The FPC Newsletter - Razor · The FPC...

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Transcript of The FPC Newsletter - Razor · The FPC...

The FPC Newsletter 601 Pine Street Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

January 2017

It surprised me a bit to realize that

I’ve known many of you since 2011

(the old Dave Dendy days). Carol

and I were with you in that wilder-

ness time known as “the interim,”

and there with you to welcome Stuart

and Cindy. We have made FPC a

kind of “second home” church since

retirement, and you have made it so

easy for us to do so. Now here we are

facing an open and, in some ways, an

unsettling future. Stuart wrote last

month about living in a world that is

constantly changing. To me that

means we can (and should) look

back; but we also need to be….

SYNOPSIS - A New York adman (Will Smith)

deals with the heartache of losing a child by writing letters to Time, Death, and Love. He is soon visited by representations of the three concepts, and they, along with his close friends, help him return to some sem-blance of a normal life. Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Michael Peña, Helen Mirren, Naomie Harris, Keira Knightley, and Jacob Latimore co-star. Directed by David Frankel. ~ Jack Rodg-ers, Rovi. Provided by Rovi


Looking Back:

In December a movie entitled

“Collateral Beauty” was released. In

the film there’s a hospital scene in

which an old woman says to a griev-

ing young mother, “Don’t forget to

look for the collateral beauty.” It

struck me that this is what we might

best be doing together in the coming

months - looking for the “collateral

beauty” - because it’s there. As we

work our way through this painful,


and priceless

journey we call

life, you and I

will undoubted-

ly grieve many

things. My

prayer is that,

especially in

those tough

times, you will

discover the

collateral beauty. I know it’s there.

The first time I saw it was when I

looked, really looked, at the won-

drous cross on which Jesus died, and

found a love

amazing and di-

vine that would

never let me go.

Pastor Alan

Looking Forward:

The Movie “Collateral Beauty”

Page 2

Thank you Women’s Quarterly Event

Table of Contents Page 1 Looking back/forward Page 2 Thank you & 2nd Sunday Lunch Women’s event: Life around the Table Thank you from MOPS Page 3 Blue Zone Corner Page 4 Library Page 5 Women’s Bible Studies Senior Luncheon Page 6 ROCK Youth Group Page 7 “Night of Love” fundraiser King’s Kids Zoning In Page 8 Informational page

Thank you to many people for cards, calls, e-mails, visits, food, help and fix-it jobs, hugs and sup-port before and after Fred's death.

Special thanks go to Belinda and Pastor Stuart for a special memorial service,

the Deacons for the lovely set up and refreshments, the Memory Table crew who helped many see who the real Fred used to be, and the Prayer Shawl group for their loving care of me. You are each appreciated for your special love and caring. by Anne Weaver

Life Around the Table

Save the date for our next Life Around

the Table - January 19th, 2017 at 5:15

p.m.! The location will be announced


Let's gather together and share life.

Watch for more details in the bulletin.

Our cinnamon roll

fundraiser was, once

again, a success

thanks to all of you!

We made over 135

dozen cinnamon

rolls! We had a great

time together and hope you all enjoyed

your delicious baked goods. MOPS and

MOMSnext will be starting back up

Tuesday, Jan-

uary 10th at

9am. Please

consider join-

ing us as we

become the

starry eyed.

Page 3

Healthy Habits Classes are being offered at

FPC as part of becoming a

'Blue Zone' church community.

Putting You in Control of Your Portions

Jan 12th at 12:05 In the Fellowship Hall

Are you determined to be HEALTHIER in 2017? Portion control is a great tool toward your success. We will cover just WHY this is important and some ways to help you visualize proper portions and


This is a FREE class and open to the community, so..... reach out and invite

your friends to join us at FPC.

