The Evolution Of My Relationship with TechnologyWith

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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A brief examination of my relationship with writing and technology before and after Dr. Teston's module.

Transcript of The Evolution Of My Relationship with TechnologyWith

The Evolution of My Relationship withTechnolog

yRebecca Romeo

At the beginning of Dr. Teston’s Technologies and Future of Writing module, I “passively adopted”technology.


Uncritically resistant

Passive adoption

Receptive to and articulate affordances + constraints

But with an introduction to the technologies I have access to, and how each technology can work for me, I know find myself as “ receptive to and [able to] articulate affordances + constraints.”

Before this module, the only website I used on a daily basis was Facebook. While this website allowed me to stay in touch with friends, it was limiting my view.

This is what I previously believed Twitter to be before I explored its many uses.

I was under the impression that Twitter was only used for “phatic” updates such as these:

But I have discovered that Twitter is a useful tool to help people to connect and share with each other.

Before my exposure to tools such as Google Reader or Google Docs, my use of Google Mail was very limited.

Email Chat

I now have the skills to use Google Docs to:

• collaborate with my peers

• access my documents from any where that has internet

• save information to be reviewed at a later time

And the skills to use Google Reader to:

• view updated blogs

• view Twitter updates

• search for other blogs is a service I had never heard of before. It is a very functional implement that shortens a link in order to embed it in a limited space, like Twitter.

One of my first blogs was on a website called Blogspot. I used this blog to express my feelings on certain subjects. It was a preachy, self-absorbed kind of blog that was filled with entries that were way too long.

This is too long to hold the reader’s attention.

I have recently abandoned Blogspot to pursue a blog at Tumblr. This blog will be much more informative and straight-to-the-point.

Short, sweet, and to the point.

While YouTube is great for videos such as this, there are more things out there than just stupid people and adorable babies.

There are videos like this, that provide educational insight and give the viewer a new perspective.

With these new technologies at my fingertips, and with the skills I now have to use them, I plan on continuing on with my technological exploration.

Some new technologies I am exploring include:

So, what?

How does this all fit in with my relationship with technology and writing?

What, besides my familiarity with certain social networking sites, has changed since the beginning of Dr. Teston’s module?

r e s p e c tI now technology as

a tool for


In other words, literacy can be extended past my Norton anthologies and books of poetry, and into the realm of technological advancement in communication.

Because literacy is defined by and pushed around into so many different and overlapping social contexts, the term gets appended to all kinds of other concepts--extended in curious ways. 

As Brian J. McNely posted in his blog,