The Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting Future Research...

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The Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting FutureResearch Challenges

Gregory L. Holmes1 and Jeffrey L. Noebels2

1Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Vermont College of Medicine,Burlington, Vermont 05405

2Developmental Neurogenetics Laboratory, Departments of Neurology, Neuroscience, and Molecular andHuman Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030


There have been tremendous recent advances in our understanding of the biological under-pinnings of epilepsyand associated comorbidities that justify its representation as a spectrumdisorder. Advances in genetics, electrophysiology, and neuroimaging have greatly improvedour ability to differentiate, diagnose, and treat individuals with epilepsy. However, we havemade little overall progress in preventing epilepsy, and the number of patients who are curedremains small. Likewise, the comorbidities of epilepsy are often underdiagnosed or notadequately treated. In this article, we suggest a few areas in which additional research willlikely pay big dividends for patients and their families.

The pace of recent advances in epilepsy hasbeen explosive, driven by our increasing un-

derstanding of the disorder’s inextricable linksto development, excitability, and plasticity inthe central nervous system, and by the steadyemergence of techniques to analyze these prop-erties at high resolution in both human andanimal models. As shown in Figure 1, therehas been a near doubling in published articlesdealing with epilepsy over the last 15 years. Ex-perimental research has produced a threefoldincrease in peer-reviewed papers since 1970.Subareas within epilepsy research that haveshown nearly exponential increases in activityinclude genetic models, epileptogenesis, co-morbidities, and mortality.

Although it is gratifying that epilepsy is nowreceiving the attention it deserves based on itsprevalence, the new knowledge comes at a cost;

the more we learn about the complex biology ofepilepsy, the further away we appear to be fromthe therapeutic goalposts. Despite our advancesin more precisely defining seizure phenotypes,isolating causative genes, and developing specif-ic therapies, much more work needs to be donebefore we can hope to prevent epilepsy in vul-nerable populations, reduce comorbidities as-sociated with epilepsy, and effectively eliminateseizures without causing adverse side effects.However, clinical heterogeneity and molecularcomplexity are features of all human disease,and serve to position the field of epilepsy re-search alongside that of cancer in allowing theopportunity to make steady inroads in curingcertain forms (Noebels 2015). In the future,rather than measuring our progress by the prev-alence of the disorder as a whole, we will bemonitoring research progress within the many

Editors: Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels

Additional Perspectives on Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder available at

Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved

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different subtypes of seizure disorders and theircomorbidities, which, once isolated, are provinghighly tractable to experimental study.

In this article, we highlight a few importantareas where there are many unanswered ques-tions and where current research efforts are like-ly to have a large impact on patients living everyday with epilepsy.


The list of single genes linked to epilepsy isexpanding rapidly, promising to revolutionize

the way we diagnose and treat hereditary seiz-ure disorders (Ferraro 2012; Lee and Heo 2014;Martin et al. 2014; Myers and Mefford 2015).These monogenic disorders, numbering closeto 150 by recent count, arise in families with asufficiently informative pedigree that allows ahighly penetrant mutation to be localized byconventional mapping and sequencing tech-niques. Increasingly, they are also discoveredas sporadic de novo mutations when assessedin parental/proband trios, and indeed this pat-tern offers the simplest means of discover-ing novel candidate genes, whether by whole






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Figure 1. Number of PubMed citations for “epilepsy” and “epilepsy and animals” plotted at annual intervals(top) and for “epilepsy genetics,” “epileptogenesis,” “epilepsy and animals,” and “epilepsy and death” (bottom).

