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(A Descriptive Research at the Second Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in partial fulfillement of the requirement for the Degree of

education in English Education Department









Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. The researcher expresses her highest gratitude to the

almighty Allah SWT, who has given guidance, blessing, and mercy to his in completing this

thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the

prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Further, the researcher also expresses sincerely deepest gratitude to my beloved

parents; my father M. Thahir Usman, S,Pd, my lovely mother Nurmiah, my brothers and

sister for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed for hes success, and their love

sincerely and purely without time.

The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many

people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the

completion of this thesis. Therefore the he would like to acknowledgment them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag., the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd, the head of English Education Department

of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave her valuable authorities and

suggestion in doing this thesis.

4. Her greatest thanks are due the first consultant Prof. Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa,

M.Hum as the first consultant and Awalia Azis, S.Pd., M.Pd as the second

consultant who have given their valuable time and patient, to support assistance

and guidance to finish this thesis.

5. Her biggest thanks to Muh Arief Muhsin S.Pd., M.Pd. as a Lecturer on Seminar

on ELT and as my advisor who has given their valuable time and patients, to

support assistance and guidance to complete this thesis.

6. Her greatest thanks to Family Squad as a supporting family in all condition to


7. Her greatest thanks to Partner always supported me to complete this thesis.

8. Her greatest thanks to Fraternity Class as a class who have give an experiences

in developing his character.

9. Finally, for everyone who have given valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance,

and advice to completion this thesis may Allah S.W.T. be with us now and

happily everafter.


Billahi Fi Sabillil Haq Fastabiqul Khaerat

February 18, Makassar

The Researcher

Depika Pramadani T



COVER …………………………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………………….. ii

COUNSELING SHEET ……………………………………………………… iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………….. iv


Background …………………………………………………………………….. 1

Problem Statement ……………………………………………………………… 2

Objective of the Study ………………………………………………………….. 3

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………. 4

Scope of the Research …………………………………………………............... 4


Previous Research Findings …………………………………………………….. 5

Pertinent Ideas …………………………………………………………………... 6

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………… 20


Research Design ……………………………………………………………….. 21

Population and Sample ………………………………………………………… 21

Variables ………………………………………………………………………. 21

Research Instrument ………………………………………………………….... 21

Data Collection Procedure …………………………………………………….. 22

Technique of Data Analysis …………………………………………………... 23


Findings ………………………………………………………………………. 25

Discussions ……………………………………………………………............ 26


Conclusions …………………………………………………………………… 27

Suggestions …………………………………………………………………… 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. 30

APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………… 31


DEPIKA PRAMADANI T. 2020. Thesis on "The Difficulties Faced by

Students in Using English Linking Verbs" (A Descriptive Research at the First

Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiah 1 Makassar). Makassar Muhammadiyah

University supervised by Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa and Awalia Azis.

This study aims to find out the difficulties faced by students in learning

English linking verb just focus in linguistics problem, like factor and causes that

make students difficult to use linking verb. The sample of the research was the

first grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar consisted of 30

students. The sample was taken by independent sampling which random


The result showed that the test of objective test and questionnaire are, students didn’t like study English, students were lack of vocabulary, students

were difficult to understand linking verbs was caused first language influence,

students were difficult to identify ten linking verbs in sentences, students were

difficult to differentiate sentences, which were using and not using linking

verbs, students not interested in learning grammar. It can be concluded that the

difficulties encountered by the first grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Makassar in learning English linking verbs can be decreased and the

understanding of that material can be improved and to make the students more

interested in learning linking verbs, the students should know how important

learning linking verb is.

Keywords: Linking Verb, Dificulties


DEPIKA PRAMADANI T. 2020. Skripsi tentang “Kesulitan Siswa dalam

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Linking Verbs” (Penelitian Deskriptif Pada Siswa Kelas I

SMP Muhammadiah 1 Makassar). Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

dibimbing oleh Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa dan Awalia Azis.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa

dalam mempelajari verba linking bahasa Inggris dan hanya fokus pada masalah

linguistiknya seperi faktor dan penyebab siswa sulit dalam menggunakan linking

verb. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar

yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara independent

sampling dengan teknik random.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tes tes objektif dan angket, siswa kurang menyukai pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, siswa kurang kosakata, siswa sulit

memahami verba link disebabkan pengaruh bahasa pertama, siswa sulit

mengidentifikasi sepukuh verba linking dalam kalimat, siswa sulit membedakan

kalimat yang menggunakan dan tidak menggunakan verba linking, siswa kurang

tertarik untuk mempelajari grammar. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa

kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa kelas I SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar dalam

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris linking verbs dapat dikurangi dan pemahaman

materi tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dan agar siswa lebih tertarik untuk mempelajari

linking verba maka siswa sebaiknya tahu betapa pentingnya belajar

menghubungkan kata kerja.

Kata Kunci: Linking Verb, Kesulitan



A. Background

People use language as a means of daily communication. It involves the

process of sending and receiving information. Language is used as a media to

express one’s feeling and idea. Language can unite people to communicate each

other. Beside learning Indonesian, students also learn English, a global language

that plays an important role in such various aspects as of finance, education,

fieldwork, and business. To speak English and to understand English, the students

need a process, such as teaching learning process in the classroom.

Learning English as Foreign Language is not easy. It is different from

learning a mother tongue. Although the students have learned English more than

six years, they are still not skilled yet. Some students may express in

ungrammatical English because of their first language. (Dewale and Furmham,

2000:358) state that difficulties faced by the L2 learners may be resulted from the

differences of the target language from the source language. The differences may

result in the negative transfer or interference whereas the similarities may result in

positive transfer, which facilitates the language learning (Aronoff and Miller,


Nowadays, English is use for all people worldwide because of the on

going, advances in technology such as internet, and other business, English.

English also plays an important role in education and students expected to use it

effectively. It means that found that English is necessary for all professions.

However, teaching English in Indonesia is challenging. Many students are

able to understand in this language but most of the students agree the problem of

communicating their ideas effectively. The problem is the lack of both such as the

adequate stock of English vocabulary and creativity in writing. It is evident that

writing is the biggest challenge for many students.

Al-Mekhlafi and Nagaratman (2011:14) says that in learning institution,

the teaching of grammar is the most difficult skill to teach and boring skill to

learn. It means that grammar has a sentence patterns, rules and should comprise

language structure or sentence patterns meaning and use. Therefore, if there is

students mention should mention of grammar in classroom, it would make

students to have moments of anxiety or scary or seems like terror.

