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Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 49



Fenturisa Kusfitriyatna1, Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy2, Dhafid Wahyu Utomo3 1The Student of English Education Study Program, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,

2,3The Lecturers of English Education Study Program, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,

E-mail: fenturisakusfitriyatna@gmail.com1,,

Abstract. The aim of this research was to find out whether the Cloze Passage Technique

has effect on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. This research was

conducted at the eighth grade of SMPN 8 Kota Serang in academic year 2019/2020 during

the COVID-19 pandemic. This research used quantitative method and true experimental

design. The populations of this research were all classes in class VIII. The sample of this

research were class VIII B which consisted 0f 20 students as the experimental class and

class VIII F which consisted of 20 students as the control class. The experimental class

was taught by using Cloze Passage Technique and control class without using Cloze

Passage Technique. The research instrument was a test which consisted pre-test and post-

test. The pre-test was given to students before treatment and the post-test was given to

students after treatment. After collected and calculated the data, it was found that there

was any effect of using Cloze Passage Technique. This was indicated by the value of tcount

was higher than ttable (5,131 ≥ 2,024) at the level of significance of α 0,05 and degree of

freedom is 38. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. For those

findings, this research showed that there is any effect of using Cloze Passage Technique

on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

Keywords: Cloze Passage Technique, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text, Fable


Reading is an English language skill used to learn English. It must be mastered by English

learners. This is a lesson for students to know the writer’s idea or the way the writer

communicates with the readers by the written or printed words. Reading is important for the

students to get information from the text. Students should be able to read the text effectively and


Reading is not just eyes movement to see the words. According to Nunan (2006), reading has a

goal, that is comprehension. Reading comprehension is a skill which must be obtained in

language learning. This can make students enrich their knowledge and experience while they

read. Reading comprehension is very complex. Students need to understand the sentence or the

text. Many research results said that most students are not able to read English with complete

comprehension (Wallace, 1992, 2001; Wahyuni, 2000; Li Juan, 2007). So, the students need

help in reading comprehension.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 50

One of the difficulties faced by students is to comprehend a text, that is narrative text. Narrative

text is a text to retell the story or tells something imaginative. The purpose of the text is to

entertain or to amuse the readers concerning the story. Rebecca (2003: 11) stated that narrative

text is a text related to a series of logically and chronologically based on the events that are

caused or experienced by factors. It makes the students to follow the chronology of the story and

to find out who, when, where and what happened to the story. Narrative text is interesting for

students in learning English because they can read the story. It does not make them bored.

Based on the researcher’s experiences in teaching English at SMPN 8 Kota Serang, most of the

students are difficult to comprehend the text. The researcher found some problems such as

students are not able to read a text, students are lack of vocabulary and students are less

motivated in studying English. So, they could not find the main idea, the setting, or the

characteristics and difficult to understand the story of narrative text.

Therefore, to make students comprehend the text easily, the researcher is attempted to use cloze

passage technique, especially in narrative text. The concept of cloze passage technique is to help

students fill in missing words in a text. Developed by Wilson Taylor (1953) the cloze technique

is an effective instructional tool, helpful in the use of situational signs as aids in word

recognition and comprehension. There is a written passage with random words blanked out for

the students to fill in by guessing the word. In addition, Mulyati and Harjasudjana (1982) said

that cloze procedure as known as cloze passage technique not only can be used to evaluate

readability, but also to be used as a technique in teaching reading to develop the students

reading skills. So, this can improve students’ reading comprehension and make the students to

understand what the narrative text tells about.

Based on the description, the research question can be formulated as follow: Is there any effect

of using cloze passage technique toward students’ reading comprehension in narrative text? The

objectives of this research is to find out the effect of using cloze passage technique toward

students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

This research will be conducted in Junior High School, at the eighth grade of SMPN 8 Kota

Serang and focuses on the narrative text. The results of this research expected to give additional

learning in teaching reading comprehension and expected to support the existing theories about

reading comprehension.

