The Douai-Rheims Bible - Original - Old Testament - I

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Original Douai, not revised.

Transcript of The Douai-Rheims Bible - Original - Old Testament - I





Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Grccke, and ocher Edicions in diners languages.




cfthe BookfSy and ha^ta-s:andoth^rhclpesj

A nnotations.*Tables:Cfor clearing

^ ^^^lj&^ ^yt ^S

yir better njndafanding cf the text : for dtjiouene of o R R Y P T I o N s in fome late tranjUtions : and


in Rehgion.

By the English College of Doway.Haurietis a^itaiin gaudio de fontibm Saluatoris.


You shal dra^*' waters in ioy out of the Sauiours fountaines.

Printed at

Doway by LaVrence Kellam,of the holie Lambe,

at the figne



inffdjcripn, in

alma lyuactnfi


SacricTheologiie DoSlores




t^nglicanam f^eteris Tejlammti



tres diuerji

cms natioms emditijjimi Tbeologi^

norifolum fiddem, fed prop ur diuerfa qu^ eijknt adiun^

^a, valdc ytdemfidci Catholics propaganda ac tuendne, bonis morAh s promouendis^ pint tefiath cjuomm tejtimoniabforHm fyngraphis munita mdimus; cuius item


TranJlationiSj 0* Z^nnotationum auflons nobis de fideiintegritatCy


erudinonis pr^eflantia probe funt notii

his rebus



nixi,fru6luofe euulgari pojji cenfui-

mus, Duaci.

Nouembris. 160^ .

GyiLiELMVs EsTivsAcademiaDuacenfi

Sacrs Theologize Dodor,Profcflfor.



Bartholom>vs Petrvs

Sacr^ Thcologi^ Dolor,'AJ.

& in Vniueifitate Duaccnfi ProfcfTor.Georgivs Colveneriys S.TheologiacDo^or,&eiufdem ia AcademiaDuaceiia l^jrofelToi^



Christ eveklasting.


through Gods goodnes(mofl: dearly beloued) we fend you here the greater pare

of ch e Old Teftarrjentceiued the



as long fince y ou refaithfully cranflated into:

English. The refidue

and your

dcfire therof

is in had to be finished; shalnotncw (God profpering our The


intention)beIongfrufl:rate,Asfortheimpediments,which hitherto haue hindered this vvorke, they al preceded (as manje do knowjof one general caufe , our pgore eftate in banishment. VVherin expeding better meanes,greatterdifficulties rather enfued. Neuerthelesyou>5f'il

caufe ofdelay in fetting forth this

English Bible,



hereby the


good wil,euer to feme you, in that we haue brought forth this Tome,inthefe hardeft times, of aboue fourtie yeares, fince this College was moft happely begune V Vherfore we nothing doubt but you our deareft, for whom we haue dedicated our liucs, wil both pardon the long delay, which we could not wel preuent, and accept now thisfruicl ofourlaboures,withhke good affedion as we acknowlege them due, and offerferuent.

more perceiueour



\the fame vntp you. If anie demand, why itisnow allowed to haue theholie \ Scriptures in vulgar tongues, which generally isnot per-

Why & ho^itis


/Mmittedjbut in

tohaueholie th e three facred onlyrfor further declaration Scriptures in of this,& orher like pointes we remite you to the Preface, vulgar ton-

before the New Teftamenc.Only

h ere, as by an Epitome,t i




To THE ENGLISHweHial rcpste thedifcufled.

fammsof al,thatisfirft:

READER..' there more


queftion therforeweanrwer, that both iudreafonj&higheftauthoritie of the Church, iudgethis



being hard arc not to be read of aL

not abfolutly necelrarie, nor alwayes conuenicnt , that fiiould be in vulgar tongues. For being as they are,hard to be vnderllood, euen by the lerned, reaioa doch didate to reafonable men,that they were not written, nor ordayned to bercad indifferently of al men. Expcriecc Manic rake alfo tcacheth , that through ignorance, ioyned often with kirme manie reading Scriptures hauc ding h ofifr^^" P^'^^^ ^^^ prefumption, Scriptures, erred gro{ly,by mifunderPtanding Gods word. Which though it be mod pure in it (c\,yei the fln^fe king adaltf ratedIt

hoHe Scriptures

Ih. de

is.tspenlotis (faith:




^He corrupted, S. Ambrofe


obferueth that where the text Istruej the ^rrUns mterpretation bath errdrs. S. Augullmalfo teacheth,that/'f?'^/^/4W peruerfe doMnes e /it angling fo ales ,,and throwing them dovvneheadlong hit the depths do not otherwife Jpring vp , hut when ^ood (or true) Scriptures arenotvvel{and truly) vnder Hood, and




Trafi.i^in Joan.


that which in

them is not vvelvnderjlood,


alfo rashlyEftfl.

For the fame caufe^S. leromvtuerly dif^ wemen, old &:yong, pre^ allowed, thacal fortes of men fumed to read.'&: taike f the Scriptures: wheras;?^? arttcene^boldly auouchcd.




no tradfman darep-'efume to Peach aniefiCidtte^ which he hath not lerned. Seing therforc that dangers, &: hurtes happen in

heading ofScriptures


manicjthe careful chief Paftores in Gads Church,haue alwaies moderated the reading ofholie Scriptures, according to pcrfons,times,and other circumftancesj prohibiting fome, and permitting fomc, to haue and read them, in th-irmother tongue.So S.Cryfoftom traflatedthePfalmes



fome Other partes of holie Scriptures for the Armehcwasthcre in banishment. TheSlauonians and Gothes fay chey haue the Biblein their languages. It WIS tranilaced inco Italian by an Archbydiop of Genua. IntoFrenchinrhetimcof kingChirlcs the fiftrerpecially becaufsche waldenfianheretikes had corruptly tran0ated^^it,


to* 7

had fome partes in Englifli maintaine their errors. tranflatedby Venerable,to




And Thoiiias Arundel Archbishopof Cancurburie in a Councelhc'lden acOxt-ord, ftraidly ordayned,ihat no heretical trandati on fet forth by Wiclific, andhis compliceSj nor anie other vulgar Edition should befuffercdjtilir w:re approued by theOrdinaricoftheDiocc^e;aljeaging5.ieromsiudgemencof chediiHcukie& dangerin tranflating iiohe Scriptures out of one tongue into an other. And iherforeicmuft nedes be much more dangerous, when ignorant people read alfo corrupted tranflations. No^^' fmce Luther, and his folowcrs haue pretended, than the Ca- A c^lummous tholiqueRomane faith and dodrinc,should becontrarie Llthcranss^* to Gods written word, cV that the Scriptures were not fuiiered in vulgar langiiac^csjell: the people (liould ice the truth,&: withal


aiaifters corruptly

turning the Scrip-

tures into diuers tongues, as:

might beft ferue their o wne g>pinions againft this falfe fuggeftion, and pra^life Cath olique Paftores haue,for one cipecial remcdie, fee forth true,

and (incereTranllacions in n^oft languages of ths Latin Church, But fo that people muft read them with licence,

oftheic fpiritualfuperior,as in former times they were in


fort limited. Such alio of the Laitie,.yca of the meaner Icrned Clergie , as were permitted to read holic Scriptures, did notptefume to interprcte hard places , nor high Mvilcries,muchlelIeto difpute and contend, but leauing thedifcuffion therof tothemorelerned , fcarched rather, vvhatpartof andnoced the godlicand imitablc examples of good life, Scriptures be


and fo lerncd more humilitic , obedience, barred of finnc, feareof God ,zele of Religion, and other -vercucs. And thus holic Scriptures may be rightly v fed in anie tongue,/^?z Tim3.


gar readers.

f^,jc/p^ to

argue ^to correct ^

to irr^rtUi^




thxt the

man of

Godm.i}bepeifcct^and[2isS, Paul addeth) w/lrufhd loeuerielacr.

^^^ worke jwhenW'il


laboure rather to be doers ofGocU

& word


readers or hearers only , decciuing themjelues-^





ratc^tl^^ofrLatin tcxc.

More purethen the He-

^uc here an other quefltson may be propofcd: V Vhy Wc tranilatethe Latin cexc, rather then the Hebrew,orGrefcc, which Proteftantes preferre , as the fountaine tongues, wherin holie Scriptures were firft Written > To this we ^^^^W^r, tharif in dede thofe firft pure Editions were now cxtant, or if fuch as becxtant, wcre mote purc then the La-

^rj^xt'^nf'^^"''^^'^^^^^^^^'^ preferrefuch foantaines before the riuers, in whatloeuer they should be found todifagree. But

the ancient beft lerned Fathers, &:


andteftifie to vs, that

Dodors of the Church, ^^'^'^ both the He- MirZt

brew and Greke Editions are fouly corrupted by Lewes, ^- ^"*and Heretikes, fuice the Latin was truly tranftated out of ^1^^'/,^! them,whiles they were more pure. And that the fame La- San.c.ii tin hath bene farre better conferued from corruptions. So f//3* that the old Vulgate Latm Edition hath bene preferred, louma,' and vfedformoftauthenticaiaboue athoufandand threehunderedyeares. For by thisverieterme S. leromcalleth that Verfion thevulgate or common ;^\\\c\\ he conferred with the Hebrew of the old Teftament, and with the Greke of ;^^J^; the Newj which he alfo purgedfromfaultes committed by writers, rather amending then tranflating it Though in.



regard ofthisamending,S.Gregoriecallechit^;^^^x;x'T'^/'fioofS.Ierom:

who ncuertheles in an other place calleth



Edition^mdgmg it moft worthy to be ^P^fl- ''Kcceiued by folowed. S. Auguftin calleth it the lulim. S. Ifidorus wit- ^^^^^^ aicburchcs. nQ(cz[\ihMS, lerom^^ver/iofi wasreceiued and ipproued 4/ u.Tnoh Sophronms alfo a moft lerned man, ^''^^^-'j Turned into thriftUn chmhes Giekc. fcing S. leroms Edition (o much eftemed, not only of the ^Ef^Li. LatineSjbut alfo of the Greciansturned the Pfalter & Pro- ^y^^^,phetes, outofthe fame Latininto Greke. Of latter times \,n^^'. whatshal we nede to recite other moft lerned men? S.Bede 1^. S,Aafelme,S. Bernard, S\Thomas,S. Bonauenture,&:thel^j^.ndo'Medly Canonical^ as the ^utheres eittd in Cone..


*^' ^^'^'^ rnargeot te^ifie


cenfe^uently al^

and dl the




are of infallible truth."^ere falfe^ or doubtful(faith he^ Epifi,^.,

^"-^^^ For other wife as S.^u^ufittteachethy if ante fartal Were "yncertaint.

andofinMible truth*

once admittiug





in fuch foueraigne authoiiiie,


parcel Laeiie

of thefe bookes should remaine,\rhich anie vc^ay should feme hard ^^P-S'?' to maners, or incredible to beleiie,butit might by this moft per- ^^"I'"^ niciousrule be turned to an officious fidion of the author. That aJU^Jis: if ante error couU be commifted by the autbores of ScriptnreSy either d^cret.y. through ignorance, obliiiioa.or aate other humane frailtie,whatfoet4ertvere Trident

produced, exception mt?ht be ta^eny and ^ueflionmade^ whether the author



haderedyorno} True itApochrTph.iti'



fome of thefe bookes


(as VPe shal



ticidarly dtfcuffe in their places)//^/^ei,

were fometimes doubted of by fome Catho'

s, .jittg\


red cjiionicii. t^h1.

4^ Called Apochrypal, thatfen/e^as the word frtperlj fi^ntf- U.r.doSl hidden, ernot apparent. So S. Terom (in his Prologue before the La- ^/T^*;*diuers

tin Bible) calleth

bookes Apochryphal,

being not f euident,


"Whether thfy were Diitme Scnpture.bccaufe they were not

m the lewes Canon,

^ ^I'J'moi

C r.

nor atfrflm the Chu^'ches Canon, hut Wereneuer reteBed, asfalfe or erronious,third of



InwhichfenfethsPrayezofMinz'AcSythe thivd bos/^e o/ Efdras,and hHcha.heis a.t:e yet called Apochryphal. ^s for the fourth of


\ \


Bfdf island fourth of Machabees there is more doubt. But diuers others y as Eufeh.U. //jf booke afcribcd to Enoch,*/;('Gofpclso/'S. Andrew, S.Thomas, 5.f.8.S.

