number for the month, how to you ensure you stay under that number?

There are several ways to do this.


1. Cash.

Cash is by far the most effective way to make sure you stay within your budget. When the cash is gone you are done shopping. End of story. It is clear cut and extremely effective. I like to keep it simple by using envelopes. I have one for each of the stores I plan to shop at for the month. I will write the name of the store in one corner and the amount I have to spend in the other. The cash goes inside along with any coupons needed for that store. Simple. Easy. Effective.

2. Debit card.

If having all of that cash in hand makes you nervous, you may opt to use a debit card instead. This requires a bit more discipline. I have an account set up just for grocery shopping. Before I head out for the month I will write down the amount I have to spend at each store. If for some reason I go over my store’s budgeted amount then I will have less to spend at another store. This is where the discipline comes in to play. Staying on track is the key to saving money. Remember this when you are shopping so you don’t go over.

3. Credit card.

This is only for the experienced budget shopper. With all the rewards, points and cash back bonuses the cards are offering today I did want to include this for the super disciplined. The layout is the same as with your debit card but the temptation for over spending is much stronger. To keep things under control a bit more, I like to


have a very low credit limit on my grocery shopping credit card. For us, a good limit is $500. dollars. Still more than I have for my monthly budget but low enough that I will not get our household into trouble if I veer off course. As soon as the bill comes in for my monthly shopping trip, I will pay the balance off with the cash allotted in my household budget. If for some reason I spent more than I have, then the money will come from another area in my budget. Usually entertainment is the first to go.

No matter which technique you choose to follow above, the following tips will all hold true.

1. Keep track.

Write amounts you have to spend for each store in your errand book. I just jot the number down in the upper corner. This is a visual reminder of what I have to spend so I am always aware of my target amount.

2. Keep a running tally.

As soon as I enter a store I take my budget number and punch it into my phone’s calculator. As I am shopping I will subtract off the amount. This gives me a pretty accurate running tally of the money I have spent and how much I have left to spend.


3. Always have a slush fund.

Having a few extra dollars tucked away will help when you “accidentally” go over budget or find a screaming deal. A slush envelope tucked in the back of my errand book works perfectly.

When our family first began using a household budget, I have to admit, I felt pretty restricted. To keep me from becoming burnt out and frustrated I chose to treat it like a game. My goal was to see how much money I would have at the end of the month. That challenge was enough to keep me motivated to stay well below our budgeted amount. Although this tip may not work for you, the point is clear. Do what you have to do to make this work.

When you have completed your shopping for the month do a quick tally up. If you have money left over, good for you!! You now have a couple of options.

1. Take the extra money and put into your savings. 2. Keep the money for a future month when you want to stock

up on deals. 3. Use that money as a bonus snowball on your debt.

4. Treat the family to a night out on the town.


With a budget, money no longer sits randomly in your wallet. Each penny is assigned a purpose so you are not throwing money away. Be aware of what you have and you will be more aware before you spend it.

I am so proud of how well you are doing so far, are you ready to up your grocery budget game?

Great, let’s hit chapter 9. My favorite chapter yet!


Chapter 9: Once a Month Grocery Shopping

Ten years ago, when I was desperately trying to get my food budget under control, I stumbled across a book on saving money. Being one who just loves to spend money to learn how to save money I bought the book. I am happy to say that next to my Tightwad Gazette books, it is by far the best money I have ever spent.

In one of the chapters I was introduced to once a month grocery shopping. A radical and extreme way to shop for food, I was beyond excited. This was the game changer I was looking for! This one tip alone literally slashed my food budget IN HALF.

Like I said before the easiest way to save money is to stay out of the stores. Once a month grocery shopping is all about staying out of the stores.

What exactly is once a month grocery shopping?

Simply put, once a month grocery shopping is just that. You are going to do all of your shopping for the entire month in one day. Not only will this save you heaps of money but more time than you can possibly imagine!

Now, the thought of one huge marathon shopping trip can be incredibly intimidating. Please don’t panic; it is seriously much easier than you think. If you have a game plan you will be just fine. I promise.


The purpose of shopping just once a month is pretty straightforward. The easiest way to save money is to stay out of the stores. Most people today visit the grocery store several times a week. If they could just take that down to once a week their savings alone on impulse purchases would be huge.

Limiting your food shopping saves time, wasted money on impulse buys, gas money, and has the potential to cut your grocery budget in half (if not more).

