The essential keys to a successful pregnancy

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of The essential keys to a successful pregnancy

Dr. Henry Osazuwa

M B B S ( B e n i n ) , F W A C S ( O & G )

Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist

The Essential Keys To A Successful Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a fascinating journey from start to finish !

Pregnancy is a fascinating journey from start to finish !







Most women will have a normal pregnancy and delivery

Pregnancy is efficient and sustains itself – Conception to Childbirth

7 Billion & counting!

Important to curb excesses,

particularly in lifestyle.

Invest TIME


Antenatal care is essential

The content and personnel is key

You don’t need to change yourself entirely .

ADAPTATION is necessary .

Above everything

Never too late!

Before pregnancy – Preconception care.

Folic acid supplementation

Control of medical conditions





Change in lifestyle

Healthy nutrition – Balanced diet; Protein, Carbohydrate,

Fats, Fruits, Vegetables

Avoid refined food- High sugar content

Exercise and physical activity.

Inactivity can be harmful

More fatigue

Leg swelling


Specialised care provided for pregnant women by PROFESSIONALS

Antenatal care

Not enough to present yourself in the hospital - Content matters.

A good example – Ultrasound scan;

targeted to answer specific questions.

Nuchal translucency

Foetal anatomical scan

Growth scans

Screen for specific problems in the mother and the baby

- History, Investigations and examination.

AgeNumber of ChildrenBlood group/GenotypeFoetal anomaliesPoor foetal growthBlood sugarBlood pressure

Identify & prompt treatment of conditions in the mother/Baby

Immunization (Tetanus toxoid)

Prophylaxis Rhesus negative(Rhogam)

Medications for prevention

Anaemia (Supplements – Pregnacare; PregMum; Pharmaton)

Malaria ( Fansidar/Swidar; Paludrine)

Pregnancy can raise anxiety levels and there are often fears.

Naturally there are questions.

Education & Information

You should be educated about the normal changes and symptoms.

Information should be correct and verifiable.

Specific to your personal situation.

Direct channels for complaints.

You should have somebody to call at all times.

Antenatal class by different professionals.


Normal symptomsLifestyleNutritionExerciseWhat to expect in labourCare for the new-born.

Most women will have a normal delivery.

Often required is support and a dedicated team of professionals.


Mode of delivery – should be decided by 36 weeks.

First timers –most are allowed to attempt vaginal birth and will deliver normally.

For some, Caesarean delivery in inevitable – To ensure safety.

2 or more previous CS.

Big baby or Narrow pelvis.

Placenta praevia

Abnormal lie/Presentation

Poor progress in labour

Baby in distress

Some indications for Caesarean delivery.

Pain relief in labour – Companionship, Injections and Epidural.

Emotional & social support

Pregnancy can be stressful.



Domestic assistance

Someone to share fear & anxiety

Emotional & social support

Support – Husband, relatives, Care providers.