Bartholmew, and the like recited byCan. SanSla l(omana)li.

y. GelafiusS.


Decreto de




fiaflcii diH. If.

Innoctntius the

fir si

[Epi^. 5.)

S.krom, LiZtam^S- yCuguUin



i^.deciuit. Dei.Origen bomif.y


Canthx^ arc in a

^ orfe fcnfe called apochryphal

c^ are reiefled asC6n^

ProEmial Annotations.eenianing mantfejlCathoiinueJie

errors^ or

fa iced by


J\cithtr can a





jnd Canonuat ^?^ }^? 'f Scriptures, but by dtclaratien of the Catholtque Citmhj nhichmihEUt int(r= j..,]^ v^^ ^y^^ ruptionfticcedetb the ^pcjUes, to whom ourSauiour promiitd.and fcnt Churchv/hick the HolieGhoft, ro reach al umh. For tjin ante thirty mort then others, Bookcs icnpajjUredly one chirf and moji necfjfarie point ts , te kpo^V nd declare, rvhuh ^^[f^ Book?i *rt Gods hoiii ^ord betn^ of mop ftn^tiUr importance.ctLfnYife afiured^


Bodies are Diuine




from the nevr.argument of both Teflamtnti jLe old and already faid, yet thry diftr ;newTefta"'^"'


'Of^ithfidTidiT)^ the generalis

Uotiecrthe jamein Jubfiance, a^s ;wf, m maner of^ttenK? ofMyflenes,,r *^/^


to eh/erne the


n thmges exa/ledyI :

m varietie of r precepts, cr prcmifes, c '^ rJ '



10 pofed. In regard '^,'herof S. Jerome faith

Cr to attayne to the end pro- inmancrof Lex Moyfi S^^omne vetus vttcrmg.


quibus quafi elc-"^^"'^"^ ^ mentis, d^T Rcligionis exordijs Deum difcimus. The law of Moy- ^^"^^^^^P!^lesandal theold Teftamentare vnderftood the elements of the j^ieancs. world, by which, as by firrt rudiments 8T^ritten, n'ltb fromtfes of

temporal rtwardes^aslong //c,


land fc wiug With to perfedion, m


cr home, cr

the Ukcy hut it

brougri t nothing

Paul faith,



& hoftes were cftered,


"^hich couldnot according to confcience, make the obleruer pcvfe^.Fprthehelpes of thdt time , were but infirma& cgcnaelttneca:

Weake poore elements. Likewifein general, touching the punish- Tht oIHTements that fometimes happenedttthe people of the old Tefament, n htn they ftamcnr trdnfgrejfed,



them inGal "3-


^^J^^^^^ ^^^ ^"'^sofihe world arc come. Jo //fc^//;5'? o/*^7ij?^.'wf/,orLaw was ATnntintfal butoarpedagogucinChrift.rf////>//f/^/oni& to-^i the nphole courfe ^'ifd^lcChmch of GodsChurchforthefpace of fourethonfand yeares.that isyfrcm the brnt>~^^"^ tbebemngoftheivorld vnitl Ckrift our I^edemer . which Dtuinesdmde w/o"/Ar^'''"''''^'lJ ^"^ ' A^es, whtrin Wai l/arietie C^' change of herflate, three Imder the Law of chr ft nature, and three others -^nderihe writtenlaw. The feuenth (y lafl age The i^^irc heing tins time of grace {wherin we no w are) from Chrifl, te the day of te- ^'"^ ^'^'^' neral Judgement: as the World was made in /,x dayes, ^ndmthefemtth^'''/'^'''''''^

fame ^pofile aftrmeth,tlut al the fame chanced to ^cynerbfigu6^'are written forour correption, vponwhom


CodisfatdtoLwertfled, and therfore fanUifedti, tn ether fort, then j/^/Diuidedinio former fix. The eight ivil be after the^furre^ion, during x aj for al eternttie,





huttd. Thefirjl from tbt Creatton to

^fi','^^/f t^^^ ^f, '^'

ancient church, cr old Teflar.m, art thus diftrt-


."''^ .^g^

Noes ?j floud, coteymg cQteymng thefpdce of 16^6. 16^6,



1 1










A Lto




^ S.(>(". 'S.


Tbefecondfrfim the flotid

thtroitw ofylbrmhAm out ofhh ccuntr ie,

The fcconi?68 .or ?9^1


coHntm^ {G.;n, ii. tuxtaji. C7- Luc.i,.) !,oS. jieares. The ^"* ffjiir({ i^om ^iMr^hdm his going forth of hti coitntrie, to the parting of the i,^^^.^or(^b^^''^'''^'>





yeares, othersxi'ittire

of ifrAtl out of /Egypt* yrhich fame count to haue contir.Henjio. chrcthus farre tn the latv of '^eloj. {whom ive folorv) hut 4^0.




befm-e the 'Written



7 he jourih Age dured, ^^o.

yeaWj fromof the

^' ^^'o'**

the dcliUint of the children of ifraelforth of JEgypt, to the fundation

g "^^^^


The fifth



Icmfdem. The fifth ige "^ as from the fundation of the Temple, ta g.*/ .j. the CAptmitie icr trAnfmigrAtion of the lewes into Babylcnj About 4f\o.yearcs . Exo. i(f. w^^d the f/xth i(ge dured Jfout G^o.jenres^frem the Captttntie of Babylon to i-^^--^'


Here ^40.' Al the time

Chnj}. In allifhich times

God ^xs acknowledged and rightly ferued,^ith true{{eligisn,



from the creationto uxjcares.

O" no other ^kich noTV th^t Church holdethy that is called and knowenby she name of Cathoi^ ^^^ ^ ^s ^e intend, by Gods af^ij^ance, to shew bjbriefe Annotations,a continualliiftble




concerning diuers particular pointsgcHcthoccafion.


in Controuerfie, as the bolie TextI{ecapituUtion after euerte one

And efp^cialljYV^-isftriken,thendimi(Ie them, and they departed? f Now by fufrcnng^ thcrfore take and make one new waync and two kine ha"' bcene pur, couple "'"S calacd, on which there hath no yoke j-SsHor ill the wayue, ajjd shutvp their calues at home, t And you jixoli.::













of kinges. 5?5 shaltakethcarkcofthcLord,andpiuit in tlic -wayne, and the vefTcIs of gold, which you hauc payed bira forlinne, yonshal put into a litle casket at the hde thereof: ^nd di9 mifle it that it may goc f And you thai lookc : and if fo be.

thatitshalgoe vp by thc^ay of his coaftcs againll Bcthfames, he hath donne vs this great cuil: butitnot; weshal know that his hand hath not touched vs, bur it hath bappe10 ncd by chance, f They therefore did in this miner: and ta-king tNTO kinc, that had fucking cahics, yoked them to the11

waync, and shut vp their calucs at home, f And they lajd the arke of God vpon the wayne,and rhclitle Cflsker,rhat hadthe golden mife and the fimiHtudes of emeroides. f And the kine went direcftly by the ^3?ay, that leadeth toBethfames, an J they went one \ray, going forward and lowing: and they declined not neither to the right hand nor to the left: but rheptincesaifoofthePhiliftijms folovred vnto the borders of Bethfames. f Moreouer the Bcthfamircs reaped wheat in the valley and lifting vp their eies, they faw the arke, and:



14 were gladde when they had fcene it. t And the wayne came into the field of lofue the Bethfanaite, and ftoodc there. And there was a great ftone, and they did cur the wood of the



it an holocauft to our , and layed the kine vpQn Lord, t And the Lcuites tooke downe the arke of God, and the litle casket, that was at the fide of it, wherinwerc the veflels of gold and they put it vpon the great ftone_>. The men alfo of Bethfames offered holocauftei., andimmolated viAimes that day to our Lord, t And the fiue princes of the Philiftijms faw, and returned into Accaron that day.,


t And rhefeare the golden emsroides, which the Philiftijms rendred for linne to our Lord: Azotus one,Gazaone, Afcalon iS one, Gcth one, Accaron one: f and the golden rai'^e according to the number of the cities of the Philiftjjms, of the fiuc prouinces, horn walled citie vnto towne that was without wal,and vnto Abel the great, whcrupon they put the arke of ^^Asihcar c our Lord, which was vntil that day in the field of lofuc the was terrible to ^ r /'I ri/r If) Bethfamire. -f Buthcftroke of the men of Bethlames, for jj^j.-jjf^^jeigs^ that they had ' feene the arke of our Lord: and he ftrokeof ((r/7.t|j.j.) foJ.


the people feucncie men, and fiftie thoufandof the common alfotothofc thatbclcuc people mourned, becaufe our Lord had ftripeople. And the ^"^1 t!{;hc but vied 10 ken the common people With a great plague, f And the men ijljotrcuc.





of Bethfames iayd




be able to flandinthe fight of ready. our





our Lord God this holie one? and t vhom shal be goe vp fromvs? t Andtheyfentmeirengers tothe inhabitantes of Caiia Thiarim, faying The Philiftijms haue brought backe fetch it backe vnto you. the arke of our Lord, come doxrnc


Chap.tation, the people caft

VI LAnd [true only God.10. Samuel of~

The ^rl^e if brought to the houfe of^hiHadab in GdhdA^ i-By Samttels exhor-


the idols

ferin^ facrific: and fraying, ifrAelpreU'dUeth a^amfi the Philifthi^mu



^^M^" keoVdforthem( though the Bethfamitcs

^^^tn^e.fwtheir Irr"*^-

rencetowardesit; feared nottorcceiuc Kepe IE.

the men of Caria Thiarim came , and i brought backe the arke ofoar Lord, and caried it into the houfe of Abinadab in Gaaba And Elcazar his fonne they fandified, that he might kecpe the arke of our Lord* f And t ^^ Came to paffe , from the day that the arke of eur Lord abode in Caria Thiarim the dayes were multiplied ( for it vas now the twentith yeare ) and al the houfe of Ifraelrefted after our Lord, f AndSamuelfpake toal the houfeof Ifrael, 5 faying; if you turnc to ur Lord in al your hart, take away ^^"^^ ftrange goddes out of the middes of you, BaaKm, and' A ftaro th and prepare your hartes to our Lord, and frue him only', and he wii deliuer you from the hand of the Phili-' fthijms.fTherefore the children of Ifrael tookeaway Baalim ^ and Aftaroth, and ferucd our Lord only. \ And Samuel fayd: y Gather together al Ifrael into Mafphath, that I may pray our Lord for you. f And they alTembled into Mafphath; and C they drew water, and powred it out in the fight of our Lord, and thc7 filled that day, and fayd there Wc haue finned to our Lord. And Samuel iudgcd the children of Ifrael in Mafphath. f And the Philifthijms heard that the children of 7::




were gathered together into M'iipharh,and the princes

of thePhilirthijmsxrentvp to Krael.'^hich when the children of Ifrael had heard, they were afrayde at the face of the Philifthijms. f And they faid to Samuel: ceafc not to crie to S our Lord God for vs,tkat hefaue vs from the hand of the Philiiihims.f And Samuel tooke one fjckinglambe, and offered 9 irawholcholocaufte toour Lord: and Samuel cried to our Lord for Ifrael, and our Lord heard him. f And it came to i* pa(re,\)i'hen Samuel offered the holocaufte, the Philifthijm.s beganne battel againft Ifrael; but our Lord thundered with great noife in that day rpon the Philifthijms, and terrified them, and they were flaine before the face of Ifrael. t And 11.1




OF KING ofIfracl illbing




out ofMafphathpurfuedthcPhilifthijms, and ftroke them vnto the place, that was vnder Bethcar. f And Samuel tooke one ftonc, and Jayd it bciwen Ma'phath and Sen; and he called the name of that place,The ftoneofhelpe. Andhefayd: Thus farre hath our Lord holpen vs. t AndthePhilifiijms wete humbled,ncither added they any more to come into the borders of Ilrael. Therefore

the hand of our Lord was made vpon the Philiftijms, al the.:: That is t6 J4 daycs of Samuel, f And the cmes^whichthc Phihftijms had ^^^y>;Jj^ePiij'^ taken from Ifrael.were rendred to IfraeUfrom Accaron vnto ^^'j^^^J^^^ Geth, and their borders and he deiiuered lirael from the the feucn na:

handofthePhiliftijms, and there 'was peace betwen Ifrael tionsof Chan^^"> ^h^ch ij and the :: Amorrheite. f Samuel slfo iudged Ifrael al the 16 daiesofhislife: f and he Nf'ent euerieyearecircuting Bethel ^^j^'j^^^'"J"j and Galgalaand Mafphath, andiudgtd luaelin the fortfaid toclcflioy,cofor there N^as monly called 17 places, f And he returned into Ramatha ^he Amorxhchis houfe, and there he ittdscd Ifrael he built alCo there an: :


to ou Lord.