If you are a several times a week shopper I do not suggest you jump right into monthly shopping unless your finances require radical tactics. Too much at once is an easy way to fail so taking it a little at a time might be a better approach.

Maybe you can try shopping once a week or even every other until you get your feet wet. Cutting your monthly trips by any amount is a step in the right direction. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it takes time to adjust.

I know monthly shopping can be overwhelming so I will do my best to break it down into easy to follow steps.

This is my actual game plan that I follow each and every month.



The stores I frequent do not mail out ads so my list is based solely on my menu and what we use and need in our home. If the stores you use do mail out ads or put them in the weekly paper you may want to make your shopping list after you have the most current ads in hand. This will ensure you are getting the best possible deals.

Before I make my shopping list I first write up our monthly menu. See chapter 2. This is our family’s backbone to our monthly shopping success. Knowing exactly what we need for each meal keeps my bill at the lowest it can possibly be.

I take my menu into my kitchen and pantry and check to make sure I have everything I need. I write down items I am out of or running low on. Next to the items I will make tally marks showing how many I need. So, for example if I am making lasagna one night, ziti another and meatballs another then I need 3 jars of sauce to get me through the month.

Ninja tip: Remember if there is an item you use frequently don’t just make sure you have one, make sure you have a back-up as well. Random trips to the store are no longer allowed. You are a money saving ninja so keep your kitchen stocked with your favorites.

The following is a sample list for our family. Your list, of course, will be different. Use our list as inspiration or a starting point for making yours.



• Cereal-My kids all have their favorite cereal. I will purchase them each a box, then several boxes of whatever is on sale and I have a coupon for. Then for the rest I will stock up at Aldi. Aldi carries quite a large selection of cereal, but it is all generic. Most taste just as good as name brand except for Cheerios. To be honest I have never found a generic brand that tastes as good as Cheerios so for that cereal we only purchase name brand.

• Oatmeal

• Waffles • Maple syrup • Jelly or jam • Breakfast meats • Bagels • English muffins


We know exactly what we need for each of our kid’s lunches each week. Our boys pack so this part is pretty straightforward.

• 20 fruit cups • 20 packs of crackers


• 20 bottles of water • I make the wraps and the cookies. • I used to refill bottles of water but they kept leaking in my

boy’s backpacks. Now we just buy a case each month. At $3.98 for a case of 40 bottles the cost is worth it for me.

• Tortillas

• Lunch meats • Lettuce • Cheese


This is where the menu really comes into play for our family. I will only purchase what I need to make the dishes on my menu. I also keep a few backup items on hand at all times which include the following:

• Pasta ingredients (meat, sauce, cheese, pasta) • Pizza ingredients (pepperoni, sauce, cheese) • Stir fry ingredients (chicken, brown rice, frozen vegetables, soy

sauce) • As I said above, the remainder of my dinner items will differ

based on the menu I have planned for the month.


Everything in between

• Produce-all fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, onions • Drinks-juice, soda, coffee, tea • Freezer food treats for days I simply cannot find the energy to

cook such as frozen pizza, tater tots, and/or fries. • Bread-we visit a day-old bread store to purchase all of our

bread for the month and freeze. • Paper products-foil, freezer bags, napkins, paper towels, toilet

paper, tissues • Personal products-shampoo/conditioner,

toothpaste/toothbrush, deodorant, razors, soap, mouthwash, lotion

• Health-medication, first aid, vitamins

• Pets-dog and cat food, cat litter

Total time spent: 30 minutes to one hour


Final prep. I will just do a quick once over of my list to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I used to make my list the night before I shopped but I almost always forgot something. Giving myself that extra day is enough to ensure I have a thorough and complete list.

I also give my family a “last call.” This is their last chance to get any request on the list that they may need or want for the next month.


Since my boys are older it is their responsibility to get all personal items on the list before I go to the store. If they forget they will have to buy what they need themselves.

Set up my game plan. Before I head off to bed I make sure I have everything ready to go. I have a lot of shopping to do so I like to leave early that way I can get in the stores before they get too crowded. I will get all my items packed, prepped and ready to go the night before.

1. Errand book

2. Price book

3. Cash envelopes or debit card

4. Travel mug of coffee

5. Bags for Aldi or Save-A-Lot

6. Cooler for meats or frozen items

7. Tote to easily contain any loose items

8. Snacks so I am not tempted to stop for breakfast. There is no sense going to all this trouble to save money if you just spend it eating out. :)

Hubs always makes sure my gas tank is full and the trunk is empty. There is nothing worse than getting to the first store only to find golf clubs in the trunk. True story!