G.L. Holmes and J.L. Noebels

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exome or whole genome sequencing comple-mented by copy number variant analysis. Al-though de novo gene variants in an individualwith epilepsy born from unaffected parentsare rarely found in isolation, the rather smallnumber of such variants permits a reasonablyefficient bioinformatic process to filter for fre-quency, evolutionary conservation, and pre-dicted functional severity of the gene disrup-tion. Although identifying the identical variantin multiple probands with similar patterns ofepilepsy is reassuring, additional anatomicaland functional assessment of the gene and var-iant is required to advance it to candidate mu-tation status. Final validation typically requiresexpression of the variant in a model system thatconfirms its role in the expression of an epi-lepsy phenotype. Many such genes have beenidentified using similar steps in spontane-ous and engineered single-gene models in themouse, and genetic heterogeneity is now anear-universal aspect of clinical epilepsy syn-dromes and seizure types (De Jonghe 2011;

Steinlein 2014). Many such genes have beenidentified using similar steps in spontane-ous and engineered single-gene models in themouse. Although these genes reveal the richdiversity of molecular pathways underlying ep-ilepsy, a major and predictable fraction of themregulate the birth, development, and functionof inhibitory interneurons (Fig. 2). This genet-ic convergence on synaptic inhibition validatesmuch of what has been learned about the gen-eration of seizures by experimentally disinhib-iting cortical circuitry, and strongly overlapswith the proposed basis for many epilepsy co-morbidities. Much remains to be learned fromcontinued epilepsy gene discovery and compar-isons with molecular pathways in cognition,depression, and autism.

The fraction of human epilepsy that is driv-en by mutations in a single gene is not yetknown, but is small in relation to all individualswith epilepsy of unknown origin, most of whomare assumed to therefore have a polygenic basisfor their seizures. This genetic complexity is
























Nav1.1, 1.2, 1.6, β1

Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kvβ1


Kv7.1,2,3 CACNA1Aα2δ, β4, γ2



γ 2









↓ GABA release↓ GABA levels

↓ Activation

↓ GABA response

↓ Interneuron migration ↓ Excitability

Figure 2. Biological convergence of genes linked to epilepsy phenotypes on the early migration, function,excitability, and synaptic transmission in g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibitory interneurons. (FromNoebels 2015; with permission, from the author.)

Targeting Future Research Challenges

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consistent with the finding that many deleteri-ous mutations, in particular those of voltageand ligand-gated ion channel genes, can befound in individuals without epilepsy (Klassenet al. 2011). The explanation for this lack ofpenetrance of ion channel mutations is readilyapparent when one realizes that if present in thesame brain network, a gain of function in onegene may mask the effect of a loss of function inanother when they both contribute to excitabil-ity and transmitter release at cortical synapses.Thus, the specific pattern, rather than the abso-lute number of channel mutations in an indi-vidual is critical for determining seizure thresh-old. Epistasis, the modifying effects genes haveon each other, has considerable significance forpersonalized genetic counseling, requiring thatthe full profile of variants present in an individ-ual be considered before estimating the clinicalimpact of any single one. Developing a betterbiological understanding of multigenic com-plexity in variant profiles will be required toaccurately interpret the potential severity andpharmacogenetic sensitivity of seizure disordersin the clinic.

What is currently not measurable withouthuman tissue is the biological status of the ge-netically “at-risk” brain. Without this, the de-gree of penetrance in a single proband is un-clear, and thus the predictive value of genomicvariants remains obscure. Recent approachesto functionally validate epilepsy gene muta-tions in neurons derived from induced pluri-potent stem cells (IPSCs) from the affectedindividual is an exciting strategy to overcomethis gap in our ability to explain the patho-physiology of single genes on outbred geneticbackgrounds (Liu et al. 2013). These studiesmay also ultimately help understand possibleepigenetic changes at the posttranscritionallevel, which are not reflected in genomic anal-yses; however, such patterns could significantlydiffer among cell types in the brain. Unfortu-nately, fresh brain tissue from human epilepsycases, even when available, are typically onlyavailable for study following years of pharma-cotherapy and other seizure-induced damage,which engender potentially misleading molec-ular pathology.