Chap. V I ILSmuel gromng eUyfarsbeivethdttA h'n

fmnes for bribes^0


people require to hatie 4 king. 7. fo "fvhcm by Gods

iu^gmentytU commandment ^Sttmutl


of* kf^^i

'^^^ ^^^"* ceaje jromthtir demAnij i^.

hut thy

pcrfijl therin.







it came to pafle 'rhcn Samuel '^axed old, he appoyntedhisfonnesiudgesoucr Krael. f And the name of his firft begotten fonne was loel: and the name of the fc- -^ .. ,. cond Abia, iudges in Berfabee.t And his fonnes walked nor ij^^^^'.^^^^^^ in his waies: but rhey declined after auance, & tooke btibes, ofFcnding in and peruerted iudgement. "f " Therfore al the ancientes of their officebcIfrael being a!Temblcd,came to Samuel into Ramatha, f And fore chap, i.) ^^" they dyd to him Behold thou art old, and thy fcnncs walke ^"'^ "^^ notinthy wayes appoynt vsa king,thar he iray ladge vs, as gjf^ perucialfo al nation* haue f And thewordNP-as mifliked in the eyes ting iudgemet ofSamucljbccaufe they had fayd: Gcue vs a king, that he gaue occafion may iudge vs. And Samuel prayed to our Lord, f And our ^ piiee for it. Moreoucr the lav prcfcribing theduiicof Kln^cs(Dc- commandcththem not to multiplie hories not to hfdfcruheSy not to tui-thi^h CQtira^f,that thtir hartesbt not hftfdyp mto frtde oner t/jfM- tre/?7frf?.Neuerthelcs K'ngei hauc great prerogatiucs ('more then Dukes andIudges)befidcs,andaboi]c, bat neuer contrarie to the lav; that albeit ieuseraHdjf^oucrnmentf,{




Kingcs hauepreio'^atiues

aboucbutnocconuaric to thciawe*.

they can not take their fubicftes landcs orgoodcs , neither for themfelues, nor to gcuc to thcii fciuunccsat theif pleafure yet in diuers cafes fubieetcs arc bound, to contribute of thcirpriuate goodc$,to fupplie the nccellitie of the King, or of the commonwealth , as by nature euerie part muft fufFcr damage, or danger in deJ-eiice of the principal member, or whole bodie. And if aniercfufcfo to do, thev may luftly bccompcUed. Ftirthei more in cafe Kinges or other Princes commit cxcefTes, andoppreffa their fubiectes, yet arc they Mctby and by to be depoled by the people, nor ecndl, lateran commonwewlth, but mufl be tolerated with parjcncc, peace, and mceknes, til God by his foucrcignc authorise, left in his Church, difpofe cfthcm: which t.^.de his diuincwifdom and goodnesoften diffcrrcth ro f^o, as here ke exprefly foreheret. waiaeth, faying: (t. i8.) Tot* shal triftnthat day^frotnihcfaceifyoMr Ktfg, pivd our lordyvtl nut I fjuyon Aad the teafon is, bccjufc hc wil puniih the finnex of the people, by fufftring euii princes to reigne./et. ^4.-r. jo.:


mavbcdepo God at^^^ Church-

butnot by theppi " ^_!


Of which imporraBtdifficultie,fallingromctimcsbetwcnPrincctaodfjeir rubieftes,whofodcfitcth,may faaich th'eiudgcmentofancicnt Fathers, and fee S. Thomas, and other fcholeDodors, 1.1.^. ii.a.x. Here only for better Tfldcrftanding of this preienttcxr, rlicfe brief pointcs may be obferued. Firft, thepeopleof iheirowne wil defircd to hauea King. Secondly, thy reciuef^ed ihefameatthchandes of Samutl their prcfent Superiour. fhitdly, this demand difpleafcd both Samuel and God himlelf. Fourthly, yet C^od condefccndcdto grant thcirfuite, but withan admonition, and forcwarnno ot the inconuenienccs, which they fhouldfindeandfeele. FiftIy,God himtclf defigned theperlon that lliouldbeKingireucUd him by viiion, and commanded Samuel to annouuhim.Sixtly, Godneuerthelesby guidingihclotre,moretranifcniy declared, and confirmed his clciTion. Scucntly, Gou depofcd the fame King, fortranrgicd-aghis law, chap, i?, y. ij. aod difobeying his eommandment. t!)af>. If. V. i?. appointing an other by the minillcrie of Sairuel. chap. i6, Eightly, noivithftandinghis depofiiion, he remained in his dignitic til bij death, which happened by other meanes.c''*/*. u. Ry al which it appeareth, that Cod conHituted Saul the firi^Kingofihe lewes, the people fuingio haue a King but .lepofcd luni for cuilbehauiour, ihc people deli ring no (uch thing, and Samuel he Prophet much lamcuing thefame. Yetwas hcBoiadually bef i.nA ihomiJufS prophecying. t And the Spirit of our Lord shal Icafe vpon thee, (> a.nd thou shalt prophecic with them, and shattbc chsn^cd into an other man. f Thefore when a! ihifc (ignes shal 7 chanccto thee, doc whatfocuer thy hand ihal hnde, becaufe our Lord is with thee, f And thou shalt goe downe before S fiie into Galgala( for Iwil come downc to thcc) that thou maye{^whichlignnii


























es. of Saul. 591 mAvtft offer obliiion, and immolate pacifiquc vidimes: ie- .;:Samiicl en"ynft^obe. uendaics shah thou txpcd:,rill coir.c to thee, and 1 \riishc>y dicnccto S.TUl A T-i r u I J J had turned v^ncn he aTher fore i(^i,n'^th rto:,then Vefre yet

ante other fn-

more ceztmomz\Ooitx\.\AncQt

Cleaae aalvr.cleanc.

com-nanded by Miyjh UiV,fiihei


asafpj thxt they should


ante blond at al, nor fatte, Lett', 3. rhe^

^,,.Cf^ or al ^}^.^h riA'^on w-'Jicri I'-^ai v-cas not, though ame as t.-joug'} anie crsAture crs/ittire


Utn natHre, hut partU partm natHre.but

ly to

auotde idoUtne, pxrtly to excrctp them tn cbtdtence, andt-mpennce-j,for thit thrft^^ thtfiaes ftzmfjed


C^C irrlydiuers

iecd- Ki one

^r n r n 1 C^^^'^'i^^^ elpecirUy ought to



and corruptiotis.from ^hich/


: Lt'^fWiU' Letut. 19.



key ^ere



A dnottofjvoVt';. of

thetr^^eldes ^/vitk

two fortes

offeedey norto '\veare garmrntes

Nocioth of

two fortes

offtuffe, that

diuers inatcei'.^/f^' by extefrtil ilT^nes^

thsym-igh bf mtre dtfltrtvunhed from Inand not only by .f^irmmcifion^ but e'fpectally to teacB''to


to p

a^tCfftmoU innorencte^^!;;^?'

auo'd dubte

c^ denptftti dialinf.tnd mdicial,


^i y^brch, a>nd other precepres asgreflours (eaerlv

^peirfjsrd,as ceremootnl


y^fj-gf^^f} [\n{l\y c6imndcd;theobfeptPrsble(^.d CT'

tewMded^CT tranf^


rhreatned I'Vth 'rreatcnrfes [ i6. Deut 4* 27. iS.) and dine>^ nFludty runii})ed,i5'ro/?


m the earth. Num. lC>.)d'Tcen-ltnr tjuickc int9!


h: I, iZP^

mtnte more btfned With fire from hcaun, frirmxk'nf ^nd ftnortn^


uidic- schi,me. Tex by one meanes


c^ othefy

al thst ^ivre abowt '.venttt yeare- of age^




coming forth of /E^pt ^except tWo onlie[lofi*e cj^ Caleb) li'dm the defr^j\of the crencrd murmur of the veople,'^tt.m. II. I IS iG^Al JfrAelbcAtentm-


fonrs cuiied






xvi> difcouered


pHii hcd.



^l thsalmoft

aitLJpuiiilhcd. tribii

Wire^mnhed jorfn^mn^ pnbli.2'*ndoUmet



and Bentimfm-

Salomon.airroj} extirpate,

of kivgjs.fortiotpunnhin^ ortatnr malff^Slotfrs. luJic.

70910.^y4t,ct the


^violefeo^'ltl/iittofitn 'nuadeo effort a^.'tSh J jcrtbettJir.Ker,m ofpeareth tie hook' 0/ ludgf^ Inparnchiar ^Ij'o eli,-t;ti, H^e e aditanceen' C7 projpe'edfor

thttr '\trtueiyas lofue^CaLeby Phince:,,Sumutl,Ddutt


U t. iimgtk?

and otktn. Cinir^np ifi and ^hiu prieJIs Per miriiulouJlyiyHrtttfordfftih^flrangffirf^ Le10. One ffontd to dtath forgatlenn^ (hck.


by '\vl-om.


rule XCAipropoledioluc' oiof thnruvvne accordy^V middiflmfl

(y a

name men thfm,ff .

to be calted

yind Nurn. 6. emNazarites , that n, Se-

Nn. ^o



perate or Sandbifiedludic.

In Johtch jlate thfy "Vvcrf toat

nm tin- either jortiif


time, limited by them'elitei or their purefitSjIt,. I.



thty (0

p" mijed,




Co f^rre as their promijt

extendtdytley ^tre ftrtttlf

When thou haft vo\red a vow to our not llackc ro pay ir:becaufecur Lord thy God vx'il require it and if thou delay, it ihal be reputed to thee for finne.Uthou wilt not promilejthon shalr be withour ( A;.!-) (iime. Pay thy V jwes vnto the Highefl, pful. 7 j. Wo\(r ye, and render {your 'Reives) to our Lord your God, P/^/. 49. Toe Rechabires aftervvtrdes Rechabitct--. had a ///^f rule to the Na'^rttei'^ C^ the fame perpetual ( fiterem. ^). ) ncucr to druike wine, nor to build nor dwtl in houfc s but in tsb; rnaclcs, nor fow corne , ncr plant vincyardes. /-T^t/fj^rM ethon-hmflitutedbf a m^t, yet the ob/eruation ther f^oi mttch con.meidtd z^r retturAedbyGtd. >. 19. Such diftin, of three difiinfl- 'W-iten, as fame hoLe FatKuri do my/lic^llj expound ot Cliiii.ijansobliged to performe.ut. i\.


Lord thy God, thou;




'^v tie, thecl anefi hes of thefcs und^oo4 .^. fiihes in our Lords nett? . Math. ij. The cleane H^hes of the nite Syarcthe

tbatpltc To


good and fruitful Clcrgic men


that ^tfitter the ^vholeea tr ^b, teaching Q\^xelc,r /{lie^y

Chnliian do htn^ and mmisirtng bolie Sacrum ntf>i ^vnhoth



the Ti>hol(

Chwcb. jnd

the cleane jishei

of (landing poolesyare Mounkes."^fV here

Monaftical perfons, liinngre

perpttnally in cloyfferSy,


foules arealwayes readie for ottr hordes table

HoHcfcipru, Cregone.S yfugtflin, and resexpouced '"^^ ^*''* ^'* oibcn exphcaieinni*7n>r able places of holie scripture myjiualiji rd) ing thn-nas



Bernard tcache b


an lent fathers.