Ninja tip: make sure your family knows the day you are shopping. Having help to unload the car (which will be packed full) is a relief after the shopping is done. Enlist your spouse and kids, heck the neighbor if you need to!

Total prep time: 20 minutes

Tuesday-game day

I am up early and out the door by 7AM. I have my list in hand hoping to beat the crowds and score some amazing deals!

Ninja tip: if you have young children still at home I highly suggest a sitter or shopping in the evening hours when your spouse can help with the kids. Monthly shopping especially in the beginning takes focus so plan your day with as few distractions as possible.

I simply follow the game plan I have in my errand book. I know exactly the stores I will be visiting and in what order. This really saves time and headache so please make sure you do not skip it. Like I said, your focus needs to be on prices and items, not where you need to go and the quickest route.

Ninja tip: Keep all receipts in a section of your errand book for easy reference if needed. You may need to refer to a price if you find a deal at another store. Having those receipts in hand really saves time.


Once home everything comes inside. Since I have a cooler for my perishables I am able to get them in the fridge/freezer quickly. At this time, I will package up any large meat items into dinner sized portions for our family. This is also true for cold cuts that I use for lunch wraps. Once all the perishables are safely put away, I then usually take a break, go ahead…you deserve it!

Total time spent: 3-5 hours

(Please know this is my time and I have been doing this for years. Your time may be much longer when you first start out. Do not be discouraged. Remember all the time you are saving in the long run!)

Putting it all away

I like to unload everything before I start to put it away. This just gives me a quick visual of the items purchased. It also shows me if anything was left behind. If you do find you left something at the store, Stop. Get your receipts from your errand book and make sure you actually purchased what you are missing. If you did and you can verify you do not have the item or items, then call the store. More often than not the missing bag is sitting at the service desk waiting for you to pick it up.

Ninja tip: make sure you plan a crock pot meal for shopping day. Trust me you will be exhausted and rightfully so. Having to make dinner can really knock the wind out of you. Have dinner ready and waiting so you can relax all evening long.


Total time spent: 45 minutes

With just a few days of prep time and a handful of hours you can completely stock your kitchen with enough food to feed your family for the entire month. No more quick trips to the store over and over throughout the week. No more impulse purchases that can wreak havoc on your grocery budget. Stay out of the stores to save money, time and even your sanity.


Chapter 10: Food Storage

The first time you arrive home after a monthly binge shopping trip, things can be quite intimidating. You have so much to put away.

A LOT of things.

Learning to store your groceries in a systematic and orderly way will not only save you time, but it will save you money as well. It will ensure you first use up the foods that will spoil the quickest and also ensure your family (namely kids with a sweet tooth) do not eat all the food before the end of the month arrives.


A word of warning; When you come home from your very first monthly shopping trip, your kids may descend upon you like vultures to road kill. As you unload the boxes of cereal, lunch snacks and other family favorites your children will think it is all fair game.

Take this time to discuss your reasons for shopping in this manner and how important it is not to dive in head first to all the goodies on your kitchen counter (and table, and chairs). Be honest and clear with your goals so your entire family will work with you and not against you.

The biggest issue we have in our home is the “goodies” getting eaten the first week. In the beginning my boys would be so excited for all the cereal that they would open a new one each day. Unfortunately, we would find stale uneaten cereal when making our shopping list for the new month. We soon realized we needed another plan. We allowed 1-2 boxes opened at a time and kept the rest in a tote on our very top pantry shelf.

Out of site out of mind works wonders for most. As they finished up a box they could choose a new one.

Ninja tip: Eat a lot of cereal in your home? Take a black magic marker and put the month on your boxes. This will make sure things get eaten up in order.


Cold Storage

If you do not have a standalone freezer then cold storage may be a bit tricky, but don’t worry there are a few options for you. When I first started monthly shopping, I called our family and friends to ask if they had any extra freezer space. I was surprised to find most did and were more than willing to let us have a shelf or two. You can also enlist a friend on this budgeting journey and split the cost of a freezer. This is a great option if your family is smaller and a full standalone freezer is more than you need. For us, using a friend’s freezer for just short of a year was a great way to test drive monthly shopping without having to invest in a chest or upright freezer right away.


When I tell people we only shop monthly their first question is, what do you do about produce? Well, we learned early on to eat foods with the shortest shelf life first. Bananas are always the first to go with apples and carrots saved for the end of the month.