Epileptogenesis is the process by which a brainnetwork that was previously normal is function-ally altered toward increased seizure susceptibil-ity, thus developing an enhanced probabilityto generate epileptic seizures (Pitkanen andLukasiuk 2011; Sloviter and Bumanglag 2013).Epileptogenesis occurs following a variety ofinsults, such as traumatic brain injury, stroke,brain tumor, infections, neurodegeneration,and other insults of the brain. Genetic disorders,such as various ion channelopathies, neuronalmigration disturbances, tuberous sclerosis com-plex, or Angelman syndrome, frequently de-velop epilepsy over time. In both categories,whether acquired or inherited, the critical hy-pothesis is that the insult triggers a wave ofdownstream molecular and structural changein the network leading to a destabilized net-work. Interruption of this reactive changeshould delay or prevent this excitability.

Although there have been numerous studiesinvestigating the molecular, cellular, and net-work changes that occur following a braininsult, it remains poorly understood which ofthese changes result in spontaneous seizures,and which may be protective homeostatic re-sponses. Figure 3 shows a schematic time linefor brain changes occurring following a braininjury that can lead to epilepsy, and a partiallisting of molecular and cellular events knownto participate in epileptogenesis. In this case,status epilepticus (a prolonged seizure episode,generally defined as lasting at least one halfhour) is portrayed as the precipitating factorfor epileptogenesis. Both children and adultscan develop chronic epilepsy after a single suchepisode of status epilepticus. For example, anotherwise normal child may have a prolongedfebrile seizure or an adult may develop statusepilepticus as a result of an infectious process.The status epilepticus is believed to signal thestart of the epileptogenic process, eventuallyculminating in recurrent seizures and perhapscognitive impairment. Determining the actualunderlying etiological event for the episode ofstatus epilepticus and which of these manychanges can lead to the eventual development

G.L. Holmes and J.L. Noebels

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of seizures is challenging, and may differ by thestatus of brain maturation and chronologicalage. Because most individuals with brain in-sults, such as status epilepticus or head trauma,do not develop epilepsy, it is essential to identifybiomarkers that will aid in identifying, pre-dicting, and monitoring secondary epilepto-genesis and disease progression, including bio-markers present very early after the injury/insult that identify those people at risk for de-veloping epilepsy (Gomes and Shinnar 2011;McClelland et al. 2011; Engel et al. 2013).

Such biomarkers could then be used to deter-mine the individuals where intervention to pre-vent epilepsy is warranted, and even to followthe effects of treatment. Therefore, biomarkerdiscovery is currently a high priority in epilepsyresearch.

Our understanding of the structural pro-cesses by which the brain recovers from injuryis also quite limited. For example, axon sprout-ing commonly occurs following status epilepti-cus and other brain injuries resulting in epilepsyand has a strong correlation with epilepto-

ApoptosisGlutamate releaseOxidative stressIntracellular Ca2+

InflammationNeurogenesisBDNFInflammationGABA currents in hippocampus/neocortexExcitation in the neocortexImpairment in spike frequency adaptationAfter-hyperpolarizing potentialsImpaired long-term potentiation (LTP)Short-term plasticity



Network remodelingGenes


Seconds Minutes Days Weeks Years



Necrosis/apoptosisΔ GABA transmissionNeurogenesisaxon sprouting

Semi-acute-chronic: hours, days

Semi-acute-chronic: days, weeks, months

Δ in subunit composition of glutamate, AMPA, kainate, and GABA receptorsMolecular/functional Δ in voltage-gated Na+, Ca2+-gated K+, Ca2+, and HCN BDNFInflammationΔ in signaling pathways involved in axon guidance, MAPK signaling, adhesion, TGF-β, ErbB, Wnt, and mTOR signaling, and regulation of actin skeleton

Acute: seconds, minutes, hours


Chronic: days, weeks,months, years

Internalization of GABA receptors Glutamate release In AMPA and NMDA receptors Oxidative stress Intracellular Ca2+



Figure 3. Schematic of status epilepticus (SE)-induced changes that occur over seconds to months. Similarchanges can occur with spontaneous seizures (modified from Holmes 2015). GABA, g-aminobutyric acid;AMPA, a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; HCN, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide; TGF, transforming growthfactor; mTOR, mechanistic target of rapamycin; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinases.