One of the grammar parts learned is verb. As we know that verb is

essential part in sentence. Principally, real verb or ordinary verb is any word

indicating movement, act, effort, or intention of both a living subject and non-

living subject. However, it classification into two parts there are action verb and

non-action verb. Usually ordinary verb is included action verb while non-action

verb is included into linking verb. A linking verb is a verb of incomplete

prediction, it merely announces that the real predicate follows. It means that

linking verb do not show action. It has a function to connect a subject to a subject

complement which identifies or describes the subject.

The development of progressive and simple form and came to the

conclusion that the problem when it is appropriate to use one structure rather

than another. Einstein point out that ultimately the challenge of learning closely

related verb structures is probably that they have to be integrated into the

semantic and grammatical system in such way that each marks of own meaning

domain. But the fact shows that many students are difficult to classify the verb

in sentence which included an action verb and verb which included non action


Different students can have different difficulties and problems in learning

English. They can make different mistakes in English pronunciation,

grammar, and vocabulary usage. There is a connection between the native

language of a learners and particular difficulties in learning and using

English. The kind of mistakes a learner typically makes in English

pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, as there is native language interference

in learning and using English.

Many students have more than a few problems with English. There are

many rules but then there are just as many exceptions to those same rules. This

makes it very hard to figure out how to speak and write proper English. One such

problem is with linking verbs and run on sentences. Working on this problem is

sometimes overwhelming.

Actually, linking verb is a common verb in specific classification but most

of students in senior high school are difficult to analyze it in a sentence.

The writer has observed students in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar and

aimed to detect that most of students are difficult in learning English grammar

especially in learning English linking verbs.

In addition, based on the writer’s experience during intership 3 at SMP

Negeri 1 Sunguminasa, the writer found out that students in the school difficult to

analyze it in a sentence. This makes it very hard to figure out how to speak and

write proper English.

From the statement above, the writer took this topic to be investigated. In

the other hand the previous research focused on the grammatical interferences

from Indonesia into English Translation. So that, for the writer wants to

investigate the difficulties faced by the second year students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in learning English linking verb.

B. Problem Statement

According to the background of the research, the writer question are

formulated as follows:

What are the causes in difficulties in linking verb faced by the first grade

students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in learning English especially in

linking verb?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the research problem, this particularly research aimed to find out: To

find out the causes in difficulties faced by first grade students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in learning English especially in linking verb.

D. Significance of The Study

The finding of this research is intended to find out the causes students’

in difficulties in learning English linking verbs. The result of this study is

expected to give useful information to the English teacher in teaching English

linking verb.

Theoretically, this research is expected to give a real portrait

about students’ difficulties in learning English linking verbs. Practically, this

research is expected to give much information about students’ difficulties, so in

the future the students’ will be more careful in learning English linking verbs

and English teacher can help the students to solve the difficulties they face. And

at the same time, the researcher also expects that this research will be worthwhile

information for all readers.

E. Scope of The Study

This research focuses on the difficulties faced by students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in learning English Linking verb Linguistic.



A. Linking Verb

There are many definition of linking verb that has been purpose by some

expert in learning English.

Linking verb is some verb do not talk about action, but instead link the

subject t an adjective that gives us more information about the subject. It means

that linking verbs are not the same as stative verb. Some linking verbs are

connected but some are not. Linking verb connects a subject to a compliment

which tells something about the subject. The most common linking verb is be.

However, such verbs as (become, remain, continue, prove, and stay) may also

called linking verb. Linking verbs are usually followed by a subject complement

(noun, adjective, or adverb) that refers to and describes, or means the same as the


Stare team (2009) stated that linking verbs divided into two categories.

There are to be and non to be. To be are words used to connect subject and

complement in a nominal sentence. A nominal sentence is a sentence that its

predicate or verbs doesn’t express an action but express name, status, quality,

state, and place. The most common linking verb is the verb to be. Other common

ones relate to the five senses (to look, to feel, to smell, to sound, and to taste). The

verbs to be, to become, and to seem are always are linking verbs. They always

link the subject to the predicate to re-identify or describe it. However, the other

verbs in the list above are not always linking verbs. Remember, linking verb do

not express an action. However, some of the verbs in our list can express an


Irfani Bakri (2010) in her thesis, “The Ability in using English

Linking Verb at the second year Students of MAN 3 Makassar”, found and

concluded that the ability of student in using English linking verb at the second

year students of MAN 3 Makassar was very poor with mean score was 32.33.

Some factor that hampered the students in using English linking verb where the

students’ lack of assignment, the students ability to understand the English

subject was difficult, the students’ lack of write English book, the teacher lack of

feedback for students.

Linking verb is a verb such as be or become connects a subject to

adjective or noun (called the complement) for example she became angry, the

verb became is a linking verb. A linking verb is a verb of incomplete prediction, it

merely announce that real predicate follows.

Ibid (2010) with the title “An Error Analysis of Students' Translating

Verbal Conjugation at SMA Negeri 1 Parung” said that predicating or linking

verb is a part of sentence in containing a verb that makes a statement about the

subject of the verb, like went home in John went home. It means that linking verb

is the chief word in the predicate that talk something about the subject. The

predicating has traditionally been called a verb of action (momies cry: he wrote a

letter), but has actually been interpreted to include most non-action verbs that are

not linking verb.

As it is has been explained previously that linking verb are verb which do

not express action or movement. Instead, they connect the subject of a verb

to additional information about the subject or are called subject complement

Look at the example below:

- Billy is a computer hacker. (The subject ‘Billy’ is connected to the

subject complement ‘a computer hacker’).

Subject complements can be in the forms of ‘noun’, ‘adjective’, or

‘adverb’. Such as:

- Professor moriber is the director of online learning. (‘the director of online

learning’ is noun which has a function as subject complement).

- Our trip to Yellowstone was fantastic!. (‘fantastic’ is an adjective which

has a function as subject complement.

Besides some example above, notice that some of the verbs can be either an

action or linking verbs depending on their use, like:

- She smells the roses. ( in this sentence ‘smells’ is an action), but The wet

garbage smells awful. (in this sentence ‘smells’ is a linking verb because

‘awful’ is an adjective as subject complement.

Linking Verbs are sometimes harder to recognize than active

verbs because they simply show that the subject exists. These verbs usually

can not be demonstrated. Linking verbs include the following:

- Forms of the verb “to be”: am, is, was, were, will be, had been, etc.

- Verbs of “sense”: seem, appear, look, smell, taste, sound, etc.