Ninja tip: Put half of your bananas in the refrigerator. The skins will darken quickly but the banana itself will ripen much slower and last longer.

Later we learned how to store our produce so it would stay fresh longer.


Armed with these two tricks you will have no problem enjoying fresh produce all month long.

How long will it last?

• 1 week-Bananas, asparagus, nectarines, pears, cauliflower, lettuce

• 2 weeks-grapes pears, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, orange, broccoli

• 3 weeks-watermelon, grapefruit

• 4 weeks-apple, carrots, lemons, limes


Milk-Did you know you can freeze milk? You sure can! Just pour a little out to leave room for expansion and you are good to go.

Cheese-Cheese can easily be frozen as well but will do better if sliced or shredded prior to freezing.

All other dairy products such as eggs (although not considered dairy, I have listed it here and in the meat category), yogurt, sour cream should all last the month just fine. Check expiration dates before purchasing to be sure.


Ninja tip: If you are able to purchase farm fresh free-range eggs, their shelf life will be much longer than the grocery store 2 weeks.


Bread-We purchase our bread every other month. In our town, we have several day-old bread stores where loaves are a fraction of full price. I will purchase enough for our family to get us through 2 months. Once home each loaf of bread is double bagged. I save all bread bags and ties, storing them in my pantry until needed.

When I bag, I will put the loaf of bread in with the opening going into the bread bag first. I will then remove as much air as I can and tie it shut with a twist tie. By double bagging our bread in this


manner we have never had a problem with hard, stale or soggy loaves. I like to store my bread vertically in our chest freezer. This ensures the loaves are not crushed or flattened.

Ninja tip: Never store breads in your freezer door. When you do the inconsistency of the temperature there may cause uneven freezing. This will result in soggy and/or hard bread.

All other foods

We like to keep any opened food in our kitchen. When we are preparing meals, we know this is the food to be used up first. The rest is then stored in our walk-in pantry. We have bins to organize like items together and we make sure to use up the old before starting on the new.

To make things easier we keep a black marker close by to write dates on boxes, cans, and jars that can be clearly seen. If your kitchen is limited on space or you do not have a pantry then it may be time to get creative. Tubs under a bed, totes in the front closet, even storage bins in the kid’s room are all viable options. Finding places to keep some of the extras is easier than you think.

When learning to shop monthly I do believe storage is the trickiest part. Once you have a system in place that is simple and makes sense to your entire family, the rest will be easy!


Chapter 11: Putting it all Together I really hope you stuck with me until the end and if you did, you may want to take a breath. Heck, maybe you may want to take more than one! I just threw quite a bit at you and I am betting you feel completely overwhelmed.

I get that.

I had quite a few years to adapt this system to our life. So please don’t think you can do this overnight.

The easiest way to make a change is one step at a time. And to help with that I have included a checklist to keep you on track. But that’s not all, let’s give you a step by step game plan. A path to tackle each step so they work to save you the most money.

Step #1 Take a look at where you are now. (20 minutes)

Before you can really make a change, you need to know where you are starting out at. Take a few minutes to look at your spending habits when it comes to grocery shopping. You may want to pull out your check book, credit card statements and even your receipts if you have them. Get out that calculator and get yourself some monthly totals. Remember this is your beginning so don’t stress out at what those numbers say.


Make sure to include all food, paper products and cleaning supplies and even pet supplies. Jot your totals in the box below for easier reference later on.

Step #2 Set up some money saving goals. (20 minutes)

Next you will want to decide where you need to be. For this you will want to take a look at your household budget and run a few numbers. Be honest and ask the hard questions. From here on in there will be no more paying for groceries with credit. If you only have $150 a month for groceries, then that is your new monthly grocery goal.


Now if you have a family of 4, $150 a month is a bit tricky. You may need to go back into that budget and make some adjustments to give yourself a little more cushion. Remember this is your goal for now. As you save money, make adjustments and get a better handle on your budget this number will change. The purpose is to know exactly what your number is so you are aware of where you need to be. Guessing can lead to debt, and from here on in we do not want any more debt! The Grocery Budget Overhaul is more than just saving money on groceries, it is a way to look at your finances and learn how to live on less so you can pay off more.

Step #3 Make your first family meal plan. (20 minutes)

Now you need a meal plan. Choose meals that best fit your new budget so you can stay on track more easily. If you are in a tight


spot, you may want to shop your pantry and freezer first. Choose as many meals as you can with the ingredients you already have. Remember, there is nothing wrong with cereal for dinner. Hubs and I eat this even now once a week. Sometimes as the main cook of the family a bowl of cereal may be a treat even for you! Try to use up what you have in that freezer. Lots of veggies? Maybe it’s time for some soup, a stew or even a hearty stirfry. Filling and frugal soup is always on our menu. Use the menu planner sheet in the bonus section to help make this step a bit easier.