According to Lems, et all (2010: 170) stated, “reading comprehension is the ability to construct

meaning from a given written text”. Then, Snow (2002: 11) said that reading comprehension is

the process of extracting and building meaning at the same time through interaction and

involvement with written language. Then, It means that reading comprehension is a complex

that include the successful or unsuccessful use of many abilities.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 51

In reading comprehension, sometimes the students have difficulty comprehending the reading

material. The students feel confused and disinterested to get meaning and receive the message

from a text paragraph. The students must be able to understand the reading materials by

mastering the reading component in order to be successful in teaching and learning reading.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is a process of

understanding a text that is read by the reader. In reading, the reader needs comprehension in

constructing meaning from a text. Therefore, if the reader can get information on the text, the

interaction between the reader and the writer is going well.

Narrative is one of the forms of the genre text. Narrative text is a text to retell the story or tells

something imaginative. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers

concerning the story. According to Montgomery (2007: 251), narratives are stories that include

a series of related events. In a narrative, there are various kinds of relationship between events.

Where one event causes another is the most obvious kind. Then, Rebecca (2003: 11) stated that

narrative text is a text related to a series of logically and chronologically based on the events

that are caused or experienced by factors. It makes the students to follow the chronology of the

story and to find out who, when, where and what happened to the story.

One of the most commonly read and understandable genres for all ages is the narrative text. It is

can entertaining the reader and it can influence the reader for changing their social opinion and

attitude through the powerful social role contained in narrative text (Knapp and Watkins, 2005:


Narrative text has many types. Based on Barwick (1998), narratives can be divided into

traditional fiction and modern fiction. Traditional fiction consists of folktales, fairy tales, fables,

moral tales, myths and legends. Meanwhile, modern fiction consists of modern fantasy and

contemporary realistic fiction.

In teaching English there are many techniques to deliver the materials, cloze passage technique

also known as cloze procedure is one of them. Some said that cloze was first developed around

1890 by a Russian (Manzo, 1990: 60). Cloze procedure was introduced by Wilson L. Taylor. In

1953, Taylor has developed a simple technique, which he called “cloze” passage, for studying

the effect on comprehension. The cloze passage test created by Taylor, described in detail, is

basically a written passage with random words blanked out for the reader to fill in (Manzo,

1990: 61).

According to Oller (1979: 34), the reader guessing missing words is a kind of gap filling-task

that is not terribly different from the perceiver’s completion of incomplete visual patterns.

Meanwhile, Liewelyn (1990: 128) said that in cloze exercise, learners are presented with a short

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 52

text part of which have been deleted. Learners were asked to read the text and fill with words

the gaps left by the deletion.

According to Mulyati and Harjasudjana (1982), the cloze procedure not only can be used to

evaluate readability, but also to be used as a technique in teaching reading to develop the

students reading skills. In addition, Fitriah (2017:10) said that in reading instruction, this

technique is extremely beneficial because it can be easily performed by any teacher and provide

useful information on reading comprehension.

From the definition above, it concluded that cloze passage can be used as a technique to

improve students’ reading comprehension by guessing the deletion words in the text.

Several researchers have conducted some theme-related studies. The researcher has therefore

chosen some previous studies that are closer to the subject.

The first previous study was conducted by Apsari (2016). The title is Cloze Passage in

Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension. In her study, she used the quantitative method.

The purpose of this study, she wanted to find the differences between students practice with

cloze passage and students practice with full passage but followed by carefully written

comprehension questions at the university level. Based on the purpose, she also used

experimental research where two groups are observed. She collected the data by using

instruments, that are pre-test and post-test. She gave the students some treatments before post-

test. After that, she analyzed the data with statistical analysis and then compare with paired

sample statistics by using t-test. The result of her research shows that students who are treated

with cloze passages are significantly better than students who are treated with full passages in

terms of their ability to comprehend or understand.

The second previous study was conducted by Hermanto (2009). The title is The Use of Cloze

Procedure in Teaching Reading Narrative Texts. This is an experiment research. The main

purpose is to improve the achivement of reading comprehension by the students, especially in

narrative text of comprehension. The subjects were the students in Senior High School. He used

a test for instrument. He gave pre-test before the treatment and post-test after treatment. To

analyzed the data, he used simple descriptive, explanatory analytical and quantitative method.

To determine the mean of the test, the quantitative method was used. The result of his research

can be seen from the average. The experimental class got a high average of 24.50 points than the

control class only got 15.33 point. So, he concluded that cloze procedure is a good choice for

teaching the comprehension of reading in narrative text.

