The Garment Industry

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The Garment Industry

The Garment Industry1880-1924

The Levine family’s sweatshop at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum

A Necktie Workshop in a Division Street Tenement, 1889

Making knee-pants at a Ludlow Street sweat shop

A Twelve-year old boy pulling threads in a sweatshop, 1889

A man and woman from the University Settlement are shown entering a tenement sweatshop.

Young Jewish Factory Workers

New York Garment Factory Circa 1910-1930

Many American girls wanted to look like the “Gibson Girl”, who wore a shirtwaist and wore her hair knotted on top of her head. This led to the increase of shirtwaist factories.

Young men and women work in a garment factory as foremen look on, ca. 1900.

Young women pose for a picture at a garment factory, ca. 1900.

Sewing machine operators work at long tables, ca. 1900.

Workers in the dressmaking room, ca. 1900

Girls in shirtwaist blouses sit at a long table, ca. 1900.