The facts of gentleman

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Those Facts Of Gentleman © 2015 Cheng I San

Designed by Cheng I SanIllustration by Cheng I San

All Rights Reserved.

- For those gentlemen

in the past,at the present

and in near future.


Where to find those gentlemen?

The Brief of Gentleman History

Gentlemen: The Modern Brits

Gentleman: The Explanation

Where to find those gentlemen?

There is no answer for this question, gentlemen can show up in anywhere. However, there are some places are possible to find gentlemen easier indeed.

The back page of the map

The Brief of Gentleman History

What is gentleman? How did it happen? The following five key words are briefly introducing you the gentleman hitstory.

Ancient Greeks did not only bring the slavery and the conquerable from another side of channel, but also the concept of obligation, one of the most important personalities for gentlemen.

Beau Brummell definitely is an impportant icon to gentleman history in Regent England. The word ‘dandy’ was origi-nally come from him. Now his statue is standing at the end of Piccadilly Arcade, still being as a gentleman.

George IV, described as follow-ing by Sir Hardy Amies: None of the first three Georges had any influence on the develop-ment of men’s fashion. The fourth did - and how! Thank you for bringing us beautiful sights, my Lord.

As Austen, Anthony Trollope also one of the author mentioned about gentleman in literature. In his Chronicles of Barsetshire series, he talked from politics, social to gender issues.

Jane Austen, the author of the classics, but also the female authour who widely discussed gentlemen in her works. Writ-ing Pride and Prejudice in 19th century, her Mr. Darcy is still difficult to be overcome as a gentleman.



Among several actors, who are the ideal modern gentleman icons in this generation? And what are the reasons? Let Firth and Hiddleston tell you the truth.

After seven years, he again picked up the name of Darcy, but this time as the back-ground come to 21st century, he is Bridget’s considerate, careful and romantic human rights lawyer boyfriend. Mark Darcy represented the modern gentleman standard, for most of the people.

Once played Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice in 1995 for BBC miniseires, only with 6 episodes Firth had already set his unmovable gentleman status since then. Don’t need to be humble, as Mr. Darcy said: But pride, where there is a real superiority of mind. Pride will always be a under good regula-tion.

successful action movie: Kings-man, Firth grabbed people’s attention with a elegant secret agent. No more romance this time though, he still behave perfectly as a gentleman. Prob-ably you saw him with umbrel-la, glassed and suits, walking on Savile Row to the secret tailor shop.

Different from Firth, Hiddleston played several roles which are villains. One of the best known is the brother of the god of Thunder, Thor from Marvel movie, norse god Loki. Recently another horror movie - Crimson Peak is quickly fol-lowing. Also, the commercial for car Jaguar XE this year definitely shows the attraction of a british villain. But what defines his gen-tleman icon more is apparently something out of the screen. Adjusted the height of

microphone for actress, brought hot soup for a journalist in the winter night. There are still many cases can show his good manners and temper. Fortunately, several roles he played did not influence him that much in real life. We still can feel his modest attitude to most of the people.



Gentleman:the explanation

What is gentleman exactly? People wear bespoke suits from tailors on Savile Row? Open the door and pull out the chair for lafies? Or speak their languages with upper classes’s accents? I will say all the former cases probably can barely present gentleman this concept, not even par-tially of it. People might say gentleman needs to behave himself perfectly, showing his finest education thorugh his every single move. But de-pends on different situations and culture backgrounds, it

seems hard to react totally perfect every single time. Wearing suits is also not suitable for every occasion, it might look awkward if people wearing suits enjoy the sunshone on the seaside. Insist helping women probably will be felt irritaing by independant ladies or feminisms. Speaking properly in different occasions is also a neccessary skill. From my opinion, gentleman is alway behave with his wisdom, through the observation, thinking in a way which hurt others the

least. Showing their polite-ness and respect but not in-timacy. Although a member from a noble family can treat others with elegant words but rude, a bagger on the street might say something unpleasant but with his high-est respect. People shoud not judge others not gentlemen depends on their appearance, but depends on their atti-tudes. Gentleman is someone always put others at ease but never ease himslef. He respect others in his way, and being polite, trying not to hurt

others in any kind of pur-pose. He is someone who may brigh the joy. It is not difficult to find right now this society is lacking of gentlemen, It is not about the words you use in your sentences, it is not about the luxury clothes you wear, it is always to make others feel comfortable, respectful and been treated at the same height.

least. Showing their polite-ness and respect but not in-timacy. Although a member from a noble family can treat others with elegant words but rude, a bagger on the street might say something unpleasant but with his high-est respect. People shoud not judge others not gentlemen depends on their appearance, but depends on their atti-tudes. Gentleman is someone always put others at ease but never ease himslef. He respect others in his way, and being polite, trying not to hurt

others in any kind of pur-pose. He is someone who may brigh the joy. It is not difficult to find right now this society is lacking of gentlemen, It is not about the words you use in your sentences, it is not about the luxury clothes you wear, it is always to make others feel comfortable, respectful and been treated at the same height.