The God of the Sun. His Roman name is the same as his Greek name. Considered the most Greek of all...

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The God of the Sun. His Roman name is the same as his Greek name. Considered the most Greek of all...

• The God of the Sun.• His Roman name is the same as his

Greek name.• Considered the most Greek of all

gods.• Plays his lyre to entertain the gods.

B is for Bacchus

• The God of Wine.• Son of Zeus and a mortal woman. His

mother died when Zeus appeared to her in his immortal god form, so he hid him in his thigh.

• He is also called Dionysus.• Was raised by nymphs in the valley

of Nysa.

• The son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of the six great gods of Olympus.

• Was one of the Titans.• Ate his children because he knew that

one of them will overthrow him, but Zeus escaped that fate.

• Was overthrown by Zeus, losing his position as Lord of the Universe.

• As the Goddess of Corn, she was worshipped by the woman, since they were the farmers.

• Her daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, which made her mourn, causing Autumn and Winter.

• Along with Bacchus, they were worshipped together as the two great gifts of the Earth.

E is for the Erinyes

•Also called the Furies, they were creatures of the Underworld that punished the evil dead.

•Their names were Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto.

F is for the Fates• The three Fates are said to give

men at birth evil and good to have.

• The fates also controlled life. Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis assigned each man’s destiny, and Atropos cut the thread of life with the “abhorred shears”, ending a man’s life.

• The wife of Uranus. She is also called Mother Earth.

• Like Uranus, they were both born out of Chaos. They have no parents.

• Helped Cronus wound Uranus, since she was mad at him for how he mistreated their children.

• Their children were: the Titans, the Giants, and the monsters with a hundred hands.

H is for Hestia

• The Goddess of the Hearth.

• In every city there was a public hearth for Hestia, where the fire was not allowed to go out.

• She is also the symbol of the home.

• Every meal began and ended in and offering to her.

• The Goddess of the Rainbow.• She is the messenger of the

Gods. Besides that, not much is know about her.

J is for Juno

• Juno is the Roman name for Hera, Protector of Marriage.

• She was an extremely jealous goddess, and punished all of Zeus’s mistresses.

• She and Zeus had an uneasy relationship.

• In the Trojan War, a lot of the warriors, both on the Greek and Trojan side, got killed.

• The god Apollo shot arrows from his flying chariot that got many of the Greek warriors sick.

• The two great warriors, Achilles and Hector, also got killed.

• The prince Paris, who started the war, died.

L is for Love

• In the beginning, Night and Erebus were born out of Chaos. And thus out of Erebus was born Love, which bought all beauty and order to banish the confusion of Chaos.

M is for the Muses

• There are nine muses: Clio, the Muse of History; Urania, the Muse of Astronomy; Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy; Thalia, the Muse of Comedy; Terpsichore, the Muse of the Dance; Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry; Erato, the Muse of Love-Poetry, and Euterpe, the Muse of Lyric Poetry.

• The Roman name for Poseidon, the Ruler of the Sea.

• Besides being the sea-god, he also gave the horse to man.

• Commonly called the “Earth-shaker’; the way the sea acted reflected on his attitude.

• A Titan. He was Lord of the river Ocean, a great river that surrounded the Earth. He is the father of the Oceanids, nymphs of the great rivers, and of the Gods of all the rivers on Earth.

• The daughter of Demeter.

• She was kidnapped by Hades and became his Queen.

• She is with her mom for eight months of the year, and for four months she is with Hades as Queen of the Underworld.

• The wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.

• She was kidnapped by Prince Paris of Troy, which led to the start of the Trojan War.

• When Troy fell, she was sent back with Menelaus back to Troy.

• The wife of Cronus, and former Queen of the Universe.

• She is the mother of all the main six Olympians.

• She helped Zeus by feeding Cronus a rock instead of Zeus when he was born.

S is for Semele

• She is the mother of Bacchus, and is a mortal woman.

• She died when Zeus appeared before her in his immortal form.

• Bacchus brought her back from the dead, and though a mortal woman, went to live in Olympus with the Gods and Goddesses.

T is for the Trojan War

• The Trojan War was a result of Paris, a Trojan Prince, stealing away with Helen, a Greek princess married to King Menelaus.

• It lasted for about 10 years.• The three main warriors were Achilles and

Odysseus, for the Greeks, and Hector, for the Trojans.

• The war ended with the Greek siege of Troy.

• The Underworld is the realm of the dead, ruled by Hades.

• Cerberus, the three-headed dog, is the guard of the Underworld.

• It is divides into two sections: Tartarus, the prison of the dead, and Erebus, where the dead pass when they die.

• It is a dark and shadowy place.

• Venus is the Roman name for Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.

• She is the wife of Hephaestus, the God of Fire.

• She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione, but is also said to be born from the foam of the sea.

• The Wooden Horse was used by the Greeks to sneak into Troy and siege it, ending the Trojan War.

• It was the work of Odysseus.• When the Trojans saw it, they thought it was a

gift from the Gods, which is why they let it in.• The Greeks his inside it, and sneaked during the

night when the Trojans went to rest.

• The Xanthus, also called Scamander, is the great river of Troy.

• During the Trojan War, the river tried to drown Achilles as he tried to cross it, though in vain.

Y is for the Goddess of Youth

• The Goddess of Youth is Hebe.

• She sometimes appears as the cupbearer to the Gods.

• Not much is known about her except that she married Hercules when he died and became an immortal.

• Zeus is the main God, the supreme Ruler of the Universe.

• He is also the Lord of the Sky.

• Zeus is known as a lady’s man for his many affairs with mortal woman. Some of his illegitimate offspring became famous Gods or heroes.