Third booke

Salomon,'s. Btrn.

y^on exAmjfleof the new Tefiamtnt fo expounding tie oU.N4meijS Paul Setehing{M before PS noted) thxt the '^ hole Uw "Wm a pedagogue guiding men to Chri^y and afirmingthat at thmges happened to thefeople oft'je ld U/famentinfigtcre of thenerv.




therfore to frofccute the

fame further


"fph'uh 'Tfould required J. e/^







men in


is it

derogation to


that Saints are honoured



^cc, andSiinftes.


and the like ; for fuch titles by y^ay of participation only. So Judges are ealled^oddes and fauiours ( Exod. ii. ludic. 3. ) andVckkescallUaregeuento

afcribed to them, ofintercej^ars, mediators,

them not

as to God,b(tt


goddcs {Exod. i\. ) Praife geuen to God and GedcorL/ ludic, 7. Proccdionrf^iadoratipn of Angels is yery frequent, Exod. 25. 51,






num. 11. lofue. ^. Indie. 2. 6. ij. The names of the fvcluc fonncs of Ifrael were ^rauen in the two chtcfe ornaments of the hifh priefl, tn IVlanna ^asnot enly re/emed the Ephod and Rationale [Exod. 28as 4



gddme, and dtsd ntfeace^ leAm^hii[nnt Salomon( {. J^f^.I

csmmanimcnth\. )

imuejied and dnnoited k}^^

m his thrent.4i$d chdfnfed the



^^^ Chnrch hemg


d,ifticulncs "peritlac



mmie God fo funhhed offenders j

tfiMtshed io dijtinBfldm und trdtrs , dlheit there imptrfsfiioni t alftrlti offerfmSy *nd gre^t ftnun etmmitted^thtti

'^holepet^U, that heft'tl nw-

ferucd, tbegreatijfy or (kiefe f>4irty iatruefdithdnd rehptn. For'^hdes they



m tks dsfiri,, they marnsured ^erjf often d^dinfi God,dd hn Mtmflert^^f^'i^^^^'5 1. )



i^^^od. 17.


ii. 14.

10. 11.




ro idolatri*






Aaron not free from coepcrating in thefeophsfmni. Nadab Atid Abiu ^drgns foes, dnd tinfecrdted pr;fyf, offered ftrangc 6re ( Unit, i. ) Core Dathan ^.nd Abiron, riuth thtir temPiices madt x%V9ZLi(c\\\(i'at {Num. \6. ) Mdnls committed carnal fornicarion withExod.)

c,uion:iVic'of ^"J^^^*




drdwents fpirirual(



1$. )






hh pnnn the ffdlmiji fftdkithI


?fd. 94. ) exhortinf hn'fe$fle not to tksir hartcs,as in the dcfcrt their fathers had tempted God.

Fourticycarcs>5f as




God) with tkat generation,

and fayd:



al-vayes errc in hart,


therfere he

fWdrt in his

Tifrnsb: thit the

ftme geacrdtien shmUnoteittsrtntetbepromifedUndof ChAnidn but their children etHred And fojiejjed tt. Num. 14. Ufue. 5. ^ffdine thips9fUJAllin^t@ idoUtnt dnd otherfinncs, ^-^ere ^fUBeddSid



j^rgprejpd by f^rrdine enemiss, hut repenth^^tAincdsitdikei sdlltd;^j^^^^j-j^g

Wen deliuergd dndfkued hy ter;

ailiided for

ludges dnd



u) Ss

God both shewed his mjiice,infujferin^:

fii-h affiiciions to

hipptny forfunishment of finne

and his meme, infuumg


Chnrch from mtne.

M^rtouerfor freftriuitit of the Chttrchithen r^irUinen diuim OrdinaMctsfrouided

StIomonIfes proUfJedlyIfiith

OF KiNcis.theUl.T6YfirH al "Si^ere firiBlj)/ ccmmdndtdytiot16.) but



OrdiRaric we-. InfideL in their tdoUtne {Ex.n^.) nor with Scbifmatikes in their fchifme V^^^. ^^ *^^"

H cSmunicdtenouel-

{Nh.f. chrif.

to deftioy al Idolatersbut



^Wshunne al*b/^



liti'tnrelirionyAS a ftirem^rke of tdoUtricyOr jalfe doHrtne[Deut.\t,)Furthcrfg cotrferuel^mtie there tV4s

No ^?j^.^


oraf. I.

one T ah eina.c\cJ/ruel.,


one Altar

for Sa- t'oi;*.itkln^^'j^'^'^-


cxi^celtntbe whole feefU ofhdfe, on the other fide lot dan

rrherupon liijjen thetwotriLts and had made a feund altar, al the trihti thatudmoniih


dp^elt in Chan4an,fHfpeLfin^ it Tttaaforfacnjice, fent prefcntly to

them J and prepared to makemexvdtar-f

If 4rrs

agamfi them, exciptthey defiroycd their ButoncTabar


aduertifed that ttjifxs onlytvert

an akar of monument,

nacie.*-'^''J?'"': ^""^^'"^'

4nd nottribeif,

for facnfice

of Diriy fetting

fatiifed. ( lofue, 22. ) afterwards the vpidolatrie, and the other tribes not




they "^fere al punished.

FVhtch happened by


of an other (nerfrons

ftnne, committed and not correfied


the tribe of

Bemamin, For the other

deuen tribes making tvarre a^ainfi them for this tttfi cmfe,)ea by Gods dit&6tion,ani "^arrant, yethzd the v^oiictfufi eyning great flau^hter of men in two confiiH-es j and in the third Beniamm was dmoji dej?reyed. Indie. 10.Finally for dccifwn of al controuerfies and ending of firifeythe High Prieft T^as exprejly ordnynedftipreme Judge, (Dent. 17.) alji^re

0" fnpremel^^^^^^ll'^^^'


temmandedin pdme of death tofubmitte then opinions^ and obey hisfentence ^1 bound to tfitthpromife of Gods al^tffance, Ifherby his definitions ^ne certaine and obey him. iv\{x\\ih\t,Tortncenfultatiomofdobtes, and difficult cafes, Gtd mfpired 1-1 Tcntcncc;


hm with do6knneo( verizic (Exod.iS."ynto andfolotv(





7, 9.


^. 25, 30.) rrhich Uidgement State Chri/} admonished the lewes to repay reMath. 2j.)

though the Judges themfelues did not the thtnges

Ifhich they taught, Jn fo much that Caiphas, through this afifiance of Gods Jptrite, being oiberwife a "^icl^ed man^yet pronounced the truth. That one

muft die for the people, rrhichtohisCbayreandoficeyheca.uCe hered

therfort S. John the Euangelifl afcnbetb

vas High

prieft thatyeare./o>. 11.tlere,

Seingthem Gods prouidenee and continual aft^ance Ifasfo



The Churck


tie church of the old

builded Ypon always preferued from erring in Faith , or in general prad gioi iHc. It. Religion, ^nd that by Gods like affured ordinance of one fupremc head Uan.i^. and Iudge,S. Peter, 8c hisSucceifour for ^ivhom our Sauiour prayed,. "^tkdt his faith should net faile. Further commanding htm, that he Ihould "^' con fir me his brethren, ^l '^vhich "^vefeeis performed m the Succefioun V a.r>w,j. f S. Peter,'\yheras the fuccfffoHrstf the other ^poftles, are al faded long ftnte. The fame mtj^ afiured (labtlittt of the Chunh of Chriff, is further confrmedby the fifhole Z4VV and Prophetet. Namely, D(ut.t,i.4nd i^.yvhcre Moyfti16. ri:

Te^amtnt, much more is the Church of chtiil of Chnlt preafurcrocke, affured of his perpetual alliftance, and ^'^'':'*^.^^"^,.


morcfovfer And rrdcein the Charch, to be


in the




Third books


Gentiles of alnatioS,thfffr"Vv^; th4t oftht 1/rAelifesor IcWS.Lil^tl^ife, r. /{e^. 1. The fame >V4J hoth ^rejigiired ^nd^nbhectedhy holie ^nnA i

The hiingric ( thofs that dcfi-re Geds grace andgUm) ate filied:vntil the barren womzn{thi church tefthi Ge>9tdes)bzrc relic manic:& Ihe that had manic children Nras vcakncei. jAr>r/^ that the church oftht Jewcshidmnfti", vniilthe^ltnitiide of Gtntilesmtich more abcundsd.'Wherfvreths' TfAlmifrimutethal

4 nations tt^rxife God,fdytng;:

ye Gentiles'

Not anic tm- C''*;7^^Vf/norIicro Dauid,thathi5 fecde fhal continc^ foreufr. His i.csllat.carJ' thron.-asrhe Sunnein Gods hghr, and lae Moonc perfected for th^^.tt ct,yiCitCyfiyth 9rZr:l;.wfj are

ofend in this felemne fejlfuitie,i

E N were gathered together al the ancientcsof Ifrael with the princes of the tribes, and the heades of the families of the children of Hrael to king Salomon into leru-


theArkeof the coucnantofour Lord outofrhecirieof Dauid, that is, out of Sion. f And t alirraeladembledtoking Salomsn in the rnoncch of Erhaniin.ona Hjlemnc day, that is the feuenth moncth. f And 5 al the ancientes of Ifrael came, and the prieftcs tooke the arke, f and caricd the arke four Lord, ad the tabernacle 4 ef couenant, and al the velRIs of the Sinduarie, that were in the taberni.dc and the Pncftcs and the Lcuitcs cacied them. t And.falemrthat they iTiip^htcarrie:


O F K I N G E . J^t f AiiHkingSalomon, thcmultitucle of Ifrael, ^yhich vas aflenibleM vnto him, vent viih him before the arke, and tkcy UKinolatcd (iTCcpc and oxen Nrichewt eftirrjation & numJ ber. t And the piicftes brought in the arke of the couenanc cf our Lord into liis place, iEto tke oracle of the temple, into 7 Saiiifcuin fandorumvndcr the \ri5"5gcs of the cherubs, t Forthe chcfubs fpicd thir xringe^ oucr the place of the arke,


and couertJ the arke, and


baires tlirfof abouc. f


5whras the barrel (lood out, and the tndcs of

them appeared










without in the Sandiaarie before the oracle, they appeared no farder outward, which alio weie there vaiil this prcfent day. t And in the arke there -^as nothing els but t'S'o ta- .. 'XV.^xt ^va? bles of ftone , -^hich Moyfes put in it in Horeb, vhenciir no mcrf with Lord made the couenant ve-ith the children of Ifrael, when *" the arkc, ^ri thera j^-jg j^Qjj5{^2j^j{jgypQm};jj. fixe flcppes neither fide "wasnci.