The following sentences with linking verbs (italicized):

- Susie IS the head cheerleader. George IS a good father.

- Chris IS the captain of the team.

- Tracy SEEMED very excited.

- This fish SMELLS rancid.

- Vicks NyQuil TASTES awful.

- Pete APPEARED sulky and unhappy.

- I FELT very foolish.

- My new stereo SOUNDS wonderful.

In each sentence, the subject complement (the word which completes

the meaning of the sentence) is either a noun or an adjective. For example,

cheerleader is a noun renaming who Susie is. Excited is an adjective

describing Tracy.

a. Types of Linking Verb

Stare team (2009) stated that linking verbs divided into two categories:


Am Appear

Is Become

Are Come

Was Fall

Were Fill

Be Get

Been Go

Being Grow

To Be Keep






1. To be

Slamet Riyanto, Emilia NH (2008) state that linking verbs of “To Be”

are words used to connect subject and complement in a nominal sentence. A

nominal sentence is a sentence that its predicate or verbs doesn’t express an

action but express name, status, quality, state, and place.

For example:

Name: he is Alexander, Laura.

Status: he is a doctor, worker.

Quality: his diligent, kind.

State: he is happy, sad.

Place: it is in denpasar, brazil.

Complement can be in the forms of noun, adjective, adverb, of place,

preposition, and numeral.

1) The use of linking verbs of To Be:

Table 1.1

Noun Be Noun

I Am Grace

We Are Students

You Are A teacher

They Are Managers

He Is Director

She Is Cashier

It Is A city

Table 1.2


I Am Happy

You and I Are Busy

You Are Very Diligent

The students Are Hungry

Adam Was Absent yesterday

Rini Is Enough tall

It Is Dark

The earth Is Round

Table 1.3


The parcel Is For you

Tom and Jerry Were With me this morning

The city Bank Is In front of market

Ali Is From Egypt

The supermarket Was Across the street then

The post office Is Next to the bank

Bethesda hospital Is Behind the post office

The picture Is Above the TV set

Linking verbs are usually followed by a subject complement (noun, adjective,

or adverb) that refers to and describes, or means the same as the subject. According

to Stare team (2009) states that there are three sentence patterns with linking verbs,

such as:

Table 1.4; Noun + Linking Verb + Adjective


Linking Verb

Subject Complement

Noun Adjective





Natural resources



Can be

Can be







Table 1.5; Noun + Linking Verb + Adverbial


Linking Verb

Subject complement

Noun Adverbial


She The

office She



Is not


Is Must

be Has


Will be

Here now

On the way

On the corner

There soon

Home by 06.33 a.m

There on time

Table 1.6; Noun + Linking Verb + Noun


Linking Verb

Subject Complement

Noun Noun

My name


My friend’s name





Is Is



A student


A student

Police man

(Stare Team, 2009)

2. Non To Be

The most common linking verb is the verb to be. Other common ones

relate to the five senses (to look, to feel, to smell, to sound, and to taste).

Verbs to be, to become, and to seem are always are linking verbs.

They always link the subject to the predicate to re-identify or describe it.

However, the other verbs in the list above are not always linking verbs.

Remember, linking verb do not express an action. However, some of the verbs

in our list can express an action. For example:

- He smells the soup.

(In this example, smells is not linking verbs.this time, it is an

action verb. It has taken a direct object. He is doing something to the


- Tony smells awful.

(In this example, smells is a linking verb. It links the subject Tony

to the adjective Awful to modify Tony).

Another example shows that, there are also common linking

verbs such as become, seem, will be, appear, feel, look taste, approve, remain,

smell, sound.

Example of common linking verbs (sc= subject complement):


I will not be late She seemed nervous


The pie looked delicious The flower smelled sweet


The sun felt wonderful He remains the kind man he always as


The test proved too difficult for most students in the class


She grows prettier everyday

( Stare Team, 2009)

Linking verbs are also called being verbs because they express

states of being. Here are some linking verbs that are not forms of the verb to


- After 30 minutes of running, her legs feel numb.

Her legs = numb (FEEL is a linking verb)

- The dog’s bark sounds so horrible that it woke the whole


Dog’s bark = so horrible (SOUNDS is a linking verb)

- His feet smell disgusting.

His feet =disgusting. (SMELL is a linking verb)

- The coffee tastes fantastic.

Coffee = fantastic (TASTES is a linking verb)

- The worms look disgusting.

Worm=disgusting (LOOKS is a linking verb)

( Stare Team, 2009)

Those non-to be are categorized as linking verb because those

verbs can link a noun or pronoun, or an adjective to the subject. As we

know that this type of verb is called a linking verb and it has connection

between the subject and noun or adjective.

Linking verb is a verb that requires a subjective complement to be

complete. A linking verb is typically a verb of the sense. Linking verb are

smell, taste, feel, sound and look. Other common linking verbs includes

“become, remain, seem, appear, and prove”. So prefers to distinguish these

“others” linking verbs from be verb, since “be” verbs do not have the

restriction of connecting the subject to a subject complement.

3. Action and Linking Verb

According to Sara B. Young (2014), An action verb is a verb that tells

what action someone of something is performing. Sometimes the action is

something you can see; sometimes the verbs express mental actions (for

examples: forget, believe, and think).

- Hank painted the tool shed.

- The parakeet swings back and forth in its cage.

- Jefferson thought about the problem.

A Linking verb is a verb that connects its subject with a word at or

near the end of the sentence.

- Victoria was Queen from 1837 to 1901.

- The feverish child is miserable.

The most common linking verb is be. Other verbs that can act as

linking verbs include appear, become, come, feel, grow, keep, look, remain,

seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn.

Sometimes the verb be does not function as a linking verb in a

sentence but simply to express existence, usually by showing where

something is located.

- The guests may be here soon.

- Your shirt is in the closet.

- There are several mistakes in that article.

In informal speech and writing and in imperatives and in certain

phrases (such as get broken, get dressed, get killed, get lost, get married, get

washed), we use get rather than become.

We use become and not get if there is a noun after the linking verb

describing a change of job.

- Dr. Smallman became an adviser to the U.S. government.

We use become when we talk about a more abstract or technical

process of change.

- He became recognised as the leading authority on the subject.

- Their bodies have become adapted to living at high altitudes.

We use turn, or go and not get, when we talk about colors changing.

- The traffic lights turned/went green and I pulled away.

We use go when we talk about changing to an undesirable state.

- go bald, go deaf, go blind, go bad (food), go dead (a telephone),

go missing, go wrong

Linking or action is listed above that can be linking verbs can

also be action verbs.