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genesis, yet little is known regarding the synap-tic strength and overall functional outcome ofthese complicated anatomical circuit alterations(Buckmaster 2014; Thom 2014). It is certainlynot clear which injury-induced changes arecontributing to epileptogenesis and which arecompensatory. For example, increased neuro-genesis with aberrant migration in the dentategyrus following hippocampal status epilepticusis found in both animals and humans (Scharf-man and Gray 2007; Scharfman and Hen 2007;Rakhade and Jensen 2009), yet it is unclearwhether adding newborn cells to the existingpopulation of granule cells is a beneficial meansby which the brain compensates for seizure-in-duced apoptosis and necrosis, or is actually acontributing factor in epileptogenesis (Rothe-neichner et al. 2013).


The greatest incidence of epilepsy occurs at thetwo extremes of life, in neonates and youngchildren and in the older population (Annegerset al. 1995a,b; Hauser 1995). Remarkably little isknown about differences in epileptogenic path-ways in these vulnerable individuals, becausethe majority of animal model research is per-formed in young adulthood, the period whenthe onset of human epilepsy is least likely toappear. One cannot assume the mechanismsfor epileptogenesis are the same across all ages,because there is now clear evidence that the im-mature brain, with developing neuronal cir-cuits, responds quite differently than the maturebrain with relatively fixed circuitry (Holmeset al. 2002b; Ben-Ari and Holmes 2008). Age-related changes in inflammation, neurogenesis,sprouting, apoptosis/necrosis, and subunitchanges of ionotropic and ligand-gated chan-nels need to be specifically considered as inves-tigators develop strategies to prevent epilepto-genesis across all ages.


The epileptic encephalopathies describe a het-erogeneous group of epilepsy syndromes asso-ciated with severe cognitive and behavioral dis-

turbances (Shields 2000; Nabbout and Dulac,2003; Berg et al. 2010). The key feature of theepileptic encephalopathies is that the slowing orregression of development is primarily the re-sult of seizures, abnormal interictal cortical, andsubcortical activity as reflected in the electroen-cephalogram (EEG), or both, and not the resultof the underlying cause of the seizures (Nab-bout and Dulac 2003). However, in some cases,it is clear that the gene causing the epilepticphenotype is also partially or totally responsiblefor the cognitive impairment (Bender et al.2013). Indeed, in some single-gene models,there is evidence that a gain in cognitive func-tion may coexist with epilepsy, suggesting thatseizures are not always destructive and that thepathways for cognition and epilepsy can occa-sionally be dissected (Zhu et al. 2011).

The clinical and EEG features of the epilep-tic encephalopathies are varied and includesuch conditions as infantile epileptic ence-phalopathy with suppression burst (Ohtaharasyndrome), early myoclonic encephalopathy,migrating partial epilepsy in infancy, infantilespasms (West syndrome), severe myoclonic ep-ilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome), Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, myoclonic–astatic epilepsy,continuous spike-wave of sleep (CSWS), andLandau–Kleffner syndrome (Genton and Dra-vet 1997; Panayiotopoulos 2002; Nabbout andDulac 2003).

The epileptic encephalopathies are also no-toriously difficult to treat and, currently, mostchildren with the disorders have medically in-tractable epilepsy and severe cognitive impair-ment. In relationship to the prevalence of epi-lepsy in general, the epileptic encephalopathiesare rare syndromes. Yet, because of the age ofonset and the severity of the condition, epilepticencephalopathies are a major health-care issue.Without a better understanding of the patho-physiology of epileptic encephalopathies, it ishighly unlikely that novel therapies will be de-veloped. Fortunately, the emergence of whole-exome sequencing (WES) of these cases is nowidentifying de novo causative mutations in avariety of genes, allowing the experimental de-velopment of informative mouse models andnovel therapeutic targets.