^^ (hieldcs






of kinges.vas not facha \rorke inadcinalking^omcs.








f Ycaandal the vciTclsjOutof the which the king Salomon drunke, were ofgoId:andal the furniture ot the houfeof theforcftof Libanus of rooft pure gold there \ras no filucr, neither was it thought of any priccin the daies of Salomon, -f becauferhc kinges nauie , once in three yearcs, went -with the nauie of Hiram on the Tea into Tharfis, bringing thence gold, and iiluer, and the teeth of elephantes, and apes, and pecockcs. f King Salomon therfore was magnified aboueal the kinges of the earth in riches, andwifedom. + And al the earth defired CO fee Salomons faecjthat they might heare his wifedom^ which Gd had gcuen in his hart, Andeuerie oneprefentcd him gifces, vefTcI of filuer and geld, garracntcs and inftrumentes for warre , fpices alfo, aRdhoiTcsand mules eueric yeare. f And Salomon gathered together the charietesand horferaen, and there amounted to him a theufaud foure hundretichariotes, andtweluc thoufand horfemcn and he difpofed them in fenfcd cities, and with the king in lerufalem. f And he made that there was as great abundance f filuer:



In lerufalem, asofftones: and feeder trees he caufedfuch a multitude, as if it were fycomore trees , which grow in the 28 playnes. f And there were horfes brought for Salomon out of ^gypt, and Coa, for the kinges merchantcs brought thera 2-5) out ofCoa, and brought them at a fette price, f Aadachariore of four e horfcs came out of ^gypt, for fixe hundred ficles of filuer, and one horfe for an hundred and fiftie. And after this mancr did al the kinges of the Hethites,andofSyriafel




Silomon louing dmd mdrying mAme rvemen of diuirsnAttonSyh irav&en by thcmtoideUtrn, 9. God therfore offended fuffcnth ^dAdtinldumtAOy 23. B^'X^n kfi"'^ of DamafcHSy 16. and^Hierohoum hiso'pnefem^ntto r/^akc ^urre agmnfl him. 29. ^hitt* ihe prophctforttUith Bieroloamythttt

be ibal rei^ne oHcr



leaning iut two to SAlowons heyres,

38. vvith frcmifs toprofpety if he feme

God. 42. Salomon




daughter alfo of Pharao , and Moabirc3,and Ammonit'cs, Idumeians, and Sidoniani , andHcthcians; f of the nations, wherof our Lord fayd fo the children of Ifrael Yeu flial not goeinvRto them, neither shalanie of thcjn CO mein ynro Vhuu:

A Nd king Salomon loucdmanievaraen

ftrangers, the


'^aiomon,, ic E fi I R D ; moll certainly turne a^ay yeur kartestofola^x^tlieii- je.oddes. To thefc thcrforc\ras Salomon copied inmoitfenieiicloue.tAMcl he had wines as it were queenes j iTlioQgliplu- (caen hundred,, and concubines three hundred: and the ralitic of v?t^cmen tinned away his hart, f AadH7henhe \vasnoNr old, ""^^? ^^'^'^ ^^^ ^^^'^ ^'"^^ depraaed by Nremen, that "he folowed ftrange goddes: ncichsr -was his hart pcrfc6b with our Lord his God, it was forbid .ro multjphe a$ the hart of Dauid his father, f But Salomon \rorshippcd 5 mtnl9.Dtt, ^yPcarthcc the goddeffe of the Sidonians,and Moloch the idol And Salomon did that ^hich was not ^r oithc Animonitfs. liked before ow: Lord, and he accomplished not to f-blovrour Lord, as Dauid his father, f Thyas difobedicnt to themoutli of our Lord, and our Lonj iiach deliucrcd him to ilie lion, d he hath tome


iiim, and killed In'm accordint; to the word four Lord , thtt Zy he fpakc to him. f And heVayd to hisfonnes SadJemean i8 a/lc. Who when they had fadied, f and hcwasgons^ , he found bis dead bodic caft forth in the way, and the allb and thehonftandinobythecoF(e: the Hon =: old not eaicof the ::By thisit^^ap dead Dodie, nor hurt the a(re. The prophet thcrforc (ookc P^^^cih to be:


thecorreofthemanotGod,andIayduvuontheaiTc, andre. turningbroughtnnuo the citie of the old prophete,


30 they might rnourne for him. f And helayd hiscorfein his o>'ne fepulchie: and tney n-,ourned for him: Alas, alas my y. btother. j And when they hadhis ronncs:




