The Female Reproductive System. The Ovum Ovum = The female repro. cell. Plural = Ova.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Female Reproductive System. The Ovum Ovum = The female repro. cell. Plural = Ova.

The Female Reproductive System

The Female Reproductive System

The Ovum

Ovum = The female repro. cell.

Plural = Ova

Ovaries Ovaries - Two

structures which at birth each hold about 200,000 ova of which 1 ovum is released monthly.

Produce the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.


Finger like structures which guide the ovum into the Fallopian tubes.

Fallopian Tubes

Tubes which extend from each ovary to the uterus.

Are about 4 inches long and fertilization can take place here when sperm are present.

Tubal Ligation

Female sterilization

Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, clipped and/or cauterized to prevent pregnancy.


A hollow muscular organ about the size of a closed fist.

Holds a baby during pregnancy and pushes the baby out during labor.


The uterine lining. It sheds monthly

as “period” or protects and nourishes a fertilized egg.


The neck of the uterus.

Normally has a small opening during childbirth it opens (dilates) to allow the baby to exit.


Passageway between the uterus and the outside of the body.

It is 3-4 inches long. This “birth canal” is the passage for babies and menstrual fluid.

External view of the vagina

Vagina - The penis is inserted into it during intercourse


Passage in female where urine is discharged from the bladder.

In the female the urethra is very short and not connected to the reproductive system.


a small, round, sensitive area of skin that is made up of erectile tissue.


A circular fold of skin that is usually present at the entrance of the vagina.

Often called “the cherry”.


Two folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening.


Tissue located between the vagina and the anus.

This tissue is often torn or cut during child birth.