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Children during the first months of life are atparticularly high risk for seizures with the larg-est number of new-onset seizure disorders oc-curring during this time (Hauser 1995). There isconsiderable evidence that the immature brainis more susceptible to seizures than the maturebrain (Ben-Ari and Holmes 2006). The propen-sity for seizures in the immature brain has beendemonstrated in multiple experimental models(Holmes et al. 2002a). The enhanced excitabil-ity of the immature brain compared to themature brain is related to the sequential devel-opment and expression of essential signalingpathways, along with the early patterns of syn-aptic connectivity that are refined with subse-quent cortical maturation.

The development of g-aminobutyric acid(GABA)ergic and glutamatergic synapses followsdistinct timelines. During fetal development, GA-BAergic synapses develop before glutamatergicsynapses (Khazipov et al. 2001). During the firstfew weeks of life, there is enhanced excitationbecause of an overabundance of N-methyl-D-as-partate (NMDA) and a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) recep-tors (McDonald et al. 1990; Miller et al. 1990).With maturation, axonal collaterals and atten-dant synapses regress (Swann et al. 1991).

There are also developmental changes in theneurophysiology of the receptors (Stonehamet al. 2010). The NMDA excitatory postsynapticcurrents (EPSCs) showed a maturational de-crease in rise time but no change in decaytime, whereas AMPA EPSCs show neither risenor decay time changes with development.AMPA receptors possess mature kinetics andbecame the dominant glutamatergic currentduring early brain development. During theearly postnatal period, at a time when the im-mature brain is highly susceptible to seizures,GABA, which in the adult brain is the primaryinhibitory neurotransmitter, exerts a paradoxi-cal depolarizing action (Ben-Ari et al. 2012).GABA is excitatory in early brain developmentbecause of a larger intracellular concentration ofchloride found in immature neurons than inmature ones, because of maturational differenc-

es between the two electroneutral chloride co-transporters KCC2 and NKCC1. The shift froma depolarizing to a hyperpolarizing chloridecurrent occurs over an extended period depend-ing on the age and developmental stage of thestructure (Rheims et al. 2008). The depolariza-tion by GABA of immature neurons is sufficientto generate Naþ action potentials, to remove thevoltage-dependent Mg2þ blockade of NMDAchannels, and to activate voltage-dependentCa2þ channels. These changes lead to a largeinflux of Ca2þ that, in turn, triggers long-termchanges of synaptic efficacy. The synergistic ac-tion of GABAwith NMDA and Ca2þ channels isunique to the developing brain and has manyconsequences on the impact of GABAergic syn-apses within the network.

The overabundance of synaptic connec-tions, the increased intracellular Cl2 resultingin a depolarizing effect of GABA, the overex-pression of AMPA and NMDA receptors witha composition that enhances excitability of neu-ronal networks, and the lack of developed in-hibitory networks all contribute to a high riskfor seizures in the immature brain.

These developmental changes in neuro-transmission have led to novel therapeutic ap-proaches to neonatal seizures. To address wheth-er the excitatory nature of GABA contribution toa greater seizure propensity and poor responseto GABAergic anticonvulsants such as pheno-barbital in newborns, bumetanide, a blocker ofthe NKCC1 transporter that prevents outwardCl2 flux and causes a more negative GABAequilibrium potential (E[GABA]) in immatureneurons has been studied in both in vivo and invitro models of neonatal seizures (Dzhala et al.2008; Mazarati et al. 2009). Unfortunately, thesuccess of bumetanide in animal models hasnot yet been found to be effective or safe innewborns with seizures (Pressler et al. 2015).Age-specific therapies, taking into account themilieu of enhanced excitability in the imma-ture brain, are urgently needed.


Awareness of the molecular and cellular mech-anisms responsible for seizures has resulted in a

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search for rational development of disease-spe-cific therapy. However, compared to our knowl-edge of the pathophysiology of epilepsy, ourunderstanding of the mechanisms responsiblefor its comorbidities lags far behind. Comor-bidities, such as cognitive impairment, autism,and depression, may precede the onset of epi-lepsy, making it unlikely that seizures, in manycases, actually cause the comorbidities. Howev-er, there is a growing appreciation that, despitethe lack of obvious causal relationships, theremay be shared signaling pathways and networkproperties that are common to the epilepsy andthe comorbidities. Given the enormous societalburden of these comorbidities, an importantfuture challenge to investigators is to explorethese commonalities and develop therapeuticsthat effectively target comorbid symptoms.