mourned for him, hefavdto



bones, t For afTuredly the word (hal come to paOe, which the word of our Lord agaynft the altar that IS Bethel: and agaynft al the temples of the e^celfcs. that arc the cities of Samaria, 53 f After thefewordes Ierbomi returned nor from his wicked way but on the corjtrarie parr he m ide of the moft abie^ of the people prif ftes oi the e;ccd(es Whofoeucr woald, he filled his hand/and he 34 was made a piicftof ihee^tcelfes. t And for this caufc dial:memhe hath foretoldm mm::Chap.L^-45 iheprophnfoKhtWeibd^^th ofbisfontie.forXII II.rhmotytr cof^fnltah ihe prophet,,.,,th, ruint ^[ mmhz,mif*m^i^, ,2. nimtljwhom Itm^ fuk., th.40. f/terohoam dteth, *ndhii[onnc N^d^yra^nctLu. s$me aljo^f the p^fle of Iicd4, ccmmitur.^ idotdtne ^tid aiher fwnes, 2;. the K,n^ of A^ypt tnu.dcth^nd Jack^thUter.faLm. 51. j^oboMm dutL and hs itnne''^A^u L thy./^'^^I.'^'-oboam [Ajd to his to me, thatalfo in thyhabire, thatthoubcnot knowen to bethe wifeof Icroboam, and goe into Silo, where Ahias the prophcte is, which.""'^ ^^^^ thcfonneof leroboam wasfickc.. Arile^and changenonic,ApenI should rcigne ouer this people \ Take hand ten loaues, and cracknclcs. andaveflelof and goe to him for he wiJ shew thee what:shal hat>to this childc. tThewife of leroboam didash.hS:73^Third bookekroboamdietk.fpoken: and ridng vp ^rnt into Silo,%nd cams into the houfe of Aiiias: but he could not fee, becaufe his eics were dimnic foirage. f Anioui: Lordfaydto Ahias: Behold the wife of/ leroboam cometh in, to confult thee concerning her fonnc that is fieks: thus and thus shalt thou fpeake to her. Wtisn {he therfore entered in , and dilTembled to be that she was, t Ahias heard the found of her feetcentring in at the doore, 6 andfayd: Corns in leroboams wife: Why doeft thou fayne thy felf to be an other woman? But I am fsnt to thee a heauie meffenger. f Goc,and tel leroboaai: Thus fayth our Lord 7 the God of Ifrael Becaufe I haue exalted thee out of the raiidesof the people, and made thee prince outc my peeple Iftaef: f and haue rent the kingdom of the houfe of Dauid, 8 and geuen it ro thee, and thouhaH: net beeiic as my feruanc Dauid, who kept ray commandementes, and folowed me in al his hatt, doing that which was wel liked in my fight f bujt ^ haft wrought euil aboue al, that haue beene before thee, and -~ haftmais thee ftrangs and molten goddes, " that thou micrh" - , felt prouoKe me to anger , and haft ueiccted me beaind tny i'lA notwirbacke | therfore behold I wil bring in suilsvpon the houfe {.o tinf^lyant^of purpofefetvp of leroboam, and wil (Irike of leroboam him thatpyircth ro falfcgoddes, fi^g ^al, and the incloftd, and the vileftin Ifraehand I wil clcanfc the rcmaynes of the houfe of leroboam, as dung is miffKt proThey that shal die of 11 uoke God to wonc to be cleanfed til al be pure.anger: for his Ierobara in the citie,thera the dogges Hial care; and ihey that mtenrion only ^\^^\ ^[q j^ jj^g /ield, them the foules ofthe ayre shil deuoure waste cpe ]^^^^^[q q^,^ Lq^^j ]^^^\^ fpokcn. f Thou therfarc nrife, and 12, the people: Fro r l r r the verie entrance of thy feete. croinTtolrru- go^ into thy houle: and:::-j-.i13mjfalcmT,leftby into theforcitic,thatoccafion theyshouUre-him,the childe shal die, f andallfrael shal mourne and shal burie him foi tUis onlie of leroboam shal:15^^ btoughc into the fepulchrc, becaufe vpon him hath becne f^und a good word from our Lord the God oflfracl, in the fiud4. ch. \i. houfe of leroboam. f And our Lord wilappoynt to him fclf 14 T. 17. Butbv a king ouer Ifrael, that shalflrike the houfe of leroboam in ^f^Hy '^'"^^ this day,andin this timc:t and our Lord the God of Ifrael shal 15 it, as a reede is wont ro be moued in rhe water rand he uoke GodTon ^"^^ shal pluckcout Ifrael from this good countrie,which he gane fequenrly totheir Lard, iinran-zcr.So here to their fathers,and shal fcatterthem ouer the Riuer:becaufeprouoke our Lord.andinotherj^^y)\^\xzmade to themfelucs groues, to^\xlLleroboam, \6 Zthe fAnd our Lordshaldeliuer Ifrael for the finnes of who hath finned, (?c made Ifrael to finne. t The wife therfore 17 wv/;f^rffV/.' of leroboamRoboamdieth.of kinges.735siid t^^t it ml^fitZeolleroboamarofe, and departed, and cflmeinto Ttcrfa:'o'hen she entered the threihold of the houfe, tke childe died, (j^^^'^;^3"gjj'^ 18 t andthcy buried him. And allfrael mourned for him accor- notthffiral i^ hisieruant, which hefpakein the hand of caufc,butthc Ahiasthcprophete. f But thercft of the wordcs ffoudeof oof leroboam , kow he fought , and how he reigiied, behold thcr faVcs, they are written in the Bookeof the wordesof ihedaiesofding to the word of our Lord20 thekingesof Ifrael. f And the daies, that leroboam reigned, are two and twentie yeares and he flept with his fathers: and Morcouer Roboam the ai Nadab his (onne reigned for him -f fonneoFSalomon reigned in luda: one and foartie yeares old was Roboam when he began ro reigne: feuentene yeares reigned he in Icrulalcm the citic , which our Lord chofe to put his name there, of al the tribes of Krael. And his mothers 11 name was Naama an Ammenire. t And ludasdid euil before our Lord, and prouckcd hirH aboucal thinges, that their fa25 thershad done, in their finnes which they (inned. f For they:^"^j^"Jj^"^.2^ high2;iC27iS29-3031them altars, and ftaiues , andgroues vpon cuerie and vnder euerietree ful pfgreneieauestfyca and effeminates were in the ]and,and they did al theabominations of thegenriics, whichour Lord deftroyed before the face of the children of Ifiacl. f And in the fifth yeareof the reigne of Roboam,Sefac the king of /^gvpt came vp into lerufalenis t and tooke the treafuresof the houfe of our Lord , and the kinges treafures, andal thinges hefpoylcd: the shieldes alfo of gold, which Salomon had made -f for the which Roboam made brafenshieldcsj&deliuered them into the hand of th captayncsof shield bearers, and of them that kept watch before the doore of the kinges houfe. And when the king went int the houfe of our Lord, they that had the office to goe before, caried them: and afterward they recaried them to thearraourie of the shicldbearers. f And therellof the wordes of Roboam, & al that he did, behold they are written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of luda. t And there was warre betwen Roboam and leroboam alwaies. f And Roboam ilcpt with his fathers, and was buried with themin thecitieof Dauid and his mothers name was Naama an Ammonite: and Abias his fonne reigned for him.alfo builthil,:*}-:Chap.[.yfliasXV.8.nigneth wickedly tnlttda three yedres.^fterhimhis fonne^f*fjiccedm^ deftrojeth tdoUtrie^ret^mn/ fourtie one yeares. i6.Vyho hauing74THIRDBooKEoF luda Abias. Afamtketh lex^ite with tbei^in^ of S^rit, 14. ^fid/tnT Iofiph*t [uccedeth. i;. MJid*^ reirneth wickedly twa ysures inlptel,isthenfuinel?y B44f4ofthi tribeof lf*ch4r f 1^. and bts wholetvirrtiwith tht k}n^ ofIfr^el^familulidefirsyed.55.Biti[4 aIjq rcigntth ^ickedl-^twennefoariytAra*in the cightenth ycarcofkinglcroboam i thefonneof Nabar, Abiasreignedouerluda. f Three 1 yearcs reigned he in lerufalem the name of his mother vas Maacha the daughter of AbcfTalom. f And he walked in al 5 thcfinnesof his father, which he had done before him: neither was his hart per fed with our Lord his God as the hart of Dauid his father, f But for Dauids fake our Lord his God 4 gaue him a lamps 3n lerufalem that he might rayfevp his ::Dau;5'hei\fith Baafa had built, and Afa ofitbuilt GabaaBcniamin, and Malpha* 23 j" Butthercft of al the wordcs of Afa,and al his fcrccs, and19 dvf^eltin::al thathe did,& the cities that he built, are notthefe writtenBookc of the words of the daycs ofthekinges of Iuda? Howbeit in the time of his old age he was dileafed in his 24 fectc-J- And he flcpt with his fathers,& was buried with themin the2jDauid his father. And lofaphat his fonne reignedforhim. -f But Nadab the fonne of Jeroboam reigned oner Ifrael thefccond ycareof Afa the king of Iuda: and bein the citic of16 reigned oucr Ifraelcull in the fighttwoyeares.-fAnd hedid thatwhichis27a81^10.^iof our Lord, and walkedin the waies of his father, and in his finneSjwherwich he made Ifrael to finne. t And Baafa the fonne of Ahias of the houfe of iHachar, lay in waytc againft him, and ftroke him in Gebbcthon, 'S'hich is acitieof the Philtftimes for Nadab and al Ifracl befiegcd Gcbbethon. f Baifa therfore flew him in the third yearc of Afa the king of Iuda, and reigned for him. f And when he reigned, he ftrokc al the houfe of leroboam: he leaft not fo ..Thcacrhout rauchasonefouleofhisfeedc, til hcdeftroied him according of fchifoeputo the word of our Lord, which he had fpokcn in the hand of "i^^^^^.'" ^^'^ Ahias the Silonitc; t for the frnnesof leroboam, which he P*^"^^""^ had finned, and vherwith he had caufed Ifracl to finnc, and for the offence, wherwith he prouoked our Lord the God of Ifracl, t But the reft of the wordes of Nadab, and al:'/^'wwv5that-that he wrought, are not thefe thinges ^jrrirten in theof irraelBaafa. Eh, Booke ofthe wordesofthedaiesofthckingesof Ifraehf And there 51 vas -varre bec\ren ACa. and Baafa the king of Ifracl al their[aies.74^Third bookef In the third yeare of Afa the king of Iuda,rigned 35 Biifa the fonae of Ahias , ouer al IfraelinTherfa foureand t>7entieyeares.t And he did euii before our Lord, dc walked 54 in the waies of leroboam, and in hisfimies, wherwith hemadeIfrael to finne.Chap.dnd rei^fteth.16. P4rtXVL^mti{prince of the itrmie)jebn for prophecying thedeflrufiionof B^.afadndtis heufe, 7. is flaine.S. yet his fonne eU mgneth two yeares. ^.Then Z^mbri reMeth, k^Uetk F.U^of the people chooftngiheir l(ing,iS.Zain(>ri defforAtly burneth himfelfsAndthe l^ingipalice^ ether part folotV ThebntAi kjn^tilhis death. 25.^mn retgnethtvvelueyedres I'Vnkedly. 29. His fonne ^cbdfrccedeth, marieth leX^bel^And feruethSn4l.i4f. Inthemenne time HielrepinerhJericho.AND the word of our Lord came to lehu the fonne of r Hanani agayn ft Baafa, faying: f For To much as 1 haue z exalted thee out of the duftfSc fette thee duke ouer my people Ifraelj but thou kaft walked in the way of leroboam;, and haft made my people Ifrael to finne, that thou mighteft anger me with their fianes: f behold, I wil cut downe the pofteritie.5 ofBaala, andthepofteriticof hishoufe^ and I wil make thy houfeasthehoufeoflerobeam the fonne of Nabat. f Who- 4 foeucr of Baafa shaldiein thecitie, hira shalthe doggcseate: and whofoeuer of his shal die inrhe countrie, him shalthe fowlesof the ayre deuoure. f Bur thereft of the wordesof y Baafa and whatfoeucr he did, and his battels are not thefe things written in the Bookeofthe wordesof thcdaicsofthe kinges of Ifrael f Baafa thcrfore flcpr with his-fathers, and 'hen heteigned, and fate vpon his throne, he ftroke al the houfe of Baala, and he Icaft not of it one that j2 could pyflc agaynfl: a val, & his kinsfolke and ff endes. f And Zambri deftroyed al the houfe of Baafa , according to the \p'ord of our Lord, that he had fpoken to Baafa in the hand of 1} lehu the prophet, f for al the iinues of Baafa, and the finnes of Ela his fonne, \('ho finned, and made Ifrael to finne, pro 14 uoking our Lord the God of Ifrael in their vanities f But the reft of the ^3rordcs of Ela, and al that he did, are nor thefc writenin theBookeof the wordesof thedaies of thckingcs i; of Ifrael? t In the feuen and twenteth yeare of Afa the king of luda, reigned Zambri feuen daies in Therfa moreouerthe And 16 armie beiicged Gcbbethon a citie of the Philifthincs. when they heard that Zambri had rebelled, and (layne the al Ifrael made Amiitheir king, who ^as General of king, ;;Altho[etKa 17 the warfare ouer Ifrael that day, in the campe. f Amri ther- ^crc in tlic fore went vp , and al Ifrael with him from Gcbbethon, aud. campe chofc t^ieirgenetal iB they befiegedTherfa. {- And Zambri feing that the eitie should be taken, hevrent into the palace, and burnt him felf with kinp^ajj/prg, i^ the kinges houfe: and he died f in his finnes, which he had uailcd therin finned doing euil before our Lord, and walking in the way f though an oIcroboam,andinhis finne*, wherwith he made Ifrael to finne. dierhalfoflfj cholcand xo t But the reft ofthe wordes of Zambri , andof histreafon, ff and tyrannic , are not thefe tninges writen in the Booke of jj^^^ for a 21 the wordes ofthe dayes of the kinges of Ifraeh f Then was cLme. thepeopleof Ifrael diuided into two partes: the halfepartof the people foiowed Thebni the fonne ofGincth, to make 2i him king: and the halfc part Amri. f But the people that was with Amri , preuayled ouer sihe people that foiowed Thebni the fonne of Gineth- and Thebni died, and Amri jnlfhcndc^d 13 reigned, fin "the one and thirteth yeareofAfa the king of he reigned luda Amri reigned ouer Ifrael, twelueycares: in Therfahe peaceably fot 24 reigned fix ycares. f And heboughtthemount of Samaria l^e began his of Somer for two talcntes of filucr and he built it, and he ^^^^^^^^cL-'^'. called the citie which he had built, by the name of Semer the ,j. ^-.