Linking: The warm milk turned sour.

Action: She turned the handle andopened the door.

Linking: The suede coat felt soft.

Action: Marion felt for the light switch but couldn't find it in the


To determine if a verb is being used as a linking verb or as an action

verb, substitute the proper form of be for the verb. If the substituted verb

makes sense while connecting two words, then the original verb is a

linking verb. If be makes an illogical sentence, then the original verb is an

action verb.

The sea breeze felt refreshing. → The sea breeze is refreshing. →

makes sense, “felt” is linking verb.

Henry felt the rough surface. → Henry is the rough surface. →

does not make sense, “felt” is an action verb.

Verbs can be use as linking verbs or action verbs. We need to be able

to determine the function of verb to tell the difference. The following

sentences contain verbs that are use as either linking or action verbs.

1) a) Linking

• The monkey looked hungry.

(hungry monkey or monkey is hungry. In this sentence, “looked”

is a linking verb).

b) Action:

The monkey looked for food.

(The word “for food” is a prepositional phrase and it must be omitt

before checking. The sentence remaining after omitting the

prepositional phrase is ‘the monkey looked’. There is no noun or

adjective to link the ‘monkey’. ‘looked’ is an action verb in this


2) a) Linking:

The soup tasted good.

(It is mean that the soup is good or good soup or soup= good)

b) Action:

I tasted the soup.

(In this sentence, ‘tasted’ is an action because the subject is tried to

taste the soup).

3) a) Linking:

He grew tired of walking.

(“of walking” is a prepositional phrase and not included in the check.

You should omit the prepositional to check: He grew tired. Check: he

is tired, tired is he, He = tired).

b) Action:

He grew into a tall man.

(Omit the prepositional phrase into a tall man before checking. That

leaves the sentence, "He grew." There is no noun or adjective left to

link to, so grew is used as an action verb in this sentence).

4) a) Linking:

Mother appeared happy at her party.

(Omit the prepositional phrase, "at her party". Now the sentence reads,

"Mother appeared happy." Check: mother is happy, happy mother,

mother = happy).

b) Action

Mother appeared quietly in the room.

(Omit the prepositional phrase, "in the room". The sentence now

reads: Mother appeared quietly. Quietly is an adverb, omit the adverb.

"Mother appeared." There is no noun or adjective to link mother to,

so appeared is used as an action verb).

5) a) Linking

The bugle sounds loud.

(Check: bugle is loud, loud bugle, bugle = loud (yes, yes, and yes)

b) Action

The bugle sounded loudly.

(Check: Bugle is loudly. (no) Loudly describes the verb. It answers the

question How? Loudly is an adverb, omit the adverb. That leaves the

sentence "The bugle sounded.").

B. Definition of Difficulties

Difficulty is a relative concept with objective and subjective legitimacy. It is also

a comparative concept in that some starting point and a goal are indicated and unstated

comparisons implied. It corresponds with that warns of the danger of circular

argumentation in assuming the existence of abstract concept such as difficulty.

When asked the definition of difficulty, a student or a teacher may

quantify the difficulty in terms of the effort needed to complete a task. So looks at

difficulty in terms of anxiety, ‘which express motivation to avoid psychological failure’.

Based on the some point a view above, difficulty is an abstract concept, which

stuck in our mind. The students are known that they get difficulty in writing,

when they practice to write on paper.

C. Conceptual Framework

Linking Verb

The conceptual framework above shows that the researcher concerns in

learning linking verbs. Linking verb is one of the parts learned in grammar that

consist of two types, they are linking verb to be and non to be. The purpose of this

research is the researcher want to find out the difficulties faced by students in learning

linking verb, so the researcher will now the difficulties in linguistic.


To Be and Non To


Students’ Difficulties

Non Linguistic Linguistic


A. Research Design

This research was descriptive research, which aimed to describe the

student’s difficulties in learning English linking verb. A descriptive research

is one in which information is collected without changing the environment. To

obtain the data, the researcher used direct observation method to see and describe

the goal of the researcher to research about linking verb. In the pandemic, the

teacher just applied online class application without any direct meeting.

Therefore, to observe the teaching and learning process, the researcher used

google meet application. And then, the research give objective text and questioner

text with google form. All the data will be processed after the students give their

responses in the google form.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research was 30 Students of first grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar.

2. Sample

In determining the sample of this research was totally of 30 students.

C. Variables

The variable of this research was students’ difficulties in learning linking

verbs. And the indicators of this research to find out the difficulties faced by

students in learning linking verbs is to be and non to be of linking verbs,

consisting of am, is, are, smell, taste, feel, look, seem, sound, become.

D. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire and grammar test.

1. Questionnaire was given to find out the students’ difficulties in learning

English linking verb. The students had responded the questionnaire with a

series of statements by indicating whether one strongly agree (SA) 5 for

positive and 1 for negative, agree (A) 4 for positive and 2 for negative,

undecided (UN) 3 for positive and negative, disagree (D) 2 for positive and 4

for negative, or strongly disagree (SD) 1 for positive and 5 for negative in

each statement. Each responds was associated with a point value and

individual’s score, which was determined by summing with a point value of

each statement. The point value would be assigning to response the positive

and negative statements.

Items SA A UN D SD

Positive statements 5 4 3 2 1

Negative statements 1 2 3 4 5






5 Strongly Agree 1

4 Agree 2

3 Undecided 3

2 Disagree 4

1 Strongly Disagree 5

Mulyatiningsih (2012)

2. Grammar test was conducted to find out the students’ difficulties in learning

English linking verb. The test formulated with 20 items was about filling in

the blanks and 10 items was about identifying linking verbs in sentences.