Of the comorbidities associated with epi-lepsy, cognitive abnormalities are the most com-mon and severe (Holmes 1997, 2015). Mentalretardation, learning disabilities, and memoryimpairment are increased in people with epilep-sy. Individuals with pharmacoresistant epilepsyare at particular high risk for cognitive im-pairment, particularly when the seizures beginduring early childhood (Berg et al. 2012). Theconsequences of such comorbidities greatly di-minish the quality of life in individuals withepilepsy, and many people with epilepsy andtheir families consider the cognitive and behav-ioral consequences of seizures to be at least astroubling as the seizures themselves.

Although a wide range of neuropsychologi-cal deficits occur in individuals with epilepsy,memory disturbances comprise one of the othergravest problems (Bell et al. 2011). Understand-ing the mechanisms of such epilepsy-relatedmemory impairment is the first step in devel-oping therapeutic interventions. Although thehuman condition is clearly differs from that oc-curring in animals, human studies are oftendifficult to interpret because of the largenumber of variables associated with humanepilepsy. Neuropsychological outcome in in-dividuals with epilepsy may be influenced bymultiple factors such as etiology, age of onset,duration of the disorder, seizure type, frequen-cy, and severity, concomitant disorders, genetic

background, and treatment history. Animalstudies allow investigators control over mostof these variables and have led to many funda-mental insights into seizure-induced changes inthe brain. The genetic, molecular, and physio-logical alterations associated with epilepsy havean important role on neuronal synchrony andneural rhythms, which play an important role ininformation processing and neuronal plasticity.It is not surprising that epilepsy, with a largepopulation of neurons firing aberrantly, wouldhave multiplicative consequences and propa-gate aberrant signals to connected structures.Although this abnormal signaling pattern stim-ulates epileptic activity, it also impedes normalinformation storage and retrieval in associatedstructures, with adverse cognitive consequenc-es. There is a great need to know how propaga-tion of epileptic discharges during seizures canperturb the networks in a way that results incognitive impairment. It is fundamentally im-portant to know whether strategies to protectcognition can be separated from strategies toreduce or eliminate seizures.

Network abnormalities common to bothcognitive impairment and epilepsy may beamenable to modification via electrical or op-togenetic stimulation techniques. Cranially im-planted responsive neurostimulators that deli-ver stimulation to seizure foci via chronicallyimplanted electrodes when specific electrocor-ticographic patterns are detected are already inuse for patients with medically intractable ep-ilepsy and a focal onset to their seizures (Bergeyet al. 2015). Investigation into whether neuro-stimulation could improve cognitive dysfunc-tion and possibly other comorbidities throughcontrol of oscillatory activity, although tech-nically quite complex, is an essential futuredirection.

The most urgent comorbidity to study is thebasis for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP), the leading cause of death from epi-lepsy. Each year, SUDEP occurs in 1 out of 1000people with epilepsy, often in people between 20and 40 years old, with a long history of tonic–clonic seizures (Massey et al. 2014; Thurmanet al. 2014). SUDEP refers to sudden deathswith no known postmortem explanation in in-

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dividuals with epilepsy; the clinical observationis sudden cardiorespiratory collapse followinga generalized seizure, and there are no currentstrategies for preventing it. Although it is likelythe causes of SUDEP are multifactorial, geneshave now been identified linking seizures, cen-tral autonomic dysfunction, cardiac arrhyth-mias, and sudden death. Mouse models bearingmutations in these genes are now revealingunderlying mechanisms for cardiorespiratoryshutdown following the seizure, including a fa-tal triggering of spreading depolarization inbrainstem cardiorespiratory regulatory nuclei(Aiba and Noebels 2015). Determining howthese genetic abnormalities can lead to spread-ing depolarization and SUDEP is critical to de-veloping strategies that will predict and preventSUDEP in high-risk individuals. Although ge-netic vulnerability may account for some casesof SUDEP, it is not yet known whether allSUDEP is the result of increased genetic risk.Future investigation into both structural andsignaling dysfunction in brainstem pathways in-volved in forebrain control of respiration andthe heartbeat are needed to better detect andprevent premature lethality in epilepsy.