Step #4 Start your grocery list. (10 minutes)

This should not take long at all. Since most of your meals will be using what you already have, now all you need to do is fill in the rest. Do a quick rundown of breakfast, lunch and snacks for the week. Make a list of anything you need to get through the next month. If you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for your kid’s lunches, you may want to have 2-3 jars of each in your pantry. Once you have the food all written down take a quick look at your paper goods, personal items and cleaning supplies. If money is


tight starting out, you may want to forego the paper towels and use rags this month. The trick is to cut back here so you can buy more there. Skip the expensive cleaners and opt for soap and water so you can stock up on chicken breast.

Step #5 Make sure you are getting the best prices. (45+ minutes)

Yes, it’s price book time. If you have not made a price book yet, expect to spend some time on this step. But trust me, you won’t regret it! You can use the price book printable in the bonus section to help. Refer to your receipts, visit stores and jot down the price per ounce for each item you regularly use for your top 3-5 stores. This tip although time consuming is your best weapon when it comes to saving the most money.

Step #6 Collect your coupons (10-15 minutes)

Go through your stash, visit online coupon sites and call friends. Get the coupons you need for the items on your list. If you see a great deal on an item adjust your list to take advantage and stock up. Put an “*” next to each item on your list that has a coupon so you don’t forget to use it.


Step #7 Pick a date and make arrangements. (2 minutes)

Choose a shopping date that will allow you to take your time and focus. You will have quite a bit to buy and quite a few stores to visit so make sure shopping is all you have scheduled for that day. If you have young children, make arrangements for them now. Shopping for the month with little ones is even more than I could do! Get help so you are able to get the best deals.

Step #8 Shopping time!! (3-6 hours)

The time here will all depend on if this is your first time, the size of your list and the number of stores. Make sure you have a game plan all mapped out so you are not wasting time. List your stores in order and check them off as you go. This little tip will really help you to get more done in less time. Don’t forget your price book, your list, a cooler to keep frozen items frozen, and a snack or two! Oh yes, make sure you have a meal in the crock pot so you do not have to worry about dinner when you get home.


Step #9 Put it all away. (20-45 minutes)

I like to make sure I have help waiting for me when I get home. Your spouse and kids will be a welcome site when you pull into the driveway! If you are exhausted you may want to just get the perishables away so you can take a break. There is nothing wrong with putting the dry goods away in the morning. Do what you can and pat yourself on the back for getting a huge task accomplished all in one day! Remember you will not have to shop again for another 4 weeks. That for me is a perk that is worth that one day of work.

Step #10 Do the happy dance!! (as many minutes as you want)

And that is it! This may be a lot of work the first few times you do this, but before long you will be a pro. And think of all the money you will save!

Congratulations! You just completed your crash course in The Grocery Budget Overhaul. From here on your grocery bill for your family will only go down, and I am so excited for you.

Target a chapter or two each week until you feel confident enough


to move on. Use the worksheets and printables to help as you move along each chapter.

Keep the chapter checklist close by to further ensure you complete each section to gain the most savings. Before you know it all of these tips and systems will be second nature for you and you will be a grocery budget Ninja.


Grocery Budget Overhaul Chapter Checklist

◻ Have a family meeting to ensure everyone is on board. ◻ Ask family for their favorite meals. ◻ Pull together recipes. ◻ Set up weekly meal plan. ◻ Cross check with calendar. ◻ Put weekly menu where you can see it daily. ◻ Set up a price book

◻ Collect prices of frequently used items. ◻ Make a list of stores with best products/prices. ◻ Call to find coupon policy, price checking and curbside pickup. ◻ Set up a notebook to use as your grocery list. ◻ Display a grocery list so your family can add to it. ◻ Break your list down by store. ◻ Set up and make a grocery budget. ◻ Add budgeted amounts to your grocery list by store. ◻ Make a monthly shopping list. ◻ Refer to pantry and freezer inventory. ◻ Refer to meal plan. ◻ Try your hand at monthly shopping. ◻ Make notes of where to adjust for next month. ◻ Find ways to store food efficiently. ◻ Update freezer/pantry inventory sheets.

◻ Make notes of what worked and where you need to adjust.