From the previous studies above, the researcher is interested to analyze the students’ reading

comprehension. The differences of this research with some previous studies above were: the

first was the sample, in the previous study they used university level and Senior high school.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 53

The second was a type of the text, in Apsari’s study, she did not mention what text about.

Therefore, the researcher will choose Junior high School as the sample and a narrative text as a

type of text. Whereas, the similarity of this research are the technique used is cloze passage

technique and using a quantitative method.


In this research, the researcher used quantitative method. Some quantitative problems allow the

researcher to explain how one variable affects another. By using quantitative, the researcher

calculated the numeral data through statistical analysis.

This research was conducted in true experimental design. According to Hatch and Farhady

(1982: 22), the characteristics of true experimental design are: A control group (or groups) is

present, the class are randomly selected and assigned to the groups, pretest is administered to

capture the initial differences between the groups. They further argue that these three basic

characteristics allow the reseacher to avoid almost all internal and external validity issues.

In this research, there were two classes as the sample treated with different treatment. Each of

the two classes named as the experimental class and control class. The first class as the

experimental class was given a pre-test. After that, this class was given treatment by using cloze

passage technique and then provided a post-test. Meanwhile, the second class as the control

class was given a pre-test. After that, this class was given a treatment by using conventional

teaching and then provided a post-test (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 21). The research design is

described as follows:

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

EG T1 X T2

CG T1 -X T2

(Kerlinger, 1965: 247)


EG = Experimental Group

CG = Control Group

T1 = Pre-test

T2 = Post-test

X = Treatment using close passage technique

-X = Treatment using conventional teaching

The table shows that a pre-test and post-test were given to both classes, but the difference was in

giving the treatments. In using conventional teaching, the researcher gave the treatment by using

lecturing only and together with students discussed the material. In conducting this research,

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 54

there were steps taken by the researcher. The research design should be suitable for the research

situation. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher used E-Learning in giving the

material, treatment and test to the students through WhatsApp application. For this reason, to

make the research successful, the researcher must obey the research design.

In this research, there were two types of variables that used for the researcher, as follows:

1. Independent variable: Cloze passage technique

2. Dependent variable: Students’ reading comprehension in narrative text

The researcher took the population of this research was the whole eighth grade students divided

into nine classes of SMP Negeri 8 Kota Serang.

The sample of this research was taken by using cluster random sampling. The researcher chose

randomly the sample from the population. The research took two classes of the eighth grade

students at the second semester of SMPN 8 Kota Serang. First, from VIII B consisted of 20

students as experimental class. Second, from VIII F consisted of 20 students as control class.

In this research, the researcher used a test to obtain the data. There were pre-test and post-test.

Pre-test was conducted to determine the student’s ability in the English language before

treatment. This test was used to determine reading skill in narrative text. The test was given to

the experimental class and the control class. The test consisted of some questions in multiple

choices about the narrative text. Furthermore, after gave the treatment, the researcher gave a

post-test to the experimental class. Post-test was used to measuring the mastery of learning

outcomes at the end of the treatment.

To see test were valid and reliable or not, the researcher used validity and reliability to measure

the test.

In this research, the researcher used validity form to get the validity of the test. According to

Creswell (2012: 159), validity is the development of sound evidence to demonstrate the

interpretation of the test (scores of the concept or assumption of measurement). Then, the

researcher used Pearson Product Moment formula to know the validity of the test.

According to Creswell (2012: 159), reliability is an instrument’s scores are reliable and

consistent. In this research, the researcher used reliability form to measure the reliability of the

test. The researcher used Spearman-Brown to know reliability of the test.

In this research, the researcher used a test as an instrument namely: try out, pre-test and post-

test. Try out as the instrument of the research to measure the validity and reliability of the test.

The form of try-out was multiple choice that consists of 50 questions. It was used to measure

students’ reading comprehension. Pre-test and post-test were used to measure students’ reading

comprehension before and after the treatment by using cloze passage technique. The researcher

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 55

developed the test based on the lesson plan or table specification of the test. There were 20

questions with the options a, b, c and d for pre-test and post-test.

In data analysis technique, the researcher used normality of the test, homogeneity of the test,

and t-test to analyze the test.