There is little compelling evidence that the abil-ity of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) to control sei-zures in individuals with epilepsy has improveddramatically since the introduction of car-bamazepine in the 1970s. Although there havebeen advances in tolerability and safety withthe introduction of modern AEDs, the newgeneration of drugs are similar to the older gen-eration of drugs in overall efficacy against new-onset epilepsy. In addition, there is no convinc-ing evidence that current AEDs are reducingthe proportion of patients with drug-resistantepilepsy. Given that individuals with epilepsyare often (although not invariably) extensivelypharmacoresistant to several AEDs, each withdifferent mechanisms of action, it is importantto investigate other avenues to attack epilepsy.

As our understanding of the epilepsy ge-nome matures, interesting and unexpected mo-lecular targets have come into play. In the early

discovery years, identification of the moleculartarget did not lead to major alterations in howepilepsy is treated. However, this is beginning tochange. For example, the infantile epileptic en-cephalopathy caused by KCNQ2 mutation re-sponds to retigabine/ezogabine, an AED thatenhances voltage-gated K(V)7 channels (Orhanet al. 2014). In a similar vein, migrating partialseizures of infancy is an early-onset epilepticencephalopathy syndrome that is typically resis-tant to treatment. The most common cause is again-of-function mutation in the potassiumchannel KCNT1. Quinidine, a partial antago-nist of KCNT1 has been used to treat childrenwith this encephalopathy (Bearden et al. 2014).Neonatal estradiol has been shown to have neu-roprotective effects that alter the disease trajec-tory and prevent infantile spasms and seizuresin the ARX model of catastrophic epilepsy (Oli-vetti et al. 2014). Greater effort in developingdrugs that target the genetic mutation is likelyto lead to more personalized treatments. Per-sonalized medicine in epilepsy, where the per-son’s genetic makeup can lead to prevention,screening, and treatment strategies, lags far be-hind cancer treatment, but has comparable po-tential to improve therapy.

Greater effort in developing drugs that tar-get the genetic mutation is likely to lead to per-sonalized medicine. Personalized medicine inepilepsy, where the person’s genetic makeupcan lead to prevention, screening, and treatmentstrategies, has lagged far behind cancer treat-ment, but has incredible potential.

Drug access to the brain is severely limitedby a number of biological factors, particularlythe blood–brain barrier (BBB), which impedesthe ability of AEDs to enter and remain in thebrain. More effective drug delivery to the epi-leptogenic brain tissue has the potential forimproving seizure control. Therapies under de-velopment may result in the delivery of AEDsdirectly to the regions of the brain involved inseizures. In experiments with animal models ofepilepsy, AEDs have been delivered successfullyto seizure foci in the brain by programmed in-fusion pumps, acting in response to computer-ized EEG seizure detection (Stein et al. 2000;Stacey and Litt 2008). Inactive prodrugs can

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be given systemically and activated at the site ofthe seizure focus by locally released compounds,thus reducing systemic toxicity (Stein et al.2000). A number of investigators are engineer-ing nanoparticles, which can serve as a micro-delivery system of drugs or be used to deliverantibodies or receptor-specific binding agentsto selected brain regions (Bennewitz and Saltz-man 2009). In the future, cell transplants thatgenerate endogenous neurotransmitters andneuromodulators may have a role in epilepsy.Convection-enhanced delivery is a novel drug-delivery technique that uses positive hydrostaticpressure to deliver a fluid containing a thera-peutic substance by bulk flow directly into theinterstitial space within a localized region of thebrain, circumventing the BBB and providing awide and homogenous distribution of the drug(Rogawski 2009). Gene therapy may be useful inlocal drug delivery with the use of adenovirus,adenoassociated virus, herpesvirus, or other de-livery vectors to induce brain cells to producelocal modulatory substances (Boison 2007).