For more information & details please go

to Resources or

contact Kathy at (541)331-6669 or

Blue Zone Corner Blue Zone Corner Blue Zone Corner B

lue Z


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er Blu

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Peanut Butter & Cranberry Protein Bars

Ingredients: 3/4 cup walnut piece (or other type of nut) 1 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (not quick-cooking or instant) 1 cup dried cranberries or other dried fruit (or a combination) 1/2 cup vegan semisweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup pure maple syrup 3 tbsp. peanut butter 1 tbsp. vegan butter, melted 1 tsp vanilla extract Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Grease an 8-inch-square baking pan. 2. Place the walnuts in a dry skillet and toast over medium heat until light brown and fragrant, 3 to 4 minutes, shaking often. Transfer them to a food processor. 3. Add the oats, dried fruit, chocolate chips, maple syrup, peanut butter, vegan butter and vanilla to the food processor, and pulse until crumbly. Continue to process until the mixture is well combined. Add a little water, a tablespoon at a time, if the mixture is too crumbly to stick together. Press the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. 4. Bake until lightly browned, about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool, then refrigerate until completely cold. Cut into 2- by 4-inch bars. Wrap each bar individually in plastic wrap for easy transport.

A few of the many new titles of Non-

Fiction books for a Great New Year

recently received at the Church

Library are featured here:

“ If I were to disappear,

would anybody notice?"

Each of us has asked that

question in dark, honest


In his first nonfiction book, 8 Reasons

Your Life Matters, bestselling author

John Herrick combines personal strug-

gles with biblical insight. Injecting eight

chapters with humor, memoir moments,

and a postmodern perspective on life,

Herrick shares eight reasons your life


Your Life is More Permanent

than Your Struggles

God Sees You Differently than

You See Yourself

You Have a Destiny

You are Remembered, not Forgotten

You Were Someone's First Pick

Your Absence Would Leave a

Permanent Hole

People Need to See You Overcome

You are Loved and Valued

Eight solid reasons to give life one more

chance. Eight reasons your life matters.


Page 4

Emulating the format

of Raising a Modern-

Day Princess, authors

Doreen Hanna and Ka-

ren Whiting and Pam

Farrel seek to help par-

ents and grandparents

cultivate strong relation-

ships and encourage the spiritual for-

mation in their daughters using exam-

ples, Bible teaching on the fruit of the

Spirit, and a variety of creative activities

that are based on Galatians 5:22-23, the

fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, pa-

tience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control).

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kind-ness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5: 22-23 NIV

In Love Your Life, Not

Theirs, Rachel Cruze

shines a spotlight on the

most damaging money

habit we have: comparing

ourselves to others. Then

she unpacks seven essen-

tial money habits for living the life we

really want--a life in line with our val-

ues, where we can afford the things we

want to buy without being buried under

debt, stress, and worry.

Library (continued)

Women’s Bible Study Groups

Page 5

God's heart is moved by your cries for help, your shouts for joy, your un-spoken worries. We know Him to be a God of unparalled power and au-thority, but Mark's ac-count of Jesus paints

Him as a deeply personal and intimate God too. In The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We're Aching For, follow Jesus through His days of early ministry all the way to the cross. It's there we discover what it means to be the recipients of His exces-sive compassion and the very reason for His all-consuming passion.

This study begins Tuesday, January 3rd, at 5:30 p.m.

Our Wednesday morn-

ing group will start up

again on January 4th at

9 a.m. In Looking for

Lovely, Annie F. Downs

shares personal stories,

biblical truth, and exam-

ples of how others have

courageously walked

the path God paved for their lives by re-

membering all God had done, loving

what was right in front of them, and see-

ing God in the everyday—whether that

be nature, friends, or the face they see in

the mirror.

We are looking forward to fellowship

and learning from God's Word. We

would love to have you join us!

You know how you plan for your food to be ready at a certain time? We planned re-ally well, but the Tur-key roast just didn’t want to cooperate. But you know what, that’s ok. Our guest speaker was Jessica Smith from Klamath Lake Child Evangelism Fellowship; this is a mission that FPC supports. Jessica kept us informed and entertained all at

the same time. During her informational speech, every once in awhile she would look over to us and ask “is the meat done yet?” And then keep right on going. Jessica even gave us “young kids” a

lesson like she would in the “Good News Club”. She taught us how to memorize a scripture, John 20:31. She had us read it a couple times and then she had Iva Jane Will come up and point to one word in the scripture. We read it again without reading the word she pointed to, and then we had Doug Barnes guess what word we left out. He guessed it! That was a pretty clever way to teach, and the Turkey finally got done with a little help from the micro-wave. Thanks everyone! What fun! by Belinda Reno

Senior Luncheon

Page 6

R.O.C.K. Youth Group

Sunday December 18th the ROCK Youth group had their annual Christmas Par-

ty. The youth voted this year to have pizza and chicken nuggets for the main dish

and thanks to Dominos we were able to provide!