E. Data Collection Procedure

The procedures of data collection in this research as follows:

1. The researcher asked for permission to the head master of SMP

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar

2. The researcher consulted to the English teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 1


3. The researcher distributed the questionnaire and grammar test

4. The researcher explained how to do the questionnaire and grammar test.

5. The researcher collected the questionnaire and tests’ answer from the


F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data was collected from respondents to analyze by using descriptive

analysis. The data collect through objectives test and analyzed into percentage. To

know the mean score of the test, the researcher used the following formula:

1) Mean Score

X = Σx



X = Mean Score

Σx = Sum of all scores

N = Total number of Subject

(Gay, 1981:147)

2) Scoring the difficulties of students’ correct answer formula:

Score = 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠′𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠X 100

Narimawati (2007)

1) Classifying the students’ score into seven levels, which fell into seven


Table 1.1

No Classification Score









Very good


Fairly good



Very poor

9.6 – 10

8.6 - 9.5

7.6 - 8.5

6.6 - 7.5

5.6 - 6.5

3.6 - 5.5

0.0 - 3.5 Narimawati (2007:85)

2) The collected data from the questionnaire, they were analyzed by using

the percentage technique. The researcher used the following formula:

P = 𝐹

𝑁X 100%


P = Percentage

F = The frequency of items

N = The total respondent

Sudjana (2001: 129)

Table 1.2

No Score Percentage Criteria

1 20 % - 36 % Very Low / Worse

2 36,01 % - 52 % Low / Bad

3 52,01 % - 68 % Highly Sufficient / Fair

4 69,01 % - 84 % High / Good

5 84,01 % - 100 % Very High / Very Good

Narimawati (2007)

Each item of the questionnaire statement on the students’ difficulties

in learning English linking verbs.

Table 1.3

Items SA A UN D SD

Positive statements 5 4 3 2 1

Negative statements 1 2 3 4 5






5 Strongly Agree 1

4 Agree 2

3 Undecided 3

2 Disagree 4

1 Strongly Disagree 5

Mulyatiningsih (2012)



This chapter is about finding and discussion of the research. In this

chapter, the researcher would like analyze the data that has been collected from

the observation before. Here, the researcher will answer the problem statement

that has been conveyed in front. It is about the students’ difficulties in learning

English linking verbs at the first year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar.


The findings of this research based on the result of the data analysis. The

data analysis consisted of two sections; those are the data analysis through

objective test and questionnaire.

i. The analysis of the data collected from objective test.

The rate percentage by the third year students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Makassar is shown as follows:

Table 1.1 Rate percentage of the students’ test score in learning English

Linking Verbs

NO Classified Score Frequently Percentage

1 Excellent 96 – 100 - -

2 Very good 86 – 95 - -

3 Good 76 – 85 - -

4 Fairly good 66 – 75 3 10 %

5 Fair 56 – 65 4 13,3 %

6 Poor 36 – 55 12 40 %

7 Very poor 00 – 35 11 36.7%

Based on the table above, it showed that there were 3 (10%) students

got fairly good score, 4 (13.3%) students got fair score, 12 (40%) students

got poor

1. The analysis of the data collected through questionnaire

The questionnaires were distributed to the first grade students of VII A

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in academic year 2020/2021 as the sample

which consisted of 12 items.

The following presentation described further explanation about the

items of questionnaire.

Table 1.2

Item 1 : Students’ opinion about the difficulty to identify to be and non – to

be as linking verbs in sentence.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 15 50 % 15x100/30 = 50

2 Agree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

3 Undecided 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

4 Disagree 2 6 % 2x100/30 = 6

5 Strongly disagree 1 4 % 1x100/30 = 4

Total 30 100 % 100

The item (1) showed that 15 (50%) students’ strongly agree, 6 (20%)

agree, 6 (20%) students’ undecided, 2 (6.67%) students’ disagree and 1 (3.33%). The

researcher used formula P = Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items

is about filling in the blanks, 10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences.

And then N is the total of respondent with 30 students in the class.





Students’ opinion about the difficulty to identify to be and non – to be as linking verbs in sentence.

Strongly Agree




strongly disagree

Table 1.3

Item 2 : Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate linking verbs in

present and past form.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 2 6.67 % 2x100/30 = 6.67

2 Agree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33

3 Undecided 10 33.33 % 10x100/30 = 33.33

4 Disagree 12 40 % 12x100/30 = 40

5 Strongly disagree 5 16.67 % 5x100/30 = 16.67

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 2 showed that there were 2 (6.67%) students’ strongly agree, 1

(3.33%) student’ agree, 10 (33.33%) students’ undecided, 12 (40%) students’

disagree and 5 (16.67%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P =

Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks,

10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of

respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 1.4

Item 3 : Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate linking verbs of

to be as auxiliary and main verb in sentence

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33

2 Agree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

3 Undecided 4 13.3 % 4x100/30 = 13.3

4 Disagree 11 36.67 % 11x100/30 = 36.67

5 Strongly disagree 8 26.67 % 8x100/30 = 26.67

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 3 showed that there were 1 (3.33%), 6 (20%) students’ agree, 4

(13.33%) students’ undecided, 11 (36.67%)students’ disagree and 8 (26.67%)

students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P = Fx100/N when F is the

frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks, 10 items is about





Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate linking verbs in present and past form.

strongly agree




strongly disagree

identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of respondent with 30

students in the class.

Table 1.5

Item 4 : Students’ opinion about they were difficult in understanding linking

verbs caused by the first language influence

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 10 33.33 % 10x100/30 = 33.33

2 Agree 11 36.68 % 11x100/30 = 36.68

3 Undecided 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.3

4 Disagree 4 13.33 % 11x100/30 = 13.33

5 Strongly disagree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 4 showed that there were 10 (33.33%) students’ strongly agree, 11

36.68%) students’ agree, 4 (13.33%) students’ undecided, 4 (13.33) students’





Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate linking verbs of to be as auxiliary and main verb in


Strongly agree




strongly disagree

disagree and 1 (3.33) student’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P =

Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks,

10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of

respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 1.6

Item 5 : Students’ opinion about they were easy in translating sentences, which

were linking verbs changed.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 2 6.67 % 2x100/30 = 6.67

2 Agree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

3 Undecided 8 26.66 % 8x100/30 = 26.66

4 Disagree 12 40 % 12x100/30 = 40

5 Strongly disagree 2 6.67 % 2x100/30 = 6.67

Total 30 100 % 100





Students’ opinion about they were difficult in understanding linking verbs caused by the first language influence

strongly agree




strongly disagree

The item 5 showed that there were 2 (6.67%) students’ strongly agree, 6

(20%) students’ agree, 8 (26.67%) students’ undecided, 12 (40%) students’ disagree

and 3 (10%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P = Fx100/N

when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks, 10 items

is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of respondent

with 30 students in the class.