One of the biggest obstacles to drug deliveryto the brain is the BBB (van Vliet et al. 2007,2015). It is remarkable that 98% of small mol-ecule and 100% of large drugs do not cross theBBB. Developing strategies to circumvent theBBB are urgently needed. One idea is that pen-etration of the BBB can be accomplished bylinking large particles to iron transferrin orbiological toxins that can cross the barrier.Additionally, overexpression of drug-resistantproteins, such as multidrug resistance gene 1P-glycoprotein (MDR1) and multidrug resis-tance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) proteinslower the interstitial concentration of AEDsand thereby render the epilepsy caused by thesepathologies resistant to treatment with AEDs(Aronica et al. 2012). Circumventing these pro-teins could lead to more effective treatment withcurrently available AEDs.


There is little question that individuals livingwith epilepsy today are far better off than theywere 30 years ago. Our ability to accurately diag-nosis the disorder and provide safe and effective

therapy has substantially improved. In some cas-es, epilepsy surgery can even result in a seizure-free period lasting many years. However, far toomany individuals develop epilepsy as a result ofgenetic causes oracquired injury, and we have notsucceeded in preventing the disorder. In addi-tion, approximately a third of patients continueto have unremitting seizures despite optimalmedical therapy. Comorbidities continue to beunderrecognized, underappreciated, and are of-ten inadequately treated because of a lack ofknowledge about their neurobiological basis.Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy occurs fartoo often. Much more needs to be done for thesake of our patients and their families.


Aiba I, Noebels JL. 2015. Spreading depolarization in thebrainstem mediates sudden cardiorespiratory arrest inmouse SUDEP models. Sci Transl Med 7: 282ra46.

Annegers JF, Hauser WA, Lee JR, Rocca WA. 1995a. Inci-dence of acute symptomatic seizures in Rochester, Min-nesota, 1935–1984. Epilepsia 36: 327–333.

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2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028043Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels The Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting Future Research Challenges

Subject Collection Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder

Research ChallengesThe Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting Future

Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels EpilepsyEpileptogenesis and the Comorbidities of Common Mechanisms Underlying

Andrey Mazarati and Raman SankarRole of Sodium Channels in Epilepsy

David I. Kaplan, Lori L. Isom and Steven PetrouComorbiditiesImpact the Development of Epilepsy and

Epilepsy Model: How Past Events−The Diathesis

Christophe Bernard

the Ketogenic DietMechanisms of Action of Antiseizure Drugs and

M. RhoMichael A. Rogawski, Wolfgang Löscher and Jong

Potassium Channels in EpilepsyRüdiger Köhling and Jakob Wolfart

Epilepsy and AutismAshura W. Buckley and Gregory L. Holmes

GABAergic Synchronization in EpilepsyRoustem Khazipov

Immunity and Inflammation in Epilepsy

AronicaAnnamaria Vezzani, Bethan Lang and Eleonora

Status Epilepticus

ShinnarSyndi Seinfeld, Howard P. Goodkin and Shlomo

Nucleotide-Gated (HCN) Channels in EpilepsyHyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic

PoolosGary P. Brennan, Tallie Z. Baram and Nicholas P.

Genetic ModelsNeonatal and Infantile Epilepsy: Acquired and

Aristea S. Galanopoulou and Solomon L. Moshé

The Role of Calcium Channels in EpilepsySanjeev Rajakulendran and Michael G. Hanna

Epigenetics and EpilepsyDavid C. Henshall and Katja Kobow

EpilepsyInterneuron Transplantation as a Treatment for

Robert F. Hunt and Scott C. BarabanCells in Network SynchronizationMicrocircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and Hub

Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso, et al. For additional articles in this collection, see

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