^^ ajj^' 2j lord ofthe mount of Samaria, t And Amri did euil inthc icignedinal fight of our Lordj and wrought ^fickcdlyaboueal, that were u.jearcj,. :-f-'':before:.744before him.j*Third BOOKEAndOFIfracIAchab.he ^'^Iksd in 4I the "o^ay of Icroboam the li fonneofNxbat, aadin his Jsnncs ^Fhcrvrirh he made Ifrael fo finne; chic they might anger our Lard tiie God of Ifrael iu iheit vanities, f Bur the reft of the wordesof Amri, ar^d the 17 battels he made, are not thelc thinge.'0 and twentieyeares. f And Achab jo' the fonne of Amri did euil in the Hght of our Lord iboue al, rWhenHiel f^^^^'*'^^^ befote him. f Neither did it fuffice him that he jt began tobuild talked in the (Innes of leroboam the fonne of Nabat: belencho, his fides he cookc to vife lezabei the daughter of Ethbaul the ^^'^ Sidonians. And he venr, and fsrued B:ial, and diea^J^hTr^cft ^^H^^ adored him. f And he fette an altar to Baal in the temple of 51 fuccd^iucly, Baal, \rhich he had built in Samaria,f and hc planted agroue: 3$ that the laft dicii 'hcn he and Achab added in hisworke , prouoking our Lord the fininicd the Godof Ifrael aboueal the kinges of IfraeJ, that were beforehis daies Hiel of Bethel built lericho ^inAbiram 54 caurecl^by' ^''^' t I" ehe mouth of his fiifl borne he founded it, and in Segub his laft he fctte vp lofuchad for- the gates thcrofraccordmg to the word of out Lord, which kidthebuilhcfpakeinthehandof lol'ue the fonne of Nun.j-^^^:jofHi. f,^ingtkerof.ChAP..jduihyh'ts fr4jir htttetb the btAnenXVII.from rAintng. i. Is fed ij * trow* 8 an.Hj4')>\;iJovv ofSartptb^.i^.yvhofepotte ef mexhy and barrel of I'j'te diminiih.-ih not, 17, N^rfQnnsdtailf 3 and tsrayfed to life,EliasANdtoAchab Oar Lord:thcT'iesbitcoftheinhabitersof Ga,iaaci faid liueth the God of Ifratl,in wholeiTigbtl (Vmdjif there tbalbc thefeyearerdewand rayne, but according to the wordcsof my mouth. -f And the word of i our Lord came CO him, faying f Depart from hence, and goe 5 agaynfl the Eaft, and be hidde in the Torrent carith, which is agiynftlordan, t and there thoushilt drinkeofthc torrent: 4 and I hiue commanded rhe rauens that they fcedc thee there t Hetherforewent.and did according to the word of our y Lord-.and when hewasgone, he dtsin the Torrent carith, Nrhich is againft lordan, f The rauens alfo brought him bread :and''Elias.Ackb.*;e s. 74f and flesh in the mornJng,in like rnsncrbreadandfleshin the 7 cucning , and he ^rarkc of the ronent. t Butafttr c ertayne for itbad notrayrrdvpon the'Therpiftleon dales the torrent vras dried Tcufda) inthc 8 earth, f Therforc the vord of cur Lordcamctbhim,laying ^^ Arifc, anyord of Elias and he did cate, -and she, ami her weredinTpi* houfc: and fromihatday t fhepotof mcalc fay]cdnot,and ^i^^; ]^-^'^^ fhevelt'rlof oyie^as noroimirashea, according to the word no^thijchildc of our Lord, -^hich he fpake in the hand of Elias. f And it toafBidfo came to palTeaftf r thcfc thingcs,the fonne of the woman, the goodamogoodw!fcorrhehoure,feificke,ndthe fickcncfTe was veric thcr, butto She ^^^ rmeiier vchcmenr lo tliar there rcmayned no brearhinhim. therfore favd to Eiias "What is romeandthce thoumanof on^^ccmfortc God? comcrt th ju vnto me, that myne iniquities might be re- her by ra) fmomcmbrcd,and thou mighteftkil my fonne? f AndEliasfayd liim from to her Gciic me thy fonne. And he rooke hira from her bo- ^"'"-^o La- * fome, and caricd him into the vppcr chamber where himielf.j!'^ icmaiW^^'^^ abode, and layd him vpon his bed. f And he cried to oar c{cjii},l?utip Lord, and fayd: O Lord my God, "-what, the widow alfo with l^e raj-fc.d to whom I am after a fort fuftcynedjhaft thou afflicted, that thou ^^^^'^otGoAs wouldelt kil her fonne ? f And he flrctched forth, meafureci TcZ^^.t'^^^' him felfc vpon the childe three tv^raes,6 cfc; a mans foote, came vp from the (ca."Whoraid: Goc vp and fay to Achab: Yoke thy chariote and goe dovrne, left the rainr pre*noching.And:.-4J^Wntthec. f And ^hen heturned him ftlfe hither and thi'ther, behold ti\chcauens vere darkened, and cloudes and windc, and there fel great raine. Achab thcrfore going vp 4 i :.'Notatchfi:putting on ofleIIII23I can not doc. f And the mefTengcfs returning made report vnto him, who fent againc, and favd; Thcfc thingcj doe the goddcs to me, and thefc adde the/, i( the duft of Smtria shal fufficcfor thchanfullcs of althe people, that folowetk me. Let not t And the king of Ifrael anfwering, fayd: Tel him the girded gloric as the vngirded. f And it came to pafTe, when Benaded had heard this word, himfclfand tkc kinges dranke in pauilions, and he fayd to his fcraanrcs Ecfettc the citie, and they did befette it. f And behold a prophcte coming ro Achab the king of Ifrael^ (aid to him; Thus fayth our Lord;Haft thu in dede fene al this exccding great mulutude?''-armour, is timetoboan:"^^j^J^^/j'^'^"'ffn.itof.FoVthofe that art girded, andWrongly ^rJJi^'^jntr^u^'^]!,*':tKcir"ovnc"^ ftrcii^th , andconjtcmnirg;bchoidjtkeiradacrfa-behold,do^n^chcV'aVe ofteti oucr-Third booke of IfracI Achab;l them into thy hand this dav: that thou "^^^'^^"0^3 that I am the Lord. f And Achab faidiBy whom? 14 -^'^^ ^ ^^^"^ to ^""^"" Thus fiith our Lord By the fcruantcs of7S^Iwil deliucr.tluowne. And t^^c princes of the prouinces. thofsthacaif- fight? And he (aid: Theu. fAnd he faid Who vhal begin to He therfore muaered the Ter;ijfelu"?uaTr God,oncvfaYor other alu'aiej prcuaile"^"^^^ of the princes ofthe prouinccs,and he found the num^croftwo hundred thirtie two :and hemuftered after them the people, al the children of Ifrael, feuen tho^fand. f And iS they went forth at noone. Bat Be nadad drankc al dronken ia.AHeceiranelcf his tent,temporal anlfpiricualvarfayrc.andt>^oandthirtickinoes vrith him, .which'vrerccometoayde aim. f The leruanres therrore of the pnnces 17 of tkeptouincesilTued forth in theforefronr. Benadad therfore fent. Who told him, faying: Men are come forth out of Samaria, -f A.n ^^'^ ^** carried into Samaria and they buried the king gut oa his*:':-:.:&:inSamaria^,Of ludalofaphat. loram.58 inofkinges.7y5>kinglie5P49414145444j464748 495051Samaria, f and \rashed his chariote in the pooleofSamaria, and the doeges licked his bloud, and rhey washed the raynes of the bridle, according to the vord ot oar Lord which he had fpoken. f But the reftof the wordesof Achab, andalthathedid,and thehoufeof yuofie,thathe built, and of al the cities that he built, are not thefc thinges written in the Bookeof the wordesof thcdaicsof thekingesof Ifracl? t Achab therfore flept with his fathers , and Ochozias his fonne reigned for him. f But lolaphat thefonne of Afa began to reigne ouer luda the fourth yearc of Achab the king oflfiael. t Fine and thictieyeares old was he when he began to reigne, and fiuc and twentie yeares he reigned in lerufalem: the name of his mother was Azuba the daughter of Salai, t And he walked in al the way of Afa his father, and he declined not from it: and hedid that which was right in the fight of our Lord, t But yethetooke not away the excelfcs: for as yet the people did facrifice, and burnt incenfe in the excelfes. f And lofaphat had peace with the king of IfracL t But the reft of the wordcs of lofaphat, andhisworkes, which he did, and his battels, are not thefe thinges written in the Booke of the wordesof the daiesofthekingcsofluda? t Yea and the remnant of the effeminate, which rcraayned in thcdaics of Afahisfather,hc tookeoutof thcland. f Neither was there then akingappoyntedinEdom. t But king lofaphat had made nauies on the fca , which should failc into Ophir for gold: and they could not goe, becaufc they were broken in Afiongaber. f Then fayd Ochozias the fonne of Achab to lofaphat: Letmy fcruantcsgocwiththy feruantcJanyr eiVA\^vuUar armour,{aucd him not from^0"'cucng,in the (hippes. And lofaphat would not. t And lofaphat ilcpt with his fathers, and was buried with them in the Citie of ^i Dauid his father: and loram his fonne reigned for him. -f And Ochozias the fonne of Achab began to reigne oucrlfracl in Samaria,in the feuententh yeare of lofaphat the king of luda, J3 and he reigned oucr Ifrael two yeares. f Andhedideuilin the fight of our Lord, and walkedin the way of his father and his mother, and in the way of Icroboam the fonne of Nabar, 54 who made Ifrael to finne. f He ferued alfo Baal , and adored him, and prouoked our Lord the God oflfrael, according to al thinges which his father had done,THE,7^0FOVRTHBOOKETHE ARGVMENT OF THEFOVRTH BOOKE OF KINGES.sTHi AndJiidAfourth hdoke frofetuteth the Uf^orie tf she Kmgdomes ef Ifraely t9 the Cenerdl captmties-ofthcm both, shewing mameaEIciWofpeeUl l>ertiies and bereteJof good Ktnges^ Prsfhetetj ad other godltefirThe kiag^Iomoilnds. confcrued iQ Da-P^^f^^^ ^"^ dtners mmes of the 'picked. For in lada T&ere fame good hinges^ highly commended ; fomc ettil , f^hom God [pa-id ia this f^orU Ddutdsfkke. So tk^t in Lathfertss icix^D^idifeede conimaedin hss thi-ene ,anduidsfecdc.rsydfiate{prflmthetwetuetnhei^afterwardltitwo) ntre fours hundredfourfcore yeans, ^ud after the CAfiimtie ( 4s "^il 4ppejire m the Age enfmng )^^^g'^o^' ^f ^fr^^l (trtentte trthes) rvkich jiood d>om two hundredfftie miiufslK:^4nc their and ieftroyed J^^''j WisgreAt ckange^by VAyfwgAnd extirpatmgr.oyal fAWili;i> in the king^/^ Were had, yet pirtlf Wtfi fet yp hy God kimfelf^ partly frifercdte doaiofliracl. retgei and in leth Kingdomes^ "Were true and fidfeprophetes,^.^t'^'^Aseoiifemedinhmotcr ^ndej}imtit$onitilChrfflcttrSAtii9ur. But in the^lGodyfmgthemtmfleneof al, tohis on'ne glerieythegcod of his Churchtand punishnsntof others, and fometimes efthemfelaes. Sothisbooks whay bedtufded into ttvaThisbookc dimdcdmtpevs'opartes.partes. In ihs fenentene formfrchMpters. Are recorded ieyrjly*iitfrtncipaltbtngesdonne $ both k}gd&mes , til the capitttttie of tbttenne tribes. The other eight chapters conteme ether thinges donne in ludtt^ Jntfltheir uptiuitie tn Bahylorfc*iitand mixtlyrithe.THE FOVRT BOOK EOF KINGESsAccording to thehebrewes,THE SECOND OF MALACHIM.Chap.Ocho'XiisI.Kingoflfrael conpdting Beel'^ehnh,forhisfu{pies,isbUmedh)eUm^dndfortoU, that he shal die. 9. Ftrefrom heauen dmoureth two capttaines With eth of them fiftie men. \ \ . The third 'by hts ntore modcjltc efcapeth thelikedanger yij,"^ithhimEttas cometb to the King* 17, The ftmelCmgdtetbiandhis brother loramt Juccedeth,orthin/es donaeinboth Kingdomes,|(M^^^)I ^ ^ Moabtiioucdwarrc agaynft Ifraeljafcer thati1.^uh the declir!nc of liiaeLthe j^^ffi^m^ \chab was dead. f And Ochozias fel through I^^^aH hnchions of his vppcr chamber which he had in Samaria, and w^% ficke and he fenc mefll-ngcrs * laying to them Goe, coniulc Beelzebub the god of AccaroHs whether I may liueof this my inHrmitie. t And an Angel^^^^^::5Of liraelOchozias.otkinges.:7^14^6V7 5)n Angel o( our Lord fpakc to Elias the Th*rbite, faying: Arifc, and goc vp ro mcctc the meflcngcrs of the king of Samaria, and thou shal fay to them Vhat is there not a God in Ifrael, thatyc goc to confult Beelzebub the god of Accaron -f Whcrforc thus faith our Lord From the bed on \rhich thou art afcendcd thou shale not goc dovre, but dying tho (halt die. And Elias xp'cnt avay. t And the naeffcngcrs returned to Ochozias. "Who faid to thq^: "Why arc youreturned? t But they anfxrered him: A man mettc ys and fayd to ys; Goe,and rcturnc to the king,that fent yon, a^ad you (halfay to him: Thus faith our Lord; Doeft thou therforc fend to confult Beelzebub the god of Accaron, becaufc there was no God in Ifrael ? Therforc from the bed, "vrhich rhou artvpon, thou (halt not goc dovne, but dying thou shals dye. t "Who faid to rhem: What shape and habitehtd that man, vhich mettcyou, and fpakc thefewordcs ? f But they faid A hcaric man, and girded about his raincs vith a girdle of lethcr: Who faid: - It is Elias the Thesbitc t And he .. Eiiaj^jj fent vnto him a captaineoffiftie men, and the fiftic that -were IcKowcnby vndcr him. Vho^rcntvpand fayd to him fitting in the toppc hismuch?:,::.of the moont:0 thou com.cMan of God, the kins hath commanded that l!^^'^^? \".^ dovne. f And Elias an(wermg,layd to the c^p- from ordinary taineof fifiiemcn: If I be a man of God, " let fyre come';rnef'fom heauen, and deuoure thee, and thythcrforefiftie.'^^^FyreInzdeofiu-came downc from heauen, anddcuoured him and ft'ceEhasproII the hl^tie men that vrere with him f And he fent againe f"oniheauca vnro liim an other captaineof fiftie men, and his fiftie with tobume thrfe him. "Who fpakc to him: Man of God, Thus faith the king pjoudcapitaiji Make haft, come downe. -f Elias anfwering faid: If Ibca nesand their '"^"' ^% man of God, let fyre come dow ne from heauen, and deuoure procuredfiic r rr T' r c thee, and thy nftie. Fyre thcrrore came downc trom heauen, \q bumc the 13 and deuonred him, and his fiftie. f Agaync he fent a third holocanft^and captaine of fiftie men, and the fiftie that were vith him. then flew- the Who vhen he \rt$ come, boved his knees toward Ehas .^"'^fP'^g'^'"/ and prayed him and fayd: Man of God dcfpife not my life ^ ?