Table 1.7

Item 6 : Students’ opinion about they were difficult in understanding the

meaning of linking verb caused their lack of vocabulary.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 9 30 % 9x100/30 = 30

2 Agree 13 43.33 % 13x100/30 = 43.33

3 Undecided 3 10 % 3x100/30 = 10

4 Disagree 5 16.67 % 5x100/30 = 16.67

5 Strongly disagree 0 0 % 0x100/30 = 0






Students’ opinion about they were easy in translating sentences, which were linking verbs changed

strongly agree




strongly disagree

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 6 showed that there were 9 (30%) students’ strongly agree, 13

(43.34%) students’ agree, 3 (10%) students’ undecided, 5 (16.67%)students’

disagree and 0 student’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P = Fx100/N

when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks, 10

items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of

respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 1.8

Item 7 : Students’ opinion about the difficulties differentiate noun, adjective,

adverb after linking verbs in sentence

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 12 40 % 12x100/30 = 40

2 Agree 8 26.67 % 8x100/30 = 26.67

3 Undecided 5 16.67 % 5x100/30 = 16.67




17% 0%

Students’ opinion about they were difficult in understanding the meaning of linking verb caused their lack of vocabulary

strongly agree




strongly disagree

4 Disagree 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.33

5 Strongly disagree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 7 showed that, there were 12 (40%) students’ strongly agree, 8

(26.67%) students’ agree, 5 (16.67%) students’ undecided, (13.33%) students’

disagree and only 1 student strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P =

Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the

blanks, 10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the

total of respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 1.9

Item 8 : Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate ten linking

verbs in sentence

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33






Students’ opinion about the difficulties differentiate noun, adjective, adverb after linking verbs in sentence

strongly agree




strongly disagree

2 Agree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

3 Undecided 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

4 Disagree 9 30 % 9x100/30 = 30

5 Strongly disagree 8 26.67 % 8x100/30 = 26.67

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 8 showed that there was 1 (3.33%) student’ strongly agree, 6 (20%)

students’ agree, 6 (20%) students’ undecided, 9 (30%) students’ disagree and 8

(26.67%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P = Fx100/N

when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks, 10

items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of

respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 2.0

Item 9 : Students’ opinion about difficult in understanding linking verbs was

caused students dislike learning English






Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate ten linking verbs in sentence

strongly agree




strongly disagree

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 10 3.33 % 10x100/30 = 3.33

2 Agree 7 23.33 % 7x100/30 = 23.33

3 Undecided 7 23.33 % 7x100/30 = 23.33

4 Disagree 1 3.33 % 1x100/30 = 3.33

5 Strongly disagree 5 16.67 % 5x100/30 = 16.67

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 11 showed that there 10 (33.33%) students strongly agree, 7

(23.33%) students’ agree, 7 (23.33%) students’ undecided, 1 (3.33%) student’

disagree and 5 (16.67%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P

= Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the

blanks, 10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the

total of respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 2.1






Students’ opinion about difficult in understanding linking verbs was caused students dislike learning


strongly agree




strongly disagree

Item 10 : Students’ opinion about that easy to identify and differentiate action

verbs and linking verbs in sentences.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 3 10 % 3x100/30 = 10

2 Agree 3 10 % 3x100/30 = 10

3 Undecided 9 30 % 9x100/30 = 30

4 Disagree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

5 Strongly disagree 9 30 % 9x100/30 = 30

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 10 showed that there were 3 (10%) students’ strongly agree, 3

(10%) students’ agree, 9 (30%) students’ undecided, 6 (20%) students’ disagree and

9 (30%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P = Fx100/N when

F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the blanks, 10 items is

about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the total of respondent

with 30 students in the class.





Students’ opinion about that easy to identify and differentiate action verbs and linking verbs in


strongly agree




strongly disagree

Table 2.2

Item 11 : Students’ opinion about difficult in understanding linking verb caused

did not interest in learning grammar.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 13 43.33 % 13x100/30 = 43.33

2 Agree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

3 Undecided 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.33

4 Disagree 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.33

5 Strongly disagree 3 10 % 3x100/30 = 10

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 9 showed that there were 13 (44.33%) students’ strongly agree, 6

(20%) students’ agree, 4 (13.33%) students’ undecided, 4 (13.33%) students’

disagree and 3 (10%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P =

Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the

blanks, 10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the

total of respondent with 30 students in the class.

Table 2.3

Item 12 : Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate sentences,

which were using and not using linking verbs.

No Classification Frequency Percentage % Completion

1 Strongly agree 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.33

2 Agree 4 13.33 % 4x100/30 = 13.33

3 Undecided 7 23.33 % 7x100/30 = 23.33

4 Disagree 6 20 % 6x100/30 = 20

5 Strongly disagree 9 30 % 9x100/30 = 30

Total 30 100 % 100

The item 12 showed that there were 4 (13.33%) students’ strongly agree, 4

(13.33%) students’ agree, 7 (23.33%) students’ undecided, 6 (20%) students’

disagree and 9 (30%) students’ strongly disagree. The researcher used formula P =






Students’ opinion about difficult in understanding linking verb caused did not interest in learning grammar

strongly agree




strongly disagree

Fx100/N when F is the frequency of items with 20 items is about filling in the

blanks, 10 items is about identifying linking verbs in sentences. And then N is the

total of respondent with 30 students in the class.

B. Discussions

1. The Discussion of the Finding through Objective Test

The test was used to find out the ability of the first year students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar in learning English linking verbs. In the

calculation of the data, it showed that the mean score of the students was 4.18.

This means score showed that their ability in using linking verbs in sentence was

very poor.

The rate percentage based on the test showed that there were 3 (10%)

Students got fairly good, 4 (13.3%) students got fair score, 12 (40%) students

got poor, and 11 (36.7%) students got very poor. Based on the result of the data,

the researcher found out that the students ability in using English linking verbs

was very poor which there were 23 (76.7%) out of 30 (100%) students got poor





Students’ opinion about they were easy to differentiate sentences, which were using and not

using linking verbs

strongly agree




strongly disagree

and very poor scores.

2. The Discussions of the Result through Questionnaire

As we know that, the aimed of this research was to find out the

difficulties faced by the first year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar

in learning English linking verbs. The result which found through

questionnaire showed that students faced some difficulties in learning English

linking verbs such as;

a. The first item is about the students difficult in identifying to be and non

to be as linking verbs in sentence showed that 15 (50%) students strongly

agree, 6 students agree, 6 students undecided, 2 students disagree and 1

students strongly disagree. Based on the result, it extended that students

were difficult in identifying to be and non to be as lining verbs in


b. The second item is about students’ opinion about easy to differentiate

linking verbs in present and past form showed that 2 students strongly

agree, 1 agree, 10 undecided, 12 disagree and 5 students strongly disagree.

c. The third item is about students’ opinion that easy to differentiate

between linking verb of to be as auxiliary and main verb in sentence. 1

students strongly agree, 6 agree, 4 undecided, 11 disagree and 8

strongly disagree. Based on the result, there were significant different

between students strongly agree and strongly disagree. It concluded that

almost of students were difficult to differentiate linking verbs as to be and

non to be.

d. The fourth item is about students’ difficult in understanding linking

verbs caused by the first language’s influence. Based on the result,

10 students strongly agree, 11 agree, 4 undecided, 4 disagree and 1

strongly disagree. It concluded that students were difficult in

understanding linking verbs caused by first language’s influence.

e. The fifth item, students’ opinion about easy in translating sentence,

which were linking verbs changed. Based on the result, 2 students

strongly agree, 6 agree, 8 undecided, 12 disagree and 3 strongly disagree.