The normality test was applied to measure normality distribution of score in the experimental

class and the control class were normally distributed or not. In this research, the researcher used

the Chi – Square formula to measure the normality test, as follows:

x2 = Σ(𝑓𝑜−𝑓𝑒)2


(Riduwan, 2011: 124)


x2 = Chi-Square

fo = The observed frequency (fo)

fe =The observed frequency (fe)

The criteria of the normality test as follows:

If x2count ≤ x2

table : it means that the distribution of data is normal.

If x2count ≥ x2

table : it means that the distribution of data is not normal.

The homogeneity test announces to ensure the same variant for the data group. To

measure the homogeneity of the two-class variant data, the researcher used Fcount formula, as



Fcount : F value

BV : The biggest variant

SV : The smallest variant

The criteria of testing as follows:

If Fcount ≤ Ftable : it indicates homogenous

If Fcount ≥ Ftable : it indicates not homogenous

(Riduwan, 2011: 120)

The data will indicate homogeny if Fcount ≤ Ftable in significant level is 0.05.

Fcount = 𝑩𝑽


Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 56

In this research, the researcher presented the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis

(H0). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) was that cloze passage technique is effective on students’

reading comprehension in narrative text. Whereas, the null hypothesis (H0) was that cloze

passage technique is not effective on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

Hypotheses were formulated as follows:

Txy = 𝑀𝑥−𝑀𝑦

√[∑𝑥2 + ∑𝑦2

𝑁𝑥+ 𝑁𝑦−2]






Txy : T-test

Mx : Mean of deviation of experiment class

My : Mean of deviation of control class

∑𝑥2 : Sum of the squared deviation score of experimental class

∑𝑦2 : Sum of the squared deviation score of control class

Nx : The number of student of experimental class

Ny : The number of student of control class

2 : Constant number

(Arikunto, 2010: 280)

The criteria of significant value of the correlation, as follows:

If tcount ≥ ttable = Ha accepted

If tcount ≤ ttable = Ha rejected

According to Arikunto (2010: 72), a hypothesis is formulated to explain the effect of the

relationship between two variables. Therefore, the research will be able to support the

correctness of the alternative hypothesis by rejecting the null hypothesis, which means the

experiment is working.

Results and Discussion

There were different result between experimental class which was taught by using cloze passage

technique and control class which was taught without using cloze passage technique on reading

narrative text.

Validity of the Test

Before the pre-test and post-test were given to the experimental and control class to find out the

effect of using cloze passage technique on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text, the

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 57

first step was a tryout. One class was taken to be the tryout class. It was VIII A class. This class

consisted of 25 students. The test can be said valid if tcount ≥ ttable. It was obtained from 50 items;

42 items were valid and 8 items were invalid.

Table 4.2.1

Validity of Each Item

Criteria ttable Number of

question Total



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,

11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 18, 19, 21,

22, 23, 24, 25, 26,

27, 28, 29, 30, 31,

33, 34, 37, 38, 39,

40, 41, 43, 44, 45,

46, 47, 48, 49


Invalid 7, 10, 20, 32, 35,

36, 42, 50 8

Based on the table above, the calculation of tcount in each item can be seen in appendix. After

found the valid items from the tryout data. The researcher divided them into two tests; pre-test

and post-test. In each test there were 20 items of the test.

Reliability of the Test

Table 4.2.2

Reliability of the Test

Items r11 rtable

50 0,898 0,396

Based on the table, the calculation of reliability showed that 50 items of the test were realiable

because r11 ≥ rtable or 0,898 ≥ 0,396. So, the items of test can be used as a research instrument.

The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test

The pre-test scores were gained before they got the treatment from the researcher in control and

experimental class. So, the mean of students’ pre-test score of control class was 51,25.

Meanwhile, the mean of students’ pre-test score of experimental class was 50,75.

The researcher gave the post-test to the experimental class after teaching them by using cloze

passage technique. Meanwhile, the control class was given the post-test after they got treatment

by lecturing only. It can be concluded that the mean of students’ post-test score of control class

was 54,75. Meanwhile, the mean of students’ post-test score of experimental class was 76.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 58

Normality Test

Table 4.4.1

Normality Test of Pre-Test in Experimental Class and Control Class

Class x2count x2

table Criteria

Experimental 3,496 11,070 Normal

Control 10,638 11,070 Normal

Table 4.4.2

Normality Test of Post-Test in Experimental Class and Control Class

Class x2count x2

table Criteria

Experimental 7,578 11,070 Normal

Control 5,417 11,070 Normal

Based on the result of tables above, it can be seen that x2count from the pre-test and post-test in

experimental and control class are lower than x2table (x

2count ≤ x2

table), H0 accepted. So, it can be

concluded that the distribution data of pre-test and post-test were normal.