/,>_. /rii 14 and the liues of thy feruantes tliat are with me. f BehoM demirAhil. s. fyre came downe from heauen, and hathdeuoured the two script. firftcaprayncs of fiftie men, and the fifties, that were with themrbut now 1 bclech the that thou haue metcie on my life..: 1^1y\Ix;t And an Angel of our Lord fpakc to Elias, faying: Goc downe with him, fcarc not. He thctfore arofc, and went Zzzz downebooke Oflfr.Toram.Elias.EUrcuf. do wne with him to the king, f and fpakc to him Thus faith i6 our Locd Becaufe thou haft (cnt melftngcrs to confult Beelzebub the god of Accaron, as though there* were not a God in Ifrael, of whom thou mightcft aske the word, therforc from the bed, which thouart afcended vpon, thou shak not dtfcend, bucdying thoushalt die. j H-e died therfore accor- 17 ding to the word of our Lord which Ehas (pake, & lorara his brother reined for him, in the fecond yeare of loram the fonneof lofaphat the king of luda: for he had no fonne. But thercflof the wordcs of Ochozias, which he wrought, iS fare not thefe written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kingcs of Ifrael?"j^h: :ThirdChap.El'ifiuiII.and thejyhis"^ilnotpartfromElias.y.FiftieeiifcipleifoloiVthemtohrJan.S,"fVaier isisThedimdidbyElita cloks,trvo palse theduechane!, 9*to ElifiUf^Ehastetueafumpied in a jirie charioie^andtheir reli^i'iusdublefptnte i^gtuen13. '^'horeturning bj iikemirAcuLiis meancs ouer Fordanythedtfciples tt-and honour him asSnpenouf. iG. They (eiks eIias, lutJjnd himnot. 19. Elifeusamcndeththe waters by (afitn^'mfMi. 2j. Sojes4ret9re by beares/or mocking life:is.Ih^w^'I'cl^'lied beingJcenta'.^ ^^ came to pafTe, when our Lord would rake vp Si JljL Eliai by a hurlc windcinto * heaucn, Ehas and Ehlcuj went from Galgal. f And Ehas fayd roEliieus: Sittehcrc, becaufe our Lord hath fent me as fur as Bethel. To whom ^^^^^^^ ^'^ ^^^ ^^^"^ hutth, and thy foule hueth I wil not'^i,^ayrgeraloyvt)-hsauest,,J^aue thcc.And when he was comc downe to:know, that this day our ^j] take thymaiftcr from thee ? ^hoanfwered: I alio knowit hold your peace f And Elias fayd to Elifeus: Sittc 4 KTliu'e'^th and muAdyeAsj'. here, becau(e our Lord hath fent me intolcricho. Andhc ^ngufliii teafaydiOur Lord liueth,& thy (oule liueth,! wil not leauc thee. th*ih.h.9.c.6. And when they were come to lericho, f the children of the $certain.batccrj^q^^j:children of the prophetes, that were yp into thcayrejisvn- Elifeus, and (ayd to him Doeft thouBethel, f ^he in Bethel, went forth to5.decen. a.lit.Cfn.6.c^^po'saU^.ii.hath fenc me as farrc as lordan. Who fayd Our Lord liueth, and thy foule liueth, I wil not leaue thee: They went therforc both together, j and of II afcendcd by a hurle windeinto hcauen. f And EUfcus faw ^^j^^i^^jj"; him, and cried My father, my father, the chariotc of Hrael, liashad.^i!^. ij," and the guider therof. And he faw him no more:and he tooke.,;;:.:his garmcntes, and rent them in two pecces. f Andhetookc vp the mantel of EUas, that was fallen to him and returning 14 he ftood ypon thebankcoflordan.j and with the mantel of Elias , that fel downc to him, he fmote the waters , and they were not diuided. Andhefayd: Xv'hereis the God of Elias, now alfo? and he fmote the waters, and they were diuided x; this way and that way, and Elifeus paftedouer. f And the children of the prophetes, that were in lericho , ouer agaynft himfeinghim, fayd; The fpirit of Elias hath refted vpon Eliadored him flatte to the :;Thcyadore(i fcus. And coming to meetehim, Behold, there are with thy him forhisho E^ ground, f and they fayd to him feruantes fifric ftrong men, that can goe and feeke thy mai- ^''^"' *"^ defter Jcft perhaps the fpiritof our Lord hath taken him , and ",ueJ^^thc caft him vpon oneof the mountaines, or into one of the val- ^irij ^ffo 1:7 leis. "Who fayd; Send nor. f Andthey forced him , til he a- great a progreed, and fayd: Send. Andthey fentfiftie men. Who when phetc, notfor J^r^^iie, ^ut iS they had fought three daiesjfoand not. t And they returned ^1 T V TTN-jT fpintual excel i-'id I to hmi but he dwelt miencho, and he fayd to them {^^^.^g 5:.thetSend not ? f The men alfo of the citie fayd to fore not viyith J5> not fay to you Elifcus: Behold the habitation of this citie is verie good, aJ ciuilbatrelithy fclfe my lordperceiueft but the waters are very il, and gioushoaouf' 10 the ground barren, t But he fayd; Fetch me a new vcftel, 21 and put fait into it. which when they had btought, f going out to the fountaync of the waters, he caft fait into it, and fayd Thus fayth our Lord I haue amended thcfc waters,and15::,It11I1IIJ:::::;,Zzzz-zdeath7^4F oVK T HBooKEOfIfraclloram.deaca flialnonaorc be in them, nor barrcntieffe. t Theva- 21 tcfs cherforc\rere amended vntil this day, according to the yjU>rd of Ehfcus, which he fpakc. f And from thence he went 25 vp into Bschel Sc when he went vp by the way, Httle Jaddes came forth out of the citic, and mocked him, faying Come vp bildhead,come vp baldhcad. -f Vho when he had looked 24 backc, hefawthem, Sccurfedthemin the name four Lord: toteof them and two beares came forth outofthe forcft, two and fourtic boycs. f andfrom thence he went into the 25* maunt pf Carmelj and from thenci he turned into Samaria.::&Ch AP>d^d'nj} the kjnj^ of Monhy fir net9..III.Uram \ln^ of Jfrdel dccom^Untd with the kiffres of Ittid O^ Edm,f^hteth^aymg trihute According to their league,without rAwe:wxntltigWiten, 16.Eiipsif procttreih fufficientifion is oucr-^ throw ne in tht ftldf. i6. th:n being hcftgtd immoUteth hisfirji Ui^ottenfone:ttndthelfdiliit}le4netheftt^c.AIud,Noloram the fonnc of Achab reigned oaer Kfiel in Samaria- theeightcnth ycarcof lofaphatthc kingof1,And he reigned twclueyearcs. | And he did euil before '2 our Lord, but not as his father and mother: for he tookc away the ftatucs of Baal, which hii father had made, Ncuerthe- '5Ics in the (innesof leroboam ihcfonncof Nabatj who made Ifrael to (inne, heftucke fa{t, and departed not from them. t Morcouer Mcfa the king of Moab , uouriQicd raanicL^ 4 sheepe, and he payed to the king of Ifrael an hundred thoufand lambes, and a hundred thoufand rarames with their fleeces, f And when Achab was dead, he brake the league, 5 which he had made with the king of Iftael. Thcrfore king 6 loram went forth that day out of Samaria, and'muftercd al Ifrael. f Andhcfent to lofaphat the king of luda, faying: 7 The kingof Moabisreuoltcd from mc,come withmeagainft him to battel. "Who anfwcred: I wil come vp: he that is mine, is thine; my pcoplc,thy people: & my horfes ihyhoffes.fAnd he faid "What way $h*l wc goc vp ? but he anlwcrcd By the t defert of Idumca. t Therforc the king of Ifrael, and the king 5* of ludi, and thckingof Edom went for ward, and compaiTed feuen daics iourney, neither was there water for the arraicj and the beaftes, that folo wed them. I And thckingof Ifracl 10 ii\i Alas alas alas, our Lord hath gathered vs three kinges^-f-j.c.:utogether^Of luda lofaphat. oflfr. loram.ziofkinces.y6^together, that Ke might deliuervs into the handcs of Moab. t Andlofaphatiaid: Is there not here a prophet of our Lord,that \re may befech our Lord by him ? And one of the fcruantcs of the king of Ifrael anfvered Here is Elifcus the fonne of Saphat, which powrcd water vpon the handcs of::^it Andlofaphatfayd: The word of our Lord is with the kingof irirael wcntdowncto hi.n, and lofaphac 13 the king of luda, and the king of Edom.| And Elifeus laid to the king of Ifrael: "Whatis to me and fhce goc to the prophetcs of thy father, and thy mother. And the king of Htacl laid to him; "Why hath our Lord gathered together thefe three kinges, that he might dehucr them into thehandesof Moab? The Lord of hoftcs Jiucth, in 34 t And EHleus faidto hnu whofe Tight I (land. If 1 did not reuercnce the face of lofaphat thcking of luda, I would not cerres haue barkened to 15 thee, nor looked on thee, f But now bring mc hither aplaicr oninftrumentes. And when the player fang^ the hand of our 16 Lord came vpon him, and belaid: t Thus faith our Lord:11Eiias.him.And?:27.thechanel of this torrent diches and diches.f For thus our Lord You shainotfce winde,nor rainc: and this chanel shal be filled with waters, & you shal drmkc, and your your beaftes. f And this is a fmal thing in the fight 38 families, of our Lord nioicouerhc wil deliucralfo Moab into yaurfaith:Make&:f And you ihal ftrike cueriefenied citie,and eueric principal cirie, and shal cut downe al fruiccful trees, and .-.-itwaj forbid shal ftoppc vp al fountaincs of waters, and euerie goodlir ao field you shal couer with Hones, f Itcamc to paflfe thcrforc cutdownc in the morning, when they vfcd to offer the facrifice, and be- f|'"'P"cin hold, water came by the way of Edoro, and the ground was chanaan II filled with waters, f But al the Moabites hcarmg that the >j^hich the Ifvp raclicc to fight againft them, kinges were come they called rogcfl^ould ther al that were girded with a belt vpon them, and they poflefle, b>u '"dor 2i ftoode in the borders, t And ryiine early in the mornine. L^ and the lunne being now rilen oucr againft the waters, the nednotto Moabites faw the waters ouer againft them red, as it were them and foit ft) bloud, t andfaid: Itisthebloud of the fword: the kinges wasnotproKi' hanc fought among them felues, and arc flaine one of an ''^^^'^ ^ ^"y 34 other: now goe on forward to the pray, Moab. t And they tponTuftof,' went forward into the carapc of Ifrael Morcoucr Ifrael fence. ryfing vp, ftroke Moab: but they fled before them. They s5therfoic that had ouercome, came and ftroke Moab, f and35 handes.:Zzzz5dcftroycd.-J66Thirdbooke:ofIfr.loram.ElifeuSodeftroycd the cities& euerie principal field they filled eucrie:mmcafting ftones: and they ftopt vp al the fountaines of waters and cut downe al trees that bare fruitc, (p that there remained onlie brikc walles and the citie was befette of the {lingers, and for a great part therof was ttrooken. f Which 2^ when the king of Moab had feenc, to witte, that the enemies had preuayled, hetooke with him fcuen hundred men that crew fword, to breake in vpon the king of Edom and they could not. f And taking his firft begotten fonne, that should 17 haue reigned for him, he offered hira an holocauft rpon the wal: and there was great indignation in Ifrael, and foi thwith they rctyred from him, and returned into their countrie.: :Chap.Eli^eui fo multiplietha fooreIILL'widowesojley thai she pajeth her dthtesdndli-ueth of the refi.2>.By his prayers n SHnamite jvoman hath^hichdying herayfethtoiiphich bylife.58.Hetakethdtvay the bitternes of colo^uintid^tchance ^as putm thepotte, ^i. andfeedsth manie'^nih femof theUatteioANd1 iier.a certayncwomanwiuesof theprophetesiiiwv V."cz'i^d toEhfeusjf aying:Thy feruanumy hufband is dead,'Teufdayinthc and thou knoweft that thy (eruant was one that feared God, third wcks of behold the creditour is come to takeaway ray two fonncs&'^^^'to ferue him. f To whom Eiifeus fayd: What wilt thou that t I doe for thee ? Tel me, what haft thou in thy houfe ? But sheanfwcred:Htle oyle, to anoyntborrowthy handmaid haue nothing in my houfe, but a me withal, f To whom hefayd Goe, of al thy neighbours emptieveflels not a few. t AndI:54goe in, and shut thy doore, when thou art within, thou and thyfonnes: and powre therof into al thefevelTels: and when they sbal be ful, thou fhalt take them away, t The woman therfore went, and shut the doore vpon her, and vpon her fonncs they brought her velTels^j and she powred in. f And when the vefTels were ful, she fayd to her fonne: Bring me yet a veflcl. And he anfweredrl haue nonco And the oile ftood. t And she came, and told the man of God, And hefayde, Goe, fel the oylc_y, and pay thy creditour: and thou and thy fonnesliueof thercft t And there came a certaync day, and Elifeus pafied by Sunam: and there was there a great woman, which held him to eate bread: and whenhcpalTed often that way, he turned in to her to eatc bread, f "^^^:57S;5faydOF KINGES.fayd to her hiifLand:101jCjGodjwhichalitleperceiue that this is aholie man of palleth by vs often, f I etvs thcrforc make himiitlcchamber, and fetrehimabedin it,anda table,and11a ftoolc,and a candlcfticke,that when he cometh to vs he may tarie there, f There came therfore a certaync day, and cominglihe turnedin to theto Giezi hisferuant: Call this Sunamite.I)chamber, and reded there, t Andhefayd who ^rhen he hadcalled her, and she ftoode before him , f he fayd to hisferuant; Speaketoher: Behold thou haft diligently miniftred to vs in al thinges, >yhat wilt thou that I doc for thee? haft thou any bufines, and wilt thou that I fpeake to the king, or the general of the warrefare? Whoanlwered: Id>5*'clin the S4 middcs of myne owns people, f Andhefayd: "What wil she then that I doc for her? And Giezi fayd Askc not: for she:i;!^171%i^%o11\i%},243jhath no fonne,and her hufband is old, t He therfore comanded him to calher: who when she vas called, and ftoode before the doore, -f he fayd to her: At this ryme, this lelf fame houre, if life accompanicj thou shalt hauc a fonne in thy vombe. But sheanfwered Doe not I befech thee ray lord, man of God, doc not lie to thy handmayd. f And the "weman conceiucd , and brought forth a fonne in that time-,-, and in the felf fame hourc, thatElifeus had fayd. f And the childe grewc And vpon a cerraine day, when going he fayd forth he went to his father, vnto the reapers, But he faid to his father My headaketh , my head aketh to his feruanCjtake him, and bring him to his mother