It concluded that students were difficult in translating sentence, which

were linking verbs changed.

f. The sixth item, students’ opinion difficult in understanding the

meaning of linking verb caused their lack of vocabulary. Based on the

result, 9 students strongly agree, 13 agree, 3 undecided, 5 disagree and 0

strongly disagree. It concluded that the students lack of vocabulary so that

they were difficult in understanding linking verbs.

g. The seventh item, students’ opinion about they were difficult to

differentiate noun, adjective, adverb after linking verbs in sentence. Based

on the result, there were 12 students strongly agree, 8 agree, 4 undecided,

5 disagree and 1 strongly disagree. It concluded that students were

difficult to differentiate noun, adjective, adverb after linking verbs in


h. The eight items is about students’ opinion that they were easy to

differentiate ten linking verbs in sentence. Based on the result, there

were 1 student strongly agree, 6 agree, 6 undecided, 9 disagree and 7

strongly disagree. It is mean that the students were difficult to differentiate

ten linking verbs in sentence.

i. The eleventh item, students’ opinion that difficult in understanding

linking verbs because they were dislike learning English. Based on the

result, there were 10 students strongly agree, 7 agree, 7 undecided, 1

disagree and 5 strongly disagree. It is mean that most of students

were dislike learning English.

j. The tenth item is about students’ opinion that they were easy to identify

and differentiate between action verbs and linking verbs in sentence.

Based on the result, there were 3 students strongly agree, 3 agree, 9

undecided, 6 disagree and 9 strongly disagree. It is mean that most of

students were difficult to identify and differentiate between action verbs

and linking verbs in sentence.

k. The ninth item is about students’ opinion that they were difficult in

understanding linking verb caused uninterested in learning grammar.

Based on the result, 13 strongly agree, 6 agree, 4 undecided, 4 disagree

and 3 strongly disagree. It concluded that the students were difficult in

understanding linking verbs caused by uninterested in learning grammar.

l. The twelfth item is about students’ opinion about they were

easy to differentiate sentence which were using and not using linking

verbs. Based on the result, there were 4 students strongly agree, 4

agree, 7 undecided, 6 disagree and 9 strongly disagree. It is mean that

students were difficult to differentiate sentences, which were using and not

using linking verbs.



A. Conclusions

Based on the result of the data analysis in the previous chapter, the

students’ difficulties in learning English linking verbs found from the result of the

objective test and questionnaire are:

1. Students didn’t like study English.

2. Students were lack of vocabulary.

3. Students were difficult to understand linking verbs was caused first language


4. Students were difficult to identify ten linking verbs in sentences.

5. Students were difficult to differentiate sentences, which were using and not

using linking verbs.

6. Students not interested in learning grammar.

B. Suggestions

According researcher’s conclusions stated before, the researcher believes that

the difficulties encountered by the first grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Makassar in learning English linking verbs can be decreased and the understanding

of that material can be improved. The following things can achieve it:

1. The students need more basic knowledge about linking verbs and

understanding about it.

2. Teaching English especially in learning verbs should be more increasing as

well as possible.

3. To study English the students should have been given sufficient practice as

well as assignment especially in linking verbs

4. To make the students more interested in learning linking verbs, the

students should know how important learning linking verb is.


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The Students Score through Objective Test

Number of


Number of


Number of





























































































































Fairly good

Fairly good

Fairly good

















Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

Very poor

30 30 377 125.6 Poor


Analysis of the Data Obtained Through Items of Questionnaire









Disagree Strongly


1 15 6 6 2 1 30

2 2 1 10 12 5 30

3 1 6 4 11 8 30

4 10 11 4 4 1 30

5 2 6 8 12 2 30

6 9 13 3 5 0 30

7 12 8 5 4 1 30

8 1 6 6 9 8 30

9 13 6 4 4 3 30

10 3 3 9 6 9 30

11 10 7 7 1 5 30

12 4 4 7 6 9 30


The Percentage Data of Questionnaire









Disagree Strongly


1 50% 20% 20% 6.67% 3.33% 100%

2 6.67% 3.33% 33.33% 40% 16.67% 100%

3 3.33% 20% 13.33% 36.67% 26.67% 100%

4 33.33% 36.68% 13.33% 13.33% 3.33% 100%

5 6.67% 20% 26.66% 40% 6.67% 100%

6 30% 43.33% 10% 16.67% 0% 100%

7 40% 26.67% 16.67% 13.33% 3.33% 100%

8 3.33% 20% 20% 30% 26.67% 100%

9 43.34% 20% 13.33% 13.33% 10% 100%

10 10% 10% 30% 20% 30% 100%

11 33.34% 23.33% 23.33% 3.33% 16.67% 100%

12 13.33% 13.33% 23.34% 20% 30% 100%


30 nama siswa Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar yang Mengisi

Angket Kuesioner Penelitian


Nama siswa Kueioner

1 2

1 Ilo √ √

2 Ulla √ √

3 Pipa √ √

4 Wiwi

√ √

5 Ariel √ √

6 Adi √ √

7 Zahra √ √

8 Faiz √ √

9 Fitrah √ √

10 Rahmat √ √

11 Herman √ √

12 Keisya √ √

13 Al √ √

14 Zul √ √

15 Isya √ √

16 Andi √ √

17 Nasnin √ √

18 Vivi √ √

19 Nisa √ √

20 Mail √ √

21 Evi √ √

22 Fadli √ √

23 syawa √ √

24 Fahrul √ √

25 Ibe √ √

26 Syahwal √ √

27 Aji √ √

28 Ida √ √

29 Ari √ √

30 Fauzan √ √



Nama :

Nis :

Kelas :


Test ini bertujuan iuntuk mengetahui kesulitan dan faktor yang menghambat

anda dalam mempelajari English linking verbs. Test ini tidak akan

mempengaruhi nilai Anda dan akan dijamin rahasianya, oleh karena itu Anda

diminta untuk memberikan jawaban yang sujujur- jujurnya sehingga diperoleh hasil

yang maksimal. Peneliti mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas bantuan Anda.