We had a great time socializing together during din-

ner and then it was off to the White Elephant Ex-

change. We had some great gifts ranging from

cooked waffles to cups of candy with Dutch Cards

hidden in them.

The real fun started though with the "Candy

game.” This game involved a large amount of candy,

two dice and five minutes to get as much candy as

you can without loosing a limb. All in all we had a

great time together, we finished out

the year with a fun party. We will meet

up again January 8th at our normal

time and place.

by Heather Bartlett

Page 7

How Sweet it Is!

Save the date! King’s Kids News

We are so excited to announce that the

ROCK Youth Group will be hosting the

"Night of Love" again this year! We

hope that all that came last year will come

again and that we will meet some new

couples for the first time! We will start

selling tickets near the end of January.

The event will be February 24th from

5:30-8:00 p.m. The cost is: Dinner for 2

is $30.00 and childcare is $5/family

which will include dinner for the kids.

We are also doing the silent auction and

"Not So


game. Any


or if you

would like

to reserve

your spot

early please


Heather at or by calling

the church at (541) 884-7781.

Deacons Dustin Demetrakos

and Judy Swan have ar-

ranged to have Zone 4 meet

in the Fellowship Hall on

Saturday, January 14th at

2:00. Please plan on attending and get-

ting to know your neighbors!

Mission Accomplished!

Kings Kids Boot Camp was an outstand-ing successful mission for Christ. We accomplished everything we set out to do and more! 93 kids attended Boot Camp from September to December! 1/3 of those kids being "unchurched!" We're so excited that so many kids heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. They raised a total of almost $1,300 for their Missionary family in Costa Rica! That's half a semester of Spanish school for them! God is so good! "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel." Mark 16:15. One mission accomplished and so many missions for Christ left!

We are the Lord’s Army! Sir, yes sir! by Austyn Weems

King’s Kids will be starting up again on Wednesday, January 4th and going thru the school year from 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. every Wednesday. The new program is called: A Candy-land Adventure. There will be Bible stories, Music, Games, Crafts, and Din-ner will be provided at no cost for the children and helpers. The ages for Wednesday’s King’s Kids are from Pre-school (bathroom trained) thru the 5th grade. See how “Sweet it Is” on Wednesday evenings! by Austyn Weems

“Faith that is sure of itself is not faith; faith that is sure of God is the only faith there is.”

Oswald Chambers

Zoning In

First Presbyterian Church

601 Pine Street

Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

(541) 884-7781

Return Service Requested

Contacts at First Presbyterian Church

Heather Bartlett—Children’s Ministry

Austyn Weems - Children’s Ministry

Karli Fussell - Women’s Ministry & MOPS

Kris Bienz - Financial Secretary

Susan Scrimsher - Choir Director

Mary Kern - Praise Team Director

Belinda Reno - Administrative Assistant


Prayer requests:

601 Pine Street

Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

(541) 884-7781

Page 8

FPC Elders

Barb Dehlinger

Heidi Biggs

Don Boyd

Thelma Cox

Craig Rappe’

Steve Schultz

Andrew Smith

Keith Stone

Rich Touslee

Gay Woods

FPC Deacons

Brian Coe

Charlie Dehlinger

Denny Fullerton

Janell Knutson

Dustin Demetrakos

Sharon Nelson

Judy Swan

Lee Woods

FPC Parish Zones

Zone 1-Bryan Coe

Zone 2-Sharon Nelson

& Lee Woods

Zone 3-Denny Fullerton

Zone 4-Dustin

Demetrakos &

Judy Swan

Zone 5-Charlie


Zone 6-Janell Knutson