The “Golden Door” Reasons for Moving: Famine Land Shortages Religious Persecution Political...

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Transcript of The “Golden Door” Reasons for Moving: Famine Land Shortages Religious Persecution Political...

Immigrants and Urbanization

The “Golden Door”

Reasons for Moving: Famine

Land Shortages

Religious Persecution

Political Persecution

“Birds of Passage”

Entering the United States

Ellis Island-Europeans, NY Harbor,


Angel Island-Chinese, San

Francisco Bay, Inspections

Means of Survival…

What do you need to start your life over?

How do you get it when everything you have is in one suitcase?

Survival: Political Machines Political Bosses Ethnic Communities

Immigration Restrictions

Nativism: Over favoritism toward native-born Americans

Chinese Exclusion Act : Banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers,

merchants, tourists, and government officials

Gentlemen’s Agreement: (1907-1908) Japan’s government agreed to limit emigration of

unskilled workers to the United States in exchange for the repeal of the San Francisco segregation order

Jacob Riis: “How the Other Half Lives”

“Be a little careful, please! The hall is dark and you might stumble over the children pitching pennies back there. Not that it would hurt them; kicks and cuffs are their daily diet. They have little else…”

How did it start???

Urbanization: growth of cities

Cities were cheaper and convenient

Americanization Movement

Schools for Immigrants: English Literacy, American History,

government, cooking, and social etiquette

Did not abandon Traditions (Ethnic Communities)

Urban Problems

Housing: House Tenements

Why would the tenements actually be the better option for immigrants versus buying a house?

Urban Problems

Transportation Mass Transit




Urban Problems:Enemy of the CityThe Great

Chicago Fire (Oct. 1871)

San Francisco Quake ( April



Social Gospel Movement: Service to the Poor

Settlement House:Community Centers

Jane Addams: HULL HOUSE