A. Fill in blanks with appropriate linking verbs !


The packers …. appear …. Weak in defense.

1. Her guests …… … content after the conversation

2. Lila ……… sweaty after playing tennis

3. Ashley …….. Angry in class when his new bag was broken

4. She and I ……….. Group dancer in our school

5. My grandmother’s hair.…….. Grey

6. Marion’s clam sauce always ……… slightly sweet

7. Cindy was diligent in getting her homework done and I ……… happy to hear


8. An expensive perfume ………. Different from a cheaper one

9. She ……… sad hearing the bad news today

10. After doing his work, his feet ………. Cramped

11. After years of crime, he finally …….. A good citizen

12. Our furniture ……… new after being reupholstered

13. When the sun rise , I ……… jogging with my cousin

14. The logo in the shirt …………. Visible

15. The conditions there ……… frightful

16. T-bone steak for supper ………... delicious

17. The sued coat …… soft

18. My father and I ……. handsome men in the party

19. John ………… a sweet flower

20. Vicks Nyquil ……… awful

B. Underline the verb in each sentence and identify if it is linking verb (LV) or an

action verb (AV).


a. In their garden, they grow tomatoes, lettuces and carrots. (Action


b. The sun felt wonderful. (Linking Verb)

1. The taxi driver sounded car’s horn

2. Mr. Blake felt a bump rising on his aching forehead

3. Nisha grew tired of running and she looks fine

4. My mother makes the chili taste spicy

5. A flower grow in Alice’s garden and it smelled fragrant

6. She is coming home as soon as possible

7. Just taste this homemade fudge

8. He is not seemly for winning the competition

9. My father and I are going to the market today

10. The colors in the photo are fade



Nama :


Kelas :

Angket (Questionnaire)

Angket ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesulitan dan faktor yang

menghambat Anda dalam mempelajari English linking verb. Angket ini tidak akan

mempengaruhi nilai Anda dan akan dijamin kerahasiaannya. Oleh karena itu, Anda

diminta untuk memberikan jawaban yang sejujur-jujurnya sehingga diperoleh

hasil yang maksimal. Beri tanda checklist ( ) pada kolom yang sesuai dengan

pendapat Anda.


❖ SS = Sangat Setuju

❖ S = Setuju

❖ RR = Ragu-Ragu

❖ TS = Tidak Setuju

❖ STS = Sangat Tidak Setuju

No Pernyataan SS S RR TS STS

1 Saya sulit mengidentifikasi to be dan non to

be yang berfungsi sebagai linking verb dalam


2 Saya dengan mudah dapat membedakan

linking verb dalam bentuk present dan past


3 Saya dengan mudah dapat membedakan

linking verb of to be sebagai auxiliary dan

main verb dalam kalimat

4 Saya sulit memahami materi linking verb

karena pengaruh first language (bahasa

pertama) saya

5 Saya dengan mudah dapat menerjemahkan

kalimat yang penggunaan linking verbnya

berubah bentuk

6 Saya kesulitan memahami arti kata yang

termasuk dalam linking verb karena kosa kata

bahasa inggris saya kurang

7 Saya kesulitan membedakan penggunaan,

noun, adjective, adverb, dan preposition

setelah linking verb dalam kalimat

8 Saya dengan mudah dapat membedakan

sepuluh penggunaan linking verb dalam


9 Saya sulit memahami materi linking verb

karena saya tidak tsuka belajar bahasa inggris

10 Saya dengan mudah dapat mengidentifikasi

dan membedakan action verb dan linking verb

dalam kalimat

11 Saya sulit memahami linking verb karena

saya tidak tertarik dengan materi grammar

12 Saya dengan mudah dapat membedakan

kalimat yang terdapat dan yang tidak terdapat

penggunaan linking verb didalamnya



A. Fill in blanks wit appropriate linking verbs to be and non to be!


The packers ....appear… weak in defense.

1. Her guests SEEMED content after the conversation

2. Lila BECOME sweaty after playing tennis

3. Ashley SOUNDED angry in class when his new bag was broken

4. She and I ARE dancers in our school

5. My grandmother’s hair IS grey

6. Marion’s clam sauce always TASTES slightly sweet

7. Cindy was diligent in getting her homework done and I AM happy to hear that

8. An expensive perfume SMELLSS different from a cheaper one

9. She LOOKS sad hearing the bad news today

10. After doing his work, his feet FEEL Cramped

11. After years of crime, he finally BECOME A good citizen become

12. Our furniture LOOKS new after being reupholstered looks

13. When the sun rise , i AM jogging with my cousin am

14. The logo in the shirt IS Visible is

15. The conditions there SEEM frightful seem

16. T-bone steak for supper SOUNDS Delicious sounds

17. The sued coat FELT soft felt

18. My father and i ARE Handsome men in the party are

19. John SMELLS a sweet flower

20. Vicks Nyquil TASTES awful tastes

B. Underline the verb in each sentence and identify if it is linking verb (LV) or an

action verb (AV).

1. The taxi driver sounded car’s horn (ACTION VERB)

2. Mr. Blake felt a bump rising on his aching forehead (ACTION VERB)

3. Nisya grew tired of running and she looks fine (LINKING VERB)

4. My mother makes the chili taste spicy (LINKING VERB)

5. a flower grow in alice’s garden and it smelled fragrant (LINKING VERBS)

6. She is coming home as soon as possible (ACTION VERB)

7. just taste this homemade fudge (ACTION VERB)

8. He is not seemly to be a winner (ACTION VERB)

9. My father and I are going to the market today (ACTION VERB)

10. The colors in the photo are fade (LINKING VERB)


DEPIKA PRAMADANI T. The writer was born on 27th of

November 1998 in Makassar, south Sulawesi. She is the fourth

child from six children in her family. Her father’s name is M.

Thahir Usman, S.Pd. and her mother’s name is Nurmiah. She

strated her Elementary school at SD Inpres Tetebatu I in

Pallangga, Gowa and finished 2010. At the same year, she

continued her study to Junior High School of SMP Negeri 1

Pallangga, Gowa and finished in 2013. After that, she continued his education in

SMA Negeri 1 Pallangga, Gowa and finished in 2016. At the same year, she

continued her S1 at English Education Department of Makassar Muhammadiyah

University and completed her study with her skripsi under the title “The Difficulties

Faced by Students in Learning English Linking Verb