Homogeneity Test

Table 4.4.3

Homogeneity Test of Pre-Test and Pos-Test

in Experimental Class and Control Class

Class Fcount Pre-Test Fcount Post-Test Ftable

Experimental and Control 1,110 1,079 2,168

Based on the table above, it can be seen :

Pre-Test : Fcount ≤ Ftable = 1,110 ≤ 2,168

Post-Test : Fcount ≤ Ftable = 1,079 ≤ 2,168

It can be concluded that Fcount is lower than Ftable. So, the pre-test and post-test in experimental

class and control class have same variance or homogeneous.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 59

Hypothesis Test

To find out the mean difference between experimental and control class, the researcher used T-

test formula. There are alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (H0) that assumed in this

research. The statistical hypothesis of this research can be seen as follows:

tcount ≥ ttable = it describes that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis

(H0) is rejected. So, it means that there is significant difference between the

experimental class and control class after got treatment by using cloze passage

technique and without using cloze passage technique.

tcount ≤ ttable = it describes that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis

(H0) is accepted. So, it means that there is no significant difference between the

experimental class and control class after got treatment by using cloze passage

technique and without using cloze passage technique.

To prove the hypothesis of this research, the researcher calculated the data by using t-test

formula with the degree of significance 0,05 (5%). The formula can be seen as follows:

tcount = 𝑀𝑥 − 𝑀𝑦

√[∑𝑥2 + ∑𝑦2

𝑁𝑥 + 𝑁𝑦 − 2]


𝑁𝑥 +



tcount = 25,25 − 3,5

√[3323,75 + 3505

20+ 20 − 2]


20 +



tcount = 21,75



tcount = 21,75


tcount = 21,75


tcount = 21,75


tcount = 5,131

To find the value of ttable , the researcher used the formula as follows:

df = (Nx + Ny – 2)

= (20 + 20 – 2)

= 38

= 2,024 (see the table of Ttable in appendix)

The ttable value of df 38 at the degrees of significance 0,05 (5%) is 2,024. It can be seen in the

table of Ttable.

Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

Page | 60

Based on the calculation and the result of t-test, it can be seen that tcount = 5,131 and ttable =

2,024. So, it was found that tcount is higher than ttable (5,131 ≥ 2,024). It means that the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. The conclusion is there is

significant difference between students’ reading comprehension in narrative text using cloze

passage technique and students’ reading comprehension in narrative text without using cloze

passage technique.

After the researcher did the research about cloze passage technique toward students’ reading

comprehension in narrative text at the eight-grade in SMPN 8 Kota Serang, it said that cloze

passage technique made students understand about narrative text and enjoyed the learning

process. The students of the experimental class were more interested in reading English using

cloze passage technique than the students of the control class. The result from pre-test and post-

test showed that there were differences between students’ reading comprehension in

experimental class that received the treatment and control class that did not receive the

treatment. In experimental class, the students got a better score than in the control class. All

students in experimental and control class showed that after treatments there was an increase in

the score. The experimental class score was higher than the control class. This research indicates

that using cloze passage technique affect teachers in teaching reading comprehension to



The conclusion of this research is described in accordance with the results of the data. Based on

the result in research findings, the students get a better score after the researcher gave the

treatment. It can be concluded that cloze passage technique is effective and it can help the

students to increase their reading comprehension in narrative text. The result can be seen from

the data analysis t-test with a significant level of 0,05 with df = 38. It shows that tcount is higher

than ttable (5,131 ≥ 2,024), which indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and

the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. So, this research showed that there is any effect of using

cloze passage technique toward students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at the eighth

grade of SMPN 8 Kota Serang. Cloze passage technique is one of the teaching technique that

can be useful. The learning process will be more effective, motivating and interesting in the



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Journal of English Language Learning (JELL), Vol. 5 No 1, 49-62

ISSN 2599-1019

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