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Dream Book

Transcript of THE DREAM BOOK NEW



Since the start of time, dreams have continued to confuse and intrigue the world. I set out to create a book of interpretations of my own dreams, the dreams of other people, dream science and of dreams in modern culture.

Benjamin Gardiner

Dreams are produced by brain activity that is unrestricted by what is happening in the sleeper’s surroundings. Some parts of the brain re-enact recent experiences (possibly as part of storing them into longer term memories). These memory fragments surface a bit haphazardly in dreams, giving them their chaotic nature. Strange scenes follow each other without making much sense.


Joseph DevlinUniversity College London

Not too sure how the dream starts but myself and a girl are being held capture by a strange old man in a Lighthouse in my own back garden. We try a number of escapes but nothing works until one day we both climb to the top of the tower on a ladder but the man follows. I am below and the girl kicks him on the head which sends him rattling down the ladder.

There is a small gap no bigger than a letter box at the top which I help her climb through and then squeeze through myself. We walk round to the front of the house down the alleyway to find my Mum unpacking the car from a trip to the Lake District.


Benjamin Gardiner

This is a dream I had about the Letterpress workshop. I was there as yourself, Aaron, Chris, Luke and Graham were. I don’t recall others but there was the presence of others. We were all at the New North Press exactly as it is, it was very cramped, not much room to move, very industrial space.

I was unable to get a chance to setup my poser, almost as if I couldn’t get past everyone who was busy doing there words and sayings. I remember the feeling that I was disappointed. I couldn’t get my poster done and the last thing I remember I reached for my snowboarding jacket and that was it.

Alison Bartlett


We also spent entire nights in bed and I told her my dreams. I told her about the big snake of the world that was coiled in the earth like a worm in an apple and would someday nudge up a hill to be thereafter known as snake hill. And fold out upon the plain, a 100 miles long and devouring as it went along. I told her the snake was Satan.

It may also be disclosed that the snake is just a hust of doves, when the snake dies great clouds of seminal gray doves will flutter out and bring tidings of peace around the world. I was out of my mind with hunger and bitterness.

Sals Dream, On the Road.Jack Keroac. Penguin Classics Page 155


This is a dream from my childhood when I was like ten. I had a dream I went up into space and couldn’t get back down to earth, it seemed very clear like I could see the earth going further and further away as I drifted more into space.

Dean Edwards


I am in Stamford with my mum, its summertime, she wants to head to St. George’s Church and seems very much in a rush. We met two people that mum knows and that I vaguely recognise. We explain how Jemma and Olly are in France on a friends farm, who was a friend of my Mum and Dad.

Mum and I cross the road and into the square where we turn the corner and walk into a lift, the doors shut and then I wake up.


Benjamin Gardiner

Early morning in New York city, I was walking down a road, I was just seeing individual elements around but there wasn’t any ground or sky. At the time I was with my mates but all of a sudden I found myself all alone, the environment which was blurred in a sense.


Alhady Ali

And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

Revelation 13:1-18 ESV The Bible


Disturbing dream in which alien life forms rain down on the earth in the form of luminous angular rods, crystalline, they look like silly putty crossed with mercury and feel like lithium. They grow and spread like vines. Their influence infects the population binding on their bodies and heads.

I hide as they hunt in a derelict loft for me by the moonlight and the ferry green/blue glow always aliened by the rods to my location. As they mount the stairs to the loft I pick up the rod and prepare to use it sword like energy flows though it. At 2.30 AM I awake with a migraine.

Luke Pendrell


A childhood nightmare where I would be running down a series of hills and I was being chased by an absolute nutter with a lighter in his hand wanting to set me alight. I would occasionally turn around and he would not be there then would pop out from behind a tree screaming, chasing me further. He never caught me, as of yet.


Aaron Kitney

I woke up from a dream that I was flying.


Anonymous Graffiti in Bath

Dreamt I was escaping from the scene of a crime and I was the criminal. I had special powers as I could move very fast and jump over walls and buildings at an unnatural height, similar to the Hulk or the Frog from X-Men. Bizarre.


Ben Ewing



Directed by Christopher NolanWarner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Syncopy

I am trying to climb up a spiral tree with a rope, the rope was huge and I couldn’t get my arms around and tried to use my teeth to get a better grip. Climbing with an ex who died five years ago, I often see him in my dreams.

